
NightClan, get ready!

Jan 9th, 2014
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  1. 3:47
  2. IcewrathXFeatherswirlXCraneheart
  3. Misty said to block you
  4. 3:47
  5. Psychic Dream
  6. What the fuck have I done >.<
  7. Tell her everything I said.
  8. Ughhh
  9. 3:48
  10. Loudclaw
  11. In a year
  12. You are free to return.
  13. 3:48
  14. Psychic Dream
  15. What the actual fuck?
  16. I, myself, haven't done anything wrong.
  17. Get rid of that sister of mine at least from NC.
  18. She's the bitch who did it.
  19. 3:49
  20. Loudclaw
  21. She won't like the fact that you called her a bitch
  22. 3:49
  23. Psychic Dream
  24. We do it everyday, Loudclaw.
  25. 3:49
  26. Loudclaw
  27. We're getting rid of Cat, of course, alongside every one of her sockpuppets.
  28. 3:49
  29. IcewrathXFeatherswirlXCraneheart
  30. I'd love to chat over tea and crumpets, but I have duties I have to attend to... :/
  31. 3:49
  32. Psychic Dream
  33. Well, tell Mistybird at least.
  34. 3:50
  35. Loudclaw
  36. No.
  37. 3:50
  38. Psychic Dream
  39. >.<
  40. NC is just a wiki with terrible policies.
  41. 3:50
  42. Loudclaw
  43. There's another user who's pulled the "I'm the sibling" bullshit.
  44. 3:50
  45. Psychic Dream
  46. You need to sort that wiki out.
  47. 3:50
  48. Loudclaw
  49. Me?
  50. Nope.
  51. 3:50
  52. Psychic Dream
  53. Or other users will come crashing down accusing that wiki of being terrible.
  54. 3:51
  55. Loudclaw
  57. 3:51
  58. Psychic Dream
  59. Yeah.
  60. 3:51
  61. IcewrathXFeatherswirlXCraneheart
  62. Oh shut up and get out. It's people like you and your sister that stir up drama and fights!
  63. Bluestar&Brightheart has joined the chat.
  64. 3:51
  65. Psychic Dream
  66. I ain't starting anything.
  67. 3:51
  68. Loudclaw
  69. Can it, tool.
  70. 3:51
  71. Psychic Dream
  72. I just suggested you just sort it out.
  73. 3:52
  74. IcewrathXFeatherswirlXCraneheart
  75. We've survived worse.
  76. 3:52
  77. Psychic Dream
  78. For christ's sake, why am I being dragged into this shit?
  79. It. Isn't. My. Fucking. Fault.
  80. 3:52
  81. Loudclaw
  82. ZAYD almost ANNIHILATED NightClan!
  83. 3:52
  84. IcewrathXFeatherswirlXCraneheart
  85. Yet we survived
  86. 3:52
  87. Loudclaw
  88. And he's apparently your fucking COUSIN?
  89. 3:52
  90. Bluestar&Brightheart
  91. What did I walk into...
  92. 3:52
  93. Psychic Dream
  94. Yes. He's a dick
  95. 3:52
  96. IcewrathXFeatherswirlXCraneheart
  97. Obviously
  98. 3:52
  99. Loudclaw
  100. Get out, never return.
  101. 3:52
  102. Psychic Dream
  103. Hmph.
  104. 3:52
  105. Bluestar&Brightheart
  106. What's going on
  107. 3:52
  108. Psychic Dream
  109. It's not my freakin' fault...
  110. Seriously
  111. How come innocent people get dragged into these nonsenses
  112. 3:53
  113. IcewrathXFeatherswirlXCraneheart
  114. LOOK
  115. The administration wanted you banned
  116. So you are BANNED
  117. B
  118. A
  119. N
  120. N
  121. E
  122. D
  123. 3:53
  124. Loudclaw
  125. ACCEPT IT/
  126. 3:53
  127. Psychic Dream
  128. For fuck's sake
  129. Your wiki is full of bullshit
  130. 3:54
  131. Bluestar&Brightheart
  132. Would someone tell me what's going on here?
  133. 3:54
  134. IcewrathXFeatherswirlXCraneheart
  135. As are you
  136. 3:54
  137. Psychic Dream
  138. No wonder why people attacked it
  139. 3:54
  140. Loudclaw
  141. You're full of bullshit, Cat.
  142. 3:54
  143. Psychic Dream
  144. Fuck off you dickheads and leave my family alone.
  145. As we are on Zayd's side
  146. We'll come back
  147. We will get revenge
  148. 3:54
  149. IcewrathXFeatherswirlXCraneheart
  150. The ban has turned infinite as far as I'm concerned
  151. 3:54
  152. Psychic Dream
  153. Prepare for hacking to happen
  154. 3:54
  155. Bluestar&Brightheart
  157. 3:54
  158. Loudclaw
  159. Revenge? No.
  160. 3:54
  161. Psychic Dream
  162. As I've hacked far more wikis you've ever imagined.
  163. For the record Loudclaw, Cat never loved your pretty little brother.
  164. 3:55
  165. IcewrathXFeatherswirlXCraneheart
  166. No shit
  167. 3:55
  168. Psychic Dream
  169. She just used him for information about Eeveestar.
  170. 3:55
  171. IcewrathXFeatherswirlXCraneheart
  172. She goes through boys like underwear
  173. :/
  174. 3:55
  175. Psychic Dream
  176. Now.
  177. 3:55
  178. Loudclaw
  179. I knew that.
  180. 3:55
  181. Psychic Dream
  182. Prepare for yourselves
  183. One day, NC will come crashing down
  184. 3:55
  185. Loudclaw
  186. Oh, we're ready.
  187. 3:55
  188. Psychic Dream
  189. With Zayd and Cat's help
  190. Good night and have a safe few days until we return (wave)
  191. :)
  192. 3:56
  193. Loudclaw
  194. Icy.
  195. Let's go Into the Wind and leave these bastards for dead.
  196. Psychic Dream has left the chat.
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