
Nick thinks Faerzen died, Faerzen opens up, & makeouts ensue

Jul 28th, 2015
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  1. [21:06] * solemnSketcher began pestering VisceralVanguard
  2. [21:06] <solemnSketcher> FAERZEN
  3. [21:06] <solemnSketcher> FAERZEN FAERZEN FAERZEN
  4. [21:06] <solemnSketcher> ARE YOU OKAY?
  5. [21:06] <solemnSketcher> FAERZEN?
  6. [21:09] <solemnSketcher_> FAERZEN PLEASE ANSWER THIS AS SOON AS YOU CAN
  7. [21:10] <Faerzen_Norstov> <there's no immediate answer>
  8. [21:11] <solemnSketcher_> oh god...
  9. [21:13] <solemnSketcher_> ...i guess... you are really gone now... aren't you...
  10. [21:13] <solemnSketcher_> well... i guess... i should... say something...
  11. [21:13] <Faerzen_Norstov> <about a minute has passed>
  12. [21:14] <solemnSketcher_> <about a minute? i'd say it's around 10>
  13. [21:14] <solemnSketcher_> well... first of all... ill miss you
  14. [21:14] <solemnSketcher_> ill... ill miss you so fucking much its ridiculous
  15. [21:15] <solemnSketcher_> if i was presented the choice of bringing you back... even if it meant my death... i would... you... you helped me so fucking much...
  16. [21:16] <solemnSketcher_> you were the... first person... to actually show interest in me... and i dont mean romantic interest... i just mean... that you were the first person to actually care about me...
  17. [21:16] <solemnSketcher_> and that made me care about you..
  18. [21:17] <solemnSketcher_> even if... even if it wasn't for that exact reason...
  19. [21:18] <solemnSketcher_> even if i first was just another acquaintance at first... you always were there from the beginning... did you feel the same for me at first?...
  20. [21:19] <solemnSketcher_> i.... i dont want to know now.... i... i just want you to be okay...
  21. [21:19] <solemnSketcher_> because without you...
  22. [21:19] <solemnSketcher_> im... im afraid
  23. [21:19] <solemnSketcher_> ...faerzen
  24. [21:19] <solemnSketcher_> please be okay
  25. [21:20] <visceralVanguard> Nick?
  26. [21:20] <visceralVanguard> How are you able to contact me?
  27. [21:20] <solemnSketcher_> <no response at first>
  28. [21:20] <visceralVanguard> OH GOD
  29. [21:20] <visceralVanguard> I just read what you wrote
  30. [21:21] <visceralVanguard> I'm not dead
  31. [21:21] <visceralVanguard> holy jurgen fuck I'm so sorry
  32. [21:21] <solemnSketcher_> ...
  33. [21:21] <visceralVanguard> I would have replied sooner if I'd realized this was what was wrong!
  34. [21:21] <solemnSketcher_> are... are my eyes decieving me
  35. [21:21] <visceralVanguard> Oh god I feel so awful
  36. [21:21] <solemnSketcher_> FAERZEN?
  37. [21:21] <visceralVanguard> No!
  38. [21:21] <solemnSketcher_> ...FAERZEN
  39. [21:21] <visceralVanguard> It's me, in the flesh.
  40. [21:21] <solemnSketcher_> WHERE ARE YOU
  41. [21:21] <solemnSketcher_> ARE YOU OKAY?
  42. [21:21] <visceralVanguard> Somehow I got teleported off of Prospit.
  43. [21:22] <visceralVanguard> I've been quite tangled in some..... unpleasant matters.
  44. [21:22] <visceralVanguard> I am on what I presume to be Lyra's land.
  45. [21:22] <visceralVanguard> Oh god.
  46. [21:22] <solemnSketcher_> give... give me a second okay?... i... i think im cryimg again.
  47. [21:22] <visceralVanguard> I'm so sorry
  48. [21:22] <visceralVanguard> Nobody should ever have to go through that.
  49. [21:22] <solemnSketcher_> fuck... why wont the fucking tears stop...
  50. [21:23] <solemnSketcher_> im so glad you are okay
  51. [21:23] <solemnSketcher_> wait....
  52. [21:23] <solemnSketcher_> did... did you say lyra's planet?
  53. [21:25] <visceralVanguard> Yes, I did
  54. [21:25] <visceralVanguard> I do not know for sure, but judging her land is where she just was previously
  55. [21:25] <solemnSketcher_> well... call me a pidgeon and fucking paint me bright pink
  56. [21:26] <solemnSketcher_> im there
  57. [21:26] <visceralVanguard> Now I am here as well, it seems logical that is where I am
  58. [21:26] <solemnSketcher_> faerzen
  59. [21:26] <solemnSketcher_> where.
  60. [21:26] <solemnSketcher_> i must know.
  61. [21:26] <solemnSketcher_> now
  62. [21:26] <visceralVanguard> Calm down, Nick.
  63. [21:26] <visceralVanguard> Though I feel terrible saying that.
  64. [21:26] <solemnSketcher_> sorry sorry...
  65. [21:26] <solemnSketcher_> im... im still freaking out
  66. [21:26] <visceralVanguard> No, I shouldn't have even mentioned it.
  67. [21:26] <visceralVanguard> Rightfully so.
  68. [21:26] <visceralVanguard> I was basically a complete ass for making you think that.
  69. [21:27] <solemnSketcher_> ...
  70. [21:28] <solemnSketcher_> why.... why do you say so?
  71. [21:28] <visceralVanguard> I should have sent you a message in the hopes that you would eventually find a communication device to read it.
  72. [21:28] <solemnSketcher_> ...oh.
