
Hard Cover

Jan 28th, 2013
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  1. >Inside the warm little house on a dark, cold, and windy night, the door knocks loudly in the late evening.
  2. >A small purple unicorn rushes up to an older mare and hides behind her back legs, looking over at the thumping door.
  3. >”Its ok Twilight, don’t be scared, that’s probably your uncle and his boy, come on now.” She says warmly as her father walks over and opens the door.
  4. >A sudden cold gust of wind comes roaring into the room as two cloaked ponies rush in to escape the biting cold.
  5. >”Any longer man?” The older stallion says jokingly as her father laughs and pats him on the back,
  6. >”Sorry, if I had known it was you, I would have taken my time.” They both laugh out loud before her father looks down at the smaller pony “Is that your colt?” He asks
  7. >”Darn right he is, Anon, don’t be shy now.”
  8. >The little colt removes his hood and looks over at the small purple unicorn a moment before looking at her mother, then her father. “Umm hello.”
  9. >”My he’s gotten so big and handsome.” Twilight mothers says humoring him out of his uncertainty, “Its nice to see you again, you know you were this small the last time I saw you.” She says placing her hoof low to the ground,
  10. >Both the filly and colt just stand around looking at anything but each other just waiting for the other to leave.
  11. >”Twilight, how about you two run along and play while we catch up?”
  12. >”O..ok.” Twilight says lowly
  13. >”Go on Anon, she’ll show you where to go.”
  14. >Reluctantly the little colt walks over to her and the two walk over to her room, with them out of sight the cloaked uncle sighs.
  15. >”I’m real sorry about this.” He says putting back on his coat, “I promise to come back for him as soon as I can.”
  16. >”Your not gonna say goodbye?” Twilight's mother asks
  17. >”No..It’s better this way, besides, I’ll be back in six months at the most. He won’t even notice I’m gone.”
  19. >Inside Twilight’s room, you and her sit parallel to one another, but neither of you is making eye contact. You focus on the floor while Twilight glances at her stuff, “Do you like reading?” She asks breaking the long silence,
  20. “No.”
  21. >”Mmm” She replies scuffing her hoof on the floor, without saying anything else, she gets up and leaves the room.
  22. >Staying behind, you look around at the strange and foreign room. The flat, plain colored walls, the neat and tidy bed, the floor that seems to be clear of any and all things save for a couple of books, all fill you with a natural fear of the unknown.
  23. >Several minutes later, you grow fussy and get up. Walking out into the hallway, you enter the living room and look around.
  24. “Where’s my dad?” You ask looking up at the older stallion,
  25. >”Umm well,” *sigh* (“I can’t believe he’s making me do this.”) He mutters under his breath, “Your dad…had to go, he’ll be back though.”
  26. >Hearing him tell you that, the tears begin to slowly crawl out as you sniffle.
  27. “I *hic* I want my dad!” You bawl crying in place,
  28. >Sobbing uncontrollably, the older mare comes rushing up, “What did you do Night?” She asks concerned,
  29. >”Nothing! I just..I told him his dad left.” He says frankly as you continue to cry,
  30. >”Oh nononono, shhh calm down baby, calm down.” She says calmly and concerned, “Everything’s all right.”
  31. *Hic* *Sniffle*
  32. “Its all right..” She says nuzzling your face, “Do you want some cookies? Maybe some milk?”
  33. *Sniff* “Mmhmm” You say shivering, as she looks up at her husband and smiles
  35. >In the kitchen, you chew on some big chocolate chip cookies as your aunt Velvet and her husband Night talk in the other room.
  36. >”I can’t believe my brother.” Night says plopping onto the couch and shaking his head placing a hoof to his face “He has the nerve to dump his kid here, after four years of not talking to me, and then has the audacity to not even break the news to him. Ugh!”
  37. >”Sweetie keep it down, your gonna worry Anon.” She whispers, “Right now its real hard on him.”
  38. >”What about me? I gotta raise THREE kids now.” He sighs “When does Shining Armor get back?”
  39. >”In about an hour usually.”
  40. >”Good, you can break the news to him; I’ve done enough of that today.”
