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Jul 29th, 2015
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  1. Majora’s Mask
  2. Pros: Incredibly atmospheric and memorable. Time system makes NPCs feel completely alive as compared to their Ocarina of Time counterparts. Clock town hub world is full of things to do at different times, fun side quests. One of the biggest things about this game is my willingness to do almost anything. You know how every game has that one part or that one area or whatever that you can’t wait to get over? I can’t really think of any of that in MM. Main quest is fun, each of the 4 areas has its own distinct feel to it. Characters are much quirkier than MM (having multiple lines of dialogue, making weird noises when you talk to them, having more character traits). Masks are all awesome, even the pointless ones. Killer soundtrack. There’s very few times you have to “wait for time to pass” to accomplish anything as you can jump ahead using the Ocarina, scarecrows, grandmas, etc. This is probably the hardest game to talk about why I like it, despite it being my favorite. I just like the way this game makes me feel, can’t say much more unfortunately.
  4. Cons: I could see someone playing this for the first time and being discouraged and overwhelmed at keeping track of schedules or trying to figure out when certain events without some sort of guidance. Certain side quests kind of have that “how was I supposed to figure this out” vibe about them. One that comes to mind is the dancing spirit that appears on a giant mushroom rock outside the city after 12AM for only an hour or so. There may or may not be some NPC dialogue that points you to him, I’m not too sure. Although there is the bomber’s notebook that sort of remedies this and automatically keeps notes of people’s schedules for you. I just don’t use it because I know the game so well but I’m trying to be as unbiased as possible.
  5. I guess it’s fair to say that a lot of the items are straight out of Ocarina, since this game borrows a lot from OoT, coming out only 2 years later. Bow, Hookshot, Lens of Truth, mirror shield, etc. But I think all the different masks (especially the transformational masks) more than make up for it.
  7. The Skultulla Houses are kind of lame, I always save them for last. I had more fun finding them around the whole world in OoT.
  8. Resetting time is kind of depressing seeing as everything goes back to how it was before you were able to help. But I think that’s more of a theme of the game than anything. I think you’re supposed to feel helpless or alone (being the only one who knows that you’re constantly starting you’re 3 days over in order to protect everyone who don’t even know your name or what you’re doing, I think that’s pretty cool and drives the feel of the game home.
  10. 10/10
  12. The Ocarina of Time
  13. Pros: Super fun. Past/present thing is cool, even if Link to the Past did it first with Dark/Light world. I’m used to it now, having played the game 3423435129 times, but waking up and seeing the world in shambles, dead, depressing is a really cool plot device in my opinion. You really feel it as a player I think. The world is more depressing, and flat out dangerous as an adult and makes Link’s absence for the past seven years really felt. There are ghosts all over the over world, the Hyrule castle town has been taken over by zombies/burnt to the ground, Kokiri forest is overrun by monsters, a lot of people you met as a child are missing leaving you alone in the world.
  14. Music’s great very memorable. Even people who don’t play Zelda know many of the songs.
  15. Plenty to do as far as side quests. And most importantly, they’re accessible, Link is fast and by endgame can warp to all corners of the world, making everything quick and easy to get to so it makes you not mind traveling to do whatever task you want.
  17. Cons: Characters can feel a little shallow especially in comparison to MM. Most NPCs only have one line of dialogue to say to Link (two if you count their reaction to you wearing a mask). I think the strongest character besides L/Z/G is Saria. The game needed more characters like Saria, seems like OoT started strong in characterization, then every other character was just kind of there to point Link in the right direction. Everyone makes fun of the scene where she gives you the Fairy Ocarina when she realizes you’re leaving the forest for the first time, and although a little cheesy, it really sets up good character motifs: Saria giving Link a parting gift, Link not being mature enough/ready to say goodbye and just leaves instead of saying anything not knowing if he’ll ever come back, etc. Needed more this. Or maybe it’s not that deep and I’m overanalyzing it whatever, god.
  18. Too many useless items. Deku nuts, Farore's Wind, Ice Arrows, any Mask, Bombchus. Who ever uses any of these?
  20. 10/10
  22. The Wind Waker
  23. Pros: Cel Shaded style is cool. I don’t like it more than N64 art style, but I still like it. Great soundtrack, Molgera boss theme in particular is highly underrated. I personally LOVE the story, I think it’s one of the strongest stories of the 3D Zeldas. I enjoy the opening bit of a post OoT world with no Link that was left to Ganon coming back (somehow?) and taking over again, leaving the gods no choice but to flood Hyrule under an ocean.
