
Uplift RPG Session #26-30

Jul 1st, 2017
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  1. Gator (GM): Hey hey!
  2. Gaven C.: Hey man
  3. Gator (GM): Hey!
  4. Gaven C.: Oh snap thats the pic of our characters.
  5. Gator (GM): Yeah, more or less.
  6. I think the bear looks like a wombat and the horse has a small head. I'm sure the players would argue it some.
  7. But hopefully that looks nice.
  8. Gaven C.: yeah i thought it was a wombat before i remember jakob.
  9. Hey no one ate anyone else, yet.
  10. Gator (GM): No one plans on eating someone
  11. Anyway, added dual gun rules.
  12. And did more editting.
  13. I really am not happy with my pace on the whole editting thing.
  14. I work like a donkey that really doesn't want to go.
  15. Gaven C.: Thats great to hear man.
  16. so like a stubborn ass?
  17. Gator (GM): Yeah, want to but I just sit there hemming and hawing.
  18. I changed some names to not be lame.
  19. Gaven C.: So who did the art?
  20. What were the name changes?
  21. Gator (GM): It was the cities in Eo
  22. Hercul is now Bergen
  23. Cold is now Traictem
  24. Portly is now Serborgia
  25. Basically old names from New Jersey, Norway, and Italy respectively.
  26. That was from the endtown /trash/ thread, actually.
  27. Gaven C.: It make more sense for portly to be Italy since they have those water city and Italy has Venice
  28. So where is everyone?
  29. Gator (GM): That's what I would like to know.
  30. We had afew new players from 4ch.
  31. Then the new guy last week.
  32. Today may be cursed.
  33. I don't just mean this session.
  34. Gaven C.: well its saturday the 13 not friday the 13.
  35. Gator (GM): Mother's day.
  36. Box-O-Rocks: Woah, nice art
  37. Gator (GM): Yeah, that was going to be the player's surprise today.
  38. Box-O-Rocks: May have to just save it then. I know a lot of people are busy themselves today. I had to get my Mom's place cleaned up.
  39. Gator (GM): Yes. I suppose maybe I should cancel.
  40. I spent the morning out with my mom.
  41. It was a death march.
  42. All her friends almost spent three hours running to the bathroom.
  43. And everyone's joints were inflamed
  44. Box-O-Rocks: Ah, one of those days then..
  45. Gator (GM): I bring this up because I think it's one of those universal bad days.
  46. So, now that you guys are here, I do have some important stuff to go over
  47. Boxo! You came up with that Den point stuff, right?
  48. Gaven C.: Well shit if its a universal bad day can't wait to see what happens with my streak of luck.
  49. Box-O-Rocks: Huh? I'm not sure what your talking about.
  50. Gator (GM): Oh I'm sure it will be all peaches and cream.
  51. Oh, sorry
  52. I meant c. jeff. I can't track who is who from roll 20 to skype
  53. Anyway, I've been getting the mailing addresses of contributors for patent reasons.
  54. Speaking of, what's your mailing address Gav?
  55. You can email it to me if you want it off the record
  56. Box-O-Rocks: For a moment, I felt a bit like I had forgot to do my homework there.
  57. Gator (GM): Well, everyone is getting a mention.
  58. And you can point to the cover and say, "That's mine, y'all."
  59. Gaven C.: your mailing adress is your street number right?
  60. Gator (GM): Right, unless you have a po box
  61. So what do you guys think of the cover.
  62. I've shown it to normies and they like it.
  63. Gaven C.: Fried need a chef hat. thats my only complaint.
  64. 9/10
  65. Gator (GM): The jacob character kind of a wombat
  66. Box-O-Rocks: I really like it, They got Ramiel pretty accurate to my imagination of him.
  67. Gator (GM): I'm sure suule will find something off with the horse
  68. But I think the bat is the finisher.
  69. Gaven C.: I know.
  70. Box-O-Rocks: Is that the Cyclone behind the group?
  71. Gator (GM): But the ship in teh backgroud was actually Jesse's idea. I liked it. With GotG I think that is an in look.
  72. Yeah.
  73. Granted it's not exactly like the clipart token version but yeah, it's the thing. I think the cover is a big thanks to you guys.
  74. Although I didn't get everyone, I think.
  75. Box-O-Rocks: If I were to guess, it looks like a wing with the laser at the end.
  76. Gaven C.: ryo gato
  77. Gator (GM): Ryo Gato doesn't need a cover, because he is in all our hearts
  78. Gaven C.: the guy who wanted to be a clonetrooper in this instead of joint a star wars game.
  79. Gator (GM): Artistic liberties were taken.
  80. Yeah, no way in hell.
  81. You gotta have a 70%+ attendance rate to get in on this piece!
  82. Box-O-Rocks: lol
  83. accurate
  84. Gator (GM): Johnny come latelys can burn in hell!
  85. And die!
  86. Anyway, half a ding.
  87. I'll make a post about it being cancelled.
  88. Box-O-Rocks: Do you know If I can get a link to pic of the cover?
  89. Gaven C.: oh and that one guy who wanted to be a plant.
  90. Gator (GM): Ah yeah.
  91. Gaven C.: he could of make it work by being sorta half plant when an expirement went horrible wrong
  92. Gator (GM): I get very passive with those types.
  93. Because I know they ain't gonna be back.
  94. Just go "Yeah, okay, come back next week" and they flake out without a hassle.
  95. But I really didn't like the ideas of that plant character.
  96. I mean I am a huge Farscape fan but c'mon
  97. Gaven C.: It's the way he tried to get the character in.
  98. Like he just said "I wanna be a plant."
  99. Gator (GM): Yeah, "Hey, bend the rules for me pls kthx."
  100. I suppose that's a weird way of looking at it but
  101. Yeah
  102. Gaven C.: Like a mad scientist that hed a bad expiremnt that turned him part plant or some shit.
  103. Gator (GM):
  104. Every character that becomes part plant is exposed to some fertilizer crap.
  105. Gaven C.: Literally
  106. Gator (GM): Extermly.
  107. Poison Ivy, I think they dodge around how she got her powers.
  108. But I bet it was fertilizer
  109. Box-O-Rocks: (( got a link to the art? ))
  110. Gator (GM): here let me upload it.
  112. Suule helped me find the artist. For all the fertilizer we threw at eachother afew weeks ago he's been a bro.
  113. Box-O-Rocks: thanks
  114. Gator (GM): Print it up and put it on the wall.
  115. I'm actually quiet prod, this marks that the rpg is farther than the Endtown rpg got.
  116. Anyway.
  117. Happy Matriarchial festivius
  118. I'll make a passive aggressive post about everyone ditching.
  119. Box-O-Rocks: You too, for what it's worth
  120. Gator (GM): I'd say it's worth alot
  121. This is the face of the system! With this it's more than a phat stack of words and sometimes pictures!
  122. Alright, lates!
  123. Box-O-Rocks: later
  124. Gaven C.: shit.
  125. Axl Greez: Hey. Something wrong?
  126. Apologies for not giving a heads up; phone bricked. Had no way of telling y'all ahead of time.
  127. Gator (GM): Eh?
  128. Gaven C.: Well that sucks man
  129. Axl Greez: Art looks nice.
  130. Gator (GM): Crap. I was about to call it a day.
  131. Turns out it's mommy day.
  132. Gaven C.: mommy day is tomorrow
  133. Gator (GM): Right.
  134. So sorry man.
  135. I think today is cursed.
  136. Axl Greez: No problem if none of y'all are able to do today.
  137. Gator (GM): Also... My memory is faulty.
  138. Your character is on this, right?
  139. Axl Greez: Yeah, it's the bear.
  140. Gator (GM): Right right
  141. Axl Greez: Really appreciate that. He looks good.
  142. Gator (GM): Eh the pose is not dynamic at all but he is the center figure
  143. I think it looks like a wombat.
  144. But still I think it captures the character.
  145. ...
  146. Ah!
  147. Gaven C.: Hey
  148. Axl Greez: Just needs to be lifting someone above his head to throw like a WWE move and it's golden.
  149. Preferably one of the team members
  150. Gaven C.: And screaming "WHERES MY WIFE!"
  151. Axl Greez: Perfection
  152. Gator (GM): Alright, later guys!
  153. Axl Greez: Just a big word box with bold "Where's my wife" in the center
  154. Anyway, shame about no game today. And again, apologies for no heads up on me possibly being late.
  155. Gaven C.: It's ok man.
  156. Axl Greez: My android phone was acting screwy. Tried resetting it, didn't work. Accidentally factory reset it, then it went haywire.
  157. Wont get out of the initial setup phase
  158. At all
  159. Gaven C.: hit it with a hammer.
  160. Axl Greez: That's what it's come to at this point
  161. Gaven C.: have you tried holding in the power button and the down volume button.
  162. Axl Greez: Yeah, that's how I reset and factory reset it by accident
  163. Only way to get it out of its glitch-state in the beginning, or just let it drain its battery to die.
  164. Then I accidentally hit factory reset. It purged some data then got really messed up.
  165. In short: time for a new phone.
  166. Which sucks because I'm applying for jobs, and not having a phone is a huge turnoff.
  167. And giving a relatives phone number instead, like your Mom, isn't any better
  168. Axl Greez: Ah well.
  169. I'll work it out.
  170. Gaven C.: Well imma be going now and gonna try to figure our how to give my mailing adress without pissing off my paranoid pap.
  171. Axl Greez: Anyway, anyway. Love the art. GM said something about a bat? It looks finished, I don't know why he'd add in another character, especially one that's mine.
  172. *especially another one that's mine/
  173. Gaven C.: joanna has no horn. fried got no chef hat.
  174. Axl Greez: Noticed that.
  175. Jakob's a bit small too, and I agree with it looking like a wombat, but I didn't pay a cent for this so I'm in no position to get uppity.
  176. Gaven C.: or mustache.
  177. Axl Greez: I'd see him as a bouncer at a bar. Just huge and too tired for this nonsense.. Preferably behind the group so he doesn't cover up anyone.
  178. But, but, I still like it. It's very nice.
  179. Oh wait, shit, I'm fucking blind. The bat's right there.
  180. I'm sorry, but I thought that was a donkey. I was confused.
  181. Terrible thing to say too, I apologize.
  182. Gaven C.: thats the 3rd mention of donkey today!
  183. Axl Greez: Hahahahah, so others thought the same?
  184. Gaven C.: no.
  185. Axl Greez: Ah, then I'm alone in being blind and stupid then.
  186. Gaven C.: GM called himself a hard working donkey, then a jack ass
  187. and ya said the bat looked like a donkey.
  188. Axl Greez: It's the nose
  189. Granted, I should've seen the Y shape. My own fault there.
  190. But best of luck to you man with the mail.
  191. GM sending you something or you ordering something?
  192. Gaven C.: the mail man will try to shank me when i get with my luck.
  193. Axl Greez: Standard Federal Express service.
  194. Gaven C.: its stuff to sign for the copyrigh and shit.
  195. Axl Greez: Oh yeah? For the RPG?
  196. Gaven C.: Yee.
  197. Axl Greez: You assist in adding in rules and stuff so you got to sign copyright?
  198. Gaven C.: I assume he'll mention it to the rest of us next session.
  199. Axl Greez: Hope that works out for you. The whole thing is a confusing mess to me.
  200. Sounds good.
  201. Gaven C.: Well see ya later man.
  202. Axl Greez: You have a good one. You too Box.
  203. Sorry for being one man short and having the game be called.
  204. Hope y'all have a great mothers day.
  205. Gator (GM): Hey!
  206. Axl Greez: Hello
  207. Gator (GM): So apparently gaven broke his leg today.
  208. Or last night.
  209. Horrible stuff!
  210. Axl Greez: Jesus
  211. He say how?
  212. Fell down stairs?
  213. Gator (GM): He hasn't given any details. I think he posted then fell asleep or something
  214. Axl Greez: Damn
  215. Gator (GM): I was betting on car wreck.
  216. Axl Greez: Think he'd mention that if it was a wreck
  217. Betting on a fall
  218. Gator (GM): Probably. Likely his crazy bird attacked him.
  219. Axl Greez: Still, damn. Hope he gets it in a cast and get better soon
  220. Gator (GM): Me too. That sucks.
  221. Axl Greez: Yeah, he'll say he fell down stairs, but its a coverup for the bird abuse
  222. Gator (GM): At least we know he's stable if he can post.
  223. Axl Greez: Bad joke
  224. Anyway, yeah, that's a good thing.
  225. Gator (GM): Still, thoughts go out. I hope it's not too bad of a fracture.
  226. Anyway how is it going with you?
  227. Axl Greez: Likewise.
  228. Alright. Fell asleep at ceremony, thankfully
  229. Made it go by faster
  230. Poured hard when everyone got out
  231. Came with a hoodie so I stayed dry
  232. At a Firebirds restaurant now
  233. Gator (GM): That's good.
  234. Axl Greez: Otherwise, nothing much happened.
  235. Gator (GM): This is your sis's highschool graduation, right?
  236. Axl Greez: Yep
  237. Also got a job interview on Monday
  238. Gator (GM): Sweet!
  239. Axl Greez: $10 an hour job, sales representative or something for Target
  240. No prerequisites required
  241. Gator (GM): Hey, it's honest work.
  242. Axl Greez: Got to work weekends and evenings though, so not certain if it'll interfere with RPG schedule
  243. But I'm happy
  244. Gator (GM): It probably will, but dolla dolla bill yall
  245. Axl Greez: How're you doing?
  246. Gator (GM): Pretty good.
  247. bit of a sinus cold thing yesterday, back hurt from work on thursday, sleep study tonight
  248. All told it's doing alright.
  249. Axl Greez: Got final tests or something?
  250. Or is it work study?
  251. Gator (GM): nope, sleep study.
  252. For sleep apnea
  253. Axl Greez: Ah
  254. Never heard of that before
  255. Gator (GM): Family has it bad, now they want me to go test to see if I have it.
  256. Axl Greez: Ah damn, hope you're clear
  257. Gator (GM): Ah, it's when your breathing passage is obstructed at night cutting your O2 intake.
  258. Most telling sign is infrequent loud snoring. Basically you stop breathing every so often during sleep.
  259. Axl Greez: Hope you come through without any signs
  260. Gator (GM): Oh, it's no biggie
  261. worse case: I sleep with a breathing mask like Darth vader
  262. But if it helps me feel better and do better why not?
  263. Axl Greez: True
  264. Still, problem nonetheless
  265. I got my own sorta problem with food
  266. Gator (GM): Diabeteus?
  267. Axl Greez: Need liquid to force it into my stomache or it gets stuck
  268. It doesn't obstruct air, but it clogs the passagd
  269. Gator (GM): Oh, is that that thing were you don't have parastalsis in parts of your digestive tract?
  270. Axl Greez: Have to hack up the obstruction, and once the muscles clench, liquid can't work anymore until the food's out
  271. I dunno
  272. It's near the chest
  273. Gator (GM): That sounds terrible!
  274. Axl Greez: I ask for two drinks at restaurants do I wont have to wait for refills to eat
  275. It's just painful, but it wont kill me
  276. Just embarrassing if I have to hack it up in public and not at a toilet.
  277. No acid, just chewed food
  278. Small crap can get stuck too
  279. Had a single french fry set me off
  280. Axl Greez: Sucks. But I'll live.
  281. Anyway, life problems aside, sorry for the long posts
  282. Gator (GM): Ah, Gaven is on skype again. He says he broke his hip
  283. Axl Greez: Damn
  284. Gator (GM): Also, I have no concept of a post being too long.
  285. Axl Greez: Just the hip or that and the leg?
  286. Gator (GM): He says hip instead of leg.
  287. Axl Greez: Ah. Can't really tell which is worse to have broken
  288. Gator (GM): Hip
  289. Axl Greez: Damn
  290. Gator (GM): You can put a cast on a leg and secure it, you can't really do that with the hip.
  291. Axl Greez: Shit. That'll definitely put a hamper on everything. Sitting, walking, lying in bed
  292. Gator (GM): Yep.
  293. Axl Greez: Tell Gaven I send my regards and hope he recovers swiftly
  294. Gator (GM): Sure thing man.
  295. Axl Greez: But man. Doesn't look like the session'll happen today.
  296. Gator (GM): Oh, no. Probably not.
  297. Still, wanna hear the updates for today?
  298. Axl Greez: Yeah. What you got new?
  299. Gator (GM): Well, some new bits of lore about Eo. Said one city likes DIY and another has legends of faustian pacts and rough relationships.
  300. Then worked on the Third Men stuff.
  301. Axl Greez: Neat
  302. Gator (GM): Listed a sort of rules of engagement for GMs to follow with them,
  303. Axl Greez: Always helpful
  304. Gator (GM): Also made up this backstory about why all these guys can interchange cybernetics and stuff. Call it Lambton Worm tech.
  305. Which ties into the gear for the third men
  306. which ties into an ability the wallmen have.
  307. Also more wallmen stuff.
  308. That was last night.
  309. Axl Greez: Anything today?
  310. Gator (GM): No, today I woke up and prepared for session.
  311. Axl Greez: Ah
  312. Gator (GM): Usually I make notes one day, then type it up the next.
  313. Axl Greez: But I'm guessing the Wallmen were what we were gonna face last or this session
  314. Gator (GM): Yeah.
  315. Well, the face guy
  316. That's an example.
  317. Believe it or not you guys have tested out the lore bits before it gets typed up.
  318. Axl Greez: I'd have Jee be heavily interested in 'em. Crafting tech on themselves is nothing short of a miracle
  319. How so?
  320. Gator (GM): Oh, bits have appeared in session before I put them in the pdf.
  321. like how servies had guns last session or the weird wall guy.
  322. And the blackout is testing out the gangs of logos aspect of the lore.
  323. Axl Greez: How were we testing them? Just seeing how our characters react to their shenanigans?
  324. Gator (GM): Yes.
  325. Axl Greez: Never thought lore would be tested, but I can see the benefits of doing so
  326. Gator (GM): I suppose that's hard to 'test' lore, but I throw it in, you guys react, and we see how it affects the story.
  327. Axl Greez: Seeing how players react to it, testing whatever holes they have in their bio or lore, and how it bounces off other characters alignments and types of players
  328. Gator (GM): I suppose the only way to test lore is to see if players outright say "this is stupid, GM."
  329. Axl Greez: Right
  330. But if you know the players well enough, you can gain info from them too on lore
  331. Gator (GM): What do you mean?
  332. Axl Greez: Like paranoid players that jump to conclusions on enemies, guessing their overall plan or motives
  333. Gator (GM): Ah, that sounds fun.
  334. Axl Greez: Say the group encounters a suave, handsome guy in the night. Near immediately the paranoid player suspects something
  335. They fill in blanks to guess what their enemy is
  336. And try to inform the others that the suave man is a vampire
  337. Stuff like that
  338. Gator (GM): True.
  339. Axl Greez: Can help with predictability
  340. Gator (GM): and hilarious at the same time
  341. Axl Greez: Or even if what motives you have planned for them is better or worse than what the group assumes
  342. Gator (GM): Now if the setting was Vampire, then i suppose the paranoid thing to think would be that the guy isn't a vampire.
  343. Axl Greez: But something more sinister for being so obvious?
  344. Gator (GM): True.
  345. That's a thing.
  346. As players, you'd probably think that already.
  347. Because normal helpful NPCs can't be suave.
  348. Axl Greez: Nope. Always suspect an ulterior motive
  349. Like a bandit or scam
  350. Gator (GM): Suave is a sign of cunning, thus he is going to betray you to make the story more exciting.
  351. But as PCs it's really up in the air.
  352. Axl Greez: Paranoia is a staple in RPG players, but ones consumed by it see even the most minor of things as something much bigger
  353. Gator (GM): Maybe after 2 or 3 betrayals your character might figurer it out.
  354. Axl Greez: Like the guys who put pictures on walls and connect each with strings, trying to piece together a conspiracy
  355. Gator (GM): Or start their own youtube podcast.
  356. Axl Greez: "I'm a pioneer, I'm an explorer, I'm a human, and I'm coming!"
  357. Gator (GM): Phrasing!
  358. Still, it's a funny thing.
  359. Axl Greez: But never thought of testing lore that way
  360. Or really testing lore
  361. Gator (GM): Well, it's a spaghetti approach.
  362. Axl Greez: Better than adding it in and never changing it
  363. Much better to see how it works in a beta than after the public release
  364. Gator (GM): Well, it's different with me since I'm a GM and a GM. So I write the lore which is probably going to directly be campaign ideas.
  365. Axl Greez: Stuff for "suggested adventures for GMs to use" in the book?
  366. Gator (GM): That's called the lore.
  367. Pretty much.
  368. If you are a good GM
  369. I should throw something that helps GMs though.
  370. Axl Greez: Apologies, was thinking of a D&D book that had suggested campaigns for new GMs
  371. Basic premises they could build on
  372. Gator (GM): I never liked those. They seemed to constricting.
  373. But it's an idea.
  374. Axl Greez: Yeah.
  375. Gator (GM): Sure sure, make a table out of it.
  376. I don't know if that would be in the book or make it a supplement, what do you think?
  377. Axl Greez: Supplement?
  378. Mind explaining what that is?
  379. Gator (GM): A separate book without the core rules.
  380. Axl Greez: I can see it being in the book at the end past the NPC lore, but I can see it being an addon
  381. Ah
  382. But you'd need other stuff there too
  383. Gator (GM): Well if you got the rules down you don't need them again in the book.
  384. Axl Greez: Suggested character builds, maybe?
  385. Gator (GM): Yeah, that would be something difficult for me.
  386. Axl Greez: Barely any experience with using player characters?
  387. Past Gato?
  388. Gator (GM): Most of my ideas are "Sure you can repair a ship with wood and nails.
  389. Kind of, I suppose.
  390. Axl Greez: Can always ask us or Gaven when he's gotten better for help on that
  391. Gator (GM): True.
  392. Well, maybe I should.
  393. Axl Greez: Maybe not the new players, until they have more experience with the game
  394. Gator (GM): Okay, after this adventure bit thing I'll again pass the hat.
  395. Well, obviously.
  396. Axl Greez: To whom?
  397. Box of Rocks
  398. *?
  399. Gator (GM): Well... okay.
  400. Oop, lost you for a sec.
  401. To answer your question, anyone who wants to GM can do it. Really that sort of thing you'll find like the one person in a group to step up.
  402. Axl Greez: Accidentally hit a button
  403. Brb for a second, apologies
  404. Gator (GM): No prob. I was about to log off.
  405. If you or someone you know wants to GM, sure, I'll set you to GM. Really it's about wanting to do it.
  406. Okay, later man!
  407. Axl Greez: Later man. Hope everything goes up from here
  408. Best of luck to y'all
  409. Gator (GM): Hey!
  410. How is it going man?
  411. Gaven C. (GM): better.
  412. Gator (GM): Little each day?
  413. Gaven C. (GM): yes
  414. Gator (GM): Good to hear
  415. If we get nobody showing today, wanna run through some tests?
  416. Gaven C. (GM): sure thing man
  417. so what were ya planning on testing man?
  418. Gator (GM): Ah, editting has gotten to the ship combat section so I made some changes.
  419. Finally given to pressure and now the sections are Hull, Systems, and Engines.
  420. And some tweeks to how damage is handled in ship to ship
  421. YO!
  422. Axl Greez: Heya
  423. Phone posting at family lunch; out at a shonky reception
  424. Box-O-Rocks: hey
  425. Axl Greez: You doing good Gaven?
  426. Hey Boxo
  427. Box-O-Rocks: yo
  428. Gaven C.: Hey guys.
  429. And yeah im doing better man.
  430. Axl Greez: Good to hear. Heard a bit about what happened last week
  431. Gator (GM): Seriously.
  432. I'm just glad everyone got through.
  433. Gaven C.: Yeah, it sucked pretty bad last week
  434. Axl Greez: Real happy you pulled through it OK though. Breaking a hip's a fucked up thing to happen
  435. Gaven C.: Also I might drop out since the intermet in the sum room is fucked up.
  436. Gator (GM): No problem.
  437. Axl Greez: Righto. Same here; connection might be jumpy. I'll try to be here, though.
  438. Gator (GM): I appreciate you guys playing even when circumstances are tough.
  439. Gaven C.: Ya welcome man.
  440. Axl Greez: I'm just happy to be here
  441. Gator (GM): Who wants some updates?
  442. Gaven C.: I do I do I do!
  443. Gator (GM): Okay, it's been awhile so here goes
  444. Logos guns are now reciever, trigger and barrel. Magazine is not a critical part anymore.
  445. Alot of stuff added to that.
  446. More lore bits about servitors and wallmen
  447. Including what the hell a wallman is.
  448. lastly, ship to ship combat got revamped little.
  449. Gator (GM): Pg. 29
  450. Ship sections are now hull, systems, and engines.
  451. I'm still open for names on the logos ship types.
  452. Axl Greez: mmm
  453. Misstype. Damn garbage phone
  454. That might happen for the entire session; wont have computer till tomorrow.
  455. Oh, and GM. I gotta job. Don't know the schedule yet, but I'll let you know if I can't show later on.
  456. Gator (GM): Congratulations!
  457. Axl Greez: $8 an hour. Tuesday Morning it's called
  458. Better than nothing. Or Walmart.
  459. Anyway, apologies, any other updates or thoughts?
  460. Gator (GM):
  461. Honestly, we haven't played for afew weeks so I've probably forgotten abit. The important thing is fundamental gameplay hasn't changed!
  462. Oh, also,
  463. Changed ship damage so that when a section is destroyed it affects the crew.
  464. hull destroyed= no air. Some weapons won't fire.
  465. systems destroyed= missiles don't work.
  466. Gator (GM): engines destroyed= lasers don't work, radiation.
  467. Also trying to figure out what being irradiated would work as a condition.
  468. So far I've got= intiative is halfed. Every week you lose 10 hp permanently. Seek medical attention.
  469. Gaven C.: Yeah thats sounds right,
  470. Gator (GM): Believe it or not we've been testing that kinda.
  471. CHAD!
  472. ...What character do you have, man?
  473. Gaven C.: He had the gun dealer lizzard
  474. I think
  475. Chad G.: gecko
  476. Gator (GM): Gunsmithee, right
  477. Chad G.: yes
  478. Gator (GM): So let's roll here
  479. Breathes in
  480. last time our heroes had just encountered a rather unfortunate event in the halls of logos! A rowdy bunch of elite hackers have hacked alot of things to make sure the station is filled with darkness! They have also threatened that life support is off as well!
  481. Fried Silver: *when is the breath out is gonna happen?
  482. Gator (GM): Never
  483. Because I'm on the edge of my seat.
  484. Your current mission: Take afew barrels of progenator jelly down to medical bay to regenerate Sarah, the Logos government agent.
  485. you have just chased off three hoodlums who were using optical camoflage in the darkness.
  486. Axl Greez: "Hhhh... Should have use gun tool on them... Take their hiding armor."
  487. Ramiel: "Too late to worry about that, we're on a timer here."
  488. Fried Silver: "Maddam Jee it would been nice but lets focus on helping Sarah."
  489. Gator (GM): From the shadows Gecko emerges!
  490. Gecko: "Well I think I missed alot of important things but I think I got the gist"
  491. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... Great One defiers take away tools. We will try to save person lady named Sarah."
  492. Fried Silver: "And who would you happen to be sir?"
  493. Jee-Still Waki: "Gecko is gun tool fixer! Ramiel allowed me to hire him for fixings."
  494. Ramiel: "Where's our guide? WE need he to navigate this shit!"
  495. Gator (GM): (Jee waki: Professional profession smeller.
  496. Jee-Still Waki: ( Want me to scream and try to find her? )
  497. Ramiel: (( yep ))
  498. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+30+20
  499. (
  500. 33
  501. )+30+20
  502. = 83
  503. Gator (GM): (She is the monkey standing next to you. She appears to me looking rather perturbed.)
  505. Jee-Still Waki chirps and screeches into the dark, attempting to find her surroundings.
  506. Jee-Still Waki: "... She is right here."
  507. Gator (GM): (I have forgotten this npcs name.)
  508. Fried Silver: (oh yeah, forgot she was the guide..)
  509. Ramiel: "Dammit, speak up lady when I'm asking for you then."
  511. Jee-Still Waki reaches out into the dark and grabs the guide's hand, raising it in the air.
  512. ChattyTheGuide: You're not my supervisor!
  513. Chatty: Fine. If you guys are done shooting at people do you want to get back on track?
  514. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... It is dark. I can see, you cannot. Where does the blind group go, guide-lady?"
