

Oct 29th, 2013
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  1. [00:52] <@Tim> Elder Hanma catches Lestari's sleeve on the way out the door, "Lestari, child, you seemed upset. What is troubling you?"
  2. 03[00:52] * Blaxploitation is now known as Lestari
  3. 06[00:53] * Lestari sighs. "It's...nothing, really. Don't worry about me." she says, slowly pulling her mask off, which she had put on earlier to show her disapproval.
  4. 03[00:54] * SpaceThor is now known as Idir_Haida
  5. 06[00:54] * Idir_Haida politely excuses himself for a few moments while they talk.
  6. [00:56] <@Tim> "It is my responsibility to worry about everyone in this town. Get to my age, and you will do the same. Walk with me" The old elf leans on her cane, hobbling out through the door into the clear, sunny air on the concourse, "You wanted to go out and strike a blow yourself, that is plain to see."
  7. 06[00:56] * Idir_Haida sees them leave, then slips back in to speak to Kokoltum.
  8. 06[00:56] * Lestari frowns a bit, and nods. "Well, yes. I think that would work, but...I guess i'm the only one."
  9. [00:59] <@Tim> The Mer is heading back out, but pauses upon seeing Idir, turning to nod at him.
  10. 01[01:00] <Idir_Haida> "I had a few more questions. Specific details that I didn't want to bog down the meeting with, if you don't mind."
  11. 01[01:01] <Idir_Haida> (Mer)"[Also, your marchtongue is very good, but do let me know if you prefer to converse like this.]"
  12. 06[01:01] * Idir_Haida slips a few books out of his satchel, closer inspection would reveal them to be books on military matters.
  13. [01:01] <@Tim> "Have you ever been to Redmoor, child? At the best of times, the road is narrow, and the hills are steep until you reach the treacherous fens. Even then, you would have to fight through the heart of her strength to reach your adversary...but it is still possible to strike a blow, if you think it is safe." Hanma heads towards Wayland's smithy. The smith is sitting on a stool outside his...
  14. [01:01] <@Tim> ...front door, smoking a pipe and watching the clouds.
  15. [01:03] <@Tim> (Mer) "Ah! [Excellent. I am quite fluent in Marchtongue and Long-Ear, but one's native tongue is always the best for nuances. Please, ask whatever you need.]" Kokoltum responds in a rolling burble, a wide smile on his face as he inclines his head in respect towards Idir.
  16. [01:04] <Lestari> "Well...What do you mean, Elder Hanma?" She asks, curious, as she follows along closely.
  17. 01[01:05] <Idir_Haida> (Mer)"[Of course. Now then, onto the specifics of the undead. If one were to, say, have them in a marching formation, how much autonomy would a given undead have to deal with unexpected situations. Would they be fully committed to the march, or do they have self-defense instincts?]" His own burble is somewhat flat, the sort you get from learning a language from books rather than from speakers.
  18. [01:06] <@Tim> "I mean that we can still hurt them, even if this abominable child of Sseilani's is out of our reach. We have two things that they do not. Well, more than that, but these come to mind first. We have horses, which means we can raid them and hopefully escape. We also have, and this is more important, intelligence. We can adapt and plan on the fly, these creatures of hers cannot." Hanma...
  19. [01:06] <@Tim> ...continues.
  20. [01:10] <@Tim> (Mer) "[When given simple orders, they carry them out. Otherwise, they are about as clever as dogs, or less so. If ordered to march, they would march. If attacked, the one assaulted would strike back instinctually, but others standing next to it would ignore it. I think. We never really...tested things like that. After all, the husks were originally raised to farm.]" Kokoltum politely...
  21. [01:10] <@Tim> ...doesn't mention Idir's rather sandy pronounciations
  22. 06[01:13] * Idir_Haida smiles. (Mer)"[Then I think we have our opening. If she has to follow her army on the march, and her undead won't react to their immediate surroundings, then we might be able to get our swordself into melee with their leader before she can assume full control. I actually read about something like this in a book somewhere...]"
  23. [01:13] <@Tim> (Mer) "[If she hasn't told them to recognize anyone else's orders.]"
  24. 01[01:14] <Idir_Haida> (Mer)"[Hmm, she can delegate commands? That's interesting. I think we can still work around that though. Thank you for your insight.]"