  41. >As Velvet walks back into the kitchen, she smiles and pets your head, “How are you doing sweetheart? Did you like the cookied?”
  42. >You look up at her and smile with a nod,
  43. >”That’s good, so, you ready for bed?”
  44. “I’m not tired.”
  45. >”That’s all right; I know just the thing we can do.”
  46. >In the living room, you sit on her lap as she flips through an old photo album. “You know, when you were born, your mommy and daddy brought you here for a few days.
  47. “Is that me?” You ask pointing at a photo,
  48. >”That’s right; and here’s a picture of Twilight holding you. I don’t think she remembers you though, she was a year old when you came to our house all those years ago.”
  49. >As you look over the photos, the front doors knob jiggles a bit before turning and quickly swinging open. A young white stallion comes walking in and slams the door, causing you to flinch startled.
  50. >”Brrrr!” He exclaims “Its so freaking cold out there.” Taking several steps, he stops and focuses on you, “Ummm…”
  51. >”Shining, this is Anon, he’s your cousin, and…he’s gonna be staying with us for a while.”
  53. >”How long is a while?” Shining ask taking off his coat and placing it on the coat rack,
  54. >*sigh* “Six months.”
  55. >Shining looks at you before shifting his gaze to his mother, “Soooo…is the little guy gonna be bunking with me or what?”
  56. >”I was thinking about putting him Twilight’s room, but, I think he’ll sleep with me.”
  57. >”All right, so long as I don’t have to share my room that’s all right.” He laughs, “I’m gonna shower mom, are there any clean towels?”
  58. >”Yes I just put a new patch.”
  59. >”Thanks mom, later uhh squirt.”
  60. >As he walks away you let out a yawn, “Are you sleepy sweetie?”
  61. “Mmhmm.” You nod tiredly,
  62. >”Well let’s get you to bed.” She says balancing you on her back,
  63. >After being given your own tooth brush, and cleaning up, she and you hop onto the bed.
  64. >Testing the bed and familiarizing yourself with it, you curl under the sheets as your aunt nudges onto the bed and under the sheets.
  65. >”Comfy?” She asks as you nod,
  66. >Night comes walking and notices you on the bed, “On our bed?” He groans,
  67. >”It’s just until he gets settled, poor thing needs some tlc.”
  68. >With a sigh, Night crawls into bed next to you, curled up against the only warm and caring pony in this whole house.
  69. >”So umm, champ, you’ll like it here.” He grins uneasy, “Well…night, I mean, GOOD night.”
  70. >Turning over, he faces his back to you and gets the light with his magic, in the suddenly dark room, you look around at how much its changed.
  71. >”Its all right dear, I’m gonna be right here the whole time.” She tells you comfortingly as she draws you into her embrace, she begins to hum a pleasant tune and gently rocks you.
  72. >Hyperventilating a little, you find a comfortable position, and doze into sleep.
  74. >The next morning, you groan awake and find yourself in an empty bed. Crawling off, you tiredly walk out the room.
  75. >The smell of freshly baked food is the first of your senses to be awakened; your stomach gurgles out, calling for food.
  76. >Following the smell, it leads you to the kitchen, the little filly known as Twilight sits by her older brother, and the two talk to one another about a topic you can’t make out. Night sits at the head of the table reading a newspaper while Velvet is busy cooking something over the oven.
  77. >You stand by the entrance; and simply wait in place for an invitation of some sort. The first to notice you is Twilight, stopping her conversation, she focuses on you.
  78. >Her brother noticing her distracted expression looks back as well, “Hey mom.” He whispers loud enough for both you and her to hear it.
  79. >”Yes?” She asks looking back before finally noticing you, “Oh good morning, I was just about to go wake you.” She smiles “Well come have a seat.”
  80. >Walking in, the only seat available is next to Twilight, hesitantly, you walk over and take your seat next to her. The both of you steal glances at one another before going back to looking to opposite way.
  81. >Velvet comes around the table and begins to serve you breakfast, a pancake, some orange juice, and a small bowl of fruit. “If you want anymore, just let me know.”
  82. “Thanks.”
  83. >Grapping some utensils, you begin to quietly chew on the pancake.
