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- #!/usr/bin/python2
- from minesweeper import *
- import random
- # Patterns syntax:
- # Each pattern is an array of string
- # Each string contains pairs <matcher, action> characters (e.g. ?o) separated by whitespace for readability
- # match - is a matcher against which element on board will be matched. All elements in patterns must match for action to occur
- # possible matchers are:
- # ? - match anything, including out of bonds cells
- # 0..9 - match against reduced strength
- # Reduced strength is (written number in field) - (number of marked mines adjacent to the cell)
- # doesn't match out of bonds cells
- # K - known cell, impossible for the new mine cell. Matches out-of-bounds, known 0-9, known mines, not unknowns
- # . - matches unknown
- # action is an action regarding this cell
- # o - open it. Action is ignored if cell already marked as mine or open or out of bounds
- # * - mark mine
- # _ - ignore cell.
- def do_print(s):
- pass
- ["?o ?o ?o",
- "?o 0_ ?o",
- "?o ?o ?o"],
- [ "K_ K_ K_",
- "1_ 2_ K_",
- "?_ ?_ .*"],
- [ "K_ K_ K_ K_",
- "K_ 1_ 1_ K_",
- "?o ?_ ?_ K_"],
- ["K_ 1_ 1_ K_",
- "K_ ._ ._ K_",
- "K_ 1_ .o K_",
- "K_ K_ K_ K_"],
- ]
- ["K_ 1_",
- "1_ .*"],
- ["1_ ?_",
- "K_ .*",
- "K_ 1_"],
- ["1_ ?_",
- "K_ .*",
- "1_ ?_"],
- ]
- def transpose_pattern(p):
- res = []
- splitted = [x.split() for x in p]
- z = zip(*splitted)
- z = [" ".join(x) for x in z]
- return z
- def hflip_pattern(p):
- if id(p) in HFLIPPED_PATTERNS:
- return HFLIPPED_PATTERNS[id(p)]
- res = []
- splitted = [reversed(x.split()) for x in p]
- z = [" ".join(x) for x in splitted]
- return z
- def calculate_pattern_offsets(pattern):
- """ Calculate pattern offset. Since ? matcher can match against empty cell, we need to know how far out of bonds we can go
- :return: (row_from, row_to, col_from, col_to)
- """
- row_from = 0
- row_to = 0
- col_from = 0
- col_to = 0
- pattern_height = len(pattern)
- patter_width = len(pattern[0])
- def impl(p):
- xfrom = xto = 0
- # First try to find how far we can move pattern out of top bounds
- for row in p:
- if any(map(lambda p:p[0] not in '?K', row.split())):
- break
- xfrom -= 1
- # Now bottom
- for row in reversed(p):
- if any(map(lambda p:p[0] not in '?K', row.split())):
- break
- xto += 1
- return xfrom, xto
- row_from, row_to = impl(pattern)
- col_from, col_to = impl(transpose_pattern(pattern))
- return (row_from, row_to, col_from, col_to)
- PATTERN_OFFSETS = { id(p) : calculate_pattern_offsets(p) for p in PATTERNS }
- PATTERN_OFFSETS[id(pa)] = calculate_pattern_offsets(pa)
- def print_grid(grid):
- for row in xrange(grid.nrows):
- s = ""
- for col in xrange(grid.ncols):
- s += "%2s " % grid[row,col]
- print(s)
- print("Mines left: %d" % TOTAL_MINES_LEFT)
- def check_match_at(grid, reduced, pattern, row, col):
- cols = reduced.ncols
- rows = reduced.nrows
- y = row
- res = set()
- for prow in pattern:
- x = col - 1
- for pair in prow:
- x += 1
- matcher = pair[0]
- in_bounds = 0 <= y < rows and 0 <= x < cols
- if in_bounds and reduced[y,x] == '.' and pair[1] != '_':
- res.add((y,x, pair[1] == 'o'))
- if matcher == '.':
- if not in_bounds or reduced[y, x] != '.':
- return None
- continue
- elif matcher == '?':
- continue
- elif matcher == 'K':
- if in_bounds and reduced[y, x] == '.':
- return None
- continue
- if not in_bounds:
- return None
- if int(matcher) != reduced[y,x]:
- return None
- y += 1
- return res
- def do_check_match(grid, reduced, pattern, pattern_offset, bounds = None):
- if bounds == None or bounds[0] == None:
- bounds = (0, reduced.nrows-1, 0, reduced.ncols-1)
- pattern_height = len(pattern)
- patter_width = len(pattern[0])
- row_from, row_to, col_from, col_to = pattern_offset
- col_to = min(reduced.ncols, bounds[3]) + col_to
- row_to = min(reduced.nrows, bounds[1]) + row_to
- row_from += bounds[0]
- col_from += bounds[2]
- pairs = [p.split() for p in pattern]
