

Sep 20th, 2012
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  1. 18:46 danni who was that really forcible guy that came into chat that was really annoying but noone told him off?
  2. 18:46 Noser gob is going for the combo
  3. 18:46 Mr_Filament What if I have no one I love MOST
  4. 18:46 Noser danni: most of us at one point or another
  5. 18:47 darkgob then I hope you die alone in a gutter
  6. 18:47 Noser but maybe |seth|?
  7. 18:47 danni not seth
  8. 18:47 MrFoo we told seth off all the time
  9. 18:47 darkgob when was this danni
  10. 18:47 Pfisiar Noser, are you trying to provoke Gob with the Captain Kirk Rainbow Dash thing?
  11. 18:47 danni he showed up for a shorter time
  12. 18:47 Noser yes, pfis
  13. 18:47 Mr_Filament Also, Noser, I'm going to tell that as the true story of how it happened
  14. 18:47 danni either foo or gob really hated him
  15. 18:47 Pfisiar just making sure
  16. 18:47 darkgob I'm too furious with Filly to care Noser
  17. 18:47 MrFoo honestly danni that could literally describe any of us
  18. 18:47 MrFoo especially me and gob
  19. 18:47 Pfisiar they both really hated him
  20. 18:48 Pfisiar I couldn't be bothered
  21. 18:48 darkgob DANNI. WHEN WAS THIS.
  22. 18:48 The_Autodidact could it be Drag?
  23. 18:48 danni im thinking this was one of your hiatuses from chat gob
  24. 18:48 darkgob and yet
  25. 18:48 darkgob [21:45:18] <danni> either foo or gob really hated him
  26. 18:48 Mr_Filament Was it someone from ARG
  27. 18:49 danni it wasn't fredward
  28. 18:49 MrFoo oh, frowardd
  29. 18:49 danni not him
  30. 18:49 The_Autodidact um
  31. 18:49 danni the guy was here for at most a week
  32. 18:49 The_Autodidact was it WorstPersonShooter
  33. 18:49 The_Autodidact because that's Drag
  34. 18:49 danni no
  35. 18:49 MrFoo a non-regular who was really forceful but nobody told him off
  36. 18:50 MrFoo who was here for a week
  37. 18:50 The_Autodidact slimredninja?
  38. 18:50 danni avery would tell him to fuck off and die every time he logged out
  39. 18:50 The_Autodidact no wait people told him off a lot
  40. 18:50 darkgob did he ever even come to chat??
  41. 18:50 The_Autodidact also he was never in chat
  42. 18:50 danni no
  43. 18:50 darkgob god part of me almost wishes he had
  44. 18:51 The_Autodidact apparently he shows up wherever his name or his comic is mentioned
  45. 18:51 MrFoo honestly danni that could still describe most people
  46. 18:51 darkgob much like Candleja
  47. 18:51 *** darkgob quit (Quit: )
  48. 18:51 Mr_Filament Was it Sid
  49. 18:51 The_Autodidact Danni can you give like a rough timeframe
  50. 18:51 *** darkgob joined #superdickery
  51. 18:51 MrFoo was it jack
  52. 18:51 danni all I know is that he was a total tool
  53. 18:52 *** darkgob left #superdickery
  54. 18:52 *** darkgob joined #superdickery
  55. 18:52 danni a year ago?
  56. 18:52 +++ The_Autodidact has given op to darkgob
  57. 18:52 The_Autodidact after we moved here?
  58. 18:52 darkgob we moved here this past May
  59. 18:52 darkgob Mother's Day actually
  60. 18:53 danni well, in all likelihood noone will even remember his name
  61. 18:53 danni he was that much of a blip
  62. 18:53 The_Autodidact by "this past may" you mean "may of last year" right
  63. 18:53 darkgob no I mean 2012
  64. 18:53 The_Autodidact
  65. 18:53 darkgob damn really???
  66. 18:53 darkgob wait I guess I wasn't even here in May
  67. 18:54 The_Autodidact oh wait danni
  68. 18:54 jack_cain the fuck
  69. 18:54 jack_cain ?
  70. 18:54 The_Autodidact did he
  71. 18:54 The_Autodidact by any chance
  72. 18:54 The_Autodidact demand to know if there were any hot girls who wanted to stab him in the balls?
  73. 18:54 darkgob I like how "nigga" was your search term of choice
  74. 18:54 danni uh no
  75. 18:54 The_Autodidact what else would I use
  76. 18:54 The_Autodidact oh
  77. 18:54 darkgob not maybe like, "magick"
  78. 18:54 jack_cain fickle pudding
  79. 18:54 danni he wasn't crass, just annoying, like a really lame uncle
  80. 18:55 MrFoo that still sounds like jack
  81. 18:55 The_Autodidact OK I'm thinking it was probably Drag
  82. 18:55 MrFoo also man i didnt even remember sid went by magick
  83. 18:55 The_Autodidact me neither
  84. 18:56 MrFoo id probably have searched nigga too
  85. 18:56 Mr_Filament Noser: Much to my dismay, Deathbringer Thoctar has quite the negative effect on token decks
  86. 18:56 The_Autodidact and like hell am I gonna remember randomtxt111298cjclds's name
  87. 18:56 Mr_Filament Wait, was it random4t4
  88. 18:56 Noser that sounds familiar
  89. 18:56 The_Autodidact random4t4x14, apparently
  90. 18:57 darkgob nah random was around for way more than a week
  91. 18:57 The_Autodidact he was kind of a tool though
  92. 18:57 darkgob oh yes
  93. 18:57 The_Autodidact and he was reason not to tell him off, sorta
  94. 18:57 The_Autodidact *was=had
  95. 18:57 The_Autodidact um
  96. 18:57 The_Autodidact and *we=he
  97. 18:57 The_Autodidact fuck
  98. 18:58 danni okay, we're getting nowhere and I can't find a key phrase avery said about the guy on superchattery so we'll never know
  99. 18:59 Mr_Filament What was the key phrase
  100. 18:59 darkgob was it Brotherman
  101. 18:59 The_Autodidact was brotherman anything more than a one-time troll
  102. 18:59 danni after he said goodnight and quit: "i hope he dies in his sleep'
  103. 18:59 darkgob hahahahahaha
  104. 18:59 The_Autodidact yeah that sounds like Drag
  105. 19:00 *** Xinram quit (Ping timeout)
  106. 19:00 darkgob ?
