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Mar 4th, 2011
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  1. command.plugin-useragent\:deluseragent.description = Deletes a useragent.
  2. command.plugin-useragent\:useragent.description = Define a new useragent.
  3. command.plugin-map\:mapp.description = Map a key sequence
  4. command.plugin-flashblock\:flashplay.description = Play all flash animations on the current page
  5. command.plugin-flashblock\:flashstop.description = Stop all flash animations on the current page
  6. command.plugin-flashblock\:flashtoggle.description = Toggle playing of flash animations on the current page
  7. command.amo-review\:allversions.description = User-defined command
  8. command.amo-file-content\:amo-format.description = Format the contents of the curent file
  9. command.plugin-amo\:amo-add-group.description = Add a new AMO canned response group
  10. command.plugin-amo\:amo-add-response.description = Add a new AMO canned response
  11. command.script-home-kris-pentadactylrc\:Cc.description = User-defined command
  12. command.script-home-kris-pentadactylrc\:gv.description = User-defined command
  13. command.script-home-kris-pentadactylrc\:inspector.description = Open the DOM inspector for the current window
  14. command.script-home-kris-pentadactylrc\:mkrc.description = User-defined command
  15. command.script-home-kris-pentadactylrc\:tube.description = Copy the YouTube video URL for an embedded YouTube video
  16. command.script-home-kris-pentadactylrc\:updateplugins.description = Update plugins docs for
  17. command.user\:inspector.description = Open the DOM inspector for the current window
  18. command.!.description = Run a command
  19. command.Clistkeys.description = List all COMMAND mode mappings along with their short descriptions
  20. command.Cmap.description = Map a key sequence in command mode
  21. command.Cnoremap.description = Map a key sequence without remapping keys in command mode
  22. command.Cunmap.description = Remove a mapping in command mode
  23. command.Ilistkeys.description = List all INPUT mode mappings along with their short descriptions
  24. command.Imap.description = Map a key sequence in input mode
  25. command.Inoremap.description = Map a key sequence without remapping keys in input mode
  26. command.Iunmap.description = Remove a mapping in input mode
  27. command.abbreviate.description = Abbreviate a key sequence
  28. command.addons.description = List installed extensions
  29. command.autocmd.description = Execute commands automatically on events
  30. command.back.description = Go back in the browser history
  31. command.bdelete.description = Delete current buffer
  32. command.blistkeys.description = List all BASE mode mappings along with their short descriptions
  33. command.bmap.description = Map a key sequence in base mode
  34. command.bmark.description = Add a bookmark
  35. command.bmarks.description = List or open multiple bookmarks
  36. command.bnoremap.description = Map a key sequence without remapping keys in base mode
  37. command.buffer.description = Switch to a buffer
  38. command.buffers.description = Show a list of all buffers
  39. command.bunmap.description = Remove a mapping in base mode
  40. command.cabbreviate.description = Abbreviate a key sequence in command line mode
  41. = Change the current directory
  42. command.clistkeys.description = List all COMMAND_LINE mode mappings along with their short descriptions
  43. command.cmap.description = Map a key sequence in command_line mode
  44. command.cnoremap.description = Map a key sequence without remapping keys in command_line mode
  45. command.colorscheme.description = Load a color scheme
  46. command.command.description = List or define commands
  47. command.completions.description = List the completion results for a given command substring
  48. command.contexts.description = List the completion contexts used during completion of an Ex command
  49. command.cookies.description = Change cookie permissions for sites
  50. command.cunabbreviate.description = Remove an abbreviation in command line mode
  51. command.cunmap.description = Remove a mapping in command_line mode
  52. command.delbmarks.description = Delete a bookmark
  53. command.delcommand.description = Delete the specified user-defined command
  54. command.delgroup.description = Delete a group
  55. command.delmacros.description = Delete macros
  56. command.delmarks.description = Delete the specified marks
  57. command.delqmarks.description = Delete the specified QuickMarks
  58. command.delstyle.description = Remove a user style sheet
  59. command.dialog.description = Open a Pentadactyl dialog
  60. command.doautoall.description = Apply the autocommands matching the specified URL pattern to all buffers
  61. command.doautocmd.description = Apply the autocommands matching the specified URL pattern to the current buffer
  62. command.downloads.description = Display the downloads list
  63. command.echo.description = Echo the expression
  64. command.echoerr.description = Echo the expression as an error message
  65. command.echomsg.description = Echo the expression as an informational message
