

Oct 29th, 2015
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  1. (( accidentally deleted the description. it's the one about finding a letter from a dead relative ))
  3. [16:50] Jessica Morley: as they arrived in the Reliquary, Jess would look to James.- "That envelope I gave you, I suggest lookin' at it. Someone slipped it under the door to the hotel room I'm staying at on and off. It's from my mother. She died in the war, an' I know that sounds crazy, but I'd never forget her handwritin'. The part that gets me is the paper it's written on is modern printer paper, no lines er anytin. So either me mum's alive er sometin real fishy's goin on." -she was mildly distressed over it, James could likely tell by her accent suddenly showing up.-
  5. [16:54] James O'Malley (rannulfus) opened the book and removed the envelop now that they were alone. He let his eyes scan the page before he said "This is obviously not particular." James of course though Jessicas mom might be a wraith as well, after all, they were forbidden to reveal themselves to the living AND the dead "Its strange she came to you." He said , rubbing his chin
  7. [17:04] Jessica Morley: "The thought occurred to me that she might be some sort of undead as I am, or perhaps even a vampire. Though if she was a wraith, the handwriting wouldn't be the same. the muscles in the hand of her new host would be different leading to vast differences in the pattern of the letters. If the latter was true and she was a vampire, then the writing would remain the same. so if it IS me mum then I'd put my money on that." -the content of the letter was fairly normal as far as a letter from your dead mother goes. Asking how she was doing, if she liked CV, has she found a job yet, is she getting enough to eat. Things of that nature.-
  9. [17:06] James O'Malley (rannulfus) suggested something "Or a ghost. La dia de los muertos is coming up soon. The viel weakens. Make sure you give yourself our holiday off." James looked to Jessica and said "Thing is, what do we do now?" James was willing to help his kin with this.
  11. [17:07] Paul Taregeist trudged in from one of the back areas and looked around. Seeing no one downstairs but heard voices he headed up to the landing to take a seat. He clomped up the stairs making a hell of a racket. "I'm HOME BITCHES!! Whats up?" he looks between them.
  13. [17:08] Jessica Morley: "I'll be fucked if I know. I've never dealt with this sort of thing before. I imagine we could try and find someone able to scry, see if they can tell us anytin' about it. other than that, there's no return address so I guess writin' 'er back isn't an option. otherwise I'd just ask where she's stayin' at and go over fer a visit." -she'd looked to Paul and waved.- "Ye know, same old stuff, got a letter from me dead mum."
  15. [17:17] James O'Malley (rannulfus) nodded and said "Dead people stirring the shit. Same old news around this place." he said, laughing. He looked to Jessica and said "Our fae friend, Eglantine, can scry." he said, writing down her number to help Jessica search. He smiled to Paul as he appeared "Good evening Paul, Bastet"
  18. [17:19] Paul Taregeist nodded at Jessica. "You got a dead letter drop, fancy. Did you try asking the person who delivered it where it came from?" he looked to James. "Okay, so i found a way to double production of our little money making venture, but you may not like it..."
  20. [17:21] Bastet Ghanem Nods each of them and smiles, not quite sure yet what they're talking about as she's preoccupied with something she's been reading. She puts it out of her mind and pays more attention.
  22. [17:25] Jessica Morley: "It was shoved under the door of the hotel room I've rented out while I wans't there. I dinnae know tho delivered the thing. If I did you can bet for sure I would have bounce their head against teh doorframe until they told me who the fuck gave them the letter."
  24. [17:26] James O'Malley (rannulfus) looked to Paul and tilted his head "Oh? The psychedelics? Good. You need some income." James said. he looked to him and said "Or was it something else?" he asked. He nodded to Jess and said Aye. A good pointed debriefing"
  26. [17:29] Paul Taregeist watched James a moment. "Yes...the psychadelics. I can get probably twenty four doses a week, but it means milking a few of the holorage wraiths every day as well while still leaving them enough juice to perform thier tasks every day. You want me to proceed?"
  28. [17:30] Jessica Morley: "Aye, I don't know much about interrogation, but I've always found that the best way ta put the fear o' God into someone is good old fashioned violence...that or going to Mass on sunday. I'll hand it to the catholis, they know how to use guilt like none other." -she quirked a brow as she listened to the conversation about the psychadelics.- "What sort of drugs are you two cooking up ?"
  30. [17:32] Bastet Ghanem from what she can make out, Jessica's had a letter and Paul is on about his drug production again. She takes a pad from one of her pockets and listens to the conversation while she writes a short letter about something she's promised Artisan she'd take care of.
  32. [17:39] Jessica Morley: she looks down at teh letter from her dead mother and then over at the number that James had given her for the fae that could scry and just shrugged.- "Eh. fuck this, me mum was a twat anyways." -she tucked the number in to her pocket becasue it could still be useful for later on then rips up the letter before tossing it in the fireplace.- "Good riddance ye cunt."
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