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Feb 28th, 2017
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  3. Look, I’m not saying I don’t feel for this poor girl and I did know it was censored from FB and the German government. I think she either changed the video to show it at the beginning or it was in one of the comments. But regardless, what’s she’s talking about IS NOT a migrant issue. You can’t possibly be sure that no German dude has EVER done this stuff. It’s a human thing, not a migrant thing. I do feel for her, as a woman, I already knew everything she was talking about. Maybe as a man, and never really having to endure any of that, it was a shock to you. As a father of a girl, you will become more aware of it as she gets older. But you don’t need a teenager from halfway around the world to tell you what any woman in your life could tell you. What she is describing it what all young women, unfortunately, endure and it’s shitty. And I hate it, but don’t make it a migrant thing.
  5. And it’s not just illegals being deported. I told you when you were here that I agree that people who aren’t here legally shouldn’t be here. There’s a process and it should be followed, but I don’t necessarily agree that the children of people who had nothing to do with that their parents did should be punished. They were raised here, they know no other life. What do we do with them? What did we do with the pilgrims that had children here after emigrating from Europe? They fucking stayed because they were now native to this country! Yes we have laws and more defined borders now, but people act like this country has always been theirs, it’s so fucking ignorant.
  7. I think the overall tone of our country is being negatively effected by this administration. He’s still not doing anything for the unemployed and won’t speak out when injustices are done if they don’t boost his ego or agenda. If anything he’s costing tax payers a shit more than before with his jaunts down to Florida every weekend and having the secret service around the White House and Trump Tower.
  9. I know you don’t care about Trans people because they’re < 2% of the population, but I don’t think this is just about them. It’s clear he doesn’t care about anyone but himself or people that are just like him. And I don’t mean white people. I’ve yet to see his administration do anything that HELPS the people that voted for him. He’s just like any other politician. He’s helping lobbyists that have their noses up his ass and are going to flatter him. He’s such a hypocrite, it’s amazing to me that you choose not to see that.
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