
Four in the bed

Oct 21st, 2015
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  1. > Drivin' home early from work
  2. > Blizzard come outta fuckin' nowhere, that said, this place's weather's fuckin' weird ay
  3. > Starting to get dark out, country's nice, but the white everywhere's giving you a fuckin' headache
  4. > Suddenly spot a couple kids on the side of the road at the bus stop
  5. > Pull over and wind down window
  6. "Hey you lot, the hell're ya doin' out this late here? This bus stop's been outta use for the past month"
  7. > You get a better look past the blinding snow and see it's a few girls, prolly late highschool judging by the skimpy fuckin' skirts and shit
  8. > They look nervous, one of them pipes up
  9. > "Sorry ta bother ya mister, we were out walkin' home when the storm started, and ah think the phone's are dead"
  10. > Holy shit that sheila's got an accent that could make tartan look plain
  11. > Sounds familiar for some reason
  12. "You wanna lift to the next workin' one? Or I can take ya down the cop shop and call yer parents if ya want"
  13. > They glance between eachother, and after a quick nod, they pop the passenger door on your ute.
  14. "Sorry if it's a bit of a squeeze, she's only meant for two"
  15. > You watch as the orange one slides over to the seat part, sticking a leg either side of the gear stick
  16. > Yellow and white follow in, squeezing together on the passenger seat
  17. "All comfortable? Whereabouts are you headed? You're miles from bloody anywhere"
  18. > Again, yellow pipes up
  19. > "Weyll, ah don't know exactly where mah farm is from here, but do ya know of sweet apple acres?"
  20. > Know of it? You were just headed back from there
  21. > "Oh man, you're AJ's sis? Here, give 'er a call, she was spittin' chips when you didn't get home before the blizzard"
  22. > You swing the wheel around and pull a Uey, heading back toward the farm
  23. > AJ owes you big time for this, you think to yourself
  24. > Probably get some free booze later
  25. > Meanwhile in the other seat, whitey's warming up against the vents and orange seems to be staring at your rig
  26. "Like the car kid?"
  27. > She stops gawking long enough to nod at you, so you flick on the radio and motion for her to pick something
  28. > You were only looking away for a second
  31. "OH SHIT!"
  32. > Brake like a deer in the fucking headlights, you skid to a stop, thankful you're driving your beast of a work car and not your commodore
  33. > The girls all scream, and you hear yelling on the phone
  34. > Tree's fallen down, and you just managed to avoid hitting it, but the damn thing's fucking massive
  35. > You grab the phone off Yellow, putting it up to your ear.
  36. "AJ? Yeah, it's me, everything's fine, storm knocked a fuckin' tree over."
  37. > On the other side of the phone, Applejack breathes a sigh of relief
  38. > "Y'all far from here? Ah can come get the lil' rascal if'n ya need me to"
  39. You look out across the paddocks around you as the snow starts blanketing more thickly, shaking your head
  40. "We're fucking miles away AJ, whadda ya want me to do?"
  41. > The girls are all packed up like sardines, shaken by the sudden stop
  42. > "Listen, ah know it's a big ask, but can you look after 'em tonight? Ah'll call Rares and let her know where Sweetie is, girl's been raggin' me on the phone all evenin'"
  43. Shit.
  44. "You sure AJ? I can find a way 'round, should only be 'bout fifty K's back through town"
  45. > "It's gettin' dark Anon, and with the storm pickin' up, ah don't wanna risk anythin' happenin' to the girls"
  46. > You can understand her worries, at least she's got her head on straight.
  47. > What to do, what to do...
  50. > Fuck it
  51. "Alright, I'll bring 'em in before work tomorrow, swing by early at your place"
  52. > AJ gives you Scootaloo's foster parents' number and you give them a call, filling them in.
  53. > They're skeptical at first, older male stranger telling them he has their kid's gonna arouse some nasty thoughts after all,but after hearing Applebloom and Sweetie Belle are with her, they relax.
  54. > After a brief convo, you get their address, and tell them you'll drop her off after AB and Sweetie
  55. > You turn in the car to the girls after finally putting the phone down
  56. "Sorry about the wait, just had to explain the situation to your families"
  57. > Sweetie looks up at you
  58. > "Does Rarity know where I am? How am I going to get home? She's probably worried sick!"
  59. > Oh god don't panic please don't panic this car isn't big enough for a little girl panicking
  60. > "AJ's gonna give her a call and let her know, in the mean time, you three are coming back to my place for the evening, then I'm dropping you off in the morning"
  61. > They seem to relax a little, hearing they'll have somewhere to sleep for the night
  62. > You pull another Uey by the tree, and make a note to get your boss to fit the damn ute with a winch
  65. > Pull into the driveway
  66. > Scoots was glued to the radio the whole way back
  67. > AB and Sweets nodded off for a while, but wake up as you stop the car
  68. "Alright, quick now, inside, it's bloody freezing"
  69. > They exit and you lock the car, stepping up onto the porch and opening the door for them
  70. > Your place is actually pretty tidy, so you're not too embarrassed about it as they head in
  71. "Shoes off at the door, you can dump your stuff by the couch"
  72. > You flick the heater on, and it roars to life, blasting hot air through the room.
  73. > The girls all wear appreciative smiles as they step inside
  74. > They obediently remove their shoes, scoots looses her socks too
  75. "Make yerself at home, glasses in the shelf above the sink, water in the tap, it's bore water though, so if you don't like it, there's juice or something in the fridge, just don't touch my beer for fucks sakes, your sisters'd kill me. I'm gonna take a shower quick"
  76. > Applebloom and Sweetie flop onto the couch and start chattering away about random shit
  77. > Scootaloo pours herself some juice and goes to join them
  78. > All safe, shower time.
  79. > You head upstairs, closing the bathroom door behind you and stepping into the shower.
  80. > Fuck the hot water feels good after a long day
  81. > You're enjoying the shower, soaking up the steam, when you hear the door click
  82. > Scootaloo's head pops through the door, then her eyes widen and she disappears again, shouting
  83. > "Oh god I'm so sorry Anon!"
  84. "Oh shit, sorry, forgot to lock it!"
  85. > "I was just looking for the toilet, you forgot to say where it is"
  86. > Fuck, my bad
  87. > "Just down the hall on your left, sorry!"
  88. > You frantically crouch and cover yourself up as she closes the door and you hear hurried footsteps down the hall
  89. > Lucky it wasn't Applebloom, or AJ'd fucking murder you
  90. > You step out, drying yourself off and spraying on some Lynx, then throw your clothes back on and head down stairs
  91. > The girls are watching footy on TV
  92. > Your team's winning
  93. > Aww yiss
  94. > You step into the kitchen and take a beer out of the fridge
  95. > The noise alerts the girls, and they look over, smiling.
  96. > Scoots blushes and looks away
  97. "You guys hungry?"
  98. > A chorus of yesses heads your way so you resign yourself to cooking a meal
  99. > "What's for dinner?" Scoots asks, sitting upright, followed by a "Yeah" from Sweetie
  100. "Any allergies? If not, guess it's satay"
  101. > "Nope, no allergies" they call, turning back to check the game
  102. > At least they were well trained
  103. > You head to the cupboard and pull out a jar of ready made satay sauce, pulling some chicken out of the fridge and tossing it in a pan to cook
  104. > Easiest meal in the book, well, bottle.
  105. > Suddenly the lights go out, as does everything else
  106. > The girls all scream and you call out to try and calm them down
  107. "It's just the power out from the storm. I don't have any fuel for the generator, so can you guys help me find some candles?"
  108. > They calm down pretty quickly with something to do, and soon you have a small assortment of candles, which you light around the room
  109. > Fuck it's getting cold
  110. > You can see them shivering in the flickering light
  111. > Without the heater to warm the room, the temperature's dropping, because the builders skimped on the insulation to cut costs, fucking wankers.
  112. > You pull out some spare blankets from the linen cabinet, and pass them out
  113. "Here, rug yerselves up, it's gonna get cold"
  116. > Huddled around in the loungeroom, you enjoy a meal by candlelight
  117. > An interesting evening so far, the girls are enjoying the food, talking about something or other
  118. > Probably on your fifth beer or so by now, good strong stuff too
  119. > You're being involved in the conversation every now and then, but scootaloo still refuses to meet your eyes
  120. > Fuck that's awkward
  121. > You take the dishes after the meal, and the girls move closer, swapping blankets around
  122. > The snow's stopped at least, but it's been replaced by rain on an absolutely monstorous level, filling the house with a constant drum from the tin roof
  123. >"So Anon" Sweetie says "Do you have any games we can play while the power's out?"
  124. > Eeeeehhh...
  125. "Not that I can think of..."
  126. > You flop onto the couch, and they join you, connecting the blankets up to one big cover for you all
  127. > They're really warm... really, really warm...
  128. > Scootaloo asks something, but you're a bit hazy, so you just say sure, why not, and get up to go to the loo
  129. > She's arguing with Sweetie about something, but it's fine, right? They'll sort it out.
  130. > You wander back into the loungeroom, it's still dark, and the candles are starting to burn low, so the room's a dull orange
  131. > The girls are playing a word game of some kind and sharing a beer between them
  132. > You go sit down by them and wait what
  133. > Beer
  134. > Oh god damnit that must've been what scoots was asking
  135. > You pray they don't drink any more and don't tell their families or you'll have to run faster than a gay muslim immigrant on a boat.
  136. > At least they seem to be enjoying it.
