
FoE PNP Group 9 Session 29

Apr 9th, 2013
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  1. [18:08] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> *** PnP Group Number Nine: Session 29***
  2. [18:11] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> "Perch: 10 Miles" a sign announces as the package truck trundles by. The green of the Manetana forest has given way to the snow-covered slopes of the Griffon Lands. The trip thus far has been relatively uneventful, only the sound of Easy Listening's Jazz hour to keep them company.
  3. [18:12] * Challenger dozes in the back of the van. For once, he's not snoring.
  4. [18:14] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The sun is (probably) going down, and the wind is picking up. Tall cliffs rise around the road as it winds through a large canyon, carved out of the rock by the roaring Thundertail river. We join our heroes in their faithful van. Oh van, you'll never leave us.
  5. [18:14] * Desert_Eagle is snoozing lightly in the passenger seat.
  6. [18:15] * Wraith stays curled up in her seat.
  7. [18:16] * Strifer is slowly tapping her hoofclaw against the floor. Looking utterly bored. "Are we there yet?"
  8. [18:18] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Strifer can probably see that they aren't there yet, but the weird squiggles on the road sign baffle her.
  9. [18:19] * Cloudy_Breeze sighs at Strifer. "How many times ya gonna ask? We ain't there yet. And we ain't gonna be there the next time ya ask, either."
  10. [18:20] * Challenger twitches in his sleep.
  11. [18:21] * Strifer groans loudly. The tapping against the floor quickening. "But I am bored, this is taking too long!" With a eyeroll she gets up and flops down into the seat next to Wraith.
  12. [18:22] * Wraith grumbles and looks up at Strifer. She was napping!
  13. [18:23] * Strifer looks back, making a :I face. "So... Ready to get new legs?" She says, giving Wraith a poke.
  14. [18:23] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> It's a bumpy ride, made easier by the smoooooth jazz of Chilly Winters. However, as they hit an exceptionally bumpy bump, one of the headlights in the van goes out.
  15. [18:23] * Wraith shrugs "It'll be nice, yea. I'll miss getting carried everywhere though." She smirks a little
  16. [18:24] * Desert_Eagle lets out an oof, waking up.
  17. [18:24] * Cloudy_Breeze mutters some not nice words. "Ya gotta be kiddin' me, this piece o' junk just can't stay in one piece..."
  18. [18:25] * Strifer "You should make them taller then your old- Oof! Hey! Watch what you are doing! Turning back to Wraith.. Eh, taller. Oh and build in a rocket launcher too!" She nods firmly.
  19. [18:25] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The light flickers a little as they go over a few more bumps, but it's busted for good.
  20. [18:26] * Challenger mumbles in his sleep. " sir, I didn't put the potatoe in your stimpack dispencer..."
  21. [18:26] <Wraith> "If they gave me cyberlegs longer than my normal legs I'd be lopsided."
  22. [18:26] * Strifer blinks. "Uh... Higher ponyshoes?"
  23. [18:28] <Wraith> "It'd make me clumsy. I'd basically have to get used to moving again. because I was taller.
  24. [18:28] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Cloudy_Breeze can see some lights moving around on the road up ahead, but it's not immediately clear what they are.
  25. [18:28] * Desert_Eagle peers out the windshield at the lights.
  26. [18:29] * Strifer scratches her head with a hoof.. "Right.. Well, fuck.. But you are getting a rocket launcher, yeah?"
  27. [18:29] * Cloudy_Breeze slows the van slightly as they approach
  28. [18:29] * Desert_Eagle left his Aviators on. Oops.
  29. [18:30] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Desert_Eagle can't make out the source of the lights either. One of them points at the van and starts moving closer.
  30. [18:30] <Wraith> "A rocket launcher would be nice."
  31. [18:30] * Desert_Eagle picks up his rifle, bringing up his EFS. "Slow down a bit Breezy..."
  32. [18:31] * Strifer rubs her forehooves together. "And totaly awesome.."
  33. [18:32] * Cloudy_Breeze is already slowing down
  34. [18:32] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The light moves closer. Desert_Eagle's EFS shows but one friendly marker. "Hey!" A voice says, "Stop the vehicle!"
  35. [18:33] <Desert_Eagle> "Friendly, don't run 'im over..."
  36. [18:33] * Strifer 's ears perk up. "Oh! Fuck! We're here?"
  37. [18:33] * Challenger merfs in his sleep. Apparently, he's dreaming of being a dog...
  38. [18:35] * Cloudy_Breeze slows to a stop. She's a bit wary.
  39. [18:36] * Strifer gives Wraith a pat on the head then moves to the front of the van. "So.. Who the hell is that?"
  40. [18:36] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The light shines bright through the windshield as a Griffon approaches. Floating on powerful wings, her peers into the cab. "Better drop that gun, slick." He says to Desert_Eagle.
  41. [18:38] * Desert_Eagle leans his rifle back against the dash. "Jus' a precaution." He says, nodding to the griffon.
  42. [18:39] * Cloudy_Breeze eyes the griffon. "What's the problem?"
  43. [18:40] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The griffon nods and floats over to the passenger side. More friendly ticks approach the van as the griffon in the lead motions do Deagle. "All right, out of the truck. You're heading into Crosswind territory now, just making sure you aren't carrying any balefire bombs in there."
  44. [18:43] * Strifer frowns, opening the back of the van giving Challenger a firm kick as she does so. "Oi, wake up." She mutters. Before jumping out she moves up to Wraith. "Time to go I guess, these fuckers want to have a look at our balefirebombs." Snicking she leans down so Wraith can climb up.
  45. [18:43] * Challenger jerks. "GAH! What??"
  46. [18:44] * Wraith climbs onto Strifer's back
  47. [18:44] * Cloudy_Breeze taps a hoof on the dash, waiting.
  48. [18:44] * Desert_Eagle chuckles. "Well, ah don't think Chal has 'is anymore, so we're good." He slides the passenger door open and hops out, adjusting his Aviators.
  49. [18:45] <Strifer> "Get up Tincan, we have birdies telling us to this shit, and I think its best to do as they say this time.. " She jumps out the back of the van, circling around to the front of it.
  50. [18:45] * Challenger slowly gets up, eying the gryphons. "My what now?"
  51. [18:45] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> A squad of griffons descend on the truck and start poking around in it. Looking in the glove compartments, under the pallet of stuff, under the hood. "Out of the truck, Ms." One says to Cloudy_Breeze.
  52. [18:47] * Strifer trots up to one of the griffins. "So.. This is Perch or what?" She eyes teh griffin up and down, not really seen many of those around. "And who the hell are you guys?"
  53. [18:47] * Challenger stands next to Strifer, waiting.
  54. [18:48] * Cloudy_Breeze sighs. "Yer friend made a point to /not/ ask me, which is it, then? Y'all are bein' quite unsettlin'."
  55. [18:50] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The griffon is clad in some cool looking armor with small purple crosses on it. He's got a purple streak in his plumage too. What a cool guy! He breezes past Strifer and hops into the back of the van, looking under the seats.
  56. [18:51] * Desert_Eagle sighs. "Jus' get outta th' truck Breezy."
  57. [18:51] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The griffon near Breezy looks at her dubiously. "Out of the truck, Ms."
  58. [18:51] * Strifer blinks. "H-hey! Fucker, I was talking too you!" She turns and trots back towards the wagon, yanking his tail. "Don't you dare steal any of our shit, we've worked really fucking hard for all this!"
  59. [18:52] * Challenger facehoofs. "Strifer, let the birds do as they like please?"
  60. [18:53] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The griffon yelps as his tail is tugged. He whirls around and smacks Strifer across the face.
  61. [18:53] <Desert_Eagle> "Ahhh, shit."
  62. [18:54] <Wraith> "Am I going to have to slam some ponies and griffons into hard objects until they calm down?"