  107. 19:01 MrFoo Prometheus
  108. 19:01 danni that's him
  109. 19:01 danni I remember he had a mythology influenced name
  110. 19:01 The_Autodidact Draghignazzo
  111. 19:01 MrFoo man i still remember nothing about this guy
  112. 19:02 MrFoo im looking at this log and i dont remember a dang thing from it
  113. 19:02 The_Autodidact from Dante's Inerno actually
  114. 19:02 danni paste it?
  115. 19:02 darkgob are you sure it's not actually Ben pretending to be you Avery
  116. 19:02 MrFoo its pretty long
  117. 19:02 darkgob twss
  118. 19:02 The_Autodidact did I miss something
  119. 19:02 The_Autodidact oh I guess so
  120. 19:02 MrFoo but the important part is (1:49:24 AM) Prometheus: Time to hit the sack. Catch y'all later.
  121. 19:02 MrFoo (1:49:35 AM) hyper-ANXIETY_PLUS:
  122. 19:02 MrFoo (1:49:39 AM) Prometheus left the room.
  123. 19:02 MrFoo (1:49:59 AM) mrfoo: i hope he dies in his sleep
  124. 19:03 darkgob hyper-ANXIETY_PLUS is me I think
  125. 19:03 The_Autodidact so when was this
  126. 19:03 darkgob sounds familiar and I'm pretty sure no one else here would like to e2
  127. 19:03 darkgob *link
  128. 19:03 MrFoo yeah i think so
  129. 19:04 MrFoo especially considering
  130. 19:04 MrFoo (1:49:59 AM) mrfoo: i hope he dies in his sleep
  131. 19:04 MrFoo (1:50:03 AM) hyper-ANXIETY_PLUS: hahahahahaha
  132. 19:04 darkgob heh
  133. 19:04 danni ohgod
  134. 19:04 jack_cain noser?
  135. 19:04 The_Autodidact same number of syllabes and everything
  136. 19:04 jack_cain I've done something shitty
  137. 19:04 jack_cain i require help
  138. 19:04 Noser jack_cain: stop being vague
  139. 19:05 jack_cain I didn't do my work project.
  140. 19:05 jack_cain i'm lazy and dumb.
  141. 19:05 Noser does your potential boss know it's not done yet
  142. 19:07 Mr_Filament Has anyone else seen the Robot Chicken DC Comics special
  143. 19:08 MrFoo the legend of prometheus
  144. 19:09 jack_cain no
  145. 19:09 The_Autodidact is this someone who's been here before
  146. 19:09 Noser ok
  147. 19:10 Noser first thing to do is to avoid letting your boss get in touch with you. when I'm on IRC and not AIM that's usually because my boss knows my AIM handle
  148. 19:10 Noser second thing to do is to figure out what work environment will be best for an emergency pile of working
  149. 19:10 MrFoo hed been in there a while before this exchange i think, this is just probably what danni was thinking of wrt me antagonizing him
  150. 19:10 Noser music, food, drinks, temperature, lighting, what to wear
  151. 19:10 Noser what to sit on
  152. 19:10 Noser you will probably want caffeine
  153. 19:10 Pfisiar you could do like Bill Gillispie last year when he drove around Frankfurt for hours with his phone off trying to avoid being fired
  154. 19:11 The_Autodidact wow this guy is a douche
  155. 19:11 darkgob you will also probably want to be banned, Jack
  156. 19:11 darkgob which can be arranged for you >
  157. 19:12 darkgob fewer distractions the better and all that
  158. 19:12 Noser try making a time-tracking sheet
  159. 19:12 Noser let yourself have some distractions, but make sure you do SOME work in every block of the sheet
  160. 19:12 Pfisiar what guy, Ing?
  161. 19:12 The_Autodidact the guy in foo's link
  162. 19:13 Mr_Filament I got a "Verbal written warning" at work today, apparently the past few weeks I've kinda taken longer and longer on after-call work
  163. 19:13 MrFoo a
  164. 19:13 MrFoo a verbal written warning
  165. 19:13 darkgob haha what
  166. 19:13 The_Autodidact oh, last August
  167. 19:13 Mr_Filament It's weird
  168. 19:14 MrFoo ugh was i really posting like a lame tsi wannabe as recently as last august
  169. 19:14 darkgob that is to say: a TSI wannabe
  170. 19:14 darkgob that is to say: TSI
  171. 19:14 The_Autodidact wasn't tsi originally a sockpuppet
  172. 19:15 darkgob yes
  173. 19:15 MrFoo iirc he was suspected of being a sockpuppet but turned out not to be
  174. 19:15 Pfisiar I think I want to stuff Virgil's head up his ass
  175. 19:15 darkgob too late Pfi
  176. 19:16 darkgob why specifically though
  177. 19:16 The_Autodidact anime thread I'm guessing
  178. 19:17 Pfisiar yeah, kinda
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