

Jul 16th, 2013
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  1. [2013-07-15 19:24:56] * Laethirna rolls her eyes at the group of them in the room and goes off to see if Parva will has been woken up by the loud noises associated with a castle ripping it's way through planar boundaries.
  2. [2013-07-15 19:25:41] * Laethirna knocks on Parva's door
  3. [2013-07-15 19:26:15] <Parva> ""
  4. [2013-07-15 19:27:32] * Laethirna raps on the door harder
  5. [2013-07-15 19:28:15] <Parva> "Just a minute!" comes through a bit more clearly.
  6. [2013-07-15 19:28:40] * Laethirna knocks yet harder
  7. [2013-07-15 19:30:24] * Laethirna gets tired of knocking and just walks in if the door isn't locked
  8. [2013-07-15 19:31:22] * Parva is...disentangling herself from a heap of bedsheets, while the bed is suspiciously bare of any. "I said just a--oh. Morning, Laethirna. No wonder you kept knocking."
  9. [2013-07-15 19:32:33] * Laethirna looks at the pathetic heap lying on the floor. She writes "Evrim opened the orrery nd now we've all died and gone to gnome-heaven."
  10. [2013-07-15 19:34:54] * Parva pauses to read the board, then sighs. "So that's what that noise was...scared me straight out of bed."
  11. [2013-07-15 19:37:25] * Laethirna writes "We're very far away from home now. The whole castle came with us. Sibyl will be mad."
  12. [2013-07-15 19:40:19] <Parva> "...Unfortunately, I don't doubt she'd have reason." She looked around conspiratorially for a second before whispering, "and I don't think it takes much to make her mad, anyway."
  13. [2013-07-15 19:42:36] * Laethirna writes "We should talk to Anrefin about his murder plans. I don't think he can take us both."
  14. [2013-07-15 19:51:50] <Parva> "I'm...not sure sure about that." She finally won her battle with the bedsheets and piled them on the bed to fix...later. "I mean, I have no desire to end up not breathing, but...he just doesn't seem the type, you know?"
  15. [2013-07-15 19:52:26] * Laethirna shakes her head
  16. [2013-07-15 19:55:28] * Parva sighs. "Very well. But first, I'll need to dress. I'll join you outside in a moment."
  17. [2013-07-15 19:57:50] * Laethirna steps out and waits
  18. [2013-07-15 20:01:58] * Anhrefn makes himself scarce. Though he had hated the order, they got something right when it came to dealing with the primal races. Leave them alone when they go to war with each other. Looking about at the scenery, he decides to retreat back to the castle for the time being.
  19. [2013-07-15 20:02:06] * Parva comes out about two minutes later, plopping her hat on her head. "So what's this about a plane of gnomes, anyway? I haven't heard of it, I don't think."
  20. [2013-07-15 20:02:51] * Laethirna writes "Bytopia. Home of Gnome Gods."
  21. [2013-07-15 20:10:45] |<-- Emo_Duck has left (Quit: I want to take the beak off, but I can't. I flap, and when I flap, I never get off the ground. It's my curse, my eternal curse! I want to take the beak off but I can't! It's my curse! It's my fucking curse! I want to take the beak off! Please! Take it off! PLEASE!)
  22. [2013-07-15 20:12:00] * Anhrefn heads into the dining hall, and tries to get the fire started again.
  23. [2013-07-15 20:12:11] -->| Expletive ( has joined #planescapin
  24. [2013-07-15 20:12:28] |<-- Laethirna has left (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90-rdmsoft [XULRunner])
  25. [2013-07-15 20:12:37] =-= Expletive is now known as Laethirna
  26. [2013-07-15 20:17:15] * Anhrefn heads into the dining hall, and tries to get the fire started again.
  27. [2013-07-15 20:28:17] |<-- ARF has left (Client exited)
  28. [2013-07-15 22:14:16] |<-- Wooper^sleeps has left (Quit: )
  29. [2013-07-15 22:18:55] * Parva considers what's written on Laethirna's slate for a moment. "Well, I assume that this means everyone else is awake. Why'd you let me sleep so long, anyway?"
  30. [2013-07-15 22:20:00] * Laethirna writes "It was still morning when he did it"
  31. [2013-07-15 22:21:06] * Vann expecting high adventure, goes back to the castle to grab his pack.
  32. [2013-07-15 22:21:15] <Vann> Along the way he stumbles upon the two.
  33. [2013-07-15 22:21:20] <Vann> "Oh, hey."
  34. [2013-07-15 22:21:24] =-= Vann is now known as Evrim
  35. [2013-07-15 22:21:57] * Laethirna stares.
  36. [2013-07-15 22:23:02] * Laethirna writes "We were going to find Anrefin and talk about his murder plot"
  37. [2013-07-15 22:23:37] * Evrim purses his lips. "Ah yes, that. Why do you think he's plotting?"