  515. Chatty: First let's head up to a hub. We'll find out if our way has any lockdowns when we get there.
  516. Jee-Still Waki: "OK. Thank you, guiding lady."
  517. Gator (GM): Proceed down the hall or see what the vandals were trying to loot?
  518. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ooh, I'm interested in what they were looking for. How 'bout y'all?)
  519. Ramiel: "Fine, any chance, we might find out how to tamper with the lighting, flashlights are near useless right now."
  520. Jee-Still Waki: ( Was probably store items that was left behind)
  521. Fried Silver: (Sure lets looks.)
  522. Gator (GM): You examine the panel the had just ripped off.
  523. It looks like an exposed circuit board.
  524. Anyone have electronics?
  525. Jee-Still Waki: ( Yeah l
  526. ( Level 3)
  527. Gator (GM): ROll
  528. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+30+50
  529. (
  530. 48
  531. )+30+50
  532. = 128
  533. Fried Silver: "Jee if you are going to open the door don't use blunt force since that may result in limb loss."
  534. Jee-Still Waki: ( Also got engineering 1 and demolition 1. )
  535. Ramiel: (( I have lvl 2 electronics ))
  536. Gator (GM): Woop woop.
  537. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... This o- I... would never hit tools... Only if neccessary."
  538. Fried Silver: "So Jee whats the status in the door?"
  540. Jee-Still Waki fidgets with the wires and boards, connecting exposed wires to others in a blind attempt for results.
  541. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... Guide lady. Do you know what the door enters to?"
  542. Gator (GM): You look at it and it looks like there are alot of dongles and devices added on.
  543. (Sorry something came up suddenly.)
  544. Jee-Still Waki: "Door is... Hhh... These tools do not belong to this..."
  545. ( It's cool. You need a break to deal with it? )
  546. (Or ya good? )
  547. Gator (GM): At a guess, you imagine this is sabotage!
  548. (Nah I'm good.)
  549. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... These tools may belong to hiding people."
  550. Fried Silver: Jee its OK, we'll come back here later, we gotta focus on helping Sarah."
  551. Jee-Still Waki: ( Can I attempt to use the tools to open the door? )
  552. Gator (GM): Sure
  553. Jee-Still Waki: ( Electronics? )
  554. rolling 1d100+50+30
  555. (
  556. 4
  557. )+50+30
  558. = 84
  559. "I do not understand these tools... This may or may not be of working...
  560. Gator (GM): You move the circuit board aside and find the hard metal wall. Likely this is the interior lining of the station.
  561. Like a rat, you managed to find the crawlspace of the station.
  562. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ooo. If the rest of y'all can fit, we can worm our way around without risking conflict. Probably straight to Sarah. )
  563. Chatty: Can we move on? I kinda would like to get back to work.
  564. Jee-Still Waki: ( And can I pocket the sabatoge tools? )
  565. Ramiel: "How are you gonna get to work like this? You almost got shot 5 minutes ago!"
  566. Gator (GM): Plug and play. You pop them off the circuit and pocket them.
  567. Jee-Still Waki: ( Either way though, I'm good with taking the crawl space or walking there. )
  568. ( What should I write them down as? Door sabatoge tech? )
  569. Ramiel: Is the crawlspace like narrow maintenance corridors or would we actually have to crawl?
  570. Gator (GM): When you pull the dongles out the familar ticks of a computer rebooting is heard. Dim lights flicker down the halls.
  571. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh?"
  572. Lighting is now at 50%
  573. Gator (GM): Full on Slooce.
  574. This is not intended for man to shimmy.
  575. Gecko: "Well we can see at least"
  576. Jee-Still Waki: "... I think I found what took away tool power."
  577. Gator (GM): You must make a contorting roll of 80 to fit.
  578. Ramiel: Crawlspace is a no-go for me Jee, we need to be moving quick anyways
  579. Gator (GM): So no go on pulling a uncle fester?
  580. Jee-Still Waki: ( Gotcha. )
  581. Ramiel: "I want to get to Med-Sec as fast as possible."
  582. Jee-Still Waki: ( Let me know if y'all see any other ports that looked forced open. I can look at it to see if there's any sabatoged tech on there, take it off. )
  583. Fried Silver: "Jee lets move around on the floor instead of the ventilation shaft."
  584. Ramiel: "So let's get to the hub"
  585. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... Yes. Let us move fastly."
  586. Gator (GM): Chatty stamps her foot and with her best forced smile waves the way to the hub.
  587. (Sorry, I rushed the drawing this morning.
  588. You come to the hub of the sector!
  589. Jee-Still Waki: ( Better than nothing. )
  590. Fried Silver: (its ok man.)
  591. Jee-Still Waki: ( Sorry, not meant to be negative. It's good. )
  592. Gator (GM): A large pillar stands in the center of an intersection. shut down vehicles lie surrounding it.
  593. Lighting has improved, and you see 5 hooded individuals in the area
  594. Ramiel: I shoot at the closest one to me
  595. Gator (GM): Sure
  596. Ramiel: rolling 1d100+30
  597. (
  598. 52
  599. )+30
  600. = 82
  601. Gator (GM): Yep
  602. Ramiel: rolling 5d10+50
  603. (
  604. 7
  605. +
  606. 3
  607. +
  608. 7
  609. +
  610. 2
  611. +
  612. 4
  613. )+50
  614. = 73
  615. Gator (GM): Yeowch.
  616. Ramiel: (( I'd like to yell out at them now. ))
  617. Gator (GM): You hit him hard with the drone.
  618. He falls back as his suit flickers, obviously damaged.
  620. Jee-Still Waki fumbles in surprise at Ramiel's "shoot first" policy, and scrambles to ready her weapon.
  621. Ramiel: "Get the fuck down right now before I have to shoot to kill!"
  622. ((intimidate ))
  623. Gator (GM): Yeah, I'd say so
  624. rolling 1d100+30
  625. (
  626. 34
  627. )+30
  628. = 64
  629. Roll against their leader.
  630. Ramiel: rolling 1d100+30+20
  631. (
  632. 98
  633. )+30+20
  634. = 148
  635. Gator (GM): Criminey.
  636. Jee-Still Waki: ( Spooky. )
  637. Gator (GM): Seeing that you both outnumber them and have better weapons they surrender!
  638. Ramiel: "Center of the room, now! All weapons on the floor!"
  639. Gator (GM): They throw their pistols down and proceed
  641. Jee-Still Waki whispers to Ramiel, "Can I take their armor? I want to see what it is..."
  643. Jee-Still Waki eyes the thrown pistols. "And the tiny gun tools."
  644. Gator (GM): brb
  645. Fried Silver: "Now will you individuals drop your weapon and strip out f you armor."
  646. (wait that was allready said.)
  647. Ramiel: yep
  649. Ramiel motions for Jee to collect their weapons.
  650. Jee-Still Waki: ( Wonder if I can engineer / invent those camo-suits onto all of y'alls armors. Would be helpful. )
  651. ( Two suits into one sorta deal. )
  653. Jee-Still Waki gleefully takes the discarded pistols, removing the bullets from each one while closely examining the working of the weapon. "Hhh... If gun fixer wants tiny gun tools, I can share."
  654. Gator (GM): back
  655. (Had to help move something.)
  656. Gecko: Would that stack with my camouflage cause if so that is great
  657. Jee-Still Waki: ( Boxes in the attic? )
  658. ( And GM, can I strip them all of their camo gear? I want to test something on my own armor. )
  659. Gator (GM): ("hey! Guess what the neighbor just threw to the curve!")
  660. Their camo hoods detach and they hand them over.
  661. Jee-Still Waki: ( I want to engineer roll putting the camo armor on my own, then invent roll it. )
  662. Gator (GM): Their discontent is already visible.
  663. (Hood/cloak thing I suppose.)
  664. You gain 5 rail pistols and 4 camo cloaks.
  665. Jee-Still Waki: ( Got a fragmentation vest. Actually 2. Gecko, you want one? )
  666. ( 60 HP )
  667. Fried Silver: :"Well look on the bright side, if my master was here things would be worse for you criminals."
  668. Gecko: Yeah sure
  669. Jee-Still Waki: ( What's the dice on the pistols? )
  671. Ramiel begins speaking, his drone trained on the group, "Do any of you want to tell me what dumb shit you're trying to accomplish here?"
  672. Gator (GM): Standard stack gun: 2d10+20. Range:
  673. 100’. Payload: 50.
  674. Semi auto.
  676. Jee-Still Waki digs into her rucksack of scrap and random items to fetch a spare fragmentation vest. "Here. Keep bullets off yourself." she says, tossing it to Gecko.
  677. Gator (GM): Camo cloaks give +20 to hide/camo rolls.
  678. Gecko: "Thanks doubt what I am wearing now would withstand to many bullets"
  679. Gator (GM): The assailants now look restless.
  680. Let them go or arrest them somehow?
  681. Jee-Still Waki: ( What bullets do the pistols have? I'm guessing I have 50 x 5 of them? )
  682. Gator (GM): Fletchette
  683. Like all logos arms.
  684. Ramiel: "I'm getting impatient and your friend there probably needs treatment."
  685. Jee-Still Waki: Putting down 250 fletchette bullets.
  686. ( Guessing everyone here wants a camo hood / cloak? )
  687. Ramiel: (( yep ))
  688. Gecko: ((Yes))
  689. Jee-Still Waki: ( And since they seem to be take on / take off than their own armor set, no point in attatching them permanetly to the armor. )
  690. Ramiel: (( btw, since they don't have hoods, what species are these guys? ))
  692. Jee-Still Waki hands her allies camo cloaks, still ecstatic over examining her own. "Such wonderous tools..."
  693. Gator (GM): Reptile, reptile, bat, monkey, monkey
  694. Jee-Still Waki: ( Alright. I'll examine them later, no point in distracting y'all now. )
  695. Ramiel: ((did you see my question earlier to them GM? ))
  696. Jee-Still Waki: ( *examine the tech and tools later )
  697. Gator (GM): (Which question ramiel?
  698. Gecko: he wants to know what they are doing here
  699. Ramiel: (( Do any of you want to tell me what dumb shit you're trying to accomplish here? ))
  700. Gator (GM): (Sorry.)
  701. The hoodlums stand up.
  702. The tell you to go 90 degrees.
  703. You assume that is a slang term for 'no, I insult you."
  704. Fried Silver: "With all of the civilian arresting we're doing we're going to need more cuffs next time."
  706. Jee-Still Waki aims her newly acquired pistol at the standing thugs. "Hhh! No attacking movements!"
  707. Jee-Still Waki: ( I can't remember, but didn't I ask you to put an aiming debuff on bats including myself? So was it a -30 to aiming?)
  708. Ramiel: "Well how about this, you tell me what you were fucking with in here, and for every 10 seconds you don't speak up, I shoot one of you at random?"
  709. Gator (GM): One of the hoodlum cracks his neck and taps something on his hand. He says, "You wanna start CMD:RUN that line, dirty?"
  710. (Yes. Bad eye sight, I remember.)
  711. Ramiel: "Oh, get bent, asshole."
  712. (( I'll shoot him))
  713. Gator (GM): ((And he'll leap for you.
  714. Fried Silver: "Ramiel not to say we should listen to them, but we have to get to Sarah and help her out."
  715. Gator (GM): INTIATIVE!
  717. Gecko: how?
  718. Gator (GM): Easy
  719. Roll 1d100 and add your mind bonus.
  720. You get +10 to your roll for every level you have.
  721. Ramiel: rolling 1d100+30+50
  722. (
  723. 25
  724. )+30+50
  725. = 105
  726. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+50+20
  727. (
  728. 65
  729. )+50+20
  730. = 135
  731. Gator (GM): So for you it's just 1d100+20
  732. Alot of the rolls in the system are basic stuff like that.
  733. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 70
  734. (
  735. 3
  736. )+70
  737. = 73
  738. Gecko: rolling 1d100+40
  739. (
  740. 25
  741. )+40
  742. = 65
  743. Gator (GM): rolling 1d100+30
  744. (
  745. 4
  746. )+30
  747. = 34
  748. Jee-Still Waki: ( Wew )
  749. ( He dead boy )
  750. Gator (GM): Jee!
  751. Freeze frame
  752. Jee-Still Waki: ( So GM, what was that ability that sprays bullets for damage or aim? )
  753. Gator (GM): In your beedy little eyes you see the punk leaping at ramiel as he lifts his gun!
  754. Jee-Still Waki: ( But I can't aim for shit, but I can see that. Damn your eyes! )
  755. Gator (GM): Rapid fire.
  756. Jee-Still Waki: ( Can I aim then rapid fire half the payload of 25 bullets? )
  757. Gator (GM): (Eh, that's complicated but sure. So does the bonus go to hit or to damage?)
  758. Jee-Still Waki: ( Hit man. )
  759. ( Aim is +10? )
  760. Gator (GM): Right.
  761. Jee-Still Waki: ( And the rapid fire bonus is how much? )
  762. Gator (GM): What weapon?
  763. Jee-Still Waki: ( Rail pistol )
  764. ( With fletchette bullets )
  765. ( Said it had a payload of 50 )
  766. Gator (GM): Oh right.
  767. I came up with something I didn't discuss yet
  768. Jee-Still Waki: ( So I got 250 bullets from all 5 guns. )
  769. Gator (GM): Rapid fire on rail guns.
  770. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ooh. Convenient for testing then )
  771. Gator (GM): So I was going to shrink magazine size to 10. Then rapid fire bonus would be by rounds: 3, 5, and 10.
  772. 3: would be +30 5:+50 and 10 would be +100.
  773. Jee-Still Waki: ( So I got 50 bullets instead then, and the payload's smaller? )
  774. Gator (GM): Eh, yeah.
  775. Jee-Still Waki: ( Gotcha. )
  776. Gator (GM): I tried some spatial testing and it turns out a fletchette is actually pretty big!
  777. Jee-Still Waki: ( Rolling for 5 bullet spray, bonus on aiming. )
  778. rolling 1d100-30+50+10
  779. (
  780. 18
  781. )-30+50+10
  782. = 48
  783. Gator (GM): That's a hit.
  784. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 2d10+20
  785. (
  786. 8
  787. +
  788. 3
  789. )+20
  790. = 31
  791. Gator (GM): Fwip fwip fwip
  793. Jee-Still Waki can barely make out the target! She rapidly fires the pistol at the moving blur!
  794. Gator (GM): You spray in his direction and catch him.
  795. next action?
  796. Jee-Still Waki: ( I only got 2 actions )
  797. ( I aimed and rapid fired )
  798. Gator (GM): RIght right
  799. Ramiel!
  800. Ramiel: rolling 1d100+30
  801. (
  802. 33
  803. )+30
  804. = 63
  805. Gator (GM): He fires!
  806. Ramiel: ( hit?
  807. Gator (GM): Sorry, yes. hit.
  808. Mind lag.
  809. Ramiel: rolling 5d10+50
  810. (
  811. 5
  812. +
  813. 3
  814. +
  815. 10
  816. +
  817. 10
  818. +
  819. 1
  820. )+50
  821. = 79
  823. Ramiel fires at the uppity hoodlam
  824. Gator (GM): You pop a round and hit him center
  825. it rips his suit and he reels back, heavy wound!
  826. Ramiel: I shoot at him again while I move myself back
  827. Gator (GM): That's three actions.
  828. Ramiel: movement is an action?
  829. Gator (GM): yeah.
  830. But whatever.
  831. No big diff
  832. Ramiel: too used to Dnd I guess, I'll just shoot him then
  833. rolling 1d100+30
  834. (
  835. 1
  836. )+30
  837. = 31
  838. lol
  839. Gator (GM): Welp
  840. Your weapon spouts sparks and kicks back, hard.
  841. Misfire!
  842. Fried!
  843. Ramiel: (( meethinks they might seize the initiative after that. ))
  844. Fried Silver: (I'll roll to intimidate him again.)
  845. Gator (GM): Sure!
  846. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 60
  847. (
  848. 21
  849. )+60
  850. = 81
  851. Gator (GM): rolling 1d100+30
  852. (
  853. 24
  854. )+30
  855. = 54
  856. Fried Silver: "Listen sir you're unarmed and unarmored so please listen to us."
  857. Gator (GM): With a mind of 6 they still fail.
  858. Fried Silver: (im not feeling above the weather.)
  859. Jee-Still Waki: ( Hope you feel better, man. )
  860. Gator (GM): The listen to you! (Hey, if you gotta rest you gotta rest man.)
  861. Ramiel: "I ask you one more time, what did you do here?"
  862. Gator (GM): Oop, looks like Axl's family just told him to put down the phone.
  863. Jee-Still Waki: ( Nah, connecting to hotel wifi )
  864. Gator (GM): With 40% of them clutching their chest wounds. They divulge.
  865. Ramiel: (( They're droppin like flies ))
  866. Jee-Still Waki: ( Was on mobile data )
  867. Gator (GM): Sorry.
  868. The punks reveal that they are part of the Goblins.
  870. Jee-Still Waki reloads the pistol, ready to spray bullets again at any sign of action.
  871. Gator (GM): And that they have been doing point defence against the Logos admins to keep the blackout going.
  872. Point defence being connecting to the control circuits directly.
  873. Their job has been to keep this sector shut down.
  874. They also reveal that they have been paid to pull off this act of considerable badness.
  876. Jee-Still Waki retrieves the sabatoge tech from her sack. "Hhh... Is this tool what you were using?"
  877. Gator (GM): They say you are correct.
  878. Ramiel: "Yeah, how about you help us stop this mess then and maybe you don't die here."
  879. Gator (GM): The point out that all this is classified as a tremendous misdemeanor and that none of this warrants any sort of lethal action.
  880. Also, you fired on them first.
  881. Also, they are juveniles, so they say.
  882. Ramiel: "Well guess what, I don't care."
  883. "I've done worse."
  884. Jee-Still Waki: "Where is other tech terrible younglings?"
  885. Gator (GM): They say it's in every panel in the drag net.
  886. Jee-Still Waki: ( Can I roll for specifications? Like marking a map? )
  887. Gator (GM): Sure.
  888. Jee-Still Waki: ( *roll for persuade )
  889. rolling 1d100
  890. (
  891. 66
  892. )
  893. = 66
  894. Gator (GM): rolling 1d100+30
  895. (
  896. 51
  897. )+30
  898. = 81
  899. They tell you to find them yourself.
  900. Jee-Still Waki: ( Sorry, +50 for mind )
  901. ( Too fast on the gun. )
  902. Gator (GM): At this point Chatty comes from cover.
  903. Fried Silver: "I'm sure juveniles don;t preform terrorist attacks,".
  904. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... Younglings can do many terrible things... But leader that tell them are usually terrible elders..."
  905. Gator (GM): At this point Chatty interjects, "Aren't you guys headed somewhere? Or is this really that much more important?
  906. Ramiel: "Yes We Are... Can we lock them anywhere?"
  907. Gator (GM): The punks decide to offer a deal: They'll tell you what they know and you let them go.
  908. Fried Silver: "Yeah, Should we split up while one of us handle this and the other handles Sarah?"
  909. Chatty: the trams are shut down. just pry open the door, put them in, and tac weld them shut?
  910. Axl Greez: "Younglings destroying Great One tech... They will not be proud of their new leaders if they think as these do..." Jee rambles to herself.
  911. Ramiel: "How about you tells us what you know, and you somehow manage to live though this and not end up a senseless murder in the chaos you caused?"
  912. Fried Silver: (I need to rest guys, see yall later.)
  913. Jee-Still Waki: ( See ya man, hope you get better )
  914. Ramiel: later
  915. Gecko: bye
  916. Gator (GM): (Later man! Hope you feel better!)
  917. Fried Silver: thanks
  918. Gator (GM): (Err, can't quite interpret the threat there Ramiel. You want their info and you won't kill them?)
  919. Ramiel: (( yep ))
  920. (( No negotiation, life or death. ))
  921. Jee-Still Waki: ( Says no one would look much into their murder over the chaos caused. )
  922. Gator (GM): Except Chatty, who is a government official, who is looking right at you.
  923. Jee-Still Waki: ( Eh, she'll get over it. Not her kids )
  924. Gecko: "Chatty turn around for a second"
  925. Gator (GM): (Like ice water in a snowstorm.)
  926. Chatty: Uh, yeah. Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm not going to let dirties kill logos citizens, terrorists or no.
  927. Gator (GM): (Chatty keeps up her streak of being absolutely non complient and slightly racist.)
  928. Chatty: "Just give a piece and I'll handle these guys. You go on ahead."
  929. Gator (GM): (Oop, forgot most of you are logos.)
  930. Ramiel: "Well... congratulations then , you guys get to stay alive, but don't let me see you again. Silver, stay here with Chatty, no offense chatty"
  931. Silver: Beep Boop
  932. Ramiel: "Everyone else, we're moving."
  933. Chatty: proceed up three blocks and make a left. Signs should point the way.
  934. Gator (GM): Proceed to med bay?
  935. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... I will look for panels when I can. Beautiful Silver tool. Do you need tiny gun tool?"
  936. ( Oh yeah. Sorry )
  937. ( Forgot he left. )
  938. Silver: I am the gun.
  939. Gecko: ((Luke Cage nice))
  940. Gator (GM): Alright, mass roll.
  941. Jee-Still Waki: ( woah.mp3 )
  942. ( What we rolling? )
  943. Gator (GM): Give me a perception roll. Every 30 integer is how many blockers you find.
  944. Ramiel: rolling 1d100+35
  945. (
  946. 75
  947. )+35
  948. = 110
  949. Jee-Still Waki: ( Can I use echolocation? Or does it have to be sight? )
  950. ( Because that's a -30 off the bat )
  951. Gecko: add mind or what?
  952. Gator (GM): Mind
  953. That's a perception roll.
  954. Gecko: +5 or 10
  955. Gator (GM): +5
  956. Gecko: rolling 1d100+20
  957. (
  958. 74
  959. )+20
  960. = 94
  961. Gator (GM): Ramiel finds 3!
  962. Gecko finds 3!
  963. Jee-Still Waki: ( Sorry, back )
  964. rolling 1d100+50-30
  965. (
  966. 5
  967. )+50-30
  968. = 25
  969. Gator (GM): You find, nothing!
  970. You have freed much of the sector!
  971. Jee-Still Waki: ( Can I pocket the 6 sabotage techs from the panels? )
  972. Gator (GM): Med station.
  973. Yes.
  974. If they want to give them to you.
  975. Jee-Still Waki: ( Y'all mind? )
  976. Gator (GM): Tables and pods line one side while tables and medical eqipment line the other. This seems small for a medical facility. Maybe it's a clinic?
  977. Gecko: "Here you go Jee" and will hand the tech over
  979. Ramiel asks where to find Sarah, once they reach Med-Sec and her current condition."
  980. Gator (GM): A doctor and a robot helper busy themselves tending to patients.
  981. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... Thank you gun fixer."
  982. Gator (GM): They point to the furthest bed.
  983. (Oh yeah, your gun is still broken ramiel.
  984. Jee-Still Waki: ( Time for ya to shine Gecko )
  985. Gecko: Can I fix that with gunsmith
  986. Gator (GM): (Correct. Roll 1d100+20+ 10 for every level in gun smithee.
  987. You must beat: 90
  988. Gecko: rolling 1d100+20+60
  989. (
  990. 37
  991. )+20+60
  992. = 117
  993. Gator (GM): Securing some table space, you break out the rifling die and rebore the barrel. Should work now.
  994. Sarah waves to you as you approach.
  995. Gecko: "Here you go it should work just fine now"
  997. Ramiel sets about retrieving the med-gel
  998. Sarah: Well, that's good timing." She says.
  999. Jee-Still Waki: "Gun fixer is very useful to crew."
  1000. "Hhh... Is this person lady Sarah?"
  1001. Ramiel: "Well, Thought it might be prudent to reach you asap."
  1002. "Current condition?"
  1003. Sarah: Mass blackout across the station. Security is routing out the trouble makers. Most of the it's clears but resistance is popping up in one sector.
  1005. Jee-Still Waki pulls out the offending tech used in the blackout. "Hhh... Yes. It is this tool here..."
  1006. Gator (GM): She examines it.
  1007. Sarah: Yep, that's something.
  1008. Jee-Still Waki: ( Never did examine it myself. )
  1009. ( Mind if I do that GM? And look at the cloak too? )
  1010. Sarah: ...I really have no idea what this is, not my field.
  1011. Gator (GM): Sure!
  1012. Roll electronics
  1013. Jee-Still Waki: ( Investigating blackout tech )
  1014. rolling 1d100+50+30
  1015. (
  1016. 47
  1017. )+50+30
  1018. = 127
  1019. ( Now checking camo cloak. Want to understand what is do more in detail )
  1020. rolling 1d100+30+50
  1021. (
  1022. 95
  1023. )+30+50
  1024. = 175
  1025. Gator (GM): Yep, homemade bread boards. Looks like it's designed to overide an OS in hardware.
  1027. Ramiel speaks to Sarah in the meantime, I have the med-gel. You said it might be useful for you before we got cut off in the blackout?"
  1028. Gator (GM): If you connect this to something it will probably shut down and refuse to reboot.
  1029. The cloak looks like a weave of flexible material that can change color.
  1030. You imagine there is a camera somewhere to sample colors in the area.
  1031. You'll have to rip one open to find the hardware bits and batteries.
  1032. You think there is a manual button on the inner lining...
  1033. That is what you have learned.
  1035. Jee-Still Waki looks at the tech. She tries her best to explain it's use. "This tool is made by person... It is placed on other tools to take away Great One's power. It can take out tool's inner mind. Make it not work."
  1036. Gator (GM): At this point the robot comes to Jee and beings examining her for possible delirium.
  1037. Sarah: Listen, I've received a station wide order to the last blackout sector. It's one step short of calling for civilians to take arms.
  1038. I'm still in bad shape, you guys have to head down there. I don't have any info on what's going on, but orders are orders.
  1039. Jee-Still Waki: "Tool is checking me for something... What is it looking for?"
  1040. Gecko: "It is trying to see if you are crazy"
  1041. Robot: Tell me, how many times a week do you feel that someone is "Taking your Tool's Minds? Do your tools talk you frequently?"
  1042. Ramiel: "I have the med-gel, I think you should try and take it."
  1043. Gator (GM): Axl is experiencing the joy of hotel wifi
  1044. Jee-Still Waki: "You are tool. You are talking to me now."
  1045. Robot: Personal insults are a defense mechanism to hide our fears.
  1046. Sarah: Where did you...?
  1047. Jee-Still Waki: "Crazy, filthy tribals are used as warriors. I am not, I am healer."
  1048. Ramiel: (( btw, I've been waiting for a while and I want to go grab something to eat soon.))
  1049. Jee-Still Waki: ( Alright man. You have a good one )
  1050. Ramiel: "before the blackout, we got recovered it on our mission on the backwater planet."
  1051. Jee-Still Waki: "To be a tool of the Great Ones is a blessing, not an insult."
  1052. Robot: So how long has insanity been in your family?
  1053. Gecko: "Hey where is this things off switch"
  1054. Jee-Still Waki: "... Beautiful tool should stop questions."
  1055. "Or I will rip tongue out."
  1056. Gator (GM): The doctor tell the robot resume it's duties.
  1057. Doc: "Sorry, he is keyword sensitive.
  1058. So, you have bio gel?
  1059. "Great, I can use this for the crisis we have right now. Leave the lot here and I'll pay.
  1060. Jee-Still Waki: "Tool needs to be fixed. I can fix it..." Jee responds.
  1061. Ramiel: "This gel is for Sarah., as long as some is dedicated to her, I'll give some up."
  1062. Doc: Do not touch my tools, thanks.
  1063. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh..."