  73. [21:28] <visceralVanguard> Because I got distracted.
  74. [21:28] <visceralVanguard> I shouldn't have put this joke of a mess ahead of trying to make sure you were okay.
  75. [21:29] <visceralVanguard> I'm.... I'm sorry.
  76. [21:29] <solemnSketcher_> can you just tell me where you are so i can hug you already?
  77. [21:30] <visceralVanguard> Well, Lyra was in her house, and then she walked about half a mile away along a clifftop, and then she descended into a cave, and then she came back out.
  78. [21:30] <visceralVanguard> So I would estimate she is about half a mile from her house, so start looking there.
  79. [21:30] <visceralVanguard> We are currently near the edge of one of the cliffs.
  80. [21:30] <solemnSketcher_> oh.
  81. [21:30] <visceralVanguard> Nick.
  82. [21:30] <solemnSketcher_> yes faerzen?
  83. [21:30] <visceralVanguard> I know this is going to come off oddly.
  84. [21:31] <visceralVanguard> And it probably isn't what you want to hear right now.
  85. [21:31] <visceralVanguard> But I'm not sure it would be the best for you to come here right now.
  86. [21:31] <visceralVanguard> There are all ready too many people here, and Lyra is making a right mess of everything.
  87. [21:31] <visceralVanguard> I am afraid she will try and drag you into it too
  88. [21:31] <visceralVanguard> That is why I am here.
  89. [21:31] <solemnSketcher_> please tell me this isn't related to the abyss bullshit
  90. [21:32] <visceralVanguard> I cannot refute that assertion.
  91. [21:32] <solemnSketcher_> can you promise me two things?
  92. [21:32] <solemnSketcher_> just two things
  93. [21:33] <visceralVanguard> I would like to, but I'm afraid it depends on what they are.
  94. [21:33] <visceralVanguard> I'm really sorry, Nick.
  95. [21:33] <visceralVanguard> That doesn't even do justice to it though, does it!
  96. [21:33] <visceralVanguard> I don't even know what to say other than that, though.
  97. [21:33] <solemnSketcher_> ...they are just really small things
  98. [21:33] <solemnSketcher_> dont worry, im sure you can keep your word
  99. [21:33] <solemnSketcher_> first of all... i want you to be safe
  100. [21:33] <solemnSketcher_> stay out of harm's way.
  101. [21:34] <visceralVanguard> I will do everything in my power to maintain my safety.
  102. [21:34] <solemnSketcher_> second... you owe me the best hug and kiss you have had in your entire life
  103. [21:34] <visceralVanguard> :)
  104. [21:34] <solemnSketcher_> the huggiest fucking hug ever
  105. [21:34] <solemnSketcher_> promise?
  106. [21:35] <visceralVanguard> I can do that :)
  107. [21:35] <visceralVanguard> Also
  108. [21:35] <visceralVanguard> Hmmm
  109. [21:35] <visceralVanguard> I promise :)
  110. [21:35] <solemnSketcher_> :)
  111. [21:35] <solemnSketcher_> that's... that's so much better.... GOD i was worried...
  112. [21:36] <visceralVanguard> I'm glad you contacted me when you did
  113. [21:36] <visceralVanguard> I feel awful.....
  114. [21:36] <solemnSketcher_> still crying though. this is ridiculous
  115. [21:36] <solemnSketcher_> awful?
  116. [21:36] <visceralVanguard> No, it's not
  117. [21:37] <visceralVanguard> I miss you. :(
  118. [21:37] <visceralVanguard> I wish I could be back on Prospit with you and not tangled up in all of this.
  119. [21:37] <visceralVanguard> I am legitimately sick to my stomach right now.
  120. [21:37] <visceralVanguard> Of course I feel awful!
  121. [21:37] <solemnSketcher_> :/
  122. [21:37] <visceralVanguard> I do not mean to belittle your feelings, Nick, but I know. I understand.
  123. [21:38] <visceralVanguard> I know what it feels like to have someone you love taken away right in front of your eyes only to find out later they were okay all along.
  124. [21:38] <visceralVanguard> It's not pretty. At all.
  125. [21:38] <visceralVanguard> And I did that to you.
  126. [21:38] <visceralVanguard> I even specifically told myself I didn't want anyone else to have to go through that.
  127. [21:39] <solemnSketcher_> but... it isn't your fault!
  128. [21:39] <visceralVanguard> And here I am, the culprit myself.
  129. [21:39] <solemnSketcher_> just... bullshit reasons of... whatever the fuck happened
  130. [21:39] <visceralVanguard> I dare say you are handling this better than I did.
  131. [21:39] <solemnSketcher_> im really not
  132. [21:40] <solemnSketcher_> im somehow still crying my eyes out.
  133. [21:40] <visceralVanguard> Me disappearing was apparently unavoidable, unfortunately, but I could have contacted you immediately so you would not worry.
  134. [21:41] <solemnSketcher_> you could have... but... you were busy.
  135. [21:41] <solemnSketcher_> important business
  136. [21:49] <visceralVanguard> That sounds familiar.
  137. [21:49] <visceralVanguard> I know I already have said this many times, but I'm sorry.
  138. [21:50] <visceralVanguard> More like unfortunately dramatic and crucial folly"
  139. [21:51] <solemnSketcher> isn't everything a bunch of dramatic and stupid bullshit all the time?
  140. [21:51] <solemnSketcher> i... i really need a shower.
  141. [21:51] <visceralVanguard> Well, when it involves Lyra, usually, yes.
  142. [21:52] <visceralVanguard> Where are you?
  143. [21:52] <visceralVanguard> Are you at home?
