
azure/max gainer teasing/stuffing/bloating

May 1st, 2013
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  1. Maxwell: bluh my hoodie is too small
  2. azureangelic: maybe you're just too big :U
  3. Maxwell: you're probably right :V
  4. Maxwell: this thing was baggy when i got it
  5. azureangelic: at least you filled it out nicely
  6. Maxwell: i would show you a pic
  7. Maxwell: but zipping it up again would involve getting up so i can get under my tummy
  8. Maxwell: and frankly, i can't be arsed
  9. azureangelic: pfft
  10. azureangelic: yeah i dont blame you
  11. azureangelic: tummy hauling is hard work
  12. Maxwell: wrangling it is getting to be kind of awkward, my laptop's position is growing very gradually more tenuous.
  13. azureangelic: maybe you should cut back on the sugar~ :V
  14. Maxwell: neverrr.
  15. azureangelic: i didnt think so
  17. azureangelic: maybe you just need someone to help you get around then
  18. Maxwell: hmmm perhaps
  19. azureangelic: just find someone who doesnt mind taking a hands-on approach to helping a tubby overbloated doughboy waddle and jiggle around places
  20. azureangelic: just lend a hand tugging your shirt down when it rises up over your wide bouncing midriff or redoing the fly on your jeans when your ass inevitably bursts the poor pants open
  21. Maxwell: nnngh <3
  23. azureangelic: and of course giving you chaste tummy rubs after you gorge yourself silly on fatty food to the point where you need to lean your gargantuan weight on them just to stand back up
  24. Maxwell: and possibly helping me with said gorging beforehand, too, fetching and carrying plate after plate of food so i don't even have to shift my fat ass to eat
  26. azureangelic: dutifully bringing more and more food to your plate, having to lean down to wipe any leftover sauce and juices from your round cheeks despite you being almost three or four times as wide as them, keeping up an amiable pace even as they interject playful teasing barbs into your conversation with every plateful of food about how you're making such a hog of yourself and how your fatassery is going to thretaen the structual stability of the booth soon and how they didnt think to bring a large tarp to replace your shirt
  27. Maxwell: fffuuuuck <3
  29. azureangelic: and of course at the end of it all bending down to wrap their arms around your plush moobs from behind, cheekily nuzzling your fat neck and coaxing you to eat just a little bit more dessert, even as the past seventeen little-bit-mores gurgle angrily beneath you and you're panting for air out of fullness
  30. Maxwell: Maxwell whimpers
  32. azureangelic: rewarding you by sliding their hands down your front and resting them on your taut, overstuffed, table-bumping belly and kneading just enough deep circles into the soft flesh to coax out a minute series of hiccups and burps to relieve some of the pressure
  34. Maxwell: i eventually unleash a colossal belch as i've naturally been washing down the influx of fatty food with bottle after bottle of sugary, bubbly soda, leaving my bloated body quaking as a few other customers turn to stare
  36. azureangelic: to which your generous caretaker snickers a bit and coos, slowly sliding their arms beneath your own massively bloated arms to try and ease you out of the tight space of the booth, your belly sloshing and quaking as they goat you into exhausting yourself from sloooowly shuffling your weight to the side until the tbale isnt digging into your midriff quite as much and they can begin to tug your rotund frame towards a standing position
  38. Maxwell: i whine and complain about my bloated gut, trying to convince them to let me stay a little longer as i cannot be bothered to move. they coerce me regardless and i heave myself to my feet, panting and flushed from the effort of merely standing, after squeezing myself out of the booth
  40. azureangelic: of course now that you're standing its apparent just how much you've blimped up, your belly hanging out as your shirt completely fails to cover the swollen, tender mass of blubber, and you can feel the eyes of most of the other patrons on you as your partner casually strolls around to your front, gripping a great handful of your exposed belly fat, and teases you about how hungry you must have been, knowing full well that you're too much of a not-so-little fatty to resist their offer of ice cream at home once you manage to waddle your way to the exit and try to cram yourself through the door
  42. Maxwell: jfc
  43. Maxwell: i came
  44. Maxwell: thank
  45. Maxwell: that was awesome
  46. Maxwell: <3
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