  138. > "Ah told ya scoots, ya can't keep usin' dash as a rhyme fer errythin'! It's ch- shu-- sh- Cheatin'!" accuses Applebloom
  139. > "Yeah, but you just keep saying Apples so it's fine!" retorts scootaloo, taking the bottle
  140. > Sweetie belle just sits back, staring blankly at the two
  141. > You realise they've probably never had alcohol in their lives, and they're all very small
  142. > Well, not in every way...
  143. > Fucking NOPE!
  144. > You clear your thoughts as best you can, and open your eyes
  145. > Scoots is in front of you, like, an inch in front of your face
  146. > "Yo Anon, you aaight?" She says, a hint of concern on her face
  147. "Yeah, I'm fine, just frustrated the power's still out"
  148. > You realise sweetie hasn't moved for like, 10 minutes
  149. "What about you, Sweetie, you okay?"
  150. > She just nods slightly, and pulls the blanket in
  151. > There's a loud crack of thunder, and lightning makes the room glow a stark white momentarily
  152. > You swear the only thing that could possibly be louder than thunder was the screech that flew out of sweetie when that lightning hit
  153. > Your arms are suddenly full of terrified white girl, and her two friends look on in amusement
  154. > "Oh yeah, ah think I rememberer somethin' 'bout schweety bein' scared a storms" slurrs Applebloom
  155. > You make another mental note to stick the girls in the shower before bed
  156. > Sweetie looks up and quickly removes herself from where she was sitting, coughing and saying " I don't know what you mean, Applebloom"
  157. > Knowing looks all around
  158. "Well, do you guys want to do anything? It's only about 8 at the moment, so I won't be sleeping for a while, I hear you guys are good at sleep over games and stuff"
  159. > The girls brighten up at the words sleep over, and start hurling ideas like a hurricane
  160. "Woah woah, slow down there!"
  161. > You try to get them to suggest ideas one at a time
  162. > Eventually you resign yourself to the one game they seem to really want to play
  163. > Time to play Truth or Dare
  164. > You all sit on the rug by the couch, and scootaloo declares she's going first.
  165. > You ask, and she calls dare, puffing out her chest
  166. "I dare you to..."
  167. > You think carefully, trying to think of something reasonable and innocent
  168. "Give me your blanket"
  169. > It's mean, and you know it, but she does it anyway, shivering at the cold air in the room.
  170. > "Alraht Anon, yer turn, trutherdare" slurs Applebloom
  171. "Truth"
  172. > You decide to play it safe, after all, there's nothing they can really-
  173. >"Which onea us wouldja rather kiss?"
  174. > You choke on your drink, putting it down and coughing loudly
  175. "Uh, I mean, you're... uh..."
  176. > They gaze at you intently, and you feel distinctly as though you're being played
  177. > You feel like if you ask to pass, they'll just get angry
  178. "How about Scootaloo?" you say, trying to placate them
  179. > Scoots goes beet red and the others both snicker loudly
  180. > Was that the wrong choice?
  181. > "Alright Applebloom, Truth or Dare?" asks Sweetie
  182. > "Dayre" responds AB enthusiastically
  183. > A wicked grin crosses Sweetie's face, and she leans over to her
  184. > "I dare you, to kiss Scootaloo!"
  185. > Poor Scoots, she looks so confused and terrified
  186. > Applebloom gives no fucks, and launches across the circle, planting a massive kiss on Scootaloo's cheek
  187. > Sweetie bursts into laughter, and you hide a snicker behind a hand
  188. > Scootaloo starts to frown after she's released and glares at Sweetie
  189. > "Truth or Dare" she says, glaring at her
  190. > "Truth" Calls sweetie, flashing her a grin
  191. > "Alright" says Scoots, smirking evilly, "What underwear are you wearing?"
  192. > Sweetie somehow manages to go even whiter, glancing between you and scootaloo before turning red
  193. > "Uh... that is... well... it was snowing, and it soaked me... and..."
  194. > "Aaaand?" goads Scootaloo, evolving to full shit eating grin
  195. > "And... I'm... not wearing any" she finally says, flushing a full crimson and pulling the blanket over her head to hide it
  196. > You feel something stirring, and quickly move the blanket to hide it
  197. > When did she have time to remove them? Unless...
  198. > Fetching candles, she'd been the last to get back, that explains it.
  199. > You try to dispell the discomfort and the rising lump in your pants by starting the next round
  200. "Alright, scoots, Truth or Dare?"
  201. > Dare again, of course
  202. > The booze is really starting to sink in now, so you blurt the first thing that comes to mind
  203. "I dare you to change into clothes from my dresser"
  204. > Her grin fades, and is replaced by a worried look
  205. > "Uh, but... your clothes? They won't fit?"
  206. "So make an outfit then"
  207. > Applebloom joins in "C'mon Scoots, you called dayre after ahll"
  208. > Sweetie just raises a thumbs up
  209. > A very embarrassed scootaloo storms from the room, heading for your bedroom
  210. > "Fine, but I'll need applebloom to help" she says
  211. > Applebloom stands up "Ahll raht, c'mon"
  212. > You hear the bedroom door shut
  213. > "Wow Anon, I didn't know you were so Risque~" Purrs Sweetie
  214. "I just said the first thing that came to mind, honestly"
  215. > Damage control: Activate
  216. > She leans in close "My turn, truth, or dare?"
  217. "Uh... dare?"
  218. > A smile crosses her lips
  219. >"Kiss me"
  222. "Wh-what?"
  223. > You stammer the word out, puzzled
  224. > "You heard me" she says, crawling toward you
  225. > She's close enough that you can smell her perfume now, mixed with the smell of the water soaked partly into her clothes
  226. > It doesn't help that she's wearing a short, white blouse, which is clinging to her skin under the blanket
  227. > Your heart is pounding
  228. > She's what, 16? 17? This can't be happening!
  229. > As you think that, she takes another step forward and pushes forward, knocking you back and locking lips with you
  230. > Tastes like strawberries
  231. > Your mind is a whirl, holy shit, where did this come from?
  232. > You think back to the bottle, but you didn't think Sweetie had had any, had she?
  233. > She climbs on top of you, keeping the pressure on
  234. > Oh god if she keeps going she'll notice...
  235. > Too late
  236. > She breaks free from the kiss, looking down and giving you a wink before sliding back to her side of the circle, wrapping herself up
  237. > You're too stunned to do anything
  238. > Applebloom wanders back into the room, grinning
  239. > She takes a seat across the circle, and glances over at the hallway
  240. > In the faint remaining candle light, you can make out Scootaloo as she steps into the room
  241. > She's wearing one of your larger shirts, and it goes down to her thighs, but that's about it.
  242. > Red faced she sits down, wrapping herself in a blanket she dragged from your room
  243. > "Well?" she demands, looking at you
  244. "It looks... nice... really nice."
  245. > Suave
  246. > She just huffs and looks over at Sweetie
  247. > "Your turn, truth or dare!"
  248. > Sweetie looks at you, a smirk on her lips
  249. > "Truth"
  250. > Scootaloo immediately fires back "Do you have a crush on someone right now?"
  251. > She then realises the mistake in her question as Sweetie simply replies "Yes"
  252. > Sweetie Belle then turns to Apple Bloom, who, until now, has been sitting and contentedly watching the proceedings
  253. > "Apple Bloom? Truth or Dare?" she asks
  254. > Apple Bloom scrunches her nose, then finishes her drink
  255. > "Dayre."
  256. > Ohboyherewego
  257. > Sweetie's grin widens and she leans over close
  258. > You strain to hear her
  259. > "I dare you, to strip down to your underwear"
  262. > WHAT
  263. > Your heart races, and Applebloom flushes a deep crimson
  264. > "B-b-b-but..." She shoots a pleading look at Sweetie, but she refuses to budge
  265. > Eventually she concedes, but only on the condition that you leave the room
  266. > "I'll go with him, to make sure he doesn't peek" says Scootaloo, standing and dragging you down the hall
  269. > what
  270. > You head into your room, and the door closes behind you. It's still pitch black in here, and you can only hear the rain, with the occasional lightning bolt lighting the room
  271. > You take a seat on the bed, ready to wait a while for Applebloom to change
  272. > Still can't believe she agreed
  273. > "Watcha thinkin' about Anon?" you hear Scootaloo say next to you
  274. > You can't see a damn thing, so you don't bother turning to face her
  275. "Not much really, you?"
  276. > You feel something soft suddenly on your lap as Scootaloo sits down
  277. > No no no, boner, no...
  280. > Scootaloo slides up onto Anon's lap, getting comfy against the warmth of his body
  281. > She feels something hard as she does, and it doesn't take long for her to figure out what
  282. > So that's how it is huh?
  283. > She smirks in the darkness, but before she can say anything, there's a knock on the door, and she hops up, leading Anon by the hand
  284. > Next time
  287. > Phew, narrowly escaped THAT situation
  288. > You head back down the hall with Scootaloo, back into the circle
  289. > Beers on the way past
  290. > Applebloom is crimson red, wrapped in a blanket
  291. > "Ah did it. Satisfied?" she says pointedly at Sweetie Belle, who nods enthusiastically
  292. > "Fahne, Anon, Truth or Dayre?" Applebloom asks, wriggling about as a cool breeze blows up under the blanket
  293. "Truth"
  294. > Applebloom makes a small smile, and the blush lightens a shade
  295. > "D'ya think ah look pretty?" she asks, looking away
  296. > Uhh, bduh...
  297. "Yes!"