  144. [21:52] <solemnSketcher> im at a "gas station"
  145. [21:52] <solemnSketcher> or atleast that's what lyra said it was
  146. [21:53] <solemnSketcher> ...i smell like sweat, old blood... my clothes are ragged and my wings just wont stop shaking
  147. [21:53] <visceralVanguard> What happened to your clothes?
  148. [21:53] <visceralVanguard> I thought we just cleaned those!
  149. [21:54] <solemnSketcher> it didn't help much for all the past tears... and.... i ripped one of my sleeves to bandage alex up
  150. [21:54] <visceralVanguard> Oh that's right, I forgot about Alex.
  151. [21:54] <visceralVanguard> Thank you for taking care of him.
  152. [21:04] <solemnSketcher_> ill help in any way i can, be sure of it
  153. [21:04] <solemnSketcher_> or any way i must if the situation required
  154. [21:05] <@visceralVanguard> I am sure you will :)
  155. [21:05] <solemnSketcher_> so... faerzen... can you see me trough your whatever you are using right now?
  156. [21:06] <@visceralVanguard> Hmmmmm
  157. [21:06] <@visceralVanguard> I can pull up SABATH here, yes.
  158. [21:07] <@visceralVanguard> I rather forgot that was an application running on my glasses.
  159. [21:07] <@visceralVanguard> Rather ironic, given everything we have been doing, is it not? ;)
  160. [21:07] <solemnSketcher_> hmm... would you not for the next hour or so?
  161. [21:07] <solemnSketcher_> :o
  162. [21:08] <@visceralVanguard> Is something wrong?
  163. [21:08] <@visceralVanguard> I see you right now. You do not appear that run down!
  164. [21:08] <solemnSketcher_> ((yep, itshappening.jpg))
  165. [21:09] <solemnSketcher_> well... i need to get this blood out of myself... the dirt out my boots and...
  166. [21:09] <@visceralVanguard> Oh, that is perfectly reasonable!
  167. [21:09] <@visceralVanguard> I will not bother you while you shower.
  168. [21:09] <solemnSketcher_> down... yeah. im still somewhat freaking out
  169. [21:09] <solemnSketcher_> shower? i dont think there are showers here
  170. [21:10] <@visceralVanguard> You can quickly make the rounds through the gates perhaps and meet me at my house?
  171. [21:10] <@visceralVanguard> I know you have painful memories of my shower, but I assure you my house is more than hospitable. :)
  172. [21:10] <solemnSketcher_> ...sounds like a nice idea :)
  173. [21:11] <solemnSketcher_> but... ehhh... just dont watch sabath for a time
  174. [21:12] <@visceralVanguard> I am certain I will be preoccupied with other things, regardless.
  175. [21:12] <@visceralVanguard> Do not worry about it.
  176. [21:13] <@visceralVanguard> Just meet me at my house. :)
  177. [21:13] <solemnSketcher_> ill see you there, bring yourself trough a few gates yourself if you have the chance
  178. [21:14] <solemnSketcher_> :)
  179. [21:14] <solemnSketcher_> i cant wait to see you smile.. wouldn't miss it for the world.
  180. [21:14] <@visceralVanguard> Anything that would not involve leaving my dream self here does sound like a plan.
  181. [21:15] <@visceralVanguard> I feel so exposed here.
  182. [21:16] <solemnSketcher_> perhaps you would like to visit my home? it may not be anything remotely special in comparison to yours... but... it would be nice right?
  183. [21:16] <@visceralVanguard> No offense, but I have seen your home and I would much prefer the security of my own house at the present.
  184. [21:17] <solemnSketcher_> i promised i would teach you to forge didnt i?
  185. [21:17] <@visceralVanguard> Yes, but I'm afraid now isn't the time. :)
  186. [21:17] <solemnSketcher_> well... something to take our minds off from everything would be nice
  187. [21:18] <solemnSketcher_> unless you have other ideas on how to spend that possibly free time?
  188. [21:18] <@visceralVanguard> I still haven't properly shown you around my house!
  189. [21:18] <@visceralVanguard> I would much prefer to stay in a place I know like the back of my hand that is secure and comforting at the moment.
  190. [21:19] <solemnSketcher_> that makes sense
  191. [21:19] <@visceralVanguard> Thank you :)
  192. [21:19] <solemnSketcher_> :)
  193. [21:19] <@visceralVanguard> Lyra is currently occupying my mother's bedroom, and I mine
  194. [21:20] <solemnSketcher_> oh.
  195. [21:20] <@visceralVanguard> If Lyra is gone by the time you get there, feel free to resume your previous occupancy :)
  196. [21:20] <@visceralVanguard> Otherwise feel free to use my bedroom for the time being.
  197. [21:20] <solemnSketcher_> :)
  198. [21:21] <solemnSketcher_> perhaps you wouldn't mind... well, this will be weird
  199. [21:21] <solemnSketcher_> perhaps you wouldnt mind if we slept in proximity to each other next time we have the chance?
  200. [21:22] <@visceralVanguard> Well we did on Prospit that one time :)
  201. [21:22] <@visceralVanguard> I would like that, yes
  202. [21:23] <solemnSketcher_> :)
  203. [21:23] <@visceralVanguard> I.....
  204. [21:23] <@visceralVanguard> Hmmm
  205. [21:24] <@visceralVanguard> I don't really know how to say this.
  206. [21:24] <@visceralVanguard> I am simply going to forge forwards and I apologize in advance for any offensive or confusing statements I make
  207. [21:24] <@visceralVanguard> But I can't keep doing this, Nick
  208. [21:24] <@visceralVanguard> I don't mean to kill the mood, but I have something else I feel like I should say.