- if pattern == PATTERNS[0]:
- do_print("Checking at %dR%d %dC%d" % (row_from, row_to, col_from, col_to))
- for row in xrange(row_from, row_to):
- for col in xrange(col_from, col_to):
- res = check_match_at(grid, reduced, pairs, row, col)
- if res:
- return res
- return None
- def set_add(the_set, elt):
- if elt in the_set:
- return False
- the_set.add(elt)
- return True
- def check_match(grid, reduced, pattern):
- processed = set()
- def check_flips(p, ofs, bounds):
- # Vertically flipped pattern
- # E R N _
- # P A T T
- vpattern = list(reversed(p))
- voffset = (-ofs[1], -ofs[0], ofs[2], ofs[3])
- if set_add(processed, "_".join(vpattern)):
- res = do_check_match(grid, reduced, vpattern, voffset, bounds)
- if res:
- return res
- # Horizontally flipped pattern
- # T T A P
- # _ N R E
- hoffset = (ofs[0], ofs[1], -ofs[3], -ofs[2])
- hpattern = hflip_pattern(p)
- if set_add(processed, "_".join(hpattern)):
- res = do_check_match(grid, reduced, hpattern, hoffset, bounds)
- if res:
- return res
- # Flipped both way
- # _ N R E
- # T T A P
- vhoffset = (-ofs[1], -ofs[0], -ofs[3], -ofs[2])
- vhpattern = hflip_pattern(vpattern)
- if set_add(processed, "_".join(vhpattern)):
- res = do_check_match(grid, reduced, vhpattern, vhoffset, bounds)
- return res
- return None
- # normal pattern
- # P A T T
- # E R N _
- offset = PATTERN_OFFSETS[id(pattern)]
- res = do_check_match(grid, reduced, pattern, offset, BOUNDS)
- if res:
- return res
- res = check_flips(pattern, offset, BOUNDS)
- if res:
- return res
- # transposes pattern
- # P E
- # A R
- # T N
- # T _
- tpattern = transpose_pattern(pattern)
- toffset = (offset[2], offset[3], offset[0], offset[1])
- res = do_check_match(grid, reduced, tpattern, toffset, BOUNDS)
- if res:
- return res
- res = check_flips(tpattern, toffset, BOUNDS)
- return res
- def iter_neigbours(arr2d, row, col):
- for dx in (-1,0,1):
- for dy in (-1,0,1):
- if dx == dy == 0:
- continue
- cx, cy = col + dx, row + dy
- if 0 <= cx < arr2d.ncols and 0 <= cy < arr2d.nrows:
- yield cy, cx
- def guess_mine_at(reduced, y, x):
- if reduced[y, x] == '*':
- return False
- reduced[y, x] = '*'
- for row, col in iter_neigbours(reduced, y, x):
- r = reduced[row, col]
- if type(r) == int and r > 0:
- r -= 1
- reduced[row, col] = r
- expand_bounds(reduced, row, col)
- expand_bounds(reduced, y, x)
- return True
- def try_to_fill(grid, reduced):
- res = False
- for y in xrange(reduced.nrows):
- for x in xrange(reduced.ncols):
- if not type(reduced[y,x]) == int:
- continue
- if reduced[y,x] == 0:
- continue
- total_neighbours = 0
- unknowns = 0
- for cy, cx in iter_neigbours(reduced, y, x):
- total_neighbours += 1
- if reduced[cy,cx] == ".":
- unknowns += 1
- if reduced[y,x] == unknowns:
- for cy, cx in iter_neigbours(reduced, y, x):
- if reduced[cy,cx] == ".":
- res = guess_mine_at(reduced, cy, cx) or res
- res = set([])
- for y in xrange(reduced.nrows):
- for x in xrange(reduced.ncols):
- if reduced[y,x] == '.':
- guess_empty_at(grid, reduced, y, x)
- res.add((y, x, True))
- return res
- STEP = 0
- def guess_empty_at(grid, reduced, row, col):
- grid.guess(row, col)
- m = grid.nMinesAround(row, col)
- for cy, cx in iter_neigbours(reduced, row, col):
- if reduced[cy, cx] == '*':
- m -= 1
- reduced[row,col] = m
- expand_bounds(reduced, row, col)
- # row_start, row_end, col_start, col_end
- BOUNDS=[None, None, None, None]
- def reset_bounds():
- def expand_bounds(reduced, row, col):
- DELTA = 4
- if BOUNDS[0] == None:
- BOUNDS[0] = row - DELTA
- BOUNDS[1] = row + DELTA
- BOUNDS[2] = col - DELTA
- BOUNDS[3] = col + DELTA
- else:
- BOUNDS[0] = min(row - DELTA, BOUNDS[0])
- BOUNDS[1] = max(row + DELTA, BOUNDS[1])
- BOUNDS[2] = min(col - DELTA, BOUNDS[2])
- BOUNDS[3] = max(col + DELTA, BOUNDS[3])
- global LAST_R
- def exampleSolveGame(grid):
- global STEP
- global LAST_R
- STEP += 1
- TOTAL_MINES_LEFT = grid.nMines()
- reduced = Array2D(grid.nRows(), grid.nCols(), ".")
