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- Bianca Groped
- Young Nate bravely walked into Professor Juniper’s lab, ready to choose his first pokemon that would be his partner on his adventure. However, he was not met by the cute professor when he walked into the lab. Instead he came face to face with Juniper’s assistant, a teenage girl named Bianca.
- “Hi! You must be Nate! Welcome!” The teenage girl said.
- Nate remained expressionless. Bianca shuddered a little at his apparent lack of enthusiasm. Slightly rattled, she continued.
- “Well, I’m Bianca, the professor’s assistant. So, I have three pokemon available for you to choose from. You ready?” Bianca said.
- Nate hesitated for a moment, but it was not from lack of decisiveness. No, he already knew that he wanted an Oshawott before he even came in. No, his mind was already wandering. Bianca did not realize it, but Nate’s gaze was transfixed on her round, supple breasts just above where she was holding the pokeballs.
- “…Sure.” Nate said.
- Bianca smiled now that Nate had finally reacted to her words at all. She picked up a pokeball.
- “This pokeball contains Snivy. It’s a grass type pokemon and…”
- Bianca went off on her little spiel she had mentally prepared about what each of the three pokemon to choose from were and what they were good at. She moved her hands about and let Nate get a good view of the pokeballs. Nate’s mind remained an a different set of round things, though, a set far jigglier.
- It occurred to Nate, as he watched Bianca enthusiastically move her arms around, that the teenage lab assistant was not wearing a bra that day. The boy stifled a smile seeing her jiggle and wiggle every time she moved. To anyone it would have been hypnotic, but to a dirty boy like Nate, it was far too much. His boner slowly hardened as he watched Bianca jiggle. Nate was glad he was wearing two pairs of pants, both a pair of sweatpants and a pair of cargo shorts worn over it. He looked kinda stupid, but the outfit was ideal for hiding boners.
- “…And finally, Oshawott becomes skilled with bladed weapons when it gets strong enough. Pretty cool, huh? So, what’ll it be?” Bianca said, smiling.
- She had finished her long explanation of the three pokemon. She looked at Nate expectantly. Nate just kept staring. Bianca grew impatient.
- “Come on, kid. Make a choice.” Bianca said, breaking the saccharine tone she had been speaking in.
- Nate smiled and reached his arm upward. He slowly reached past the pokeballs, and grabbed at Bianca’s right breast. Bianca was totally shocked. A look of pure mortification crossed her face.
- “I choose you!” Nate said.
- Nate squeezed and groped at Bianca breast, feeling every inch of it with his small boyish fingers. Bianca gasped. A small tear escaped one of her eyes. She stuttered and stammered, trying to think of something to say.
- “Ah… Um… Wha… What are you doing?” Bianca said.
- Nate laughed.
- “Ah, I was just playing around. I’ll take Oshawott.” He said, grabbing Oshawott’s pokeball.
- Nate moved his hand to Bianca’s wrist.
- “Now come on. Let’s go have some fun.” Nate said.
- He pulled Bianca outside.
- “Wh… Whoah! Where are we going? I have to get back to work, you know!” Bianca said.
- “I’m buying you lunch. Come on.” Nate said.
- Nate pulled Bianca to a nearby hotdog stand. There was a long line.
- “What do you want?” Nate asked.
- His hands slowly went toward her chest. Bianca’s stomach growled.
- Her mind raced.
- “…Oh, he’s going to grope me again, and this time out here… But I’m pretty hungry. I haven’t eaten all day and these hotdogs smell so good. Oh, why does it have to be this way! Does it make me a whore to let him grope me for a hotdog? Is that what I am, a hotdog whore? No! I mustn’t think that way! I…”
- Bianca stood lost in thought like this for almost a minute. Nate smiled devilishly and slipped his left hand down her shirt. He giggled a little when he felt bare breast instead of a bra.
- “Oh, this is even better than I thought.” He whispered under his breath.
- With a single squeeze, Nate snapped Bianca out of her trance-like state.
- “Ooh!” She squeaked.
- “Heh heh, wow you’re soft.” Nate said.