  25. [01:17] <@Tim> (Mer) "[We discovered that early on. However, orders from their creator supersede any others. Councilor Murrock had charge of most of the ones in Redmoor town itself, but he knows nothing of Shadow-Binding and Ssaerana had raised the vast majority while I studied the Tome itself. By the way, your fair Sorceress seemed to expect some trouble from me, when I woke up.]"
  26. [01:18] <Lestari> "Well...I'm not an expert when it comes to horses and cavalry, but...that's all true, yes. Do you have a plan, yourself, Elder Hanma?"
  27. 01[01:19] <Idir_Haida> (Mer)"[Ah, well, chalk that up to your appearance and the circumstances we found you in, I'm afraid. You might be wary too if you find a man with fully black eyes taking a nap in a stream with a magical artifact from the Greenspear wars.]"
  28. [01:19] <@Tim> Wayland's smithy is actually on the ground level. The flower above it really is like a hut in function, a sort of one-room shelter where Wayland can sit and smoke his pipe, filled with items he no longer has any particular use for, yet no desire to throw out. The smithy proper is reached by descending a ladder to the structure below, stoutly built from adobe and with a high chimney. ...
  29. [01:19] <@Tim> ...Wayland himself stands up and knocks the dottle out of his pipe as you approach. He nods once. He has a long forehead and heavy brows, his dark hair hanging lank past his shoulders in a loose out-of-the-way tail, "Morning, Councilors." Hanma shakes her head, " you know how old I am?"
  30. [01:20] <@Tim> (Mer) "[...How did you know it was a magical artifact, when it was found? Did one of you put it to their ear?]" Kokoltum's expression is both inquisitive and a little more serious.
  31. [01:21] <@Tim> Elder Hanma, of course, usually doesn't talk about her age.
  32. [01:21] <Lestari> "...No?" Lestari says, scratching the back of her neck a bit and chuckling slightly.
  33. [01:25] <@Tim> "Over twelve hundred years old, child. 1,24...3, I think." She smiles, running her hand over the outside of the flower, which glows faintly at her touch, "You see? Even there I had to strain to remember it. I have watched elves who were children when I was already a town matron grow old and die. The land has kept me alive, as I have kept this town alive, because there was no one else to...
  34. [01:25] <@Tim> it. Now there is. Spring replaces winter, and new shoots always blossom."
  35. [01:27] <@Tim> "My first impulse was the same as yours, except that I nearly recommended sending Gwyndithrel and Gwynfarlen. At one time, they would have gone to take the witch's head whether we willed it or not. My plans are rooted in knowledge of a world that no longer exists, Lestari. If anyone is to save this town, it is you young Councilors whose roots are fresh and whose leaves are green."
  36. 06[01:28] * Lestari sighs. "I've...barely got any roots, if I keep ripping them out...Still, I understand what you mean. But it seems to me like the plan the others have put together will work well enough."
  37. [01:32] <@Tim> "Ripping them out? You know I haven't asked. As mysterious as you have a good, earnest heart, child. I was right to nominate you for the Council, and I will not pry, but I will listen if you ever feel the need." She sighs, her stick tapping, "Wayland, take a look at her armor. It looks like it's taken a spear-thrust at some point recently."
  38. 06[01:33] * Idir_Haida shakes his head. (Mer)["The sylph recognized the conch from the stories, or some such. They kept talking about "The Lay of Eduran", though I confess my historical knowledge is somewhat lacking outside of the desert.]"
  39. 06[01:34] * Lestari quiets down, a bit annoyed at herself for saying something like that. She looks up at Wayland and smiles a bit. "Hello. It was...a light scratch, really, I didn't take much of a hit. The mail took most of the blow."
  40. [01:36] <@Tim> (Mer) "[The especially pretty one? Well...Waterlogged is not remembered with kindness by the Long-Ears of the North. The last time the binding of shadows was released there, the necropolis-city Tun-Adel was desecrated, its hallowed corpses raised to seek the lives of their descendants.]"
  41. [01:36] <@Tim> (Mer) "[Her accent is strange to me, where is she from?]" He quickly asks.