  1064. Doc: Alright sure.
  1065. Gator (GM): The doctor hands you a think plastic retangle.
  1066. Jee-Still Waki: ( Can I roll to take apart and inspect
  1067. Doc: Cred chip. 10,000 credits.
  1068. Ramiel: "Guess we're off to settle the disput in the last sector. Get well."
  1069. Jee-Still Waki: ( *the camo cloak? Or would that completely destroy it and not be repaired?)
  1070. Doc: now please leave, you're distracting me and my invasive tool.
  1071. Gator (GM): Sure.
  1072. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+50
  1073. (
  1074. 96
  1075. )+50
  1076. = 146
  1077. Gator (GM): Roll to disect the cloak, but you'll be doing it on the run.
  1079. Ramiel waves back to Sarah and motions to the others. "Let's go."
  1080. Jee-Still Waki: (Assuming it doesn't take electronics )
  1081. Ramiel: (( heading out for food now. later. ))
  1082. Gecko: bye
  1083. Jee-Still Waki: ( If it does, that's 176 )
  1084. ( Later man, you have a good one )
  1085. Gator (GM): later-- oh he is gone.
  1086. Hunger is powerful.
  1087. Okay let's wrap it up.
  1088. Jee-Still Waki: ( Alrighty )
  1089. Gator (GM): You disect the cloack and find a ton of [that translent wire stuff that transmits light]
  1090. Gecko: Ok))
  1091. Jee-Still Waki: ( Mind if I get the repair out of the way? )
  1092. rolling 1d100+50+30
  1093. (
  1094. 25
  1095. )+50+30
  1096. = 105
  1097. ( Stuff to assist later in engineering and invention rolls, should I chose to mess with it. )
  1098. Gator (GM): Alright.
  1099. So you put the cloak back together?
  1100. Jee-Still Waki: Yeah
  1101. Sorry for taking y'alls time with the rolls
  1102. Gator (GM): Okay. Well this map is a big confrontation so I think we should resume it next time.
  1103. So chad!
  1104. Getting a good feel for the system?
  1105. Gecko: Yeah for the most part
  1106. Gator (GM): I'm really a bad example for it as I hand wave like crazy.
  1107. But I think it supports that kind of silliness.
  1108. Now you got the pdf link, right?
  1109. Jee-Still Waki: Wonder if I can get another cloak, dissect that, and use its guts to overcharge the cloak I got to see what it can do
  1110. Gator (GM): Sure.
  1111. Gecko: Yes I have the booklet
  1112. Jee-Still Waki: Or attach it to a gun, make it camo
  1113. Gator (GM): Acutally I was talking to gecko to do the same thing with the guns.
  1114. Jee-Still Waki: Fun with invention and engineering
  1115. Gator (GM): Well that's the thing is that all the logos stuff is supposed to stack. So it's a +20 to hide now, so it would be +40 or +60.
  1116. Jee-Still Waki: Oh and Gecko. You ever have a gun idea or want to mix guns together, get with me and I can make an engineering roll to make a plan to assist with invention rolls
  1117. Chad G.: Yeah I can make a strong gun with all the guns
  1118. Gator (GM): Super gun!
  1119. Get a cart ot carry it around!
  1120. Chad G.: exactly
  1121. Gator (GM): Be a speed buster!
  1122. Jee-Still Waki:
  1123. Gator (GM): Saved.
  1124. Chad G.: Something like that
  1125. Gator (GM): Anyway, so next time will be a lore testing.
  1126. Chad G.: lore testing?
  1127. Gator (GM): Well, I test the mechanics and the lore.
  1128. Jee-Still Waki: Cool
  1129. Save XP for next session?
  1130. Chad G.: ok
  1131. Gator (GM): Like today we tested out gangs of logos and medical levels of the setting.
  1132. Jee-Still Waki: Doubt it'd be much
  1133. Chad G.: and rapid fire
  1134. Gator (GM): Really it's just finding out what is stupid or not in the setting.
  1135. And rapid fire.
  1136. That's something going in this week/
  1137. I think that 10 magazine idea isn't that big of change .
  1138. Jee-Still Waki: Gonna get a lot more rapid fire tested considering my aim
  1139. Gator (GM): Spray and pray!
  1140. Oh right!
  1141. I redid the XP chart.
  1142. Jee-Still Waki: Oh yeah?
  1143. Gator (GM): ...That's sort of something that should have come up.
  1144. Jee-Still Waki: How's it work now?
  1145. Gator (GM): let me pull it up.
  1146. More of just a tweek. To compensate and making things alittle more open to interpretation.
  1147. Jee-Still Waki: Say we go evil and we get XP from it?
  1148. Gator (GM): Sure.
  1149. Chad G.: causing a disaster lol
  1150. Gator (GM): You probably won't get alot of rescue XP but the rest works.
  1151. Jee-Still Waki: Was thinking it was that. Makes sense because we're allowed to be more evil in this than Endtown where it's survival or nothing
  1152. Gator (GM): I was that guy.
  1153. Jee-Still Waki: But cool man
  1154. Gator (GM): Oh yeah. That's why I rewrote the mind mechanics too.
  1155. Less breakdowns and more going crazy.
  1156. Jee-Still Waki: Makes sense
  1157. Gator (GM): But yeah, people have been telling me the system's strength is being very open to interpretation by the GM.
  1158. Less rigid rules.
  1159. So I'm working that.
  1160. Jee-Still Waki: That is a bonus to it
  1161. Gator (GM): Oop, forgot
  1162. Jee-Still Waki: Yeah?
  1163. Gator (GM): Need to include the MVP XP part.
  1164. Jee-Still Waki: Ah yeah. Who's MvP this session.
  1165. Voting Ram. Got the job done good
  1166. Gator (GM): Yeah, but your character actually solved problems.
  1167. Jee-Still Waki: Eh, that was an accident
  1168. Chad G.: Yeah he really instilled fear into those children
  1169. Jee-Still Waki: Was hoping they were breaking into a store so I can steal their tech
  1170. That's the only reason I looked into the door electronics to be honest
  1171. But you voting for Ram Chad?
  1172. Gator (GM): Yeah, he does that.
  1173. He has that darth vader/ dirty harry kick.
  1174. Jee-Still Waki: Hey, it works
  1175. And helps
  1176. Gator (GM): He is the man with colt 45!
  1177. Jee-Still Waki: Specifically, 45 Colt 45's stapled to one another
  1178. He knows for damn certain he shot less than 5.
  1179. Gator (GM): Going all Doctor Blood then.
  1180. Yes, the bullet wall.
  1181. Alright, I gotta eat too.
  1182. Jee-Still Waki: Only negative is carrying it and dealing with being deaf forever
  1183. Gator (GM): I'm glad everyone made it, it's been a hell of a week for alot of people!
  1184. Jee-Still Waki: As well as rupturing the sound barrier
  1185. Gator (GM): It's a give an take.
  1186. Jee-Still Waki: Same man, glad we can all make it
  1187. Gator (GM): When you have a gun like that, you don't need to listen!
  1188. Okay, later guys! Good job!
  1189. Jee-Still Waki:
  1190. Aw crud, he's out. Anyway, you have a good weekend too Chad.
  1191. Chad G.: Ok I am going to go eat have a good week
  1192. Gator (GM): Sorry I'm late.
  1193. Axl got called into work.
  1194. Fried Silver: that sucks sorta
  1195. Gator (GM): Ah, got some gameplay updates to go over with you guys.
  1196. Well, that's work.
  1197. If it didn't suck we would call is getting a 'joy' and a hard day's 'fun'
  1198. Fried Silver: Well you're right there.
  1199. Gator (GM): It sounded funnier in my head.
  1200. Anway.
  1201. Whatever, we'll manage
  1202. Box-O-Rocks: and on a worse note, I have sudden issue on my end
  1203. I need to go pick some people up
  1204. Gator (GM): Okay okay. Will you make it later?
  1205. Box-O-Rocks: I'm not certain traffic is backed up on the way there.
  1206. *not certain, traffic
  1207. commas are important
  1208. my best guess is an hour or two, but I gotta go
  1209. catch you all later, and sorry about this
  1210. Gator (GM): Later, drive responsibly!
  1211. All is forgiven.
  1212. Fried Silver: So we having a late game session now?
  1213. Gator (GM): Apparently, I almost think to cancel today.
  1214. Still, nice to just take pot shots at sattilites.
  1215. Fried Silver: Im still waiting for the BB gun to shoot the raccoons withs
  1216. Gator (GM): One day, one day.
  1217. Axl Greez: Damn job wants me here till 8. I'm taking snall breaks, should be able to be here infrequently
  1218. It's a general store, I can get away with this
  1219. Fried Silver: Its ok, were basically havine a late game session
  1220. Gator (GM): Ah, it's okay, I think we will skip today.
  1221. Axl Greez: Alright. Sounds good. Got an estimated time?
  1222. Gator (GM): Honestly probably in an hour.
  1223. Axl Greez: Damn. Sorry for not being able to tell y'all sooner; I just got the call 2 hours ago
  1224. Gator (GM): Oh, that's fine.
  1225. Everyone is working for the weekend.
  1226. Axl Greez: But alright, cool
  1227. Fried Silver: Its all right man.
  1228. exept me.
  1229. Axl Greez: I'll check here and there to see if the game's good to go or not
  1230. Best of luck to y'all, and a good weekend.
  1231. Gator (GM): You too!
  1232. Fried Silver: have a good one man.
  1233. Gator (GM): Hey!
  1234. Box-O-Rocks: hey
  1235. Axl Greez: Hey
  1236. Gator (GM): So today if we don't have enough I was thinking we could practice the ship boarding rules.
  1237. Box-O-Rocks: sure
  1238. Axl Greez: Alrigyt
  1239. Gator (GM): Besides that how are you guys doing?
  1240. Box-O-Rocks: I'm just watching E3 on the side
  1241. Axl Greez: Diarheaing hard at work
  1242. Gator (GM): Oh yeah, that's on now.
  1243. Axl Greez: And shitposting on /qst/
  1244. Box-O-Rocks: Yeah! EA sports games!
  1245. Gator (GM): Ah geez.
  1246. Axl Greez: Got 2 hours left of work
  1247. Hey Chad
  1248. Chad G.: Hi
  1249. Gator (GM): You made it!
  1250. Chad G.: yep
  1251. Axl Greez: Any word back on Fried's hip?
  1252. Gator (GM): Oh, he's doing better!
  1253. Axl Greez: Awesome, man
  1254. Gator (GM): He's in PT several times a week but he still can't manage stairs.
  1255. There was a little complication with a staple coming out but he's trucking through.
  1256. Axl Greez: Damn. At least he's getting better though
  1257. Gator (GM): Yeah, that's important.
  1258. Okay, let's get on track here.
  1259. Fried!
  1260. Okay,updates
  1262. Axl Greez: Hey man
  1263. Chad G.: hello
  1264. Gaven C.: Hey the internet here finally decided to work.
  1265. Gator (GM): Believe it or not nothing updated content wise. I've been doing nothing but editting and formatting
  1266. Yeah let's roll before it changes.
  1267. Ready guys?
  1268. Fried Silver: Test.
  1269. Jee-Still Waki: ( Well, I gotta get off break. I'll try to be here, but don't expect immediate responses from me. Only got brief, 1 minute interludes here and there. )
  1270. Yeah
  1271. ( I'll be off work at about 4. )
  1272. Box-O-Rocks: Anyone got the cliffnotes on what's happening now?
  1273. Gator (GM): (Okay)
  1274. Fried Silver: (okay its not ass now, so how have you guys been doing?)
  1275. You delivered the biogel to Sarah under the blackout. There you found the hackers efforts being peeled back block by block with your own contributions. You now are going into the center of blackout, the one place they have been defending.
  1276. Ramiel: (( right right, thanks ))
  1277. Axl Greez: ( Guessing they all see us now )
  1278. Gator (GM): (( I have been doing well but back spasmed last night. ))
  1279. Yes, that is a an issue.
  1280. Who do you wish to approach the block in question?
  1282. So just march up to the scene or sneak or ride in a vehicle?
  1283. Axl Greez: I'm down for sneaking, if the others can pull it off
  1284. Fried Silver: (Im down for the latter since i still have no idea whats going on.)
  1285. (well latter 2)
  1286. Ramiel: Is there any path to the ceiling?
  1287. Gecko: (We got Camo clocks lets stealth
  1288. Ramiel: like, catwalks?
  1289. Gator (GM): Ah,
  1290. Yes.
  1291. Using the panels you discovered earlier, you can access the ceiling.
  1292. Jee-Still Waki: ( Let's do that )
  1293. ( Even if we get spotted, we have the high ground )
  1295. Ramiel whispers to the group, "I think we should head to the ceiling, at least me, and I can use my drone from there safely."
  1296. Fried Silver: "So Jee what happened while I was away?"
  1297. Gator (GM): Keep in mind by using the catwalks you will have to pop out a panel to get a LOS on the situation.
  1298. Ramiel: (( That's fine, equipping stealth suit btw ))
  1299. Gator (GM): +20 to hide rolls
  1300. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... We bring killing tech to injured woman... She declare my blood line to be... mentally ill."
  1301. "Has broken tool look at me. I would have fixed it by removing voice."
  1302. Gator (GM): (Well, the robot thought you were crazy. It's in the lore.)
  1303. Ramiel: "Jee... calm it down."
  1304. Jee-Still Waki: ( Going to roll my stealth roll now so y'all don't have to wait on me )
  1305. Gator (GM): As you Walk the paths you hear explosions and gunfire!
  1306. Jee-Still Waki: ( nvm then )
  1307. Fried Silver: "Well Jee you not crazy cause of your bloodline, its more cause of what you do and act."
  1308. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... I am not 'crazy'. I am not filthy tribal."
  1309. Gator (GM): Gunfire still going.
  1310. Proceed to see what the noise is?
  1311. Fried Silver: (Yes.)
  1312. Gator (GM): Okay!
  1313. Jee-Still Waki: ( Might as well )
  1314. you open the panels and see Lovitz and 5 individuals opening fire on a tram. It explodes revealing wrinkled giant biomechanical monster, similar to the one you encountered in the vents of Castle Vostock!
  1315. Ramiel: "What the hell is this now?"
  1316. Gator (GM): rolling 12d10+120
  1317. (
  1318. 9
  1319. +
  1320. 7
  1321. +
  1322. 4
  1323. +
  1324. 6
  1325. +
  1326. 6
  1327. +
  1328. 8
  1329. +
  1330. 1
  1331. +
  1332. 6
  1333. +
  1334. 2
  1335. +
  1336. 4
  1337. +
  1338. 7
  1339. +
  1340. 8
  1341. )+120
  1342. = 188
  1344. Jee-Still Waki whispers in a hiss. "Demon! The demon is here?!"
  1345. Gator (GM): The creature growns as it's getting pelted with a battery!
  1346. Jee-Still Waki: ( A battery ram? Multiple batteries? )
  1347. Gator (GM): ((Battery as in a large spread of fire.)
  1348. (They are using flettchettes, most noteworthy is a large mech lovits is using.)
  1349. Jee-Still Waki: ( Tossing batteries to kill it is more interesting )
  1350. Gator (GM): (...I remember that one.)
  1351. Jee-Still Waki: ( Poor attempt at humor on my end )
  1352. Gator (GM): Batteries hurt!
  1353. They are preparing another volley!
  1354. Jee-Still Waki: "Good! They will kill the demon."
  1355. Gator (GM): Decision time!
  1356. What do you do? What do you do?!
  1357. (Gaven will probably return when his internet gets back, I imagine.)
  1358. Ramiel: "You know... I'm not crazy on supporting these shitheads, I kind of want to help the monster."
  1359. Gecko: "Should we attack while they are distracted"
  1361. Jee-Still Waki looks at Ramiel, bewildered. "Demons are never to be trusted; they stay in pits where they belong."
  1362. Ramiel: "Yeah... well, I don't like either party here.".
  1363. Gator (GM): As you discuss they fire again at the beast1
  1364. (finger lag there.)
  1365. rolling 14d10+140
  1366. (
  1367. 6
  1368. +
  1369. 2
  1370. +
  1371. 7
  1372. +
  1373. 8
  1374. +
  1375. 1
  1376. +
  1377. 2
  1378. +
  1379. 9
  1380. +
  1381. 7
  1382. +
  1383. 2
  1384. +
  1385. 7
  1386. +
  1387. 1
  1388. +
  1389. 10
  1390. +
  1391. 3
  1392. +
  1393. 3
  1394. )+140
  1395. = 208
  1396. Axl Greez: "Hhh... That demon is the same that attacked us at cast-el! Do you really want to help it?"
  1397. Ramiel: "Whatever, that's take down this thing before the rest of the station goes down.Lay low, and cover up, don't let the monster spot you."
  1399. Ramiel moves into the shadows of the catwalk
  1400. Ramiel: rolling 1d100+20+10
  1401. (
  1402. 61
  1403. )+20+10
  1404. = 91
  1405. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh..."
  1406. Gator (GM): rolling 1d100+40
  1407. (
  1408. 46
  1409. )+40
  1410. = 86
  1411. Oop.
  1413. Ramiel deploys his drone
  1414. Gator (GM): They don't notice you
  1415. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+30+10
  1416. (
  1417. 61
  1418. )+30+10
  1419. = 101
  1420. ( Sneak )
  1421. Gator (GM): They really don't notice you.
  1422. Ramiel: So this is what it feels like to be Otacon
  1423. roll init?
  1424. or just attack?
  1425. Gator (GM): (Sneak, camo rolls: Beat 86 and you can take an action unoticed by them.)
  1426. Fried Silver: (Why is the internet ass in the sun room?)
  1427. Gator (GM): Well, we roll after you attack?
  1428. (Likely because it is just on the outer limit of your wifi router's range.)
  1429. Jee-Still Waki: ( Camo is mind? )
  1430. Ramiel: (( well they can notice my drone, but not me if I'm not moving around right? They have to be searching for me to find me right? ))
  1431. Gator (GM): (Adds to your stealth)
  1432. Jee-Still Waki: ( Does the stealth cape add to that or just hide? )
  1433. Gator (GM): ( I should mention, Kazen is working on game art
  1434. (Really, it should add to all stealth. I'll changed that in the doc.)
  1435. Jee-Still Waki: ( Cool man. )
  1436. Gator (GM): (Sorry, that was a oversight.)
  1437. Jee-Still Waki: ( Tell him he's welcome to drop by anytime )
  1438. Ramiel: anyways, I'll fire at the monster.
  1439. rolling 1d100+30
  1440. (
  1441. 20
  1442. )+30
  1443. = 50
  1444. Gator (GM): That's a hit.
  1445. Jee-Still Waki: ( Can I take aim before initiative? )
  1446. Gator (GM): Yes, this is a surprise attack.
  1447. Ramiel: rolling 5d10+50
  1448. (
  1449. 3
  1450. +
  1451. 8
  1452. +
  1453. 10
  1454. +
  1455. 1
  1456. +
  1457. 10
  1458. )+50
  1459. = 82
  1460. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ach, I'll blindfire instead. Might as well risk it
  1461. Gator (GM): Target?
  1462. Jee-Still Waki: ( Same as Rams. Cant tell wherexs what on phone )
  1463. Gator (GM): I should point out that these men look like a part of the hacker gang you encountered earlier
  1464. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100-30
  1465. (
  1466. 44
  1467. )-30
  1468. = 14
  1469. Gator (GM): right.
  1470. Somehow you manage to miss the colossus
  1471. Somehow.
  1472. Gecko, gaven!
  1473. Jee-Still Waki: ( I'd assume it's a -30 to rolls with guns. Can't remember what it was )
  1474. Gator (GM): You have one attack before we get noticed and it becomes an ini outie matter.
  1475. (Well -30 for bad eyesight.)
  1476. Jee-Still Waki: ( Thank ya )
  1477. Gator (GM): ( Any bonus would be if you had a skill in the weapon.)
  1478. Gecko: Lets take a shot at the colossus))
  1479. Gator (GM): Sure!
  1480. Gecko: rolling 1d100+35+10
  1481. (
  1482. 92
  1483. )+35+10
  1484. = 137
  1485. Gator (GM): That's a hit!
  1486. Gecko: rolling 3d10+10
  1487. (
  1488. 10
  1489. +
  1490. 10
  1491. +
  1492. 2
  1493. )+10
  1494. = 32
  1495. Gator (GM): Pop pop
  1496. most of you open fire on the biodroid.
  1497. Jee-Still Waki: ( I fire wildly at the wall )
  1498. Gaven C.: (the bio droid is the 2 block one right?
  1499. Gator (GM): (Now, the big monster I meant.)
  1500. (My typos are getting worse. I don't think you guys have fired on the mech... Have you guys meant to do that?)
  1501. Gaven C.: "Guys can you tell me why we're shooting at the thing that's being attacked by the terrorists?"
  1502. Ramiel: "Uh... it's probably worse then them?"
  1503. Jee-Still Waki: "Demons deserve death!" Jee yells
  1504. Fried Silver: "Jee it's not a demon because it's ugly."
  1505. Gator (GM): With that the hackers look up and notice you, they are very confused but continue their attack!
  1506. Innie minnie, roll intiative!
  1507. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+30+50
  1508. (
  1509. 60
  1510. )+30+50
  1511. = 140
  1512. Ramiel: rolling 1d100+35+50
  1513. (
  1514. 81
  1515. )+35+50
  1516. = 166
  1517. Gecko: rolling 1d100+20
  1518. (
  1519. 57
  1520. )+20
  1521. = 77
  1522. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 80
  1523. (
  1524. 7
  1525. )+80
  1526. = 87
  1527. Gator (GM): rolling 1d100+45
  1528. (
  1529. 80
  1530. )+45
  1531. = 125
  1532. rolling 1d100+40
  1533. (
  1534. 86
  1535. )+40
  1536. = 126
  1537. Rami!
  1538. Ramiel: (( Is there room to maneuver behind the monster with the drone? ))
  1539. Gator (GM): Sure!
  1540. Ramiel: I wanna do that
  1541. Gator (GM): You have a clear shot at it's back!
  1542. Ramiel: Am I within it's reach?
  1543. I wanna be out of that
  1544. Gator (GM): You go back out of its reach!
  1545. Ramiel: fire
  1546. Gator (GM): FIRE!
  1547. Ramiel: rolling 1d100+30
  1548. (
  1549. 82
  1550. )+30
  1551. = 112
  1552. Gator (GM): That's a hit.
  1553. Ramiel: rolling 5d10+50
  1554. (
  1555. 4
  1556. +
  1557. 2
  1558. +
  1559. 7
  1560. +
  1561. 3
  1562. +
  1563. 10
  1564. )+50
  1565. = 76
  1566. Gator (GM): Endturn?
  1567. Ramiel: yes
  1568. Gator (GM): The mech targets you for abit before turning back on the wallman!
  1569. rolling 16d10+160
  1570. (
  1571. 9
  1572. +
  1573. 6
  1574. +
  1575. 3
  1576. +
  1577. 3
  1578. +
  1579. 9
  1580. +
  1581. 10
  1582. +
  1583. 7
  1584. +
  1585. 8
  1586. +
  1587. 5
  1588. +
  1589. 10
  1590. +
  1591. 6
  1592. +
  1593. 6
  1594. +
  1595. 8
  1596. +
  1597. 4
  1598. +
  1599. 7
  1600. +
  1601. 9
  1602. )+160
  1603. = 270
  1604. Fried!
  1605. Jee-Still Waki: ( I should get more bombs. Or a moddable scope )
  1606. Fried Silver: "Guys, no offence but I'm going to focus fire on the technology tampers that the freak show."
  1607. Jee-Still Waki: ( Apologies, sorting luggage bags )
  1608. ( You got my init roll, GM? )
  1610. Fried Silver takes aim the the 3 line cultists and fires at them
  1611. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 30
  1612. (
  1613. 20
  1614. )+30
  1615. = 50
  1616. rolling 1d100 + 30
  1617. (
  1618. 48
  1619. )+30
  1620. = 78
  1621. rolling 1d100 + 30
  1622. (
  1623. 35
  1624. )+30
  1625. = 65
  1626. Gator (GM): Pop pop pop you hit the marks!
  1627. Fried Silver: (shite, should of stated a 3 round bust on them)
  1628. rolling 4d10 + 40
  1629. (
  1630. 7
  1631. +
  1632. 9
  1633. +
  1634. 7
  1635. +
  1636. 8
  1637. )+40
  1638. = 71
  1639. rolling 4d10 + 40
  1640. (
  1641. 10
  1642. +
  1643. 6
  1644. +
  1645. 6
  1646. +
  1647. 2
  1648. )+40
  1649. = 64
  1650. Gator (GM): Sure, why not?
  1651. Fried Silver: rolling 4d10 + 40
  1652. (
  1653. 4
  1654. +
  1655. 2
  1656. +
  1657. 10
  1658. +
  1659. 6
  1660. )+40
  1661. = 62
  1662. Gator (GM): it's +30 under the new rapid fire rules for rail guns. Unless you are using revolvers... Actually, how many guns do you have?
  1663. Fried Silver: (i have +10 on the base of the gun and 2 sine im dual wielding.)
  1664. Gator (GM): Anyway, their low armor is ripped into as you turn on them!
  1665. Jee-Still Waki: ( Gm man, got a 140 initiative. Letting you know )
  1666. Gator (GM): Oop, I am sorry!
  1667. Take your tun now
  1668. Then we'll get gecko
  1669. Jee-Still Waki: ( Going to jusy fire twice )
  1670. Gator (GM): (target?)
  1671. Jee-Still Waki: ( I'll have to rrmember to get a scope to make up for my -30 )
  1672. ( Big flesh monster )
  1673. rolling 1d100-30
  1674. (
  1675. 67
  1676. )-30
  1677. = 37
  1678. rolling 1d100-30
  1679. (
  1680. 77
  1681. )-30
  1682. = 47
  1683. Gator (GM): Zip
  1684. Hit
  1685. Fried Silver: (oh and sorry they're both slag pistols.)
  1686. Jee-Still Waki: ( Using m4 )
  1687. rolling 4d10+40
  1688. (
  1689. 6
  1690. +
  1691. 1
  1692. +
  1693. 3
  1694. +
  1695. 9
  1696. )+40
  1697. = 59
  1698. ( *m2 )
  1699. ( End turn )
  1700. Gator (GM): (right right.)
  1701. Mech turn!
  1702. Fired units take:
  1703. rolling 2d10
  1704. (
  1705. 8
  1706. +
  1707. 3
  1708. )
  1709. = 11
  1710. They scream and the others turn upwards to return fire!
  1711. Mech
  1712. Gator (GM): rolling 1d100+30
  1713. (
  1714. 90
  1715. )+30
  1716. = 120
  1717. hits fired in a burst!
  1718. rolling 8d10+80+30
  1719. (
  1720. 8
  1721. +
  1722. 3
  1723. +
  1724. 9
  1725. +
  1726. 3
  1727. +
  1728. 2
  1729. +
  1730. 3
  1731. +
  1732. 9
  1733. +
  1734. 5
  1735. )+80+30
  1736. = 152
  1737. Three slugs slam into you!
  1738. Fried Silver: (the chest right?)
  1739. Gator (GM): The three hackers taht are friggin on fire furiously roll to put themselves out!
  1740. As such they are prone now.
  1741. The last two take cover and fire up in to the ceiling!
  1742. Ramiel!
  1743. You get targetted.
  1744. rolling 1d100+30
  1745. (
  1746. 50
  1747. )+30
  1748. = 80
  1749. Gator (GM): Ah, wait, you guys should be behind cover really, huh?
  1750. 40, still a hit.
  1751. Ramiel: How would he spot me with an 80?
  1752. Gator (GM): ...
  1753. Oh yeah, you haven't actually revealed yourself, huh?
  1754. Drones are tricky.
  1755. Welp, Gaven!
  1756. Ramiel: No, my drone is the thing moving around.
  1757. Gator (GM): rolling 1d100+30-40
  1758. (
  1759. 4
  1760. )+30-40
  1761. = -6
  1762. Super nope!
  1763. Okay! Gecko!
  1764. Sorry I skipped you I think!
  1765. Gecko: I will aim a the far cultist once
  1766. Ramiel: "alright, if they want to shoot at us, I think we should make them fight on their own,"
  1767. Gecko: Then fire twice
  1768. rolling 1d100+35+10+10
  1769. (
  1770. 3
  1771. )+35+10+10
  1772. = 58
  1773. rolling 1d100+35+10
  1774. (
  1775. 89
  1776. )+35+10
  1777. = 134
  1778. Gator (GM): Oop
  1779. He's behind cover.
  1780. so -40 to the shot.
  1781. Jee-Still Waki: "I hope the demon drags them to the realm of damned, THEN bleeds to death."
  1782. Gator (GM): Which is 18 and 94
  1783. So one hit.
  1784. Gecko: rolling 3d10+10
  1785. (
  1786. 9
  1787. +
  1788. 9
  1789. +
  1790. 5
  1791. )+10
  1792. = 33
  1793. Gator (GM): You fire true!
  1794. Wait, that was the dart pistol
  1795. What was the payload?
  1796. Gecko: ???
  1797. Oh I thought you had to buy special poison darts
  1798. Gator (GM): Ok
  1799. So you're just shooting blanks?
  1800. That is awesome
  1801. Gecko: yeah guess I am gonna have to fill my darts when I get a chance))
  1802. Gator (GM): When you wanna, no rush.
  1803. Monster turn!
  1804. Slow and lumbering it puts it's arms up to shield itself from more fire!
  1805. At this point soldiers from logos come up the rear!
  1806. They cry halt just in time for the mech to fire a round square in his chest, taking him down!
  1807. Fried Silver: (10/10 space gear.)
  1808. Gator (GM): Ramiel!
  1809. To be fair, he fired a burst.
  1810. Ramiel: (( CAn I spot a sensor suite on the mech? ))
  1811. Round 2!
  1812. Gator (GM): ((Sure! Roll perception!))
  1813. ((Can't make it too easy.))