- LAST_R = reduced
- reset_bounds()
- guess_empty_at(grid, reduced, 4, 4)
- several_mines_patterns = PATTERNS
- single_mine_patterns = PATTERNS + SINGLE_MINE_PATTERNS
- probabilities = Array2D(grid.nRows(), grid.nCols(), 0.0)
- while not grid.isSolved():
- old=True
- l = several_mines_patterns
- l = single_mine_patterns
- for p in l:
- res = check_match(grid, reduced, p)
- if res:
- reset_bounds()
- do_print("Found pattern, cleared %d" % len(res))
- for row, col, is_empty in res:
- if is_empty:
- guess_empty_at(grid, reduced, row, col)
- else:
- guess_mine_at(reduced, row, col)
- old = False
- break
- if not old:
- continue
- if BOUNDS[0] != None:
- do_print("Nothing found in %s, resetting" % BOUNDS)
- reset_bounds()
- continue
- do_print("Nothing found in whole field. Filling")
- res = try_to_fill(grid, reduced)
- if res:
- do_print("Filled: OK")
- continue
- do_print("Filled: nothing filled")
- #for y in xrange(0, reduced.nrows):
- # for x in xrange(0, reduced.ncols):
- # probabilities[y, x] = 0.0
- probabilities = Array2D(reduced.nrows, reduced.ncols, 0.0)
- for y in xrange(0, reduced.nrows):
- for x in xrange(0, reduced.ncols):
- r = reduced[y,x]
- if type(r) != int or r == 0:
- continue
- unknowns = 0
- for cy, cx in iter_neigbours(reduced, y, x):
- if reduced[cy,cx] == '.':
- unknowns += 1
- probabilty = float(r) / float(unknowns)
- for cy, cx in iter_neigbours(reduced, y, x):
- probabilities[cy, cx] = max(probabilities[cy, cx], probabilty)
- cy, cx, best_probability = 0, 0, 1.0
- for y in xrange(0, reduced.nrows):
- for x in xrange(0, reduced.ncols):
- if probabilities[y,x] != 0.0 and probabilities[y, x] < best_probability and reduced[y, x] == '.':
- best_probability = probabilities[y, x]
- cy, cx = y, x
- if best_probability < 1.0:
- do_print("Educational guess at %d %d with prob %.4f%%" % (cy, cx, 100.0 * best_probability))
- guess_empty_at(grid, reduced, cy, cx)
- continue
- while True:
- cy = random.randint(0, reduced.nrows-1)
- cx = random.randint(0, reduced.ncols-1)
- if reduced[cy,cx] == '.':
- do_print("Non-educational guess at %d %d" % (cy, cx))
- guess_empty_at(grid, reduced, cy, cx)
- break
- #print_grid(reduced)
- def main():
- # Set this to True if you want to play a game of Minesweeper with a
- # crappy text interface. Set this to False if you want to test
- # how good the example AI is (spoiler: not very).
- doYouWantToPlayAGame = False
- if doYouWantToPlayAGame:
- playGame(9, 9, 10)
- else:
- testSolver(exampleSolveGame)
- return
- try:
- mf = Minefield(16, 30, 99)
- exampleSolveGame(mf)
- print(mf.isSolved())
- except LostGameError:
- print ("lost")
- pass
- print_grid(LAST_R)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- #random.seed(123461)
- random.seed(12475)
- #random.seed(12494)
- main()
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