

May 20th, 2015
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  1. "What does it matter nothing will change in my life!"
  3. If you have ever heard those words you were probably talking about voting to someone who has not voted in forever or at the least quite a long while. I have been asking the question to many about why they don't vote & the above headline was the most common response. I was stunned. Ok granted most of those I have spoken with are lower class or in poverty situations. Does that mean those people should feel this way. Not in my mind.
  5. A single mother of 3 when asked said that we would be better off with NO government That we can take care of ourselves by working together as communities.That we acn grow our own food & share with those who can't in exchange for services they can offer. I knew I shouldn't question further but I'm not good at listening to myself. What I ask about roads, transit, Post Office I was told that is the typical cop out question from those attempting to convince people to vote. Ok I'm in trouble here so screw it dig deeper. Ok forget the roads what about Hospitals. Schools, Water, Electricity, is that a cop out too I ask? The stammering stuttering made me decide I should end this before I wear my coffee. We ended up agreeing to disagree but I held back asking what about the welfare check she receives every month although not enough still keeps her and the kids alive with a roof over their heads. Not something that would be available in a No Government country/province IMO.
  7. Father of 5 on his second year of surgeries so he can get back to work on temporary disability gave me the above headline response when asked. He added "No matter who is sitting in office I have to pay taxes for very little services. I've paid into EI all my life then have to take time off for surgery and am limited to how long I get it for. I go back to work early to get out of debt while waiting for another date for next surgery. but do not have enough hours now for another EI claim and have to rely on welfare. Welfare makes me jump through hoops including fill out a job search? WTF" "Government has always failed us little guys"
  9. A young couple with 2 children under 6, he has been eleigible to vote in last 3 federal election and she has been eligble for 2. He voted for election 40 but couldn't be bothered for 41. She just has not seen any reason to vote & none of her friends do either. A stay at home mom who thinks all politicians are crooks why else would they be politicians? She knows who all the party leaders are but doesn't care much more then that. He pays less attention to busy working and worrying about paying bills to be bothered.
  11. These are the people the parties need to reach out to. There are hundreds of thousands of them. these are the people who stayed home last election for the same reasons they will stay home this one too IF no one talks to them! They know an election is coming you can't miss it if you spend more then 8 hrs a week on TV. They just feel that their vote is a waste. NO ONE listens. All the politicians care about is the 6 figure salary & first class pension, why bother?
  13. Aprtil 20 2011 Vancouver Art Gallery approximately 15 to 20 thousand "protesters" it is 4 PM and Jodie Emmery is on stage giving a powerful speech about the Harper government and what they are doing to her husband Marc as well as the attack on the medical marijuana community. "So Are you going to go to the polls and vote Harper out?" She asks the crowd. A resounding yes response then 2 weeks later Harper gets a majority gov. YES? Really?
  15. April 20 2015 Vancouver Art Gallery. Marc who is now out of US prison a free man, and Jodie Emery on stage both giving separate speechs mainly about history of 420 in Vancouver but they both also hit on the fact that everyone needs to vote Harper out next election. This time about 25 thousand crowd. They both also encourage voters to vote for Justin Trudeau as he is for leaglizing marijuana. Again a huge positive response. If that creates a response at the polls remains to be seen.
  17. These too are the people the party who wants to win has to reach out to!
  19. So what do we need to hear from the opposition parties? How do they deliver a message that everyone hears even those uninterested? Will the usual advertising campaigns do the trick? Are we going to go into another term of the Harper regime? Maybe? Can we stop it? Maybe? Can we do it alone? NO!
  21. Parties have to come out and say if they are for elctoral reform and place a time limit on getting it done. Not just studies but actually having it in place before the election 43. Not a Peter Poutine UnFair Elections Act but something that empowers Elections Canada to supenia witness & forcing them to answer or face contempt charges and jail.what they need to get more Canadians engaged in the process AND let Elections Canada RUN the elections. Not politicians, including date of election. Using advice from Elections Canada ( who had a world wide recognition of excellence pre Harper) on Getting proportional representation in place. Give the PBO more power and create civilian selection committees for heads of Crown Corps. Bring in FN to all decisions, period. We need to hear parties saying they will re instate per vote $$$ that Harper stopped and instead remove DONATIONS completely as tax deductions. Lower all spending limits on all campaigns. I even like the UK model of no advertising on TV maybe extend it to radio and newsprint as well. They want to get our attention do so in person. It makes each candidate more aware of just who their constituents are .
  23. Parties should take note of the 2 surprises of the NDP taking such a large amount of the Quebec vote in 2011 and then wiping the floor with the vote in Alberta. That was done with grassroots ground work. Door knocking. Speaking to the people. While it is understandable that each candidate can not meet every constituant in their riding they can have volunteers do so. What the parties should be doing is arranging for small round tables of local citizens say up to 300 people at a time. That frees up cadidates time and lets the voters meet the candidate face to face maybe even ask & get answered a question or 2. If the candidate is the one for you there is no better place to find out then seeing them in action around the folks that will be voting in their riding.
  25. If your one of the thousands that are anxious to change the governnment get involved, research the platforms of the parties. Go out of your way to find the candidates you want to speak to and get your questions answered. Remember a non answer IS an answer. Find the party that most suits YOUR values and voluteer. All the parties need volunteers and if we want money out of the process then WE have to get involved. They need people to answer phones. write emails, work social media. go door knocking, make sure people are registered to vote and follow up on it. Try to get as many as possible out in advance polls so if a problem arises it can be repaired before the fixed election date.
  27. They say it takes a village to raise a child. I say it is going to take the whole country working together to rid ourselves of Harper. Get on it! YOU have to BE the change if your looking for change!
  29. opinion8ted
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