
Bon Bon's Best Buddy (Bon Bon Macro)

Aug 6th, 2013
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  1. > "Sorry, babe. I gotta burn the bridge with ya now" Hailstorm confidently said with an endearing look on his face as he pat his dark green hoof onto the mare's head.
  2. > The crying mare simply bolted off, her feelings destroyed by the once love of her life.
  3. > "Oh well, she was the flavour of the week anyways." Smirked the muscular stallion as he began to depart from Sugarcube Corner.
  4. > Trotting his way along the streets of Ponyville, he gazed up to the sky and laughed "No mare will ever tie this beast down!"
  5. > Finally, the airheaded stallion made it back to his home, when he was greeted by an odd stallion shouting a strange phrase over and over.
  6. > "Beware the stallion swinger's curse!" He continued "It makes any unloving colt shrink to the size of his miniscule heart!" Yelled the maniac, clearly not in his right mind.
  7. > Shaking his head at the obviously insane pony, Hailstorm swiftly opened his door and slammed it shut, locking it tightly behind him.
  8. > "Ponies are getting crazier and crazier as the days go by, yeesh." He lamented.
  9. > At a slow pace, Hailstorm began to unwind on his bed happily thinking about what his next mare of the month will be and where he will meet her.
  10. > Worry began to creep into the mind of the sturdy stallion, maybe that fool was right? Maybe he was going to shrink.
  11. > "No, that was just some crazy colt spouting nonsense out of his mouth." He thought and immediately, almost any trace of doubt was erased from his already calmed concious.
  12. > Nightmares of being tied down to a single mare for all eternity haunted the mind of Hailstorm, as he tossed and turned in his sleep.
  13. > Emerging from his slumber in a cold sweat during the middle of the night, Hailstorm shouted in pure fear as he had just witnessed the single most terrifying sight he could ever imagine.
  14. > Him getting married.
  15. > Commitment was a sin as far as he was concerned, and he wanted to be nowhere near the shackles of civil union.
  16. > "Damn, why do I keep having these crazy ass dreams?" The stallion questioned himself.
  17. > Before Hailstorm could even lull himself back to sleep with an old nursery rhyme his mother used to sing to him, he began to feel queazy.
  18. > "Oh hell man, I gotta get to the bathroom before I-" His worried thoughts were interrupted by vomit spewing out of his mouth.
  19. > Luckily, he missed his bed and instead lost his lunch and dinner on the wooden floor of his bedroom.
  20. > "Gotta stop eating so many muffins, it'll be the end of me someday." Jokingly thought Hailstorm as he considered the thought of instantly cleaning his now vomit covered floor.
  21. > But almost as if on queue, the stallion's vision began to fade into an infinite black void.
  22. > Hours passed, and Hailstorm slept like a baby, occassionaly mumbling to himself in his sleep about his old girlfriends.
  23. > The morning sun vanquished the cold night, and a tired Hailstorm lazily stumbled out of bed, almost slipping on the wet vomit on the floor.
  24. > Hailstorm in a groggy state, wandered over to his bathroom mirror, to assess the damage of his night terrors.
  25. > "Whew, rough night," The stallion sighed "My lips are covered in throw up, my mane is all out of whack, and my eyes are red."
  26. > That was only the beginning of his troubles, as he began to brush his teeth, a note on the mirror caught his eye.
  27. > He slid it out from under the mirror and began to read aloud. "Heya hot stuff, this is Candi here, I left a present for you on the outskirts of the town, just look for the blue flowers! xoxoxo, Candi."
  28. > "Must be from Candi, before I dumped her yesterday." Grinned Hailstorm, "Oh well, babe always did have the hots for me, might as well go treasure huntin'!"
  29. > With those words, Hailstorm's putrid, vomit scented breath shattered a small part of the mirror.
  30. > "Right after I use mouthwash." Nervously giggled the stallion as he poured the pink liquid into his mouth.
  31. > Pleased with his current appearance and minty breath, Hailstorm left his house in a rush, hoping that Candi did not steal his present.
  32. > Outside, the colt was still shouting nonsense about some sort of curse, but Hailstorm decided that it was best to not confront a deranged pony like that.
  33. > Galloping through the town square, knocking over every pony in his way he finally made it to the outskirts of Ponyville. Just on the border of the Everfree Forest.