  298. > You blurted it right out. Penis 1: Brain 0
  299. > She flushes a little, but then Sweetie Belle chips in
  300. > "Scootaloo, Truth or Dare~?" She asks, smiling as Applebloom takes a swig from the bottle
  301. > That blush is definitely not all embarrasment
  302. > Scootaloo looks a bit nervous, having been embarrassed quite a bit these past few rounds, but she's not giving up yet
  303. > "Dare"
  304. > Sweetie hops up and walks over to her
  305. > "Come with me for a moment, will you?" she asks, taking her by the hand and walking down the hall.
  306. > Their footsteps blend in with the rain and you can't hear them after a while.
  309. > It's quiet, and just you and Applebloom are sitting together in the lounge
  310. > She speaks up quietly
  311. > "Uhh... A-Anon? Could I borrow somea yer blanket? Mahn's feelin' a bit chilly"
  312. > Strange, you think, you're sure you gave her one of the heavier blankets you keep spare, but you're drunk so she's probably right
  313. "Sure, come on over"
  314. > You pat the floor next to you and Applebloom smiles, standing and walking over
  315. > Have you ever tried to walk in a blanket while you're drunk?
  316. > Applebloom's foot catches in the blanket and she begins to fall
  317. > By some miracle of luck, you're able to lean forward just enough and catch her, but the effort knocks you over and you both go tumbling, the blanket falling on you like some kind of... blanket
  318. > Heavy Breathing
  319. > You can feel her pressed against you, even if you can't see under the thick blanket
  320. > "Anon? Are you okay?" she whispers right into your ear
  321. > You realise your predicament and remember she's not wearing proper clothes
  322. > Not now boner, please.... nope too late
  323. "I'm fIne, really"
  324. > You sit up quickly, helping her do the same, and the blankets fall down, revealing her underwear
  325. > She's wearing plain white underwear with a strip of curling lace across the top
  326. > For someone of her size, she's fairly well developed
  329. > You look down to grab the blanket for her, but as you do, she comes up to meet your face and kisses you
  330. > Brain is over, brain is officially closed.
  331. > This is the second time tonight, with the second of three girls, so to say it's a slight ego stroke would be an understatement
  332. > She breaks off the kiss, breathing deeply, and you sit in shock.
  333. > Wrapping herself in the blanket once more, she heads back to her side of the circle
  334. > "Ah just... really wanted to try that" she says, blushing
  335. > You're starting to wonder if this is a ploy by the girls, but a cough from the loungeroom door dashes that thought quickly
  336. > Sweetie Belle stands in the doorway, smirking, then wanders in, taking a seat, without saying a word
  337. > Scootaloo follows a minute or so later, looking like she's seen into the forever, your shirt hanging loosely over one shoulder
  338. > She mutely takes her seat, then shakes her head to clear it
  339. > "So... ahem" Scootaloo looks over to you "Anon, Truth or Dare?"
  340. > You again?
  341. "Uh... Dare?"
  342. > "Okay, I dare you, to take off your shirt!" she says, grinning
  343. > Well alright then
  344. > You're not super toned, but you're reasonably fit and muscular, so nothing to sneer at
  345. > So you unbutton your shirt, stripping it off without embarrassment
  346. > God, imagine if you were a fat neckbeard, gross
  349. > You recieve a mixed reaction from the trio
  350. > Sweetie Belle seems to be appraising you, glancing up and down and smiling
  351. > Scootaloo grins like an idiot
  352. > Applebloom's Jaw hits the floor as she looks at you, which is surprising because her older brother is bigger built than you are
  353. > You shrug, and pull the blanket back up over you as the cold starts to sink in
  354. > Just glad they're not looking at the now very obvious bulge in your pants
  355. "So, Sweetie, Truth or Dare?"
  356. > You flash her a smile, which she returns
  357. > "Dare~"
  358. > Time to play dangerous
  359. "I dare you to take off 5 items of clothing"
  360. > Her smile fades, and she glances nervously at the other two, but after having them strip down, there's no help to be found there
  361. > "Fine~" She says, reaching up to start unbuttoning her blouse
  362. > Scootaloo to the rescue! She reaches forward and grabs your hand, dragging you down the hall once more
  363. > Applebloom gets up and quickly follows, leaving Sweetie to debate what to remove
  366. > Again, in the dark of your room
  367. > You flop down on the bed, spreading out
  368. > Scootaloo and Applebloom step through the door, closing it and shutting out the light.
  369. > Can't see a damn thing, and hearing is hard over the rain.
  370. > You can hear some hushed whispers, but they stop after a moment
  371. > Something else is on the bed
  372. > SomeONE else.
  373. > You reach forward, feel something soft against your chest, and Identify Applebloom laying down across one side of your body, and Scootaloo on the other.
  374. > You would say something, but it's actually pretty comfortable, and they're really warm against the cold of your room
  375. > You lay like this for a few minutes, enjoying the feeling
  376. > A knock on the door forces you to get up, mumbled complaints coming from the girls
  377. "You done Sweetie?"
  378. > The door creaks open, and you look outside
  379. > You swear there's a crack in the floorboards where your jaw slammed into it
  380. > Sweetie belle is standing there wearing nothing but her blouse and underwear
  381. > A small pile of clothing sits next to her in the hall, skirt, socks, a vest and her bra
  382. > "Uh, Anon? It's really, really cold" she says, flushing a little
  383. > You probably should wind up the game now before things get any more tense
  384. > Or you start to lose more clothing
  385. > Or they do...
  387. > You glance at your watch, it's almost 10
  388. "Why don't we wind up the game for now? I run a separate hot water system, so it should be fine if you girls want to have a shower"
  389. > A brief flash of disappointment crosses their collective faces, but is quickly hidden
  390. > "All raight Anon, can we take somea the candles in with us? It's pretty dark after all" says Applebloom, still hanging around in barely any clothes at all
  391. "Sure, I'll give you a hand"
  392. > You help the girls take a few candles up to the bathroom, then go to grab them some towels
  393. > Sweetie Belle is outside the bathroom when you get back
  394. > "I don't want to have a shower at the moment, my hair takes FOREVER to do without a hair dryer" she says, twirling a curl around a finger
  395. > You shrug, and open the door to give the other two their towels
  396. > "Ah, Anon, wait!" squeaks Sweetie as you do, but it's too late
  397. > Scootaloo and Applebloom are in the middle of getting undressed
  398. > Silence falls as they turn red, broken only by the clattering rain on the roof
  399. > You throw the towels in and slam the door shut, going red yourself
  400. > But you can't get the image out of your head
  401. > Applebloom and Scootaloo both have pretty toned bodies from Farm work and Sports respectively, and with the candlelight illuminating them and accentuating every curve on their bodies, you were rock solid in seconds
  402. > Come on Anon, keep it together!
  403. > You quickly head down the corridoor, into the lounge, and sit up on the couch, pulling a blanket over your throbbing crotch
  404. > Light footsteps mark Sweetie coming in, and you glance over
  405. > "Sorry Anon, I should have said earlier" she says, looking a little ashamed
  406. > You swear your heart is trying to give in looking at that face
  407. > Patting the seat next to you, you motion her over
  408. "It's alright, I should've asked"
  409. > She plops down, pulling some blanket for herself
  410. > Still hasn't put her clothes back on, and she's sitting awfully close to you...
  411. > You feel something under the blanket, and realise she's resting her hand on your thigh
  412. > Deep breaths Anon, she probably doesn't mean anything by it
  413. > "Yanno, I always did admire you, when you were working at the farm" Sweetie says
  414. > It finally clicks, of course the girls would recognise you, you work for Applebloom's sister after all
  415. > That explains why they weren't so creeped out by you at first
  416. > How you didn't recognise them until you called AJ though, that's a mystery for another day
  417. "Oh? I don't think I work much harder than anyone else"
  418. > Sweetie smirks "But Applejack's always saying how great it is to have someone so strong and dependable around the farm" she says, punctuating each word with a rub of your leg
  419. > Clean thoughts Anon, you're like, 8 years older than them
  420. "Fair enough then, though I never noticed you watching"
  421. > How could I resist? Thinks Sweetie. There's not a lot more attractive than watching a half naked muscular man beat hot metal into a horseshoe.
  422. > Besides, it was Applebloom who had invited her and Scoots to come watch in the first place
  423. > "Well, I think you're doing a great job" she says, leaning right over "And good work should be rewarded"
  424. > She starts running her hand over your crotch, and you swallow nervously
  425. > Is this real life? Is this just fantasy?
  426. "Uhh, Sw-Sweetie Belle, are you sure this is a good idea?"
  427. > She responds by just shushing you and undoing your belt
  428. > As the last of the candle light in the room blinks out, the last thing you can see is Sweetie disappearing under the blanket
  429. > After some struggle, she gets your belt undone and moves her hand down your jeans
  430. > Oh god this is really happening
  431. > You try to hold back a moan as she starts stroking your shaft, pulling it free from your pants
  432. > Getting into a methodical rhythm you lean back on the couch, muffling yourself with a hand
  433. > Gods she's so good where did she learn this
  434. > Her small hand rubs up and down your rod, and precum starts leaking from the tip
  435. > Suddenly your member is enveloped in warmth, and you know exactly what's happening
  436. > She starts gently sucking on your dick, sliding her tongue up and down the shaft and licking the occasional drops of precum from the tip
  437. > Her mouth is a stark contrast to her hands, which are quite cold, but both are equally as soft as she keeps sucking your dick
  438. > You can't hold back much longer, and she knows it, so she starts working it harder and putting more into her mouth at a time, until she eventually takes the whole thing down
  439. > Please god do not let the others get out of the shower yet
  440. > Finally you can't hold back any more, wrapping hands around the back of her head under the cover and pulling it down onto your shaft as you cum, sending globs of your seed flying into her mouth, and, as she pulls back to gasp, over some of her face
  441. >The blanket falls down, revealing a grinning Sweetie Belle, cum spattering her mouth and lips
  442. > My god that was intense
  443. > "So" she says, running her tongue around and swallowing seductively "I'm a bit of a mess, still got that towel?"