  66. command.else.description = Execute commands until the next :endif only if the previous conditionals were not executed
  67. command.elseif.description = Execute commands until the next :elseif, :else, or :endif only if the argument returns true
  68. command.emenu.description = Execute the specified menu item from the command line
  69. command.endif.description = End a string of :if/:elseif/:else conditionals
  70. command.execute.description = Execute the argument as an Ex command
  71. command.extadd.description = Install an extension
  72. command.extdelete.description = Uninstall an extension
  73. command.extdisable.description = Disable an extension
  74. command.extenable.description = Enable an extension
  75. command.extoptions.description = Open an extension's preference dialog
  76. command.extrehash.description = Reload an extension
  77. command.exttoggle.description = Toggle an extension's enabled status
  78. command.extupdate.description = Update an extension
  79. command.feedkeys.description = Fake key events
  80. command.finish.description = Stop sourcing a script file
  81. command.forward.description = Go forward in the browser history
  82. command.frameonly.description = Show only the current frame's page
  83. = Create or select a group
  84. command.hardcopy.description = Print current document
  85. = Open the introductory help page
  86. command.helpall.description = Open the single consolidated help page
  87. command.highlight.description = Set the style of certain display elements
  88. command.history.description = Show recently visited URLs
  89. command.iabbreviate.description = Abbreviate a key sequence in insert mode
  90. command.if.description = Execute commands until the next :elseif, :else, or :endif only if the argument returns true
  91. command.ilistkeys.description = List all INSERT mode mappings along with their short descriptions
  92. command.imap.description = Map a key sequence in insert mode
  93. command.inoremap.description = Map a key sequence without remapping keys in insert mode
  94. command.iunabbreviate.description = Remove an abbreviation in insert mode
  95. command.iunmap.description = Remove a mapping in insert mode
  96. command.javascript.description = Evaluate a JavaScript string
  97. command.jumps.description = Show jumplist
  98. command.keepalt.description = Execute a command without changing the current alternate buffer
  99. command.let.description = Set or list a variable
  100. command.listcommands.description = List all Ex commands along with their short descriptions
  101. command.listkeys.description = List all mappings along with their short descriptions
  102. command.listoptions.description = List all options along with their short descriptions
  103. command.loadplugins.description = Load all plugins immediately
  104. command.macros.description = List all macros
  105. = Map a key sequence
  106. command.mark.description = Mark current location within the web page
  107. command.marks.description = Show the specified marks
  108. command.messages.description = Display previously shown messages
  109. command.messclear.description = Clear the message history
  110. command.mkpentadactylrc.description = Write current key mappings and changed options to the config file
  111. command.mksyntax.description = Generate a Vim syntax file
  112. command.mlistkeys.description = List all MAIN mode mappings along with their short descriptions
  113. command.mmap.description = Map a key sequence in main mode
  114. command.mnoremap.description = Map a key sequence without remapping keys in main mode
  115. command.munmap.description = Remove a mapping in main mode
  116. command.nlistkeys.description = List all NORMAL mode mappings along with their short descriptions
  117. command.nmap.description = Map a key sequence in normal mode
  118. command.nnoremap.description = Map a key sequence without remapping keys in normal mode
  119. command.nohlfind.description = Remove the find highlighting
  120. command.noremap.description = Map a key sequence without remapping keys
  121. command.normal.description = Execute Normal mode commands
  122. command.nunmap.description = Remove a mapping in normal mode
  123. = Open one or more URLs in the current tab
  124. command.pageinfo.description = Show various page information
  125. command.pagestyle.description = Select the author style sheet to apply
  126. command.preferences.description = Show Firefox preferences
  127. command.pwd.description = Print the current directory name
  128. command.qmark.description = Mark a URL with a letter for quick access
  129. command.qmarks.description = Show the specified QuickMarks
  130. command.quit.description = Quit current tab
  131. command.quitall.description = Quit Pentadactyl
  132. command.redraw.description = Redraw the screen
  133. command.rehash.description = Reload the Pentadactyl add-on
  134. command.reload.description = Reload the current web page
  135. command.reloadall.description = Reload all tab pages
  136. command.restart.description = Force Pentadactyl to restart
  137. command.runtime.description = Source the specified file from each directory in 'runtimepath'
  138. command.sanitize.description = Clear private data
  139. command.saveas.description = Save current document to disk
