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Apr 10th, 2016
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  1. [19:06:55] #PenQuin ♞: get rid of ai
  2. [19:07:02] #PenQuin ♞: ur theme is terribad
  3. [19:07:08] Cynthia大-大612: Lol
  4. [19:07:08] +OM Room: u w0t
  5. [19:07:08] Master Jenny: ...And then Emma falls off the chair.
  6. [19:07:10] UnrelatedWhale: f
  7. [19:07:10] @Don't Lose: lol
  8. [19:07:16] @Don't Lose: I love AI
  9. [19:07:19] UnrelatedWhale: What happens to me Master J3nny?
  10. [19:07:21] Emma☯Femcario☯: I just fell out of the chair ;;
  11. [19:07:26] +Zyx14: gg Emma
  12. [19:07:30] Master Jenny: Hm..
  13. [19:07:36] @Don't Lose: OM Room, Your theme smells like cheese
  14. [19:07:43] +OM Room: Is that a problem
  15. [19:07:43] @Don't Lose: New, clean smelling cheese
  16. [19:07:44] Master Jenny: And then UnrelatedWhale gets hled.
  17. [19:07:45] #PenQuin ♞: lmfaoo
  18. [19:07:46] @Don't Lose: Yes
  19. [19:07:48] @Don't Lose: I don't like cheese
  20. [19:07:51] %Sanjayy: yeah OM Room your theme is shit becuase you nerfed me
  21. [19:07:54] +OM Room: damn
  22. [19:07:59] UnrelatedWhale: Jokes on you, Master Jenny, this is th eonly room I'm in
  23. [19:08:01] %Sanjayy: like who even does that w/o telling me
  24. [19:08:04] %Sanjayy: that's p.rude :[
  25. [19:08:11] @Lunarixis: OM Room, you constantly HL staff
  26. [19:08:15] UnrelatedWhale: And, Master Jenny, I do not minf
  27. [19:08:19] UnrelatedWhale: *mind
  28. [19:08:20] %Joey06: ^ lunar
  29. [19:08:20] @Lunarixis: That isn't smart, now, is it?
  30. [19:08:25] +OM Room: I'm not sure how to fix that honestly
  31. [19:08:28] insert cheese here: Stop hling me
  32. [19:08:31] insert cheese here: :(
  33. [19:08:32] @Lunarixis: Yeah
  34. [19:08:35] UnrelatedWhale: Do leetspeak
  35. [19:08:36] @Lunarixis: Stop HLing me
  36. [19:08:39] Master Jenny: If I said something, and emma fell outta the chair..
  37. [19:08:40] +OM Room: oh I got dis
  38. [19:08:45] @Don't Lose: I like being hl'd
  39. [19:08:45] UnrelatedWhale: say Lunar1xis
  40. [19:08:51] %Sanjayy: same
  41. [19:08:52] @Lunarixis: That HLs
  42. [19:08:52] %Sanjayy: once again
  43. [19:08:53] Master Jenny: That means..
  44. [19:08:53] @Don't Lose: But not by you OM Room
  45. [19:08:56] %Sanjayy: it makes me feel relevant
  46. [19:08:57] Emma☯Femcario☯: D0n't L0se?
  47. [19:08:58] @Don't Lose: ;)
  48. [19:09:01] @Spieky: i googled "baddest theme of all time" on bing images and i saw a stock image of om room's theme
  49. [19:09:10] @Lunarixis: Holy fuck
  50. [19:09:12] %Sanjayy: OM Room is just literally ugly
  51. [19:09:12] #PenQuin ♞: lmfaooo
  52. [19:09:12] @Lunarixis: It actually does
  53. [19:09:13] %Joey06: Lmao
  54. [19:09:13] Master Jenny: ..And then I fell backwards.