  42. 03[01:38] * Joins: Read (
  43. [01:39] <@Tim> "My daughter ran away, centuries upon centuries ago. I was already old, no fit parent for such a fiery heart. She had her grandfather's courage, you see. While I agree with the others that we have strong defenses here, I understand your desire for action, and I believe you will see it." Hanma leads the way into the hut, while Wayland looks the armor over like a mother would a sick baby,...
  44. [01:39] <@Tim> ...tsking at the scratch, "Point went through. Ring isn't popped." He grunts. Wayland doesn't talk much.
  45. [01:41] <Lestari> "Well, that's good, I suppose. I knew it wasn't a big problem, since i'm still here."
  46. 01[01:42] <Idir_Haida> "Avalon, I believe. Though I'll ask you to keep that under your hat for now. We believe a certain knight is searching for her, and we'd rather keep them apart."
  47. [01:46] <@Tim> "Want more, or still keeping light?" Wayland inspects the damage, nodding with satisfaction when he notes it's mostly the under-padding which was torn. He was the one who made the maille vest, after all. Hanma clears her throat, "Perhaps a shield? Something to guard your legs, at least. I've seen elves bleed out from a thigh-wound faster than you would believe."
  48. [01:47] <Lestari> "I...don't really know how to fight with heavy armor. I mostly hunted without armor in the past, and that was how I learned to fight. I think too much would offbalance me. But a shield could be useful, even if I don't use it much..."
  49. [01:47] <@Tim> (Mer) "[That would explain it, then. Do you think it makes a difference that I am not of Waterlogged's tribe? Wherever he really was from, it wasn't the Red Bog People." He indicates his silt-colored golden-brown skin and the patterning of red dots all over it.
  50. [01:49] <@Tim> Hanma smiles crookedly, a witchlike cackle erupting from her throat, "I might finally get some use out of all those old shields, or perhaps Wayland can make you a new one. What style would you like?" Wayland says nothing, but gives Hanma a slightly aggrieved look, and sulkily pulls out a measuring cord, checking Lestari's height and the length of her arm both.
  51. 01[01:51] <Idir_Haida> (Mer)"[I don't think she blames you for it, I think she was just concerned to see anyone with that particular conch. Sort of like the backwards sandworm-tooth sword my great-great-great uncle used against my House's enemies. Anyone carrying that sword would look at you funny if you carried it into areas he pacified.]"
  52. [01:53] <@Tim> (Mer) "[...Backwards? How does one have a backwards sword? This must be some madness that comes from only fighting on dry land.]"
  53. [01:54] <Lestari> "I...I'm not sure. You don't really use shields often against game animals." she says, shrugging. "Something that would match my fighting style, if...that helps. I don't want it to be too bulky or heavy."
  54. 01[01:55] <Idir_Haida> (Mer)"[Well, the tooth itself was backwards. When he saw it after slaying the sandworm it belonged to, he allegedly had a reinforcing rune slapped on on the spot. The blade itself just curved the wrong way for a normal sword, but was still sharp on both sides.]"
  55. [01:58] <@Tim> Wayland considers, then nods suddenly, "Hide covering, for arrows. Nine layers oxhide. Shape...round. Easier."
  56. [02:00] <@Tim> "Ironwood rim, strong woven cane body. Light, easy, strong."
  57. 06[02:02] * Lestari nods. "That sounds alright to me. I'd probably be able to use something like that well enough."
  58. [02:02] <@Tim> (Mer) "[Yes, I see. I did not think the Tome was mentioned in the Lay of Eduran, however. I think he made that after it was done, after Eduran died. So, she is from Avalon, does she live in this town all the time?]"
  59. 01[02:05] <Idir_Haida> (Mer)"[She does now, being a councillor and all.]"
  60. [02:09] <@Tim> Wayland smiles, "Been wondering why I felt like working on shields." Hanma hrmphs, "I suppose it's for the best, those old shields would be rather troublesome to get down off the wall. We won't see Wayland for the next few days, though, unless..." She catches the much-taller elf by the ear as he starts down the ladder, "Spears. Get anyone you can find who knows how to shoe a horse, and...
