
Endtown RPG Session #24

Feb 13th, 2016
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  1. GM (GM): Hey guys.
  2. M. Walker: Ahoy
  3. DJ-Max: Yo
  4. Jakov Kovać: we startin off good
  5. Clayton R.: Hey Gm, I will likely be leaving somewhere before we wrap up today. Just a heads-up
  6. Everett Pillory: Hey GM
  7. Green S.: I AM VERY SORRY
  8. GM (GM): That's fine. Tell you the truth I got a cold and wasn't sure how for we can go.
  9. Heyo.
  10. Everett Pillory: You keep misspelling my name in the docs still!
  11. GM (GM): Ah yeah green, I gotta change that music to say I didn't make it.
  12. Green S.: I've gotta change that music PERIOD
  13. Its fine that you actually put it on here, but it REALLY needs more work
  14. GM (GM): I like the third one.
  15. Green S.: im glad
  16. you do
  17. Jakov Kovać: that is an odd tune
  18. Green S.: that's how i make them, for the time being.
  19. mind you this is me jusd dicking around on my synth for like 20 minutes.
  20. and then trying to record it raw from the thing.
  21. Mixing is nonexistant, sounds are stock on the synth
  22. playing is off rythm, and theres virtually no other significant progression
  23. just an underlying piano loop, failed drum loop and other bullshit
  24. Green S.: so trust me, this WILL get better
  25. not to mention its repetetive and LONG.
  26. GM (GM): Okay!
  27. Let's go over some changes this week.
  28. Green S.: sure
  29. GM (GM):
  30. Crocs get a stronger bite.
  31. Crabs get a stronger pinch
  32. And some basic mods for rifles.
  33. Martin Baron: Hoo boy, just wait till Martin either bites the dust or retires, then Croc-Dundee character I've been saving will be making an appearance.
  34. M. Walker: Ooo, awesome
  35. Everett Pillory: I still need that hyena template, GM
  36. For my reserve character
  37. GM (GM): Template?
  38. Everett Pillory: Yeah traits
  39. GM (GM): Its a dog. Unless you want 'messed up sex life' as a trait.
  40. DJ-Max: Pfft.
  41. Everett Pillory: I don't really want into go into the whole genus thing right now but okay, I'll use the dog template
  42. GM (GM): At least I think that's my opinion.
  43. Everett Pillory: I don't think she cares
  44. Then again she doesn't care about much
  45. GM (GM): Sure she doesn't!
  46. I think that covers updates.
  47. Everett Pillory: Oh right and you keep mispelling my name in the docs
  48. GM (GM): ...Well, I guess most of it was format changes today.
  49. Green S.: how do i nick myself lads
  50. Everett Pillory: Go to options
  51. GM (GM): Sorry! What is your name?
  52. Everett Pillory: Piotr Ryś! I think it's even in the header of my e-mails.
  53. Jakov Kovać: oh did we find the city we were suposed to deliver supplies
  54. Martin Baron: We're being "escorted" by a tank to New Persia.
  55. Jakov Kovać: ???
  56. GM (GM): Its fixed
  57. Clayton R.: a robot interupted usa
  58. Jakov Kovać: we told him off last time
  59. Martin Baron: No we didn't.
  60. GM (GM): Depends on your view of it.
  61. Jakov Kovać: he lost interst after we told him (lied) what we had
  62. Clayton R.: We talked to him, but none of us wanted to fight him
  63. Everett Pillory: Thanks
  64. Jakov Kovać: I got the impreassion that we he simply left us since we said we only had scraps and a patient on board
  65. Everett Pillory: Nah he explictly said "Follow me"
  66. We're still an asset
  67. Jakov Kovać: hm :/
  68. Clayton R.: Hey GM, how susceptible are robots to coercion?
  69. GM (GM): Well, he's as susceptable as anyone else
  70. Clayton R.: If some was to... I don't know... find a master kye or password for it, could they control it?
  71. GM (GM): Let me do a head count here.
  72. Okay!
  73. Nah, just talk to him.
  74. Jakov Kovać: yup
  75. M. Walker: Okay so uh, what's the general situation the party's in now? My absence has left me way in the dust I'm afraid D:
  76. Simon Michaels: me too
  77. Everett Pillory: We're in New Persia
  78. Jakov Kovać: and I'm still confused about that
  79. We rejoin out heroes as they are brought into New Persia, a city of balmy uncomfortable warmth!
  80. Martin Baron: We were delivering medical supplies but got intercepted by a tank. He's forcing us offtrack to another city
  81. We got an extremely radiated lizard in the back as well.
  82. Simon Michaels: Can i try to get my story straight before everything fets going?
  83. Jakov Kovać: I don't think anyone but us know about the supplies
  84. for now
  85. Clayton R. sighs as he exits the jeep. He could only hope their reason here wasn't as bad as it appeared
  86. Everett Pillory looks around "I've been to Iran, but this is certainly new..."
  87. Everett Pillory hops off and dusts himself then adjusts his bandana "Hope at least the locals are friendlier"
  88. Clayton R. doubts it
  89. Jakov Kovać grumpily get's off the jeep
  90. Martin Baron shifts his leg slightly as he gets out of the car, trying his best to subtly hide the pistol.
  91. DJ-Max stretches once he's out of the jeep. "I wou' hope mos' everyones friendly m'self."
  92. Simon Michaels: GM, whats the command for privatetalk again?
  93. GM (GM): "/w [name]"
  94. Simon Michaels: thx
  95. Jakov Kovać: write /w
  96. Martin Baron goes to the back of the jeep, checking up on the new passenger. "How are you holding up?"
  97. Clayton R. faces the big robot tank, and asks "Thanks for leading us. Can I get your ID number? I want to make sure your superiors know you did well."
  98. Everett Pillory shrugs "Eh, can't be too sure about that. One robot doesn't overthrow the goverment"
  99. M. Walker hops out of the jeep behind Clayton, rubbing her brow. The heat was always worse ever since her mutation...
  100. JJJJDEJ: I've been better, mijo
  101. Martin Baron: ((Oh jeez, I forgot about his name. Can you spell it out for the others?))
  102. Everett Pillory: ((I call him Junaito for short))
  103. DJ-Max: (I'mma call him Julio.)
  104. Simon Michaels: Test
  105. GM (GM): ((I like Julio.
  106. Hey, how do you get the orange text, my brain is farting
  107. Everett Pillory: We're using /me
  108. Martin Baron: */me
  109. Clayton R.: "/me" right?
  110. Simon Michaels: thanks a lot friends
  111. GM (GM): Thank you.
  112. Doesn't work well because.
  113. GM (GM) says everything as the GM anyway.
  114. Jakov Kovać: ((huehuehue))
  115. the Robot re addresses you all.
  116. ReBo: Okay, security check. Anyone here a topsider?
  117. Clayton R. clears his throat. "May i get your ID number? I want to make sure your superiors know you did well."
  118. Everett Pillory looks around "Better not be..."
  119. Clayton R. shakes his head
  120. Jakov Kovać checks himself I'm pretty sure I'm not
  121. M. Walker shakes her head with a twinge of revulsion.
  122. Martin Baron scoffs. "Yeah, they just started hiring mutants in their regime."
  123. RB: yeah, uh huh, second question... Do any of you plan to kill us all?
  124. Jakov Kovać: I'm a Doctor, I fix people not butcher them
  125. Clayton R. stares at the robot. "No."
  126. Everett Pillory looks around "Well I don't kill other mutants..."
  127. RB: congratualations you passed the security check.
  128. Clayton R.: ((Can I search for any ID numbers on the hull of the robot?))
  129. Martin Baron: "Haven't thought about doing that, no."
  130. GM (GM): You may Clayton!
  131. He is dusty so I will as a perception check
  132. Everett Pillory headshakes "That's a rather lax security check, robot. How can you tell people are telling the truth"
  133. GM (GM): 40 or better
  134. Clayton R. frowns, pacing around the robot for some form of identification
  135. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+20
  136. (15)+20= 35
  137. Everett Pillory then adds "Especially to the first question."
  138. Clayton R.: ((damn))
  139. Everett Pillory: ((Ouch))
  140. GM (GM): "There are numbers there but they could be anything."
  141. DJ-Max: "...Honestly. I still remember the search I got that one time the Rats..."
  142. Jakov Kovać: ((oh well))
  143. DJ-Max shudders.
  144. Simon Michaels Simon wakes up from his several days long slumber, at the back of the Jeep, where he last remembers being. Still assured that he is to help hes newfound companions on a gureilla missle sabotage mission that took place days ago.