  63. [18:54] <Wraith> "I'd rather not."
  64. [18:54] <Wraith> "I've got a headache. I don't need bullet wounds too."
  65. [18:55] * Cloudy_Breeze makes a point to turn the van off before she gets out, and she makes a point to go and sit on top of the van.
  66. [18:58] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The griffon grunts, flicking his tail a little and continuing his search. "No touching." He mutters. The griffon who seems to be the leader looks at the back of the truck. "Hey, everything okay back there?"
  67. [18:59] <Wraith> "Just our local idiot being a fucking idiot. Strifer from now on, can you do me a favor?"
  68. [19:00] * Strifer stumbles backwards from the blow, she blinks a few times, confused. "What, the, fuck!" She growls about to jump into the wagon. Snarling she asks. "Do what?!"
  69. [19:00] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The griffin huffs, taking a look underneath the car at the axel. "Tell her to cool her jets, okay?"
  70. [19:00] <Wraith> "Whenever you think something is a good idea? Do the exact opposite."
  71. [19:01] <Desert_Eagle> "Chal, restrain 'er o' somethin'..."
  72. [19:02] * Strifer stomps a hoof and.. Claws at the ground with her weapon. With a snort she trots away, muttering someting about chickens.
  73. [19:03] * Cloudy_Breeze is more inclined to agree with Strifer right now. She idly taps a hoof against the roof of the van.
  74. [19:03] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The griffons, satisfied that the only the thing dangerous in the truck is Strifer, they step aside. "You check out. Don't go causing any trouble, slick." The leader mutters to Strifer.
  75. [19:06] * Challenger puts a hoof in front of Strifer. "Settle."
  76. [19:06] * Strifer snorts.
  77. [19:07] * Cloudy_Breeze hops off the roof and gets back in the van once they step aside. She keeps an eye on the griffons.
  78. [19:07] * Strifer jumps back into the wagon, dumping Wraith back into her seat.
  79. [19:08] <Challenger> "Easy with the medic. Who's gonna fix her if you break her?" He hops in behind Strifer.
  80. [19:09] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The griffons step out of the way, watching the truck cautiously.
  81. [19:09] * Desert_Eagle climbs into the truck, waving a wing at the griffons. "Have a nice night y'all."
  82. [19:09] <Strifer> "Then lets go fix her." She grumps, sitting down hard next to Challenger.
  83. [19:10] * Challenger closes the door behind him. "Drive on, Jeeves."
  84. [19:11] * Wraith flops around on her seat
  85. [19:12] * Strifer pops another fixer as they travel onwards. She felt better with these.. Able to think clearer.. Still snapping though, if tension was applied..
  86. [19:16] * Cloudy_Breeze isn't as cordial to the griffons as some of the others when she drives onward.
  87. [19:17] * Desert_Eagle looks over at Cloudy_Breeze. "Yah always gotta be sucha bitch?"
  88. [19:18] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> They watch the truck depart, permanent scowls on their faces. A little up the road, the highway takes an abrupt left, climbing a steep slope.
  89. [19:18] * Cloudy_Breeze gives Desert_Eagle a glare. "Ya really think they deserve better than contempt? They treat us like shit, they ain't gettin' better back from me."
  90. [19:19] <Challenger> "They're guards, Breezy. It's not like it was personal."
  91. [19:20] * Desert_Eagle rolls his eyes. "Would ya want somepony rollin' inta yer place with a balefire bomb?"
  92. [19:23] * Cloudy_Breeze "And it ain't personal for me, either. Somepony's gotta be keepin' an eye out."
  93. [19:24] * Challenger snorts. "Sure don't act like it isn't personal..."
  94. [19:24] <Desert_Eagle> "Ayup."
  95. [19:25] * Desert_Eagle leans back, putting his hindlegs up on the dash.
  96. [19:30] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> As the truck climbs the slope, it levels off quickly and opens up to a small plateau. A massive cliff looms before them.
  97. [19:32] * Strifer leans against one of the backwalls as the truck keeps on climbing.. "... Are we there yet?"
  98. [19:32] <Wraith> "We're closer than we were five minutes ago.
  99. [19:33] <Challenger> "And closer than ten before that. Your questions are getting closer together."
  100. [19:33] * Strifer makes a scrunchie face.
  101. [19:33] <Challenger> "Stop that. It's too cute."
  102. [19:33] * Desert_Eagle snickers.
  103. [19:34] * Strifer stops, looking slightly flustered as she deadpans. "I am not cute."
  104. [19:35] <Challenger> "Exactly."
  105. [19:35] <Strifer> "Good."
  106. [19:36] <Challenger> "Right."
  107. [19:36] <Strifer> "Im glad we agree."
  108. [19:37] <Challenger> "Me too."
  109. [19:37] <Strifer> "... shut up."
  110. [19:38] * Cloudy_Breeze gives a little sigh. She's getting tired of being on the road too.
  111. [19:39] * Cloudy_Breeze stops the van too.
  112. [19:40] * Challenger grins.
  113. [19:41] * Desert_Eagle rolls his eyes.
  114. [19:41] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The cliff rises out of the plateau, towering over them. Loose rocks occasionally tumble from the top, landing in the snow with a soft "pffft". The van screeches to a halt.
  115. [19:41] * Strifer blinks hard. "... We're not there yet, are we?"
  116. [19:42] * Challenger looks out the front window. "Unless 'there' is a cliff..."
  117. [19:42] <Strifer> "I've never been to Perch.. I think. I dont know."
  118. [19:44] * Strifer moves forward, leaning against Challenger to also look outside the front window.
  119. [19:46] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The cliff is a cliff! It's very tall and looks very difficult to climb. There aren't an signs, markings, or paths up immediately visible.
  120. [19:48] <Strifer> "Thats.. A mountain.. Of course its a fucking moutain."
  121. [19:48] * Cloudy_Breeze sighs. "Hey map pony, why don't ya check the map?"
  122. [19:49] <Challenger> "I hope we don't have to climb that. I'm a Steel Ranger, not a Mountaineer/
  123. [19:49] <Challenger> "
  124. [19:49] <Wraith> "I'm not climbing it if that's what we've got to do."
  125. [19:49] * Desert_Eagle checks the map. "Ah have a name." He grunts.
  126. [19:50] <Challenger> "Of curse not, Wraith. You're just rifing in somepony's saddlebag.
  127. [19:50] <Challenger> "
  128. [19:50] * Cloudy_Breeze rolls her eyes. "Glad ta know yer a normal pony. How do we get past this?"
  129. [19:52] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Map pony... I mean... Desert_Eagle checks the local map of the area. While he can't see the entire area, he can see a large ring around the marker for Perch. Perhaps this town is surrounded by a circular cliff?
  130. [19:52] * Strifer looks at the two pegasi. Back and forth. Smirk getting wider. "Oh.. Thats easy.. We fly."
  131. [19:52] <Desert_Eagle> "Ah'm lookin' ah'm lookin'.... Hmmm, ah think th' town might be surrounded by th' cliff, actually."
  132. [19:53] * Cloudy_Breeze glances over to Strifer. "And yer gonna carry the van on yer back, are ya?"
  133. [19:53] <Challenger> "So it's a wall too... Good defense."
  134. [19:53] <Wraith> "Why don't you just have the fliers either get some assistance from the town or something?"
  135. [19:54] <Strifer> "We... Leave the van, it aint that fucking hard."
  136. [19:54] <Wraith> "Deagle and Breezy have wings, last I checked."
  137. [19:55] * Desert_Eagle nods. "Ah like Wraith's idea."
  138. [19:56] * Strifer jumps up to lean her upperbody against Challenger, having her forehooves over his back. "Ugh.. More waiting.. Fucking great."
  139. [20:00] * Desert_Eagle looks over at Cloudy_Breeze. "Wanna fly over and see if they can help? Or tell us if there's a ground entrance?"