  84. >”So maybe we can go to the library today, I want to see if they have that book I asked for.” Twilight says to her brother
  85. >”Sorry Twily.” He says ruffling her mane, “I’m gonna be busy today.”
  86. >”Awww” She groans disappointed,
  87. >”I promise will go first thing tomorrow.”
  88. >The two hug before she jumps off the chair and trots away, sighing, you continue to eat.
  90. >After finishing up breakfast, you sit in the living room looking out the window. Though you know that dad will be gone a long time, you still look out thinking he’ll show any second.
  91. >”Anon, why don’t you go play with Twilight?” Velvet asks as you turn around,
  92. “I don’t want to play, I want to go home.”
  93. >”I know that dear, but…before you know it, your dad will be back. You just have to be patient. C’mon, I haven’t really had a chance to introduce you two.”
  94. >In Twilights room, she and you sit across from each other, “Now Twilight, this is Anon, say hello.”
  95. >”Hi.” She replies looking at you
  96. >”Anon, this is Twilight, say hi to her.”
  97. “Umm, hello.” You swallow,
  98. >”Good! So you two ready to go to the library today?”
  99. >”Umm, mom, I wanted to study today.”
  100. >”But I thought you and Shining were going to the library?”
  101. >”…It was just me and him, nobody else.”
  102. >”Oh…well, that’s all right, I know how important studying is to you. C’mon Anon, I can show you around the town, wont be that be fun?” She says getting up and carrying you out, as you’re lead away, you see that little purple unicorn grab some books, and begin to read them on her table.
  104. >3 Months later
  105. >Walking back home with two of your new friends, they spot Twilight walking across the street with her face only inches away from a book.
  106. >”Say isn’t that your sister?” The little brown pegasus asks
  107. “She’s NOT my sister.” You reply angrily,
  108. >”Really? I’m pretty sure she was, you two live together right?”
  109. “I’m only staying with her until my dad gets back.”
  110. >”Oh yeah? I didn’t know that.”
  111. >”Me neither.”
  112. “My dads coming for me soon, so it’s not important.”
  113. >”What’s she like? I never see her talk to anybody.” The while unicorn asks
  114. “She’s dumb, all she ever does is talk to her stupid brother, or read those stupid books.” You huff, venting out the frustration of her never acknowledging you this whole time, despite living under the same roof.
  115. >”She does kinda act like a nerd.”
  116. “Yeah I guess, well, I’ll see you two in school tomorrow.”
  117. >”Later.”
  118. >”Yeah.”
  119. >Rushing back home, you open the door and walk straight to the kitchen. Grabbing one of Velvets chocolate chip cookies that she makes for both you and Twilight, you open the fridge and grab some milk.
  120. >Walking over the couch, you toss the little backpack to the side, plop down, and begin to take large bites of the cookie. Reaching over the table for one of your comics, you begin to read and simply pass the day goofing off.
  122. >With the night in full swing, you look out the window and finally realize it’s late.
  123. “My homework!” You panic,
  124. >Getting up, you grab the bag and rush to the room you share with Twilight and burst in. Tossing the bag to the floor, you open it up and bury your head in it, pulling out stacks of paper, you toss them onto her bed.
  125. “Twilight, I need help.”
  126. >”No.” She hmphs
  127. “Why not?”
  128. >”Because I’m dumb.” She pouts “And you called my brother dumb.”
  129. “Ah…I..”
  130. >She rolls over leaving you in shock, angry for no good reason, you hit her on the back.
  131. >”OW!” She cries turning back around teary eyed, without waiting, she bites you on the leg
  132. “OW!” You yelp before hitting her again,
  133. >She jumps off the bed, and the two of you start biting and kicking each other on the floor,
  134. >Velvet rushes in a few minutes later hearing the commotion, and takes in the scene “GET OFF MY TWILIGHT!” She shouts as you stop instantly, looking up at her in tears.
  136. >She bites down on the roughest part of your body and takes you into her room, tossing you onto the bed, “You do NOT hit my little girl!” She shouts before giving you a swat on the leg.
  137. “WAAAH!!” You cry as she turns around and heads for the door,
  138. >Turning around, she gives you an angry glare “Stay here and think about what you’ve done.” She says before slamming the door.