  24. Ocean exploration is awesome. Makes the world feel huge. Ocean has lots of stuff to do and little islands to explore, some more than others. The Great Ocean is what Skyward Sword wanted to be but couldn’t. Tetra and entire pirate crew are strong and interesting characters, very Jesse and James feeling to me for some reason…
  26. Cons: A little hard to get motivated to do anything other than main quest. Side quests are….okay. Nintendo Gallery is a bit too monotonous for me to ever complete it, along with completing the world map (even in the Wii U version with a speedier boat). Getting anywhere feels a bit slower than other games. You only have a certain number of points on the map you can warp to.
  27. Dungeons are okay. Not bad, not great. Half of them are escort missions which is kind of annoying, but not terrible. There’s a lot more dungeon puzzles that involve song playing, much more so than other games, which can really disrupt the flow of the game I think (especially since you play a song, then Link repeats the song), and I know it’s a nitpick, but since the Wind Waker uses a metronome system, you can’t mash the song super quick like you can on your Ocarina.
  29. 8.5/10
  31. Twilight Princess
  32. Pros: I really like combat in this game. I enjoy all the moves the Skull Knight teaches you. I like the originality with the items, a little different than the norm, a giant ball and chain, twisty top thing, manipulation rod, etc. Supporting characters like Zant and Midna are cool. Swordfights on horseback are neat.
  33. The motion controls in the Wii version aren’t bad. And by not bad I mean the game doesn’t force you to use them. Even being forced to wiggle the Wii mote slightly to swing your sword never really got on my nerves. I mean it’s super dumb as an idea, but I’m just saying since motion controls HAD to be included, they weren’t that bad, especially after playing SS. Plus there’s a Gamecube version so who cares.
  35. Cons: Little slow out of the gate. Even players who know what they’re doing will spend an hour and a half at least doing tutorials, herding sheep, and wrestling pigs before the game really picks up.
  36. Wolf form isn’t bad, but I’m just perplexed as to why it was there. Was it that they thought TP would be too similar to OoT if there wasn’t some weird quirk? Wolf is faster on foot which is nice if you don’t have Epona, but it can’t fight worth a damn, which sucks cause you’re forced to fight as a wolf from time to time.
  37. Tone is a lot drearier and dark I guess especially compared to WW, but it doesn’t do it as well as Majora in my opinion, not quite as subtle. I still like the style enough though.
  39. 7.5/10
  41. Skyward Sword
  42. Pros: Story and gameplay concept cool in theory. Neat idea to be living in the sky above a hostile and unknown land that eventually becomes Hyrule. Skyloft is a big and somewhat interesting starting hub world. Zelda + Link actually have character/personality which is nice. Groose is awesome.
  44. Cons: Neat concept, lack luster execution. Instead of a “Wind Waker great ocean” style exploration through the sky, we get a small barren area outside Skyloft that’s only purpose is to fly into the next portal to go to whatever different area on the surface. Not much to do in this area, save for a few heart pieces to collect.
  45. Don’t remember any music. Must not have been very memorable.
  46. Heavily pushes motion controls. Many enemies and puzzles are solved by using your sword at a certain angle or direction. Frustrating at times when the controls don’t respond how their meant to, which is a lot.
  47. Follows Twilight Princess’ lazy “collect X numbers of whatevers to get to the next dungeon” instead of slowly building up to make the dungeon seem more important and relevant through more interesting ways. It would’ve been stronger if the game had you undergo some kind of subplot before-hand that sets you up by letting you experience an issue first hand and understanding for yourself what you’re doing, and more importantly WHY you’re doing it. I personally think this is the biggest most glaring issue with Skyward Sword. Compare any dungeon in Skyward Sword to the set up for the Water Temple in Ocarina of Time: In OoT, you revisit the Zora’s Domain for the first time in seven years after Ganondorf came into power, after you’ve been unable to help due to being in stasis for 7 years. You immediately see a problem: Zora’s domain is completely frozen and all the Zora’s are missing or, more likely, frozen under the ice. Simple.
  49. This is perfect story telling. Not the story itself, just the execution of it all. You don’t need anyone to tell you there’s a conflict. If the Water Temple was in Skyward Sword, the set up before entering the temple would probably be more like this:
  50. 1) Go to Zora’s Domain. 2) Notice everything’s frozen. 3) Fi tells you that everything is frozen and instructs you to douse for clues. 4) Point Wii mote at screen. 5) Follow obvious sparkly prompt to get you to the next objective/douse spot/bug spirts/etc. 6) Kill/Collect all 15 hidden things. 7) Free some sort of spirit from captivity. 8) Spirit re-explains obvious issues at hand gives you key object to enter temple. 9) Enter temple.
  51. There’ an obvious difference here. All of the above is complete filler! Nobody feels like doing any of this content that is obviously meant to elongate a game artificially (maybe to make up for tiny over worlds with nothing to do in them?) and robs the game of any real substance, at least at an atmosphere level.
  53. 6/10
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