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a guest
Apr 3rd, 2015
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  1. <21:54:05> "Fedot []": Sad to see you go
  2. <21:54:17> "Fedot []": but i love to watch your booty
  3. <21:54:26> "Fedot []": Babby Babby baby OOOOHG
  4. <21:54:45> "Fedot []": Baggy Sweat pants with the Rebox in the Jeans
  5. <21:55:03> "Fedot []": Its Friday,Friday gotta get down on friday
  6. <21:55:56> "[Ace] Ace": lol ill still be here
  7. <21:56:08> "Fedot []": But i luv you booty
  8. <21:56:13> "Fedot []": and not on the APD!
  9. <21:56:20> "Fedot []": is sopmone black mailing you?
  10. <21:56:22> "Fedot []": WHO
  11. <21:56:27> "Fedot []": Is it McDilli!
  12. <21:56:30> "Fedot []": I Knew it
  13. <21:56:39> "Fedot []": Did you send Dic pics on accident!
  14. <21:56:47> "Fedot []": Send them to me for safe keeping
  15. <21:56:52> "[Ace] Ace": LOL
  16. <21:56:52> "Fedot []": Good
  17. <21:56:54> "Fedot []": Good
  18. <21:57:08> "Fedot []": tRUE LIFE STORY^
  19. <21:57:18> "Fedot []": Accidenttly sent dic pics
  20. <21:58:11> "Fedot []": and that my freind is how yougo from Freind Zone to Relationship status
  21. <21:59:53> "Fedot []": Don't worry i got your back im getting you dirt on others for black mail
  22. <22:00:58> "Fedot []": You should tell Ares
  23. <22:01:08> "Fedot []": late April fools
  24. <22:01:13> "Fedot []": and Demote him to Dep
  25. <22:01:18> "Fedot []": and give me CoP
  26. <22:01:29> "Fedot []": 100% chance of APD buring within seconds
  27. <22:03:51> "Fedot []": i feel like i'm the only one contributing to this relationship
  28. <22:03:59> "Fedot []": we are over!
  29. <22:04:12> "Fedot []": But we can have break up Sm3x
  30. <22:04:25> "Fedot []": and I may Drunk text you from time to time
  31. <22:04:31> "Fedot []": saying miss you and such
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