
Green and Why I Started a Garbage Dump

Jun 20th, 2013
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  1. Lemee tell you a little something 'bout why I started a garbage dump:
  3. In the early days, we didn't have anything close to plumbing. I mean, now you can just squat your ass over a porcelain home in the floor and squeeze one out, and when you pull a little metal lever it's just fucking gone, like magic. Needles to say, we didn't have anything remotely close to that. Horses back where we're from just shit where they're standing, piss too. But I'll tell you, one of the saddest fucking things I've ever seen is an intelligent, self-aware, cultured, pastel colored equine shit himself in the middle of the goddamn street, then keep walkin' like there weren't nothing wrong with what he just did. Yeah, it was that bad early on.
  5. Now, I can't exactly blame them; We were all too busy building a town and all that jazz, but it it wasn't that hard just to walk over the forest and shit there, maybe piss on a tree while they're at it. Regardless, shit started piling up, and it just kept getting worse. Once we got some houses, huts, and other living arrangements, ponies started to shit in buckets. Eventually it seemed like everyone had their own dedicated shit-bucket in their house. While that's all fine and dandy in my eyes, it's what they did with the shit buckets that set me fuckin' off. They'd take their fucking shit-bucket and pour that fucker out the fucking window. Out the fucking window. Can you believe that? Jesus fuckin' Christ, it's like they took a page out of the middle fuckin' ages.
  7. Okay, I'll admit it wasn't everyp0ny who did this type of shit, but to hell if I have to smell shit every day. Four Cannon was, without exaggeration, a literal shithole. Fine, maybe a little exaggeration, but the point still stands. The sides of the streets were piled with shit and trash. Keep in mind that he trash we churned out back then wasn't like today. No one could afford to throw out anything they made just because it was β€œbroken” like you do today. It things like apple carcases and fish bones (Dont give me that fuckin' look, of course we ate fish. Hell, I used to eat rabbits every time I could catch one!). Fuck it, you get the point; It smelled real fuckin' bad.
  9. Now that I've got that clear, me, Mr. Green Sleeves, enters stage fuckin' left. I was real fuckin' tired of wiping shit off of my hooves all the time. I figured I'd do something about it. I didn't exactly have a job or anything I needed to worry about, so one day I just started scooping up the shit. We'd been there for a little while, half a year or so when I started shit-scooping, and while others who were unicorns were just working out the whole β€œmagic” thing, I couldn't even lift a pebble. So I scooped up shit and other assorted wastes with by mouth and hoof (Not IN my fucking mouth, idiot, I had a fucking shovel). I borrowed the shovel and cart I used from someone, don't remember who but considering the cart and shovel are gone now I owe that pony money.
  11. Fuck, what can I say now? I shoveled shit and dumped it away from the houses. I wasn't getting paid for this, but the other ponies were generous enough when they realized what I was doing, so I didn't exactly go hungry. When the next planting season came around, I made a pretty penny selling all of that shit, trust me it was a fuckin' boatload, to the farmers as fertilizer. Then, well, now I run a garbage dump, but that's a story for another day. Ummmm, yeah. That's why I started a garbage dump; The town smelled like shit. Go home and ask your grandparents, they'll tell you.
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