  139. >In the next room, you can hear her parents comforting Twilight as she breaks down and tells them EVERYTHING.
  140. >You lay on the bed crying and hiccupping, knowing that they’ll hate you for what you said about stupid Twilight.
  141. >The door opens as Velvet comes in and walks straight to the closet on the side, not even once looking in your direction, she walks out again, and closes the door.
  142. >About an hour later, Twilights parents finally enter the room. Night walks over to the bed, and crawls in not saying a word, while Velvet comes in on your side.
  143. >”We’re going to bed now, if you need to brush your teeth, or use the bathroom, now’s a good time.”
  144. >Doing as she said, you do just that, and walk out of the bathroom to find they both are in bed with the lights off.
  145. >Despite normally sleeping in Twilights room at night, and hanging out in the living room during the day, you know Twilights is NOT the place to go.
  146. >You stand in place uneasily as you begin to panic about what to do next, a truly lost child.
  147. >”Anon, just come to bed here.” Velvet says lowly as you walk over and crawl in from the foot of the bed.
  148. >Reaching her chest, you look up at her, but she turns around. Stranded in the middle of bed, with a back facing you on either side, you curl up against yourself and rest.
  149. >Feeling both terrible and guilty over what you did, you begin to weakly whimper and sniffle, trying your best not to cry again.
  150. >As you lay in bed, trying to rest, Velvets own eyes begin to tear up, as she silently cries herself to sleep.
  152. 1 Month later
  153. >The fight did little to better what strained relationship you had with Twilight, not only were you embarrassed and ashamed for hurting her and getting Velvet angry with you.
  154. It also caused Night to be especially cold towards you; most times he would just flat out avoid talking to you if he could.
  155. >How you longed for dad to come back, to save you from this family. Coming back home from school, you toss your backpack on the floor and sit on the couch.
  156. >”Anon.” Night says from his seat at the kitchen “What have I told you about leaving your bag in the living room.”
  157. >With an angry sigh, you pick it up and walk down the hall to the closet thing you had to a room. Passing Twilight’s room, you glance in and see her reading a book in absolute peace.
  158. >Walking past her room, you enter Velvet’s room and place the backpack into the small closet that was given to you.
  159. >Twilight comes walking and the two of you lock eyes a moment before looking at the ground.
  160. >Walking deeper into the room, she fiddles around with something and the whole time you contemplate how to make it up to her. In the end, she walks off without you saying a single word to her.
  162. >Despite everyp0ny being upset with you, the only one who was nice was Velvet, she got over being mad, and you were glad to have her talking to you again.
  163. >The both of you sit side by side working on a school project together in the kitchen. The front door opens as Shining Armor lets himself in.
  164. >”Hey mom!?” He shouts trying to find where she was
  165. >”I’m in the kitchen sweetie.” She replies before fixing the little cardboard cut out onto the construction paper.
  166. >As Shining Armor walks in, he notices you at the table. “Oh hey uhh squirt, mom, can I speak to you and dad?”
  167. >His tone changes the atmosphere and you can instantly feel Velvet’s personality change, everything feels heavy.
  168. >”Anon, go over to your room and work on your homework there, I’ll be there soon.”
  169. “Ok.” You reply getting up and doing as you were told
  170. >In the room, you cut and paste the little figures when you distinctly hear Night yell out something.
  171. >Velvet starts crying, and you can hear Shining Armor trying to calm her down.
  172. >Getting up, curiosity compels you to walk over to the door, and peak your head out.
  173. >"Mom," Shining Armor says "I can’t be spending my life here, I need to move out and stand on my own four feet."
  174. >"But the Royal Guard?!" Velvet pleads "Sweetie, there are plenty of jobs here, you can stay and still move out."
  175. >"I don't have any real skills for that mom, and I can’t find any good paying jobs here. I need to face facts, I'm already a full grown stallion, I can’t be wasting anymore time."
  176. >The three get silent as they see Twilight come out of her room. Shining Armor smiles and walks over, "Hey there kiddo, whats up?"
  177. >Slinking back into your room, you walk over to your homework and continue on it.
  178. >Velvet never shows.
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