  34. > "Blue flowers, blue flowers." Thought the out of breath stallion as he peered around the open field.
  35. > Hailstorm became fed up trotting around an empty field for a gift that may or may not still be in it's location.
  36. > He almost gave up and went home, but that was before he finally spotted the field of flowers mentioned in the note.
  37. > Rushing into the garden of blue flowers, Hailstorm hunted high and low for his gift.
  38. > After a short while of searching, he had found a crumpled up note in the dense foliage.
  39. > "Alright, let's see what this crazy mare left me." Eagerly said the stallion as he began to read the note left behind by Candi.
  40. > "Dear muscle freak, you hurt my friend and now, I'll hurt you." He continued to read. "I will show you how small your black heart really is, be prepared for a surprise."
  41. > Shrugging off the cryptic message, Hailstorm tossed the letter aside and began the trip back into town.
  42. > "Can't believe I bought into her nonsense" He angrily thought as he made it back to Ponyville.
  43. > Suddenly, a cloaked mare emerged from an alley near Hailstorm, shouting a familiar phrase.
  44. > "Be prepared for a surprise, heartbreaker!" She viciously hissed as her horn shot a bolt of magic towards the unaware stallion.
  45. > Nothing seemed to happen at all from the spell, as the headstrong Hailstorm charged angrily at the hooded figure.
  46. > He was too slow however, as the attacker swiftly dodged and fled from the scene, leaving the stallion dazed and confused.
  47. > "That's enough nonsense for today, I should get home, I've already spent enough time today on awful things to do." Hailstorm continued on with his route to his home.
  48. > While waiting for an apple cart to pass, it would appear that a light yellow mare was waving at him, her pink and blue mane rustling in the wind.
  49. > Seeing this as an opening to get yet another mare to fall for him, Hailstorm without any objections dashed across the street.
  50. > "She's a cutie, I think I'll give her the full frontal flirt special." He lightheartedly thought to himself.
  51. > As he made his way over to the smiling mare, he began to flex his muscles as hard as he possibly could.
  52. > The welcoming mare immediately jumped up shouting "My name is Bon Bon, what is yours, handsome?"
  53. > Hailstorm was not used to such an energetic welcome from such a quiet looking pony. He simply held his head up high and said with a confident smirk "Hailstorm, miss."
  54. > "What is a strong, muscular stallion doing unaccompanied, if I might ask?" Questioned the hyper pony.
  55. > This time, Hailstorm had to force a crude smile at Bon Bon speaking in an awkward tone.
  56. > Five seconds of silence between the two was broken by a simple rebuttle from the stallion asking only "I don't know, what's a gorgeous girl like you doing all by yourself? That's the real mystery."
  57. > "Oh, I'm just out browsing the market you know, the usual." Bon Bon said with a smile as warm as the sun itself.
  58. > Cutting straight to the chase, Hailstorm bluntly stated "So, you got a special somepony in your life?"
  59. > Blushing in emberrassment, Bon Bon only answered shaking her head.
  60. > "How's about you take me back to your place?" He said, clearly seeing the blushing mare's desire to spend quality time with him.
  61. > Bon Bon's mood had hastily turned from hyper to extremely shy after the proposal made by Hailstorm.
  62. > Speechless, Bon Bon motioned for the stallion to follow.
  63. > "So, uh, what do you think about muffins?" Hailstorm said, attempting to make small talk.
  64. > Stopping dead in her tracks, Bon Bon turned around slowly, with a large smile pasted on her face.
  65. > "I love muffins, especially covered in candy." She said through her smile.
  66. > Hailstorm felt like a relationship with this cheery pony wasn't going to last very long at all.
  67. > During the sluggish stroll to her house, Bon Bon gazed at Hailstorm with her loving eyes and said "You know, I've been longing for a kindred spirit to brighten up my days." With a trusting smile.
  68. > Not knowing exactly how to react to such a bold statement, he simply responded with a cold "Me too."
  69. > Slowly, Hailstorm began to put his arm over his newest girlfriend.
  70. > Giggling, she responded positively by nuzzling his neck.
  71. > "I've never met such a buff pony before." She said in a flirtatious manner.
  72. > Hailstorm couldn't help but boast about his toned body. "Yeah, I pull carts full of ponies for a living, I also work out seven times in a week."
  73. > Never before has a mare treated him this well.
