
[CLOP]Archivist Anon Part I

Jun 20th, 2013
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  1. >you are Anon
  2. >you lean back in your swivel chair, folding your arms behind your head
  3. >you look at a table with the preparations for your latest experiment
  4. >the details don't matter
  5. >you decide to briefly ruminate about your life
  6. >after getting your degree in molecular genetics, you were an average, run-of-the-mill scientist
  7. >then, you observed an interesting pattern regarding herpes infections
  8. >long story short, you figured out how to increase the density of neuronal matter
  9. >not by much, but hey
  10. >you're nearly twice as smart as the average human
  11. >you technically haven't been allowed to do human research yet
  12. >but fuck the FDA and the ethics committee
  13. >you felt confident about it, and the grant money has been pouring in
  14. >life is good
  15. >you pick up the flat metal disk, and carry it to the nuclear magnetic resonator
  16. >you pop it open, and insert the chip
  17. >closing the lid, you pause a little before pressing the green "ON" button
  18. >you always did have a flair for the dramatic
  20. >you are Twilight Sparkle
  21. >and you are very very very stressed out
  22. >for three days, an unknown magical anomaly has been hanging in the air near Fluttershy's cottage
  23. >it hasn't done anything
  24. >it's invisible, it doesn't seem to be affecting the standard magical field, it's just... there
  25. >and it's bothering you
  26. >you've been spending probe after probe into it, trying different variations of common spells just to try to figure it out
  27. >the magic goes in, and nothing comes out
  28. >needless to say, this is why you're woried, because it's violating the Law of the Conservation of Thaumic energy
  30. >"Spiiiike!"
  31. >the purple dragon grumbles as he comes up from the downstairs
  32. >"Yes, Twi?"
  33. >"Can you please bring me the Magical M-Dimensional Membranic Monologue?"
  34. >the dragon stalks off downstairs and returns with a musty old book
  35. >it's... beautiful...
  36. >suddenly a pair of claws is snapped in front of your eyes
  37. >"Twilight! You've been standing there for 5 minutes, just staring at the book!"
  38. >you blush
  39. >"In fact, I think you may have even been drooling."
  40. >you blush harder
  41. >you decide to salvage the situation, and start flipping through the book
  42. >"A-ha!"
  43. >Spike nearly falls over.
  44. >"What, what is it, Twilight?"
  45. >extra-dimensional energy bleed, of course
  46. >you say that out loud
  47. >Spike looks at you blankly
  48. >you do a little dance in excitement
  49. >"TO THE ANOMALY!"
  50. >you flip Spike on your back, and dash off
  51. >only if Rainbow could see you like this
  52. >with a determined look, you make your way through Ponyville, and to Fluttershy's cottage
  53. >the anomaly is hanging in the air, mocking you with its reality-breaking ways
  54. >"BUT NO LONGER!"
  55. >Spike falls off your back, and rubs his head
  56. >"What did you have to go and yell for? You probably scared Fluttershy."
  57. >"Ummm, actually, you didn't."
  58. >the both of you jump up into the air as the buttery pegasus emerges from a small bed of yellow flowers
  59. >"Sweet Celestia, Fluttershy. That was some impressive camouflage. Are you hiding from predators?"
  60. >she looks at you with a quirked eyebrow
  61. >"Uhhhh, no. I, um, was playing hide and seek with Angel. And um, I knew you were coming because *mumble mumble*"
  62. >you twitch your ears
  63. >"What was that?"
  64. >she peeks out at you from under her bangs
  65. >merciful Celestia, if you were into mares, you'd rut the Tartarus out of her
  66. >"Well, you were kinda making a lot of noise while you were galloping. And jiggling a bit. I'm not one to judge, but um, maybe you should stop going for midnight donut runs?"
  67. >...and it's gone
  68. >"Thanks, Fluttershy."
  69. >"I'm only concerned about your health..."
  70. >"No, I get it, Fluttershy."
  71. >Spike is pressing his claws against his mouth, trying to hide his laughter.
  72. >"I hope I didn't offend you Twilight."
  73. >"No, it's fine, really."
  74. >you think to yourself that maybe you HAVE been eating too many
  75. >you smile at Fluttershy
  76. >"Anyway, I'm glad you're here. You know about that invisible, undetectable anomaly that I've been talking about?"
  77. >she nods at you
  78. >"Of course Twilight. I had nightmares for days."
  79. >"Exactly! So, I'd like you to fly me close to it so that I can shut it down with my magic! And it might behave in an unpredictable fashion, that could potentially be dangerous, so you'll need to be quick and agile!"
  80. >Fluttershy is shaking
  81. >that's odd, it's not that cold outside
  82. >"S-s-sure, Twilight."
  83. >she picks you up, and with a beat of her wings takes off into the air
  84. >you sense the anomaly growing closer
  85. >your horn begins to glow as you perform the proper calculations to have the spell fire
  86. >satisfied, you channel the magic inside through your horn
  87. >a purple bolt of energy flies out, and strikes the center of the anomaly
  88. >everything goes silent
  90. >you are Anon
  91. >you press the button
  92. >the machine powers on and begins to hum
  93. >that's strange, it's generally much more quieter than this
  94. >a bunch of sparks erupt from the power supply unit
  95. >"OH SHI-"
  96. >pain fills every part of your body
  97. >this is what an EMP feels like
  98. >you black out
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