  145. Clayton R.: ((Oh wait. I rolled my scavenging die. It is a perception check right?))
  146. DJ-Max: "They grabbed my ears and uugh."
  147. M. Walker grimaces with sympathy for DJ
  148. Everett Pillory frowns "The Rats don't take the To..." then he bites his tounge, he doesn't really know what to expect of the bot yet.
  149. the jeep is taken away by the dwarfy droid.
  150. Martin Baron: "Hilarious, isn't it? Being interrogated by a talking tank is more calming than to a bunch of rats."
  151. Clayton R.: (( I have a +35 bonus to perception checks. May I reroll?))
  152. ((Oh damn, he walked away.))
  153. For the moment you have either been completely forgotten about or intentionally abandoned. Either case you are alone.
  154. Everett Pillory looks at Martin "I dunno. Something's fishy."
  155. GM (GM): ((Anyone in their backstory a cop?))
  156. Clayton R.: ((nope ))
  157. Martin Baron: ((Hockey player, no.))
  158. Everett Pillory points "Like our vehicle hauled away"
  159. GM (GM): ((Then no one knows what he is.))
  160. Everett Pillory: (( Professor, so no. The only laws he knows are laws of nature ))
  161. Clayton R. groans, now their only means of transportation was gone.
  162. Everett Pillory puts his shotgun away "Look, all I want to know is who runs this place and can we go now... so maybe we should start on that."
  163. Martin Baron: "I'm pretty sure he didn't bring us here for a quick chat and bite to eat. If you got a weapon you can hide, hide it well. I doubt they'll let us keep any."
  164. Julio pipes up, "Uh, this isn't the place is it? I've been here before."
  165. DJ-Max: (Well. DJ knows a good bit about cops but he grew up in the bad part of detroit.)
  166. Everett Pillory looks at Julio "Hm? And what can you tell us about it?"
  167. Jakov Kovać: nope
  168. DJ-Max: (So... Not like that.)
  169. Clayton R. arches an eyebrow toward the lizard. "Have you now? What do you know about this place."
  170. Jakov Kovać: what can you tell us about it
  171. Simon Michaels: ((Does this mean that im still in the backseat of that jeep thats been taken away by the robotank??))
  172. Julio: well, this place used to be a Mall but the sublevel hit a thermal vent and was abandoned. The place is like constantly 100 degrees(30 C) they get have a functioning garden but oddly enough the water is to messed up to drink.
  173. Martin Baron: "Messed up how? Radiation?"
  174. Clayton R. shook his head. "Just great."
  175. Julio: Nah, sulfur content.
  176. Jakov Kovać: how bad are we talking?
  177. ouch
  178. Julio: plants are the only thing that can filter it. So they get real food but are pretty hard up for drink most of the time.
  179. M. Walker adds, "Yech..." clenching her nose shut at the thought of sulfur
  180. Jakov Kovać: no filters?
  181. Julio: Besides that mutants that like heat like it here. Reptiles, cats, snow birds...
  182. Everett Pillory shrugs "You can still distill it out, tehcnically
  183. Jakov Kovać: has anyone even attempted to make a simple filtration system?
  184. Martin Baron: "Which none of us are. Grand. Probably gonna take all of our water then kick us out."
  185. DJ-Max nods. "Yeah, boil water and catch it and all that, probably."
  186. Everett Pillory looks at Martin and raises his brow "You're talking to a former professor! Everett Pillory, PhD.! I STILL know my trade!"
  187. Julio: The way they keep saying it is, "Take the time it takes to filter a glass of water and then multiply that by a 1,000 people."
  188. Clayton R. passes his time searching the area.
  189. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+35
  190. (61)+35= 96
  191. these people sound like lazy bastards
  192. Everett Pillory loosens his backback. "All I need would be time and few assistants and I could make a damn good filtering system!"
  193. Clayton finds very little. He has noticed that the door nobs and other wall decorations are made out of gold.
  194. very chic
  195. GM (GM): *chique
  196. Jakov Kovać: prolly just gold plated
  197. wanna bite down and find out?
  198. Jakov Kovać: ((don't do it))
  199. Everett Pillory starts to march towards the building "Come on, at least this place actually has challenge for me other than placing another damn mine for a topsider transport."
  200. Martin Baron: ((,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/19bsyuye8k305gif.jpg))
  201. Simon Michaels: >Gawker MEMEdia
  202. GM (GM): ((Well, that made me feel alot better, martin!))
  203. DJ-Max nods a good bit. "I can understan' Everett... bu' Maybe they is sa'other reason goin- oh... well. I guess the Doctors inspired"
  204. Meanwhile!
  205. Martin Baron: ((>Gooble Image Search: Asian man eating door handle))
  206. Jakov Kovać: Everett, boy; they essentially brought us here at gun point
  207. Clayton R. follows after Everett. No sense waiting here. He call for Walker to follow. He needs to ask her something.
  208. Jakov Kovać: I'd rather be on the look out
  209. Simon Michaels: ((its alright man, im just shitposting))
  210. Simon Michaels arises from the Simonsleep!
  211. GM (GM): ((I hate interrupting but let me get this bit out.))
  212. Simon! You are in the back of a jeep.
  213. Simon Michaels: ((should i roll percep to asses my surroundings?)
  214. It is warm and sandy. You appear to be in a brick build garage.
  215. GM (GM): sure
  216. M. Walker comes over to Clayton, her eyes perked up with curiousity. "Yeah? What is it, Clay?"
  217. Simon Michaels: ((so, 1d100 plus what?))
  218. GM (GM): mind*5
  219. Everett Pillory: ((Poor Panda's ego was bruised by Mallard's turn down. Now it's his time to shine!))
  220. Simon Michaels: rolling 1d100 + 40
  221. (25)+40= 65
  222. Clayton R. leans closer to keep things quiet. "Keep an eye out for that robot. When it shows back up again, try to find it's ID number on it's body. We might need to know it if we ever want to some backup if things go south."
  223. GM (GM): You see two short cats looking over a bunch of first aid kits. Literally fifty kits all stacked. up
  224. ((It is important to know that robot!))
  225. Simon Michaels: ((where's the robot? still in the jeep?))
  226. Cat1: Welp, that's something.
  227. M. Walker nods quickly
  228. Cat2: He ain't gonna like it though.
  229. DJ-Max: "Right"
  230. GM (GM): The robot is not here.
  231. Clayton R. nods as well, and he heads over to Everett. "Keep an eye out for that robot. We might need it's ID number if things go south."
  232. GM (GM): ((EM, make a skill roll to construct a filter with what you have available. (assuming you have paper, etc to make it.))
  233. Everett Pillory looks at Clayton "Yeah yeah, I know I know."
  234. Simon Michaels is very confused. He assumes at first he's back at endtown, but the very obvious brick walls point otherwise. He acknowledges two cat mutants, and a lot of provision, he slowly steps out of the vehicle, with his hands up and calls out to them: "Gentlemen, i apperar to be lost. Cna you please inform me of my current location?"
  235. Martin Baron: ((Then he rolls a perfect 100. Every problem is solved, we get all the moni and loot.))
  236. Everett Pillory: ((Would that be chemistry or engineering roll given the circumstance?))
  237. ((It'd say it's a little a both given what I've worked with))
  238. Cats: Shoot! Crude!
  239. the cats produce small machineguns and aim them at you.
  240. Everett Pillory: (( Since it was part of Chemical Engineering classes ))
  241. GM (GM): You have surprised them!
  242. Jakov Kovać: ((kick thire asses))
  243. Martin Baron: ((Totally not good.))
  244. Simon Michaels: (( okay, gm. Im a huge noob, and am not willing to let my character die this quickly. Can this play out as a tutorial mission, and by that i mean you telling me what my options are?))