  209. [21:24] <solemnSketcher_> <you see the nick in the sabath screen standing up from the ground and stretching his wings, then setting down again to the computer>
  210. [21:24] <@visceralVanguard> I can't keep going like this without you knowing
  211. [21:25] <solemnSketcher_> ...
  212. [21:25] <@visceralVanguard> I'm sorry, I'm thinking
  213. [21:25] <@visceralVanguard> I cannot figure out a way I like to say this.
  214. [21:25] <@visceralVanguard> So I am going to be blunt
  215. [21:26] <@visceralVanguard> You may think I am being harsh on myself or on you
  216. [21:26] <@visceralVanguard> But for now, please bear with me
  217. [21:26] <@visceralVanguard> I think what I have to say is deserved because it is true
  218. [21:26] <@visceralVanguard> You said all of these wonderful things to me.
  219. [21:26] <@visceralVanguard> How I've changed your life
  220. [21:27] <@visceralVanguard> How I've been the only person to actually care about you
  221. [21:28] <solemnSketcher> ...
  222. [21:28] <@visceralVanguard> While those statements may be true, I think you think too highly of me
  223. [21:28] <@visceralVanguard> I definitely haven't been lying to you, but I haven't been forthcoming with everything either.
  224. [21:28] <solemnSketcher> i think i do...
  225. [21:29] <@visceralVanguard> I just can't stand it anymore
  226. [21:29] <@visceralVanguard> I feel like I'm hiding from you
  227. [21:29] <solemnSketcher> just say it
  228. [21:29] <@visceralVanguard> and after everything you said, I feel even worse
  229. [21:29] <@visceralVanguard> You have been very generous in all of your doting, affections, and compliements
  230. [21:30] <@visceralVanguard> Part of it is simply my personality, but you may have noticed I have been rather stingy in reciprocating
  231. [21:30] <@visceralVanguard> When I started spending time with you
  232. [21:30] <solemnSketcher> wait a second
  233. [21:30] <@visceralVanguard> You were kind, and you cared deeply about the well-being of those around you
  234. [21:31] <@visceralVanguard> Yes?
  235. [21:31] <@visceralVanguard> Please don't tell me I haven't been stingy in reciprocating on our relationship.
  236. [21:31] <@visceralVanguard> I am me, and I know that statement to be true.
  237. [21:32] <solemnSketcher> please. i see what you mean, you... you didnt really love me at first did you?
  238. [21:32] <@visceralVanguard> That is a gentle way of putting it
  239. [21:32] <@visceralVanguard> To put it completely bluntly
  240. [21:32] <@visceralVanguard> Out of selfish fear I used and manipulated you
  241. [21:32] <solemnSketcher> murderous bad nick did bad stuff... lets keep him calmed down
  242. [21:33] <@visceralVanguard> I know he did!
  243. [21:33] <@visceralVanguard> I.... I know.
  244. [21:33] <@visceralVanguard> But he isn't you
  245. [21:33] <@visceralVanguard> We've been over this.
  246. [21:33] <@visceralVanguard> I treated you like him though.
  247. [21:33] <@visceralVanguard> Like you were a problem to be fixed.
  248. [21:33] <@visceralVanguard> Another cog in the great machine that I needed to oil to keep everything running smoothly
  249. [21:34] <@visceralVanguard> A piece of the puzzle I needed to fix lest everything come crumbling down around me
  250. [21:34] <@visceralVanguard> Yes, you were kind and passionate
  251. [21:34] <@visceralVanguard> But that was more of a little bonus
  252. [21:34] <@visceralVanguard> I honestly didn't really give a damn
  253. [21:34] <@visceralVanguard> All of the time we've been spending together
  254. [21:35] <@visceralVanguard> At the beginning, it was just me trying to be the person I could be to stabilize you
  255. [21:35] <@visceralVanguard> Not because I cared about you per se
  256. [21:35] <solemnSketcher> ...
  257. [21:35] <@visceralVanguard> But because I feared for myself
  258. [21:35] <@visceralVanguard> You were a problem to be fixed
  259. [21:35] <@visceralVanguard> An enigma to unravel and solve
  260. [21:35] <@visceralVanguard> A puzzle for me to conquer
  261. [21:35] <solemnSketcher> at my beginning... i was just kind because i feared beong him
  262. [21:35] <@visceralVanguard> At first, when we started spending time together
  263. [21:36] <@visceralVanguard> You began lavishing praises on me
  264. [21:36] <@visceralVanguard> I knew they weren't true
  265. [21:36] <@visceralVanguard> But I let them happen anyways
  266. [21:36] <@visceralVanguard> To help you. To continue being the person I was trying to make myself out to be
  267. [21:36] <@visceralVanguard> I noticed you improving
  268. [21:36] <@visceralVanguard> You have changed so much!
  269. [21:36] <@visceralVanguard> That made me happy
  270. [21:36] <solemnSketcher> did... our first kiss mean nothing for you?
  271. [21:36] <@visceralVanguard> Partly because you were blossoming and beginning to truly enjoy yourself and the world around you
  272. [21:37] <@visceralVanguard> But also partly because it meant I was winning
  273. [21:37] <@visceralVanguard> No, it did.
  274. [21:37] <@visceralVanguard> It meant a lot.
  275. [21:37] <@visceralVanguard> I have only romantically kissed one other person like that.
  276. [21:37] <@visceralVanguard> But I had so many ulterior motives, sometimes I question how genuine it was
  277. [21:37] <@visceralVanguard> Now I see how far we've come
  278. [21:37] <solemnSketcher> ...