  74. > Finally, they had made it to Bon Bon's home.
  75. > Opening the door slowly, an entoxicating aroma filled the nostrils of the green stallion.
  76. > "What is that fantastic smell?" Asked Hailstorm with an extremely happy grin on his face.
  77. > "Chocolate, Licorish, Gobstoppers, Gum, you name it I've got it!" Explained Bon Bon.
  78. > The buff stallion nearly collapsed at the sheer smell of all of the candy being made in her home.
  79. > He took a seat in the living room, on the beige couch set next to a bookcase full of all types of reading material.
  80. > While Bon Bon was in the other room, preparing a platter of candy, Hailstorm began to feel a sharp stabbing pain in his neck.
  81. > It had felt as if the moon itself had fallen on his left hindleg, as it began to slowly shrink down to the length of a toothpick
  82. > The process picked up in speed as the remaining legs began to suffer the same treatment as the first.
  83. > Before he could cry for help, his lips receeded into his face, and within moments, his entire head had taken a smaller form.
  84. > His entire body had shrunken down to a mere two inches, a shocking revelation made by Hailstorm when he noticed the cushion was much larger in size.
  85. > Hailstorm was thrown up into the air by the constant shaking of the ground before he could make a possible escape, a giant Bon Bon entered the room.
  86. > "Hailstorm, Hailstorm?" Bon Bon immediately dropped her smile and began to frown. "He, he left?" She began to whimper, searching every room of the house.
  87. > Slowly, Bon Bon set the tray full of different types of delicious candy onto the coffee table.
  88. > "W-was it something I said...?" Slowly muttered the candy pony.
  89. > The shrunken stallion attempted to gain the attention of the now depressed mare, but his yells went unheard.
  90. > Bon Bon approached the bookcase and grabbed a book titled "How to deal with a breakup." Clearly, this was the first relationship she had been so enthusiastic about.
  91. > Strange that a stallion that she had only known for an hour had such a large impact on the sweet pony.
  92. > But there were more urgent matters on Hailstorm's mind, such as getting back to normal size.
  93. > Without looking, Bon Bon began to lower her rear onto the couch, smothering the fleeing stallion with two candy packed mounds of flesh.
  94. > Struggling did nothing but push Hailstorm further beneath Bon Bon's round rump.
  95. > Wiggling her behind, Bon Bon was getting a more comfortable position on the couch, unknowingly forcing the stallion further into her crevice.
  96. > Not wanting to be a smear on a mare's butt, the only thing Hailstorm could do was attempt to push the giant off of him.
  97. > Every punch thrown had the normal response of Bon Bon shaking her rear back into the cushion, putting him back at stage one.
  98. > Twas' impossible, though. He was thoroughly stuck and there was no way of him getting out.
  99. > Until he had the bold idea to bite into the mass of flesh he was stuck to.
  100. > His teeth sinking into the rump of Bon Bon, she hardly even took notice. Only reaching her hoof back to scratch it.
  101. > But that was his ticket out of there, as he allowed the hoof to remove him from Bon Bon's behind.
  102. > Bon Bon paid no mind to the hoof she used to scratch her behind, and simply wiped it on the couch, who would know anyways?
  103. > Hailstorm was left on the armwrest, still reeling from that almost fatal experience with a mare's plot.
  104. > "I gotta get outta here and find the bitch who did this to me." Declared the small stalwart stallion.
  105. > Leaping off of the couch onto the floor, Hailstorm nearly broke every bone in his body, if not for the fallen throwpillow that belonged to the couch.
  106. > A large groan came from the giant Bon Bon sitting on the couch, with an annoyed expression on her face, she sighed. "This isn't going to help me with my friend issue."
  107. > The large book she was reading was carelessly thrown to the ground, the gust of wind knocking Hailstorm to the floor.
  108. > Dazed and confused, he began to stumble into the path of Bon Bon.
  109. > Taking a deep breath, Hailstorm began to pray to Celestia that the incoming hoof wouldn't completely obliterate him.
  110. > Thankfully, while kneeling down to pray, he only became stuck to the very tip of Bon Bon's well kempt hoof.
  111. > She didn't even hear the complaints of the stallion, in a twisted way, he began to enjoy the treatment he was being given by the unaware Bon Bon.
  112. > No matter what though, Hailstorm did not wish to become a permanent resident of hotel Bon Bon.