  245. Jakov Kovać: ((NO MERCY))
  246. GM (GM): ((You're mcguyvering it here Eve, so you gotsta roll.
  247. Cats: ...You're in New Persia?
  248. Simon Michaels: "Okay, thank you for the information. I'm not sure if the weapons are neccessary, but whatever. Can you tell me perhaps how i got here?"
  249. Cats: ....We have no idea?
  250. At this point a mangy rat shows up in the room.
  251. Simon Michaels: "Well, do you then maybe know where this vehicle in this here..."
  252. Rat: You were in that car over there, genius.
  253. Simon Michaels: "I know that. How did that car end up here. To be even more precise, where did it come from, and where are its drivers, If you can be kind enough to answer me?"
  254. the Rat glares at the cats.
  255. Cats: RB brought you in from the wastes? He thought you would make quota?
  256. Simon Michaels: "RB?"
  257. Cats: "Repurposed Bomb Disposal Droid." It got shortened over the years.
  258. Sometimes we call him Rebo.
  259. Simon Michaels: "AH, I see. Must have not noticed me back there. Well, fine men, could you please tell me how to get in contact with said droid?"
  260. Cat2: "Re-Bo-Dah-Dah" just doesn't roll off the tongue you know?
  261. Rat: Sure, when we kick your butt back into wastes!
  262. but first, what do you got?
  263. Simon Michaels: "Nothing of any huge value, 2 cans of tuna, one bandage, this black shirt of mine. Why are you asking?"
  264. Everett Pillory: (( Cans of tuna... you're done for ))
  265. the Rat looks at the first aid supplies, "and what is this crap?"
  266. Simon Michaels: "What is what crap?"
  267. He waves at the first aid supplies. "this crap!"
  268. Simon Michaels: ((is that mine, or was that in the jeep, or did the cats have that?))
  269. He holds up three fingers and says, "Drugs, cash, weapons. That's what I want."
  270. Simon Michaels: "You wouldnt want to pull that gesture off in Croatia"
  271. GM (GM): ((Your brain as assumed that the aid stuff came from the jeep. So it is most likely yours? You have no idea!))
  272. Jakov Kovać: ((an idiot too boot))
  273. Rat: Eh, s'okay muscles. It's these idiots and that clanker toy!
  274. "We gotta go through this again?!" He shouts!
  275. Simon Michaels is as confused as ever.
  276. Welp: , let's go for a day. Day sound good? Yeah, I think a day should do!
  277. Rat: And muscles? You're in the outfit now.
  278. Simon Michaels: "Does muscles refer to me?"
  279. GM (GM): ((Yes.
  280. ((I had forgotten that you are not a strength character.))
  281. ((In my defense, I've actually had like 3x more characters sent to me then have been fielded.))
  282. Simon Michaels: "Though im Flattered by the nick, I won't move an inch until you bring that Droid, "RB", to me, as I personally think that i found myself to be in yet another misunderstanding."
  283. M. Walker: ((Yeesh))
  284. Simon Michaels: ((i am very sorry people))
  285. Rat: Yep, you're now a raider for me. Mostly because if you try to not do what I want you get more of this!
  286. Oh, I think you should stop with that whole, "I want" crap. Doesn't fly here.
  287. Simon Michaels: "I am raider for no one, guy. I haven't fought a fight in my entire life".
  288. "I'm a useless fighter, if thats what you're after,"
  289. At that moment abject darkness fills the room.
  290. Simon Michaels: ((good choice))
  291. Simon Michaels makes a quick dash to anywhere else, tries to hide from the pest punks.
  292. Rat: yeah, you mull that over for abit.
  293. Simon Michaels: oh fuck
  294. wait, gm, does darkness mean the room where im in?
  295. and that we cannot see eachother?
  296. if not, i would like to call back my last action
  297. GM (GM): Yes.
  298. Simon Michaels: okay then
  299. what do i roll for?
  300. GM (GM): Also, no.
  301. You dash and hide but it is as if everything is painted black.
  302. Simon Michaels: im a feline, remember, night vision
  303. better than regular nightvision, cause Bobcat
  304. the cats roll up into balls mutter something.
  305. GM (GM): Indeed! Yes somehow your eyes can't see through it!
  306. You find a door!
  307. Simon Michaels openes the door and dashes through the corridor
  308. you hear "Close your eyes, just close your eyes!
  309. EVERYONE hears close your eyes.
  310. Simon Michaels: "THATS NOT A GOOD IDEA VOICE!!!"
  311. M. Walker shields hers on command with both paws
  312. Everett Pillory carries on the discussion "... and I'm telling you that all I need is scrap, scrap and more scrap. Oh and actived charcoal which is easy to make if New Persia has plants.... The water will still stink but it'll be drinkable. I'm sure they'll live.."
  313. Everett Pillory covers his eyes
  314. Simon Michaels clutches his eyes a bit, than closes thenm, running a tad slower than before
  315. DJ-Max: "...Dark 'nought wouldn't matter if I did."
  316. Clayton R. spins his head around. he ducks down and covers the front of his mask with his eyes. He tries to draw his weapon.
  317. Simon Michaels grinds against the wall now, at a walking pace.
  318. Martin Baron covers his eyes with his arm.
  319. Clayton R.: *Coves the font of his mask with his arms
  320. Jakov Kovać closes his eyes and covers them with his claws
  321. Everett Pillory yells "Whoever told me to cover my eyes... you're interrupting a VERY important scientific discussion!"
  322. GM (GM): simon, someone bumps into you.
  323. Simon Michaels is now on all fours, slowly cralwing on the floor, trying to take advantage of his criminally underused senses
  324. GM (GM): Martin, you hear a door open!
  325. Simon Michaels slowly touches around the legs and asks: Who are you?
  326. GM (GM): rolling 1d100
  327. (14)= 14
  328. Martin Baron: "Who's there?!" Martin yells out, still covering his eyes.
  329. Simon Michaels: "MARTIN???"
  330. GM (GM): You feel a swoosh of air and someone scream, "Deer god leave me alone! Just leave me alone!"
  331. Clayton R. readies his weapon, preparing to light up the room.
  332. Everett Pillory: "...what the hell is happening"
  333. Simon Michaels pounces away from whoever he bumped into
  334. Martin hears a scraping noise
  335. GM (GM): You fall through a door.
  336. Everett Pillory: ((I should have a flare still))
  337. Martin Baron takes his arm away from his face and draws his pistol. Still unable to see due to the darkness, he yells once more "Stay away!"
  338. Clayton R. gives Everett one chance. "Everett! Flares!"
  339. Simon Michaels: ((this is confusing now))
  340. Everett Pillory pulls out his flare and lights it up
  341. GM (GM): ((Verily!
  342. Jakov Kovać tries to find someone
  343. Everett Pillory yells "ENOUGH OF YOUR GAMES!"
  344. Simon Michaels: ((martin, you fell down a hatch))
  345. you have lit the flare.
  346. Martin Baron: ((Oh fug))
  348. Everett Pillory: ...guys
  350. DJ-Max: "...I'm closing my eyes now."
  351. GM (GM): The nightmares descend upon thee!
  352. Everett Pillory: GUYS!!!
  353. Jakov Kovać: U KOJE IME VRAGOVO JE OVO
  354. Martin Baron screams as he feels his feet give out underneath him.
  355. Everett Pillory: HOLD IT TOGETHER
  356. GM (GM): Everyone Roll+mind bonus
  357. Simon Michaels bursts through the door screaming bloody murder
  358. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+15
  359. (84)+15= 99
  360. GM (GM): If you kept your eyes open
  361. Martin Baron: ((GET DA FUCK OUTTA HERE DITTOS))
  362. M. Walker quickly sets her hands on her rifle, glancing in Everett's direction before...they appear. She shrieks in horror, stepping back from them.