  446. > Scoots and AB come down from the shower, hair still slightly damp but otherwise dry
  447. > You've managed to re-light a candle on the table, so there's a little light, but it won't last long
  448. > Mental note 3: Get batteries for your torches damnit
  449. > Applebloom doesn't really look so good
  450. > "Uh, Anon? Ah think havin' a hot shower after drinkin' with ya may have been a bad ahdea" she says, slurring a bit and swaying toward the couch
  451. > Oh, right. Shit.
  452. > You lead her over to the couch and sit her down
  453. "Do you need me to get you anything? Water? A bucket?"
  454. > Practical as always
  455. > "Hey, where's Sweetie Belle?" asks Scootaloo, looking around
  457. > No, calm down, you got this
  458. > Putting on the most nonchalant expression you can, you turn to face her
  459. "I think she had to go to the bathroom or something"
  460. > success.jpg
  461. > Scoots shrugs and sits down with you, kicking her feet over the leg of the couch and leaning against you.
  462. > "So Anon, what do you wanna do now?"
  463. > She's pressed right up close, and you can smell shampoo from her hair
  464. > Figures these girls would always have emergency toiletries, they hold sleepovers often enough
  465. "I dunno, might be about time to think about organising sleeping arangements"
  466. > You honestly have no idea, but the fact that the power's still out, and Applebloom's already pretty much gone
  467. > You glance at her, and she's curled up on the couch, dozing
  468. > "I don't really wanna go to sleep though" Scootaloo complains, kicking her legs
  469. > You think hard for a bit. The storm's dying down a little, so you could go get the small battery box in your shed and run a couple of things, but you're pretty sure it only has a few hours of charge on it
  470. > You hop up and peer out the window, it's pitch black out there, but it sounds like there's a small lull in the storm
  471. "Wanna come grab some shit from my shed?"
  472. > You look over and Scoots hops up, heading over to join you at the window
  473. > "Sure, why not, the storm's down and we don't really have much else to do"
  474. > You throw a blanket over AB and pull on some boots, stepping out into the cold
  475. > Scootaloo joins you, shivering at the wind, so you grab a jacket off the rack and pass it to her
  476. "Stick close alright? It's bloody dark and I can barely see you as is"
  477. > She does just that, walking up and wrapping her arms around one of yours
  478. > You can feel her chest rubbing against you, but you swallow and try not to think about it as you set off toward the shed
  481. > The door creaks open, and you quickly step inside and shut it behind you
  482. > The shed is actually pretty warm, because it was originally designed as a blizzard emergency shelter before you bought the place
  483. > "Spooky" mumbles Scootaloo, looking around in the incredibly faint moonlight and shrugging off your jacket
  484. "Alright, I think I left it somewhere at the back do you want to have a look over there for me? Black box with a few power points and a switch"
  485. > You motion to the other wall, then go check around your workbench
  486. > Scootaloo clatters about behind you, and you turn to check up on her
  487. > Where'd she go?
  488. > You walk over, struggling to see in the dark, but manage to pick your way toward where she was last
  489. > You spot something moving about, and look down to see Scootaloo pawing through a few boxes behind another table
  490. > Her ass waves in the air behind her, and you immediately notice something
  491. > No underwear
  492. > After the shower she mustn't have put them back on, and now you've got a full view of everything she has to offer
  493. > Despite your best efforts, you let out a muffled gasp and her head flicks around to see you there
  494. > "I haven't found anything, have you?" she says, turning back to the pile of stuff "Wait, is this it?"
  495. > Seems the dark means she can't see where you were looking, thank god.
  496. > She pulls out a long thin box with a few powerpoints in it
  497. "That's the one, there should be a lamp in there too"
  498. > Your pants are getting pretty tight. Again.
  499. > Scoots rustles around and pulls out an old desk lamp, passing it up to you before standing and brushing some dust off
  500. > "This is pretty cool, and it's warm, what do you keep here?" she asks, moving around and out of your sight
  501. > That's gonna start getting annoying soon
  502. > You look around for her, but without light, it's hard to see anything
  503. "Not much, just old stuff, an emergency mattress, some canned food, tools, sometimes my car if it's hailing out"
  504. > There's a yelp and a loud clatter from one side of the shed, and you immediately drop your things and head toward it
  505. "Scoot? What happened?"
  506. > Damnit, where is that girl
  507. > You spot something off in a corner, and as you pick your way across you manage to identify it as Scootaloo, who's managed to trip and fall over some of your stuff, sending bits and pieces everywhere, and soaking herself quite liberally
  508. > You lean down and try to see what she's done
  509. > "Ow... what the hell was that?" she says, sitting up and looking about
  510. > She doesn't look hurt at least, but she managed to fall over a bucket which was catching drips from the roof, sending water all over her
  511. "A bench, and a bucket of water"
  512. > She looks down at herself, then at you, before shaking her hair out a little
  513. > "Could you do me a favour and get me your jacket? Then just... face that way for a bit" she asks, blushing
  514. > That soaked huh? You head over and grab the jacket, doing as she asks.
  515. > Scootaloo strips off her blouse, then after some consideration, her bra too, covering up with the jacket. Her skirt is soaked too, so she takes advantage of the size of the jacket and takes it off, pulling it tight around her
  516. > "Okay, you can look now" she says, putting all the sopping clothes into a pile
  517. > You help her up and bring her over to an old couch you kept from your last place, grateful for the extra insulation in the shed
  518. > "Oh shit... The rain's started again" Scootaloo moans
  519. > In the fuss you hadn't noticed, but it had indeed, and with some vigour
  520. > There's umbrellas in here somewhere, probably, maybe
  521. > You sigh resignedly, and kick back on the couch
  522. "We'll probably have to wait for the next break in the rain then. Shouldn't be too long, I don't think"
  523. > Hopefully that sounded reassuring, but honestly you have no idea when it'll stop again
  524. > Scootaloo pouts, then swings her legs up and lays back across the couch, resting her head in your lap
  525. > "Fine, let's get comfortable then"
  528. > Back in the house, Sweetie finally steps out of the bathroom and heads to the loungeroom
  529. > There's a note by the candle, saying that Scoots and Anon went to grab a power box and to sit tight
  530. > Applebloom's snoring peacefully, so she heads back down the hall and into Anon's room, climbs into his bed, and tries to rest.
  531. > The storm's really picking up now...
  534. > Scootaloo huddles closer to you, after all, heavy insulation can only do so much.
  535. > You have the lamp running from the box, so you can at least see properly now
  536. > Place is a mess, should get around to cleaning it sometime.
  537. > You hop up for a moment, earning a grunt of disapproval from Scoots, then head to the back of the shed, climbing up into the loft
  538. > Ah, still here then
  539. > Back down the ladder and over to Scootaloo, you shake her gently, then point toward the ladder
  540. "There's a loft back there with an emergency mattress and a little heater fan if you want it"
  541. > You're fine down here, but she might want something more comfortable than an ancient couch full of holes
  542. > Scootaloo perks up a little and swings her legs down, getting up and heading toward the loft
  543. > You go to, heading up the ladder first and helping her up
  544. > "Oh cool, it's like your own little hideout here!" she says, moving over to the mattress
  545. "It's not much, but it's better than that old couch"
  546. > She nods, and you plug the heater in. It's only tiny, so the heat gain is small, but in the quickly cooling room, it's better than nothing.
  547. "Not sure how much power I've got, sorry for dragging you out here, didn't really go as planned"
  548. > Scootaloo shrugs, stretching out on the matress
  549. > "I dunno, it's kinda nice here with you"
  550. > She waves you over and you head to sit on the matress next to her
  551. > The light from the lamp starts flickering, and the storm picks up, becoming a roar against the shed roof
  552. > She grabs your hand as the shadows dance from the flickering light
  553. > Guess it makes sense, kinda cold and creepy in here
  554. > You wonder how Sweetie and Applebloom are doing, you hope Sweetie Belle got the note you left her, she should be fine
  555. > As you think that, you remember what happened on the couch, and feel your pants growing tight again
  556. > No boner, not now
  557. > Shaking the thought from your head, you look at the girl laying on the matress beside you
  558. > She hasn't stopped staring at you for the past five minutes or so
  559. "Everything okay Scoot?"
  560. > She blinks, looks up, then nods "Yeah, I guess. Hey, could you turn the light off? The flickering's starting to bother me"
  561. > You do as she asks, it was getting on your nerves too. Maybe you have a spare bulb laying around somewhere.
  562. > Flick off the heater too, it's not doing much, and you want to save the power.
  563. > In the dark, you can't really see much, but you can hear a rustling sound behind you
  564. "Scoots? You al-"
  565. > You don't get to finish the sentence as a sudden gust of wind slams the window open, pelting you with freezing rain
  566. > Scootaloo freaks out and lets out a squeak, jumping back from the window as you head toward it, trying to close it again
  567. > So fucking COLD!