  140. [20:00] <Challenger> "Anytime you two're ready."
  141. [20:01] * Cloudy_Breeze turns the van off and hops out. "Fine. Let's go then."
  142. [20:01] * Challenger turns n gets out the back.
  143. [20:02] * Strifer was about to lean her head against Challengers back, flops down as he turns to leave. "Bluh.."
  144. [20:02] * Desert_Eagle nods, grabbing his rifle and hopping out as well.
  145. [20:03] * Challenger looks around. "Boy, it'd be great if they had signs saying 'Ground pounders enter here.'"
  146. [20:04] * Cloudy_Breeze starts flying up toward the top of the cliff
  147. [20:05] * Strifer sits down on her rump, looking over at Wraith. "Betcha something is going to explode in a couple of minutes."
  148. [20:05] * Wraith stretches out in her seat "As long as it's not me I don't care."
  149. [20:06] * Challenger looks back and grins coyly. "Betcha ten you set it off."
  150. [20:06] * Desert_Eagle follows after Cloudy_Breeze. "Hey Breezy, yah alright?" He asks. "Yer, heh, bein' a bit more dickish than yah normally are." He chuckles, but his tone carried a hint of concern with it.
  151. [20:06] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The flying ponies peek over the top of the cliff, they can see a small settlement in the middle of the massive crater. White smoke rises from the chimnies of small cottages. It's a very peaceful looking community, not much like a griffon one at all.
  152. [20:07] * Strifer grins back. "I dont have ten caps... And I woulnt set it off, seriously, thats really fucking stupid."
  153. [20:07] <Wraith> "Will you two just go fuck already?
  154. [20:07] <Challenger> "Not in public. And I'm just going off of track record, Strifer."
  155. [20:08] * Strifer leans her head to the side. "Yeah yeah, alright. Fine, I explode a lot." Glancing over at Wraith. "We already did that."
  156. [20:08] <Wraith> "What's your point."
  157. [20:09] <Challenger> "Correction: You cause explosives to explode. A lot."
  158. [20:10] * Cloudy_Breeze mutters, "It's fine." She goes down to investigate the town.
  159. [20:11] * Strifer pokes Wraith. "Geez, you're really grumpy today. Chillax mare." At Challenger. "Perhaps I like it then, I dunno."
  160. [20:11] <Wraith> "Hm? I guess."
  161. [20:11] * Desert_Eagle frowns. "Don't seem like it, but ah'm not gonna pry iffin yah don't wanna talk 'bout it." He says, following Cloudy_Breeze down.
  162. [20:11] * Challenger turns around and sits down next to the van. "I'm just sayin."
  163. [20:12] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The town looks very cozy as the griffins all prepare for bed. Candlelights burn in every windowsill and no one seems to notice the approaching pegasi.
  164. [20:17] * Strifer lays down, head in forehooves.
  165. [20:18] * Challenger yawns.
  166. [20:21] <Challenger> "So, Strifer. How's it feel to be not on drugs all the time?"
  167. [20:23] * Cloudy_Breeze looks around the village for some kind of anything. She has no idea what to even be looking for if none of the griffons are going to pop out at them.
  168. [20:24] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> There are plenty of anythings. Just because the griffons don't seem to care that they have visitors doesn't mean they're hiding from them or anything.
  169. [20:24] * Desert_Eagle hovers next to her. He looks for a way in on the ground.
  170. [20:24] * Strifer scratches a hoof against the floor of the wagon.. "Well... Clearer? I dunno, feels pretty much the same just that I dont have to.. Ugh, fuck, its hard to explain."
  171. [20:24] <Challenger> "Better?"
  172. [20:26] <Strifer> "Nah, I mean.. Yeah, but.. On the stuff, you can do anything you feel.. Awesome."
  173. [20:26] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Desert_Eagle can't see anything that looks like an entrance. As they land on the road that runs through the center of town, they can see a griffin ambling down the street towards them.
  174. [20:28] * Cloudy_Breeze mutters quietly, "Ya sure this is even the right place?"
  175. [20:28] * Challenger nods. "Yeah. I know the feeling."
  176. [20:28] * Desert_Eagle checks his map again. "Think so..."
  177. [20:29] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> They're at Perch all right!
  178. [20:30] * Strifer blinks. "You do..? Huh. Never took you for a dashhead."
  179. [20:31] <Challenger> "Nope. Not drugs. But the freedom you feel."
  180. [20:31] <Desert_Eagle> "Yeah, this's th' place Breezy."
  181. [20:32] * Strifer rolls over on her back, legs into the air. "Yeah.. That." She sighs. "You know, Im down to my last fixer, when that effect runs out.. Well." She snorts. "I dont know what'll happen."
  182. [20:32] <Challenger> "Whatever happens, happens. We'll deal with it."
  183. [20:32] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The griffon draws closer he squints and dashes up to them. The wind picks up, blowing snow around in a quick flurry. "Hello there!" He calls out over the rapidly gathering storm.
  184. [20:34] * Desert_Eagle waves a wing to the griffon. "Hey! We've gotta few ground-bound friends outside th' cliff. Think yah could help us carry 'em over? Don't seem t' be any other way in."
  185. [20:34] * Cloudy_Breeze mutters, "Somehow somethin' don't seem right..." She glances at the griffon when he walks up.
  186. [20:35] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The griffon tips his head. He's wrapped in a warm coat and scarf. "Excuse me? You'll have to speak up, old horse. I'm a bit deaf in this ear!" He says, leaning in closer to Desert_Eagle.
  187. [20:36] <Desert_Eagle> "Ah said, c'n yah help us get our friends over th' cliff! There's three o' 'em." He says, louder.
  188. [20:39] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The griffon looks just as lost. "Sorry, sport... I can't seem to understand you... Do you speak Equestrian?"
  189. [20:40] * Cloudy_Breeze rolls her eyes. "Is there a ground path to get in here?"
  190. [20:41] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The griffon smiles. "Ah, his translator, no doubt! Speak up, old girl!"
  191. [20:42] * Desert_Eagle blinks. Huh, was he really that hard to understand?
  192. [20:44] * Cloudy_Breeze gives the griffon a death glare. "IS. THERE. A. GROUND. PATH. THROUGH. THE. CLIFF?"
  193. [20:46] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The griffon. "Ah! Of course! No need to stare, though. Your face might freeze like that!"
  194. [20:46] * Desert_Eagle chuckles.
  195. [20:46] <Desert_Eagle> "Lighten up Breezy."
  196. [20:46] * Cloudy_Breeze continues the glare. "WHERE. CAN. WE. FIND. IT?"
  197. [20:48] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The griffon gives a nod down the main street. Through a blanket of snow, Cloudy_Breeze and Desert_Eagle can make out the faint flickering of a torch. "Right over there, old sod!"
  198. [20:48] * Cloudy_Breeze flies over to check it out.
  199. [20:49] * Desert_Eagle nods. "Thank yah kindly sir!" He follows Cloudy_Breeze.
  200. [20:49] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Cloudy_Breeze finds it a little difficult to fly in the harsh winds, even so close to the ground. The griffon twists his face. "No... not today. But thank you for asking!" As they approach the torch, they can spy a pair of griffins taking a smoke break by the torch.
  201. [20:51] * Desert_Eagle decides that he should probably work on his accent if wanted to communicate up here.
  202. [20:52] * Cloudy_Breeze goes right by the griffons to check out the path.
  203. [20:53] * Strifer flops down on a seat and curls up in her jacket. Well, as much of her as possible
  204. [20:54] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The griffons look up and blink. "Hey, hey! Where do you think you're going?"
  205. [20:57] * Desert_Eagle groans. "Breezy! Damnit!"
  206. [20:59] * Cloudy_Breeze doesn't have time for this! "We gotta get our van through the path here! Y'all gonna help or not? 'Cause ah'm a busy mare."