  279. [21:38] <@visceralVanguard> You've labeled me as your saviour
  280. [21:38] <@visceralVanguard> A shining angel and a beacon of light
  281. [21:38] <@visceralVanguard> While it may be true that I am largely responsible for you being the person you have been today
  282. [21:38] <@visceralVanguard> I am not perfect
  283. [21:38] <@visceralVanguard> I am not a hero
  284. [21:38] <@visceralVanguard> I am not someone to be idolized
  285. [21:38] <solemnSketcher> ...a character needs to be flawed anyways
  286. [21:38] <@visceralVanguard> You keep shrugging off my faults as unimportant
  287. [21:39] <@visceralVanguard> But I don't think you can just keep doing that!
  288. [21:39] <@visceralVanguard> Look how many holes I've gotten myself into!
  289. [21:39] <solemnSketcher> i idolized you because i wanted to chip down your... cover
  290. [21:39] <@visceralVanguard> You have been
  291. [21:39] <@visceralVanguard> Honestly, you are the only person that I feel like I can be more of myself around
  292. [21:39] <solemnSketcher> remember what i said? i want to be with the REAL faerzen
  293. [21:40] <@visceralVanguard> No mechanical facades, no aloof pretenses
  294. [21:40] <@visceralVanguard> just me and Nick
  295. [21:40] <@visceralVanguard> And I'm afraid that I'm going to have to say it again
  296. [21:40] <solemnSketcher> thqnks for being honest... this is quite something to take
  297. [21:40] <@visceralVanguard> This is him
  298. [21:40] <@visceralVanguard> This is the real Faerzen
  299. [21:40] <@visceralVanguard> I do need to say something else though Nick
  300. [21:40] <@visceralVanguard> I'm not done
  301. [21:40] <solemnSketcher> but... how honest are you being with yourself?
  302. [21:40] <@visceralVanguard> My story does not end there.
  303. [21:40] <@visceralVanguard> What do you mean?
  304. [21:41] <solemnSketcher> how many things have you done that you are not sure you want to?
  305. [21:41] <@visceralVanguard> When I actually stop and think about it?
  306. [21:41] <@visceralVanguard> Quite a lot.
  307. [21:41] <@visceralVanguard> There is a reason I hate myself, Nick.
  308. [21:41] <@visceralVanguard> For reasons precisely like this.
  309. [21:42] <solemnSketcher> lets deal with that part later... in person
  310. [21:42] <@visceralVanguard> I agree, but I am still not finished
  311. [21:42] <solemnSketcher> face to face, shall we?
  312. [21:42] <@visceralVanguard> I can't stop now that I've gotten rolling.
  313. [21:42] <@visceralVanguard> I need to at least get this off of my chest
  314. [21:42] <solemnSketcher> then go ahead
  315. [21:43] <@visceralVanguard> At the beginning, I was living as though you were a project, not a person
  316. [21:43] <@visceralVanguard> Something I needed to cultivate and nurture to grow into what I wanted it to
  317. [21:43] <@visceralVanguard> And as I spent more time with you
  318. [21:43] <@visceralVanguard> And I saw you grow
  319. [21:43] <@visceralVanguard> And saw you changing into the wonderful, full, passionate, caring, driven person that you are
  320. [21:44] <@visceralVanguard> I began to feel myself losing my detatchment
  321. [21:44] <@visceralVanguard> Yes, I wanted to spend time with you to fix you
  322. [21:44] <@visceralVanguard> But I also just loved spending time with you
  323. [21:44] <@visceralVanguard> Because of YOU
  324. [21:44] <@visceralVanguard> I tried to dismiss my emotions as just another variable I didn't want to deal with in my plans
  325. [21:44] <@visceralVanguard> But that didn't work
  326. [21:45] <@visceralVanguard> Over and over again, you showed me how strong of a human being you are
  327. [21:45] <@visceralVanguard> I've constantly been torn between my actual feelings for you and my original intentions and fears
  328. [21:45] <@visceralVanguard> And I can't live like this anymore without you knowing
  329. [21:45] <@visceralVanguard> Especially after today
  330. [21:46] <@visceralVanguard> What if something actually had happened to me?
  331. [21:46] <@visceralVanguard> What if Lyra had been taken over by Abyss?
  332. [21:46] <@visceralVanguard> What if Derse had intervened in Prospit?
  333. [21:46] <@visceralVanguard> Who knows what could have happened!
  334. [21:46] <@visceralVanguard> I don't know what the future will hold
  335. [21:46] <@visceralVanguard> But I do know that I don't want it to hold what I'm doing right now
  336. [21:47] <@visceralVanguard> This manipulative, aloof, project, fix-it side of us?
  337. [21:47] <@visceralVanguard> Right now, I am not only revealing its existence to you
  338. [21:47] <solemnSketcher> ...
  339. [21:47] <@visceralVanguard> But I also want to put a stake in the ground and say that I want to end it
  340. [21:47] <@visceralVanguard> I can't do this anymore and I hate it
  341. [21:47] <@visceralVanguard> I want to be with you because of you
  342. [21:48] <@visceralVanguard> And holy jurgen fuck are YOU a good reason to be with you
  343. [21:48] <@visceralVanguard> That's enough for me
  344. [21:48] <@visceralVanguard> I don't know if you've noticed, but I've never said to you what I'm about to say to you.
  345. [21:49] <@visceralVanguard> Well, now you know the reason why I haven't before.
  346. [21:49] <@visceralVanguard> But I can't wait any longer, so here it comes.
  347. [21:49] <solemnSketcher> ((holy shit... this is actually feelsy))
  348. [21:49] <@visceralVanguard> Nick.
  349. [21:49] <@visceralVanguard> I love you.