  1814. Ramiel: rolling 1d100+35
  1815. (
  1816. 50
  1817. )+35
  1818. = 85
  1819. Gator (GM): Yep, you spot a glitter of a camera lens. You doubt something that small has radar.
  1820. Camera: 120 hp.
  1821. Ramiel: I want to bring my drone closer and take out the camera, damaging it should do something at least.
  1822. Gator (GM): Sure.
  1823. Percepts are free in this case.
  1824. Ramiel: rolling 1d100+30
  1825. (
  1826. 35
  1827. )+30
  1828. = 65
  1829. Gator (GM): So you have one action left
  1830. Hit!
  1831. Ramiel: rolling 5d10+50
  1832. (
  1833. 7
  1834. +
  1835. 1
  1836. +
  1837. 7
  1838. +
  1839. 2
  1840. +
  1841. 5
  1842. )+50
  1843. = 72
  1844. Gator (GM): You shoot and crack the camera's case!
  1845. The pilot has taken notice and turns to your drone!
  1846. Jee Waki Still!
  1847. Always for the kill.
  1848. Ramiel: "Aim for the glitter on the machine"
  1849. Jee-Still Waki: ( I truly doubt I can snipe the camera )
  1850. ( Aiming for that anyway )
  1851. Ramiel: "Catch the metal beasts attention."
  1852. Gator (GM): +10 to aim then.
  1853. so -20
  1854. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ay hold up )
  1855. Gator (GM): You can make that.
  1856. Jee-Still Waki: ( Never mind, actually. Too low of an HP base )
  1857. Fried Silver: (and you can use shooting more for accuracy.)
  1858. Gator (GM): Were you going to jump on the thing?
  1859. Jee-Still Waki: ( Can't dodge, can't hide, can't tank it if I taunted it )
  1860. ( Get it's attention then hide )
  1861. ( Or take cover. Anyway, taking rhe shot )
  1862. rolling 1d100-20
  1863. (
  1864. 17
  1865. )-20
  1866. = -3
  1867. ( I missed, boss )
  1868. Gator (GM): Piting!
  1869. pa ting I mean.
  1870. Jee-Still Waki: End turn
  1871. Gator (GM): Other guys!
  1872. The three hacks stand up and take cover!
  1873. Gecko, your target is returning fire!
  1874. rolling 1d100+30
  1875. (
  1876. 59
  1877. )+30
  1878. = 89
  1879. Oop, cover would make it 49
  1880. I gotta remember that.
  1881. Gator (GM): Take
  1882. rolling 2d10+20
  1883. (
  1884. 5
  1885. +
  1886. 8
  1887. )+20
  1888. = 33
  1889. Your flak vest absorbs the hit.
  1890. The mech moves and strikes another soldier!
  1891. He's clobbered.
  1892. Fried!
  1893. Fried Silver: (can i fire twice for the dual wielding and ttake cover?)
  1894. Gator (GM): ...Sure
  1897. Fried Silver aims at the mechs visors and fire in 3 bursts twice.
  1898. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 30
  1899. (
  1900. 94
  1901. )+30
  1902. = 124
  1903. rolling 1d100 + 30
  1904. (
  1905. 38
  1906. )+30
  1907. = 68
  1908. Gator (GM): Hits
  1909. Fried Silver: rolling 4d10 + 40
  1910. (
  1911. 1
  1912. +
  1913. 3
  1914. +
  1915. 2
  1916. +
  1917. 3
  1918. )+40
  1919. = 49
  1920. rolling 1d100 + 30
  1921. (
  1922. 65
  1923. )+30
  1924. = 95
  1925. (fug, ignor the last one)
  1926. rolling 4d10 + 40
  1927. (
  1928. 6
  1929. +
  1930. 1
  1931. +
  1932. 3
  1933. +
  1934. 3
  1935. )+40
  1936. = 53
  1937. And i end my turn.
  1938. Gator (GM): One goes down and the other is badly wounded!
  1939. Gecko!
  1940. Gecko: I will shoot at the monster 3 times
  1941. Gator (GM): Sure, why not?
  1942. Gecko: rolling 1d100+35+10
  1943. (
  1944. 24
  1945. )+35+10
  1946. = 69
  1947. rolling 1d100+35+10
  1948. (
  1949. 12
  1950. )+35+10
  1951. = 57
  1952. rolling 1d100+35+10
  1953. (
  1954. 89
  1955. )+35+10
  1956. = 134
  1957. Gator (GM): 3 hits!
  1958. fwip fwip fwip
  1959. Just roll once and wel'' *3
  1960. Gecko: 9d10+30
  1961. Gator (GM): Sure
  1962. Gecko: rolling 9d10+30
  1963. (
  1964. 8
  1965. +
  1966. 10
  1967. +
  1968. 3
  1969. +
  1970. 2
  1971. +
  1972. 6
  1973. +
  1974. 4
  1975. +
  1976. 2
  1977. +
  1978. 5
  1979. +
  1980. 7
  1981. )+30
  1982. = 77
  1983. Gator (GM): You pelt the monster!
  1984. LG turn!
  1985. The creature continues to block
  1986. The mech voices
  1987. "Keep firing on the target, everything goes down when it does!"
  1988. He turns and fires.
  1989. Gator (GM): rolling 1d100+30
  1990. (
  1991. 52
  1992. )+30
  1993. = 82
  1994. rolling 8d10+80
  1995. (
  1996. 9
  1997. +
  1998. 10
  1999. +
  2000. 10
  2001. +
  2002. 4
  2003. +
  2004. 7
  2005. +
  2006. 8
  2007. +
  2008. 1
  2009. +
  2010. 8
  2011. )+80
  2012. = 137
  2013. The lgi attack the mech.
  2014. Long story short 120 damage
  2015. (Sorry, there are two sides I'm running here.)
  2016. Ramiel!
  2017. Ramiel: lets finish off that camera
  2018. Gator (GM): The hackers are turning on the creature!
  2019. Sure.
  2020. Ramiel: rolling 1d100+30
  2021. (
  2022. 51
  2023. )+30
  2024. = 81
  2025. Gator (GM): hit
  2026. Ramiel: rolling 5d10+50
  2027. (
  2028. 4
  2029. +
  2030. 1
  2031. +
  2032. 4
  2033. +
  2034. 1
  2035. +
  2036. 5
  2037. )+50
  2038. = 65
  2039. Gator (GM): The camera on the mech is destroyed!
  2040. Through it's speaker you hear a cry of frustration!
  2041. Any other actions?
  2042. Ramiel: anything else look vital on that hunk of junk? Like exposed joints?
  2043. I should roll for that
  2044. Gator (GM): Sure beat 80
  2045. Ramiel: rolling 1d100+35
  2046. (
  2047. 85
  2048. )+35
  2049. = 120
  2050. Gator (GM): The servo joints appear to be the next weakest spot.
  2051. Ramiel: I'll take a shot there
  2052. Gator (GM): Sure, beat 80
  2053. Hard shot.
  2054. Ramiel: rolling 1d100+30
  2055. (
  2056. 3
  2057. )+30
  2058. = 33
  2059. damn
  2060. Gator (GM): Zip!
  2061. Ramiel: at least he can't target my drone now.
  2062. Gator (GM): Precious dronie
  2063. Endturn?
  2064. Ramiel: yep
  2065. Gator (GM): JEE
  2066. Ramiel: JEE
  2067. Gator (GM): JEEEEEEEE!
  2068. Fried Silver: JEE JEE JEE BABY BABY
  2069. Gator (GM): Well, we skip until he pops up again.
  2070. Ramiel: Man, Now I'm think of the Donkey Kong country TV show and its songs
  2071. Gator (GM): Those were pretty good as i recall.
  2072. There we go.
  2073. Axl Greez: Had to throw out boxes
  2074. Ramiel: good songs/singers that just felt bizarre in context
  2075. Axl Greez: Got to clock off and go home
  2076. Gator (GM): but the cheese was thick.
  2077. Axl Greez: Just fire at the big one for me
  2078. Till I get back
  2079. Gator (GM): Sure!
  2080. Axl Greez: Thanks man
  2081. 4d10+40
  2082. Gator (GM): rolling 1d100-20
  2083. (
  2084. 93
  2085. )-20
  2086. = 73
  2087. Welp
  2088. rolling 4d10+40
  2089. (
  2090. 3
  2091. +
  2092. 1
  2093. +
  2094. 7
  2095. +
  2096. 8
  2097. )+40
  2098. = 59
  2099. Ramiel: (( ))
  2100. Gator (GM): The pilot opens his cockpit to aim manual aim!
  2101. He first full clip at the monster!
  2102. Ramiel: ((take the shot snake!))
  2103. Gator (GM): rolling 8d10+80+400
  2104. (
  2105. 6
  2106. +
  2107. 6
  2108. +
  2109. 1
  2110. +
  2111. 4
  2112. +
  2113. 4
  2114. +
  2115. 3
  2116. +
  2117. 9
  2118. +
  2119. 5
  2120. )+80+400
  2121. = 518
  2122. ((That dk rap was unusually dank.))
  2123. Ramiel: (( I enjoy them about the same way I enjoy the MGR soundtrack ))
  2124. Fried Silver: (and dks singing actor is pretty good.)
  2125. Gator (GM): The LGI soldiers take cover.
  2126. Ramiel: (( He is ))
  2127. Gator (GM): Fried!
  2129. Fried Silver fires 3 10 round bursts at the mech pilot.
  2130. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 30
  2131. (
  2132. 6
  2133. )+30
  2134. = 36
  2135. rolling 1d100 + 30
  2136. (
  2137. 74
  2138. )+30
  2139. = 104
  2140. rolling 1d100 + 30
  2141. (
  2142. 71
  2143. )+30
  2144. = 101
  2145. Gator (GM): Okay, keep in mind it's 60 or better to aim shot.
  2146. Anway
  2147. Damage!
  2148. Fried Silver: (yee i remember)
  2149. Gator (GM): Actually it was to explain to chad.
  2150. Fried Silver: (also it seems a bit over powered being able to fire 9 extra shots to meke your hit 100+ no matter what.
  2151. Gator (GM): (40 for a range shot, 60 to target a spot on them, 80 to target a small, vital spot like eyes or throat.)
  2152. Fried Silver: rolling 4d10 + 100
  2153. (
  2154. 6
  2155. +
  2156. 3
  2157. +
  2158. 7
  2159. +
  2160. 3
  2161. )+100
  2162. = 119
  2163. rolling 4d10 + 100
  2164. (
  2165. 9
  2166. +
  2167. 10
  2168. +
  2169. 4
  2170. +
  2171. 5
  2172. )+100
  2173. = 128
  2174. Gator (GM): So I assume you are using a burst?
  2175. Fried Silver: (yeah im using burst.)
  2176. Gator (GM): Welp.
  2177. Fried Silver: (sorry if im beefing the stack guns rules for burst firing.)
  2178. Gator (GM): You pelt the mechs cockpit and just absolutely destroy the pilot.
  2179. The interior of the mech is engulfed in fire.
  2180. Gecko!
  2181. Fried Silver: (shold be +2 bullets for +10 damage so that it can only be +50 max.)
  2182. Gecko: Fireing 3 times at the monster
  2183. rolling 1d100+35+10
  2184. (
  2185. 42
  2186. )+35+10
  2187. = 87
  2188. rolling 1d100+35+10
  2189. (
  2190. 9
  2191. )+35+10
  2192. = 54
  2193. rolling 1d100+35+10
  2194. (
  2195. 32
  2196. )+35+10
  2197. = 77
  2198. Gator (GM): Hits
  2199. Gecko: rolling 9d10+30
  2200. (
  2201. 2
  2202. +
  2203. 7
  2204. +
  2205. 7
  2206. +
  2207. 9
  2208. +
  2209. 2
  2210. +
  2211. 8
  2212. +
  2213. 9
  2214. +
  2215. 9
  2216. +
  2217. 5
  2218. )+30
  2219. = 88
  2220. Gator (GM): LGI
  2221. The open fire on Gecko and Jee!
  2222. rolling 1d100+40-40
  2223. (
  2224. 99
  2225. )+40-40
  2226. = 99
  2227. rolling 4d10+40+30
  2228. (
  2229. 3
  2230. +
  2231. 5
  2232. +
  2233. 3
  2234. +
  2235. 6
  2236. )+40+30
  2237. = 87
  2238. Axl Greez: Back
  2239. Gator (GM): Gecko, take 87
  2240. Just in time
  2241. You are fired on by LGI!
  2242. rolling 1d100
  2243. (
  2244. 73
  2245. )
  2246. = 73
  2247. rolling 4d10+70
  2248. (
  2249. 8
  2250. +
  2251. 6
  2252. +
  2253. 2
  2254. +
  2255. 5
  2256. )+70
  2257. = 91
  2258. Axl Greez: ( I am? Ah shit )
  2259. ( Guessing I can't dodge it )
  2260. Gator (GM): Well, sure
  2261. If you kept an action.
  2262. Axl Greez: ( If I did, but I didn't )
  2263. Gator (GM): Which you did., over corse.
  2264. Axl Greez: ( Ah. Alright, thank you. )
  2265. rolling 1d100+30
  2266. (
  2267. 22
  2268. )+30
  2269. = 52
  2270. ( Dern )
  2271. Gator (GM): Nope!
  2272. 91 damage
  2273. Axl Greez: ( Armor's gone. Took 31 damage )
  2274. Fried Silver: "Why are we being shot at by the good guys? Were not wearing cultist robes like those Goblin jerks."
  2275. Gator (GM): Ramiel's turn!
  2276. Ramiel: Goddamnit, Can I get a connection to Sarah?
  2277. Gator (GM): Sure!
  2278. Ramiel: "Sarah, please advise LGI reinforcements to not engage personnel on the catwalks! They're shooting at us."
  2279. Sarah: Rodger Rodger!
  2280. Ramiel: Ill shoot at a cultist too
  2281. Gator (GM): Right.
  2282. Ramiel: rolling 1d100+30
  2283. (
  2284. 78
  2285. )+30
  2286. = 108
  2287. Gator (GM): hit
  2288. Ramiel: rolling 5d10+50
  2289. (
  2290. 10
  2291. +
  2292. 5
  2293. +
  2294. 6
  2295. +
  2296. 1
  2297. +
  2298. 10
  2299. )+50
  2300. = 82
  2301. That's my turn
  2302. Axl Greez: "Hhhhhh!" Jee hisses to herself as the bullet penetrates her armor and lodges itself somewhere into her body.
  2303. Gator (GM): Jee's turn!
  2304. Jee-Still Waki: ( Not sure what I can do here if I can't aim for shit )
  2305. ( Any recommendations, y'all? )
  2306. Gator (GM): (Spend the turn aiming, you'll get a +20 for next round.
  2307. Or do a mastermind roll.
  2308. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ah yeah, forgot about those. If I do that, would it give both actions or just 1 and end my turn? )
  2309. ( Or should I roll twice to give both? )
  2310. Gator (GM): ( Or rally it's called.
  2311. Sure, for allies roll over 60
  2312. mind +1d100
  2314. Jee-Still Waki hisses at Ramiel. "Shoot more! Shoot them more!"
  2315. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+60
  2316. (
  2317. 1
  2318. )+60
  2319. = 61
  2320. Gator (GM): For enemies it's an intimidation roll.
  2321. Jee-Still Waki: ( Wew )
  2322. ( Oh wait shit, my mind is 10 not 12 )
  2323. Gator (GM): Still.
  2324. That's a 1
  2325. Ramiel!
  2327. Jee-Still Waki incomprehesibly screams at Ramiel.
  2328. Fried Silver: 1
  2329. Gator (GM): You lose one action because of Jee's ear splitting screech!
  2330. Jee-Still Waki: ( Good lord man )
  2331. ( Do I still have an action left? I can try to undo the 1 for ya Ram. )
  2332. Gator (GM): Sure!
  2333. Jee-Still Waki: (inb4 another 1)
  2334. rolling 1d100+50
  2335. (
  2336. 3
  2337. )+50
  2338. = 53
  2339. Gator (GM): ( This: )
  2340. Ramiel: ...
  2341. Jee-Still Waki: ( Really RNG? Cuntasaurus. )
  2342. End turj
  2343. Gator (GM): The hackers are in disarray and fire on the party! Full clip!
  2344. rolling 1d100+30-40
  2345. (
  2346. 40
  2347. )+30-40
  2348. = 30
  2349. Silver is missed
  2350. Now JEE
  2351. Jee-Still Waki: ( Fuck me, if they get an 89 damage on me, I'm toast )
  2352. Gator (GM): rolling 1d100-10
  2353. (
  2354. 8
  2355. )-10
  2356. = -2
  2357. They drop all their fletts on you and miss!
  2358. Jee-Still Waki: ( Live to screech another day )
  2359. Gator (GM): The monster gestures to the hackers while the LGI are busy shouting into their radios
  2360. They aren't firing at you anymore!
  2361. Gaven
  2362. Silver!
  2363. Fried Silver: (whitch one is the wounded one?)
  2364. Jee-Still Waki: ( I got hit. 89/120 HP, no armor. )
  2365. Gator (GM): Middle
  2366. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ah fuck, got confused. )
  2367. Fried Silver: (okay)
  2368. Gator (GM): ( You are in extreme pain, ted.)
  2369. Jee-Still Waki: ( Thought he meant group members and was gonna spray healing juice. Feel stupid. Got too much Xcom on the mind. )
  2371. Fried Silver aims and fires a 5 round burst at the 3rd gremlin down the line.
  2372. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 30
  2373. (
  2374. 51
  2375. )+30
  2376. = 81
  2377. Gator (GM): hit
  2378. +50 for 5 rounds.
  2379. Fried Silver: rolling 4d10 + 60
  2380. (
  2381. 5
  2382. +
  2383. 6
  2384. +
  2385. 2
  2386. +
  2387. 10
  2388. )+60
  2389. = 83
  2390. Gator (GM): (I think this per bullet +10 thing is easier to figure out.)
  2391. (what do you guys think?)
  2392. Fried Silver: (it will require tweaking on how many rounds you can fire to balance it.)
  2393. Gator (GM): Right, the gremlin is down.
  2394. Jee-Still Waki: ( Can't say. Never dual wielded before to give a good opinion )
  2396. Fried Silver tries to intimidate the wounded gremlin to surrender it a more understandable manner compared to Jee.
  2397. Gator (GM): (Well, actually magazine size is ten shots now, although unless you have a rapid fire weapon you can't fire more than 10. Yeah, it's gotta be tweaked.)
  2398. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 60
  2399. (
  2400. 25
  2401. )+60
  2402. = 85
  2403. Gator (GM): Hit.
  2404. Fried Silver: (wait, dang it cause i have 50 mags on the stack gun still.)
  2405. Gator (GM): You mean 50 rounds?
  2406. Roll damage anyway
  2407. Jee-Still Waki: ( Do robots ever scream? )
  2408. Gator (GM): ( Only if the are programmed for pain.)
  2409. Fried Silver: (that was to imtimidate, as in tell him to surrender unless im yelling bullets.)
  2410. Gator (GM): Oh
  2411. rolling 1d100+50
  2412. (
  2413. 85
  2414. )+50
  2415. = 135
  2416. Welp, he resists your intimidation!
  2417. Jee-Still Waki: ( Shoulda screamed at him )
  2418. Fried Silver: I end my turn.
  2419. Gator (GM): Gecko~!
  2420. There is one hacker left, cornered, wounded and half mad he looks like he is about to do something brave!
  2421. Gecko: Keep firing at the monster
  2422. rolling 1d100+35+10
  2423. (
  2424. 32
  2425. )+35+10
  2426. = 77
  2427. rolling 1d100+35+10
  2428. (
  2429. 13
  2430. )+35+10
  2431. = 58
  2432. rolling 1d100+35+10
  2433. (
  2434. 88
  2435. )+35+10
  2436. = 133
  2437. Gator (GM): Okay!
  2438. 9d10+30 right?
  2439. Gecko: rolling 9d10+30
  2440. (
  2441. 5
  2442. +
  2443. 1
  2444. +
  2445. 10
  2446. +
  2447. 9
  2448. +
  2449. 5
  2450. +
  2451. 10
  2452. +
  2453. 8
  2454. +
  2455. 4
  2456. +
  2457. 1
  2458. )+30
  2459. = 83
  2460. Gator (GM): You continue pelting it!
  2461. LGI turn!
  2462. He fires again on GECKO
  2463. rolling 1d100+40-40
  2464. (
  2465. 45
  2466. )+40-40
  2467. = 45
  2468. Fried Silver: "Sir we should focus fire on the terrorist and not the blob of flesh!"
  2469. Gator (GM): Single round shot.
  2470. rolling 4d10+40
  2471. (
  2472. 5
  2473. +
  2474. 5
  2475. +
  2476. 8
  2477. +
  2478. 6
  2479. )+40
  2480. = 64
  2481. Gecko, you take a shot to the chest!
  2482. The other agent clmbs the ledge and attempts to subdue the hacker.
  2483. Shots against him risk hitting the agent.
  2484. Ramiel!
  2485. Ramiel: So these LGI guys are shooting at us again, this sucks
  2486. Gator (GM): You keep shooting the monster!
  2487. Fried Silver: "Well maybe its cause that blob of flesh means something to them!"
  2488. Gecko: I think I am downed
  2489. Ramiel: Yeah, I get that. I haven't shot it since I targeted the mech.
  2490. Gator (GM): Well, you're at -97 right now.
  2491. So you have 20 hp left counting the vest.
  2493. Ramiel radios Sarah "Goddamnit, I should be warned that there is a blob monster LGI cares about before I get sent on a mission. "
  2494. Gator (GM): I suppose we should pause combat now.
  2495. Sarah: I have no idea what you are talking about! I didn't know about that thing until you got there.
  2496. The: second you did direct orders are getting sent to not attack the creature!
  2497. Ramiel: "Well, we didn't either and LGI won't stay off our ass. We have a man down!"
  2498. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh?! They protect the demon?!"
  2499. Sarah: Have you tried talking to them?
  2500. Fried Silver: "Uhh Miss Sarah can I explain what it is?"
  2501. Ramiel: "Have you tried talking to someone currently shooting a you before?"
  2502. Sarah: Point. Agents in field keep reporting that you keep firing on the target.
  2503. I am all ears on your theories, Silver.
  2504. Fried Silver: "Well you know those rumors that spread around about stuff like the logos goverment and stuff about the mastermind..."
  2505. Gator (GM): As you speak the lights come back on and the wrecked tram the creature sits on begins moving, slowly taking the creature to the distance.
  2506. Fried Silver: (wait it was on a tram?)
  2507. Gator (GM): (Yeah. At the start, explosion? All that stuff?)
  2508. Fried Silver: (this sort of perspective hurt me mind.)
  2509. Gator (GM): Sorry.
  2510. Fried Silver: its ok.
  2511. Sarah: There are lots of rumors, ultramind is one of them.
  2512. Fried Silver: "Is that what the ultramind is? Cause we had a run in with something like that before and it has servery hostile."
  2513. I: 've ordered the agents to hold off, but they are very testy.
  2514. Sarah: I have no idea. I'm getting alot of orders from higher ups right now... They say to forget what we saw?
  2515. Fried Silver: "Cause the goblins recent attacks were all focused on shutting down systems and powers of the logos goverment."
  2516. Sarah: Where have you seen something like that to before?
  2517. Fried Silver: "I know this might seem crazy if i tell it since it would seem my system would be out of wack, Ramiel would you mind?"
  2518. "Telling here where we last seen something like this?"
  2519. Jee-Still Waki: ( Can I attempt to study the creature from here? Or is it too far away now? )
  2520. Gator (GM): Sure, take a shot
  2521. Roll percept, beat 85
  2522. Oh, let's say that your keen mind has been memorising it.
  2523. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+50-30
  2524. (
  2525. 33
  2526. )+50-30
  2527. = 53
  2529. Jee-Still Waki tries to study the abhorid demon from afar... But to no avail. Her eyesight is too poor to make out specific details.
  2530. Gator (GM): This creature looks very similar to the false gods you've encounted, same muscle systems and skin.
  2531. But much larger.
  2532. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhhh? They... What?" Jee rambles to herself.
  2533. Gator (GM): (I feel like I'm missing my que here.)
  2534. Jee-Still Waki: ( Don't got anything else to say or do. Sorry man )
  2535. Ramiel: (( Sory busy for a moment there. ))
  2536. "Go ahead Silver, all yours."
  2537. Fried Silver: "Well, we seen it inside of a ventalation shaft in a building near that one cruddy Eo spaceship."
  2538. Jee-Still Waki: ( But it's info that's useful to Jee. )
  2539. Gator (GM): The agents are busy rounding up bodies and apprhending the last goblin.)
  2540. Fried Silver: "Thats near Pao."
  2542. Jee-Still Waki quietly writes a note into her tech journal on the backpage. 'False great ones become demons?'
  2543. Sarah: That... Doesn't really help. Anyway, what did that creature do?
  2544. Fried Silver: "It charged at us like a wild animal with no sign of humanity, its appearents was of a dark purple and had yellow eyes."
  2545. (Sorry, im sorta tired.)
  2546. Sarah: "That's enough for a database search at least. So did it do anything besides charge?"
  2547. Gator (GM): (Right, 'charge like a wild animal')
  2548. Sarah: "Hold on...
  2550. Jee-Still Waki looks to the others and Fried. "Tool. Fry-eed Silver. The demon looked like... a false great one."
  2551. Sarah: Command has issued an arrest warrant for Fluer
  2552. Fried Silver: "It screamed like a banshee while charging at us. and we manage to escape it by locking one of the vents and destroying a part of the structure whick lured it out."
  2553. Gator (GM): There is a pause.
  2554. Fried Silver: "Oh, and it had the face oh a human."
  2555. Sarah: Well, I'm glad you did not use that tactic on the station.
  2556. Human, human?
  2557. Jee-Still Waki: "Fry-Eed. Do false great ones... BECOME those demons?"
  2558. Sarah: Because some monkies...
  2559. Fried Silver: "You know, those hairless monkeys that are a rare birth effect."
  2560. Sarah: Ugh, this is above my station.
  2561. Fried Silver: "Jee the great ones are the ones who created those things."
  2562. Sarah: Search results are back on this topic.
  2563. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... But they are NOT great ones. And if they all become those demons..."
  2564. Fried Silver: "Jee, they made those demons the way they are."
  2565. (To Gator): Hey, think I can risk something?
  2566. (To Gator): I want to fly-sneak and follow the demon. I want to find out more.
  2567. Sarah: Archaeology: Subject: Wallman. They are like the cybernetic creatures that inhabit ancient ruins. They are rumored to be some sort of leader. No idea what one would be doing here...
  2568. (To Gator): If you don't want to bother with dealing with my own nonsense, I'm cool with it
  2569. Fried Silver: "Well can you get any records on any sort of capture on them in your data base then miss Sarah?"
  2570. "Maybe the goblins found out there was a important study on them and decided to mess with it."
  2571. (also no offence, i thought the Goblins gang members would be like Jackass but the people in it are a lot smarter.)
  2572. Sarah: There are no records of capture, actually. When they are captured they somehow manage to escape and return to where they were found.
  2573. Fried Silver: (I mean streaking is one of the listed things they do.)
  2575. Ramiel takes this opportunity to get some air, and he takes off his helmet.
  2576. Sarah: , I have heard rumors of secret organizations that protect creatures like that.
  2577. Ramiel: "So what, we're enemies of the space Illuminati?"
  2578. Gator (GM): (It is the smart ones that do the most crazy stuff!)
  2579. Fried Silver: (Ah, those Phds were just to justify waving your willy wumbus if front of random people.)
  2580. Sarah: "Maybe, there where alot of direct orders around that your confrontation. That almost never happens. So either they higher ups were there or were watching."
  2581. Ramiel: "Fun... any idea how they got a mech like that in here?"
  2582. Sarah: Still, I'll make sure you guys don't end up in trouble. You've covered for me tremendously.
  2583. Pretty easy. It's a Guardian suit, they are mostly used for exterior defense and large threat containment.
  2584. Until we go over it's data I would think he simply bought one.
  2585. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... Sarah-lady. Why were the tool destroyers attacking the demon? Did they have knowings of it?"
  2586. Ramiel: "That cool, where can I get one?"
  2587. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... But any smart one would attack a demon though."
  2588. Fried Silver: "Jee, it's not actually a demon."
  2589. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... Tool Fry-eed. What is a demon?"
  2590. Sarah: Good point, bat lady. They must have known about the thing. And I don't think they were attacking it for the greater good.
