
Prolouge - Charrie Wong's New Book

Aug 18th, 2011
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  1. - Prologue -
  3. First of all, I’d like to introduce myself, I’m known online as “Charrie Wong” but my true and “real” name is Charlton George, I’m a 15 year old boy, from England, UK. I started hacking well at the time if you can call it “hacking” when I was just 12 yr’s of age. I spent around a month DDoS’ing small sites ‘til my video game addiction kicked in and I started playing that uptil the age of my 15th Birthday where I started see’ing anonymous on the new more. I was just on/off visiting the IRC for a few months until around mid-april when I started actually speaking to people about where to learn etc… of course my first ever “hack” was just a simple LOIC attack on a certain target at the time, I believe it was a Asian news website. I started growing a huge interest for hacking and would spend upto 7 hours a day reading eBook’s, tutorial’s, forum post’s and watching youtube videos. I bought a hard hitting shell booter and found I could hit easy targets offline and then starting being a freelance web designer where I earned a couple $100/Month making basic PHP/HTML websites for my family, friends and people online. I then started learning SQLi and produced my first deface on a website which was pretty damn easy… I continued watching video’s and reading tutorials until I knew how to code and setup a shell booter and solid botnet, at this point I started developing my booter (which has been known for developing attacks) and my team “The WongZ” I set about gathering people and working on a stream prank calling the FBI and other known organizations to viewers around the world, I got a good couple of donations from that and bought a VPS and domain for my booter instead of hosting it off my crappy old PC which I had converted into a server. I then worked with my tram, setting up a twitter, youtube etc and earned money by DoX’ing a member who had requested a paid DDoS of a targeted company, I then went on to hack medium sized websites to gain shells and buy VPS’s etc from my stockpile of around $2,000, I also had income from my pocket money each week of around 10 GBP per week roughly $15 - $18 at the time. I also invested in advertising and other things such as stocks etc, which some I still hold and are growing today (all under my mother’s name of course who had no clue at the time.) In mid-may I got caught.. after I had hacked into my school’s website and they had some how traced my IP, got the phone number from Virgin Media and proceeded to call my house where my 9 year old brother picked up and of course, gave my name away.. I got a police referral order for 6 months, where they would regularly check my PC.. BUT I had a laptop, netbook and other people’s/family’s computers at my disposal, I carried on to learn XSS and LFI which I then did my 1 day of LulZ in dedication of lulzsec, which targeted high priority targets for 1 day (the 8th of August) I had a small following at the time and I rememberd a quote from earlier form Sabu: “To control the media lie, troll or ignore them all together” – so I released a FBI lie which was a simple trick I had found on the website, which then got me a lot of recognition and almost doubled my twitter following in a day. I then released the “Actual Hacks” I had done, on PBS, BBC, GoodYear etc... which got me “in” with the crowd I am now affiliated with today.
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