  568. > You begin to regret building your place in the highlands
  569. > Eventually you manage to get the window shut again, using what little moonlight there is to properly secure the latch
  570. > But holy shit are you drenched, you hadn't realised how bad the storm was until now, and you flop back onto the floor, breathing heavily
  571. > Scootaloo scoots over to you "Anon! Are you alright?!" she says, panicking.
  572. > You make a thumbs up and try to catch your breath as Scoots fusses over you
  573. > She makes an attempt to drag you to the mattress, but you're a lot bigger than she is, so you help her out and walk over there
  574. > You strip off your soaking shirt, grabbing one of the woolen blankets around you
  575. "Hey Scootaloo, could you head over there for a moment?"
  576. > You hope she did as you asked as you strip off your jeans, which feel like ice blocks against your legs
  577. > Pulling the blanket up close, you relax, and hang your clothes on the back of a chair.
  580. > Sweetie Belle can't help but feel uncomfortable
  581. > The storm's grown rapidly, and it might even start hailing soon, and Anon and Scootaloo still aren't back.
  582. > She hops off Anon's bed, loathe as she is to leave it, and starts hunting around for some way to go check on them
  583. > Applebloom's still in the loungeroom, so she picks her up and carries her to the bedroom, flopping her onto Anon's bed.
  584. > The dark house, lit only by a couple of candles, is pretty creepy, but she eventually manages to come up with two options:
  585. > One, there's an umbrella in a basket by the door, she could take that over, or two, there's a sheet of tarp in the same bin, which might offer more protection than just an umbrella
  586. > She sits down to decide what to do
  589. > It's dark in the loft of the shed. Cold and dark.
  590. > You're just sitting on the mattress in a blanket, your soaked clothes drying off over a chair
  591. > You plugged the heater in again and have it pointing at you and scootaloo's clothes
  592. > "Anon?" Scootaloo says, and you jump
  593. > She must be less than 10cm from you
  594. "Y-yeah? What's up Scoot?"
  595. > She reaches forward until touching you, figuring out where you are
  596. > "Can I share the blanket? It's really cold now" she asks
  597. > You reach forward and wrap one side of the blanket around her, and she moves in close to huddle against you
  598. > Well, that's what you thought
  599. > She spins around and slides into your lap, sitting down and pulling your arms, blanket and all, around her
  600. > Your heart is pounding, and there's a lump building just under Scootaloo's ass
  601. > Of course, without the layer of clothing to hide it, it doesn't take long for her to notice
  602. > She shifts uncomfortably, wiggling around to try and get comfortable
  603. > Close your eyes, trying not to think of the basically naked girl sitting in your lap
  604. > No dice
  605. > The wiggling stops, and Scootaloo turns to face you, swinging her legs around to straddle you
  606. > You don't even know what to say, if anything at all
  607. > She just takes your hand, and silently presses it against her chest
  608. > With nothing there to stop you, you wind up with a handful of her boob, and starts rocking back and forth
  609. > This is too much
  610. "S-coota-looo"
  611. > You manage to get words in between breaths as she draws a reaction from you
  612. > "Let's have some fun" she says, grapping your head and pulling it into her chest
  613. > There's no stopping now, Anon Jr. is like rock and Scootaloo has you at her mercy, grinding back and forth against you with her hips
  614. > You could pull her off you, tell her to stop messing around, but as the pleasure starts coming in waves you realise you've already made a conscious decision not to
  615. > Your hands run up her back, pulling her against you tighter
  616. > Scootaloo gasps as she feels your rock hard member rub against her slit
  617. > You start grinding back, moans escaping her lips as you do
  618. > No need to hold back, everyone else is in the house, and you're already going to hell for this anyway
  621. > Sweetie finally decides on the tarp. Sure, it doesn't have a handle, but It'll keep more rain off than just a simple umbrella
  622. > She checks on Applebloom, who's still snoring away in Anon's bed, then grabs the tarp and holds it over herself like a sort of cloak
  623. > Last she remembers, the shed was about 10 minutes walk behind the house, so she sets off
  624. > It's cold, but she keeps the rain off with the help of the tarp, and with as strong as the wind is, she's glad she didn't decide to take the umbrella or it would have just been pulled away.
  625. > She can make out the building down the dirt road, getting a view of the closing gap each time the sky lights up
  626. > "I hope they're okay" she mutters under her breath, speeding up and hurrying the last of the distance
  629. > Scootaloo's naked body is pressed right up against you
  630. > You kiss her, hands searching for grip against each other's bodies
  631. > Moans work their way out of her mouth each time your shaft rubs against her now thoroughly wet pussy
  632. > She keeps grinding into you, pushing herself as hard as she can go
  633. > You stare right into her eyes as she squeezes them shut and lets out a squeaking, shuddering moan before falling back onto the mattress
  634. > She looks up at you, a massive grin splitting her face as she lays there panting
  635. > You reach down and run your finger up her slit, and her head falls back down, pleasure on her face
  636. > "A- *pant* Anon, more!" she moans as your finger brushes over her clit
  637. > You manage to elicit more moans, toying with her clit and playing with her nipples, her cries becoming louder and more intense every time
  638. > "Fuck Anon, just fuck me!" she says, shaking from the stimulation "Please!"
  641. > The door creaks, and sweetie hurries inside, rain pouring off the tarp as she drops it to the ground and pulls the door shut behind her
  642. > It's pretty dark, but she can make out bits and pieces of the room
  643. > But in the dark, she can DEFINITELY hear Scootaloo, so at least she knows they're safe
  644. > She heads toward the sound, and freezes when she reaches the base of the ladder and the voices become more clear
  645. > A sly smile parts her lips and Sweetie climbs up the ladder, peeking her head over and smirking
  646. > So this is why they were taking so long? She thinks to herself
  649. > You reach down and grab Scootaloo's legs, pulling her hips up toward your waist
  650. > Your dick glides over her slit, drawing out another moan and a shudder from her
  651. > Just as you're about to do it, and push into her, you spot something over by the ladder
  652. > Something pink and white
  653. > You drop Scootaloo and she just lays there, out of breath and confused
  654. "Sw- SWEETIE BELLE?!"
  655. > That got her attention
  656. > Scootaloo bolts upright, hiding behind the chair and freaking out
  657. > "ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh Sweetie I'm so sorry" Scoots says as sweetie finishes climbing the ladder and starts wandering over
  658. > She coughs "Don't worry Scoots, I kinda expected it"
  659. > Scootaloo calms down somewhat, but still remains behind the chair
  660. > This frustrates the Sweetie
  661. > "Come back over here Scoot" she says, and Scootaloo obeys, if only to stave off more embarrassment
  662. "But... you were at the house!"
  663. > "And I came over. Now, shush" she says, pushing you back down onto the mattress and grabbing scootaloo's hands
  664. > She gives a sly smile to Scootaloo, the leans forward to whisper in her ear
  665. > If it weren't for the fact she was already flushed, Scoots would have blushed even harder
  666. > The wind blows your blinds clattering down, and the room is thrown into darkness
  667. > More whispering
  668. > What have you got yourself into?
  671. > Applebloom stirs back at the house
  672. > There's a pounding in her head that won't stop, and she feels like death
  673. > She pulls herself out of bed, and stumbles down the hall to the toilet, retching violently into the bowl
  674. > So this is why AJ wouldn't let her drink
  675. > Eventually she stops vacating her stomach, and makes her way down to the kitchen
  676. > Need water
  677. > There's a note jammed clumsily under a candle saying that Scoots and Anon went to the shed to find some power, and hastily scrawled under that is "and sweetie"
  678. > She flops down on the couch and groans as the world lurches again
  679. > It was all fun and games until she decided a hot shower would be nice
  680. > Then it was all fainting and puking
  681. > Applebloom empties the glass of water, hoping it will quell the headache
  682. > Hope they get back soon
  685. > This isn't exactly what you had in mind when you started, but hey, whatever works
  686. > Scootaloo positions herself above you, holding your shaft in one hand, looking a little nervous
  687. > She moves down, breathing heavily as she presses your dick against her opening
  688. > Sweetie sits on your chest, leaning forward and putting her arms around scootaloo, she pushes down gently
  689. > She winces as she comes down on your dick, pausing every couple of centimeters to take a breath, until eventually she pushes down and envelops the whole thing
  690. > She's incredibly tight, but it feels insanely good as she holds you inside
  691. > Sweetie belle slides back across your chest, and raises her ass until you can see her
  692. > Scootaloo's started to move, and a gasp escapes your mouth as she lifts her hips up, then drives them back down
  693. > You reach forward and grab Sweetie's smooth cheeks, pulling them toward you and over your head
  694. > Sweetie lets out a moan when your tongue rolls over her pussy, and she reaches down to stabilise herself on your chest
  695. > Each time Scootaloo moves, you hear a breath of pleasure from her, and you have to admit, it's amazing on your end too
  696. > Her pussy is gripping you tightly, so you feel every motion vividly
  697. > You pull Sweetie Belle's hips down again and start eating her out
  698. > She gasps in surprise, letting her tongue loll out as yours caresses her snatch
  699. > Sweetie reaches forward and over to where scootaloo is, and Scoot moans loudly as Sweetie's fingers start rubbing against her clit
  700. > The combined pleasure of your cock thrusting inside her, and Sweetie playing with her is starting to get hard to manage
  701. > You run your tongue over sweetie's clit, her other hand clawing at your chest as you do to avoid falling
  702. > Scootaloo finally lets out an almost sighing squeal and stops pushing on your dick, just sitting there panting
  703. > Moments later, Sweetie's moans start escalating, and she suddenly shudders
  704. > Breathing heavily, she dismounts you, and moves over to Scootaloo, who's still shaking slightly, a wicked grin on her face
  705. > You sit up, and Scootaloo looks you right in the eye as you do before she lays herself down
  706. > "That... was amazing" she pants, her juices now soaking into the mattress
  707. > Sweetie just grins and looks at you, having managed to steady herself
  708. > You grab Scootaloo and pull her toward you, spinning her around and getting a handful of her ass
  709. > "A-anon? Wait, I'm not ready to go aga--NNG" she doesn't get to finish as you plunge yourself inside her pussy again
  710. > Her small chest sways beneath her as you pick up pace, slapping against her backside
  711. > Scootaloo pants loudly, "Fuck yes Anon more! Fuck me harder!"