  2591. Fried Silver: "Demons are bad people, meaning if you do bad things you're a demon."
  2592. Sarah: Try a vehicle depot, ramiel. That's where I would go.
  2593. Jee-Still Waki: "Yesss... And what did demon do in cast-el?"
  2594. Fried Silver: "It was a demon cause it tried to kill you guys and dismember me."
  2595. "Making it a demon."
  2596. "But you can stop being a demon by doing good things."
  2597. Jee-Still Waki: "Yes... Killing demons are a VERY good thing."
  2599. Ramiel searches vehicle depots, searching specifically for exosuits and power armor among them
  2600. Gator (GM): (This is some high level intellectual discussion.
  2601. Jee-Still Waki: ( Made even better when Jee has a mind of 10. )
  2602. Gator (GM): You find several sellers, Ramiel. The base price for a Guardian mech is 2.5 million. Training not included.
  2603. Fried Silver: "Depending on how much of a demon they are Jee, like doing little bad things would make you an Imp, a sorta lesser demon."
  2604. Gator (GM): Incidently, you guys are getting medical healing for your wounds, right?
  2605. Jee-Still Waki: ( Please )
  2606. Gecko: yep
  2607. Gator (GM): You converse as you float in very high tech healing tubes.
  2608. Fried Silver: (do band aids work on robots?)
  2610. Ramiel searches for lower grade exosuits
  2611. Gator (GM): (Very poorly)
  2612. There is one, called a flexor.
  2613. It's more of a motor assist than a full robot vehicle but you can get it for 40k, negiotable.
  2614. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... I did not learn of 'imps' at home tribe. There were masks some made to put fear into demons... They hang them on walls in homes to keep family safe."
  2616. Ramiel shrugs, "Sarah, what's the chances I can recover the guardian mech we trashed in our last fight?"
  2617. Jee-Still Waki: "I did not see demons as healing woman at tribe. I did not have masks at healing hut... I should seek one."
  2618. Sarah: Ah, well, that would go up to security auction after it's been examined for evidence.
  2619. I can make sure you win that auction, why not?
  2620. Fried Silver: "Miss Sarah any chance for a repair for mwa?"
  2622. Ramiel smiles, "Hell yeah, I really appreciate that.
  2623. Sarah: Sure, you were injured in the line of duty. Throw the bill to the government, who cares?
  2624. Gator (GM): Sarah pauses abit.
  2625. Sarah: Well... There is one thing I'd like in return.
  2626. kinda, this is a contract.
  2627. Jee-Still Waki: ( I got an extra frag vest GM. Letting you know now. How much HP did Jee heal? She lost 31 )
  2628. Gator (GM): She's back to full
  2629. You are in an advanced medical facility with a surgeon overseeing it, you are healed but good
  2630. Jee-Still Waki: ( Cool. Thanks )
  2631. Sarah: Fleur fled the station when the power outage hit, that makes him suspicious enough to bring in.
  2632. Jee-Still Waki: ( Mind if I try to study the healing tube? Or should I convince the surgeon first? )
  2633. Sarah: he flew straight out of our jurisdiction space but I have an idea where he might be. Would you guys consider taking a bounty on him?
  2634. Gator (GM): Nah, go ahead.
  2635. On a crit fail you break it.
  2636. Fried Silver: (brb)
  2637. Jee-Still Waki: ( Wouldn't expect anything else. Perception or electronics? )
  2638. Gator (GM): Electronics
  2639. Beat 90
  2640. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+30+50
  2641. (
  2642. 31
  2643. )+30+50
  2644. = 111
  2645. Gator (GM): That'll do.
  2646. You have a firm grasp of hyperbaric chambers!
  2648. Jee-Still Waki pokes around the healing tube as the others are distracted, trying to write as much info as she could on the amazing item.
  2649. Jee-Still Waki: ( Question: can I roll an engineering roll to make out a plan for it? )
  2650. ( I have an idea. )
  2651. ( A plan of the hyperbaric chamber )
  2652. Gator (GM): Yes
  2654. Fried Silver walk up to Jee "Jee can you stop messing with that, It's sorta real valuable."
  2655. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+10+50
  2656. (
  2657. 26
  2658. )+10+50
  2659. = 86
  2660. "Hhh... I would have no other time to, Fry-eed."
  2661. ( I wonder if I can make a travel, miniature case of this. With the appropriate items and tools. Say something to encase a limb in to heal it. )
  2662. Gator (GM): You quickly draw up an unrefined technical drawing as fried pesters you. It's relying alot on personal knowledge so it would be difficult for other people to read.
  2663. Ramiel: I have to get going soon
  2664. Jee-Still Waki: ( Arm gets busted, place it in the tiny hyperbolic chamber with canisters fueling the liquid and power. )
  2665. ( Damn. You have a good weekend, Ram )
  2666. Fried Silver: (See ya Ramiel.)
  2667. Gator (GM): Okay, I gotta stretch too.
  2668. Perhaps let us pause here.
  2669. End of Chapter
  2670. Ramiel: later fellas
  2671. Jee-Still Waki: ( Pause or end session? )
  2672. XP results: 110
  2673. Jee-Still Waki: Later man
  2674. Fried Silver: (See ya.)
  2675. Gator (GM): End session.
  2676. My back!
  2677. We can settle MVP next time.
  2678. Jee-Still Waki: ( Damn, don't throw it out man )
  2679. Fried Silver: See ya later Everett.
  2680. Gator (GM): Oh, it just acts up. Like a dog, it needs to be walked.
  2681. Also like a dog, it can bite my ass.
  2682. ...Anyway good job today!
  2683. (To Gator): Ah, did you get the previous messages? Just want to know if you want to do it or ditch the idea.
  2684. Fried Silver: Thanks, and I gotta go so see ya guys later.
  2685. Gecko: ok bye
  2686. I gtg 2
  2687. Gator (GM): lates
  2688. Jee-Still Waki: Later y'all. You guys have a good weekend
  2689. Gator (GM): Next week home boys!
  2690. Hey man!
  2691. Fried Silver: Hey-o
  2692. Gator (GM): Slept hard.
  2693. How you doing?
  2694. Fried Silver: Good, Had a dream that just consisted of buy jerky.
  2695. Gator (GM): That's good.
  2696. Hey, man!
  2697. Fried Silver: And Azeere seemed to grew a soul since she is acting more nice.
  2698. Gator (GM): Likely a trick.
  2699. Fried Silver: Well, then she just knows that im suffering enough with the broken leg.
  2700. Gator (GM): True.
  2701. Hey axl!
  2702. Axl Greez: Hey y'all
  2703. Gator (GM): Gimme a sec here...
  2704. Fried Silver: Hey
  2705. (To Gator): Ah yeah, sorry about spamming ya with private messages last session
  2706. Axl Greez: Ah, might be out of the game for a bit in the beginning today. On phone with mobile data, and I'm getting low on it
  2707. Might gotta conserve it, wont be back till I get on the wifi at home. Can't say when I'll be back home
  2708. Fried Silver: You better break the speed limit and run red lights to get back then.
  2709. Gator (GM): No prob!
  2710. Box-O-Rocks: I'm going to pick up food btw, brb
  2711. Gator (GM): Back, had to make lunch.
  2712. Okay, updates?
  2713. Axl Greez: I dunno, you tell me
  2714. Gator (GM): keke
  2715. Really... Not very much.
  2716. I've been trying to dedicate my efforts to editting.
  2717. and formating.
  2718. Axl Greez: More typo fixes and lore stuff?
  2719. Gator (GM): And grammar.
  2720. I did come up with a bit about megastructures and wormholes, but it got a mixed reception.
  2721. So I'll back burn that.
  2722. Axl Greez: From who? /tg/?
  2723. Fried Silver: Me and Suule.
  2724. Gator (GM): Yeah.
  2725. Axl Greez: Ah.
  2726. Gator (GM): I might slip it in anyway and see who notices.
  2727. Axl Greez: I can check into it later and give my two piece about it. See what works and what don't if ya want more opinions.
  2728. Gator (GM): So, whenever I get the urge to write creatively I work on a Frankenstien RPG I've been thinking up.
  2729. Fried Silver: Oh yeah, haven't heard about that thing in a while.
  2730. Gator (GM): Even thought a title: Frankenstien Chronicles.
  2731. Well, I just saw the one with Sting in it.
  2732. Axl Greez: Frankenstein RPG?
  2733. Gator (GM): Yeah. A franken bake.
  2734. It would be in victorian england and you could be a mad doctor, a monster, or a angry muggle.
  2735. And you'd get new limbs and defy science and nature.
  2736. Mostly it's born out of alot of watching svengoolie movies.
  2737. Also, anyone who claims furries came from the 90's has not seen The Wasp Woman.
  2738. Or The Cat Woman
  2739. Gator (GM): Or Gator Man.
  2740. Axl Greez: Or the Fly
  2741. Fried Silver: Furies were in ancient times, just look at Egypt.
  2742. Gator (GM): Yeah that's a good one.
  2743. Just, all of egypt.
  2744. Axl Greez: Why did cavemen wear wolf skins on their bodies? Bam, ancient furries debunked
  2745. Bada bing, new History Channel show made
  2746. Gator (GM): Anyway, the frankenrpg would be the same system. No deliberate furry stuff unless you went down that surgery line.
  2747. Axl Greez: It'd be more horror furry than cartoon or sexual I'd believe
  2748. Fried Silver: Can't wait for my grandpas reaction to that show.
  2749. Axl Greez: The kind you'd shag with a paper bag on
  2750. Gator (GM): Hopefully. You never know how people will interpret something.
  2751. Fried Silver: There are people for horror and monster stuff Axl.
  2752. Axl Greez: "Scientist who turned into sexy cat woman. No, I wont pick something else, this is going against the freedom of RPGs"
  2753. Gator (GM): "Okay, but you must at least get stuck in a tree or hiss involuntarily."
  2754. Axl Greez: Oh yeah man. How else is Call of Cthulu so popular?
  2755. Gator (GM): But also, with horror the concept of transformation is a big point.
  2756. Axl Greez: "Oh, and he was a man before turning into a woman. No, this isn't a fetish shut it"
  2757. Gator (GM): There's a big write up on it out there.
  2758. Dead to alive. Physical to corporeal and back. Woman to ape-woman
  2759. Axl Greez: But I did a homebrew Call of Cthulu. It was awesome
  2760. Gator (GM): That stuff.
  2761. Did it have a very broken insanity mechanic?
  2762. Axl Greez: Ended with the guy we were trying to rescue in jail commiting suicide, the Red Moon rising and all hell breakibg loose
  2763. Yeah
  2764. It was me and another guy
  2765. It ended with us saying "Fuck this shit" and driving the hell away
  2766. Nearly died, but we both barely escaped
  2767. Gator (GM): Best reaction in that setting.
  2768. Axl Greez: What else was there to do?
  2769. Gator (GM): Go crazy?
  2770. Axl Greez: Yep. Oh, and I was a drunk, black teacher.
  2771. Fried Silver: Become a satanist and try to buddy buddy with satan so you dont get enternal damnation?
  2772. Axl Greez: I think the other guy was a electrician or something mundane like me.
  2773. Gator (GM): That's actually pretty rare in a cthulu setting.
  2774. Axl Greez: Satan vs Cthulu would make an awesome setting
  2775. Gator (GM): "I want your flesh, 3D worm!"
  2776. "I want your soul, read the bible you gits!"
  2777. Box-O-Rocks: Oh yeah, back
  2778. Gator (GM): Ah right.
  2779. Axl Greez: Demon possessed lovecraftian monsters and Old God corrupted demons serving some space squid
  2780. Would be cool
  2781. Gator (GM): Let's get going with this before we get setting side tracked
  2782. Axl Greez: Yeah
  2783. Gator (GM):
  2784. Fried Silver: And then we throw Xenu in the mix.
  2785. Gator (GM): Let me know if you aren't in the special thanks.
  2786. "I want your [civilization advancement]"
  2787. Okay okay
  2788. We begin!
  2789. Axl Greez: Yeah, I'm not.
  2790. If it's on the first page anyway
  2791. Joseph Yates if you want a real name to put on. And thanks for mentioning us in it, man.
  2792. Our heroes have just stopped an assault on the stations brain stem: The ultramind. The plot is ded as is it's mastermind. The crew sits in the medbay chatting with their contact, waiting for the healing gels to take place.
  2793. Gator (GM): (Alright, this is why I ask. What would you like to be called in the book?)
  2794. Axl Greez: ( Just my real name if that's fine. If not, Axl Greez then. )
  2795. Gator (GM): (...What is your real name, if I may ask?)
  2796. Axl Greez: ( Joseph Yates, mentioned it above )
  2797. Box-O-Rocks: (( your names is like a horror book author ))
  2798. (( thas cool ))
  2799. The current slate: Sarah has been putting a fly in your ear about tracking down Mr. Fleur, the gravity material magnet. Waki has been getting a creeping curiosity about the strange creature you attaescued
  2800. Axl Greez: ( Oh yeah? Rad. Never thought of it like that. )
  2801. Gator (GM):
  2802. (Yeah, totally sounds like someone you'd see headlining a comic book.)
  2803. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... No papers on the demon? No information on the demon? Is anything known on the demon?"
  2804. ( -The- Joseph Yates. Awesome, thank you man. )
  2805. Gator (GM): (Hey, thank you guys for helping!)
  2806. Sarah: Well, there must be some mention. How else would he know it exists?
  2807. Ah: , you guys apprehended some punks on the way, didn't you?
  2808. Fried Silver: "Yes madam, it was those goblins terrorists."
  2809. Box-O-Rocks: "fun bunch, they were."
  2810. Gator (GM): (Oh yeah. I changed goblins to gremlins, seems more appropriate.)
  2811. Jee-Still Waki: "Younglings... They have been raised poorly."
  2812. Sarah: well, that is a lead.
  2813. Fried Silver: "The police force managed to capture one of them alive durring the shoot out maddam."
  2814. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... I do not like seeing such young children dying."
  2815. Fried Silver: "Maybe he has a lead and info on him."
  2816. Sarah: Sure, sure.
  2817. Hey, so about Fleur?...
  2818. Fried Silver: "What about him madam?"
  2819. Sarah: He's fled the station after being warned not too, that makes him a suspect in the case.
  2820. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... Hunting tr- ... Others. Should we hunt after the demon that was taken away?"
  2821. Sarah: For some reason LGG has stopped my petitions to sub contract so I'm afraid I'll have to hire you as independants working for me personally.
  2822. Box-O-Rocks: "Well, what ship did he get out in?"
  2823. Jee-Still Waki: ( Oh yeah, Fleur. Forgot about him )
  2824. Gator (GM): A saucer registered as "The flukeworm"
  2825. Sarah: Anyway, I'm just happy to be healed up again. You guys can do whatever you want.
  2826. Fried Silver: "Do you have any info besides name of the ship madam? Like the class or model of it?"
  2827. Jee-Still Waki: ( Wonder if I can observe ships and look for weak points. Like a picture or 3D model. Might help out with ship combat )
  2828. Sarah: Well, its a saucer class so it's likely off to somewhere nearby. The ships aren't suited for long range.
  2829. It: shouldn't have anyway weapons, really.
  2830. Sarah: I'm sorry, I'm not a shipwright here!
  2831. Fried Silver: ((Wait, was that one place where Jaob threw Joanna into the pond his house??))
  2832. Jee-Still Waki: ( That was an asteroid base )
  2833. Gator (GM): ((It was the hostage's house but either or)
  2834. Jee-Still Waki: ( Jakob's house is just some midclassn regular neighborhood stuff. Never even showed up in the RPG either )
  2835. Fried Silver: ((Thanks for telling.))
  2836. Gator (GM): ((Well, normalcy is a given!))
  2837. So, where to?
  2838. Fried Silver: "Well Sir Jakob are you ready to fly around in space and search for him?"
  2839. (shite i mean ramiel.)
  2840. Gator (GM): As you head to the dock, you are stopped! It appears a crew is loading some cargo into Ramiel's ship!
  2841. Box-O-Rocks: "Sir Ramiel?.. That's dumb, but sure, let's go."
  2842. "Whoa, what the fuck is this?"
  2843. "Get your shit off my ship!"
  2844. Gator (GM): "What are you talking about?" Says the dockhand
  2845. Box-O-Rocks: "I didn't order any cargo to be loaded on my ship!"
  2846. Gator (GM): "What are you talking about? We have the paperwork right here." The man shows you a datapad.
  2847. Gaven C.: "And how did you get access to be able to open his ship?"
  2848. Gator (GM): The pad reads "30 tons of fetilizer"
  2849. Box-O-Rocks: (( any sign off on who it's from? ))
  2850. Gator (GM): You look upon the pad, it appears it was a government issue signed "Ous"
  2851. Gaven C.: "Ramiel ths is the doing of the gremlins i assume."
  2852. Box-O-Rocks: "Hmmm, no. I wasn't notified of this at all, take it off my ship!"
  2853. "Now."
  2854. Gator (GM): The man shrugs, "Alright, but if you don't sign it's going back to A-Sec"
  2855. Box-O-Rocks: "I'm not signing off anything I didn't have ANY part of."
  2856. Gator (GM): You clear the cargo, although you fear the smell may linger.
  2857. "Hey, I just follow orders. Don't cause trouble."
  2858. The man says.
  2859. Proceed to the Villa?
  2860. Gaven C.: "Well Sir Ramiel this was a load of crap won't you say?"
  2861. Box-O-Rocks: Sweep the ship for more bullshit
  2862. Gator (GM): (I was not predicted for the jokes.
  2863. Turns out the had their crap together and everything has been moved off.
  2864. Axl Greez: "Hhhh... I could've used that."
  2865. Gator (GM): You approach the roid!
  2867. Gaven C. checks out the gunner seat to see if there was any tampering with the weapons.
  2868. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 40
  2869. (
  2870. 26
  2871. )+40
  2872. = 66
  2873. Gator (GM): llas appears fine.
  2874. Okay!
  2875. Who takes what station?
  2876. For the sake of this next test, everyone gets at least 3 points in a ship skill
  2877. Fried Silver: "Well there appears to be no tempering with the weapons Sir Ramiel."
  2878. Box-O-Rocks: "I kind of want to stay back as artillery on this one, so to speak."
  2879. Jee-Still Waki: ( Should I roll now?. )
  2880. Gator (GM): Sure!
  2881. oop
  2882. As you approach the asteroid, the sensors get hot thermal readings. Looks like they put up turrets since last time!
  2883. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+30
  2884. (
  2885. 1
  2886. )+30
  2887. = 31
  2888. Space Encounter start!
  2889. Jee-Still Waki: ( Shits on fire, yo )
  2890. Fried Silver: (I'll take Sensors
  2891. Gator (GM): What was that for?
  2893. Jee-Still Waki: ( Weapons I think )
  2894. Gator (GM): Okay, you are at long range!
  2895. Whatever that roll was caused a system reset!
  2896. The crazy bat stalled your ship enough for you to get in control enough to see incoming fire!
  2897. rolling 1d100+20
  2898. (
  2899. 42
  2900. )+20
  2901. = 62
  2902. rolling 1d100+20
  2903. (
  2904. 12
  2905. )+20
  2906. = 32
  2907. -40 at this range though.
  2908. Gator (GM): So shots fly passed your ship, could not even make it.
  2909. Your turn!
  2910. Box-O-Rocks: (( well I have 30+ 30 by default for dodging in this ship ))
  2911. Gator (GM): Yeah, I think level 3 is kind of a standard level.
  2912. Box-O-Rocks: "Sensors, get a view of what's going on here."
  2913. Jee-Still Waki: "HHHH! I DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS ANY OF THIS!" Jee screeches as she confusedly mashes buttons.
  2914. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 30
  2915. (
  2916. 29
  2917. )+30
  2918. = 59
  2919. Gator (GM): You scan!
  2920. The rock has two gun turrets and a saucer docked to it!
  2921. Box-O-Rocks: "Jee, for fucks sake, move the handles around to move the circle on your screen. the circle is where you shoot."
  2922. Fried Silver: "Uhh, well Sir Ramiel like say that Sensory isn't my prime function."
  2923. Gator (GM): You could get a reading on the interior but that will take another scan!
  2924. Fried or Ram?
  2925. Box-O-Rocks: "you know what, you guys should switch up, try the sensors Jee."
  2926. Fried Silver: "But there are 2 turrets on the asteroid i think."
  2927. Gator (GM): Your scan shows the turrets likely are moderate armor (6shp)
  2928. Box-O-Rocks: "I know a droid knows how to shoot"
  2930. Jee-Still Waki switches places with Fried, leaving a console with rapidly blinking lights behind in a panic.
  2931. Box-O-Rocks: (( I'm hanging back at what I consider to be a comfortable range out of their reach right now.))
  2932. Fried Silver: "Well if you insist Ramiel."
  2933. Gator (GM): (Right. Current range is long range, so -40)
  2934. Box-O-Rocks: "Jee, get a good look at the sensors, you think you could use these better? "
  2935. Fried Silver: (( should we just swap the skills now? ))
  2936. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... I can try." she mumbles, observing the tools set before her.
  2937. Gator (GM): You change seats!
  2938. Jee-Still Waki: ( Should I roll now or is it anothers turn? )
  2939. Gator (GM): Your turn.
  2940. It's a ship by ship turn system.
  2941. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+30
  2942. (
  2943. 81
  2944. )+30
  2945. = 111
  2946. ( Is mind or perception added to this? )
  2947. Gator (GM): Nope. You are pushing buttons
  2948. Target?
  2949. Jee-Still Waki: ( Sorry. Let's look at the rock itself )
  2950. Gator (GM): Going to do anything, fired?
  2951. Jee-Still Waki: ( Turrets were observed already. Let's see if there's something else to see there )
  2952. Gator (GM): The rock is a very large rock. Mostly made of common metals around here.
  2953. Fried Silver: ((i'll blast away at the guns i guess.))
  2954. rolling 1d100 + 30
  2955. (
  2956. 1
  2957. )+30
  2958. = 31
  2959. Jee-Still Waki: ( No observable features outside the turret? )
  2960. Gator (GM): You get a 1 thermal reading from the interior
  2961. Jee-Still Waki: ( The guns are cursed. Or Jee ruined them )
  2962. Fried Silver: (the 1's today)
  2963. Gator (GM): You have can target that, although you probably won't punch through on the first hit.
  2964. The screen blips out, you hope it's just a system crash!
  2965. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... Bright, red light in middle of the rock. Is that powering the guns?"
  2966. Box-O-Rocks: "What the fuck are guys doing?"
  2967. Gator (GM): ROCK'S TURN
  2968. Fried Silver: "Jee what did you do to the gun?"
  2969. Gator (GM): Both guns fire!
  2970. rolling 1d100+20
  2971. (
  2972. 57
  2973. )+20
  2974. = 77
  2975. Jee-Still Waki: "It is gun's fault! Jee only pushed buttons! It is guns fault for not deciding to work!"
  2976. Box-O-Rocks: rolling 1d100+30+30
  2977. (
  2978. 26
  2979. )+30+30
  2980. = 86
  2981. Gator (GM): You dodge!
  2982. Your turn.
  2983. Fried Silver: "Ramiel Sir you have a Medicine woman and a chef manning the positions."
  2985. Box-O-Rocks goes to pull the ship out of effective distance entirely,
  2986. Jee-Still Waki: ( Imagine smashing your face, hands, and entire body over a switcher console at a television station. That's what happened at the turrets. )
  2987. ( Everything that should be on is off, everything that should be off is on. )
  2988. Gator (GM): As you are both out of range, combat is effectively over.
  2989. What is the plan?
  2991. Box-O-Rocks attempts to pull the gun controls to his seat, to try and rule certain problems out
  2992. Gator (GM): Sure, gimme a roll for a damage check.
  2993. Box-O-Rocks: (( really just like toggling controls really ))
  2994. ((wait, what? ))
  2995. Gator (GM): (A hardboot solves alot of problems.)
  2996. You guys rolled at least two crit fails, that's abit.
  2997. Box-O-Rocks: what die is that even?
  2998. Gator (GM): Got engineering?
  2999. Or basic station skills.
  3000. So just roll 1d100 then.
  3001. Fried Silver: "I got 2 in eletronics.)
  3002. Box-O-Rocks: (( I have electronics, science, and ship weapons 3 ))
  3003. Axl Greez: ( I got engineering, but I don't think Ram or Fried want me to mess with it more )
  3004. Gator (GM): Electronics then
  3005. Jee-Still Waki: ( Electronics too. Wait, we all got electronics? )
  3006. ( We're all IT nerds in space )
  3007. Box-O-Rocks: rolling 1d100+20
  3008. (
  3009. 56
  3010. )+20
  3011. = 76
  3012. Gator (GM): (Well it's handy right now, isn't it!)
  3013. One turret: Online
  3014. Two turret: Alignment failure, repairs needed.
  3015. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... I am sorry. I can fix my mistakes ship leader."
  3016. Fried Silver: "Sorry Sir Ramiel I should of checked both turrets out."
  3017. Gator (GM): (Well, you were getting shot at and all the screens were blinking at the time.)
  3018. Box-O-Rocks: "Yeah, get some mag boots on and get ready for a a spacewalk. I want to get this fixed now."
  3019. Gator (GM): (I would like to think these crits are in story the effects of the gremlin's sabotage.)
  3020. Fried Silver: (So do I)
  3021. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... I will do so."
  3022. Box-O-Rocks: "Well.. What are you waiting for Silver, get to the airlock."
  3023. Fried Silver: "Okay Sir."
  3024. Box-O-Rocks: "Jee, sit tight."
  3025. Gator (GM): By the ways of relativity you head out of the ship!
  3026. Jee-Still Waki: "Ah... I will do... something else then."
  3028. Fried Silver Puts on the mag boots and waits for the airlock to open.
  3030. Jee-Still Waki finds a corner to sulk and berate herself in for damaging the star flier's weapons.
  3031. Gator (GM): As you do so a bullet zips by. It looks like the asteroid is taking pot shots, next to no chance of hitting you but that was pretty close!
  3033. Box-O-Rocks decided to use vector jets slowly maneuver, just to make their shots a lot harder to land
  3034. Fried Silver: (So metal working and electronics play in repairing?)
  3035. Gator (GM): Electronics or engineering.
  3036. Metal working if it involved bending something.
  3038. Box-O-Rocks opens the airlock, "Make sure those boots are on."
  3039. Fried Silver: "Yes Sir."
  3041. Fried Silver walk up to the gun and starts making repairs on it.
  3042. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 60
  3043. (
  3044. 69
  3045. )+60
  3046. = 129
  3047. Gator (GM): Alignment failure: the focus was off half a degree.
  3049. Fried Silver: "Lets just hope it wasn't a potato jammed into it."
  3050. Box-O-Rocks: "head back when you're done."
  3051. Fried Silver: "Ramiel Sir the repairs are complete."
  3053. Fried Silver heads back into the air lock.
  3054. Gator (GM): Enter back into range?
  3055. Alright, as we are rengaging.
  3056. Box-O-Rocks: "Take a seat, silver. We're heading back in."
  3058. Fried Silver gets back into the gunnery position "Rodger rodger Ramiel."
  3059. Gator (GM): Back in range!
  3060. Starting at long!
  3061. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... I will look for spots to sta- Eh, shoot."
  3062. Box-O-Rocks: "Jee, scan for any changes since last time."
  3063. Gator (GM): Remember: Sensors can move their bonus to other stations
  3064. Box-O-Rocks: "Assist the guns when you can. I should be able to handle myself."
  3065. Fried Silver: "Commence fire Sir Ramiel?"
  3066. Box-O-Rocks: "wait for Jee to get her scan."
  3067. "Jee..."
  3068. Fried Silver: (brb)
  3069. Jee-Still Waki: ( My bad, was talkin )
  3070. rolling 1d100+30
  3071. (
  3072. 94
  3073. )+30
  3074. = 124
  3075. Gator (GM): Hit!
  3076. What was the hit?
  3077. Jee-Still Waki: Scanning
  3078. Looking for any changes
  3079. Box-O-Rocks: and apply bonuses to guns
  3080. Gator (GM): You do notice something!
  3081. There is an increase in narrow radar bands from the rock
  3082. Looks like they are going to use it's sensors to hit your ship!
  3083. Besides that it looks like the saucer has changed docking formation. Odds are it looks ready to depart!
  3084. FRIED, RAM! Action time!
  3085. +30 to guns!
