

Jun 17th, 2016
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  1. To Catch A Phrase,
  3. To catch a phrase, to seize the day
  4. To live a day to its fullest, to live without regretting the last,
  5. To move on without being consumed with the past,
  6. To seize every moment and cherish it with your entire being,
  8. But it isn’t quite as simple to catch a phrase, to seize words,
  9. It’s always so conflicted to accomplish such a seemingly simple task, but why?
  10. Is it simply because as an entity of great intelligence we struggle with describing such sensational things?
  11. To record that of which has been said and still retain the same meaning for all who view it?
  13. To simply record the sensational phrase that has been uttered is fruitless,
  14. A single phrase can take on dozens of meanings beyond the original,
  15. One person’s interpretation of a phrase can be so radically different from the interpretation of the phrase by the person standing next to you,
  16. Despite this dogma of human nature, it seems as though we’re always grasping at these interpretations, no matter how flawed they may be,
  18. Think back to when you were young, and in love,
  19. So many cherished moments and precious moments during this time of bliss,
  20. But when the love ran out, all that was left was these fading and distant memories and heartfelt words uttered to one another during moments of ecstasy,
  21. Why is it that we vainly attempt to seize every moment of it, without changing ourselves?
  24. Remember a time before you had experienced that blissful romance you had always dreamed of?
  25. Those late nights spent plotting out how you intended to profess your love to the girl of your dreams,
  26. Only to fumble with your words whilst creating misunderstandings and misconceptions surrounding yourself,
  29. Love, it mystifies us all, constantly bringing into question our likes, dislikes, and compatibility with others,
  30. It’s both a blessing and a curse, being a source of pain and rejoice for any and all who experience it,
  31. It leaves behind broken lives, suicidal tendencies amongst a person,
  32. Addictions and obsessions to cope with love or lack thereof,
  34. Its legacy, fulfilling long-term relationships that last a lifetime, resulting in a marriage whether it be between those of similar or different genders,
  35. Love is blind, has no gender, despite the teachings that are contained within the holy scripture known as the Bible,
  37. It can cause a man to take his own life, reform a man who so often has trouble expressing himself into a man who so readily offers his opinions on the happenings around us,
  38. It is a force that drives us to change ourselves in such a drastic matter just to be considered suitable for the object of their affections,
  44. To catch a phrase, to seize the day,
  45. To profess one’s love for another without faltering with one’s own words, clearly expressing that of which that holds true within their heart,
  46. To look back on the past not with a feeling of regret, but with pride and happiness knowing that every day was lived to the fullest,
  47. To stay true to one’s self despite the overwhelming obstacles in your path,
  48. A day worth willing is a day to celebrate, rejoice with this wondrous gift known as life!
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