
TWWH missing units

Jul 21st, 2017
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  1. Missing units (and mods that already have them)
  3. Beastmen
  4. Gorthor (beastlord in chariot)
  5. Ghorros Warhood (centigor champion which buffs centigor unit he's in, but will become army wide buffs)
  6. Taurox the brazen bull (doombull covered in THICC bronze armour except his neck which could kill him instantly on the tabletop)
  7. Moonclaw (brayshaman born from the moon, which has a summon mount and makes all units near it go insane)
  8. Ungrol Fourhorn (twoheaded ungor champion which leads NEET horde and has a special crown)
  9. Slugtongue (brayshaman that causes plague in a given area, local enemies suffer massive attrition)
  10. Doombull (Minotaur lord)
  11. Brayshamans with lores of chaos (6th ed and end times)
  12. Tuskgor chariot (weakened version of razorgor chariot
  13. Charlemagne
  14. Ghorgon (4 armed minotaur the size of a giant)
  15. Dragon Orges and shaggoths (could use them in 6th ed)
  16. Chaos Ogres and Trolls (6th ed)
  17. Tzaangors, Pestigors, Bloodgors, Slaangors (Bestigors marked with the four chaos gods), Age of Sigmar gave Tzaangors discs to ride and bows
  19. Brettonia
  20. Nothing because they're the worst faction
  22. Dark Elves
  23. Malus Darkblade (dreadlord who can take a special cold one)
  24. Shadowblade (best assassin)
  25. Tullaris Dreadbringer (best executioner and should increase weapon strength army wide)
  26. Kouran Blackhand (best blackguard and makes blackguard unbreakable)
  27. Lohkir Fellheart (best blackark corsair)
  28. Black Ark Fleetmaster
  30. Dwarfs
  31. Thorek Ironbrow (best runelord, and comes with a special anvil)
  32. Josef Bugman (random buffs to nearby units)
  33. Grimm Burloksonn (best engineer)
  34. Daemon Slayer (lord slayer)
  35. Dragon Slayer (hero slayer)
  37. Greenskins
  38. Gorbad Ironclaw (rides a cool boar, reduces upkeep of big uns)
  39. Snagla Grobspit (rides a normal spider)
  40. Gtilla da Hunter (rides a wolf and fires a bow)
  41. Savage Orc warboss
  42. Black orc boss
  43. Goblin spear chukka (bolt thrower artillery)
  44. Snotlings (swarms of mini gobbos)
  45. Mangler Squigs (more annoyed squigs that lack riders)
  47. High Elves
  48. Caradryan, Captain of the Phoenix Guard (Head of the phoenix guard, can ride a frostheart phoenix called Ashtari, and is great vs large and heroes)
  49. Korhil, Captain of the White Lions (Head of the white lions, ignores forests)
  50. Dragon mage (seperate to normal mage)
  51. Sea Helm (lightly armoured banner bearer and lets units charge if they regroup, can also take a Skycutter of Lothern)
  52. Shadow Warriors (vanguard deploy archers)
  53. Lothern Skycutter (can be upgraded to have a bolt thrower)
  55. Skaven
  56. Lord Skreech Verminking (legendary Verminlord, made from grey seers fusing into a rat king)
  57. Thanquol and Boneripper (grey seer and his mechanical rat ogre bodyguard who has a flamethrower for an arm, they fail in all their endavours)
  58. Ikit Claw (wears power armour and the Manfred of Skaven, useless just like the manlet)
  59. Throt the Unclean (special packmaster who eats your own guys)
  60. Verminlord (greater daemon of the horned rat)
  61. Litter for Warlords, and Great pox rats for warlords and plague priests
  62. Chieftan, hero level warlord
  63. Rat Swarms
  64. Giant rats
  65. Ratling Gun (machine guns during the renaissance)
  66. Doom-Flayer (mini version of the doomwheel but more choppy than zappy)
  67. Warplock Jezzails (snipers that fir warpstone bullets)
  68. Wolf Rats (chaos warhound size rats)
  70. The Empire
  71. Valten (sigmar reborn basically)
  72. Kurt Helborg (leader of the Reiksguard, the Reiksmarshal, wields a runefang and makes Reiksguard unbreakable)
