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Feb 6th, 2016
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  1. I always try to prove my points everytime I see an opportunity while assuming people actually know what I'm talking about. The thing about what you guys do-- telling people "No more of that!" when you think they've gone too far-- is that you're not being very descript. No one else knows where you draw the line. Like you told Kiwi to "Stop that" when he mentioned shoving vibrators into someone. What do we interpret that as? No joking at someone elses expenses? No mention of sex? If some mentions of sex are allowed, what, specifically, is banned? These type of things need to be written down as rules rather than left for mods to arbitrarily decide on their own. We need to know how far is too far for you. I'll agree that some things can't be caught through foresight, but that's why we need more mods to discuss whether it isn't one person being sensative or not. That's how debate works, multiple people with different ideologies arguing to get closer to a solution that is practically objective, rather than the subjective decision of one mod.
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