  363. GM (GM): rolling 1d100
  364. (95)= 95
  365. Clayton R. is feeling overwhelmed. "D-Do we have an exit?! We NEED an exit!"
  366. Simon Michaels: rolling 1d100 + 40
  367. (50)+40= 90
  368. GM (GM): rolling 1d100
  369. (56)= 56
  370. M. Walker: rolling 1d100+35
  371. (50)+35= 85
  372. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+35
  373. (68)+35= 103
  374. GM (GM): rolling 1d100
  375. (15)= 15
  376. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+50
  377. (41)+50= 91
  378. GM (GM): rolling 1d100
  379. (95)= 95
  380. Jakov Kovać: ((well mine were closed))
  381. DJ-Max: rolling 1d100 + 20
  382. (87)+20= 107
  383. GM (GM): rolling 2d100
  384. (42+94)= 136
  385. You have all resisted nightmare!
  386. Simon Michaels: ((good))
  387. Jakov Kovać: what now?
  388. Martin Baron: ((I opened mine. Martin has no clue why he has to cover his face.))
  389. GM (GM): For the next 15 seconds.
  390. Martin Baron: ((Then again, he's probably dead now since he fell down a trap door.))
  391. Everett Pillory starts to swing the flare at the devil's jelly "FUCK OFF. I HAD ENOUGH OF YOU!"
  392. GM (GM): Good news! You see what's happening. Bad news, the dittos cover and fill every space.
  393. You can't even see eachother.
  394. Martin Baron: ((Am I even in the room anymore? Or should the icon be off the map?))
  395. DJ-Max: "...Guys! Guys?" he looks about, this is...this is no good.
  396. M. Walker paces in backwards circles, trying to find the others, cursing herself for stumbling into these...things again
  397. Martin Baron: ((I see it, but you said I fell down a door or hatch.))
  398. Simon Michaels: ((can i roll perception to try and discern what in the name of ballfuck is going on???))
  399. Clayton R. tries to find the others but he finds himself alone. He raises his flamethrower. "If any of you are there! I hope you all duck!."
  400. Everett Pillory yells... "OKAY, STAY THE FUCK PUT..." and pulls out his shotgun.
  401. M. Walker calls out to the others, "Hello?! Where'd everyone go?!"
  402. Everett Pillory: (Shit did I make the Incideary rounds last time?)
  403. Jakov Kovać ducks faltter then a pancake
  404. GM (GM): Everett!
  405. Jakov Kovać: we are here don't worry dear
  406. GM (GM): You see a man!
  407. Wait, he is not a man!
  408. Jakov Kovać feels around if he can fiind anyone
  409. GM (GM): He is a bird with a skull mask!
  410. He whistles in your ear.
  411. And strikes!
  412. Everett Pillory aims his gun at the guy "I know you..."
  413. Martin Baron: ((So I'm still with the others?))
  414. Simon Michaels: ((i guess so, that door thing was probs for me))
  415. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+30
  416. (26)+30= 56
  417. He swipes at you!
  418. Everett Pillory: (I can still parry that?)
  419. GM (GM): Sure!
  420. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  421. (9)+20= 29
  422. (Yikes)
  423. Jakov Kovać: :(
  424. Simon Michaels: rolling percep to find out where evryone is
  425. Jakov Kovać: ((poor evertt))
  426. Simon Michaels: rolling 1d100 + 40
  427. (23)+40= 63
  428. Clayton R. fires his weapon where he does hear voices of his comrads
  429. GM (GM): 3d10+65
  430. rolling 3d10+65
  431. (10+4+8)+65= 87
  432. Clayton R.: *doesn't hear
  433. Martin Baron: (( :O ))
  434. GM (GM): 87 to your back
  435. The front one was an illusion!
  436. Everett Pillory: ((3 HP left...))
  437. everyone! you hear a scream in the room!
  438. Simon Michaels covers his ears
  439. Jakov Kovać: ((where from?))
  440. Everett Pillory falls to the floor in agony. "F... fuck... help me..."
  441. GM (GM): If the top of the map is north then it would be NW.
  442. Clayton R.: (9 did I get anything from firing my weapon?
  443. DJ-Max: "W-what was that?"
  444. whistling fills the room.
  445. Everett Pillory plays dead
  446. Martin Baron tries to force his way over to Everett. He is extremely unsettled by the sudden scream.
  447. Everett Pillory: ((Quite frankly at this point playing dead is the only option))
  448. Simon Michaels: what do i roll to locate the scream?
  449. Martin Baron: ((Should I roll to get to Everett, or I should be fine since you said we can see, everything's just coated with dittos?))
  450. Simon Michaels: rollan percep
  451. rolling 1d100 + 40
  452. (3)+40= 43
  453. GM (GM): Nah, you have a general direction, just run that way!
  454. Simon Michaels: kay
  455. GM (GM): Simon, the scream came from West!
  456. Simon Michaels runs slowly 20 steps in the general direction of the whistle
  457. M. Walker makes for way toward the sound as well
  458. Simon Michaels than stops and lays down, carefully crawling in the general direction of the scream
  459. DJ-Max will move that way!
  460. Clayton R. is unsure of what's going on, but he tries his best to reach the sound
  461. GM (GM): DJ! You stumble into the very wet panda!
  462. Jakov Kovać: Where are you guys?
  463. Is anyone hurt?!
  464. Martin Baron pistol still drawn, Martin tries to locate Everett. His silence is starting to frighten him.
  465. Jakov Kovać: ((can't move token))
  466. Clayton R. reels back. "Huh... what the... Is that you Everett?"
  467. GM (GM): The dittos remanifest! Roll 1d100+mind bonus, again!
  468. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+15
  469. (97)+15= 112
  470. ((Aint dealing with your shit dittos))
  471. Clayton R.: ((Oh wait, soryy, you said DJ))
  472. DJ-Max literally stumbles! "Ah! Oh! Everett, you alright?"
  473. M. Walker: rolling 1d100+35
  474. (88)+35= 123
  475. DJ-Max: rolling 1d100 + 20
  476. (65)+20= 85
  477. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+10
  478. (86)+10= 96
  479. Simon Michaels: my eyes are closed at this point but, whatever
  480. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+40
  481. (32)+40= 72
  482. Simon Michaels: 1d100 + 40
  483. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+35
  484. (42)+35= 77
  485. Simon Michaels: rolling 1d100 + 40
  486. (76)+40= 116
  487. Everett Pillory whispers a weak "help" to DJ
  488. GM (GM): DJ, Everett, Clay!
  489. Jakov Kovać: ((what are we rolling?))
  490. Martin Baron: (( I haven't been spooked once by the dittos. Next roll is bound to be a 1 now.))
  491. DJ-Max grabs him! "C'mon. Lets get out of here."
  492. Jakov Kovać: ((do I still have to roll if I have my eyes closed?))
  493. rolling 1d10
  494. (10)= 10
  495. Everett Pillory: ((Ow))
  496. GM (GM): You take 10 stress
  497. If you kept your eyes close, good for you!
  498. Simon!
  499. You find a wall with a handle... I mean, a door! You have found a door!
  500. Clayton R. recoils as nightmares overcome him. He desperately tries to find an out without burning everyone.
  501. Simon Michaels fed up with all this, nonchalantly opens the handle and steps 10 steps through it
  502. Everett Pillory is already at death's door... nightmare just makes his face frozen in a horrific manner as the Panda is trying to catch is breath.
  503. GM (GM): Simon, you bump into something hard!
  504. Simon Michaels: (( :^) ))
  505. "ok, is anyone there??"