  55. [19:09:20] %Sanjayy: oh wow
  56. [19:09:22] +Zyx14: >googled on bing
  57. [19:09:25] %Sanjayy: I never knew that Spieky
  58. [19:09:26] UnrelatedWhale: Just continue with the game
  59. [19:09:32] %Joey06: Spieky nice burn xD
  60. [19:09:36] @Lunarixis: OM Room, just host gdi
  61. [19:09:41] +OM Room: I'm tryinggg
  62. [19:09:50] %Sanjayy: oh and that's another thing OM Room
  63. [19:09:50] UnrelatedWhale: I like SSb
  64. [19:09:50] +OM Room: but I'm kind of getting insulted left and right rn
  65. [19:09:53] %Sanjayy: you take ages to host
  66. [19:09:54] Master Jenny: Hey Emma.
  67. [19:09:55] @Don't Lose: Is this theme going to continue
  68. [19:09:56] @Lunarixis: If you can't host, just tell us and well gladly remove the theme from the NBT doc
  69. [19:10:00] UnrelatedWhale: It is fun as cheesecake.
  70. [19:10:00] @Lunarixis: we'll
  71. [19:10:06] #PenQuin ♞: OM Room is so freaking bad
  72. [19:10:10] %Joey06: Om room ignore it even if it's 100% true
  73. [19:10:12] UnrelatedWhale: Shut up
  74. [19:10:15] @Don't Lose: Paradise is my best friend
  75. [19:10:17] Master Jenny: Isn't OM the best host?
  76. [19:10:20] UnrelatedWhale: yes
  77. [19:10:22] UnrelatedWhale: he is
  78. [19:10:30] UnrelatedWhale: Now let him continue his game
  79. [19:10:39] UnrelatedWhale: spieky
  80. [19:10:53] • @Don't Lose dabs
  81. [19:10:54] %Sanjayy: OM Room is a nerd as well
  82. [19:10:56] @Lunarixis: .dab
  83. [19:10:56] Emma☯Femcario☯: Wait, if he gets eliminated... Then that means anyone but me could win NBT!
  84. [19:10:58] @Spieky: .pipeitup
  85. [19:10:58] • @Sir Vivor dabs
  86. [19:11:01] • @Spieky dabs
  87. [19:11:06] @Lunarixis: >.dab
  88. [19:11:07] #PenQuin ♞: you know what, why is OM Room even a freaking voice
  89. [19:11:11] • UnrelatedWhale LEANS and dabs
  90. [19:11:11] @Lunarixis: Yeah
  91. [19:11:14] %Sanjayy: mhm
  92. [19:11:18] @Lunarixis: Why do we have this guy as auth
  93. [19:11:19] %Sanjayy: Why isn't he demoted yet?
  94. [19:11:20] +Skyward Monado: Reeeekt
  95. [19:11:24] #PenQuin ♞: learn how to host loser
  96. [19:11:25] @Lunarixis: Sorry man
  97. [19:11:26] %Joey06: Gg
  98. [19:11:29] Master Jenny: You all so mean.
  99. [19:11:31] OM Room: dang
  100. OM Room was promoted to Room Driver by PenQuin ♞.
  101. Click me!
  102. Rolls of FameDaily DeathmatchThemes & MoreFor new playersRoom RulesHow to Host
  103. If you want to be notified for new games, click me!
  104. Next Big Theme: Season 4 is here! Have your themes submitted by April 15th
  105. Lucky and Cool User: Todredrob is March's Survivor Champion!
  106. [19:11:36] microwavable: om room rip
  107. [19:11:36] %OM Room: OH
  108. [19:11:37] Emma☯Femcario☯: ...NO.
  109. [19:11:37] %OM Room: OK
  110. [19:11:40] @Zeonth: Kekt
  111. [19:11:40] #PenQuin ♞: grats fam
  112. [19:11:41] • Emma☯Femcario☯ punch OM Room'
  113. [19:11:41] @Lunarixis: Whoop-de-fucking-doo, grats man!
  114. [19:11:44] %Joey06: Grats om room! :3
  115. [19:11:44] microwavable: GRATS
  116. [19:11:45] LeftPlasmaan: OM Room is a scrub
  117. [19:11:45] Cynthia大-大612: Congratz
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