  113. > Each step she took, his body became even more attached to her suave hoof. Hailstorm opened his mouth to call for Bon Bon to help him, but that only served to put the soapy taste of her hoof into his greedy mouth.
  114. > Such a strong stallion being used as a makeshift slipper for Bon Bon, it hurt his pride, but did not cause any stress to Hailstorm.
  115. > Constant moving caused Bon Bon to exhert even more sweat from her body, especially her hooves.
  116. > His lips touching the sweaty hoof, Hailstorm began to wonder if his fate was to be tied down with a giant mare.
  117. > Committment was always a fear possessed by him, his most aggressive fear at that. So, when she stood up to reach a plate in the cupboard, he painfully peeled himself off of her hoof and sprinted to the exit.
  118. > Only obstacle that stood in his way is the door, he began to calculate with his extremely small mind and began to formulate a plan to escape.
  119. > Or he could just stay in the home of the towering pony, but even then, how would he live? Hailstorm thought to himself.
  120. > It was settled, Hailstorm would snatch a long rope of licorish from the tray of candy so genorously provided by Bon Bon and tie it around the golden knob.
  121. > Failure was not an option at this point for him, he had to pull this plan off with flawless execution.
  122. > Knowing that he couldn't be heard by Bon Bon, he began to dash towards the table covered in sweets.
  123. > Climbing back onto the couch, Hailstorm gave a confident smirk to himself and marched to the farthest point of the couch for a running head start.
  124. > Hailstorm took a deep breath, counted to three, and galloped as fast as he possibly could towards the massive jump.
  125. > Momentum was the only thing carrying him over the gap, it was a close shave. As he just barely clung to the very edge of the table.
  126. > Pulling himself up with all of his might, the stallion appeared to be in the clear.
  127. > Shockingly, Bon Bon returned right as Hailstorm was attempting to steal a large piece of licorish and her hoofsteps causing large tremors to the two inch stallion.
  128. > Hailstorm was knocked right into a peice of chocolate, cooked to perfection by the sweets master herself.
  129. > "Mmm, I need some comfort food." Bon Bon said, giving a blank stare to the small peices of chocolate.
  130. > She extended her hoof towards the bowl of chocolates, and scooped up the chocolate that was harboring the shrunken Hailstorm.
  131. > The last thing Hailstorm saw before he was gobbled up, was the smirking face of the emotionally hurt Bon Bon.
  132. > Trapped in the mouth of Bon Bon, his main objective was to not be swallowed whole.
  133. > Saliva coated Hailstorm, her tongue pushing him around the inside of her mouth.
  134. > Bon Bon was clearly enjoying her piece of chocolate, trapping Hailstorm underneath her moist, pink tongue.
  135. > Melting the chocolate in her warm mouth, it began to completely cover the unfortunate stallion in sweet tasting liquid.
  136. > In no time at all, every single limb was coccooned in a chocolate ooze, except for Hailstorm's hot head.
  137. > "I'm not gonna be some mare's candy!" Shouted Hailstorm, as he began to bash his head against the roof of Bon Bon's mouth.
  138. > Yet another idea filled the mind of the already furious stallion, once her mouth moved him towards a tooth, he'd make an attempt to break it.
  139. > With tremmendous strength, force and mommentum, Hailstorm actually did crack a small portion of Bon Bon's tooth while being shoved against it. As he heard a pained grunt from the giant mare.
  140. > Luckily for Hailstorm, Bon Bon decided to quickly assess the damage dealt by her chocolate, and spat out the contents into her hoof.
  141. > "Hailstorm, is that you?!" She quickly looked at the tiny stallion being held in her hoof with extremely happy eyes.
  142. > He tried to respond, but right as he opened his mouth to speak, Bon Bon pulled him tightly close to her chest and began to hug him like a teddy bear.
  143. > "I'm so so happy you didn't leave!" Exclaimed the mare, grasping Hailstorm tightly to her torso.
  144. > Rolling his eyes, he thought to himself that maybe he could beg the mare for transport back to his home.
  145. > Jumping, the hopeful stallion was asking to be brought up to her ear, so that he could communicate with the behemoth.
  146. > Bon Bon happily obliged and raised him up to her left ear, where he began to speak.
  147. > "So, I've been shrunk and I was wondering, could you take me back to my house? I mean, it would help me get back to normal size." Just then, Bon Bon moved the stallion onto her nose and stared at him with her glistening eyes.