  207. [21:01] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> One of the guards sits up and slowly reaches for a pistol holstered at his side. "Calm your tits, featherduster! Just stop where you are and calm the hell down, okay?"
  208. [21:02] * Desert_Eagle skids to a halt, groaning. He brings up his EFS. He was behind Breezy, and not quite to the guards yet.
  209. [21:04] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The ticks on Desert_Eagle's EFS aren't red yet.
  210. [21:07] * Cloudy_Breeze gives an exasperated sigh. "What don't ya understand?"
  211. [21:09] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The griffon draws his weapon, but the tick marks remain friendly. "I don't understand what you think you're doing. You just gonna breeze in there without opening the gate?"
  212. [21:11] * Desert_Eagle places his hoof on his sidearm, just in case. He'd really rather not have yet /another/ settlement after them.
  213. [21:13] * Cloudy_Breeze rolls her eyes. "Ah said. We need to get our van inside. So we need to find out where the entrance is! Y'all gonna help or not?"
  214. [21:15] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The griffin rolls his eyes. "Sheesh. Those megaspells blow up your manners? Yeah, we can open the gate. What's your business in perch?"
  215. [21:18] * Cloudy_Breeze doesn't get these griffons. She was very straightforward with what she explained. "Doctor's appointment."
  216. [21:19] * Desert_Eagle sighs and relaxes, trotting over to Cloudy_Breeze. "Ayup. Gotta mare that needs her legs replaced."
  217. [21:19] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The griffons don't get this pegasus. She's bossy and doesn't seem to have a clue where she is or what she's doing. "Ah... You'll want Gabriel then. Rest of you mates outside?"
  218. [21:20] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> your*
  219. [21:20] * Cloudy_Breeze nods. "We had to fly in to find somepony who knew where the road was."
  220. [21:22] * Strifer taps a hoof at the floor.. "Where the hell are they..."
  221. [21:23] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The guard holsters his pistol and trots into the small shack near the torch. A loud, mechanical grinding emanates from the rock behind them. Pieces of the cliff face shift and separate, revealing a tunnel that seems to lead straight through the rock. "And it didn't cross your mind to ask the guard?" the other griffon muses as she steps aside.
  222. [21:25] * Desert_Eagle lets out a whistle. "Now that's a gate."
  223. [21:26] * Cloudy_Breeze scrunches her nose. "What guard? There weren't any guards, we had to ask somepony on the street where t' look."
  224. [21:27] * Desert_Eagle facehooves.
  225. [21:27] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The griffons exchange glances. "Erm... we're the guards..."
  226. [21:27] <Desert_Eagle> "Ah'll get th' others..."
  227. [21:28] * Desert_Eagle starts trotting out the gate while Cloudy_Breeze be's a silly pony.
  228. [21:28] * Cloudy_Breeze starts to follow after Desert_Eagle. "Yeah, and y'all are off sittin' somewhere nopony can find ya without already knowin' where to look!"
  229. [21:29] * Desert_Eagle heads back towards the van.
  230. [21:30] * Wraith dozed off
  231. [21:30] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The griffons roll their eyes. "Well excuse us. We don't get many visitors, and when we do, the -know- where to look."
  232. [21:32] * Strifer sits up again when Desert_Eagle arives. "So.. Whats the plan?"
  233. [21:33] <Desert_Eagle> "Well, we found a way int' th' city, so fer now, drive int' th' city."
  234. [21:34] <Strifer> "Fucking, awesome! Lets go!~"
  235. [21:35] * Cloudy_Breeze hops in the van, in the passenger's seat. Desert_Eagle can drive this time.
  236. [21:36] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The way in to the city is not far from where the truck is parked. The griffon guards have moved to stand outside the open door, and eye the truck as it approaches. "Huh..." one of them remarks, "Didn't think we'd be getting those washing machines till tomorrow..."
  237. [21:36] * Desert_Eagle slides into the driver's seat. "All aboard the magical van of awesome..." He drives it to the gate.
  238. [21:39] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The guards suggest that Desert_Eagle take the van around the perimeter of the crater, and not through the center of town. "Gabriel's place is on the other side of town."
  239. [21:40] * Cloudy_Breeze leans back. Her time to kick back.
  240. [21:40] * Strifer moves to the front, placing a hoof on each of the seats. "Gabriel?" She asks, looking between them both.
  241. [21:40] * Wraith flicks an ear "The griffon who's going to patch me up."
  242. [21:41] * Strifer looks back over her shoulder. "Oh. Right, sweet!"
  243. [21:43] * Desert_Eagle nods, and drives around the perimiter, heading to the other side of town.
  244. [21:44] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The snow makes for slow progress and low visibility, but eventually, Desert_Eagle can make out a sign that reads: "Wollstonecroft Cybernetics: No solicitors."
  245. [21:45] * Desert_Eagle parks the van near the sign. "Alrighty, looks like we're 'ere."
  246. [21:45] * Strifer is getting more excited for each passing minute. "Are we- Fuck yeah! We are here yet!"
  247. [21:46] * Strifer bounces to the exit and throws the door open
  248. [21:46] * Challenger hops out of the van. "Yes, we're here."
  249. [21:46] * Cloudy_Breeze scruches her nose. "Yes, we are here. Can you be quiet now?"
  250. [21:47] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> There's a small light flickering in the distance, in the opposite direction of the town. The wind is howling outside, blowing a flurry of snow everywhere.
  251. [21:47] <Strifer> "Aww, is Breezy Wheezy cranky, does Breezy Wheezy need to take a nap?"
  252. [21:49] * Cloudy_Breeze takes her time getting out of the van. "Ah would, but ya ain't gonna be quiet 'nough to let me."
  253. [21:50] * Desert_Eagle hops out of the van, trotting around to the back. "Jus' lighten up Breezy, sheesh."
  254. [21:50] * Strifer snorts. "Or maybe you just need a good lickin'. Everypony so fucking grumpy lately. Maybe you and Wraith could help eachotehr with that, eh.
  255. [21:50] <Wraith> "Mares aren't really my thing."
  256. [21:51] <Strifer> "Pssh, missing out on half the fun, then."
  257. [21:54] * Cloudy_Breeze rolls her eyes, ignoring the silly Strifer.
  258. [21:54] <Wraith> "I've fucked them, I just prefer stallions."
  259. [21:55] <Desert_Eagle> "An' ah still owe yah one Wraith. Haven't forgotten."
  260. [21:55] <Wraith> "New legs soon. It'd be a good test."
  261. [21:55] <Challenger> "Keep it in your pants, ladies..."
  262. [21:55] * Strifer jumps out of the wagon. "Riiiight, now -that- makes sense." She looks over at the building. "So, how do we get into this place, is there a door or something?" She goes to look for such a thing.
  263. [21:56] * Desert_Eagle chuckles. "Ayup."
  264. [21:56] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The building is far off, not actually near the sign.
  265. [21:57] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The light that
  266. [21:57] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> is presumably in the window flickers in the distance.
  267. [21:57] * Strifer starts trottin, then. :I
  268. [21:57] <Challenger> "I assume it's the light." Follows Strifer.
  269. [21:59] * Cloudy_Breeze heads toward the building too.
  270. [21:59] * Desert_Eagle picks up Wraith and follows as well, if nopony had already.
  271. [22:00] * Wraith is picked up by Desert_Eagle "Should I say something witty about sweeping a mare of her feet?" She deadpans slightly
  272. [22:01] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The building is an unassuming cottage, not unlike the ones in the village. A long addition has been added to this one, with a pair of smokestacks gently billow smoke into the high winds. The front door is closed and looks rather sturdy. A sign hung on a peg nearby the entrance reads "Go away, we're closed."
  273. [22:01] <Challenger> "Well, that's un-neighborly."
