
Angel@mynameissirmiste soul argument

Mar 3rd, 2015
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  1. [3/2 11:10] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: It is a pleasure to see you again, Ghost Spock.
  2. [3/2 11:16] [Zone] DeeBee Ortiz@deebeeortiz: Everyone's brought their sehlats here today.
  3. [3/2 11:16] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: spock was allergic to cats you horrible jerks
  4. [3/2 11:21] [Zone] Will@Roodofuther: *face_palm* fake spocks....
  5. [3/2 11:21] [Zone] DeeBee Ortiz@deebeeortiz: I've always wanted to get a dog and name it I'Chaya.
  6. [3/2 11:22] [Zone] DeeBee Ortiz@deebeeortiz: Maybe a husky, or a karelian bear dog. Something fierce but friendly.
  7. [3/2 11:23] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: id like an andorian as a pet
  8. [3/2 11:24] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: wears a black rhinestone necklace
  9. [3/2 11:24] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: naked, on alll fours
  10. [3/2 11:24] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: yeah, andorian pet
  11. [3/2 11:27] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: Hello Space Muhammad, it is a pleasure to see you again.
  12. [3/2 11:27] [Zone] Space Muhammad@LordCo: Zombie Spock, my good friend. Hello!
  13. [3/2 11:28] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: I had signed a deal with Space Satan. I have returned from the dead, but there were a few complications. My real body has deformed.
  14. [3/2 11:28] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: My soul is right next to me.
  15. [3/2 11:29] [Zone] Space Muhammad@LordCo: Are you sure that Vulcans have a soul?
  16. [3/2 11:29] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: It is highly improbable, but it would explain why there is a Ghost Spock next to me.
  17. [3/2 11:30] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: I do understand that the borg do not have souls. It is rather logical.
  18. [3/2 11:31] [Zone] Space Muhammad@LordCo: I'm not sure. I think like cats, that Vulcan's are without a soul. Perhaps we should call on Space Satan?
  19. [3/2 11:31] [Zone] DeeBee Ortiz@deebeeortiz: I would think that the Borg do have souls - or rather, the people they were before becoming Borg had souls.
  20. [3/2 11:31] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: The logical conclusion to this debate would to speak with Space Satan.
  21. [3/2 11:32] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: Borg do not have souls, just like "cat people"
  22. [3/2 11:33] [Zone] DeeBee Ortiz@deebeeortiz: Why wouldn't caitians have souls?
  23. [3/2 11:33] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: They don't exist.
  24. [3/2 11:33] [Zone] DeeBee Ortiz@deebeeortiz: Pfft...
  25. [3/2 11:34] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: Space Muhammad, I believe I don't have a soul because I would need to be self-aware and have emotion.
  26. [3/2 11:34] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: I am missing one, therefore I have no soul.
  27. && [3/2 11:35] [Zone] Angel@mynameissirmiste: lol no idea of what a soul is why discuss it then lol
  28. [3/2 11:35] [Zone] Space Muhammad@LordCo: I think you are correct, but Space Satan is on his way to resolve the debate
  29. [3/2 11:35] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: Question: Do your cats have complex emotions, such as worry?
  30. [3/2 11:36] [Zone] Naomi Willows@proteusblack: one may even ask, is a soul required to be self-aware? (Mr Data)
  31. [3/2 11:36] [Zone] Thomas@tmaitland1214: if they have you for a owner, they might
  32. [3/2 11:37] [Zone] DeeBee Ortiz@deebeeortiz: Unfortunately, I don't speak cat, so I can't say. But it always seems like cats have emotions we can't even fathom.
  33. [3/2 11:37] [Zone] Space Muhammad@LordCo: I do not believe that Mr. Data has a sould either, Naomi Williams
  34. [3/2 11:37] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: Worry is a complex form of fear, as one would have to think of "What if", including being afraid.
  35. && [3/2 11:37] [Zone] Angel@mynameissirmiste: they dont know what they r talking about lol let them think a soul is about emotiuons
  36. [3/2 11:37] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: Cats and dogs do not think of "What ifs"
  37. [3/2 11:38] [Zone] Naomi Willows@proteusblack: well, no, Data was an Android. However, Data was self-aware.
  38. [3/2 11:38] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: Therefore a sentient bipedal cat would not exist with a soul, regardless of the limitations of having a tail and walking upright.
  39. && [3/2 11:38] [Zone] Angel@mynameissirmiste: he dont
  40. [3/2 11:38] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: Purebreeds are dumb as hell.
  41. [3/2 11:39] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: Tell me another time inbreeding has provided justice for a "certain breed of dog"
  42. [3/2 11:39] [Zone] DeeBee Ortiz@deebeeortiz: ???
  43. [3/2 11:39] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: There is no "smart" breed of dog
  44. && [3/2 11:39] [Zone] Angel@mynameissirmiste: but there is a dumb breed of humans and your 1 of them lol
  45. [3/2 11:39] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: Back to the fact of the matter, cats aren't smart. They shouldn't exist in this universe.