  506. GM (GM): Kovac! Someone just walked into you!
  507. Jakov Kovać: WHO IS THIS?
  508. Martin Baron: (( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ))
  509. DJ-Max shall meanwhile carry this panda with him! He can take some stess.
  510. Simon Michaels: "A friendly trust me. What's going on??""
  511. GM (GM): Clayton! You feel a breeze!
  512. Jakov Kovać: I don't know?
  513. Clayton R.: (( (( Did you ask if I was holding Everett? I thought DJ was. ))
  514. Simon Michaels: "Where are you?? Are you alone?"
  515. Jakov Kovać: YOU JUST BUMPED INTO ME
  516. Everett Pillory: (( Man this is the second game today where I'm incapacitated early on.))
  518. Clayton R. is unsure of what he is holding. He doesnt drop it though. He needed to find an exit.
  519. Jakov Kovać: AND WHO ARE YOU
  520. Simon Michaels: "Okay, im sorry. I need to know, are you from New Persia?
  521. GM (GM): Clayton!
  522. Jakov Kovać: NO
  523. GM (GM): at his point you are struck in the face!
  524. Jakov Kovać: ARE YOU?
  525. Clayton R.: may I parry?
  526. Simon Michaels: "I am Simon Michaels, from Endtown. So you're not from new persia, where are you from? I need to find my friends!!"
  527. GM (GM): Sure, clay
  528. rolling 1d100+30
  529. (71)+30= 101
  530. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+35
  531. (73)+35= 108
  532. Jakov Kovać: How come you are so far from Endtown, also I'm Dr.Kovać, Nice to meet you
  533. everyone can here the lobster and cat's conversation.
  534. GM (GM): Clayton!
  536. GM (GM): Your throw your arms up just in time!
  537. Clayton R.: (( This is so fucking hectic.))
  538. Martin Baron: "NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR PLEASANTRIES!" Martin yells out.
  539. GM (GM): You hear a scratch right in front of your face and a breeze!
  540. Simon Michaels: "Dr Kovać, yes, i remember hearing about you. Ok, i don't know what's happening here, but you sir can help me out a GREAT deal. Now tell me, how and when did you get here??"
  541. Jakov Kovać scurriey towards Martin
  542. DJ-Max: "?! Another voice... Sounds friendly at least..." he makes his way toward Martain as well.
  543. Jakov Kovać: by car my boy
  544. Simon Michaels: "A jeep??"
  545. Jakov Kovać: yes
  546. ((can't move my token))
  547. ((GM help))
  548. GM (GM): There you go))
  549. Jakov Kovać: ((the music is to silent))
  551. Jakov Kovać: Yes they're over here
  552. MArtin what is happening?
  553. Simon Michaels: "Thank god, THANK GOD I FOUND THEM. EYY MARTIN?!'1"
  554. GM (GM): ((Spookiest music I could find right now.))
  555. Jakov Kovać: ((Supperiour taste))
  556. Martin Baron: ((Might have a song, if you want suggestions.))
  557. Clayton R. is feeling very stressed. He doesn't know where to go, and he is under attack. He is very close to firing his flamethrower wildly.
  558. Simon Michaels: ((OH, i have a perfect music reccomendation, GM play this!!))
  559. Martin Baron: (( ))
  560. GM (GM): Sure!
  561. Simon Michaels:
  562. Everett Pillory: (( I recommend ))
  563. (( Because Pathologic OST is pure insanity ))
  564. Martin Baron: "How the hell would I know?! That black crap from the missile silo?!" Martin shouts.
  565. Simon Michaels: (( mart, you also hear me shouting your name))
  566. Martin Baron: (( I know.))
  567. Jakov Kovać: ((How much would I know of the Dittos GM?))
  568. Everett Pillory whispers "DJ... am I dying?"
  569. GM (GM): Absolutely nothing!
  570. Clayton R.: (( We're all surrounded by dittos still right? ))
  571. GM (GM): Alright, who has their eyes open at this time?
  572. Simon Michaels: i dont
  573. Jakov Kovać: Black Stuff???
  574. Martin Baron: "Who are you?!" Martin yells back. It's been a week or more since he last talked to Simon.
  575. ((I've had them open since this mess started))
  576. Simon Michaels: Martin!!?! Its Simon Michaels from Endtown, ive been takina a nap on the backseat. Is this the rocket silo??!!?!?
  577. Martin Baron: "Goo with teeth and eyes! Some freak was controlling them!"
  578. DJ-Max shakes his head to Everett "If you're not bleeding, no. Don't worry. No ones dying on my watch Everett. Just...close your eyes, hang on, and let me handle this. Alright?"
  579. Everett Pillory closes his eyes tight then and squeezes whatever bodypart of DJ he can grip "I'm scared"
  580. Martin Baron: "Simon?! You've been- Never mind! No, this isn't the silo!"
  581. Jakov Kovać: Right. Not oppening my eyes
  582. Martin Baron: (( Martin's not smart enough to listen to a random voice from an intercom.))
  583. Simon Michaels: "I FIGURED. Someone is trying to steal our stuff where the Jeep is? I am really starting to hate this place"
  584. Jakov Kovać: good instincts boy
  586. Simon Michaels: (( best choice of music ))
  587. GM (GM): Everything is spooky with the right tone.
  588. Simon Michaels: "Death what. IM KEEPING MY EYES CLOSED FOR A REASON. Whats the situation Martin
  589. Jakov Kovać: STUFF NOW, where was the Jeep we need it to help thoes that need it
  590. DJ-Max states "... Yeah...I'm feelin' that...Means you ain' gone loco yet..." he then asks "Hey Martain! Any ideas on a way out of here?!"
  591. Clayton R. has decided to tuck himself close to the floor. squeezing his eyes shut. ((and yes, GM. I don't know how to whisper.))
  592. GM (GM): "/w [name]
  593. Martin Baron: "There- There's this crap all around us! And I don't know!" Martin says, trying to tell out any exits he can direct the others to.
  594. ((Roll perception?))
  595. GM (GM): Clayton! The thing tries to break free!
  596. roll 1d100 plus your strength bonus!
  597. Clayton R.: rolling 1d100+20
  598. (22)+20= 42
  599. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+30
  600. (13)+30= 43
  601. Clayton R.: ((wow))
  602. Martin Baron: (( Hah.))
  603. Martin Baron: ((Anyway, can I try looking about the room with perception?))
  604. GM (GM): Martin, you can't see anything the dittos don't want you to, so if you have another sense to use, sure!
  605. Martin Baron: ((Hearing?))
  606. GM (GM): Sure!
  607. Simon Michaels: (( xbox HUEG ears, yea))
  608. Martin Baron: ((Mind bonus and I got +20 from bunny ears.))
  609. DJ-Max feels about
  610. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+35
  611. (85)+35= 120
  612. GM (GM): +20 to hearing.
  613. Yea.
  614. Everett Pillory: (( Come on, Martin. Avenge me ))
  615. Jakov Kovać: ((noice))
  616. GM (GM): You hear someone scamper out the door and it shut behind him.
  617. You recognize your comrads around you.
  618. Outside it sounds like fights and terror.
  619. Martin Baron: ((Which direction is the door? South?))
  620. GM (GM): East
  621. Martin Baron: "I think I found the door! Try to follow my voice!" Martin yells, attempting to make his way to the door.
  622. Simon Michaels follows martin
  623. DJ-Max can hear him... so of course he'll follow and pull Everett along!
  624. Jakov Kovać: following you
  625. Martin Baron: ((Hmm, health and mind numbers are off. Will fix it later.))
  626. Clayton R. crawls after Martin... anything to escape this hell.
  627. Martin Baron feels around the wall for a door.
  628. GM (GM): Yep, thats a door.
  629. Simon Michaels: (( identifying door ))
  630. Martin Baron opens it and yells out "Here! $&#@ing move!"
  631. GM (GM): Excellent formation
  632. Simon Michaels heads the call
  633. Martin Baron: ((is the hallway soaked with dittos too?))
  634. GM (GM): Yep.
  635. Also.
  636. Simon Michaels: (( YES
  637. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+20
  638. (87)+20= 107
  639. Martin Baron: "God, they're $*#%ing everywhere!" Martin yells as he moves further down the hallway.
  640. GM (GM): The dittos were waiting for you to open your eyes there.
  641. Martin Baron: ((Been open. I'm the blind-man's dog here.))
  642. Everett Pillory: (( ))
  643. Clayton R.: (( I need to head off soon, like within the next 10 minutes.))
  644. GM (GM): Ah, well, you should roll resist awhile ago!
  645. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+15
  646. (72)+15= 87
  647. GM (GM): rolling 1d10
  648. (4)= 4
  649. Simon Michaels: ech
  650. Everett Pillory has his eyes closed sobbing
  651. GM (GM): 4 stress.
  652. Martin Baron: (( 12 MP. I can tank it.))
  653. GM (GM): There you go!
  654. Simon Michaels: (( lets darkest dungeon this ))
  655. Martin Baron tries to hear if there's any other exits down the hallway.
  656. Martin sees more than he wanted!
  657. besides terrors from his past and hellish imagary he sees the entire colony is filled with dittos.