  61. [02:09] <@Tim> ...start making spears. Arrows too, but we should have enough. You have a store laid in, correct?" The smith nods in reply to her, while Hanma considers, "...And put a sling on it, as well. Lestari might want to sling it over her back when she's not using it."
  62. [02:10] <@Tim> (Mer) "[Strange that one is seeking her, then...but I will keep an eye out for this...knight. She was my rescuer, after all, and recovered the Tome. If it had fallen back into Ssaerana's hands..." The Mer's all-black eyes narrow ominously.
  63. 06[02:12] * Lestari nods. "Yeah. Thanks for the idea, Elder Hanma." she says, smiling a bit.
  64. [02:16] <@Tim> "You are a good girl, Lestari, and the town is proud of you. Try not to get hit with any arrows." Her wrinkled face folds into a smile, and she pats Lestari on the arm, "Not every plant has deep roots. Some reach out wide, instead, and survive just the same."
  65. 01[02:19] <Idir_Haida> (Mer)"[That would have been very bad, yes. Odds are that he was just sent to ask her to return home, but we're just not taking chances. I wouldn't read too much into it.]"
  66. 06[02:21] * Lestari blushes ever so slightly, and nods. "W-Well, thanks. I'll do my best not to die, not that i'm worried about it. If a dead person can kill me, maybe I deserve it." she says, laying on the boastfulness to lighten the mood a bit.
  67. [02:21] <@Tim> (Mer) "[So you don't want him to disappear, then?]" Kokoltum's tone is light and humorous.
  68. 01[02:22] <Idir_Haida> (Mer)"[She'd probably be rather upset at you over that, to be quite honest.]" He's returning the tone.
  69. [02:23] <@Tim> (Mer) "[We can't be having that now, can we? I suppose I'll have to refrain.]" The mer laughs, the sound having a note a bit like frogsong. Not the unpleasant grokking of a larger frog, but the sort of piping small frogs make in creeks on a summer night.
  70. 06[02:24] * Idir_Haida also laughs, though it reverts to his more husky, dry native laughter.
  71. [02:29] <@Tim> "I would think deserving has nothing to do with living or dying, else I understand very little of the world. Why don't we go roust some louts out of the inn, and have them ride out to the outlying farms? Evacuations never go as quickly as one likes."
  72. 06[02:31] * Lestari nods. "Sure, I won't mind helping out. I don't have much else to do today."
  73. [02:34] <@Tim> (Mer) "[This may be a bad time for it, but where could I find a pint of ale? Surviving Grulad does a lot for one's thirst, and my girls are feeling a bit dry."
  74. [02:34] <@Tim> ]
  75. [02:34] <@Tim> *gills
  76. 01[02:35] <Idir_Haida> (Mer)"[I actually know just the place, and wouldn't mind getting one myself. Follow me.]" He opens up one of his books and exits the hut, heading towards the inn.
  77. [02:40] <@Tim> (Mer) "What are you reading?" Kokoltum asks politely, rather than annoyingly peering over one's shoulder in the manner the worst sort of people always seem to do when one is reading. It's terrible when they do that. Kokoltum doesn't wish to inflict it on anyone else. The inn is still doing a brisk business with spring travelers, although Twitch is sitting outside, fletching arrows with...
  78. [02:40] <@Tim> ...grey goose feathers while his wife runs the inn. Technicallly, she always runs it, it's her inn, but normally she leaves the counter to her husband. Twitch peers rather suspiciously at Kokoltum.
  79. [02:56] <@Tim> Hanma leads Lestari to the inn as well, letting her take the lead and watching what she does.
  80. 01[02:57] <Idir_Haida> (Mer)"[Oh, just a few books on military tactics that I had never gotten around to reading. I figured I might start brushing up on them now that we have the whole invasion thing to deal with, and the others are a tad focused to pick it up themselves.]"
  81. 06[02:58] * Lestari pulls on her mask before stepping into the tavern, her starkly contrasted white-and-black skull mask's design subtly funneling her voice to make it slightly louder. "...As Councillor, I am looking for volunteers for a task that must be completed in a timely manner! I'd...really appreciate any help!"
  82. [03:02] <@Tim> "...Is it buying you a drink?" One of the merchants passing through asks. His guards snicker.