  712. > Sweetie reaches down and starts rubbing herself, getting off while watching you fuck her best friend
  713. > You speed up again, and you can feel yourself approaching climax
  714. > Something grabs your arm and you see Scootaloo looking around at you
  715. > "Don't you DARE fuckingstop" she says, eyes wild
  716. > You can see Sweetie speeding up too, her breath creating mist in front of her as she fingers herself
  717. > It's too much to hold in, Sweetie's sexy form in pleasure, Scootaloo wrapped tightly around your dick, and the motion and sounds of two young girls getting pleasured
  718. > You burst the dam, burying yourself as far inside her as you can and flooding scootaloo's insides with white hot cum
  719. > A look of absolute ecstasy crosses her face as you do, and Sweetie squeaks out another shuddering moan indicating she's finished too
  720. > You flop down once more, spent
  721. > The girls crawl over and cuddle up against you
  722. > Scootaloo is covered in a light sheen of sweat, which shimmers in the faint light coming through the window
  723. > Hang on
  724. > There's a break in the storm, and the rain sounds like it's slowed
  725. > The clouds are still black in the sky around, but there's a lighter patch over your property
  726. > You're loathe to shake the two up, you're all exhausted
  727. > But, necessity calls, and you need to check on Applebloom
  728. "Hey girls, we should probably get a move on while the rain's slowed"
  729. > "Mmmrmhh" is all you get out of scootaloo, who's clearly exhausted
  730. > Sweetie, though a bit out of breath, nods
  731. > You roll scoots off you, and Sweetie sits up, stretching
  732. > Her boobs bounce pertly as she does, and you take a moment to admire them before going to check on your clothes
  733. > Dry, so are Scootaloo's
  734. > You grab them and bring them over, handing scoot her clothes and your jacket
  735. > She complains briefly, but gets dressed
  736. > You pull on your jeans and shirt, then climb back down the ladder where Sweetie is waiting for the two of you
  737. > "C'mon Anon" she says, smiling sweetly and grabbing your arm between her boobs
  738. > Scootaloo jumps down and joins you, grabbing your other arm, then you grab the tarp and power box and head out
  739. > It's cold, and the rain is still coming, even if only lightly
  740. > The ground is a muddy slush, and you're grateful for your heavy boots
  741. > Sweetie on the other hand...
  742. > "Anoooon it's stickyyyy!" she whines, clinging tightly to you
  743. > You sigh, then crouch down, motioning for her to get on
  744. > Sweetie Belle grins, and climbs on your back
  745. > "Hey, no fair!" calls Scootaloo, who's been sloughing through the mud with you and has it caked all over her shoes
  746. > You grunt and turn to her, putting an arm under one of hers and around her back
  747. > "Wha- Anon? What are you-" she starts to say, but stops as you haul her up, putting your other arm under her legs so you can carry her
  748. > She blushes a deep red and goes silent, clinging on around your neck
  749. > Sweetie and Scoot share a look, as you stand up straight and keep trudging back to the house
  750. > Huh, the light's on, did the power come back?
  751. > You hurry up, eager to be inside with the prospect of your living room heater
  753. > Applebloom rubs her eyes as the lights come on
  754. > She must have been out for a while, the headache's still there, but it's faint
  755. > Maybe some painkillers will help
  756. > She heads over to the kitchen and scrounges around the cupboards for some
  757. > Can't find a damn thing in this place
  758. > She rummages through the fridge, but gives up as the realisation sinks in that 90% of it is beer
  759. > Failing finding anything to eat, she returns to the couch and sits down, waiting for the others to return
  760. > They've been gone for ages, where are they?
  761. > Her mind wanders as she lounges around, specifically, back to the game they'd played earlier
  762. > She blushes deeply, what was she thinking? Oh god what if Anon thinks she's weird, or some kind of pervert!
  763. > Still, she can't help but feel a little turned on thinking about it
  764. > Pressed up against him, wearing so little, their lips pressed together
  765. > She goes an even darker shade of red, pulling a blanket over her head
  766. > Oh god it's too much, Applebloom shakes her head, trying to clear the image
  767. > It kinda works, but she can't get the image of Anon from her mind
  769. > You put the two girls down on your front porch, having made good time back to the house
  770. > Sweetie opens the door, dancing about in the light
  771. > Gotta admit, it feels good to have power back, even if only for a while
  772. > The heater immediately goes on, flooding the room with warmth, and you let out a sigh of relief
  773. > Scootaloo runs past you, making a beeline for the toilet
  774. > Oh, right
  775. > Applebloom runs up and gives Sweetie a hug, then runs up and hugs you, asking "Where've y'all been? Ah been sitting around here for like 20 minutes!"
  776. > Sweetie pokes her and reminds her she was passed out asleep for ages, smirking at her sudden closeness
  777. "Scoot and I went out to the shed when the storm calmed down to grab some emergency power, then it picked up again and Sweetie came out to find us"
  778. > She shrugs, seems to be enough explaination for her, and you feel like you dodged another bullet
  779. "Anyway, it's like, midnight, should probably think about getting some sleep"
  780. > The girls nod in agreement, and follow you down the hall
  781. > You pull open one of the side doors, your spare room isn't luxurious, but it's comfortable, and it has two double beds
  782. "You guys can stay in here, if you need anything I'm down the hall"
  783. > Scootaloo looks a bit crestfallen, but masks it quickly
  784. > You wave goodnight and head down to your room at the end of the hall, closing the door behind you
  786. > Applebloom turns around once Anon's gone
  787. > "Alright girls, what really happened" she asks, looking blankly at the two
  788. > Anon's a terrible liar, and she knows something happened out there
  789. > Scootaloo has zero pokerface ability, and Sweetie just asks "What do you mean AB? We just went to get stuff from the shed"
  790. > "Horseapples! Ah can tell just by lookin at Scoot that that can't be all"
  791. > Sweetie turns a baleful eye toward Scootaloo, who immediately finds something interesting to do by the other bed
  792. > "Dunno what you're talking about Applebloom" Sweetie Belle repeats "Come on, we should get some sleep before we head home tomorrow"
  793. > Applebloom frowns, why wouldn't they tell her? It wasn't like them to hide things from her
  794. > She sighs, "Alright, how are we doin' beds then?"
  795. > "I'M WITH SWEETIE" calls Scootaloo immediately, before blushing and saying "Sorry AB, you tend to hog the covers"
  796. > Applebloom sticks her tongue out before jumping and bouncing onto one of the beds
  797. > At least they're comfy, she thinks
  798. > Scoots and Sweetie climb into the other bed, flicking off the light with a chorus of "Goodnight"s
  800. > You strip off your clothes and slide into bed, relaxing at last
  801. > What happened in the shed... it sits in your mind like a rock
  802. > A sexy, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle shaped rock
  803. > You're alone, so you guess it's fine to think about it
  804. > The way Sweetie looked at the two of you while she masturbated
  805. > Scootaloo writhing about on your dick
  806. > Just the thought is enough to get you hard again
  807. > At this rate you'll never get to sleep, and you roll over in your bed to try and find a comfortable spot
  808. > Image won't budge, no matter how comfortable you get, so you sit up, slide out of bed, and head to the door, pulling a gow from the rack and wrapping yourself in it
  809. > You can hear the girls talking in their room down the hall, so you slip outside, closing the door behind you, and walk down to the kitchen, pouring yourself some water
  810. > Your house is finally starting to get to a reasonable temperature, so you lounge around for a while, listening to the rain
  811. > You sit around in the kitchen for a while, before finally deciding to head back to bed and try and catch some zees
  813. > You head down the hall and through your open bedroom door, throwing the gown on the floor and heading over to your bed
  814. > You're glad to be back in it's warmth as you slide into it
  815. > As you do, you bump up against something soft
  816. > Only then do you notice the lump under the covers of your bed
  817. > You pull the blanket back to reveal Applebloom, who managed to crawl into your bed while you were sitting around in the kitchen
  818. > She looks up, rubbing her eyes
  819. > "Oh, uh, hi Anon" she says once she realises you're back
  820. > Applebloom is in your bed
  821. > Why is Applebloom in your bed
  822. "Applebloom, why are you in my bed?"
  823. > She looks away, a sheepish smile on her face "Sweetie wanted the bed to herself 'cause Scoot snores, but Scoot wouldn't join me 'cause ah hog the sheets, apparently"
  824. > You sigh, a wry smile forming on your face. So she gave up her bed for Sweetie huh?
  825. "Well, alright then, as long as you don't actually hog the covers"
  826. > She blushes, then cuddles up against you "Thanks Anon"
  827. > You roll over to your side, facing her
  828. > She's so damned cute, you watch as she shuts her eyes and tries to fall asleep
  829. > It's quieted down thoughout the house, so you close you own and do the same
  830. > "Anon?"
  831. > You're roused from your attempted slumber by Applebloom, who's shaking you gently
  832. "What's up? Can't sleep?"