  350. [21:49] <@visceralVanguard> And I'm sorry for everything I've done up until now
  351. [21:49] <@visceralVanguard> But I want to change that.
  352. [21:50] <@visceralVanguard> And there's nobody else I want to work through with that besides you.
  353. [21:50] <@visceralVanguard> I know I just dumped a lot on your plate right now, but can you give me a second chance?
  354. [21:50] <solemnSketcher> ((would saying that im actually crying right now make that weird))
  355. [21:50] <solemnSketcher> ...
  356. [21:51] <Terese_Tibalt> < Man, Tragedy is better >
  357. [21:51] <Terese_Tibalt> < jk jk >
  358. [21:51] <@visceralVanguard> ((the feels))
  359. [21:51] <@visceralVanguard> You don't even need to say anything right now
  360. [21:51] <@visceralVanguard> I just gave you a whole heck of a lot to think about
  361. [21:52] <@visceralVanguard> We can talk more when we see each other in person
  362. [21:52] <solemnSketcher> just... give me a small moment
  363. [21:52] <@visceralVanguard> But I don't think you deserve to keep living like this, with me like this
  364. [21:52] <@visceralVanguard> So I wanted to tell you
  365. [21:52] <solemnSketcher> dont leave
  366. [21:52] <solemnSketcher> just a minute
  367. [21:53] * solemnSketcher has stopped espering visceralVanguard
  368. [21:53] <solemnSketcher> <a minute passes>
  369. [21:53] <@visceralVanguard> What?
  370. [21:53] * visceralVanguard watches Nick on SABATH
  371. [21:53] * solemnSketcher is now espering visceralVanguard
  372. [21:53] <Terese_Tibalt> < He isn't sabstrubating, is he? >
  373. [21:53] <Terese_Tibalt> *sad
  374. [21:53] <@visceralVanguard> ((i hope not))
  375. [21:54] <@visceralVanguard> ((otherwise faerzen would close that so fast))
  376. [21:54] <solemnSketcher> hello, i think that you are my server player? my name is nickolai, you can call me nick :)
  377. [21:54] <solemnSketcher> ((tears are the best lube))
  378. [21:54] * visceralVanguard looks at her screen in shock, all color draining from her face
  379. [21:54] <@visceralVanguard> No, no not you too!
  380. [21:54] <@visceralVanguard> Oh god.
  381. [21:55] <@visceralVanguard> I did it again.
  382. [21:55] <solemnSketcher> ...this is your second chance
  383. [21:55] <@visceralVanguard> Oh.
  384. [21:55] <@visceralVanguard> Oh wow
  385. [21:55] <solemnSketcher> did i do something wrong?
  386. [21:55] <@visceralVanguard> I'm.... uh.... sorry
  387. [21:55] <@visceralVanguard> no, you're fine
  388. [21:55] <@visceralVanguard> we can talk about it later
  389. [21:55] <Terese_Tibalt> < Somebody fucked up >
  390. [21:55] <@visceralVanguard> Nice to meet you, Nick!
  391. [21:56] <Archive> ((That broken quirk))
  392. [21:56] <@visceralVanguard> My name is Faerzen. :)
  393. [21:56] <Terese_Tibalt> < Dissociative amnesia is a real bitch >
  394. [21:56] <@visceralVanguard> Thank you, Nick.
  395. [21:56] <solemnSketcher> hello faerzen! you sound like a great person... want to meet up some day?
  396. [21:57] <@visceralVanguard> That sounds like an excellent plan. :)
  397. [21:57] <@visceralVanguard> You know, I think my house is right through the gate above your house!
  398. [21:57] <@visceralVanguard> Do you want to meet up there?
  399. [21:57] <@visceralVanguard> Hahaha, I'm afraid I'm a tad busy now, but I can be there soon!
  400. [21:58] <solemnSketcher> of course! i'd love to! we have so much to talk about... just message me up when you are free!
  401. [21:58] <@visceralVanguard> Will do. :)
  402. [21:58] <solemnSketcher> i'll warn you though... im somewhat weird :o
  403. [21:59] <solemnSketcher> i hope you wont mind that?
  404. [21:59] <@visceralVanguard> I'm sure you're not that bad :P
  405. [21:59] <@visceralVanguard> Everyone is a little strange sometimes!
  406. [21:59] <solemnSketcher> indeed we are...
  407. [22:00] <@visceralVanguard> That sounds like a date then! I look forward to seeing you in person :)
  408. [22:00] <@visceralVanguard> Nick?
  409. [22:00] <solemnSketcher> it does! see you there
  410. [22:00] <solemnSketcher> yes faerzen?
  411. [22:00] <@visceralVanguard> Thank you.
  412. [22:01] <solemnSketcher> :)
  413. [22:01] <@visceralVanguard> I.... don't even really know what to say
  414. [22:01] <@visceralVanguard> Just like before when I was saying sorry, I don't feel as though "thank you" even remotely does justice to what I'm feeling right now
  415. [22:02] <@visceralVanguard> I am actually sitting on the ground away from the others balling my eyes out at the moment.
  416. [22:02] <solemnSketcher> i think we should save that for when we meet in person
  417. [22:02] <@visceralVanguard> It makes it really hard to see these stupid glasses. :)
  418. [22:02] <@visceralVanguard> So
  419. [22:02] <@visceralVanguard> Thank you
  420. [22:02] <solemnSketcher> to be fair, im crying again too :)
  421. [22:03] <solemnSketcher> anytime faerzen...
  422. [22:03] <solemnSketcher> anytime
  423. [22:03] <@visceralVanguard> Holy jurgen fuck, nope I can't do this.