  658. Martin Baron starts to shake slightly, trying to steel his nerves against the onslaught of horror.
  659. they cover every person and surface like a thick layer or monster-paint!
  660. Martin Baron: "Guys! We gotta get the hell out of here! $#&@ the gear!"
  661. Everett Pillory: (( This is some fucking Event Horzion shit ))
  662. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+35
  663. (88)+35= 123
  664. ((Hear roll.))
  665. Jakov Kovać: I refuse Simon leed us to the Jeep
  666. A voice is heard of the intercom. It says, "23 hours to gooo!"
  667. Simon Michaels moves back two steps and stops
  668. DJ-Max: "...T-twenty wha'?!"
  669. Simon Michaels: eyes closed shut
  670. Martin Baron: "Crab man, you don't get it! We have to get out, NOW!"
  671. Martin Baron continues down the hallway, each step more shaken than the last.
  672. Simon Michaels: "You lead the way if you know it Martin"
  673. GM (GM): You hear chaos around you!
  674. You travel ten feet before hitting a wall.
  675. Simon Michaels: "ok, someone funny is spamming Merzbow over intercom"
  676. Clayton R.: (( Alright. I have to go. Put me in tag-along mode. ))
  677. Jakov Kovać: I ain't going to a colony in need withount supplies
  678. Martin Baron: ((You have a good one, Clayton.))
  679. Simon Michaels: bye, clayton
  680. you may know peace from this hell
  681. Everett Pillory: (( Later Clay... We'll see what the hell this devil jelly ridden hellhole is ))
  682. GM (GM): Actually I was going to bookmark it about here.
  683. Jakov Kovać: ((bye clay))
  684. GM (GM): Later clay!
  685. Martin Baron: "Oh god, left or right, left or right..." Martin mumbles frantically.
  686. DJ-Max: "Always ga' right man! "
  687. GM (GM): I'd like to end the session early.
  688. Simon Michaels: "Composure friend, were right behind you"
  689. (( OH, COMEON))
  690. Martin Baron: ((Shame.))
  691. GM (GM): Ah, okay!
  692. Everett Pillory: (( > Leaving us hanging ))
  693. Clayton R.: Oh okay. I guess I'll stick around for XP then
  694. GM (GM): Another 40 minutes!
  695. DJ-Max: (Kay.)
  696. Martin Baron: ((WOO! MORE HORROR AND MADNESS!))
  697. Simon Michaels: (( I dont know anymore ))
  698. GM (GM): Martin! You hear gunshots to the south.
  699. Clayton R.: (( alright then. See you guys later. Have fun in monster-jelly hell.))
  700. Martin Baron shouts out "Right! Turn right!" He begins to go down but stops once he hears the shots. "LEFT! GO LEFT!"
  701. Everett Pillory: (( I think being half-dead is not a bad choice for how fucked up this setup is. ))
  702. DJ-Max: (At least you won't take MADNESS)
  703. Simon Michaels: (( GM, can i roll to remember where the lot with the jeep was?? ))
  704. GM (GM): So are you guys doing a daisy chain or just walking along together?
  705. Jakov Kovać: Jullio you there?
  706. Martin Baron: ((Oh fuck, Julio!))
  707. GM (GM): Nah, you remember.
  708. It was east
  709. Martin Baron: ((I think daisy chain.))
  710. Jakov Kovać: ((yeah))
  711. GM (GM): Hook a left at the screaming woman and a right a the solid wall.
  712. Martin Baron: ((Screaming woman?))
  713. Simon Michaels: " Martin, the gunshots. I thing I know where they are coming from"
  715. Simon Michaels: "Copy that, and besides, thats where the Jeep is, i think."
  716. GM (GM): ((Oh yeah, miss "get away from me"
  717. Jakov Kovać: Julio?
  718. Julio: Is it over?
  719. Martin Baron: ((Pardon? Anyway, I'm moving past her. Probably with a higher stress gain, but still.))
  720. Jakov Kovać: no
  721. follow our voices
  722. Martin Baron: "Just- Just keep your eyes closed! I'll try to lead us out of here!"
  723. Jakov Kovać: and don't open your eyes
  724. Julio: I'm just gonna keep a grip on whoever I'm holding right now then.
  725. Simon Michaels: "Lead the way Martin"
  726. Martin Baron keeps moving forward down the left turn of the hallway.
  727. Martin Baron: ((Should I make another mind check since I still got my eyes open?))
  728. DJ-Max: "Just don't lose it man, if you need one of use to take over, we can."
  729. Martin Baron: "Turn right!"
  730. GM (GM): Yep!
  731. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+15
  732. (89)+15= 104
  733. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+30
  734. (74)+30= 104
  735. Ties go to defender.
  736. Martin Baron: ((GET DA FUCK OUTTA HERE DITTAS))
  737. GM (GM): You don't suffer, yet.
  738. Simon Michaels: clutchvawe
  739. wave
  740. Martin Baron: "Another right!" Martin yells to the others.
  741. GM (GM): You hit a wall.
  742. Jakov Kovać: ((will the rest of ya move?))
  743. Everett Pillory grips DJ harder "It's that... whisperman... I knew it... That blasted topsider warned us..."
  744. Simon Michaels: (( you try moving in an accurate representation of an acid trip gone wrong ))
  745. Martin Baron: ((I can't tell if this is the garage or not. I'm gonna make a hear check, see if there's anything to hear.))
  746. rolling 1d100+35
  747. (75)+35= 110
  748. GM (GM): You hear two people mumbling behind the wall.
  749. DJ-Max remembers that, he was there for that. "The whisperman? Yes... I remember. Don't worry, he ain' getting us."
  750. Martin Baron: ((Can I make it out?))
  751. DJ-Max is doing his best to just keep Everett calm.
  752. DJ-Max is doing his best to just keep Everett calm.
  753. Jakov Kovać: Whisperman?
  754. GM (GM): You make "Oh jezis oh jezis oh jezis" And "Weaponcashdrugsweaponscashdrugs"
  755. Simon Michaels: (( do i hear that as well? ))
  756. Jakov Kovać: ((they lost it))
  757. Martin Baron gets even further unsettled as he hears the mad words of the others.
  758. GM (GM): No. This is rabbit ear territory.
  759. Jakov Kovać: ((at least we know the dittos aren't on theire side))
  760. GM (GM): Very faint
  761. Simon Michaels: ROLLAN PERCEP
  762. rolling 1d100 + 40
  763. (43)+40= 83
  764. GM (GM): Get your ear right on that wall?
  765. Simon Michaels: lets say i did
  766. GM (GM): You hear something but can't make it out.
  767. Martin Baron moves forward. He has no clue if this is the garage or not.
  768. Martin Baron: ((Another spook roll?))
  769. GM (GM): Yes
  770. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+15
  771. (64)+15= 79
  772. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+40
  773. (66)+40= 106
  774. rolling 1d10
  775. (8)= 8
  776. Simon Michaels: "Martin, can you decipher what you're hearing, its too faint for me"
  777. GM (GM): 8 stress to anyone with their eyes open.
  778. Martin Baron screams as the black mass creates another form.
  779. Martin Baron: "N-Nothing! Keep moving forward!" Martin stutters out.
  780. GM (GM): You hit another wall.
  781. Martin Baron curses under his breath, his breathing starting to accelerate. "Make a right! I hit a wall!" he shouts, feeling his way down the south wall.
  782. GM (GM): You hit a wall.
  783. Simon Michaels: (( lel, fuk u GM ))
  784. DJ-Max: "...I think... this is a room."
  785. Jakov Kovać: ((hue))
  786. at this point DJ hits a wall!