  38. [2013-07-15 22:24:02] <Parva> "She saw him say it."
  39. [2013-07-15 22:24:54] <Evrim> "What did he say?"
  40. [2013-07-15 22:26:14] * Laethirna writes "He was talking to himself about which ones he was going to kill."
  41. [2013-07-15 22:27:01] <Evrim> "Yeah, we should talk to him about it, maybe you misread him."
  42. [2013-07-15 22:28:05] * Laethirna shakes her head. she writes "I think his horse is evil too. It's not a normal horse."
  43. [2013-07-15 22:28:24] <Parva> "I'm hoping there is context she missed, yes...but Laethirna has been wholly accurate in her ability to comprehend us by lip-reading."
  44. [2013-07-15 22:29:40] <Evrim> "Well let's go find him."
  45. [2013-07-15 22:31:19] * Anhrefn sits in the dining hall, consuming his rations, "Ah... this is... exquisite... this crumbly wholesome goodness..."
  46. [2013-07-15 22:32:41] <Evrim> "Anhrefn, we need to talk."
  47. [2013-07-15 22:32:44] <Parva> "Possibly easier said than done. However, the mind works better when the body is sated, which mine is not. So I'll get something to eat and meet you two where you choose."
  48. [2013-07-15 22:36:27] * Laethirna will go with Parva
  49. [2013-07-15 22:37:59] * Parva shrugs and leads the smaller girl and Evrim down to the dining hall, aiming for the kitchen to maybe ransack the jerky they'd found the night prior.
  50. [2013-07-15 22:39:32] * Anhrefn holds his hand out, admiring his everburning ring. "Ah, magic... such a wonderful thing. I say... I think I should commission a bag of everlasting rations! Splendid idea!"
  51. [2013-07-15 22:40:34] * Laethirna glares at him
  52. [2013-07-15 22:41:33] * Anhrefn takes note of his fami... his companions. "Oh hello again Laethirna and... Evan... oh and good morning Parva."
  53. [2013-07-15 22:41:47] <Evrim> "Uh, its Evrim."
  54. [2013-07-15 22:42:24] <Parva> "Morning, Anhrefn. Pardon me for now--I seem to have overslept and missed everyone else's...adventures." She slips in to the kitchen area for a moment.
  55. [2013-07-15 22:43:53] * Anhrefn raises an eyebrow at Evrim, "Ah? Well alright." he then addresses Parva, "You've missed quite a bit sure enough... though it's nice to hear that you did end up sleeping... care for some?" He gestures to his bag of rations.
  56. [2013-07-15 22:44:19] <Evrim> "Um, ok."
  57. [2013-07-15 22:44:23] * Evrim grabs a ration.
  58. [2013-07-15 22:45:50] <Parva> "I'll be fine, thanks," she calls from the kitchen, reappearing moments later with a strip of the jerky. With a shrug she bites into it. "I've heard of our transition. We aren't...home, I suppose, any longer."
  59. [2013-07-15 22:46:30] * Laethirna will, upon Parva's return, write "We know. Confess." and hold it up for Anhrefn to see.
  60. [2013-07-15 22:48:08] <Anhrefn> "Ah, very good... though you may look a bit primal, you're a man sure through enough, rations are the food of the champions, I like to think." He frowns, "No, it doesn't seem we are home. Bytopia or something like that. Restful gnomes and their ilk, and untamed wilds. A strange land. A shame."
  61. [2013-07-15 22:48:57] * Anhrefn looks to Laethirna's writing, knitting his eyebrows in thought before shrugging.
  62. [2013-07-15 22:49:21] <Evrim> "What kind of champion looks at high adventure with that attitude?"
  63. [2013-07-15 22:51:03] * Laethirna scowls. She writes "Last night you were talking about killing us. I saw you."
  64. [2013-07-15 22:52:28] <Anhrefn> "Hmmm? I'm not truly shying away from the events that have occurred, I'm only stating that it is a shame, that our lives before be swept away, that we are to be forgotten, that we ar---" He catches Laethirna's writing in the corner of his eye, "What? I... I would not... most likely not..."
  65. [2013-07-15 22:54:37] * Laethirna writes "I read your lips. You talked about who you'd kill."
  66. [2013-07-15 22:55:41] * Anhrefn looking about at the faces of his confronters, "I... I suppose I have some explaining to do..."
  67. [2013-07-15 22:56:43] <Parva> "It would be interesting to hear, yes."
  68. [2013-07-15 22:58:30] * Anhrefn smiles, "Well since I've not been killed yet, I suppose that would mean that you at least trust me some small bit, the above and below know that men have been killed for far less."
  69. [2013-07-15 23:01:25] <Parva> "You'll have to admit that it's not a very...encouraging remark. But you haven't made attempts yet, which leads me to believe you have some...context that is missing."