  424. [22:03] <@visceralVanguard> Where is your stupid gas station
  425. [22:03] <solemnSketcher> you know... thanks for telling me that
  426. [22:03] <@visceralVanguard> I'm coming to find you
  427. [22:03] <solemnSketcher> uhhh...
  428. [22:03] <@visceralVanguard> I need to give you that hug right now
  429. [22:03] <@visceralVanguard> before you leave
  430. [22:03] <solemnSketcher> somewhere somewhere plains?
  431. [22:03] <solemnSketcher> sigh... give me a moment
  432. [22:04] <@visceralVanguard> It can't be too far from here since you and Alex got there from Lyra's house.
  433. [22:04] <solemnSketcher> <you see nick carrying the laptop outside and flying up into the air>
  434. [22:04] <solemnSketcher> you see anything familiar?
  435. [22:05] <@visceralVanguard> Wait a moment, that looks like the area near where Lyra's house is
  436. [22:05] <@visceralVanguard> Does she live in a gas station?
  437. [22:05] <@visceralVanguard> Well, I know precisely where to head then.
  438. [22:05] <solemnSketcher> nope, she was traveling when the game started
  439. [22:05] <@visceralVanguard> Oh, I suppose that makes sense.
  440. [22:05] <solemnSketcher> lets just... make this happen.
  441. [22:05] <@visceralVanguard> I cannot be gone for long, but I can't wait any longer for this hug.
  442. [22:06] <@visceralVanguard> I am on my way over.
  443. [22:06] * visceralVanguard floats swiftly towards the gas station
  444. [22:06] <solemnSketcher> <you see nick landing on the roof of the station
  445. [22:06] == solemnSketcher has changed nick to Nick_V
  446. [22:06] <@visceralVanguard> <you soon see a gold and white speck floating towards you>
  447. [22:06] <@visceralVanguard> I see you!
  448. [22:06] <@visceralVanguard> Talk to you soon :)
  449. [22:07] * visceralVanguard bid farewell to solemnSketcher
  450. [22:07] == visceralVanguard has changed nick to Faerzen_Norstov
  451. [22:07] * Nick_V answers in esperchum "see you in a moment :)"
  452. [22:07] * Faerzen_Norstov frantically waves at Nick
  453. [22:07] * Nick_V waves back and flies in faerzen's direction
  454. [22:08] * Faerzen_Norstov floats straight at Nick, arms out and wings tucked behind her to not get in the way, unused from dream self flight
  455. [22:09] * Nick_V flies straight at faerzen... wings flapping strongly, as he does need them
  456. [22:10] <Nick_V> ((were makin this hapoen))
  457. [22:10] <Nick_V> faerzen!
  458. [22:10] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Nick!
  459. [22:11] * Faerzen_Norstov tackle-hugs Nick and soon after captures his mouth in a kiss before he has any time to respond
  460. [22:11] <Nick_V> yo-- *muffled talking and then kissing back*
  461. [22:12] * Faerzen_Norstov embraces Nick as tight as he possibly can with his feeble arms
  462. [22:12] <@Faerzen_Norstov> *her
  463. [22:12] * Nick_V embraces faerzen back and begins descending to the ground, still passionately kissing faerzen
  464. [22:13] <Nick_V> ((dem feels))
  465. [22:14] * Nick_V touches down on the ground with faerzen, and now, not needing his wings, he wraps them around her
  466. [22:16] * Nick_V slowly breaks away from that really long kiss
  467. [22:16] * Faerzen_Norstov grins at Nick, tears still streaming down her face
  468. [22:18] * Nick_Varnegs grins at faerzen with a face stained by tears
  469. [22:19] * Nick_Varnegs slowly pulls faerzen into a really soft kiss
  470. [22:20] <Nick_Varnegs> ((the makeouts pile doesn't stop from getting taller))
  471. [22:21] * Faerzen_Norstov slowly pulls away from the soft kiss
  472. [22:21] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You know, Nick?
  473. [22:21] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I'm never letting you go
  474. [22:21] <@Faerzen_Norstov> And I'm not going to let myself tell me otherwise anymore
  475. [22:21] <Nick_Varnegs> that case...
  476. [22:21] <Nick_Varnegs> neither i am
  477. [22:21] <@Faerzen_Norstov> :)
  478. [22:21] <Nick_Varnegs> :)
  479. [22:21] * Faerzen_Norstov pulls Nick into a tight embrace again
  480. [22:22] * Nick_Varnegs tightly hugs faerzen and spins around in place
  481. [22:23] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Thank you, Nick :)
  482. [22:24] <Nick_Varnegs> anytime :)
  483. [22:24] * Faerzen_Norstov sighs pleasantly
  484. [22:24] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Ugh, I wish I didn't have to say this.
  485. [22:25] <@Faerzen_Norstov> But unfortunately I think I need to get back to the rest of the group.
  486. [22:25] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Who knows what will happen if I am gone too long.
  487. [22:25] * Nick_Varnegs lets out a breath of... well, its a breath
  488. [22:26] <Nick_Varnegs> oh... well then... we should meet later if that's the case
  489. [22:26] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You betcha :)
  490. [22:26] <Nick_Varnegs> a last one for the road?
  491. [22:26] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Yeah :)
  492. [22:26] <Nick_Varnegs> :)
  493. [22:27] * Nick_Varnegs once again... kisses faerzen
  494. [22:27] * Faerzen_Norstov kisses back like there's no tomorrow
  495. [22:28] <Nick_Varnegs> [S] sloppy makeouts
  496. [22:28] * Nick_Varnegs passionately kisses, as if it was his last day alive
  497. [22:28] <@Faerzen_Norstov> [S] Requited
  498. [22:29] <@Faerzen_Norstov> ((get it, because it's requited now?))