  140. command.sbclose.description = Close the sidebar window
  141. command.scriptnames.description = List all sourced script names
  142. command.set.description = Set an option
  143. command.setglobal.description = Set global option
  144. command.setlocal.description = Set local option
  145. command.sidebar.description = Open the sidebar window
  146. command.silent.description = Run a command silently
  147. command.source.description = Read Ex commands from a file
  148. command.stop.description = Stop loading the current web page
  149. command.stopall.description = Stop loading all tab pages
  150. = Add or list user styles
  151. command.styledisable.description = Disable a user style sheet
  152. command.styleenable.description = Enable a user style sheet
  153. command.styletoggle.description = Toggle a user style sheet
  154. = Execute a command and tell it to output in a new tab
  155. command.tabattach.description = Attach the current tab to another window
  156. command.tabdetach.description = Detach current tab to its own window
  157. command.tabdo.description = Execute a command in each tab
  158. command.tabduplicate.description = Duplicate current tab
  159. command.tablast.description = Switch to the last tab
  160. command.tabmove.description = Move the current tab after tab N
  161. command.tabnext.description = Switch to the next or [count]th tab
  162. command.tabonly.description = Close all other tabs
  163. command.tabopen.description = Open one or more URLs in a new tab
  164. command.tabprevious.description = Switch to the previous tab or go [count] tabs back
  165. command.tabrewind.description = Switch to the first tab
  166. command.time.description = Profile a piece of code or run a command multiple times
  167. command.tlistkeys.description = List all TEXT_EDIT mode mappings along with their short descriptions
  168. command.tmap.description = Map a key sequence in text_edit mode
  169. command.tnoremap.description = Map a key sequence without remapping keys in text_edit mode
  170. command.toolbarhide.description = Hide the named toolbar
  171. command.toolbarshow.description = Show the named toolbar
  172. command.toolbartoggle.description = Toggle the named toolbar
  173. command.tunmap.description = Remove a mapping in text_edit mode
  174. command.unabbreviate.description = Remove an abbreviation
  175. command.undo.description = Undo closing of a tab
  176. command.undoall.description = Undo closing of all closed tabs
  177. command.unlet.description = Delete a variable
  178. command.unmap.description = Remove a mapping
  179. command.verbose.description = Execute a command with 'verbose' set
  180. command.version.description = Show version information
  181. command.viewsource.description = View source code of current document
  182. command.vlistkeys.description = List all VISUAL mode mappings along with their short descriptions
  183. command.vmap.description = Map a key sequence in visual mode
  184. command.vnoremap.description = Map a key sequence without remapping keys in visual mode
  185. command.vunmap.description = Remove a mapping in visual mode
  186. command.winclose.description = Close window
  187. command.window.description = Execute a command and tell it to output in a new window
  188. command.winonly.description = Close all other windows
  189. command.winopen.description = Open one or more URLs in a new window
  190. command.wqall.description = Save the session and quit
  191. command.yank.description = Yank the output of the given command to the clipboard
  192. command.zoom.description = Set zoom value of current web page
  193. map.NORMAL.plugin-flashblock\:<Leader>fbwhitelist.description = Add the current site to the flash whitelist
  194. map.NORMAL.plugin-flashblock\:<Leader>fbWhitelist.description = Toggle the current site in the flash whitelist
  195. map.NORMAL.user\:<A-o>.description = User-defined mapping
  196. map.NORMAL.user\:<A-p>.description = User-defined mapping
  197. map.NORMAL.user\:<A-S-O>.description = User-defined mapping
  198. map.NORMAL.user\:<A-s>.description = User-defined mapping
  199. map.NORMAL.user\:<A-S-S>.description = User-defined mapping
  200. map.NORMAL.user\:c.description = User-defined mapping
  201. map.NORMAL.user\:<C-m>.description = User-defined mapping
  202. map.NORMAL.user\:v.description = User-defined mapping
  203. map.NORMAL.<Return>.description = Handled by Firefox
  204. map.NORMAL./.description = Find a pattern starting at the current caret position
  205. map.NORMAL.?.description = Find a pattern backward of the current caret position
  206. map.NORMAL.n.description = Find next
  207. map.NORMAL.N.description = Find previous
  208. map.NORMAL.*.description = Find word under cursor
  209. map.NORMAL.#.description = Find word under cursor backwards
  210. map.NORMAL.ZQ.description = Quit and don't save the session
  211. map.NORMAL.ZZ.description = Quit and save the session
  212. map.BASE.<Esc>.description = Return to NORMAL mode
  213. map.NORMAL.y.description = Yank current location to the clipboard
  214. map.NORMAL.<C-a>.description = Increment last number in URL
  215. map.NORMAL.<C-x>.description = Decrement last number in URL
  216. = Go to parent directory
