

Nov 7th, 2016
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  1. Amount paid, Account, TX
  2. 1789.73275762, BURST-KKZA-XK7H-8YZ5-BKR87, 4372532972621984753
  3. 343.22748203, BURST-X7JB-G8M6-YKKC-CEG2M, 4051929617330577395
  4. 379.85555359, BURST-9RTS-NBCW-CVPF-5V64L, 11739838193517302851
  5. 399.84795115, BURST-ACGB-YGHQ-G9ZL-5XD7U, 9220045063417794926
  6. 399.84795115, BURST-2JGY-A5ZQ-SRN8-2N4DZ, 1345290759179739286
  7. 666.41325192, BURST-RTHU-27U7-GSVN-7VEA3, 9897153673382968629
  8. 666.41325192, BURST-6UVY-U3JU-SYH6-AWRZ3, 12762741780411083483
  9. 673.07738444, BURST-4D43-6FXG-RHRG-5ENK9, 2042994695099792712
  10. 718.95993683, BURST-VPVE-X3NW-BSHW-7U7T5, 7976661450254482590
  11. 999.61987788, BURST-GGPX-PP5S-LAGP-CBGCU, 8706268335972861122
  12. 133.28265038, BURST-WGF2-7BDU-XSCG-998Y4, 12252643334067389154
  13. 134.54883556, BURST-WT7J-2LPQ-ALRU-CGLUH, 10248935202484561437
  14. 137.2811299, BURST-NG3N-9DCT-LWSF-37FJ7, 3565006246284586515
  15. 179.93157802, BURST-V4EC-7VVD-LCKD-9S932, 13083581225575575125
  16. 199.92397558, BURST-2CYU-BZCC-5J3J-33CG8, 5940721348568172278
  17. 293.8882441, BURST-G8DL-CEHW-RZ5S-2SJU8, 14333483186062203219
  18. 300.21916999, BURST-BRUQ-MY7L-UTL3-FH3AX, 11845685962066748437
  19. 333.20662596, BURST-RXNN-UAZZ-9Q7Z-3BE5N, 10797820742574650188
  20. 333.87303921, BURST-JXMT-H4D6-YAFU-FBN7C, 5805518473984529228
  21. 66.64132519, BURST-MDX5-7DDU-YL5W-GLQPA, 5132837632165448436
  22. 66.64132519, BURST-K7TR-R8FB-7MH4-7GWKQ, 9621374502246492767
  23. 66.64132519, BURST-LD29-LG97-Z2JT-393VB, 5846322538945146003
  24. 85.1676136, BURST-HE6X-AA5F-63N2-9GQBN, 18079473575203936926
  25. 101.69466224, BURST-NTZE-9NJG-KKT8-AMY6Q, 17917685635814163200
  26. 119.15468944, BURST-R7BP-7668-XM5Z-BBV4Q, 13413256474460569511
  27. 133.28265038, BURST-FSHW-ZSDW-689J-A8FP2, 9733676666586690252
  28. 12.12872118, BURST-SSSU-EGR5-5XZ9-AY68F, 16594157496820048426
  29. 13.32826504, BURST-6MQU-ERHZ-SQXH-83XSB, 3202349425932814537
  30. 13.42822703, BURST-N2BP-WPSP-8JLY-FXEH6, 4728320509322413310
  31. 13.86139564, BURST-XCW5-FUXA-FNDQ-6LZDA, 14227433373601809490
  32. 20.65881081, BURST-HP7D-PER2-2DGS-8SZM5, 9159080119504795475
  33. 22.92461587, BURST-2VK6-XJDE-G47S-6CLJT, 7531283860577450507
  34. 60.98347668, BURST-KGM2-HLEM-H55R-79933, 9388489316473123260
  35. 66.64132519, BURST-LU3K-L8T7-3C66-63W5K, 12629478037923505491
  36. 2.96553897, BURST-ES5N-MTPD-F4RD-A5B5A, 17243247654626213657
  37. 4.72020506, BURST-2AN6-WE2Q-SELX-B4KFL, 4861868421030769072
  38. 4.99809939, BURST-M8VS-5UE2-WBNX-5CD2W, 14258388473745675503
  39. 5.99771927, BURST-YDZE-BTHA-QP7P-9U7XP, 10298989134099279987
  40. 8.79665493, BURST-8MXC-JWDT-6X3U-B48DL, 15018448532162737180
  41. 9.99619878, BURST-33A3-XZQK-ARP5-7X2WG, 10682071787575592998
  42. ***NaN, undefined, Encountered a problem. The request timed out. Warning: This does not mean the request did not go through. You should wait a couple of blocks and see if your request has been processed.
  43. 0.03332066, BURST-GJLA-WSLF-GL8C-F6GJQ, 18338702203293861482
  44. 0.06664133, BURST-MKWC-BBMJ-G83Z-7L9YX, 17584842284339103774
  45. ***NaN, undefined, Encountered a problem. The request timed out. Warning: This does not mean the request did not go through. You should wait a couple of blocks and see if your request has been processed.
  46. ***NaN, undefined, Encountered a problem. The request timed out. Warning: This does not mean the request did not go through. You should wait a couple of blocks and see if your request has been processed.
  47. ***NaN, undefined, Encountered a problem. The request timed out. Warning: This does not mean the request did not go through. You should wait a couple of blocks and see if your request has been processed.
  48. ***NaN, undefined, Encountered a problem. The request timed out. Warning: This does not mean the request did not go through. You should wait a couple of blocks and see if your request has been processed.
  49. ***NaN, undefined, Encountered a problem. The request timed out. Warning: This does not mean the request did not go through. You should wait a couple of blocks and see if your request has been processed.
  50. ***NaN, undefined, Encountered a problem. The request timed out. Warning: This does not mean the request did not go through. You should wait a couple of blocks and see if your request has been processed.
  51. 0.13328265, BURST-JVSC-GHYR-8KPB-8ZCVV, 1029897617547413315
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