  787. Martin Baron: (( 4 MP.))
  788. DJ-Max: "Wha...A wall?!"
  789. If feels as if his arm is stuck in a hole and his lobster friend is on the other side
  790. Jakov Kovać: ((close your eyes goddammit))
  791. DJ-Max opens his eyes to check out what the hell is even going on here?!
  792. Simon Michaels: " Another wall, if it continues on like this, we'll be going in circle.. Jeez, WE ARE IN A ROOM GUYS"
  793. (( eyes still shut ))
  794. Walls! Walls!
  795. Jakov Kovać: let's go back then if there're walls on all sides
  796. WALL!
  797. DJ-Max tries to pull his arm through the wall!
  798. Jakov Kovać: ((same here eyes closed))
  799. Martin Baron shouts "Turn around! We gotta go back and go south!" Martin tries to work his way out of the room, trying to find the hallway.
  800. GM (GM): Jakov! DJ is trying to yank your arm through a hole in the wall!
  801. Simon Michaels goes circling around for a few laps. All walls.
  802. Everett Pillory cries faintly "Please I don't want to die... help me..."
  803. Martin Baron looks horrified. "Oh god, oh god, oh god!" The room is closed off.
  804. Simon Michaels whispers to Lobsterman "sh%t, Looks like were closed off"
  805. DJ-Max: "Nngh... They're making walls now... That means the rest of these walls might not be here..."
  806. Everett Pillory: (( .... ))
  807. Jakov Kovać pushes him self forward
  808. GM (GM): Suddenly everything is normal, as Martin sees it.
  809. Jakov Kovać commrads stay calm
  810. Martin Baron: ((But not to the others?))
  811. Jakov Kovać: if we panick we lost
  812. close your eyes and cry a little in your laps
  813. but don't lose your sensees
  814. DJ-Max: " it over?"
  815. Simon Michaels: "Whats the stat Martin?"
  816. Jakov Kovać: where is every thing
  817. THE JEEP
  818. Jakov Kovać checks for the supllies
  819. Martin Baron , still breathing quickly, looks around the room. "I... I think it's over guys. Th-th-they're gone."
  820. Simon Michaels: "Can i open my eyes now?"
  821. GM (GM): part of spookiness is ineptitude.
  822. Jakov Kovać: ((so are the supplies there))
  823. Martin Baron: "Yes... Yes, I think they're gone." Martin says, placing the pistol back in his pocket.
  824. Simon Michaels reluctantly opens his eyes, to see everyone around him and dr Kovać by the Jeep.
  825. DJ-Max: " can open your eyes now... I think its over."
  826. Jakov Kovać: ((GM the supplies? what's the state of them?))
  827. Simon Michaels also sees clayton holding a badly bloodied furry character, as well as Manalisha, a rat kickboxer and a dusty reptile.
  828. Everett Pillory opens his eyes still clenching his teeth "I need a doc... please..."
  829. Martin Baron spots a badly injured Everett with DJ. Martin rushes over and asks "What the hell happened to him?"
  830. GM (GM): The supplies remain by the jeep
  831. DJ-Max: "What do y- OH JESUS I DIDN'T SEE THIS BEFORE"
  832. GM (GM): Two cats are curled up in the corner
  833. DJ-Max is now seeing Everett for realz right now.
  834. Simon Michaels yells: " KOOVAAAAAĆ, HERE QUICKLY!!!"
  835. Everett Pillory grunts "Martin, it's that whisperman guy... He ambused me... Pack my ass in jeep and drive away, FAST."
  836. Jakov Kovać alright the supplies are in order, is every one o....HOLY JESSUS WHAT HAPPENED TO EVERETT!?
  837. Martin Baron remembers the first aid packages in the truck. "Hold on, I think we can heal him up. Use the stuff in the back of the car, DJ, I'll help you carry him there.
  838. GM (GM): Birdman tried to gut him.
  839. Simon Michaels: " damn, Guys, let me help you out with him"
  840. GM (GM): The supplies are loaded into the truck.
  841. Jakov Kovać starts fixing Everetts wounds
  842. Martin Baron: ((GM, once I help DJ put Everett in the Jeep, can I go up to the cats and try to take their weapons? Make our exit a bit smoother.))
  843. Jakov Kovać: rolling 1d100 + 60
  844. (41)+60= 101
  845. Martin Baron: ((Maybe sneak roll so they don't know it's over?))
  846. DJ-Max nods to Martain and stars carrying...well more so then before.
  847. Simon Michaels: " Not now doc, lets get him to the jeep first"
  848. GM (GM): You can try martin!
  849. Martin Baron: ((Do I get an agility bonus roll to sneak?))
  850. Jakov Kovać: ((Let's say he's already in the jeep :))
  851. GM (GM): They appear to be clutching their weapons pretty well...
  852. Simon Michaels: (( ok, GM, doc, DJ and me carried poor Everett over to the jeep ))
  853. Martin Baron: ((Crud, might not make it. It's only level 1.))
  854. GM (GM): Right now Agility doesn't give a skill bonus. I should but I want it simple.
  855. Maybe I'll put that in.
  856. Pfft. Screw that, just kick them in the head and take them!
  857. Martin Baron: ((Well, I do have a pistol.
  858. ((Screw it, let's see.))
  859. rolling 1d100
  860. (48)= 48
  861. GM (GM): Ah, one more thing.
  862. Jakov Kovać: ((are you shooting?))
  863. Martin Baron: ((Sneaking. Have pistol ready.))
  864. Everett Pillory: ( I ALMOST forgot I had the riot vest on))
  865. GM (GM): They hear you fine. The don't seem to be intent on moving.
  866. Jakov Kovać: ((also GM this will be my last seassion for now, promised my pals to play DnD with them))
  867. Everett Pillory: (( THen again... dunno how a blow to the back would protect him since riot vests aren't meant for that))
  868. Martin Baron: ((I'm guessing I gotta do a strength roll to get their guns away? Also crud, it was nice having you Jakov.))
  869. GM (GM): ((I'll miss you man! Be sure to have fun.))
  870. Simon Michaels: Cool having you here Jakov
  871. GM (GM): Wrestle.
  872. Martin Baron: ((Kick the BBEG in the scrotum for me, would ya?))
  873. Jakov Kovać: ((no prob Just deliver me safely next seassion with the supplies to the colony))
  874. Martin Baron: ((What was that roll again?))
  875. Martin Baron: ((Oh absol-freaking-lutely.))
  876. GM (GM): Then 1d100+strength bonus.
  877. In your case it's +8
  878. Martin Baron: ((Oh crud, never mind. Was thinking the melee bonus.))
  879. Simon Michaels shouts to martin: " Need help with those two punks!!"
  880. Martin Baron draws his pistol. He's not intent on killing, but hopes intimidation will work if they look up.
  881. Everett Pillory: (( Man I still feel so stupid about not remembering I had a riot vest on. I guess Everett left it in the car since he felt safe ))
  882. Jakov Kovać: what are you doing to thoes poor guys?
  883. GM (GM): Anyway, if Jakov was a surgeon Everett should be healed +50
  884. Martin Baron: "Taking their guns away. If we want to get out safely, we don't want bullets in the back of our head."
  885. GM (GM): I forgot to mention that when he rooled.
  886. Martin Baron: ((So grapple roll? Jeez, feel like I'm defusing a bomb here. I fuck up, bullet storm for me.))
  887. Jakov Kovać: it was surgery))
  888. Martin Baron: ((We don't take it, they might start blasting us once they hear the Jeep start.))
  889. GM (GM): Well, once you have a grab on the gun the odds of them shooting you are very low.
  890. Martin Baron: ((Oh good.))
  891. rolling 1d100+8
  892. (92)+8= 100
  893. ((My gun now.))