  217. map.NORMAL.gU.description = Go to the root of the website
  218. map.NORMAL.f.description = Start QuickHint mode
  219. map.NORMAL.F.description = Start QuickHint mode, but open link in a new tab
  220. map.NORMAL.;.description = Start an extended hint mode
  221. map.NORMAL.g;.description = Start an extended hint mode and stay there until <Esc> is pressed
  222. map.NORMAL.m.description = Set mark at the cursor position
  223. map.NORMAL.'.description = Jump to the mark in the current buffer
  224. map.NORMAL.o.description = Open one or more URLs
  225. map.NORMAL.O.description = Open one or more URLs, based on current location
  226. map.NORMAL.t.description = Open one or more URLs in a new tab
  227. map.NORMAL.T.description = Open one or more URLs in a new tab, based on current location
  228. map.NORMAL.w.description = Open one or more URLs in a new window
  229. map.NORMAL.W.description = Open one or more URLs in a new window, based on current location
  230. map.NORMAL.~.description = Open home directory
  231. = Open homepage
  232. map.NORMAL.gH.description = Open homepage in a new tab
  233. map.NORMAL.a.description = Open a prompt to bookmark the current URL
  234. map.NORMAL.A.description = Toggle bookmarked state of current URL
  235. map.NORMAL.<C-o>.description = Go to an older position in the jump list
  236. map.NORMAL.<C-i>.description = Go to a newer position in the jump list
  237. map.NORMAL.H.description = Go back in the browser history
  238. map.NORMAL.L.description = Go forward in the browser history
  239. map.NORMAL.go.description = Jump to a QuickMark
  240. = Jump to a QuickMark in a new tab
  241. map.NORMAL.M.description = Add new QuickMark for current URL
  242. map.NORMAL.g0.description = Go to the first tab
  243. map.NORMAL.g$.description = Go to the last tab
  244. = Go to the next tab
  245. map.NORMAL.<C-n>.description = Go to the next tab
  246. map.NORMAL.gT.description = Go to previous tab
  247. map.NORMAL.b.description = Open a prompt to switch buffers
  248. map.NORMAL.B.description = Show buffer list
  249. map.NORMAL.d.description = Delete current buffer
  250. map.NORMAL.D.description = Delete current buffer, focus tab to the left
  251. = Repeat last :buffer[!] command
  252. map.NORMAL.gB.description = Repeat last :buffer[!] command in reverse direction
  253. map.NORMAL.u.description = Undo closing of a tab
  254. map.NORMAL.<C-^>.description = Select the alternate tab or the [count]th tab
  255. option.activate.description = Define when newly created tabs are automatically activated
  256. option.altwildmode.description = Define the behavior of the <A-Tab> key in command-line completion
  257. option.amo-autoopen.description = Automatically open review page links
  258. option.amo-formatter.description = The external program used to format files matching the given pattern
  259. option.amo-mustcheck.description = Files matching this pattern must be checked
  260. option.amo-showreviews.description = Automatically show this many past reviews
  261. option.amo-watch.description = Watch an add-on after selecting the listed actions
  262. option.autocomplete.description = Automatically update the completion list on any key press
  263. option.banghist.description = Replace occurrences of ! with the previous command when executing external commands
  264. option.cdpath.description = List of directories searched when executing :cd
  265. option.complete.description = Items which are completed at the :open prompts
  266. option.cookieaccept.description = When to accept cookies
  267. option.cookielifetime.description = The lifetime for which to accept cookies
  268. option.cookies.description = The default mode for newly added cookie permissions
  269. option.defsearch.description = The default search engine
  270. option.editor.description = The external text editor
  271. option.encoding.description = The current buffer's character encoding
  272. option.errorbells.description = Ring the bell when an error message is displayed
  273. option.eventignore.description = List of autocommand event names which should be ignored
  274. option.exrc.description = Enable automatic sourcing of an RC file in the current directory at startup
  275. option.extendedhinttags.description = XPath or CSS selector strings of hintable elements for extended hint modes
  276. option.fbwhitelist.description = Sites which may run flash animations without prompting
  277. option.fileencoding.description = The character encoding used when reading and writing files
  278. option.findcase.description = Find case matching mode
  279. option.flashblock.description = Enable blocking of flash animations
  280. option.followhints.description = Change the behavior of <Return> in hint mode
  281. option.fullscreen.description = Show the current window fullscreen
  282. option.guioptions.description = Show or hide certain GUI elements like the menu or toolbar
  283. option.helpfile.description = Name of the main help file
  284. option.hintinputs.description = Which text is used to filter hints for input elements
  285. option.hintkeys.description = The keys used to label and select hints
  286. option.hintmatching.description = How hints are filtered