  3086. Box-O-Rocks: (( question.. is that big asteroid moving with the saucer? ))
  3087. Fried Silver: "Sir Ramiel focus fire on Saucer engine or focus on the asteroid?"
  3088. Box-O-Rocks: (( GM? ))
  3089. Gator (GM): (( Sorry, lag. No it isn't. The saucer hasn't lifted off from the rock yet.))
  3090. Box-O-Rocks: (( Ah, I was wondering why you were moving it around. ))
  3091. "We go and strafe the turret closest to the saucer, then pursue it once it leaves."
  3093. Box-O-Rocks approaches the asteroid on the saucer's side
  3094. Gator (GM): Move up to medium range?
  3095. Box-O-Rocks: "Fire when ready Silver"
  3096. Gator (GM): -20 to hit.
  3097. +30 sensors
  3098. so +10 to your +30
  3099. Box-O-Rocks: (( don't forget to add 30 to hit Silver ))
  3101. Fried Silver Fires on the closest turret.
  3102. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 40
  3103. (
  3104. 53
  3105. )+40
  3106. = 93
  3107. Gator (GM): Hit!
  3108. 1d10 damage
  3109. Fried Silver: rolling 1d10 +
  3110. (
  3111. 1
  3112. )
  3113. = 1
  3114. Box-O-Rocks: WE have 2 guns though
  3115. Jee-Still Waki: ( Cuuuuuursed )
  3116. Gator (GM): This must be something with roll20
  3117. Roll again.
  3118. Fried Silver: rolling 1d10 +
  3119. (
  3120. 3
  3121. )
  3122. = 3
  3123. Box-O-Rocks: with 2d10?
  3124. Fried Silver: (slightly less cursed)
  3125. Jee-Still Waki: ( You know, it very well might. But with RNG, we can get a hundred 1s and never know if it's broken or not )
  3126. Gator (GM): You fire both guns, the damage is extensive but not enough to destroy it.
  3127. Jee-Still Waki: ( Can very well rely on a human to be the RNG instead with similar results )
  3128. Gator (GM): ROID TURN
  3129. +30 to sensor
  3130. Box-O-Rocks: Gm, I didn't get an answer, why can't the gunner use both lasers?
  3131. Gator (GM): What? That's why I had him reroll.
  3132. Well, okay, roll again.
  3133. Box-O-Rocks: oh, okay
  3134. so the turret is at 2 shp
  3135. Gator (GM): Okay, rock returning fire.
  3136. Fried Silver: rolling 1d10 +
  3137. (
  3138. 1
  3139. )
  3140. = 1
  3141. Gator (GM): rolling 1d100+30
  3142. (
  3143. 78
  3144. )+30
  3145. = 108
  3146. Fried Silver: (It's cursed.)
  3147. Gator (GM): Welp.
  3148. Box-O-Rocks: Can I try to doge it?
  3149. Gator (GM): Sure!
  3150. Box-O-Rocks: rolling 1d100+30+30
  3151. (
  3152. 23
  3153. )+30+30
  3154. = 83
  3155. Fried Silver: "Ramiel Sir where did you get the ammo for this?"
  3156. Gator (GM): You take
  3157. rolling 2d10
  3158. (
  3159. 4
  3160. +
  3161. 1
  3162. )
  3163. = 5
  3164. 5 [five]
  3165. whole
  3166. damage
  3167. Box-O-Rocks: (( good thing I got that danke ship armor early on. ))
  3168. Jee-Still Waki: ( Oh god, what the HP of our ship? )
  3169. Gator (GM): 10+10 armor
  3170. Two hits shake the ship!
  3171. the interior rings as it's armor virginity is take!
  3172. ((That was probably too crude.))
  3173. Anyway, your turn again!
  3174. Jee-Still Waki: ( The ship must be stoned now for its impurity )
  3175. ( By Saturn's law )
  3176. ( I'll roll radar again on the turrets )
  3177. Box-O-Rocks: "It's not my fault! I've never been this bad at space combat. You guys are cursed."
  3178. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+30
  3179. (
  3180. 88
  3181. )+30
  3182. = 118
  3183. "Is demons fault! Demon must be purged from the living!" Jee hisses on the radio
  3184. Box-O-Rocks: (( Can I fire from my console too? or can I not since the station is set up? ))
  3185. Gator (GM): Sure!
  3186. Really they are just chairs and screens.
  3187. Fried Silver: "Well Jee you know any sorta healing runes or rituals then?"
  3188. Box-O-Rocks: rolling 1d100+30+30
  3189. (
  3190. 18
  3191. )+30+30
  3192. = 78
  3193. Gator (GM): CURSED
  3194. Hits
  3195. roll damage
  3196. Box-O-Rocks: rolling 2d10
  3197. (
  3198. 6
  3199. +
  3200. 8
  3201. )
  3202. = 14
  3203. Gator (GM): The turret fragments as the laser melts every bolt and plate!
  3204. Box-O-Rocks: Since I fired, I can't move the ship right, or can I?
  3205. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... Long time ago, father taught me to clean tools with oils when it does not work as it should. To take it all apart and clean the insides to remove the evil spirit."
  3206. Gator (GM): Nope, your fingers were busy in this timeframe.
  3207. Box-O-Rocks: aight
  3208. "Fire at the second turret Silver"
  3209. Gator (GM): Okay, who has not taken a shot?
  3210. Fried Silver: "Yes Sir!"
  3211. rolling 1d100 + 40
  3212. (
  3213. 34
  3214. )+40
  3215. = 74
  3216. Gator (GM): Yeah, let's say one turret was used.
  3217. hitski
  3218. Kind of hard to not hit a stationary object.
  3219. 1d10
  3220. Fried Silver: rolling 1d10 +
  3221. (
  3222. 5
  3223. )
  3224. = 5
  3225. Jee-Still Waki: "I do not have the oils or incense to clean all of this... But I can take it all apart to see what might be wrong later..."
  3226. Gator (GM): Gremlins I tell you
  3227. Okay, who is one sensors?
  3228. Fried Silver: "Well that sounds pleasant Jee, maybe I could be cleansed since it might of rub off on me."
  3229. Jee-Still Waki: ( Moi )
  3230. rolling 1d100+30
  3231. (
  3232. 14
  3233. )+30
  3234. = 44
  3235. ( Turrets as always, if it connects )
  3236. Fried Silver: (( Me and Jee played musical chairs so I Gunner She Sensor.))
  3237. Gator (GM): You scan!
  3238. You have tracked the on lifesign on the rock, it's on the outside of the roid!
  3239. It's the bunny jerk hole moonsprinting to the saucer!
  3240. Jee-Still Waki: "I have been meaning to study you tool- Ah, Fried. I can look at your insides, see how you work."
  3241. "Hhh? Rabit man is running for circle star flier!"
  3242. Gator (GM): It looks like the turret is taking an automated shot!
  3243. rolling 1d100-20
  3244. (
  3245. 45
  3246. )-20
  3247. = 25
  3248. Miss!
  3249. Your turn!
  3250. By your estimate waki, it looks like fluer will be in the saucer in the next turn!
  3251. Box-O-Rocks: I'll fire at the saucer
  3252. Jee, you got a scan boost?
  3253. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh! He is close! We should destroy it now!"
  3254. ( I dunno )
  3255. ( I just got +3 skill from what GM told me. Don't know if you got an aiming boost or not )
  3256. Box-O-Rocks: alright
  3257. rolling 1d100+30
  3258. (
  3259. 58
  3260. )+30
  3261. = 88
  3262. Gator (GM): Yes
  3263. Axl Greez: ( Sorry man )
  3264. ( Ah, good. )
  3265. Gator (GM): It's a declaration action.
  3266. The skill bonus goes to another station.
  3267. Although now I'm wondering about tweeking that.
  3268. It's certainly under developed
  3269. So that's a hit.
  3270. saucers have 2hp.
  3271. Gator (GM): roll the die! Time to fry
  3272. Box-O-Rocks: rolling 2d10
  3273. (
  3274. 3
  3275. +
  3276. 8
  3277. )
  3278. = 11
  3279. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... I wonder what tool- Ech... Technologies... are hidden away in the rock."
  3280. Box-O-Rocks: oh right, just use the first shot
  3281. Gator (GM): Oh right, did you want to destroy or disable it?
  3282. Either is more than it's base hp
  3283. Box-O-Rocks: (( I'd like to destroy the engines, but with that damage, I may as well cut them off the ship lol. I said to only use one die so fried can shoot at the other turret ))
  3284. Gator (GM): It's engines burst as they are hit!
  3285. Take the last shot at the turret and end combat?
  3286. Jee-Still Waki: ( Wonder if I can use any of the scrap metal there or surviving tech to modify the ship. Then again, I don't have the skills in modifying ships, just electronics. Can probably make an engineering roll to plan out something. )
  3287. ( Like extra thrusters or another gun. Or just stapling on some more armor to replace the 5 HP we lost. )
  3288. ( The engineering roll can at least be used by an actual mechanic then than a tech junkie )
  3289. Fried Silver: (Oh yeah, Gator any time I can gm again?)
  3290. Box-O-Rocks: (( We can get the ship repaired at a station. ))
  3291. (( Fried, you want to fire at the last turret or you want me to? ))
  3292. Gator (GM): (Sure, whenever you want Gav.)
  3293. Fried Silver: (Thanks, and nah ill take aim.)
  3294. rolling 1d100 + 40
  3295. (
  3296. 97
  3297. )+40
  3298. = 137
  3299. rolling 1d10 +
  3300. (
  3301. 4
  3302. )
  3303. = 4
  3304. Box-O-Rocks: heyo
  3305. Gator (GM): the curse, is broken!
  3306. Combat over: No resistance!
  3307. Jee-Still Waki: ( Cool. I'll consider workin' on an engineering plan later if you want to really deck the ship out. Then again, you got engineering too, right? Your call on it. )
  3308. ( Want to board the asteroid and take what's there? Or should we ditch it? )
  3310. Box-O-Rocks carves the rock around the bunny with his lasers, hoping he'll get the message, "Don't even try running away."
  3311. Gator (GM): He violently waves his arms in surrender.
  3312. Bring him aboard or dock?
  3314. Ramiel motions to Fried and Jee. "Take him aboard and tie him up."
  3315. Fried Silver: (I vote Bring him aboard.)
  3316. Jee-Still Waki: ( Bringing aboard's fine with me )
  3317. Ramiel: "I'll get back to piloting the ship, you guys keep an eye on him, I'll let you know if I need any of you in the cockpit. Keep me posted."
  3319. Jee-Still Waki suits up for entering space. "Fried. You keep gun tool aimed at him. I... am not reliable with that."
  3320. Jee-Still Waki: ( Should we scavenge the asteroid? )
  3321. Gator (GM): Sure!
  3322. The cursory examination shows that it's full of molten scrap, a disabled saucer, and a villa full of expensive furniture.
  3323. Ramiel: (( I think we should head back right now, a bit shorthanded and with a person of interest ))
  3324. ((unless Jee keeps an eye, while silver uses robot strength to bring stuff in ))
  3325. Jee-Still Waki: ( Sure. )
  3327. Fried Silver pulls out is guys and aims at the rabbit.
  3328. Gator (GM): Fried, what will you scrump?
  3329. Fried Silver: (I'll be a luggage boy.)
  3330. Gator (GM): We got metal, ship grade scrap, a mostly irradiated saucer, and the villa's contents
  3331. rolling 1d100+85
  3332. (
  3333. 84
  3334. )+85
  3335. = 169
  3337. Jee-Still Waki keeps an eye on the rabbit, aiming a gun at center mass.
  3338. Gator (GM): The Rabbit keeps his cool and says, "I want my lawyer."
  3339. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... We are taking lawyer from your rock. It's tech is ours."
  3340. "What is rabbit-man's name?"
  3341. Gator (GM): "Mr. I-Am-not-talking-until-I-see-representation-and-official-security-personnel."
  3342. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhhh... I do not know what tools those are."
  3343. ( Can I try to persuade 'im to talk to me? )
  3344. Ramiel: (( I have to go do something real quick< brb ))
  3345. Jee-Still Waki: "Rabbit-man can speak to me. I have knowledge of technologies."
  3346. Gator (GM): You can try
  3347. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+50
  3348. (
  3349. 63
  3350. )+50
  3351. = 113
  3352. Gator (GM): rolling 1d100+45
  3353. (
  3354. 86
  3355. )+45
  3356. = 131
  3357. Oh hey, I won a roll
  3358. He doesn't want to tell you about technologies on the rock.
  3359. Fried!
  3360. Between low gravity and robot strength, you have enough reinforce scrap to repair the ship's armor plates!
  3361. Fried Silver: "Ramiel may I make repairs on the ship while you watch over Mr.HonneyBuns?"
  3362. Gator (GM): Metalworking would be the right skill here.
  3363. Jee-Still Waki: ( He's out for a bit. I think he'd say yes anyway. )
  3364. Gator (GM): Right right.
  3365. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... Why was rabbit-man on space rock? Is dangerous place to be..."
  3366. Fried Silver: (remind me to buy handcuffss after this.)
  3367. Gator (GM): (Or rope.)
  3368. Fleur breaks his silence, "So Bat, do you like... Technology?"
  3369. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 70
  3370. (
  3371. 53
  3372. )+70
  3373. = 123
  3374. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh? I study it. It is better than filthy tools at home."
  3375. Gator (GM): By luck, the metal is still extremely melted and without any flesh to burn, you bend metal to fit the ships damage.
  3376. Jee-Still Waki: "I do like it, yes..."
  3377. Gator (GM): "In the villa is a special oasis, all created by a fantastic --er, 'tool' it's one of a kind. Maybe even made by the Human god-people!"
  3379. Fried Silver enters back into the ship after making repairs.
  3381. Jee-Still Waki interest perks up. "H-humans? Great ones?! What do you know of them?!"
  3382. Jee-Still Waki: *perks up in interest
  3383. ( My English is as good as my Chinese. I don't know Chinese )
  3384. Gator (GM): "Oh, some things. Like the device is a complete mystery to me. I bet you could figure it out." He says.
  3385. Fried Silver: "Jee take what he says with a grain of salt."
  3386. Gator (GM): "But... We are off to have me arrested and your comrades won't come back here forever and ever. Oh, well!"
  3387. Ramiel: back
  3388. Fried Silver: "Jee just ignore him and I'll tell you about the ancient human temples on Eo."
  3389. Ramiel: "Jee, this rabbit is what you'd call, a deceiver. He's trying to fool you."
  3390. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh..." Jee groans, debating internally on his words.
  3391. Fleur: "That's because he doesn't want you to see it, he has seen it, why doesn't he want you to see it, I wonder?"
  3392. Gator (GM): "C'mooon! Where am I going to go? I can't fly in space."
  3393. He says.
  3394. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhhh..." Jee mutters. She holds up the rifle and growls "Rabbit-man is speaking truth? If he- YOU... speak lies, I can make you stop speaking lies. By removing tongue."
  3395. ( Gonna try an intimidation. )
  3396. ( Who knows, maybe there is something worth there. Or a big ass trap. )
  3397. ( But yeah, he's speaking out of his ass. )
  3398. rolling 1d100+50
  3399. (
  3400. 11
  3401. )+50
  3402. = 61
  3403. ( My intimidation is shite. )
  3404. Gator (GM): rolling 1d100+45
  3405. (
  3406. 59
  3407. )+45
  3408. = 104
  3409. Jee-Still Waki: ( Yeah nah, Jee's fuckin' stupid. )
  3410. Gator (GM): He does not show fear!
  3412. Ramiel: "Silver, assume guard duty on Fluer. Jee, if I will not open eh airlock for you, we are leaving."
  3414. Ramiel goes back to the cockpit, and locks it after him
  3415. Gator (GM): (Techincally, he is telling the truth.
  3416. There is the oasis thing in there.)
  3417. Ramiel: *I will not open the airlock for you
  3418. Gm, I'm taking off
  3419. Fried Silver: See ya
  3420. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh?! Star fli- Ram! What if there ARE Great One tools? What if he speaks truth but wants to escape while we look? We can remove feet THEN go get Great One tool!"
  3421. Gator (GM): Have a good one man!
  3422. We'll book mark it here.
  3423. Jee-Still Waki: ( Alright man, you have a good weekend man. )
  3424. Gator (GM): Okay everyone gets' 50 xp.
  3425. Jee-Still Waki: ( Cool. Sorry if the tech obsession I'm playing up on Jee is being a problem 'ere. )
  3426. Fried Silver: (Nah, it's in character.)
  3427. Gator (GM): Well, unfortunately its very in character.
  3428. Jee-Still Waki: ( I'm trying to edit the character sheet but it disappears when I try to do it
  3429. Gator (GM): Being a tech slanted tribal, she has to be curious and driven to defy people to look at the shinies
  3430. Do you hit 'save changes' at the bottom?
  3431. Jee-Still Waki: And if it's made by the people that made every other living being besides themselves? That's like winning the lottery ten times over.
  3432. It's come up now. Don't know what caused it
  3433. Gator (GM): Lag on the roll20 servers.
  3434. It's happened to me as well sometimes.
  3435. Anyway. I thought today was a good use of the ship combat
  3436. Jee-Still Waki: Ah yeah, I gotta ask, is the way I'm playing the tribal OK with how you set up Pao or am I going against what you set up? I can't remember if I asked this before.
  3437. Gator (GM): Especially the switching stations and how you guys settled on having two guns, two gunners.
  3438. Well, you haven't broken out in dance and playing things like drums.
  3439. Jee-Still Waki: And nah, it wasn't lag, it had a little window with "edit Jee-still waki" on it but nothing to edit
  3440. Gator (GM): So I'm docking points for that.
  3441. Jee-Still Waki: Closed it, hit edit again, then it popped up.
  3442. Give me another session when I take apart some tech to fix it
  3443. Fried Silver: Wait, I thought i was gunner now and Jee was Sensor now?
  3444. Jee-Still Waki: Bust out the incense, oils, and cleaning rags
  3445. Make a chant to the Great Ones to fix their holy tools
  3446. Gator (GM): There was alot of chair switching.
  3447. Fried Silver: And today was a good session.
  3448. Gator (GM): Yeah, actually I could use some feedback.
  3449. Jee-Still Waki: It'll be damn awkward when Jee investigates the inner workings of Fried.
  3450. Gator (GM): Okay so sensors, right?
  3451. Fried Silver: Well its like a massage to him.
  3452. Gator (GM): yeah, I've had massages like that.
  3453. The whole relaxing thing, that's bull.
  3454. Massages are some asian guy jamming his elbow into your back for 30 minutes telling you that you are stiff.
  3455. And that's how I like it.
  3456. Ramiel: I think it's weird to only be able to move as an action and not be able to attack in the same turn, but I think that may mostly may be me coming from DnD sessions back to back with this game
  3457. Gator (GM): Well, in regular combat you can move and attack.
  3458. I thought to keep it 1 action=1 player because everyone on the ship is doing something and each thing they are doing is all tied together.
  3459. Jee-Still Waki: Anyway, what kinda feedback are you looking for?
  3460. Gator (GM): like voltron or something.
  3461. Well, how sensors work.
  3462. Fried Silver: I like the 1 action 1 member thing.
  3463. Gator (GM): I was thinking that it seems like an afterthought how the bonus is assigned to other stations.
  3464. So I was thinking whether to keep it as moving your skill bonus or something where you roll, then put that on the other station.
  3465. What do you guys think?
  3466. Jee-Still Waki: I think it makes sense with aiming weapons
  3467. Ramiel: Sensors seem to work like a buff mechanic, when I expect them to be early warning system.
  3468. Gator (GM): Yeah, it's buff mechanic.
  3469. Jee-Still Waki: So you roll, and if it succeeds, you scan a certain area then apply a buff to a certain action?
  3470. Gator (GM): And it really made a difference in with and without in the session.
  3471. Jee-Still Waki: Like you declare it to add to aiming, but the bonus doesn't go to dodging?
  3472. And vice versa?
  3473. Gator (GM): Well I was thinking what you roll is added as a buff.
  3474. Jee-Still Waki: Ah
  3475. Gator (GM): Although it didn't factor here, if you had a target that dodged it would have been a big roll to hit.
  3476. Jee-Still Waki: What kinda dice would be used?
  3477. Gator (GM): Same as always, 1d100
  3478. Fried Silver: Like a +5 for every 10 points you have??
  3479. in your roll
  3480. Gator (GM): Okay, how about this.
  3481. For every level in sensors you have you can roll 1d10. You can add the total as a buff.
  3482. so if you have lvl 3 sensors
  3483. you can add +3d10 to the other station's roll.
  3484. Jee-Still Waki: So just one station or all stations?
  3485. Gator (GM): I was thinking just one.
  3486. Maybe you can split it up?
  3487. Jee-Still Waki: ( That can probably work by also splitting up the bonus too )
  3488. Gator (GM): like in a 3 skill, 1d10 goes to weapons and 2d10 goes to pilot.
  3489. Jee-Still Waki: Ooh. Liking that
  3490. Fried Silver: I like that idea too.
  3491. Gator (GM): The straight +30 doesn't seem to involve the player enough and doing a skill roll seems OP
  3492. And in this way you have the players saying to other players, "Give me some bonus dice." So that's cool
  3493. Like the healing items in warhammer fantasy.
  3494. Fried Silver: Ah, You reminded me on how I was gonna comment on Jee being a tech priest.
  3495. Jee-Still Waki: She pretty much is
  3496. Just a tribal
  3497. Gator (GM): Only when she makes a skull assitant
  3498. Jee-Still Waki: Even thinking of going the extra mile too
  3499. Fried Silver: Well, more of a tech boy
  3500. Gator (GM): Tek bat
  3501. Jee-Still Waki: That makes more sense
  3502. Gator (GM): Okay, so the 1d10 thing, good idea?
  3503. Fried Silver: a Tek bat who likes human tech
  3504. Jee-Still Waki: Just wait until she turns herself into a stompa
  3505. Fried Silver: Good idea
  3506. Gator (GM): Because I looked through the book and realized sensors don't have plain language
  3507. There you go.
  3508. Alright. Good game today guys!
  3509. I gotta burn some Carbs.
  3510. Later y'all!
  3511. Ramiel: later
  3512. Jee-Still Waki: Cool man. See you all next weekend
  3513. Fried Silver: See ya latter man
  3514. Gator (GM): And also,
  3515. If you have anyone else you want in the special thanks, let me know and they are in.
  3516. Wanna fill that like a guatmalan tour bus.
  3517. lates!
  3518. Fried Silver: Hey Axl
  3519. Axl Greez: Heya
  3520. Fried Silver: Hows stuff going for ya man?
  3521. Axl Greez: 's alright
  3522. Probably gonna go look for a 3rd car with my dad later today so we don't have to use shifts on who gets the car for work between me, my Mom and him.
  3523. Fried Silver: So who's the new car gonna be for?
  3524. Axl Greez: Dunno. Probably my Dad because he knows a good estimate on whats busted by sound alone.
  3525. Fried Silver: Ah.
  3526. Well imma be going out with my dad and brother today so ill be leaving the game a bit early.
  3527. Axl Greez: Cool. Hope ya have fun with it
  3528. Fried Silver: Thanks man.
  3529. Hey rocks.
  3530. Box-O-Rocks: hello
  3531. Fried Silver: Hows it going?
  3532. Box-O-Rocks: It's fine
  3533. Fried Silver: Thats nice man
  3534. Box-O-Rocks: I'm chilling at a friend's house right now
  3535. Fried Silver: What yall doing together?
  3536. Just chilling?
  3537. Box-O-Rocks: having a friend try out the game Distance
  3538. and getting ready to DM a Jojo campaign after this
  3539. Fried Silver: Good luck with the DMing man.
  3540. Box-O-Rocks: yep yep
  3541. Fried Silver: Speaking of Dm and Gms.
  3542. Axl Greez: That sounds neat rocks
  3543. How're you working out the unique powers and stands?
  3544. Box-O-Rocks: using a random power generator and apating them
  3545. Axl Greez: Super power wiki?
  3546. Box-O-Rocks: I'm using a ruleset that's already been made for it
  3547. yep
  3548. Axl Greez: Cool man
  3549. Box-O-Rocks: try and make them more interesting in a lot of cases
  3550. Axl Greez: What kinda scenario are you gunning for? Race to kill the big bad, mystery and searching for it, or just wandering around solving problems?
  3551. Box-O-Rocks: going for more part 3 road trip style
  3552. Axl Greez: Nice
  3553. Fried Silver: Sitting and waiting and waiting and sitting...
  3554. Box-O-Rocks: a'yup
  3555. Fried Silver: Everett is feeling real sick, so the games off today.
  3556. Axl Greez: Damn
  3557. He said what kinda bug he got?
  3558. Fried Silver: It's his back, he's real sore and cant get out of bed.
  3559. Axl Greez: Oh shit
  3560. That really sucks
  3561. Box-O-Rocks: dam
  3562. Axl Greez: Would you mind telling him I hope he recovers soon?
  3563. Box-O-Rocks: alright then
  3564. Axl Greez: Back damage is a nasty thing
  3565. Well, hopefully I'll see y'all next week. Rocks, you have fun with the Jojo campaign. It sounds really neat. And have fun to you too Fried with your family
  3566. Fried Silver: Thanks man, and Everett want me to tell yall about the update, charging, How lids work and vignettes
  3567. Axl Greez: Oh yeah?
  3568. Fried Silver: Well i guess I'll go call my dad and say the games off
  3569. Yeah
  3570. Axl Greez: Alright man. You have a good one.
  3571. Fried Silver: Thanks
  3572. Box-O-Rocks: hayden
  3573. Gaven C.: Hey man.
  3574. Axl Greez: Hey
  3575. Gator (GM): Hey!
  3576. Axl Greez: Heya
  3577. Gaven C.: Hey-o.
  3578. Gator (GM): How you guys doing today?
  3579. Axl Greez: OK
  3580. Gator (GM): That's good.
  3581. Gaven C.: Doing good I guess.
  3582. Gator (GM): Well, me not so much.
  3583. Sinus issues.
  3584. Axl Greez: That sucks
  3585. Gator (GM): Eh, you learn to live with it.
  3586. Glad you make it today.
  3587. Gaven C.: Shove a drill up it and turn it on high, thats what the odcs did to me and it worked.
  3588. Gator (GM): I will consider that.
  3589. Anyway.
  3590. Abit of updates in the bookie.
  3592. Besides bolding every other noun, added a diceless system.
  3593. Axl Greez: Ah yeah. It's been a few sessions since I've been keeping log. Want me to catch back up, or drop it?
  3594. Gator (GM): Gee...
  3595. Eh, I'd just highlight everything between now and last session and just put Session 13-15 or something.
  3596. But whatever you want to do.
  3597. Axl Greez: Alright. I'll do so at the end of this session.
  3598. Gator (GM): Be horrible to break tradition.
  3599. Axl Greez: Yep.
  3600. Gator (GM): Anyway, updates:
  3601. Lots of edits. diceless, ship weapons have been expanded to include actual costs in the Ship Items section.
  3602. With that, everyone ready?
  3603. Box-O-Rocks: yep
  3604. Axl Greez: Yeah
  3605. Box-O-Rocks: mostly
  3606. Axl Greez: Something up?
  3607. Box-O-Rocks: just grabbing stuff from my car
  3608. Fried Silver: Yep
  3609. Jee-Still Waki: Ah.
  3610. Gator (GM): Too late!
  3611. We begin
  3614. Jee-Still Waki looks hesitant to leave, her eyes darting quickly from the ship hatch to the prisoner. "Hhhhh... It will only be a small time! I will look, get, then go!"
  3615. We begin again! Our heroes had just captured the nefarious Mr. Fluer! he had just held himself up in the asteroid villa until you besieged it and accosted him!
  3616. Gator (GM): The bat wants to scope out the garden, will you let her run?
  3617. Fried Silver: (I don't see a garden)
  3619. Ramiel head back to the cockpit, reiterating, "Jee, you are not leaving. Silver, keep an eye on her and the crook. I'm locking down the airlock."
  3620. Gator (GM): (Asteroid villa int 1)
  3621. Jee-Still Waki: "But Ram-Eel! Great one tools!"
  3622. Ramiel: "Are you really gonna believe a guy like this about that? He think you're nothing but a tribal."
  3623. Gator (GM): Harsh action! Will you let the lizard wizard do this?
  3625. Ramiel starts takeoff
  3626. Fluer: If I may...
  3627. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhhh! Hhhh... ... Fine." Jee responds to Ramiel.
  3628. Gator (GM): Like a prom date, the ride is quiet and awkward.
  3629. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... What does liar want?"
  3630. Fried Silver: "See Jee, it wasn't that hard to ignore him."
  3631. Fluer: Eh, I was going to say there was gold in there.
  3632. But I think I'll just say that I want my lawyer.
  3633. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhhh... I hear of gold put in teeth from other landers. I can remove your teeth, look for gold there."
