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  1. (Written August 2014)
  2. Once upon a time.....
  4. There was a brave knight, defending his kingdom from the darkness on the lands of Cyclodonia. One day the knight's encounters something that would change him for the rest of his life. His quest for that day was simple; fight the band of slysafers in Neff Wood and return in one piece. The slysafers are clever little creatures though, and just when the knight appeared in Neff Wood the slysafers ambush the knight without warning. The knight using his clearly over powered reflexes was able to slay the first slysafer; then the second as well as the third, but more and more slysafers came from nowhere. The knight despite his mighty strength was no match for the slysafers, his endurance was his weakness. Every swing, every stab he imposed on his enemies became harder and harder each time. The knight was about to give up as the slysafers just pile up on him.
  6. Then suddenly a bright green flash appears out of nowhere. The slysafers had a strange green ball of energy coming out of their bellies, and then boom, the slysafer guts just spill all over the battlefield. The knight, staggering on his feet looks up and see's a nice young woman, dressed up in a green robe carrying what he thought was mystical staff. She had luscious brown hair and blue eyes as deep as the ocean. The sorceress looks at him, and asks if he was ok. The knight nods his head and thanks the beautiful woman. Just after the two got to know each other a bit, a second seemingly endless wave of slysafers charge at the two of them. The sorceress uses her powerful magic to vanquish large amounts of the slysafers, while the knight defends her. The two fight for hours until every slysafer in Neff Wood where taken care of. Afterward the knight asks the sorceress if she wants to go on more quests with him. The sorceress agrees and flees off, until another day of adventuring.
  8. The knight and the sorceress go on quest after quest for the next few months till one day when the knight asks the sorceress to go on another quest with him like always. The sorceress says yes she will, but then gave the news to the knight that she is going on an epic journey afterwords and wasn't going to return for a while. The knight was shocked to hear the news, however told her it was going to be all right. The sorceress leaves and the knight planned on not doing any quests until she came back. For weeks the knight waited. Time kept ticking until the knight heard of the story of a sacred gem lost in the dark caves of Bear Den. The knight not waiting any longer decided to go on this quest with or without his loveable sorceress.
  10. That's when trouble started to occur. The knight went in the cave and began his quest to retrieve the gem. The knight stared into the darkness before him, he looked back at the light for one last time, and continued into cave. The brave knight wandered into the cave further and further then he came a cross a wall. Confused, the knight looked around to see where the gem was. When he turned around, all that the knight could see was the eyes of them damn slysafers in the cave. The knight draws his sword ready to fight them at a notice. The slysafers charge at the knight, and the knight gave blood chilling roar and started slicing away. The only problem is again, the slysafers gain up on him in numbers. The knight started to feel weak. He only hoped that the sorceress would come back just in time to save him again just like the first time. He kept fighting though. He kept killing them stupid slysafers in hope help would arrive soon. He was determined not to give up, even though his body was saying otherwise.
  12. Then from the corner of his eye, the knight sees a green figure at the end of the cave. Thinking that it was her, the knight screams her name, hoping she would come to rescue him once and for all. The green figure ignored his shrieks. As the knight continued fighting he saw the green figure come closer to him, and this gave the knight strength. After a brief moment, the knight sees the green figure clearly; it's her. The slysafers back away from the knight, yet still surround him as they are aware of the sorceress's powerful might.
  13. The knight was relived that she came back. “I can't believe that you're here now to help me take on these stupid slysafers,” said the knight. “I don't wanna go on quests with you anymore,” says the sorceress. The knight was confused and asked why. She replied, “I just don't wanna go on quests with you anymore.” The knight was dumbfounded as she left the cave. The slysafers surrounded the knight, but they were no match for him anymore.
  15. After the knight finished off the reaming slysafers who ambushed him in the cave, he returned back to the castle early. The queen came up to brave knight and asked him, “Why did you come back to the castle so early today?” The knight looked down and said, “I don't wanna go play knight anymore mom.” The knight walked up to his room and looked out the window. What he saw now was just kids playing on the street, sprinklers going off the lawns in front of houses, and the occasional car going across every now and then. All of this happening on the once known lands of Cyclodonia
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