  83. 06[03:04] * Lestari scowls under her mask. She steps over a bit closer to the merchant in question, and says "Don't insult me. I wouldn't be here in an official manner if it was for something that trivial.", before turning and looking to see who else is in the tavern.
  84. [03:04] <@Tim> (Mer) "[Ah, it is a fine thing, reading. Our people do not do much writing, all of our history is passed down through songs, many of the oldest and most important recorded in shells like the Tome. Oh, look, it's the skull-masked female. Perhaps she enjoys military tactics as well.]"
  85. 01[03:05] <Idir_Haida> (Mer)"[Ah, no, not likely if her discussion today was any indication. Wonder what she's doing here though.]"
  86. [03:06] <@Tim> A number of miners, likely bringing a delivery of materials for a commission to Wayland, and several of the town's hunters. It's the wrong time of day for them to be out hunting, and Twitch is well-known for his hunting skills himself. He keeps a fine pack of dogs and is a deft shot. Some of the natives are eying the merchant in an unfriendly manner...Lestari is THEIR town's swordself,...
  87. [03:06] <@Tim> ...after all."
  88. [03:06] <@Tim> *all.
  89. 06[03:08] * Lestari turns to face the more receptive locals. "I need a few people, if they'd like, to head out to some of the outlying farms and ask the people there to head back to Bluebell for a while."
  90. 01[03:09] <Idir_Haida> (Mer)"[Excuse me a moment. I have to save a man from disemboweling and perhaps find an opportunity as well.]" He steps forward, clapping his arm around the merchant's shoulders. "Ah, yes, welcome to our fine town. Unfortunately, it seems that you've made a grave error in etiquette, allow me to enlighten you..." He hurries the man outside.
  91. [03:09] <@Tim> "Why? Something going on? We heard rumors about it true? Are satyrs going to be attacking us?"
  92. [03:10] <@Tim> One of the miners, likely a foreman, speaks first. He's nearly as pale as Nienna, but greyish instead of pale, rough-cast and with one missing eye covered by a cloth that wraps around his forehead.
  93. 06[03:10] * Lestari clears her throat. " and the other Councillors spoke with some Satyrs who had moved into some of the abandoned farms, but...they were happy to accept some peaceful terms. I don't mean to worry anyone with all this, it's more a precaution than anything."
  94. [03:11] <@Tim> The merchant is hurried, sputtering and still holding onto his ale. His guards shrug and continue listening to the elf describing dangers on the road.
  95. [03:12] <@Tim> One of the hunters, a tall, lean woman with bow-scars visible on her hands, frowns, "So, what's the problem, then?"
  96. [03:13] <@Tim> "Satyrs settling down is rare...but people won't want to leave their farms, not this close to planting time, not if they're not raiding. What's the danger?"
  97. 01[03:15] <Idir_Haida> 6 Once outside, he speaks, still a fairly genial tone. 1"Good thing I got to you in time, that woman is Lestari, a councilor of this fine town and also the mightiest swordself. Just a friendly warning to be careful about some kinds of jests with her."
  98. 06[03:16] * Lestari is quiet for a moment. She almost wishes she was a bit better at edging around things peacefully like some of the other Councillors. Then, she finally says something, throwing a theatric, jagged tone onto her voice. "...There is an Army of the Dead coming towards Bluebell, if all the signs are correct. I want to ensure that all the farmers and miners on the outskirts are safely
  99. 06[03:16] * Lestari defended here, before I lead an assault to break their march." she explains, placing a hand on the hilt of her blade for emphasis.
  100. [03:16] <@Tim> "That pretty little thing is the Bluebell Sharkmaiden?" The merchant blanches, his fleshy face going pale and short, pointed ears going back.
  101. [03:17] <@Tim> "I...have heard of the warrior-maid of Bluebell town, I thought it was an exaggeration."
  102. 01[03:17] <Idir_Haida> "The one and only! You got lucky though, I feel she is in a fine mood today. So a merchant, are we? What are you selling? Travelling anywhere in particular?"
  103. [03:19] <@Tim> Meanwhile, the inn erupts into shouting as everyone starts talking at once, consternation at the talk of an undead army rising like bubbles atop boiling water. Everyone wants to be heard, but mostly what they want to be heard are questions about numbers, and how long, and whether Lestari is REALLY sure, and what she means by 'the dead'. The usual sort of useless questions, while the...