  274. [22:01] * Strifer atempts to open the door. "Hellooo~!"
  275. [22:01] * Cloudy_Breeze didn't come this far to go around following what signs say. She knocks on the door anyway.
  276. [22:01] * Desert_Eagle chuckles. "If yah want to, go right ahead."
  277. [22:02] * Desert_Eagle adjusts his Aviators as he arrives with the others.
  278. [22:02] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> It's locked. Is not big surprise. "Who's there?" A voice croaks from the other side. It's faint, demonstrating the thickness of the door.
  279. [22:03] <Wraith> "Pretty sure I already did. In an off-hoof way."
  280. [22:04] <Desert_Eagle> "Mmmm, yah could say that."
  281. [22:04] * Cloudy_Breeze calls out, "We got an appointment, open up!"
  282. [22:04] * Strifer blinks. "Uh.. " Closes her mouth when Cloudy stats to speak. Backing away from the door
  283. [22:05] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> "Can't you read the sign? We're closed!" The voice asks. "And I don't keep any appointments!"
  284. [22:05] <Wraith> "You did for me."
  285. [22:06] <Wraith> "Unless there's some other cyber specialist around here named Gabriel."
  286. [22:06] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> "And just who is 'me'?"
  287. [22:07] * Cloudy_Breeze gives an exasperated snort. "We came all the way from New Bridle fer this, don't you try and screw us now!"
  288. [22:08] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> "New Bridle?" There's the sound of metal scraping and several deadbolts being unlocked. Eventually, the crooked yellow beak of an elderly griffon pokes through the small gap in the door. "You ponies contacted me almost a week ago! I was starting to think you'd never show up! What in the hell took so long?"
  289. [22:09] <Strifer> "... thats a long story.." She grins slightly.
  290. [22:09] <Challenger> "Theres this thing. They call it distance."
  291. [22:10] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The griffon glares at Challenger with heas beady hawk eyes. "You sassing me, Ranger?"
  292. [22:10] <Challenger> "I wouldn't dare."
  293. [22:11] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The griffin closes the door. "Go the hell away. I won't tolerate sass in my workshop."
  294. [22:12] <Desert_Eagle> "Smooooth Chal."
  295. [22:12] * Strifer clops Challenger over the back of his head.. "Well done, now Wraith wont ever get her legs back! Have to trott aaaall the way back to Wishful thinking to get the shitty ones."
  296. [22:12] * Challenger shrugs.
  297. [22:13] <Challenger> "Look, buddy, we'e not here fo me, we'e here fo Wraith."
  298. [22:15] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Gabriel opens the door again. "And it's a sad story. You don't seem to care much, but maybe I'm just interpretting your attitude incorrectly. Do you actually want my help or not?"
  299. [22:15] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> "And don't -ever- call me 'buddy'."
  300. [22:15] * Cloudy_Breeze gives a low growl. "One of us is /dead/! Ya think we're in the mood to wait fer ya to get over hurt feelin's?"
  301. [22:16] <Wraith> "Shut up and go wait in the fucking van, Cloudy_Breeze."
  302. [22:16] <Challenger> "Yes, we want your help, sir. It would be most appreciated."
  303. [22:16] * Desert_Eagle nods. "Seriously Breezy. Yah need to calm down."
  304. [22:17] * Cloudy_Breeze ignores Wraith. She's not gonna sit around and be a doormat for these chickens.
  305. [22:17] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Gabriel waves a claw in the air. "Oh my, now that -is- a sad story." He turns to Challenger. "Good. Now bring her inside and shut up."
  306. [22:17] * Challenger steps aside so Deagle can go in.
  307. [22:17] * Desert_Eagle sighs, and trots in with Wraith.
  308. [22:18] * Strifer steps in right after Deagle and Wraith.
  309. [22:19] * Cloudy_Breeze follows inside.
  310. [22:19] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Gabriel closes the door before Cloudy_Breeze can get inside. "Sorry. It's far too crowded in here. You heard your friend, go wait in the van."
  311. [22:21] * Challenger is inadvertantly stuck outside too, as he was waiting for everypony else to enter.
  312. [22:21] <Challenger> "...very un-neighborly."
  313. [22:22] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The interior of his workshop could be described as, in so many words, a junk shop. Tables and benches are covered in broken terminal components and scrap metal. He nods to a small cot in the corner, surrounded by medical equipment. It's a fairly impressive setup, for an old griffon living by himself in the middle of nowhere.
  314. [22:22] * Desert_Eagle nods, setting Wraith down on the cot.
  315. [22:22] <Strifer> "Woah... This is a lot of sh... Stuff!"
  316. [22:23] * Cloudy_Breeze mutters, "Fucking chickens! We'd be better off without the lot of 'em!"
  317. [22:24] <Challenger> "Says the... nevermind. Let's go find a hotel or something."
  318. [22:25] * Cloudy_Breeze goes to scope out the town.
  319. [22:26] * Challenger follows.
  320. [22:27] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Gabriel sits down in a rolling chair and places a jewler's loupe in his eye. "All right then... we need a pair of legs, an ear, an eye... Hell on earth that's a lot of work..."
  321. [22:28] * Strifer goes up to look at some of the gadgets and scrap. Poking at it curiously.
  322. [22:28] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The town is just going to bed, but there's a single light on, flickering gently. Gabriel swats at Strifer's hoof with his tail. "Do not touch!"
  323. [22:29] * Desert_Eagle sits down somewhere in the workshop that's out of the way.
  324. [22:29] * Wraith lays there like a sack of potatoes in the shape of a pony
  325. [22:29] * Strifer yelps and jumps back at the swat. "Sure, gotcha!" Damn, griffins had eyes i n their neck or something?
  326. [22:30] <Challenger> "Well, seeing as we dont have many options.." He heads toward the light, hoping it's an inn.
  327. [22:30] * Cloudy_Breeze heads for the single light, then.
  328. [22:31] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Gabriel scoots over to Wraith's bedside, dragging his wheeled table with him. "Allllll right, Ms. Wraith. Let us begin. Now... would rather use your own anesthesia, or my own?"
  329. [22:31] <Wraith> "Yours I guess."
  330. [22:32] * Strifer scoots up to where Wraith was laying, sitting down on her haunches and twiddles hooves.
  331. [22:33] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Gabriel produces a large look syringe and looks around for a good place to put it. "Hmmmm..." The single light in the center of town, upon further inspection, is from the second floor of the "Bear Claw Bakery".
  332. [22:34] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The needle slides in with a slight pinch and slowly but surely, Wraith's world goes black.
  333. [22:34] <Challenger> "Well that's not helpful..."
  334. [22:34] * Wraith is now unconscious!
  335. [22:34] * Cloudy_Breeze wasn't exactly hoping for a bakery. She glances around at other nearby buildings.
  336. [22:35] <Strifer> "So... How long will this take?"
  337. [22:37] * Strifer rocks back and forth, ears flopping with the rocking.
  338. [22:37] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The other buildings nearby are all dark, and look mostly like residential cottages. Gabriel scratches his chin. "Hmmm. The arm and ear will take the longest. Maybe... three hours each. As for the eye... not much even I can do for it even with my equipment. I'll talk to her when she wakes up."
  339. [22:38] <Challenger> "So. Question. Do we dare try waking someone up and asking directions or do we sleep in the van?"
  340. [22:38] * Strifer overrocks and flops down on her back. "Ooof.. Right."
  341. [22:40] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Gabriel eyes Strifer's antics with mild amusement. "You're not all right in the head, are you?" He asks, diving right in with a scalpel.
  342. [22:40] * Desert_Eagle chuckles a bit. "Yah wanna go back out an' wait in th' van Strife? Sounds like this's gonna take a while."
  343. [22:41] * Cloudy_Breeze shakes her head. "Ain't gonna sleep now." She goes to look around for any buildings that look like they're not houses.