  46. && [3/2 11:39] [Zone] Chris@Sealy: Except for GSDs.
  47. && [3/2 11:40] [Zone] Chris@Sealy: Only smart breed of dog.
  48. [3/2 11:40] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: A natural breed of dog is nothing but a domesticated animal. If the animal is left without human interaction, is the dog considered smart?
  49. [3/2 11:41] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: Humans are considered smart as they have developed self-awareness without connection to another being.
  50. [3/2 11:41] [Zone] Naomi Willows@proteusblack: what im saying is that having a soul might not even have any connection to things such as self-awareness as we seem to have.
  51. && [3/2 11:41] [Zone] Chris@Sealy: Zombie Spock, it's clear you have little experience to comment on such matters.
  52. [3/2 11:41] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: Having a soul requires compassion, self-awareness and complex emotions.
  53. [3/2 11:42] [Zone] Naomi Willows@proteusblack: thereby showing that a statement that an animal has no sould because the animal is not like a human is invalid.
  54. && [3/2 11:42] [Zone] Angel@mynameissirmiste: he has no clue what so ever
  55. [3/2 11:42] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: Once again, diverting from the actual conversation to make snarky remarks on one's intelligence just proves how insignificant you truly are.
  56. [3/2 11:42] [Zone] Naomi Willows@proteusblack: *soul
  57. [3/2 11:42] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: I would respect that you respond with, "I don't know."
  58. [3/2 11:43] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: Instead of pretending to know something, then falling back onto your own safety zone of providing hateful remarks.
  59. [3/2 11:43] [Zone] Naomi Willows@proteusblack: my own belief (in real world) about the soul is typically inverted from most people's view anyway
  60. [3/2 11:43] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: You definitely proved you have a soul, but do lack compassion.
  61. [3/2 11:44] [Zone] Space Satan@lioneltrane: Souls?
  62. && [3/2 11:44] [Zone] Angel@mynameissirmiste: well if your so smart why do you keep on saying the wrong things over and over again?
  63. && [3/2 11:44] [Zone] Angel@mynameissirmiste: like a broken reccord
  64. [3/2 11:44] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: If I'm so smart, why do I provide sentences with proper grammar?
  65. [3/2 11:44] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: Because I am smart.
  66. && [3/2 11:44] [Zone] Angel@mynameissirmiste: haha in your dreams
  67. && [3/2 11:45] [Zone] Angel@mynameissirmiste: smoke another pipe and preach some more
  68. [3/2 11:45] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: Please, this chat is for grown-ups.
  69. && [3/2 11:45] [Zone] Angel@mynameissirmiste: so leave
  70. [3/2 11:45] [Zone] DeeBee Ortiz@deebeeortiz: Okay, guys, let's stop the sniping. Show a little respect.
  71. [3/2 11:45] [Zone] DeeBee Ortiz@deebeeortiz: Ah, welcome back, Skarn.
  72. [3/2 11:45] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: It is understandable that you believe I am on some form of intoxicating substance. I am talking about complex algorithms, sorry for not making sense to you.
  73. && [3/2 11:45] [Zone] Angel@mynameissirmiste: respect is earned and this mofo just dis earned my respect
  74. [3/2 11:46] [Zone] Naomi Willows@proteusblack: we can debate ideas, but lets not debate people.
  75. [3/2 11:46] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: I apologize for your lack of intelligence. Please consult with your maker and they may provide you with a refund.
  76. && [3/2 11:46] [Zone] Angel@mynameissirmiste: clearly your being dumb and ignorant
  77. [3/2 11:47] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: I am simply conversing with you in a way you wouldn't find hypocritical.
  78. [3/2 11:47] [Zone] DeeBee Ortiz@deebeeortiz: Naomi, what's you're view of souls (if you are willing to talk about it)? You said it was a little inverted...
  79. && [3/2 11:47] [Zone] Angel@mynameissirmiste: your just full of bull but lol
  80. [3/2 11:48] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: It is good to know you think so. I believe your point of view is based on depersonalization issues.
  81. && [3/2 11:48] [Zone] Angel@mynameissirmiste: your wrong
  82. && [3/2 11:48] [Zone] Angel@mynameissirmiste: its based on what i just heard you say
  83. [3/2 11:48] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: Every sentence you write that involves "your" is incorrectly written.
  84. && [3/2 11:48] [Zone] Angel@mynameissirmiste: like i care
  85. [3/2 11:49] [Zone] Naomi Willows@proteusblack: i don't believe that we are a physical world of things and individuals where individuals who each embody a "soul".
  86. [3/2 11:49] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: Trying to have an intellectual conversation without the respect your typing deserves makes the conversation one-sided, thus making me the superior intellectual.
  87. [3/2 11:49] [Zone] Naomi Willows@proteusblack: I believe the universe is one soul that embodies the dream of each one of us
  88. && [3/2 11:49] [Zone] Chris@Sealy: There's always got to be some a$$hole who's determined to spoil events, or try to be annoying in general. Zombie's our wart today.