  894. Everett Pillory: (( Holy fuck ))
  895. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+8
  896. (87)+8= 95
  897. Jakov Kovać: ((can I check them))
  898. GM (GM): Yep, you take their gun
  899. Jakov Kovać: ((the cats))
  900. Martin Baron nods towards the others. He gets inside of the jeep, two machine guns in hand.
  901. Simon Michaels: " Nice find man"
  902. Martin Baron: ((Wait, both guns or just the one?))
  903. Jakov Kovać: Martin stop acting like Rambo
  904. GM (GM): 9mm Mongol: 2d10+20.
  905. Simon Michaels goes in the jeep, earbuds in both ears.
  906. GM (GM): 100 rounds in the clip
  907. Martin Baron: ((Only 2d10+20? My pistol does more damage.))
  908. GM (GM): ((Connections are getting screwy, we already lost walker.))
  909. Martin Baron: ((I just hit the back button.))
  910. GM (GM): You have to add rapid fire on top of that.
  911. Martin Baron puts the Mongol on his spot in the Jeep. He goes back to get the other. Safety first and all.
  912. Martin Baron: ((Radical.))
  913. rolling 1d100+8
  914. (37)+8= 45
  915. Jakov Kovać: rolling 1d100+20
  916. (43)+20= 63
  917. GM (GM): So it's 2d10+20(+15,+30,+60+180 depending how much you fire.
  918. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+8
  919. (
  920. 83
  921. )+8
  922. = 91
  923. Martin Baron: ((Mutants fear me, for I am made death. And fug.))
  924. GM (GM): Nope, He holds firm to it.
  925. Jakov Kovać: (one roll for each of them)
  926. GM (GM): You could more easily just slap it from him.
  927. Jakov Kovać: ???
  928. GM (GM): A disarm attack.
  929. Martin Baron: ((Yeah, I'll do that.))
  930. ((Melee bonus?))
  931. GM (GM): Wrestling is more for Str charactesr
  932. Yep.
  933. Martin Baron: ((+45? Cool.))
  934. rolling 1d100+45
  935. (19)+45= 64
  936. GM (GM): Roll 40 or higher.
  937. Martin Baron: ((Dammit.))
  938. GM (GM): wiff!
  939. Martin Baron: ((One last try? Or no go?))
  940. Jakov Kovać: ??????????
  941. GM (GM): The other cat gets up and runs out the door screaming!
  942. Martin Baron: ((That one had the gun I'm guessing?))
  943. GM (GM): He yells, "Sorry boss, sorry boss!
  944. Nah, the disarmed one.
  945. Martin Baron: ((Anyway, Jakov was asking a medical question.))
  946. Everett Pillory headshakes "Leave'em be guys... just... leave'em be. This colony is dead."
  947. GM (GM): The other cat is still in a ball.
  948. Whoop sorry
  949. Everett Pillory sighs "I don't want to be here no more."
  950. Simon Michaels: "No one does, friend
  951. Martin Baron: ((I'll try one more time, if it's nothing, then we can bust. 2 machine guns in hand is way better than just one.))
  952. GM (GM): Jakov!
  953. Jakov Kovać: (yes)
  954. GM (GM): The cats didn't seem hurt or mentally scared, if that can be checked physically, anyway.
  955. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+45
  956. (80)+45= 125
  957. Jakov Kovać: ((it's obvious that something is wrong with them mentally I was checking if they were phisicly hurt))
  958. GM (GM): You swat it from him and it goes across the room.
  959. Martin Baron: ((Can I go nab it?))
  960. GM (GM): You have nab it!
  961. Jakov Kovać: ((and if they need some healling))
  962. GM (GM): You now have two 9mm mongol automatics!
  963. Martin Baron takes the newly acquired gun and goes back into the Jeep. He makes sure the safety's on on both and sets them down next to his feet.
  964. GM (GM): Everybody get in the jeep?
  965. Jakov Kovać: yup
  966. Simon Michaels: miles ahead of ya GM
  967. Martin Baron: "Crab man! Either we go now, or we stay and risk getting hit with that black junk again!"
  968. Jakov Kovać: xp pls, I need to skidadle
  969. Everett Pillory: MVP is Martin
  970. GM (GM): True. Also.
  971. GM (GM): The dittos reappear
  973. DJ-Max: Martain's the real MVP
  974. "NOT AGIAN"
  975. Simon Michaels: (( NOPE YOU AINT PULLING THIS SHIT AGAIN ))
  976. Everett Pillory: HIT THE GAS PEDAL.
  977. GM (GM): We'll do that, NEXT TIME!
  978. Simon Michaels: "FLOOR IT FLOOR IT FLOOR IT!!!!!"
  979. Jakov Kovać: cya guys whenever
  980. GM (GM): But seriously, This was a big trick to make you guys open your eyes.
  981. Jakov Kovać: diliver me safe to the colony
  982. Martin Baron: "MOVE!" Martin screeches out, picking up the machine gun and scrambling for the safety.
  983. GM (GM): Hence the cats not moving an inch.
  984. Simon Michaels: (( clever ))
  985. Martin Baron: I'm too badass for their silly tricks.
  986. But yeah, I really wanted to close my eyes too like the others.
  987. Let's go into XP before we go into crash rules.
  988. Simon Michaels: lets
  989. Jakov Kovać: snapy
  990. GM (GM): Alot of very clever ideas.
  991. +10 to Martin for using his rabbit senses.
  992. Martin Baron: Thanks boss man
  993. GM (GM): +5 to Martin and Simon for getting the guns away. They were a threat.
  994. Simon Michaels: thx
  995. GM (GM): Really this was a test of the ditto system.
  996. Simon Michaels: yes, it was hectic, i can see this being a very fun wildcard
  997. Martin Baron: So by me being a fuckup and having my eyes open, it helped with the test?
  998. GM (GM): Yes.
  999. Martin Baron: Also, wasn't sure on the spook rolls. If it was every time I moved or if it was one every two moves or something.
  1000. GM (GM): Because dittos gain a +10 bonus each time they try to scare a target
  1001. so right now they are +40
  1002. Martin Baron: Oh god
  1003. Everett Pillory: GM Plz
  1004. Jakov Kovać: anymore xp?
  1005. Simon Michaels: GM, I FOUND A TIME PARADOX.
  1006. Everett Pillory: MVP for Martin as well
  1007. GM (GM): Well, Aaron explained afew things that are [super secret] that will make more sense in the game later.
  1008. Martin Baron: Thanks guys, I appreciate it.
  1009. Oooooh, secret stuff is the best stuff.
  1010. GM (GM): Yes, MVP!
  1011. Everett Pillory: I do feel like an uttermost failure
  1012. Simon Michaels: Ok, How can we have Mallard know NOW what dittoes are?
  1013. DJ-Max: Welp. I'm out! Got things to get to.
  1014. Martin Baron: Any details that might spoil the comic? Not asking for what they are, just wondering how sensitive the secret is.
  1015. He doesn't.
  1016. Simon Michaels: like, time wise were still behind he algustine arc right?
  1017. Martin Baron: He just knows about black goo that we told him about
  1018. GM (GM): Yep.
  1019. Simon Michaels: ok
  1020. Martin Baron: Gave them the name dittos later, probably.
  1021. No one here knows a thing about it.
  1022. GM (GM): So really, you guys are kinda secret agents now. Knowing about all sorts of weird stuff.
  1023. Martin Baron: Freaky.
  1024. Simon Michaels: WooOOoooOOOOooo
  1025. neat
  1026. Martin Baron: Oh wait crap, how the hell are we gonna drive out of here when no one can see?
  1027. Jakov Kovać: if that's all and there is no more xp to be handed over
  1028. cya
  1029. Martin Baron: That sounds cool though.
  1030. Jakov Kovać: I need to run
  1031. GM (GM): Rescuing Everett, +20 clayton and Jaokv
  1032. If he ever returns.
  1033. Ah, right, later man!
  1034. Jakov Kovać: bye bye guys have fun, cya when ever
  1035. GM (GM): Come back anytime!
  1036. Jakov Kovać: thanks
  1037. Martin Baron: Alrighty. Any other details I should put in the paste?
  1038. Everett Pillory: DJ you mean not Clay
  1039. Martin Baron: Was fun having him.
  1040. Everett Pillory: Since DJ carried me out
  1041. GM (GM): Nope, that's about it.
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