  3634. Gator (GM): Fluer quickly looks worried at the proposition.
  3635. You arrive at the station.
  3637. Ramiel tries to establish a comm link with sarah
  3638. Fried Silver: "Well you're gonna need all that gold to buy the best lawyers they have here then.
  3639. Ramiel: "That's assuming your gold doesn't get lost in evidence Fluer."
  3640. Gator (GM): Sarah answers with a "y'ello?"
  3641. Ramiel: "Got Fluer secured. where are we dropping him off?"
  3642. Gator (GM): Just hold him, we already have a security team headed to your position.
  3643. Ramiel: "copy that."
  3644. Jee-Still Waki: ( Woah, hey guys )
  3645. Gator (GM): After some time a group approaches you in an organized fashion.
  3646. Fried Silver: "So Miss Sarah how's the recovery going?"
  3647. Gator (GM): The leader speaks, "We are here for the suspect." He says has he points his chin upward.
  3648. Jee-Still Waki: ( Bad news Fried, your twin brother's dead. The goat whacked him. )
  3649. Gator (GM): (Oop, don't even know what happened with that.
  3650. Fried Silver: (RI.P eroni pereroni.)
  3652. Ramiel nods to Silver, "we got your perp right here."
  3653. Ramiel: "Silver, hand him over to the team
  3654. Fluer: "This is your last chance, don't waste an opportunity here."
  3656. Fried Silver Hands over Fleur to the guards.
  3657. The: grab him forcefully and begin maid carrying him away.
  3658. Axl Greez: "Hhh... Maybe I should've removed tongue..." Jee murmurs to herself.
  3659. Jee-Still Waki: ( Darn reloadin )
  3660. Ramiel: "alright, job done Sarah."
  3661. Gator (GM): Sarah talks through the comms again, "Thanks guys. As per contract I'll forward payment. Anything significant during his capture?""
  3662. Jee-Still Waki: "Many lies." Jee speaks up.
  3663. Gator (GM): At this time you are alerted about $35,000 wired to your account.
  3664. (To share!)
  3665. Fried Silver: "Continuous attempts of bribery."
  3666. Sarah: "I'm sure we'll get plenty of those."
  3667. Ramiel: "Fluer claimed that his hideout was filled with pricless artifacts and gold... and large weapon turrets fired on us from his location, that about it."
  3668. Sarah: "No kidding?"
  3669. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... Sarah lady. What are good tools to have?"
  3670. "I do not want to be seen as... filthy tribal."
  3671. Fried Silver: "Well Jee a first one would be to stop wearing what you're wearing abd get some formal clothing/"
  3672. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... I took these armors from enemies. It is not good?"
  3673. Ramiel: "That's what he said Sarah, we can check back at the location we found him, it's defenses are down by now anyways."
  3674. That: t's, kind of a deep question. I suppose...
  3675. Gator (GM): Sarah cuts herself off. "Well, I have no idea! Welp, call you later!"
  3676. Ramiel: "Later."
  3677. Gator (GM): A minute passes
  3678. Now, I have to ask. What kind of mobile communicators do you guys have, actually?
  3679. Fried Silver: (Built in I guess.)
  3680. Jee-Still Waki: ( Had to help my brother, sorry. )
  3681. Ramiel: (( I would use one buld into my helmet. ))
  3682. Jee-Still Waki: ( I got a space suit with built in comms, but that's in the ship. )
  3683. Gator (GM): Sure.
  3684. You recieve a message!
  3685. From one "5a4ah!"
  3686. It says, "Going back to the r01d would be a crime as it is a crime scene."
  3687. Ramiel: (( I'll open it. ))
  3688. Gator (GM): "Which isn't going to be investigated for several days..."
  3689. "Also, get fancy at this address: B-21-3
  3692. Ramiel writes down the location, and deletes the message.
  3693. Fried Silver: "Sir Ramiel were not going back to the crime scene for personal gain right? Also may I get my share of the cut?"
  3695. Ramiel transfers 12000 credits to Silver
  3696. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... Rulers here hide demons under the earth, Fried tool. If the liar was not lying, it should not go to them."
  3697. Gator (GM): Course of action!
  3698. You have [fat wad of creds]
  3699. Jee-Still Waki: ( I want to get some stuff )
  3700. Gator (GM): You have [Jee's curiosity in Ultramind]
  3701. Jee-Still Waki: ( Looking into that location sounds promising. )
  3703. Ramiel motions for the group to follow him back to the ship
  3704. Gator (GM): You have an address and a crime scene!
  3705. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... Where are we to travel, Ram-ee... Ramiel?"
  3706. Fried Silver: "Sir Ramiel mind if I go shopping for restriction tools?"
  3707. Gator (GM): Ramiel!
  3708. You hear a high pitched hissing noise!
  3709. Ramiel: "Where would that be Silver?"
  3710. Gator (GM): It's your comrades! They want to go shooooping!
  3711. Jee-Still Waki: ( Give me the cash to buy new digs and no one gets hissed at )
  3712. Fried Silver: (oh yeah, didn't i get my head blown off and replaced once?)
  3713. Gator (GM): (Because I'm tired of that map) You find yourselves discussing your plans at the restaurant you encountered Fluer, The starlight.
  3714. (At least once.)
  3716. Ramiel stares at Jee, "Do you have a card to hold money?"
  3717. Jee-Still Waki: ( Oh shit. I completely forgot that was him )
  3718. "A what?"
  3719. Fried Silver: (I did some repairs on my destroyed head one I got the replacement.)
  3720. Jee-Still Waki: "Card?"
  3721. Ramiel: "A card, it's a piece of plastic people use to transfer money for goods"
  3722. Fried Silver: "Sir Ramiel I'll just travel with her and make her purchases."
  3723. Jee-Still Waki: "No?"
  3724. Gator (GM): (Oh yeah, Cred Chips. That was new. pg 122)
  3726. Ramiel nods to Silver, transferring an additional 11000 credits. "Right, may be best that we don't turn her loose with this much money in here."
  3727. Gator (GM):
  3728. Ramiel: "Silver will lead you around Jee, he'll also make sure you don't waste your money. Buy what you want, just make sure you don't waste this money."
  3729. Fried Silver: "Yes Jee, and don't worry Iv'e done a lot of shopping with women before."
  3730. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... You think I would waste money on useless tech? Never."
  3731. Fried Silver: "Well there are people out there who will try to swindle you Jee."
  3732. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh? What tools do women on this land buy? Gun tools? Armor?"
  3733. Gator (GM): You have +12,000 dollerinos! What would you like?
  3734. Jee-Still Waki: ( I'd like something to fix my bad eyes for one.)
  3735. Fried Silver: "Clothing, perfume, feminine hygiene products..."
  3736. Ramiel: "Also Silver, make sure she picks up some nice clothes, at least something inconspicuous."
  3737. Fried Silver: "Rodger that Sir."
  3738. Jee-Still Waki: ( And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in implants. )
  3739. ( *Cybernetic implants. Legs, arms and the like )
  3740. Gator (GM): (yaaaas)
  3742. Ramiel turns 'em loose and heads back to his ship
  3743. Gator (GM):
  3744. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... They waste money on things one can get without money... I know of filthy tribes at home that make sweet smelling things with plants... It is useless for healing AND protection."
  3745. Fried Silver: "Well where do you wanna go there Miss Jee?"
  3746. Jee-Still Waki: ( Might as well get clothing out of the way now, I suppose. )
  3747. "Hhhh... Cloths to not look like filthy tribal. THEN we get useful tools."
  3748. ( Don't got a particular preference. If you want to get jeans and a wife beater, I'll roll with it. )
  3749. Gator (GM): You're on logos. There is only one kind of clothing.
  3750. Jee-Still Waki: ( Thank god )
  3751. Fried Silver: White Jumpsuits
  3752. Jee-Still Waki: ( Even in real life I suck at buying clothes. I just take what I can get. )
  3753. "Hhhh... This is fine. Can we look for tools now?"
  3754. Fried Silver: "Well Jee it isn't colourful or bright, but this will do until we go to Eo."
  3755. Gator (GM): Well, they are customizable.
  3756. But yeah.
  3757. Fried Silver: "Sure madam."
  3758. (she aint got lids)
  3759. Gator (GM): (Also... Apparently never got a price on them... Let's say $100?)
  3760. Jee-Still Waki: ( Expensive jumpsuits, mang. I'll take it. )
  3761. ( Then again, I've seen jeans go for higher. Guess that's fair. )
  3762. ( Anyhoo, I remember that cybernetics forum post from earlier. There a store on the stuff I can look into? )
  3763. Fried Silver: (also whats the price for cuffs?)
  3764. Gator (GM): $20?
  3765. Sound good?
  3766. Fried Silver: (I'll take 10)
  3767. Gator (GM): Thinking ahead!
  3768. Jee-Still Waki: ( Oh hey Fried man, if you want to get some metal and crap to fix whatever holes you get, I can probably fix you up with Jee. Probably. )
  3769. ( If we get a welding torch, it'd make things infinitely easier. )
  3770. Fried Silver: "Anything else madam?"
  3771. (I got a wielding kit.)
  3772. Jee-Still Waki: ( That'll do. )
  3773. Ramiel: (( I want to get my ship's armor repaired. ))
  3774. Jee-Still Waki: ( For the welding, I mean. )
  3775. Gator (GM): Yes, how much did you need, like 7shp?
  3776. Fried Silver: (but lets wrap it up, im sure shopping rp isnt what was planned.)
  3777. Jee-Still Waki: ( Agreed. Let's just get what we want. GM, would you kindly post the rules again? )
  3778. ( *Let's just get what we want without spending ages yapping about it )
  3779. Gator (GM): Sure.
  3780. Box-O-Rocks: Yep, 7 shp
  3781. Fried Silver: (price for robo eyes for jee?)
  3782. Box-O-Rocks: Am I covered by LHI still?
  3783. Gator (GM):
  3784. Nope!
  3785. Jee-Still Waki: ( Hoo, maybe. If I can afford it. )
  3786. Gator (GM): 70k for 7SHP.
  3787. Or... Do a contract!
  3788. Fried Silver: (Wait, didn't I make a repair roll on it last session?)
  3789. Box-O-Rocks: (( I'll look at contracts. ))
  3790. Gator (GM): Wait
  3791. That's right.
  3792. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ah wait. Says here I gotta take a skill to get cybernetics. Makes sense, I suppose. Working up the guts to modify yourself. )
  3793. ( A self improvement skill )
  3794. Gator (GM): You do have crude scrap for armor plating. The color don't match but it's quality material.
  3795. (Wait, I don't think that is right. Which page we looking at?)
  3796. Fried Silver: (there are Eo sensory plates for 25K Jee, Ill help you buy it.)
  3797. Gator (GM): (There is the option to spend skill points to get it but that's just for a character creation thing.)
  3798. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ah, OK. Thanks. )
  3799. ( Yeah, let's nab it. Thanks for covering the cost with some of your cash, man. )
  3800. (*covering the rest )
  3801. Gator (GM): (So you going implants?
  3802. Jee-Still Waki: ( Yeah. Sensory replacement for eyes. )
  3803. Fried Silver: (Yep she's getting implants.)
  3804. Gator (GM): (kek, alright!
  3805. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... Fried. When I use the gun tool, I cannot help the others with it and miss... My eyes cannot see well. Can I get a tool for my eyes?"
  3806. Fried Silver: "Sure Madam Jee."
  3807. Gator (GM): (Instead of short site you have digital sight! +10 to sight now!)
  3808. Jee-Still Waki: ( Anyway, 25K. Knocking off the 100, I got 10900 cash. )
  3809. ( The 100 for the jumpsuit )
  3810. Fried Silver: (man ramiel must be board sitting alone in a restraunt.)
  3811. Gator (GM): Maybe buy some chaff or something
  3812. Jee-Still Waki: ( Does it negate the negatives I had previously with the bat eyes? )
  3813. Fried Silver: (I will)
  3814. Jee-Still Waki: ( Or is it +10 added to the -30? )
  3815. Box-O-Rocks: (( 'm in the ship right now. ))
  3816. Gator (GM): It's pop out pop in, so it's +10 now.
  3817. Fried Silver: (Add the Chaff to the bill.)
  3818. Gator (GM): That's the point of cybernetics!
  3819. Jee-Still Waki: ( Yuck. )
  3820. ( Least I can actually see crap now. )
  3821. Fried Silver: (Okay lets wrap it up, we got what we want now.)
  3822. Jee-Still Waki: ( Yep. I'm ready to roll out. )
  3823. Gator (GM): Roll out to where?
  3824. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ram's got the wheel of the ship, so really it's down to him. But I'm down for raiding the asteroid before the feds get to it. )
  3826. Fried Silver Walk into Ramiel ship. "Sir Ramiel you want believe what you see when you Look at Jee."
  3827. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... I can truly see now."
  3828. Gator (GM):
  3829. Fried Silver: "Also I bought something Called a Chaff for the ship."
  3830. Box-O-Rocks: "Chaff will be good for avoiding lock-on from missiles"
  3831. Jee-Still Waki: "Great One tools are wonderful. They can replace the flesh and be better! Hhhh... We should get more cards, get more tools!"
  3832. Box-O-Rocks: "Let's see how good those eyes work Jee, get suited up scavenging on the asteroid."
  3833. Fried Silver: "I'm Getting a Deja Vu here."
  3835. Jee-Still Waki equips herself with the suit, noticing details she hadn't previously seen before in the ship. It looked... improper. "This all should be fixed later." she murmurs.
  3836. Gator (GM): [The Asteroid]
  3837. Box-O-Rocks: "I'll stay on board the ship, I'm still not entirely convinced this place is inert."
  3838. "If you need the rock carved out, let me know."
  3839. Jee-Still Waki: "Inert? Are you saying there are still enemies?"
  3840. Fried Silver: "Well Jee I did my best at making it strong, not pretty when I was repairing it."
  3841. Box-O-Rocks: "Possibly, might be some droids waiting to be activated."
  3842. Gator (GM): You are at the old gate. It looks damaged from your previous siege.
  3843. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh..." Jee mumbles, readying her weapon.
  3845. Fried Silver Looks at the outer console to see if it still works.
  3846. Gator (GM): You tape it. The screen flickers green. It looks like it's been damaged.
  3848. Fried Silver tries to fix up the console and tries to open the door with it.
  3849. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 60
  3850. (
  3851. 27
  3852. )+60
  3853. = 87
  3854. Gator (GM): Have to remove some wires and bind others together but you think you can get it to open.
  3855. Proceed?
  3856. Jee-Still Waki: ( Yep. )
  3857. Fried Silver: (yep.)
  3858. Gator (GM): You have entered [space villa]
  3859. The door is not shutting behind you. It appears that the airlock has been damaged.
  3860. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... Should we leave it be? I can keep the suit on."
  3861. Fried Silver: "Jee there is no life support here, be causious and use me for cover if needed."
  3862. Gator (GM): You are certain it is likely a sealing problem.
  3863. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... Should we take whatever treasures there are here?"
  3864. Fried Silver: "Sure Jee."
  3865. Jee-Still Waki: "Or is there something spe-sea-fic?"
  3866. Gator (GM): Okay!
  3867. First test of the day!
  3868. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ooo )
  3869. Gator (GM): As you open the interior lock a burst of air blows through.
  3870. It's enough to sweep you off your feet!
  3871. Give me a tumlbe roll
  3872. Beat 100
  3873. Jee-Still Waki: ( Tumble's agility, right? I got that and 2 levels in tumble )
  3874. rolling 1d100+20+30
  3875. (
  3876. 7
  3877. )+20+30
  3878. = 57
  3879. ( Nope, see ya fuckos )
  3880. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 20
  3881. (
  3882. 45
  3883. )+20
  3884. = 65
  3885. Jee-Still Waki: ( Watch me reenact the scene in Gravity )
  3886. Gator (GM): Or alien.
  3887. The gust is strong enough to push you back through the gates and outside.
  3888. Jee-Still Waki:
  3889. ( We floating in space or are we OK? )
  3890. Fried Silver: "Miss Jee are you okay?"
  3891. Gator (GM): Technically. You thump against the giant space ship just off screen.
  3892. The damage is insignificant.
  3893. Box-O-Rocks: "Whats going on?"
  3894. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh! Hhhh... I am OK! I am OK..." Jee answers, her breathe slowing in an attempt to calm herself.
  3895. Fried Silver: "The ghosts of the people we killed there threw us out."
  3896. Jee-Still Waki: "Ghosts? There are demons in there?!"
  3897. Gator (GM):
  3898. Fried Silver: "Yes, Me Ramiel and an old pal Jakob halndled demons here."
  3899. Gator (GM): Reattempt venture?
  3900. Jee-Still Waki: "And lived? Hhhh... You are all amazing hunters."
  3901. Fried Silver: (yep)
  3902. Jee-Still Waki: ( Yeah. Let's try and close the door this time though. )
  3903. Box-O-Rocks: "alright, keep an eye on your oxygen levels."
  3904. Gator (GM): With some effort you pull the gates closed.
  3905. Fried Silver: "If this doesn't work just blow up the door Ramiel."
  3906. Jee-Still Waki: ( Mind if I roll for scavenge? )
  3907. Gator (GM): Go ahead.
  3908. Jee-Still Waki: ( Let's take a look inside the room Fried opened up. )
  3909. Gator (GM): Ah, that skill has been rewriteen
  3910. Jee-Still Waki: ( Oh yeah? What's it now? )
  3911. Gator (GM): Just rewritten
  3912. Scavenging: Mind: Use: Scavenging
  3913. for resources, food, metal, anything that
  3914. might be of some use in your current
  3915. Gator (GM):
  3916. situation. It comes with the patience to turn
  3917. over the hundreds of rocks to find that one
  3918. thing you might be able to eat. Remember,
  3919. Gator (GM):
  3920. if you find food, it’s “foraging.” Examples:
  3921. Finding useless junk, weeds: 60 or better.
  3922. Finding something moderately valuable like
  3923. Gator (GM):
  3924. useful build materials or herbs: 90 or better.
  3925. Finding easily edible food, water in the
  3926. desert, functioning tools and machinery: 120
  3927. Gator (GM):
  3928. or better.
  3929. Ah, format not go so well.
  3930. Jee-Still Waki: ( I got the gist of it. )
  3931. rolling 1d100+10+50
  3932. (
  3933. 29
  3934. )+10+50
  3935. = 89
  3936. Gator (GM): Although short of buildable scrap, you find a collection of books and fine wood furniture.
  3937. Fried Silver: "So Sir Ramiel did you find any more info on this place?"
  3938. Jee-Still Waki: "Aaah... This is treasure, yes?"
  3939. Gator (GM): Alot of the items here are made of wood. You don't recall seeing any such stuff on the station.
  3941. Jee-Still Waki takes a glance at the books titles, moving the wood furniture near the blast door to move later.
  3942. Fried Silver: "Jee are we taking furniture to decorate the ship?"
  3943. Box-O-Rocks: "Not that I know of Silver, best I can offer now is a internet search over info you feed me."
  3944. Fried Silver: "Jus the same old from last time Ramiel so far."
  3945. Gator (GM): (Note, you have a two minute lag from here.
  3946. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... Furniture is treasure, yes? I did not see wood on other land... I do not know why they want filthy wood to look at, but maybe it is worth more cards?"
  3947. Gator (GM): Silver, as you approach the hatch you feel a constant gust of air.
  3948. You think.
  3949. You don't have skin but you are pretty good at guessing.
  3950. Fried Silver: (How does a machine feel stuff without any nerves?)
  3952. Box-O-Rocks patrols the asteroid with his ship
  3953. Jee-Still Waki: ( Thermo readings sense a shift in temperature on certain parts of your "body" that are not considered normal readings by mechanical heat?)
  3954. Fried Silver: "Jee can I get a scan on whats down the hatch?"
  3955. Jee-Still Waki: ( Leading one to assume that wind / water / something cold is touching the metal body to cause the shift in temperature? )
  3956. Gator (GM): Yes.
  3957. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh? Scan? You want me to take off my helmet to see what is ahead?"
  3958. Gator (GM): (Honestly, I was thinking something like a the lens fogging up!)
  3959. Jee-Still Waki: ( You want me to echolocate? Don't know if there's enough air in here for me to take off the helmet. )
  3960. Fried Silver: (Im glad i got the wind chimes and thermostat\ mods.)
  3961. (oh yeah)
  3962. Jee-Still Waki: ( The Inspector Gadget mods never fail to please. )
  3963. ( I can do a perception check on what's near the hatch, though. )
  3964. Fried Silver: "Well Jee im opening door no 2, get ready for a gust."
  3965. (Yeah, test out those new eyes.)
  3966. Gator (GM): (Sure.)
  3967. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... OK." Jee says, embracing something sturdy in preparation.
  3968. ( I'll do a perception check when the winds out. )
  3970. Fried Silver opens the door, preparing for another blast out of the asteroid.
  3971. Gator (GM): Nope
  3972. Jee-Still Waki: "Is it over, Fried?"
  3973. Gator (GM): This time door was already opened, from some distraught bear, as you recall
  3974. Fried Silver: (oh yeah.)
  3975. "Jee it's safe."
  3977. Jee-Still Waki lets go and rejoins with Fried, spotting the open hatch on the way. She quickly looks down with her weapon raised.
  3978. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+50+10
  3979. (
  3980. 68
  3981. )+50+10
  3982. = 128
  3983. ( Perception is mind added, right? )
  3984. ( If not, sorry, remove the 50. )
  3985. Gator (GM): You see new foot prints on the sand below!
  3986. Proceed?
  3987. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh? Fried, there are signs of feet here... They do not look old."
  3988. ( Can I investigate the monitors and tech? )
  3989. Fried Silver: (Ye)
  3990. Jee-Still Waki: ( Just a quick scavenge if you don't mind. )
  3991. Gator (GM): Sure,
  3992. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+50+10
  3993. (
  3994. 78
  3995. )+50+10
  3996. = 138
  3997. Gator (GM): You head down.
  3998. With your newly expanded senses, you detect the air is breathable here.
  3999. Fried Silver: "Ramiel there is an aquatic submarine in the lake down here."
  4000. Gator (GM): You also find what looks to be a horde of supplies
  4001. Fried Silver: "Aslo we need to get you a 0g drone of somesort."
  4002. Gator (GM): You find at least a bussel's worth of edible fruits and two droids.
  4003. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... There are fruits here, Fried, and... Hhh! Tools!" Jee exclaims.
  4004. ( Mind if I do an electronics roll on the droids, see how they look? Or should that be perception? )
  4005. Gator (GM): Sure.
  4006. Jee-Still Waki: ( Actually, I should stop asking for permission on that. )
  4007. Gator (GM): They don't seem to notice you yet.
  4008. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+50+30
  4009. (
  4010. 66
  4011. )+50+30
  4012. = 146
  4013. Gator (GM): They appear to be operational.
  4014. Fried Silver: "Jee we're not tools, the servitors are the tools."
  4015. Jee-Still Waki: ( Oh fuck, thought they were inactive. )
  4016. Gator (GM): Yep, top of the line logos droids, you reckon.
  4017. One seems to be made of plastic while the other is slower but made of metal.
  4018. Jee-Still Waki: ( Take off 20 from the 30, I suppose. That was an electronics roll. Mind if it's turned into a perception instead? )
  4019. ( Or can I do an electronics roll from afar? )
  4020. Gator (GM): Sure, perception is accurate in this case.
  4021. Fried Silver: "Sir Ramiel there are signs of people and active droids here."
  4022. Gator (GM): Ah, give me a minute to stretch here.
  4023. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... One is made of hard rocks and metal, the other shiny plass-teec."
  4024. "Should we make them stop moving?" Jee asks, readying her weapon.
  4025. Gator (GM): (Oh yeah, I rewrote the droids section.)
  4026. Fried Silver: "No Jee, also are they armed?"
  4027. Gator (GM): (Items not characters.)
  4028. Jee-Still Waki: "We are to sneak then?"
  4029. Fried Silver: (is there any rocks or hard debree around us?)
  4030. Box-O-Rocks: "If the droids look tough, avoid them Otherwise, give me a location, and tie your self to something while I carve 'em up with lasers.""
  4031. Gator (GM): Actually, not much in the way of rocks. just fine sand. There are plenty of sticks.
  4032. (We should start calling this tactic the Ramiel Laser Ram.)
  4033. Fried Silver: "Okay, Jee I'll throw this stick into a bush and hopefully they'll be distracted by it while you fly into the sub."
  4034. Box-O-Rocks: (( Like good ole AC-130 strikes ))
  4035. Fried Silver: "Or Sir Ramiel can blast them up/"
  4036. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... It will remove the air here if we do lasers... And I want to see what the tools have inside of them."
  4037. Gator (GM): Sure, where do you want to throw?
  4038. I should also point out that you notice a giant ass oxygenator machine in the center of the lake.
  4039. It's not important right now, but interesting.
  4040. Box-O-Rocks: "Be advised, a laser strike will cause decompression, if you want this. Let me know, give me a waypoint to shoot at, and tie yourself tom something solid."
  4041. Fried Silver: (wait, the thing in the lake wasnt a sub?)
  4042. Gator (GM): (No. It's a gyrosphere tile on top of a foot measuring tile. I not good at making that sort of thing.)
  4043. Fried Silver: (Jee Lets try to sneak around to see if we find anything.)
  4044. Jee-Still Waki: ( Gotcha. )
  4045. rolling 1d100+30+10
  4046. (
  4047. 61
  4048. )+30+10
  4049. = 101
  4050. ( Engaging sneek mode. )
  4051. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 20
  4052. (
  4053. 27
  4054. )+20
  4055. = 47
  4056. Gator (GM): You carefully trapse through the woods
  4057. However, Fried steps on a dry twig.
  4058. Snapping it instantly.
  4059. In a perfectly pitched crack.
  4060. The two bots rustle and turn to your direction!
  4061. The approach!
  4062. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh!"
  4063. Gator (GM): Try to hide or confront them?
  4064. Fried Silver: (also whats with the crayons?)
  4065. Jee-Still Waki: ( If I might ask, is there any high ground to take? )
  4066. ( 'Cuz I can definitely get a height advantage and rain some bullets down on 'em. )
  4067. Box-O-Rocks: (( you guys remember optic camo right? ))
  4068. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ah yeah, got that too. )
  4069. Fried Silver: Wait I forgot to add that.)
  4070. (too late to use it?)
  4071. Gator (GM): (yes, that would have been handy.)
  4072. Pull a frodo?
  4073. Jee-Still Waki: ( I'm down for killing, but I can hide too. )
  4074. Fried Silver: (Yeah)
  4075. Jee-Still Waki: ( Your call Fried. )
  4076. Gator (GM): (The cranyons came up when I typed 'supplies' in the tile search.)
  4077. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+20+50+20
  4078. (
  4079. 83
  4080. )+20+50+20
  4081. = 173
  4082. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 40
  4083. (
  4084. 90
  4085. )+40
  4086. = 130
  4087. Jee-Still Waki: ( Got 2 in the skills, the cloak, and mind bonus. )
  4088. ( For hide, anyway. )
  4089. Fried Silver: (Wait sneak is mind?)
  4090. (I thought is was agility)
  4091. Jee-Still Waki: ( Sneak is agility, I'm hiding. )
  4092. Gator (GM): (Well, sneak is agility, hide is mind.)
  4093. (I can never decide if the skills need to be merged.)
  4094. Fried Silver: (Im just getting mixed up today then.)
  4095. Gator (GM): Let's put it this way: Use your best stat for that skill.
  4096. You stealth yourselves!
  4097. The droids approach and look around.
  4098. The metal one speaks in a distorted voice
  4099. "Mr. Fluer? Have you returned?" He says.
  4100. Jee-Still Waki: ( What'd I kill for a few more phone bombs. )
  4101. Gator (GM): They stand there and pause.
  4102. (Oh yeah.
  4103. Jee-Still Waki: ( Because now's a perfect time to toss some out while everything's clandestine. )
  4104. Gator (GM): (That was a very unintended consequence of those items.)
  4105. Jee-Still Waki: ( Hey, better to use those bombs than let them rust. )
  4106. Box-O-Rocks: (( heating up some food real quick ))
  4107. Jee-Still Waki: ( Cool man. Fried, you wanna ambush them or continue sneaking? )
  4108. Fried Silver: (( Up to you))
  4109. Gator (GM): Unable to detect you or the lost master, the droids are aimless and looking around.
  4110. It is easy to catch them by surprise now.
  4111. Jee-Still Waki: ( I say we nip the problem in the bud. )
  4112. ( Taking an aim action. )
  4113. Fried Silver: "Jee, I feel bad for them."
  4114. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... But what if they are like the other tools in the castle?"