  89. [3/2 11:49] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: Vulcans do not dream, it isn't logical.
  90. [3/2 11:50] [Zone] Naomi Willows@proteusblack: In hinduism, it may be called "Maya", god pretending to be each one of us, for example.
  91. [3/2 11:50] [Zone] DeeBee Ortiz@deebeeortiz: Fascinating.
  92. [3/2 11:50] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: Chris, I do believe that trying to side with Angel here will not provide you with the sexual satisfaction you so much desire.
  93. [3/2 11:51] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: Trying to play as a helpful individual to save the hapless individual against the untrustworthy type will not succeed with you.
  94. && [3/2 11:51] [Zone] Angel@mynameissirmiste: hes not even worth it lmao
  95. [3/2 11:51] [Zone] Space Satan@lioneltrane: And yet you still try, Angel
  96. [3/2 11:51] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: Space Satan has seen all of the martyrs.
  97. [3/2 11:51] [Zone] Space Satan@lioneltrane: It's true
  98. [3/2 11:51] [Zone] Naomi Willows@proteusblack: I believe that reality is much like playing a game like this, where there is a player, but is playing each one of us.
  99. [3/2 11:52] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: Clearly, trying to play the victim in all of this, when you are the star who provoked this intellectual conversation.
  100. [3/2 11:52] [Zone] DeeBee Ortiz@deebeeortiz: Interesting. So we are all just interfaces being controlled by some other being?
  101. [3/2 11:52] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: Keep up.
  102. && [3/2 11:52] [Zone] Angel@mynameissirmiste: if it was interlecual you prob should not RP a dead dude
  103. [3/2 11:53] [Zone] Naomi Willows@proteusblack: the only way It can really pull it off, though, is to forget itself through the experiences we have.
  104. [3/2 11:53] [Zone] DeeBee Ortiz@deebeeortiz: Do you think we could ever become aware of the being who is living through us?
  105. [3/2 11:53] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: Spock has been dead for a while now, since the mid-80s. If you believe I am simply role playing Leonard Nimoy, you really are as despicable as you claim I am.
  106. [3/2 11:54] [Zone] Naomi Willows@proteusblack: well, we are aware of our own selves, so in essence perhaps we are already being aware. however our awareness is confined to "this" part of "it"
  107. [3/2 11:54] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: Just to clarify, I am RPing a dead man who was resurrected during a zombie apocalypse where his body had laid to rest. You know, Wrath of Khan?
  108. && [3/2 11:55] [Zone] Angel@mynameissirmiste: i just dont like idiots who think there right but dont even know the facts
  109. [3/2 11:55] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: I understand your stubborness. Being incorrect is a normal thing, you should learn to adapt. The Borg have.
  110. && [3/2 11:55] [Zone] Angel@mynameissirmiste: im not incorrect you are lol
  111. [3/2 11:55] [Zone] Space Satan@lioneltrane: You must embrace who you are, Angel
  112. [3/2 11:55] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: Stubborn.
  113. [3/2 11:56] [Zone] Naomi Willows@proteusblack: i feel we are a symptom of the universe, just as an apple is a symptom of an apple tree.
  114. && [3/2 11:56] [Zone] Angel@mynameissirmiste: still no facts .... just jibberisch
  115. [3/2 11:56] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: I am told I should resist our conversation, but this is far too entertaining. If I could role play emotion on my vulcan, I would probably be laughing until I'm asphyxiated.
  116. && [3/2 11:57] [Zone] Angel@mynameissirmiste: im lmao at your expence so please keep on blabing
  117. [3/2 11:57] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: I understand that English is a difficult language for you, should I smash my hand on my keyboard to help you understand my point of view?
  118. [3/2 11:57] [Zone] DeeBee Ortiz@deebeeortiz: Zombie and Angel, you're not going to agree. We're not here to snipe at each other, so lay off.
  119. [3/2 11:58] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: I agree Ortiz, let's settle this.
  120. [3/2 11:58] [Zone] Naomi Willows@proteusblack: the first step to wisdom is knowing that you do not know, and opening admitting it.
  121. [3/2 11:58] [Zone] Naomi Willows@proteusblack: *openly
  122. [3/2 11:58] [Zone] Naomi Willows@proteusblack: yes Smeggy. :)
  123. [3/2 11:58] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: I simply know what I'm talking about, although there are many things I do not know.
  124. [3/2 11:59] [Zone] Naomi Willows@proteusblack: people used to "know" the earth was flat. ;)
  125. && [3/3 12:00] [Zone] Angel@mynameissirmiste: your just full of it m8 your dumb as the back of a retarted pig but hey your making me laugh alot so please keep on being a semi smart ass good bye idiot spock (all love gost spock he rules)
  126. [3/3 12:00] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: Shocking.
  127. [3/3 12:01] [Zone] Zombie Spock@vvet: I guess we know how that conversation ended.
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