
Rayn loosing the baby

Nov 26th, 2012
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  1. RaynBlackstone: Open
  2. RaynBlackstone: ~she smiles to Alex walking in to her clinic~ Tal Lady Alex
  3. AlextrassaRed: Tal Ryan, how are you today?
  4. RaynBlackstone: I am ok Alex
  5. AlextrassaRed: i heard you had some heavy bleeding, i send for you to do a check up
  6. AlextrassaRed: lets have you up on the exam table hun
  7. RaynBlackstone: do you wish to play it out here if so let me bring in a couple of witnesses
  8. RaynBlackstone: you can just announce to them that i have lost it after we exam
  9. AlextrassaRed: ok yes invite a few n sit on the bed
  10. AlextrassaRed: this one
  11. RaynBlackstone: yes Alex
  12. Wolfman69xx: Greetings everyone...
  13. AlextrassaRed: ~after a few test it was clear to her ,but she didnt know how to tell her friend~
  14. AlextrassaRed: how have you been feeling Ryan?
  15. AngelineBlackstone: Tal Alex
  16. AlextrassaRed: Tal all
  17. RaynBlackstone: ~she looks to Alex tired it has been a stressful month and she know the bleeding was not a good sign~ Alex I believe I know
  18. Wolfman69xx: ~looks at the above conversation..~tell who?
  19. AlextrassaRed: ~walk away from Ryan and took Angeline by the hand wispering to her~ i am so sorry but she has lost the baby due to stress i think
  20. AlextrassaRed: open
  21. RaynBlackstone: ~she look to them knowing that the news is not good her eyes fill with tears but it has come and she will make it through~
  22. AlextrassaRed: and i cant tell her this
  23. AngelineBlackstone: ~her heart aches for her sister~
  24. Wolfman69xx: ~hears the wispering.. but not sure what they are saying.. looks at them puzzled wondering what is being said~
  25. Wolfman69xx: ~looks to Angeline~What has happened?
  26. AlextrassaRed: ~walk back to Rayn and smile~ how about some honey tea are mint?
  27. AngelineBlackstone: ~ She whispers to him ~ Sister lost the baby.
  28. AlextrassaRed: yes that will be good
  29. RaynBlackstone: ~she nods now she knows ~ Alex I wish nothing more than for another but I do not wish it under these terms. If it has happened I understand I have been growing ill.
  30. Wolfman69xx: ~nods looking sad.. ~
  31. RaynBlackstone: I will tell you why later spend time with Ang ...
  32. Wolfman69xx: ok..
  33. AlextrassaRed: ~Alex look to kaya and send the girl for some tea, as she returne Alex add some medicine in the cup which will help to make sure all has been pass out by Ryan and that she was ok~ come hun sit up some tea will help to clean your body and yes i am sorry but your with child no more
  34. AlextrassaRed: ~a few tears would run down her face~
  35. AngelineBlackstone: Walks over to sister with tears in her eyes, taking her hand. I am sorry sister
  36. RaynBlackstone: ~she sits her body weak taking small sips and the tears flow~
  37. Wolfman69xx: ~walks over to Rayn with heavy heart.. giving her a cloth to wipe her tears~
  38. RaynBlackstone: ~she knows all to well...~I will be ok Ang
  39. AlextrassaRed: i am sorry Ryan ,so very sorry
  40. RaynBlackstone: there is still time for me~ she raise her head and looks to Wolf seeing his concern~ I will overcome all of this.
  41. AlextrassaRed: yes their is and you will one day have many other children my friend
  42. Wolfman69xx: ~looks to Rayn~sorry for this..
  43. RaynBlackstone: ~she nods~ If it were to be it would.....
  44. AlextrassaRed: i would like u to have a week bed rest and see me at the end of that week ok hun
  45. AlextrassaRed: also no stress
  46. RaynBlackstone: ~she nods ~ yes ALex I am being well taken care of ...... ~she nods~ Tell that to the fools that want papers drawn ....~she giggles~
  47. Wolfman69xx: ~listens to the physician giver he instructions.. ~
  48. RaynBlackstone: I will be an Ubara in a bed for a week ......
  49. AlextrassaRed: good -try to smile to her-
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