  73. Marius Leitdorf (elector count of averland and can do his own things rather than be controlled by the player, wields a runefang and should have better redline skills than Franz)
  74. Ludwig Schwarzhelm (empire hero who wields Franz standard)
  75. Markus Wulfhart (longbow character designed to hunt monsters)
  76. Luthor Huss (warrior priest with unique battle prayer)
  77. Elspeth von Draken (lore of death wizard who is the only one to take a Carmine Dragon)
  78. Templar GrandMaster (just an empire captain that buffs the knightly orders in your armies)
  79. Master Engineer (with mechanical steed mount)
  80. Imperial Dragon mount for Franz
  81. Archers (might be given fire whilst moving might not)
  82. Knights Panther
  83. Knights of the White Wolf (wield great axes)
  84. Huntsmen (elite archers with Vanguard Deploy)
  86. Vampire Counts
  87. Konrad von Carestein (great anti large, but either doesn't move or moves on his own accord)
  88. Coven Throne (spirit hosts pulling a giant chariot, can be mounted by vampires and is hard to hit, same base model as mortis engine)
  89. Cairn Wraiths should be individual heroes and swarms
  90. Bat Swarms (lots of small bats all together)
  91. Spirit Hosts (group of ghosts all together)
  93. Tomb Kings
  94. Prince Apophas (assassin type Lord, but only against warmachines and missile cav, can fly and deep strike)
  95. Ramhotep the Visionary (Necrotect who increases armour of constructs armywide, and gives frenzy to nearby constructs)
  96. Nekaph (Settra's champion, probably Reiklander, increased chance of enemy fleeing from his fear than usual, uses a multiwounding flail)
  97. Liche High Priest (lord level liche priest, can use death, light and nekheran lores)
  98. Tomb Herald (can take damage in place of the Tomb King, tree would just be buffs)
  99. Tomb Swarm (can deepstrike, horde of little scarabs which can do some damage against warmachines but may lose to archers)
  101. Warriors of Chaos
  102. Be'lakor, the Dark Master (Lore of Shadows mage, decent in melee)
  103. Galrauch, The Great Drake (Dragon that's also a Tzeentch mage and has 2 OP breath attack)
  104. Valkia the Bloody (khorne Valkyrie with a spear)
  105. Vilitch The Curseling (Tzeentch wizard that FUSED with his brother because he was jealous of his muscles)
  106. Gutrot Spume (Nurgle lord who can be mounted on a warshrine)
  107. Festus The Leechlord (probably the best model ever designwise, gives regen and posion to nearby units)
  108. Scyla Anfingrimm (a spawn of khorne who's actually really good)
  109. Daemon Prince (the final form of chaos, can be a great mage and/or melee monster, implementing him in campaign will be interesting)
  110. Chaos Ogres (in between spawn and dragon ogres for effectiveness)
  111. Hellstriders of Slaanesh (marauder horsemen but on steeds of slaanesh, magical and poisonous attacks)
  112. Chaos Warshrine (can turn enemy into spawn but has random attacks)
  113. Skull Crushers (chaos knights on bloodcrushers of khorne, best mounstrous cav)
  114. Slaughter Brute (best vs elite inf, shit vs everything else, monster)
  115. Mutalith Vortex Beast (anti inf monster)
  117. Wood Elves
  118. Araloth, Lord of Talsyn (boosted glade lord who has a pet bird who can attack to stun)
  119. Drycha (dryad hero, lore of shadows, more melee attack the less health she has)
  120. Naestra and Arahan, The Sisters of Twilight (twin glade lords who's bow poisons the enemy and gives health back to them, get's a great eagle and forest dragon earlier than the normal glade lord)
  121. Spellweaver (lord level spellsinger)
  122. Gladecaptain (hero level gladelord)
  123. Shadowdancer (hero level wardancer)
  124. Wildwood Riders (light cav good against fear units, more melee cav than the shock cav of wild riders)
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