  148. > "But your so cute! Can't I just keep you?" Pouted Bon Bon. Not wanting to see a mare sad, at least not from a reason other than him breaking her heart, he simply turned away and mumbled "Four Hours."
  149. > Gasping, Bon Bon returned to forcing the air out of the miniscule Hailstorm with a vice grip hug.
  150. > He was sure that he could make himself get thrown out of her house even sooner, if he had caused nothing but grief to the mare, besides, it would be her dumping him.
  151. > A large crashing noise came from the outside and interrupted the giant cuddling session. Bon Bon set Hailstorm down with a small kiss and went to investigate.
  152. > This was his chance to cause some serious damage to her property, as he noticed an extremely valuable looking vase perched on a table to the left of the couch.
  153. > Hailstorm had to make his move right now, otherwise his giant lover would come back and return to cuddling the life out of him.
  154. > Vigorously sprinting across the couch, he made it to the amythest colored vase and began to use every last bit of his energy on the effort of shattering it on the floor.
  155. > It was a short distance to the average size pony, but when you're a mere two inches, pushing a vase seemed similar to pushing a mountain.
  156. > Using this time to reflect on himself he began to peice together what had happened and how he would proceed.
  157. > "That crazy mare I met on the street, she must of blasted me with some sort of shrinking spell." Thought the stallion outloud.
  158. > A smile crept across his face as began to think about the sweet goliath mare who was simply loving him in the best way she could.
  159. > With a loud grunt, he had forced the vase off of the table, producing an ear drum shattering noise of glass breaking.
  160. > Bon Bon came sprinting back with a look of concern on her face, only to find the sharp remains of her vase.
  161. > "Are you okay, little guy? The vase didn't smash you did it?" Yelled Bon Bon, attempting to achieve a response from her tiny stallion friend.
  162. > Obviously his plan wouldn't work, she was clearly attached to him somehow, and he didn't know how to proceed other than finding an open window to abandon her.
  163. > Sticking to the shadows was his plan, as Bon Bon stepped away from the shattered glass and went to retrieve a broom and dustpan.
  164. > Hailstorm's salvation and escape route was found, as wind blew through an open window straight across from him.
  165. > Stealth was required for this path, as it tip toes alongside the massive mare who now returned with a dustpan and broom.
  166. > Luckily, there were nightstands all around the living room, which made it easier to reach his escape point.
  167. > "I need to find him, he must be so scared." Worried Bon Bon as she swept up the glass.
  168. > Little did she know, but behind her, Hailstorm was jumping from table to table, getting closer and closer to the open window.
  169. > Bon Bon threw the dustpan full of glass without a single care into the nearby garbage bin and began to scower each room for her little pet.
  170. > "After all of this is over, I'm gonna need a shower." Shivered Hailstorm as he remembered being a little too close to a mare's hindquarters.
  171. > Yells of worry erupted from the nearby rooms, obviously coming from the mare who now thought she had lost the only stallion who seemed interested in her.
  172. > Slouching, Bon Bon returned to the living room after ten minutes of searching, her eyes drenched in tears as she began to lay on the couch and weep.
  173. > One jump away from freedom, Hailstorm looked back at the sounds of crying and watched tear after tear fall down the face of the normally happy mare.
  174. > "All I wanted was a friend, somebody to spend time with and talk to." Lamented Bon Bon as she continued to cry, her voice nearly knocking the stallion out into the rose bushes.
  175. > A strange feeling overtook Hailstorm, as he began to genuinely care for the first time about somebody else.
  176. > Continuing to cry, Bon Bon fell asleep in a depressed frown, as the only stallion she would ever care for was gone.
  177. > Now having no desire to leave the sad mare, Hailstorm had to make a difficult decision by himself.
  178. > Stay and live with the towering mare he had developed feelings for? Or continue with his swinger lifestyle, breaking one heart after another.
  179. > Taking a deep breath, Hailstorm vaulted off of the windowsill and safely into some carrot cake.
  180. > Committment, he was finally ready to face it. After all of the mares he has hurt, the stallion climbed up onto the couch where the titanic Bon Bon was sleeping.
  181. > Quietly, he inched himself onto the belly of Bon Bon and began to sleep.
  182. > He was ready to commit.
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