  70. [2013-07-15 23:04:12] * Anhrefn takes a bit of time to compose his thoughts before taking a deep breath and expelling it, "I've told, you at least", he indicates Parva, "of the Order of knights that I do belong to. Below the three expectations lies a system in which children and pitted against each other, fights that lead to death. A bit of a cult we were I suppose." He frowns.
  71. [2013-07-15 23:07:00] * Anhrefn continues, "We were chosen based on who the children wanted dead, or gone. I was chosen... my supposed family... wanted me dead... No... that's not important... I suppose to wrap things up is that, family, while a wonderful thing, is something that I cannot trust. Especially if among my family, are those that I've grown to hate, such as orcs and goblins."
  72. [2013-07-15 23:08:02] * Laethirna scowls.
  73. [2013-07-15 23:09:33] <Anhrefn> "Were any of you of the mind to... let us say act in accordance to what I abhor a family should act like, that is to say wish death, or actively attempt to bring death upon any of us, that they would need to be dealt with..."
  74. [2013-07-15 23:10:18] <Anhrefn> "It makes me a bit of a hypocrite I suppose, but I think that lesser evils for a greater good are entirely acceptable, when in the face of this second chance I've been given."
  75. [2013-07-15 23:13:58] * Parva ponders for a minute. "In short...based on how you were brought up, the notion of 'family' inspires instant wariness and distrust, essentially putting you on alert for the slightest notion that someone may want to render you as dead as our dear 'uncle.'"
  76. [2013-07-15 23:16:05] * Anhrefn shrugs, "That's roughly how it is... I did try my best to make this work... I suppose I should probably get going..."
  77. [2013-07-15 23:22:15] * Laethirna writes "What is wrong with your horse? It is the most evil thing I've ever seen."
  78. [2013-07-15 23:22:21] <Parva> "How did you end up here, then, fostering such a sense of paranoia?"
  79. [2013-07-15 23:26:15] * Anhrefn turning to Laethirna, "We of the order have our souls fused with an outsider, Charos has always had a bit of a strange sense of humor, but I wouldn't say that he's evil." He then addresses Parva, "I thought I'd give it a try, see if any of my uncle's family was still alive. Better than my father and mother, who had both been of the order."
  80. [2013-07-15 23:30:15] * Laethirna writes "I could tell as soon as we looked at eachother that he wanted to kill me and that he would have enjoyed it. Evil."
  81. [2013-07-15 23:31:46] * Anhrefn waves his hand at Laethirna, "Charos is just shy... he gets like that around children and woodland critters. Wouldn't hurt a fly..."
  82. [2013-07-15 23:33:12] <Parva> "I believe you'll find that, by and large, people are not actually out to get you," Parva attempts to assure him. "Those in our apparent circumstances may be exceptions to that rule, as it seems we've come from nearly every walk of life."
  83. [2013-07-15 23:36:24] * Anhrefn seems to be deep in thought.
  84. [2013-07-15 23:37:56] <Evrim> "Well, as long as we don't try to kill each other, we should be fine."
  85. [2013-07-15 23:39:22] * Anhrefn opens his mouth as though to say something but then closes it.
  86. [2013-07-15 23:40:20] <Parva> "One final thought, before I go inspect the damage wrought by our travels: in my experience, the familial bond has proven to be the strongest social bond there is. Attempts to subvert it, as your upbringing seems to have done, will inevitably fall, through forces internal or external. And as you are no longer under a direct influence, you need not let your experiences shape everything you...
  87. [2013-07-15 23:40:20] <Parva> ...see or say."
  88. [2013-07-15 23:40:51] <Parva> "In short: there is no one from home breathing down your neck. You can relax."
  89. [2013-07-15 23:43:33] <Anhrefn> "I'm sorry for suspecting you all, most of which you Evan, it was poor behavior on my part to suspect you based on your blood. Though I've said this, I can't help but still feel as though I've the need to be on guard. Thanks for helping deal with this Parva, you're certainly dependable."
  90. [2013-07-15 23:44:00] <Evrim> "It's Evrim."
  91. [2013-07-15 23:44:12] <Anhrefn> "Right, Evran."
  92. [2013-07-15 23:44:16] <Anhrefn> "Sorry"
  93. [2013-07-15 23:44:24] <Evrim> Ok this is just annoying now.
  94. [2013-07-15 23:44:52] <Evrim> Anhrefn is TacoDog?
  95. [2013-07-15 23:48:29] * Parva tears off a strip of jerky with her teeth. "I'm going to the library for a bit. Need to do some reading so I can get in the right frame of mind for this place."
  96. [2013-07-15 23:51:22] * Laethirna will probably tag along with Parva
  97. [2013-07-15 23:52:27] <Anhrefn> "Would you mind if I were to accompany you?"
  98. [2013-07-15 23:52:49] <--| Evrim has left #planescapin (Leaving)
  99. [2013-07-15 23:57:56] <Parva> "Not at all. It's not the most exciting destination, though..."
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