  833. > She nods, looking embarrassed
  834. > You give a smile and shrug, rubbing her head
  835. > To be fair, you were having trouble sleeping too.
  836. > She grabs your arm, tugging on it and pulling it around her shoulders
  837. > A happy smile spreads on her face, as you pull her into a close hug
  838. > You're pressed right against eachother in the bed, which leads you to a sudden realisation
  839. > You tend to sleep butt naked
  840. > Tonight being no exception
  841. > You start to get a bit nervous as Applebloom wriggles herself up against you, making herself the little spoon
  842. > "Ah don't mind"
  843. > Huh? It was quiet enough you might have missed it if there was any other noise in the house
  844. > "Said, ah don't mind, Anon" Applebloom repeats, quietly
  845. "W-what do you mean?"
  846. > 10/10 Nailed it, pokerface of the century
  847. > She responds by just pushing her ass back to press against your dick
  848. > "Ah know ya sleep naked, and ahm tellin' ya ah don't mind, really"
  849. > Now there's no mistaking it, and Applebloom rolls over to face you, still pressed just as tightly against your body
  850. > One of her legs curls around yours, leaving no space between you
  851. "How'd you know what I was thinking?"
  852. > A wry smile crosses her face "Ah was nervous about it at first, but then ah realised it wasn't a big deal"
  853. > So she knew because she was thinking the same thing
  854. > You can feel her breath tickling your neck each time she says something
  855. > Positioned like this, it's becoming a struggle of willpower to keep your boner down
  856. > And you're losing
  857. > Applebloom presses her head into your neck, sighing
  858. > "Ah been thinkin' about what happened in the lounge earlier" she says
  859. > Her blush is hidden by the way her head is pressed against you, but you can feel the warmth from her cheeks
  860. > "You don't think ah was being... forward, do you?"
  861. > You can't help but snort at that, thinking about what transpired in the shed
  862. "Don't stress, you weren't being forward, or whatever"
  863. > She looks up, right into your eyes
  864. > "Then... you don't mind?"
  865. > Oh god Anon what are you doing, this is AJ's fucking sister man
  866. > She lifts her head, closing her eyes
  867. > Do you really want to do this? Really?
  869. > ... Yes. On second thought, you really do.
  870. > You take her lips with your own, pulling her into a gentle kiss
  871. > She seems almost surprised for a moment, before responding enthusiastically
  872. > Applebloom wraps her free arm around your neck, pushing harder on your lips
  873. > She breaks off for a moment to breathe, looking at you through half-lidded eyes
  874. > Her bare skin presses against you around her underwear, and the moment you think about it, you lose the control that was keeping your boner at bay
  875. > Applebloom lets out a quiet yelp as she feels it press against her, before muffling herself against your lips again
  876. > You push against her, and she rolls with no resistance, letting you pull yourself on top
  877. > Her legs wrap around your waist, grinding her crotch against yours
  878. > She lets out an audible sigh as your cock rubs against her underwear
  879. > One of your hands reaches up to caress her boobs, sliding up under her bra and flicking her nipples
  880. > AB reaches down, wrapping her small hand around your dick and slowly starts to stroke it
  881. > You reach around and unbuckle her bra, pulling it off her free arm and leaving it hanging off the one remaining
  882. > Her smooth, small chest bounces beneath you as she rubs your dick
  883. > The blanket covering the two of you falls off onto the floor, and you reach down, tugging on her underwear
  884. > It slides down a little, and you reach inside, pressing your fingers against Applebloom's snatch
  885. > She gasps loudly at the contact, her hand shaking to a stop for a moment before she resumes rhythmically tugging your cock
  886. > Applebloom unwinds her legs, taking a moment to pull her underwear off all the way
  887. > Your fingers slide across Applebloom's entrance, her smooth skin becoming damp with juices
  888. > You grasp her legs and pull them up, rising to kneel on the bed with her ass sitting on your legs
  889. > She looks straight at you, now staring with absolute lust
  890. > Grasping your shaft in one hand, you run the head up the length of her snatch, and her head tilts back into the sheets
  891. > A loud, unabated moan flows from her mouth, and you worry for a moment that it might wake the others
  892. > You continue rubbing your dick up and down her entrance, her body twitching in pleasure as you do
  893. > Applebloom is laying in ecstasy now, hands gripping the sheets tightly and a small line of drool running from one side of her grinning mouth
  894. > Her moans continue to grow louder and higher in pitch, forcing their way out of her throat
  896. > "Sweetie Belle move over! I wanna listen too!" whispers Scootaloo, pushing Sweetie to the side
  897. > Sweetie has her ear pressed firmly to the door, her breath coming heavy as she listens in
  898. > "In a minute Scoot, this is really... nnnnnng" she shivers, a hand unconsciously pressing itself against her crotch
  899. > Scootaloo manages to shove past her, pressing her own ear to the door
  900. > A blush immediately floods her face
  901. > "Wow, she's really not holding back is she?" Scoot whispers, her own body starting to heat up
  902. > They were both a little surprised, Applebloom had always been the most reserved of them, and up until today, hadn't even done anything more than kiss a guy
  903. > "Sh-shut up" murmurs Sweetie, now shamelessly rubbing herself "or they'll hear us"
  904. > The way it's going, Scootaloo can barely hold back herself, and a damp spot starts to appear in her pants
  905. > "With the way AB's going, I don't think they'd hear us shouting down the hall" whispers Scoots
  906. > Sweetie glares at her, but Scootaloo continues "Besides, you keep going like that, you'll soon be as loud as she is"
  907. > Last straw
  908. > "I'll show YOU loud!" she snaps under her breath, turning around and forcing Scootaloo up against the wall
  909. > "Hey, what gi-" Scoots gets no further as Sweetie presses herself up against her, pressing their lips together
  910. > Her eyes widen at Sweetie's sudden advance, but after a second or so, she closes them, before finally taking a breath
  911. > "Wow... okay... I can work with this"
  913. > Applebloom pants loudly, a sheen of sweat coating her naked body
  914. > You look in satisfaction at what you've done, her pussy practically drips onto the sheets below
  915. > She looks up at you, pleasure written all over her face
  916. > "Ah've... never done anythin' like that before" she says between breaths
  917. "Really? Then I guess this will be just as thrilling"
  918. > Your dick has assumed direct control, there's no stopping now
  919. > "Anon wha-" she's cut off as you grab her and flip her over, pulling her ass toward you
  920. > Her eyes go wide as you don't even wait, plunging deep inside her vag
  921. > Tears well at the sides of her eyes, and she lets out a brief squeal
  922. > You start to slowly pump against her, your hands grabbing onto her smooth cheeks to pull her back onto your shaft
  923. > Small streaks of red mark your dick as you move, but it's thankfully easy due to how turned on she is
  924. > "A-Anon, it... hurts" she makes out, "But don't stop, gods ah don't want you to stop"
  925. > You grunt an affirmitive, and start speeding up, pounding deep inside her every time
  926. > The small streams of tears that escaped her were mixing with the lines of drool on her face
  927. > Her tongue slides out of her open mouth, unable to control it, she lets out a long, loud moan
  928. > Her pussy is really tight, and you have to push yourself to move inside her as she grips the length of your shaft with her walls
  929. > It feels incredible, you struggle not to cum in the first few minutes
  930. > Applebloom is starting to really get into it, pushing herself back against your hips each time you thrust into her
  931. > "F-fuck Anon, harder pleeeeease" she moans, and puts her head against the pillow to bite into it
  933. > Sweetie presses against Scootaloo's back, keeping her pressed firmly against the wall
  934. > "What if he comes out here?!" Scoots says, struggling to keep her voice even
  935. > Sweetie Belle's right hand rubs against Scootaloo's clit, making small circles inside her pants
  936. > "He's busy with Applebloom, remember? Now shhh" she teases, squeezing one of Scoot's small boobs to elicit a gentle moan
  937. > Scoot's hands scrabble uselessly at the wall, trying to find something to grip on to, but with no handholds to be found, she rests them flat and leans into the wall, trying to muffle her own voice
  938. > "I'll get you for this" she says, and Sweetie giggles, moving faster
  939. > "Sure you will" she replies, sliding a finger inside
  940. > Scoots draws a breath as Sweetie starts moving her fingers inside her pussy
  941. > After what happened with Anon earlier, she's still sensitive, so the feeling is that much more intense
  942. > "Nnnnf, Sweetieee" Scoot breathes, her legs buckling under her and letting her fall to the floor
  943. > She lays there, panting, and staring at her best friend
  944. > "Now who's being loud?" says Sweetie, a smug look on her face as she wanders down toward the bathroom to wash up
  945. > Scootaloo just sits on the floor, stunned at everything that's happened tonight
  947. > You're really going at it now, your hands on Applebloom's waist ramming her back toward you
  948. > Each thrust is accompanied by a loud exhaling sound of joy from Applebloom
  949. > She's altogether given up holding hereslf up with her arms, instead choosing to just lay face down on the bed, her ass raised in your hands
  950. > It's not enough though, so you reach forward, taking her hair into your hand and yanking her head back
  951. > Another yelp comes from her as you do, and she slams her hands down, arms outstretched, trying to keep her balance
  952. > Her head flies back, drool dripping from her tongue as it hangs from her wide open mouth
  953. > You keep a hold of her hair, slamming into her with your hips and listening to the screams of pleasure making their way out of Applebloom
  954. > It's so damn intense, and before long, you can feel yourself building up to a peak
  955. > "Fuck... Applebloom I'm-" You don't even finish, slamming deep into her and spraying your seed deep inside her
  956. > She lets out one last shuddering moan before you let her fall to the bed, keeling over yourself to lay beside her
  957. > "Anon..." Her face is a mess of tears and spit, and she reaches up to wipe it
  958. > "Can you... just hold me?"