- Nate’s busy hand explored every inch on Bianca’s breast. He played with the soft squishy part just as much as he tweaked and caressed her sensitive nipple. Bianca moaned with displeasure. A man in front of them in line glanced back at them.
- “Lovebirds always making a damn scene…” He said to himself.
- His wife glanced back too.
- “Aw, I think they’re kinda cute.” She said.
- Eventually, Nate and Bianca reached the front of the line. Nate deftly removed his hand from Bianca’s shirt and reached for his wallet.
- “Hi. What’ll ya have?” The hotdog man asked.
- “Yeah, I want one with tomatoes, paprika, and extra onion. What do you want?” Nate asked, looking to Bianca.
- “I… um… just ketchup.” Bianca said.
- Bianca still felt as though everyone was watching her, though. She felt like everyone around her had seen her getting groped like that, and yet they had done nothing. A dark feeling came over her. She felt very alone.
- The hotdog man handed Nate and Bianca their hotdogs. Nate dragged Bianca down to a picnic table where they sat down to eat. Bianca was slow to eat. Again, she was lost in thought.
- “Oh my goodness, so many people saw me like that! This is worse than that time I got groped on the Battle Subway last year! Oh, but this hotdog is so good… But I feel dirty eating it now.”
- Nate finished his hotdog a little earlier than Bianca did. As he looked at the girl staring off into space, an idea formed in his mind. Nate slowly climbed on top of the table.
- “What… What are you doing?” Bianca nervously said.
- Nate did not answer her. He grabbed her by the head and pulled her closer. Then, he started kissing her.
- “Oh my goodness! I didn’t ask for this! Why’s he kissing me! Ah!” Bianca panicked. She squirmed a little, but that only seemed to make Nate kiss harder. His tongue invaded Bianca’s mouth and began sloshing around next to hers. Bianca had never been tongue-kissed before, so this was an entirely new sensation for her.
- “Ah! His tongue! It tastes like onions! It’s like he’s raping my mouth! I’m getting kiss-raped! Oh no, this is my first tongue-kiss, isn’t it? Why does it have to be like this? Why does my first tongue kiss have to be a kiss-rape with this little creep? Ooh, I still taste the onion in there, this is so gross!”
- Somehow, Bianca managed to snap out of her thoughts. She pulled her mouth away from Nate’s tongue. A thin line of onion flavored saliva fell to the ground between them. As she pulled away, gasping for air, some older ladies around them clapped their hands.
- “Aw, that was so sweet. Reminds me of my first date.” One of the ladies said.
- Bianca was shocked and horrified. She had just been kiss-raped and these people had cheered it on! A disgusted look crossed her face. She glanced around and saw smiling face looking back at her, as if she had just accomplished something. Panicking, she dropped what remained of her hotdog and rushed back to Juniper’s lab, her breasts bouncing the whole way. Bianca really wished she had worn a bra now.
- Panting, she held her chest when she got back to the lab. She felt like she was ready to cry. She felt so violated… and betrayed. All those people had seen her getting kiss-raped and they outright encouraged it!
- Just then, Professor Juniper came in with a stack of papers.
- “Hey, Bianca. Where were you? That other kid, Hugh came by but no one was here to give him his pokemon. What happened?” She asked.
- “P… Professor Juniper, I just got kiss-raped.” Bianca said.
- Juniper raised one of her eyebrows.
- “Kiss-raped? Bianca, that’s not even a thing.” She said.
- “Yeah it is! That Nate kid groped me and stuck his tongue in my mouth! It was awful and oniony and I hated it!” Bianca said.
- Juniper grew annoyed.
- “So, let me get this straight, you were supposed to be helping Hugh get started, and instead you were outside making out with a boy?” Juniper said.
- “No, I didn’t like it! It’s not like that!” Bianca said.
- Juniper growled. She didn’t believe her.
- “You’re on thin ice, Bianca. One more slip up and you can forget about being a researcher in my lab! Now get back to work.” The professor said.
- She stormed out, leaving Bianca alone by the doorway.
- “Oh… I don’t want to live in this town anymore.”
- The End
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