  104. [03:19] <@Tim> ...huntress and a few of the others finish their drinks.
  105. 06[03:21] * Lestari quickly stops onto a stool, using it to place another foot on a nearby table, trying to get as much height as she can before drawing her blade as loudly as possible. "Do not fear! This 'army' is nothing but a disorganized rabble of shambling plaguedead, raised by a young, inexperienced sorceror. They will break like water against Bluebell's defenses, and I don't plan on letting
  106. 06[03:21] * Lestari even get that close!"
  107. [03:21] <@Tim> "I sell glassworks and crystal, and only the finest. For now, I am working out of hub, but my cousin's son is an excellent glassblower, and I had considered helping him to set up in business in Bluebell or Farls. Less competition, he would have more time to focus on doing what he loves." The merchant explains to Idir.
  108. 01[03:22] <Idir_Haida> "Ah, yes, working glass is a fine art, and one often in demand! Do you happen to have samples of his wares nearby? I'd love to see them."
  109. [03:24] <@Tim> The villagers cheer, relieved, while the mine foreman chooses a few of the younger miners, pushing them forward, "These three will take mules wherever I tell them to take, and pass the word wherever you say, Councilor." The huntress, too, has gathered a handful of the local woodsmen, trappers, and hunters, "All of these have a horse in the town stables, and can ride when you wish, Councilor...
  110. [03:24] <@Tim> ...Lestari."
  111. [03:27] <Lestari> "Good. You miners should go warn...the other miners. The people with horses, i'd really appreciate it if you could head out and start telling farmers and anyone else living outside of Bluebell to head to town."
  112. [03:28] <@Tim> The merchant hurries back into the inn, retrieves a box, and pops it open to show Haida the contents. One piece is of a sylph, the details surprisingly intricate yet simple, showing the free-flowing, almost weightless spirit of the fae as she bends down to cup a multi-colored lotus blossom in her hand. The flower is shot through with radiant color and seems almost to glow with its own...
  113. [03:28] <@Tim> ...inner light. The other piece is a dragon, its form blocky yet somehow elegant, suggestive of both speed and power. One can almost feel the heat from the curling flames emanating from between its milk-white fangs, and radiating from its scarlet scales, tinged as if with a volcanic inner glow.
  114. [03:28] <@Tim> "Yes ma'am! Should, uh, should we tell the satyrs, too?" One of the hunters hesitates on his way to the door.
  115. 01[03:29] <Idir_Haida> "Fine work indeed. If he's looking for a place to sell, I am certain we could do business. Ah, forgive me, I do not believe I introduced myself. I'm the Merchant Prince Idir Haida, and Councilor of this town."
  116. [03:32] <@Tim> "Pelledros, Guilded Merchant of Hub. My cousin's son's name is Pellegrin. I will be certain to write to him in the swiftest manner, then. I noticed many of these fine storefronts are, regrettably, unoccupied. An empty store is an unconscionably sad thing, like a toy with no child or an empty foodbowl beside a dusty doghouse."
  117. [03:33] <Lestari> "The...Satyr situation is a bit new to test it this early. I've already got a messenger for them already planned."
  118. 01[03:33] <Idir_Haida> "I feel the same way. If you should require anything, please seek me out and I'm sure we can come to an arrangement."
  119. [03:34] <@Tim> "So long as him setting up here has your blessing, I am certain that is all I require. I can only hope to make amends with your fellow Councilor for my unintended levity."
  120. 01[03:35] <Idir_Haida> "Of course. There will be a time for that soon, once she's done with her orders. I'd prefer to not interrupt her."
  121. [03:36] <@Tim> "Yes ma'am. We'll take the news to all the homesteads, and report anything unusual we see." The hunter awkwardly salutes Lestari, he's a little young, and probably thinks it's the proper thing to do.
  122. 06[03:37] * Lestari finally sheathes her blade and pulls up her mask. "Alright! Thank you for your help, everyone!" she announces, before smiling and getting down off the table.
  123. 06[03:41] * Idir_Haida listens for a few moments. "Okay! I think we're good to go." He steps back inside the inn.
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