  4115. "Ready to kill?"
  4116. Fried Silver: "Jee once again, the Servitors are the tools, not the Droids or robots."
  4117. Gator (GM): (Technically speaking, they are pretty relatable to Fried. Practically blood.)
  4118. Fried Silver: "Well, if posible air to disable."
  4120. Jee-Still Waki readies the .45 M2, aiming at the plastic droid. "Hhhh... Are you wanting to let them go? Or talk to them?"
  4121. Fried Silver: (aim*)
  4122. Gator (GM): (You recall your own experience when your head was blown off. That disabled you pretty good, or you could shoot the legs.)
  4123. Fried Silver: "Jee aim for the head, and pray that they don't keep their hardware there."
  4124. Box-O-Rocks: "You know, droids will always be subject to their programming, If you can find a control terminal for them, you might be able to reset their IFF tags."
  4125. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... OK."
  4127. Jee-Still Waki takes aim at the plastic droids head.
  4128. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ya ready for combat? )
  4129. ( Firing. )
  4130. rolling 1d100+10+10
  4131. (
  4132. 45
  4133. )+10+10
  4134. = 65
  4136. Fried Silver Aims at the metal droids head.
  4137. Jee-Still Waki: ( The cyber eyes add a +10 to aiming guns, right? Or am I mistaken? )
  4138. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 70
  4139. (
  4140. 82
  4141. )+70
  4142. = 152
  4143. Gator (GM): I...Hadn't considered that.
  4144. Sure.
  4145. Jee-Still Waki: ( Cool, thank you. )
  4146. Gator (GM): You have a reticle in there.
  4147. Anyway, hit
  4148. Roll damage!
  4149. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 4d10+40
  4150. (
  4151. 9
  4152. +
  4153. 7
  4154. +
  4155. 3
  4156. +
  4157. 1
  4158. )+40
  4159. = 60
  4160. Fried Silver: (me)
  4161. rolling 4d10 + 110
  4162. (
  4163. 10
  4164. +
  4165. 10
  4166. +
  4167. 1
  4168. +
  4169. 3
  4170. )+110
  4171. = 134
  4172. Gator (GM): You pelt
  4173. Fried Silver: (stank guns are op)
  4174. Gator (GM): Under the fire they head is blown away like a sand castle in a wind storm.
  4175. I think it's now Jee's turns again.
  4176. Jee-Still Waki: ( Oh, that 65 was a shoot action )
  4177. ( Not initiative )
  4178. Gator (GM): (Well, What was your inti?)
  4179. (Anyway, want to take a turn or let the robot respond?
  4180. Jee-Still Waki: ( I'll roll it now. That was the surprise attack )
  4181. rolling 1d100+50+20
  4182. (
  4183. 31
  4184. )+50+20
  4185. = 101
  4186. Gator (GM): Sure
  4187. rolling 1d100+20
  4188. (
  4189. 100
  4190. )+20
  4191. = 120
  4192. Jee-Still Waki: ( Hoo )
  4193. Gator (GM): Oh wow.
  4194. Should have rolled earlier
  4195. Jee-Still Waki: ( And what was that for? )
  4196. ( Ah. )
  4197. Gator (GM): Robot intitive
  4198. I'm so unused to being above players in these rolls ive forgotten how it's spelled!
  4199. Angry robot turn!
  4200. The droid charge
  4201. It attacks bat
  4202. rolling 1d100+10
  4203. (
  4204. 94
  4205. )+10
  4206. = 104
  4207. Box-O-Rocks: rip
  4208. Gator (GM): rolling 1d10+40
  4209. (
  4210. 1
  4211. )+40
  4212. = 41
  4213. Welp
  4214. Jee-Still Waki: ( Huh )
  4215. Gator (GM): Magic is gone.
  4216. 41 damage
  4217. Your suit is wrecked.
  4218. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ah shit. )
  4219. Gator (GM): He swings again!
  4220. rolling 1d10+40
  4221. (
  4222. 10
  4223. )+40
  4224. = 50
  4225. Jee-Still Waki: ( Move and a swing? Dastardly. )
  4226. ( I got a frag vest on at full HP, so unless he was targeting my head, I should be alright for now. Damn thing's about to fall off though. )
  4227. Gator (GM): (Well, that is another thing. I added charging, which is you can move and attack in one attack per turn.
  4228. (It seemed logical)
  4229. Jee-Still Waki: ( Does to me. )
  4230. Gator (GM): Oh right.
  4231. Well, your frag vest has some punch love marks.
  4232. Without a head the other droid wanders with his arm out. He tries to grab Silver!
  4233. rolling 1d100-30
  4234. (
  4235. 31
  4236. )-30
  4237. = 1
  4238. Emphasis on tried!
  4239. Batty bat bat!
  4240. Gator (GM): Your turn.
  4241. Jee-Still Waki: ( Aimin' for plastic boy's head again. Not taking an aim action, but I'm shooting there. )
  4242. rolling 1d100+10
  4243. (
  4244. 62
  4245. )+10
  4246. = 72
  4247. ( Hit? )
  4248. Gator (GM): (Uh, the plastic's head is gone. I don't really know if that's a hit or not.
  4249. (Kind of a philosophical question, isn't it?
  4250. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ah, apologies. Thought it was the metal that was missing its head )
  4251. ( Mind if I change to pop its head off, then? )
  4252. Gator (GM): (That would make things much easier for you.)
  4253. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 4d10+40
  4254. (
  4255. 5
  4256. +
  4257. 10
  4258. +
  4259. 5
  4260. +
  4261. 6
  4262. )+40
  4263. = 66
  4264. Gator (GM): Sure.
  4265. You rattle off afew rounds at the droid, point blank.
  4266. Jee-Still Waki: ( How's he handling? Got one action left, don't know if I should burn him down more or not. )
  4267. Gator (GM): Sparks as the rounds richochette off it's unit.
  4268. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ah, if its head aint gone from view, the job's not done. )
  4269. Gator (GM): No, it's doing pretty good.
  4270. Jee-Still Waki: ( Shooting at it again. Can a .45 M2 do a barrage action? Can't recall its exact name, but just unload the entire payload into its head? )
  4271. Gator (GM): Sure.
  4272. Point blank is a different thing.
  4273. Jee-Still Waki: ( Want to add the bonus to damage. What's the added numbers? )
  4274. Box-O-Rocks: "Silver, I lost Jee from comms, what's gong on?"
  4275. Gator (GM): "Fire modes: 3-round burst: +15, 15
  4276. round burst: +30, 30 round burst: +60, 60
  4277. round burst: +120, 100 round burst: +180.
  4278. (Gunfire and carnage over the radio.)
  4279. Fried Silver: "Her suit has been greatly damaged and thereis no life support!"
  4280. Jee-Still Waki: ( How many bullets does a .45 hold? 60? )
  4281. ( I shot one off, so I'd assume it'd just be 59 bullets unloaded too. )
  4282. Gator (GM): (Yeah, I'd say so.
  4283. (Really with sub machine guns there are alot of different sized magazines for every model.
  4284. Jee-Still Waki: ( So add +120 to the damage roll? )
  4285. Gator (GM): Yes.
  4286. Jee-Still Waki: ( If it hits? )
  4287. ( Gotcha. Aiming for the head. )
  4288. rolling 1d100+10
  4289. (
  4290. 86
  4291. )+10
  4292. = 96
  4293. Fried Silver: (Box must suck for ya this session since you're doing nothing.)
  4294. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 4d40+40+120
  4295. (
  4296. 15
  4297. +
  4298. 17
  4299. +
  4300. 28
  4301. +
  4302. 2
  4303. )+40+120
  4304. = 222
  4305. Box-O-Rocks: "Silver, she won't last long without a sut, and I can't fire in there with her suit gone. You need to find some pressurized place for her to normalize."
  4307. Jee-Still Waki screeches loudly and holds the trigger down, spraying the robot with bullets!
  4308. Box-O-Rocks: (( I like playing as AWACS sometimes Fried ))
  4309. Gator (GM): (Trips!
  4310. Jee-Still Waki: ( Kek approves of my /r9k/ screeching. )
  4311. Gator (GM): You fire for a solid five seconds straight at the robot's head unit.
  4312. Fried Silver: (Well get a not flying drone, something like those bomb disfusal units.)
  4313. Gator (GM): Like much against a hose, it's head unit is creened off then completely severed by the fire.
  4314. Box-O-Rocks: (( I could, but I gotta keep ship fuel cost in mind. ))
  4315. Jee-Still Waki: ( End turn, outta actions )
  4316. Gator (GM): (So it his head.
  4317. With both units unable to identify threats they default back to wandering.
  4318. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhhh... Hhhhh..." Jee hisses, clawing out the empty cartridge and reloading her gun.
  4319. Fried Silver: (So Am I gonna have to swim to the center to activate the oxygen for Jee?)
  4320. Gator (GM): (Ugh, spelling got worse with hunger.)
  4321. Nah, there is oxygen here.
  4322. Why do you think you've had wind problems?
  4323. Jee-Still Waki: ( Down to 337 bullets )
  4324. ( Good thing we closed the door )
  4325. "Fried. I want to disable them. Completely."
  4326. Fried Silver: "Jee they're not a threat anymore lets just move on."
  4327. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... I want to see what is inside of them."
  4328. Fried Silver: "You owe me for what you did with that collar and crown stuff."
  4329. "Oh."
  4330. Gator (GM): (I think he means to turn them off without blowing them to bits.
  4331. Jee-Still Waki: ( Yeah, I don't want to waste my bullets. )
  4332. Gator (GM): You imagine there might be a terminal somewhere on them (Electronics roll or perception.)
  4333. Fried Silver: "Just do it later when we drag them on the ship."
  4335. Jee-Still Waki scoops up the remains of the robots heads, placing the bullet riddled scrap into her rucksack. She takes a glance at the wandering robots, trying to spot any access points.
  4336. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+30+50
  4337. (
  4338. 64
  4339. )+30+50
  4340. = 144
  4341. ( Electronics )
  4342. Gator (GM): Plastic has a terminal in the back, metal has one in the chest, about heart region.
  4343. Fried Silver: "So Ramiel any reason why were here besides being handed an address note?"
  4345. Jee-Still Waki approaches the plastic droid, ignoring Fried's heeds. She taps away at the terminal on its back, attempting to shut it down.
  4346. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+30+50
  4347. (
  4348. 59
  4349. )+30+50
  4350. = 139
  4351. Box-O-Rocks: "We're here for our fair share Silver."
  4352. Gator (GM): Luckily, it appears very user friendly and you manage to shut it down easily.
  4353. Fried Silver: "We're here cause of the gold and not the note?"
  4354. Gator (GM): (The note was for an address in logos.)
  4355. Fried Silver: (oh)
  4357. Jee-Still Waki eyeing the last, wandering droid, she approaches its chest and attempts to disable its systems as well.
  4358. Fried Silver: (I need to stop assuming stuff.)
  4359. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+30+50
  4360. (
  4361. 2
  4362. )+30+50
  4363. = 82
  4364. Box-O-Rocks: "The note was for someplace to get clothing."
  4365. Jee-Still Waki: ( 2 close. )
  4366. Gator (GM): Still close enough.
  4367. You are able to turn it off.
  4368. The droid falls over, almost crushing you!
  4369. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh! ... Should've assumed this..."
  4371. Fried Silver walks around and tries to find any sorta gold.
  4372. Gator (GM): There is no gold!
  4373. But you do find another hatch.
  4374. Fried Silver: rolling 4d10 + 40
  4375. (
  4376. 1
  4377. +
  4378. 4
  4379. +
  4380. 10
  4381. +
  4382. 5
  4383. )+40
  4384. = 60
  4385. beefed the click
  4386. Gator (GM): Unless you are just firing off randomly.
  4387. I'll admit, that is a viable tactic in RIFTS
  4388. Fried Silver: Really?
  4389. Hows that?
  4390. "Well Ramiel we found another hatch in the room."
  4391. Gator (GM): (...There are alot of things that can turn invisible in Rifts.)
  4392. Box-O-Rocks: "I reccomend you find a space suit for Jee ASAP. some stations have them in emergency stations on the walls."
  4393. Jee-Still Waki: ( Hmm... Hey GM, I'm gonna roll perception hearing real quick. Want to be cautious here. )
  4394. Gator (GM): Sure!
  4395. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+30+50
  4396. (
  4397. 86
  4398. )+30+50
  4399. = 166
  4400. Fried Silver: (Wait so we still have oxygen and proper pressure in here?)
  4402. Jee-Still Waki 's suit is ruined. Past the rustling of the leaves and various plants, she tries to listen closely in case of more androids.
  4403. Jee-Still Waki: ( *suit and helmet is ruined )
  4405. Fried Silver looks for any sorta space suit
  4406. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 40
  4407. (
  4408. 83
  4409. )+40
  4410. = 123
  4411. Gator (GM): (Yep, it's not exactly a typical aritificial biome.)
  4412. You don't hear droids
  4413. You do hear some sort of animal noises from the hatch.
  4414. You find a spare suit among the supplies fluer left behind.
  4415. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh..." Jee murmurs. Rejoining Fried, Jee warns "I hear... animals down there. I do not think there are only plants left here..."
  4416. Fried Silver: "Jee Fluear bad laundry habbit saved ya life."
  4417. "Probably from a Skinny Dip in the Pond."
  4418. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... Good. I only hope liars suit is not as filthy as he was."
  4419. ( Want to check down the hatch? )
  4420. Fried Silver: (Yep)
  4421. "Jee stay back while I open this."
  4422. Gator (GM): (This suits stats: 60hp. Power Cell mod, Jets. Hook.)
  4423. Jee-Still Waki: ( It's got a jet and hook shot? )
  4425. Fried Silver Slowly slides the hatch open.
  4426. Gator (GM): Looking in you see it resembling a cave.
  4427. There are pools of water dripping from the ceiling and poor lighting.
  4428. You see
  4430. Jee-Still Waki readies her weapon, cautious of the noises she heard previously.
  4431. Gator (GM): You see a large collection of cages and chains.
  4432. Along with loading equipment and crates.
  4433. Fried Silver: "Im getting a bad feeling that we'll see one of those Wallboys or what ever they're called."
  4434. Box-O-Rocks: "Got it, keep in contact."
  4435. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh? Are they deadly?"
  4436. "Oh... The demons?"
  4437. Box-O-Rocks: (( How are things looking on the outside? ))
  4438. Gator (GM): Boxo!
  4439. You have been comfortable on your console when you notice a spike in radio chatter in this area.
  4440. You suspect that you have guests swinging by soon, although no one is in range yet.
  4441. Box-O-Rocks: I want to attend to scanners
  4442. "Picking up radio chatter Silver, pick things up."
  4443. Gator (GM): You change seats and be vigilant!
  4444. Jee-Still Waki: ( Think you can check what they're saying, Box? Could either be feds or Fluers men )
  4445. Box-O-Rocks: rolling 1d100+30
  4446. (
  4447. 21
  4448. )+30
  4449. = 51
  4450. cursory scanner check
  4452. Fried Silver Head up to the box and tries to find a way to peak in.
  4453. Gator (GM): According to the messages, it looks like a logos security patrol. It's a Knife class, relative to your own in brawn.
  4455. Jee-Still Waki takes a look around, trying to spot what was making the noises from earlier.
  4456. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+10+50
  4457. (
  4458. 1
  4459. )+10+50
  4460. = 61
  4461. ( Perception: sight. My eyes malfunctioned and blew up. )
  4462. Gator (GM): You were making the noise!
  4463. You have no idea where the noise could have come from, in this room full of crates and cages.
  4464. Box-O-Rocks: alright, I want to maneuver my ship to any empty hangars I can see on the asteroid, and then I want to go dark
  4465. Fried Silver: "Ramiel I'm not seeing any gold."
  4466. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh... Fried. I heard animals... There are none here."
  4467. Gator (GM): You found a forklift
  4468. You still hear the hissing.
  4469. Box-O-Rocks: Do I find an empty hangar GM?
  4470. Fried Silver: "Jee, are you sure wha tyou were hearing wasn't a gas leak?"
  4472. Fried Silver gets into the lift and uses it to open one of the crates.
  4473. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh..."
  4474. Gator (GM): You open the crate.
  4475. Jee-Still Waki: ( Gonna scavenge while I'm here. )
  4476. rolling 1d100+10+50
  4477. (
  4478. 88
  4479. )+10+50
  4480. = 148
  4481. Gator (GM): At that point a dart shoots from the within the crate right at Fried!
  4482. rolling 1d100
  4483. (
  4484. 26
  4485. )
  4486. = 26
  4487. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh? Fried!"
  4488. Gator (GM): It zips by his head and sticks into the seat.
  4490. Fried Silver pulls out his slag gun and shoots at the crate.
  4491. Gator (GM): Jee, you scaveng!
  4492. Fried Silver: rolling 4d10 + 110
  4493. (
  4494. 7
  4495. +
  4496. 10
  4497. +
  4498. 3
  4499. +
  4500. 7
  4501. )+110
  4502. = 137
  4503. Gator (GM): You find: 70 cages!
  4504. you found 10 space slugs
  4505. Fried Silver: "Come out with your hands up or be burned alive!"
  4506. Gator (GM): Also, 6 cred chips!
  4507. There is nothing from the crate but more hissing.
  4508. Jee-Still Waki: ( Space slugs? )
  4509. ( I'll take the chips. Guessing that's $6?)
  4510. Gator (GM): SPACE SLUGS
  4511. P
  4512. A
  4513. C
  4514. E
  4515. S
  4516. Gator (GM): L
  4517. U
  4518. G
  4519. S
  4520. Jee-Still Waki: ( Animals or ammo? )
  4521. Gator (GM): Actually, you don't know.
  4522. Jee-Still Waki: ( Because it can go either way. )
  4523. Fried Silver: "Ramiel there is no gold, just a bunch of space slugs."
  4524. Jee-Still Waki: ( I can see space shotguns. )
  4525. Gator (GM): Cred chips are like credit cards or money clips. They hold specific amounts.
  4526. Jee-Still Waki: ( What with fire not working in space, so they had to specially design slugs to work for space combat. )
  4527. ( Ah, so it's an unknown amount on them all. )
  4528. Box-O-Rocks: "Space slugs, didn't Joanna use some of those?"
  4529. Jee-Still Waki: (Oh. THOSE things. )
  4530. Box-O-Rocks: (( GM, did I find an empty hangar? ))
  4531. Gator (GM): (Oop, sorry. You scan the rock.
  4532. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... Disgusting creatures."
  4533. Gator (GM): Although you don't find a hanger, you notice that one entire side appears to be made of a concrete hull patch.
  4534. Fried Silver: "Parasites, Space slugs whatever. I'm not handing this stuff so Ramiel you better come here and handle the "gold"."
  4535. Gator (GM): You suspect it's a fake wall.
  4536. Box-O-Rocks: I'd like to carve it out
  4537. Gator (GM): Sure!
  4538. Box-O-Rocks: rolling 1d100+30
  4539. (
  4540. 64
  4541. )+30
  4542. = 94
  4543. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh? These are worth money?"
  4544. "Hhhh... These are but disgusting parasites..."
  4545. Fried Silver: "Yes Jee, and whatever you do don't let them hug you."
  4546. Gator (GM): An entire side of the room glows red hot and melts!
  4547. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh? Hhhh! HHHH!"
  4548. Gator (GM): As the wall disappears the air flow blows out stronger and stronger!
  4549. Fried Silver: "Ramiel!"
  4550. Gator (GM): Luckily pressures are gradual enough to not yank you out, but the air here is going to be gone in seconds!
  4551. Fried Silver: (Jee you wearing the suit?)
  4552. Gator (GM): (An unbreached suit?)
  4553. Jee-Still Waki: ( Putting it on now if it isn't )
  4554. Box-O-Rocks: Silver found the suit for her
  4555. Gator (GM): You suit up faster than you ever have in your life.
  4556. Box-O-Rocks: (( I thought you already had it on lol ))
  4557. Gator (GM): Still, space exposure sets in and you experience some swellings.
  4558. Box-O-Rocks: "Time is up kiddies, the sheriff is here."
  4559. Gator (GM): rolling 2d10
  4560. (
  4561. 2
  4562. +
  4563. 5
  4564. )
  4565. = 7
  4566. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhh! Hhhh!"
  4567. Gator (GM): 7 points of damage.
  4568. ((Actually I am alittle unclear on speec exposure still. You don't explode, but it's basically like the bends.)
  4569. Fried Silver: "Jee you handle the fork lift Ill handle getting the droids upstairs into the ship."
  4570. Gator (GM): As the wall clears out you can see ramiel coming about in the ship.
  4571. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... Hhhhh..." Jee hisses, trying to calm herself after nearly dying.
  4573. Jee-Still Waki attempts to work the forklift and load the crates onto the shift.
  4574. Jee-Still Waki: ( *ship )
  4575. rolling 1d100+30+50
  4576. (
  4577. 52
  4578. )+30+50
  4579. = 132
  4580. ( Electronics roll on forklift. )
  4581. Gator (GM): You are able to manage it's two pedal and two switch system.
  4582. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... Hhhhh... Fried. Is this fork lift a treasure? Should we take it?"
  4583. Gator (GM): After a minute of back and forth, you load up three crates.
  4584. You notice, a problem!
  4585. The crates have taken nearly all the space.
  4586. There isn't enough room for the cages, furniture, and robots together.
  4587. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... There is no room for it anyway..."
  4588. Gator (GM): Choose one!
  4589. Jee-Still Waki: ( I say we take the robots over the furniture, however, if we want extra money, we can take the slugs and find a buyer in some... less than respectible locations.
  4590. Box-O-Rocks: "alright fellas, here's what we do, We take all the robots, and all the furniture we can carry... We leave all the slugs."
  4591. "Slugs are illegal and the police will deal with those."
  4592. Jee-Still Waki: ( I think it's only 1 of the 3, not taking 2 of the 3. )
  4593. Gator (GM): (Yep.)
  4594. (The furniture is expensive. I was planning this thing about carbon trading for the splat book.)
  4595. Fried Silver: (can we remove 1 crate for the robots?)
  4596. Gator (GM): Sure
  4597. Box-O-Rocks: "We don't want any slugs though."
  4598. Jee-Still Waki: ( I vote robots. )
  4599. Gator (GM): ((Slug free zone))
  4600. Sure!
  4601. Jee-Still Waki: ( I can probably search their memory banks too, if I can repair them or gain access. )
  4602. Gator (GM): You move out 1 crate and move in the bots!
  4604. Fried Silver Drags the 2 deactivated droids into the ship.
  4605. Jee-Still Waki: ( I got their head bits on me too. )
  4606. Fried Silver: "Jee lets go!"
  4607. Jee-Still Waki: ( Best I can gather up, anyway. )
  4608. ( Actually wait. GM, can I scavenge the guts of the forklift? Like a sparkplug from the engine? )
  4609. ( Never can go wrong having one of those on hand. )
  4610. Gator (GM): Sure.
  4611. Jee-Still Waki: ( Or whatever small, juicy bit's powering it up. )
  4612. ( Thanks. Rolling scavenge. )
  4613. Gator (GM): You've already rolled so you know it.
  4614. Jee-Still Waki: rolling 1d100+10+50
  4615. (
  4616. 28
  4617. )+10+50
  4618. = 88
  4619. Gator (GM): Well, sure roll away.
  4620. Alright.
  4621. You quickly grab whatever is loose enough.
  4622. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhhold on!"
  4623. "Let me take something first..."
  4624. Gator (GM): You end up taking afew spark plugs, a fuel line, and several wires.
  4625. That said you managed to get guzzoline on your new suit.
  4626. Jee-Still Waki: "Hhhh... I'm done. Let's go." Jee says, attempting to wipe off the fluids on her space suit.
  4627. Gator (GM): ((Should we do a ZGM roll for getting on the ship?
  4628. Axl Greez: ( ZGM roll? )
  4629. Fried Silver: rolling 1d100 + 20
  4630. (
  4631. 27
  4632. )+20
  4633. = 47
  4634. (NO now.)
  4635. Gator (GM): Zero G manuever.
  4636. Ever read ender's game?
  4637. Jee-Still Waki: ( Ah. And no, I haven't. )
  4638. Gator (GM): (The whole book was basically an excuse to write about a zero gravity laser tag sport.)
  4639. (In my opinion, anyway. The movie looked dreadful.)
  4640. Anyway, after loading you -carefully- and -safely- jump over to the ship.
  4641. And depart.
  4643. Okay, let's end session here.
  4644. Gator (GM): Xp?
  4645. Fried Silver: Xp!
  4646. Jee-Still Waki: Cool
  4647. Gator (GM): Okay. 10xp for the bots
  4648. 10xp for explorin'
  4649. 40xp for problemsolving
  4650. I wouldn't say there was any desparate events this session.
  4651. Any disasters this session?
  4652. Box-O-Rocks: almost disasters
  4653. like with Jee and space
  4654. Gator (GM): True.
  4655. Let's throw 10xp for that.
  4656. Jee-Still Waki: Neat
  4657. Gator (GM): And... MVP
  4658. Who do you think of you guys did the most VPing?
  4659. Box-O-Rocks: Jee I think
  4660. Fried Silver: Jee
  4661. Jee-Still Waki: I'll vote for Fried.
  4662. Gator (GM): Eh, let's go with Jee
  4663. Well, that was a good test abit.
  4664. Jee-Still Waki: How much was it again? +10? Either way, I was 1 XP from leveling.
  4665. Gator (GM): 10
  4666. So 80xp for today.
  4667. Although it wasn't exactly action packed you guys did do alot. Solved problems, and really went in your own direction.
  4668. Jee-Still Waki: Cool
  4669. Training points were Strength plus agility divided by 2, right?
  4670. Gator (GM): Yep.
  4671. Jee-Still Waki: Thanks
  4672. Gator (GM): I'm still not sold on that system.
  4673. But I test to see if it works.
  4674. Jee-Still Waki: Level 4 now.
  4675. Gator (GM): Ding1
  4676. Jee-Still Waki: Finally got enough training points to get something
  4677. Thanks for the session though man
  4678. Gator (GM): Get swimming!
  4679. no prob.
  4680. Jee-Still Waki: Pssh, Jee can fly
  4681. Swimming is just flying underwater
  4682. Gator (GM): Also, next session would you guys like to test the Diceless rules?
  4683. Jee-Still Waki: I saw that at the bottom. Was wondering about it.
  4684. Gator (GM): With less bugs in the face.
  4685. Box-O-Rocks: iunno, maybe
  4686. Fried Silver: Maybe.
  4687. Gator (GM): 2 maybes...
  4688. Jee-Still Waki: Wouldn't mind testing
  4689. Gator (GM): Good enough.
  4690. GM big pants time.
  4691. Fried Silver: Also tell me when theres an opertunity for me to try Gming again.
  4692. Gator (GM): We'll give it a wack.
  4693. Whenever you want, really.
  4694. Hell, next week is a good time story wise.
  4695. Fried Silver: Sure.
  4696. Jee-Still Waki: Cool
  4697. Gator (GM): Excellent.
  4698. Anyway the book is very close to done, I would like to say.
  4699. And it's great that you guys have been helping me out so much with it.
  4700. So if you guys want a hardcopy let me know.
  4701. Jee-Still Waki: I'd very much appreciate one
  4702. Gator (GM): Sure, no prob.
  4703. Fried Silver: Well I can't since that requires an mailing adress.
  4704. Gator (GM): I mean, you guys will get teh finished pdf for free. Kind of moot at this point.
  4705. Yeah, I'll throw you the pdf.
  4706. Fried Silver: And parent paranoia
  4707. Jee-Still Waki: Also, apologies for asking right now, but the Advanced Interfacing skill, is this only with the infrared / night vision / whatever goggles or are cybernetic eyes included?
  4708. Gator (GM): Well, you got a copy if that ever changes.
  4709. ...I'll amend that.
  4710. It should.
  4711. Jee-Still Waki: I'd assume just the goggles, but I wanted to be certain
  4712. OK, thank you.
  4713. Gator (GM): It's kind of a big quandry.
  4714. Jee-Still Waki: I can look through the rules and try to highlight other questions and things I've found, if ya want.
  4715. Gator (GM): It's defining a skill that is sort of being defined only withing the last 30-40 years and not quite realized.
  4716. Jee-Still Waki: I'll leave them here in the chat, so you don't have to stay to hear them all
  4717. Gator (GM): I'd really appreciate that.
  4718. Great!
  4719. Thanks alot guys, and good job.
  4720. It is stretch time for me, lates!
  4721. Jee-Still Waki: You all have a good weekend
  4722. I'll see y'all next Saturday
  4723. Gator (GM): Stay cool and wet!
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