  499. [22:29] <Nick_Varnegs> ((it makes so much sense now))
  500. [22:29] <Nick_Varnegs> ((dang))
  501. [22:31] * Nick_Varnegs slowly runs one of his hands trough faerzen's hair
  502. [22:31] * Faerzen_Norstov ruffles Nick's hair
  503. [22:31] * Faerzen_Norstov slowly pulls back
  504. [22:31] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I know you might not, but I love it when your hair is messy :)
  505. [22:32] <Nick_Varnegs> well... then its a good thing its always a mess... isn't it :)
  506. [22:32] * Faerzen_Norstov giggles
  507. [22:32] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You betcha :P
  508. [22:32] * Faerzen_Norstov playfully pokes Nick's nose
  509. [22:33] * Nick_Varnegs gives a slight laught and slowly de-wraps his wings from around faerzen
  510. [22:33] * Faerzen_Norstov sighs happily
  511. [22:33] <@Faerzen_Norstov> That was a good note to end on
  512. [22:34] <@Faerzen_Norstov> For now, that is ;)
  513. [22:34] * Nick_Varnegs is surprised
  514. [22:34] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I better see you soon at my house, okay?
  515. [22:34] <Nick_Varnegs> okay
  516. [22:34] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Yay! :D
  517. [22:35] * Nick_Varnegs slowly dewraps his arms from faerzen
  518. [22:35] <Nick_Varnegs> oh right... something i have noticed...
  519. [22:35] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Hmm?
  520. [22:35] <Nick_Varnegs> you... always keep your wings at your back
  521. [22:35] <Nick_Varnegs> here... let me
  522. [22:36] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Well, when I am my dream self I don't need them to fly, do I?
  523. [22:36] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I hold them there to stay out of the way :)
  524. [22:36] * Nick_Varnegs takes hold of faerzen's wing and slowly articulates them around herself
  525. [22:36] <@Faerzen_Norstov> There we go. :)
  526. [22:37] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I'll float back like this so it feels like you're still giving me a hug
  527. [22:37] <Nick_Varnegs> they are surprisingly articulated... you could do a cloak with these!
  528. [22:37] <Nick_Varnegs> :)
  529. [22:37] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I will make a +3 Cloak of Nick Embraces
  530. [22:37] <@Faerzen_Norstov> That sounds like a rather overpowered magic item right there
  531. [22:37] <Nick_Varnegs> that's why i like wrapping mine around yours...
  532. [22:38] <Nick_Varnegs> constant hugging? yup.
  533. [22:38] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Well I will try and remember to reciprocate then. :)
  534. [22:38] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I should be heading off now, but I'll see you soon!
  535. [22:38] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Don't get attacked by too many showers while I am gone. :)
  536. [22:38] <Nick_Varnegs> same!
  537. [22:38] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Oh, and Nick?
  538. [22:38] <Nick_Varnegs> ((tfw we cant say goodbye))
  539. [22:38] <Nick_Varnegs> yes?
  540. [22:38] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I would check through your sylladex to make sure you have everything
  541. [22:39] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Lyra was rifling through your things earlier while you were asleep
  542. [22:39] <Nick_Varnegs> ...
  543. [22:39] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I didn't want to bother you with it while we were on Prospit, but now that you are awake now, you should know.
  544. [22:39] * Nick_Varnegs sighs
  545. [22:39] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I didn't even know it was possibly to raid someone else's sylladex, but if anyone can bend the rules, it's Lyra.
  546. [22:39] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Okay, that's all.
  547. [22:40] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Toodles!
  548. [22:40] <Nick_Varnegs> let me check... i still have the flower.... a bunch of miscellaneous items...
  549. [22:40] <Nick_Varnegs> and... she has the mask right?
  550. [22:40] * Faerzen_Norstov
  551. [22:40] * Faerzen_Norstov sighs
  552. [22:40] * Nick_Varnegs lets out a long somewhat angry sigh
  553. [22:40] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Yes, she does
  554. [22:40] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I am afraid you aren't getting that back any time soon
  555. [22:40] <@Faerzen_Norstov> She isn't wearing it at the moment.
  556. [22:40] <Nick_Varnegs> just make sure she doesn't do anything stupid with it
  557. [22:41] <@Faerzen_Norstov> It is too late for that.
  558. [22:41] <@Faerzen_Norstov> But I will try and prevent further incidents. :)
  559. [22:41] <Nick_Varnegs> ...
  560. [22:41] <Nick_Varnegs> *eyetwitch* alright then... atleast... when she finishes using it... bring it to me
  561. [22:42] <@Faerzen_Norstov> I will make sure it gets to you as soon as possible.
  562. [22:42] <Nick_Varnegs> thanks faerzen :)
  563. [22:42] * Nick_Varnegs leans in and gives faerzen's neck a quick kiss
  564. [22:43] <Nick_Varnegs> take care <3
  565. [22:43] <@Faerzen_Norstov> Hopefully this nonsense will all be over soon.
  566. [22:43] <Nick_Varnegs> ill be heading home now... see you later
  567. [22:43] <@Faerzen_Norstov> You too!
  568. [22:43] <Nick_Varnegs> maybe one day it'll be peaceful for once
  569. [22:43] * Faerzen_Norstov ruffles her hand through Nick's hair before turning and floating away wrapped in her wings
  570. [22:43] <Nick_Varnegs> maybe one day...
  571. [22:44] * Nick_Varnegs smiles as he watches faerzen fly away wrapped in golden-white wings
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