  959. > Your heart can't take the adorable, and you wrap her up in your arms, pulling her up against your chest
  960. "Course I can AB"
  962. > She presses her face into your neck, snuggling up comfortably
  963. > "Wait, oh god Anon ah gotta go" she says, rapidly untangling herself, a look of horror on her face, she grabs a sheet around herself and runs to the door, pressing a hand to her crotch
  964. > Oh yeah, right... almost forgot.
  965. > You can see as she moves a thin line of cum dripping down her leg
  966. > She pushes the door open, running out without even looking where she's going
  967. > There's a crash, and you quickly get up, throwing on a robe and looking out into the hall
  968. > Applebloom is scuttling away awkwardly, leaving a dazed Scootaloo in her wake
  969. "Scoots?! What are you doing out here?"
  970. > She looks around frantically, before realising there isn't really any way she's getting out of this
  971. > "Uhh, that is..."
  972. > "We were listening in" comes another voice down the hall, and you look up to see Sweetie sautering down toward you
  973. > Scootaloo pales slightly, her eyes meeting yours, expecting you to get mad
  974. > But it seems so absurd after what has already happened, you just let out a laugh and sit down on the floor next to the girl
  975. "That curious huh? Well, judging from your expressions and Scootaloo's current state, I'm guess you heard everything?"
  976. > They both nod, blushing
  977. > Applebloom steps back into the hall, turns around, then goes scarlet
  978. > "Oh, uh, hi girls, ah was just headin' back to bed, yanno, to sleep, and..."
  979. > Sweetie and Scoot turn to look at her, their faces saying it all
  980. > "Y'heard everything" she sys, looking completely defeated
  981. "Alright girls, it's really, really late now, sleep time"
  982. > This time all three of them pout
  983. "That won't work"
  984. > Puppy eyes engaged
  985. "Seriously, stop it"
  986. > They all bunch together, and you can't bring yourself to look away
  987. > A loud sigh as you shake your head
  988. "Alright, alright! Fine, just try not to take up too much space"
  989. > They all grin shooting past you into your room
  990. > You're too exhausted to care, but the prospect of sleeping with three beautiful young ladies isn't an unpleasant one
  991. > Shutting the door as you enter, you strip off your robe, and climb into bed, the girls snuggling up against you
  992. > Applebloom cuddles closely to your left side, wrapping your arm around her shoulder
  993. > Sweetie pulls your other arm around her and Scootaloo, wrapping her legs around one of yours
  994. > Scootaloo, content to have your arm around the two of them, cuddles up and spoons Sweetie
  995. > After a long, and extremely eventful day, you finally drift off to sleep, to the chorus of three snoozing girls
  997. > The sun peeks through your window, casting a beam across your face
  998. > You try to raise an arm to block it out, but find you can't move either
  999. > Grumbling, you look down at your arms, and find the three girls were still soundly asleep against you
  1000. > You check the clock by your bed
  1001. > 9:20
  1002. > 10 minutes before your alarm
  1003. > You grumble, and start waking the girls one by one, shaking each of them awake in turn
  1004. > They all stretch and yawn, climbing out of your bed as they do so
  1005. > "Mornin' Anon" mumbles Sweetie, before wandering down the hall, followed shortly by Scootaloo, who looks like death himself just fed her a lemon
  1006. > Right, the booze, she hadn't handled it well
  1007. > A few moments later you hear a violent retching sound coming from the direction of your toilet
  1008. > At least Applebloom had thrown it up last night, and you could tell, as she was surprisingly energetic
  1009. > It was awfully
  1010. > "G'mornin' Anon! Didja sleep alright? Hope ah didn't keep ya up, can ah get ya anythin' for breakfast? Do you even have breakfast stuff here?"
  1011. > My god it was like turning on the radio to the horse racing
  1012. > You grunt and sit up, plopping a hand onto her head and messing up her hair
  1013. > "Morning AB, sure, let's see what we can scrounge up for breakfast"
  1014. > As you wander down the hallway, buckling up the belt on your jeans, you begin to feel a little sad
  1015. > You're sending them home today, and even if they'd only been here for a night, you'd grown really attatched to them
  1016. > You shake your head. Can't think like that, gotta focus, this was a one time thing, you just happened to get lucky
  1017. > Your kitchen isn't exactly well stocked, but you manage to scrounge up the ingredients for some pancakes
  1018. > Scootaloo wanders past the kitchen on her way to mope on the couch, and you pull her inside, sliding her some painkillers, a glass of water, and an old pair of sunglasses you have laying around
  1019. > She gives you a hug, then downs the painkillers, stepping out into the lounge to flop onto the couch
  1020. > You fry up the pancakes, and soon the house starts to take on the sweet, delicious smell of cooking food
  1021. > Serving up a large plate for each of the girls, you watch as they hungrily dig in before plating up your own and joining them
  1022. "Alright girls, once you finish that, grab your stuff and throw it in the Ute, and we'll hit the road"
  1023. > There's a chorus of "Okaaaay" from the table, and they quickly finish up and do as you ask
  1024. > Sweetie Belle looks curiously at Scootaloo's new shades, but doesn't ask
  1026. > The ride back is uneventful, and you spend most of it in silence, the girls content to just enjoy the time they have left with you
  1027. > You drive past the old bus stop where you picked up the girls last night, the snow has all but melted in the warm sunlight
  1028. > There's an emergency services truck cutting up the tree that had fallen across the road, and you give them a honk and a wave as you drive past
  1029. > It's about another 20 minutes drive, so you flick on the radio, surfing up the frequencies until you find something not reporting endlessly on last night's storm
  1030. > Finally find some music, and you roll down a window cranking the volume up
  1031. > Sweetie and Applebloom start singing along, and Scootaloo quietly begs for death behind her sunglasses
  1032. > You chuckle, this'll be a valuable lesson for her
  1033. > Eventually, you pull in to Sweet Apple Acres, sidling up to the house and turning off the car
  1034. > The girls all climb out, and just as they do, the front door slams open
  1035. > Applejack sprints from the porch straight to her sister, pulling her into a bear hug
  1036. > Rarity and another girl with the most ridiculous hairdo you've ever seen make their way out of the house after her
  1037. > "Gosh darnit Applebloom ah told ya to be back early! What were ya thinkin' stayin' out late in that storm?!"
  1038. > She hugs her tight, tears welling at her eyes
  1039. > Sweetie hops over to Rarity, who looks in horror at the state of her clothes
  1040. > "Sweetie Belle you look like you've been sloughing around in the mud! When we get home you are getting changed into something... Decent!"
  1041. > Scootaloo wanders over to who you can only assume is her step relative
  1042. > "Hey kid, you stay safe?" the girl asks, ruffling scoots' hair
  1043. > "Yeah, Anon was really cool Rainbow"
  1044. > Rainbow, you're sure you've heard the name before, probably another of AJ's friends
  1045. > She looks you up and down "So uh, I guess we all kinda owe you one for this" she says, kicking her feet "Thanks for looking after the girls"
  1046. > Rainbow wanders over to you sticking out a hand "I'm Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo's step sister"
  1047. > Rarity joins the two of you, introducing herself "And I'm Sweetie's older sister, Rarity"
  1048. "I'm Anonymous, work here at the farm with Applejack"
  1049. > You look at the girls, who are excitedly talking amongst themselves
  1050. > "Ah hope they weren't too much of a handful last night" says Applejack, rubbing the back of her head
  1051. "Not at all, they were great, really."
  1052. > Eyebrows raised around the circle "Really? That's a first" says Rarity, waving the trio over
  1053. > "So girls, how was it? Anon wasn't weird or anything was he?" Rainbow says jokingly and you start sweating a little
  1054. > Please don't say anything please don't say anything holy shit don't say a word
  1055. > "Not at all, it was loads of fun, we watched TV, had dinner, then when the power went out, we played some games while Anon went to get the backup power from the shed, then we went to bed in the spare room"
  1056. > Sweetie leaves out the incriminating parts of the story, and you feel respect well inside you
  1057. > Scootaloo chimes in "Yeah, Anon was really cool, and we all had a bunch of fun"
  1058. > The other adults present look wholly surprised, apparently praise like this from the girls is rare, and they look at you like some kind of child-care master
  1059. > Applebloom joins at the end with "So we decided next time we hold a sleepover..."
  1060. > Wait, what?
  1061. > The three of them join together
  1062. > "We wanna go back to Anon's place!"
  1065. -FIN-
  1068. Super special pastebin epilogue:
  1070. > You get home at last
  1071. > It was a long day at work, and you can think of nothing you want to do more than just sit down and dick around on your computer
  1072. > You sit down at your desk, sighing
  1073. > You had an amazing evening last night, you can barely believe it really happened
  1074. > Kick the power button, and the screen comes to life
  1075. > You're about to pull up Mozilla Chrome Explorer and bring up 4chan, when you notice something out of place on your desktop
  1076. > There's a folder right in the middle, named "To Anon"
  1077. > Huh?
  1078. > You open it up, and your eyes widen
  1079. > There are three photos inside, of each of the three girls laying naked across your bed, each signed with their initials and a heart
  1080. > You let out a long breath, and close the folder, a smile spreading across your face
  1081. > Definitely not a dream
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