  344. [22:42] * Strifer stretches her left foreleg upwards, waving it slightly. "Braindamage.. I think. Oh, and drugs too.. Uh.. Explosions?" She leans her head back to look at Deagle. "Alcohol.. And.. yeah, shit like that." She blinks. "But the van is cold as hell.."
  345. [22:42] * Challenger follows along as best he can. "So, what then? Wander a sleeping city all night?"
  346. [22:42] * Desert_Eagle shrugs. "Jus' a suggestion."
  347. [22:43] * Cloudy_Breeze shrugs.
  348. [22:43] * Cloudy_Breeze might settle for someplace that sells alcohol.
  349. [22:43] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Gabriel mutters a quiet "that'll do it." Cloudy_Breeze wanders across a small shack with a radio antenna on top. The town doesn't seem to have a bar.
  350. [22:44] * Cloudy_Breeze investigates the shack. Radio antenna seems interesting.
  351. [22:44] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The door is closed and the lights are off. There's a small window, but it's impossible to see what's inside.
  352. [22:44] * Strifer scoots closer to Deagle, still on her back and on the floor. "Maybe we should just stay here, hmm~?"
  353. [22:45] * Desert_Eagle takes off his Aviators, nodding. "Tha's what ah was gonna do." He looks down at Strifer, quirking an eyebrow.
  354. [22:46] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Gabriel frowns a little. "I can't fit all of you, you know." He asks, disconnecting most of Wraith's cybernetic leg and tossing it aside.
  355. [22:47] <Desert_Eagle> "Ah don't think Breezy'd want t' stay 'n 'ere anyway."
  356. [22:47] * Strifer looks up at Gabriel. "So.. Is there anywhere we can stay, then?"
  357. [22:48] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Gabriel gives a little shrugs. "That uppity changeling at the Bakery rents rooms. As for your 'cowgirl', I don't want her anywhere near my home... or my cybernetics, for that matter."
  358. [22:49] * Cloudy_Breeze looks all around the shack to see if she can find out what the deal with the antenna is.
  359. [22:50] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Judging by the mess of wires and transformers, Cloudy_Breeze can pretty easily figure out that this is a broadcast station, meant for radio.
  360. [22:50] * Strifer rolls over, stands up and shakes herself. "Aight.. well, I guess we'll be back in the morning then. Cmon Deagle, lets check this Bakery out." She flicks her tail. Moving for the door. "We'll be back."
  361. [22:51] <Challenger> "So it's an anntenae... so what?"
  362. [22:51] * Cloudy_Breeze hmmmms. She heads for the van. Time to fiddle with the radio.
  363. [22:51] * Desert_Eagle nods, getting up. "Right behind yah Strife."
  364. [22:52] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Gabriel gives a little grunt as she continues the operation. Breezy arrives at the van.
  365. [22:52] <Strifer> "Oh I bet~"
  366. [22:52] * Desert_Eagle snorts, putting his Aviators back on.
  367. [22:53] * Strifer heads out in search for the bakery.
  368. [22:53] * Cloudy_Breeze hops in the van and starts working the radio, trying to see if she can pick up whatever that shack is putting out.
  369. [22:53] * Desert_Eagle follows behind Strifer.
  370. [22:54] * Challenger sits outside the van. "And you're doing... what?"
  371. [22:56] * Strifer trots up to the van. "Whatsup!"
  372. [22:56] * Cloudy_Breeze motions them to quiet down a bit. "Lookin' fer that signal."
  373. [22:56] <Challenger> "Miss Angrywings is doing something and not talking to me."
  374. [22:57] * Desert_Eagle snikers, and clicks over to the radio tab on his Pipbuck.
  375. [22:57] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Cloudy_Breeze hears what is likely a prerecorded message. "Weeeeeeell hot damn! That was a great song, wasn't it Mishap?" A spunky, energetic mare's voice asks. A dog barks twice happily. "Well, that was the Sisterhooves Social Band with 'Ramblin' Mare' Mmmmmm mmmm! Damn fine listening. For those of y'all still listening, this is the one and only Ms. Communication, and my faithful sidekick, Mishap!"
  376. [22:58] * Strifer blinks. "Alllrightythen, anyway, Gabriel told us about a bakery where some.. Uh.. Changeling? Is renting out rooms we can stay in.
  377. [22:58] * Cloudy_Breeze listens in to the station for a bit.
  378. [22:59] * Desert_Eagle nods. "Yeah, we're headed over that way now."
  379. [22:59] <Challenger> "Well we were there actually. Didn't know it was an in as well."
  380. [22:59] * Strifer makes a :I face. "Not that we know whre the hell it is, but whatever."
  381. [22:59] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> "Well, it's that time again, folks time for the Adventures of-" Her voice cuts out, only to be replaced with a scratchy audio recording of a different mare's voice. "-Me! Daring Doo!" A triumphant trumpet stab accompanies the intro.
  382. [22:59] <Strifer> "Oh.."
  383. [23:00] <Desert_Eagle> "Maybe if Breezy was a little nicer yah woulda."
  384. [23:00] * Desert_Eagle wingshrugs.
  385. [23:01] * Cloudy_Breeze thinks this is... a strange radio station. She listens in some more.
  386. [23:02] <Desert_Eagle> "Yah comin' Miss Angrywings?"
  387. [23:02] * Desert_Eagle chuckles a bit.
  388. [23:02] * Strifer pushes her head against Challengers side, bumping into it. "Cmon, lets gooo."
  389. [23:03] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> "Yes, it's Daring Doo, and my stalwart griffin servant, Argyle Sweater!" "Boss, I thought I told you to call me-" An angry griffin's voice mumbles before being interrupted. "Oh, ho ho ho Sweater. Such a silly pony sometimes! Anyway, there we were, caught in the depths of the Bongo rain forest..."
  390. [23:03] * Challenger starts walking. "Alright alright. Keep your tail on."
  391. [23:03] * Strifer looks back at her tail. "Uh.. It is?" Then follows Challenger.
  392. [23:03] * Challenger mentally facehoofs.
  393. [23:05] * Cloudy_Breeze rolls her eyes. "That shack was broadcastin' a radio signal." She waves at them. "Listen!"
  394. [23:06] <Strifer> "I dun wanna, Bakery, now."
  395. [23:06] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> "Daring Doo" recounts the tail of their harrowing escape from the clutches of Ahuizotl in a lost Marean temple. It has airplane chases, dangerous poision dart traps, and giant boulder chases.
  396. [23:06] <Challenger> "So it's the broadcast place, so what?"
  397. [23:07] * Wraith understands how the robot chicken felt! except she doesn't because she's unconscious.
  398. [23:07] * Desert_Eagle nods. "Yeah, plus." He taps his Pipbuck."
  399. [23:07] <Desert_Eagle> -"*]
  400. [23:07] * Cloudy_Breeze gives a sigh and hops out of the van again. "It ain't 'the' broadcast station, it's one we ain't seen before."
  401. [23:08] <Desert_Eagle> "Come on, le's go."
  402. [23:08] * Challenger continues on to the bakery, calling over his shoulder. "Great. Wonderful. Bakery."
  403. [23:08] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> KRVM has appeared on Desert_Eagle's Pipbuck radio!
  404. [23:09] * Desert_Eagle heads for the bakery, clicking on the station.
  405. [23:10] * Strifer is acctually happy, bouncing back and forth in the snow. Shit has acctually been taken care off. Though she was very, very hungry.
  406. [23:11] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Ms. Communication chuckles a little as the story ends. "Ah... I never get tired of those. How about another song? Let's go with... Oooooh, "Ain't No Sunshine" by Whithers. That's a good one. There's the scratch of a needle and soon enough, the song begins."
  407. [23:12] * Strifer picks up some snow, rolls a snowball and throws it at Challenger.