  287. option.hinttags.description = XPath string of hintable elements activated by 'f' and 'F'
  288. option.hinttimeout.description = Timeout before automatically following a non-unique numerical hint
  289. option.history.description = Number of Ex commands and search patterns to store in the command-line history
  290. option.hlfind.description = Highlight all /find pattern matches on the current page after submission
  291. option.incfind.description = Find a pattern incrementally as it is typed rather than awaiting <Return>
  292. option.insertmode.description = Enter Insert mode rather than Text Edit mode when focusing text areas
  293. option.iskeyword.description = Regular expression defining which characters constitute word characters
  294. option.jsdebugger.description = Enable the JavaScript debugger service for use in JavaScript completion
  295. option.loadplugins.description = A regexp list that defines which plugins are loaded at startup and via :loadplugins
  296. option.mapleader.description = Define the replacement keys for the <Leader> pseudo-key
  297. option.maxitems.description = Maximum number of completion items to display at once
  298. option.messages.description = Number of messages to store in the :messages history
  299. option.more.description = Pause the message list window when the full output will not fit on one page
  300. option.newtab.description = Define which commands should output in a new tab by default
  301. option.nextpattern.description = Patterns to use when guessing the next page in a document sequence
  302. option.noscript-forbid.description = The set of permissions forbidden to untrusted sites
  303. option.noscript-list.description = The set of domains to show in the menu and completion list
  304. option.noscript-objects.description = The list of allowed objects
  305. option.noscript-sites.description = The list of sites allowed to execute scripts
  306. option.noscript-tempsites.description = The list of sites temporarily allowed to execute scripts
  307. option.noscript-untrusted.description = The list of untrusted sites
  308. = Set the 'work offline' option
  309. option.pageinfo.description = Define which sections are shown by the :pageinfo command
  310. option.passkeys.description = Pass certain keys through directly for the given URLs
  311. option.popups.description = Where to show requested popup windows
  312. option.previouspattern.description = Patterns to use when guessing the previous page in a document sequence
  313. option.private.description = Set the 'private browsing' option
  314. option.runtimepath.description = List of directories searched for runtime files
  315. option.sanitizeitems.description = The default list of private items to sanitize
  316. option.sanitizeshutdown.description = The items to sanitize automatically at shutdown
  317. option.sanitizetimespan.description = The default sanitizer time span
  318. option.script.description = Whether NoScript is enabled
  319. option.scroll.description = Number of lines to scroll with <C-u> and <C-d> commands
  320. = Shell to use for executing external commands with :! and :run
  321. option.shellcmdflag.description = Flag passed to shell when executing external commands with :! and :run
  322. option.showmode.description = Show the current mode in the command line when it matches this expression
  323. option.showstatuslinks.description = Where to show the destination of the link under the cursor
  324. option.showtabline.description = Define when the tab bar is visible
  325. option.strictfocus.description = Prevent scripts from focusing input elements without user intervention
  326. option.suggestengines.description = Search engines used for search suggestions
  327. option.tabclose.description = Tab closure options, in order of precedence
  328. option.tabopen.description = Placement options for new tabs
  329. option.timeout.description = Whether to execute a shorter key command after a timeout when a longer command exists
  330. option.timeoutlen.description = Maximum time (milliseconds) to wait for a longer key command when a shorter one exists
  331. option.titlestring.description = The string shown at the end of the window title
  332. option.urlseparator.description = The regular expression used to separate multiple URLs in :open and friends
  333. option.useragent.description = The current browser user-agent
  334. option.usermode.description = Show current website without styling defined by the author
  335. option.verbose.description = Define which info messages are displayed
  336. option.visualbell.description = Use visual bell instead of beeping on errors
  337. option.wildanchor.description = Define which completion groups only match at the beginning of their text
  338. option.wildcase.description = Completion case matching mode
  339. option.wildignore.description = List of file patterns to ignore when completing file names
  340. option.wildmode.description = Define the behavior of the <Tab> key in command-line completion
  341. option.wildsort.description = Define which completion groups are sorted
  342. option.wordseparators.description = Regular expression defining which characters separate words when matching hints
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