  408. [23:12] * Strifer snickers.
  409. [23:13] * Challenger stops. Looks back. "Try that again."
  410. [23:13] * Strifer narrows her eyes, rolls more snow and throws again.
  411. [23:13] * Desert_Eagle chuckles.
  412. [23:14] * Challenger catches it and chucks it back in one move.
  413. [23:14] * Strifer gets it, right in the face. Flops down on her back.
  414. [23:15] * Challenger smirks.
  415. [23:15] * Strifer snorts with laughter
  416. [23:15] * Cloudy_Breeze rolls her eyes at Strifer's antics.
  417. [23:17] * Desert_Eagle sighs, chuckling lightly.
  418. [23:18] * Strifer rolls over, sits up and shakes the snow out of her mane. "Ill get you for that!" She grins as she trots up to Chall and Deagle. "Later.. Im hungry. Lets get food!"
  419. [23:18] * Desert_Eagle nods. "Indeed."
  420. [23:18] <Challenger> "Indeed."
  421. [23:18] <Strifer> "Jinxed!"
  422. [23:19] <Challenger> "Fuck."
  423. [23:19] <Desert_Eagle> "Shit."
  424. [23:19] * Strifer smirks and trots ahead of them.
  425. [23:19] * Cloudy_Breeze follows behind Strifer.
  426. [23:19] * Challenger shakes his head n smiles.
  427. [23:19] * Desert_Eagle trots after Strifer.
  428. [23:20] * Challenger follows everypony.
  429. [23:21] * Strifer finds the bakery?
  430. [23:21] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The bakery is unchaged since Challenger and Cloudy_Breeze last saw it. It's made out of wood, and the candle is flickering gently on the second floor. The sign on the door says "Come on in, we're open!"
  431. [23:21] <Challenger> "Now that's neighborly."
  432. [23:22] * Desert_Eagle nods. "Ayup."
  433. [23:22] <Strifer> "Huh?"
  434. [23:22] * Strifer looks at the others, confused.
  435. [23:22] <Challenger> "Nothing. Lets go in."
  436. [23:23] <Strifer> "Right!" She trots for the door. Opening it. "Hellloooo~?"
  437. [23:23] * Cloudy_Breeze follows inside, looking around.
  438. [23:24] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The door swings open. Inside is the dining area, where all the chairs have been put up on the tables for closing. There's a staircase in the back.
  439. [23:24] * Desert_Eagle gazes around.
  440. [23:24] * Strudel calls out from upstairs, "Just a moment please~"
  441. [23:25] * Challenger stands just inside the door.
  442. [23:25] * Strifer moves up to a chair and sits down in it. Smirking at the others.
  443. [23:25] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> It's a rather unassuming space. A bell rings as the ponies step inside.
  444. [23:27] * Strifer starts to scratchs at the floor with a claw. Humming to herself. One of her ears flopping down, she shakes her head backward absentmindely to try to straighten the ear up again.
  445. [23:28] * Strudel trots down from upstairs a few moments later, an elegant looking reddish-purple pegasus wearing a green and black jumpsuit, "Sorry for the delay~ How may I help you, dears?"
  446. [23:29] * Desert_Eagle totally checks Strudel out from beneath his Aviators.
  447. [23:29] * Strifer looks up at Strudel. "Uh... Wow. "
  448. [23:30] * Strudel has a very shapely body, her jumpsuit clinging in /all/ the right places.
  449. [23:30] <Desert_Eagle> "Uhh, howdy Miss."
  450. [23:31] * Strifer blink blink blinks. Rubbing her eyes, leaning her head to her side, looking confused. "Damn. You're hot!"
  451. [23:31] * Cloudy_Breeze glances at Strudel. She could agree with Strifer, but she ain't so tactless to just blurt it out loud.
  452. [23:33] * Strudel replies with a soft, melodious giggle, "That's so sweet of you to say, thank you~ So what do you sweet things need?"
  453. [23:33] * Desert_Eagle grunts. At least the mirrored Aviators hid his gaze. "We were lookin' fer rooms fer th' night Miss."
  454. [23:34] * Strifer perks up. "And food! MREs are, like, magicall but sometimes one just want something else you know." She looks down, quickly lifting her scratching hoof from the floor. "
  455. [23:35] * Desert_Eagle nods. "Ayup, an' somethin' t' eat, too."
  456. [23:36] * Strudel nods and smiles happily, "Well I think you're in luck, we happen to have plenty of both here! There's a batch of rolls that should be finished very soon~ Or some 'antique' quisine, if that's more to your liking."
  457. [23:37] * Cloudy_Breeze taps a hoof in thought. "Out of curiosity, do ya know the deal with that radio station?"
  458. [23:38] * Strifer looks even more confused now. "The... Um.. Fuck.. Id like food, please."
  459. [23:41] * Strudel smiles gently as she reaches behind the counter and slips on a frilly green apron, "I know the host quite well, dear, I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific about what you'd like to know, though." Apron donned, she trots over to a small oven and carefully extracts a tray of golden-brown spheres.
  460. [23:42] * Strudel plucks one off with a cloth and pushes it onto the counter, "Here, try one!"
  461. [23:42] * Strifer is all over it.
  462. [23:42] <Strifer> "Mine!"
  463. [23:42] * Desert_Eagle chuckles. "Somepony's hungry."
  464. [23:43] * Strifer trotts up and gives it a sniff before chomping down. Pretty much salavating as she finishes it. "Woah.. What, what is this? It tastes fucking amazing!"
  465. [23:43] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> As apetizing as it looks, it actually kind of sucks. The inside is barely cooked, but I'm very certain Strifer probably doesn't care.
  466. [23:43] * Cloudy_Breeze eyes the food. "Somepony actually hosts it? Sounded like a recordin'..."
  467. [23:44] * Strifer looks over at Strudle.. "Do you have more?"
  468. [23:47] * Strudel giggles at Strifer's enthusiasm, nodding and lifting the tray of 11 remaining rolls onto the counter, "They're just a cap each, a real bargain!" Turning back to Breezy, she purses her lips a little, considering the question, "Of course there's a real host, dear. She just happens to have been out for a few days now. Did you need her for something?"
  469. [23:48] * Cloudy_Breeze shakes her head. "Just seemed a bit strange, is all..."
  470. [23:49] * Strifer groans. Flopping down on the counter. "I have no caps.."
  471. [23:49] <Desert_Eagle> "Yeah, tha's th' other thing. All o' us 'r pretty much flat broke."
  472. [23:50] * Strudel tips her head a little at Cloudy_Breeze, "Is it? I never would have thought so." She looks back to Strifer and Desert, "O-oh... Dear me, that could be a problem, couldn't it..."
  473. [23:51] * Desert_Eagle nods. "Ayup."
  474. [23:51] * Strifer looks up, sneaking a hoof towards one of the strudles. "But.. We could, ah.. Pay you in some other way?"
  475. [23:52] <Desert_Eagle> "Ah got some stuff ah could sell though, ah suppose."
  476. [23:52] <Strifer> "Wait..
  477. [23:52] * Cloudy_Breeze ain't flat broke, but is certainly hesitant to pay for things they could otherwise not pay for.
  478. [23:52] <Strifer> "Are you.. Expecting a delivery..?"
  479. [23:56] * Strudel brightens back up, nodding, "Why yes I am! I was just thinking if it came in soon enough, maybe you could help me deliver what I'm supposed to be making with it, but I haven't heard anything about when it might arrive."
  480. [23:57] * Desert_Eagle nods. "That could work."
  481. [23:57] <Desert_Eagle> "How much fer rooms, anyway?"
  482. [23:57] * Strifer grins. "Hah! Well! We have your delivery right outside, that will give us a room and food for tonight.. Right?"
  483. [00:02] * Strudel smiles wide at Strifer, "Really, you do? That's absolutely fantastic!" She hops up and down a few times happily, fluttering her wings just slightly, "Oh yes, definitely! The rooms would be 15 per occupant, but I think I can definitely take care of that if you'd be willing to let me come with your once I'm done to deliver my masterpiece~"
  484. [00:03] * Cloudy_Breeze gives a glance toward Strifer, Desert_Eagle, and Challenger. "... Ya don't mind sittin' with the cargo, right?"
  485. [00:04] * Strifer smirks at the bouncing pegasus, bouncing a little herself. "Great! We can totaly do that!" She grins wider. "Cloudy, Deagle, get the van here!" She waggles a hoof in the air at the others.. "See, I told you that this was a good mission to take! Free food, room, and a thousand caps waiting in Tunka.. Uh.. Djunka? The Peir."
  486. [00:07] * Desert_Eagle nods. "Le's get the van Breezy."
  487. [00:07] * Strifer totaly takes another strudle and noms.
  488. [00:07] * Cloudy_Breeze nods and heads out to get the van.
  489. [00:08] <Strifer> "Wow, these are fucking awesome. You make these+"
  490. [00:08] * Desert_Eagle follows after her.
  491. [00:09] * Strudel nods happily at Strifer, "I did! But they're nothing compared to what I'm going to make with what you darlings brought~"
  492. [00:11] * Strifer gets the slightest blush on her face... Scratching a foreleg. "Ah.. Thats.. Fucking awesome!" She says with a grin.
  493. [00:13] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Cloudy_Breeze arrives with the van and parks it like a champ. She was getting better at it for sure.
  494. [00:14] * Cloudy_Breeze better be getting better at parking the van, she does it more than anypony else!
  495. [00:16] * Desert_Eagle is the only other one who can even drive it, so ehhh.
  496. [00:18] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The pallet of cake ingridients sits undisturbed. A miraculous feat, considering their past driving record.
  497. [00:19] * Cloudy_Breeze goes into the back and grabs the ingredients to bring inside.
  498. [00:21] * Strifer goes to help, its all on a big pallet...
  499. [00:22] * Desert_Eagle helps as well.
  500. [00:24] * Strudel smiles wide as she watches the ponies unloading the ingredients, tapping her hooves together excitedly. This cake was going to be perfect~
  501. [00:24] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> It's pretty heavy, but they manage to deliver it to the kitchen without dropping anything!
  502. [00:24] * Strifer flops down next to the pallet. Wheezing. "I.. never knew... baking.. was so... hard...Phew..!"
  503. [00:26] * Desert_Eagle chuckles, wiping his forehead with a hoof.
  504. [00:30] * Cloudy_Breeze hangs out while the pony makes a cake. Also eats free food.
  505. [00:31] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> A cake of this scale would no doubt take some time to craft. Strudel can prepare the cake now, but certainly shouldn't start cooking tomorrow.
  506. [00:32] * Cloudy_Breeze still hangs out for a while, talking with the cakepony.
  507. [00:32] * Desert_Eagle chills out as well.
  508. [00:33] * Strifer nibbles quite a few of the strudles on the plate whiles waiting during the cooking. Soon she sneaks away to get some shuteye. Funny how that worked.. No drugs and sleep came easy..
  509. [00:36] * Strifer is snoring, loudly.
  510. [00:37] * Desert_Eagle bids goodnight to Cloudy_Breeze and Strudel, and heads upstairs.
  511. [00:38] * Cloudy_Breeze eventually heads upstairs after a while. It's probably going to take her even longer to get to sleep. She's been very restless.
  512. [00:39] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Challenger too finds a bed to crash in, and returns to form, snoring loudly to rival Strifer. Once morning comes, there's a faint tapping at the upstairs window. It's closest to Desert_Eagle's bed.
  513. [00:40] * Desert_Eagle cracks an eye open. "Murr?" He sits up slowly, looking over at the window.
  514. [00:41] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> There's a large, yellow eye staring at him. It blinks, revealing a red, scaly eyelid.
  515. [00:41] * Desert_Eagle blinks several times. "Ohhhh..."
  516. [00:42] <Desert_Eagle> "Shit."
  517. [00:42] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> A large talon taps on the window again.
  518. [00:43] * Desert_Eagle swallows. He glances around, before trotting to the window. He opens it slowly.
  519. [00:45] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> There's a very low chuckle as the window creaks open. "Hello, ponies. In the weeks it's been since we last met, a thought occurred to me. Care to guess what it is?"
  520. [00:46] <Desert_Eagle> "Uhh, not really..."
  521. [00:47] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The large dragon chuckles again, shaking the house slightly. "Well, I realized that you would just keep running and running and running until I forgot about your debt to me. So, I reasoned that, if I -personally- forced you to pay me, then there was no way you could run."
  522. [00:49] <Desert_Eagle> "Well. We're fucked, ain't we."
  523. [00:49] * Strifer groans and rolls over in her bed.
  524. [00:49] <Desert_Eagle> "Guys, might wanna wake up now..."
  525. [00:49] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Fang continues. "It's been brought to my attention that the only reason any of you came to our humble Pier in the first place is because a buck named Deuces forced you to. Yes?"
  526. [00:50] * Desert_Eagle nods slowly. "Ayup. Bastard."
  527. [00:51] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Fang chuckles once again. "Well, how would you like to clear your debt with me, -and- get back at him? I understand ponies enjoy the prospect of claiming vengeance on others who have wronged them, yes?"
  528. [00:52] * Cloudy_Breeze wakes up somewhere around now. She groans, being forcibly woken up early isn't a happy thing. She mutters, "The fuck is goin' on..."
  529. [00:54] <Desert_Eagle> "Uhh... ah suppose so?"
  530. [00:55] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Fang gives a toothy dragon grin. "Perfect. Of course, I'm going to need a bit more certainty than that."
  531. [00:55] * Strifer rubs her eyes and stumbles out of bed, shaking her head a few times, before looking at whatever it was the other where looking at. "Morning Dea- " As she spots teh dragon she sits down, hard.
  532. [00:55] <Strifer> "... fuck me."
  533. [00:56] * Cloudy_Breeze has no idea what the hell is going on. She's not ever met this thing in her life.
  534. [00:56] * Desert_Eagle takes a few steps back. "Uhh, l-l-lemme get back t' yah on that... might wanna 'splain t' th' others why yer here..."
  535. [00:57] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Fang is a dragon. Surely Breezy knows what a dragon is! "Take your time. The gold isn't going anywhere."
  536. [00:57] * Desert_Eagle stammers. "Y-Yah have our gold?"
  537. [00:59] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Fang snorts, spraying snoot from his nostrils. "Of course not. However, I -can- tell you where -the- gold is. It's not yours if it's stolen, pony."
  538. [01:00] <Strifer> "Gold, yeah.. So what, you offering us a job? Is that what this is?"
  539. [01:01] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Fang grins that unsettling grin again. "A job,no... I'm offering you a tabula rasa, so to speak."
  540. [01:01] * Strifer blinks. Looking at the others. in a lower voice. "That a good thing.. Right?"
  541. [01:09] * Cloudy_Breeze eyes the... eye. The gold is of interest, though she has no idea why this is being asked now, and here, of all places. Nor who's doing the asking.
  542. [01:10] * Strifer assumes its a good thing. "Okay.. So if we take your offer.. Then what?" She asks as one of her ears drops.
  543. [01:11] * Desert_Eagle nods. "An' what does yer offer entail, 'sactly?"
  544. [01:12] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Fang smiles. "This is very simple, a deal too good to pass up, if you will. Go to the settlement of Deep Six and speak to Ohjef. He will inform you of what else you'll need." The eye swivels to look at Desert_Eagle. "A heist, not unlike the one that got you all into this mess. Except now, this one will get you out of it."
  545. [01:12] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> ***Session 29 Ends***
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