
After Tournament Party

Apr 24th, 2015
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  1. ------------------------------
  2. Logging started for Rizon:#neonlights_bar on Sunday, April 19, 2015 11:25:58 AM Western Indonesia Time
  3. ------------------------------
  4. ** You have joined #neonlights_bar
  5. ** Topic: Welcome to the Neonlights Bar! Come sit a spell and socialize. Current Specials: Peppermint schnapps with nutmeg
  6. ** By Deft! on Sun Dec 14 04:20:30 GMT+07:00 2014
  7. (Isidora) "Hey, listen, sorry about that whole thing back there. Competition and all" Isi said calmly to Wells. Weirdly calmly for her. She settled down to pick up a drink
  8. (Salesman_) "Afternoon everyo-Woah! What did you get into Wells?"
  9. (Wells) "A rock and a hard place...."
  10. (Wells) "Both of them arguably being the same person..."
  11. (Wells) "As she beat me savagely..."
  12. ** Lock has joined #neonlights_bar
  13. (Salesman_) "She?" He looks over the happy Isidora "What exactly is the context?"
  14. * Isidora coughed slightly and drank back a little lemony drink.
  15. (Wells) "I'd rather it stay a big secret. Ask Greg..."
  16. * Salesman_ then looks at Roxanne. "Huh, second metal person I've seen in my life."
  17. (Salesman_) "Speaking of Greg, was he with you? Took three of his vacation days and didn't say why"
  18. (Wells) "Leisure. Fire him."
  19. (McGoFuckYourself) Roxanne shakes her head. "Couldn't be worse than patrolling the sewers 'round here."
  20. (Salesman_) "Why? As I said, vacation days"
  21. * F021 walks in, a bit battered here and there, brought a small bag with him.
  22. (F021) "Finally settled down once again.."
  23. (Wells) "Sewers are home to the worst of things...Hi 21. Settled down?"
  24. (Salesman_) "Good to see you again, I don't think I caught your name"
  25. (F021) "Yeah, I.. Don't like either of the arena."
  26. * Lock pulls open the doors of the bar and steps in with a whistle, waving at the few folks he knew before heading over to the bar and rooting around for a root beer. "Mmf, delicious candy" Popping the bottle cap on the corner of the bar, he hobbles over to his seat and drops with a sigh. Tired.. was a good descriptor. But otherwise a bit chipperer.
  27. * Isidora adjusted her collar the slightest bit. As a centerpiece to it, in place of a stud, was a little luminous piece of gem. Kept it around for when she would ever need it. Waving to Lock, she relaxed into the bar counter
  28. (McGoFuckYourself) Roxanne gives Lock a slight wave. "Don't think we've met before, eh?"
  29. * F021 looks at Lock. "Look who's back from hell. Have a great time down there?" He waves to the man before ordering a glass of cold whiskey.
  30. * Salesman_ waves to lock, still a bit weirded out by the, lock. "Afternoon Lock, Been awhile, last I saw was the fight with Terrance"
  31. * Wells stares at Lock. "Oh shit Lock.....I thought you died or something....."
  32. * Lock taking a sip of his drink, returning waves. "Hell was warm, and yeahh. The giant golem.. thing. Thanks for that?" He slid out of his booth and slunk back over to the bar, dropping into the seat next to Isidora before addressing Roxanne. "Everyone just calls me Lock. Good to meet you." New heroes and stuff. He pointed at Wells. "I'm like a crash test
  33. (Lock) dummy. I don't die, I just get knocked 'round."
  34. (Salesman_) "You certainly seem happier, everyone needs vacations"
  35. (Lock) "Mmm.. vacations." He scratched at his metallic head a bit, reflecting for a few moments. "Yes, definitely what that was."
  36. * Wells has the word 'vacation' bounce around his head.
  37. (Wells) "Yeah.....That could work..."
  38. (Isidora) "We've all been on a little bit of a vacation"
  39. * Isidora coughed
  40. (Salesman_) "I've been working"
  41. (F021) "Vacation... That would be nice but nah."
  42. (McGoFuckYourself) "Yeah, vacations where one of you turns up looking like he just got caught in a goddamn blender." Looks over at Wells with that.
  43. * Lock looks at the others curiously, tilting his head a bit. "Did I miss something fun?"
  44. (Salesman_) "I have no clue"
  45. (F021) "Oh boy, you certainly missed it. Fights and shit happened. It's cool as heck." F021 chuckles before sipping his drink.
  46. (Wells) "I wouldn't call that a vacation...I disappear for weeks at a time, usually holed up in my room.....doing things. I'm talking a real vacation. A get away from all this...."
  47. (Wells) "This city..."
  48. * Isidora sipped at her drink, looking as innocent as she possibly could. Its Isi though. Not a good liar or subtle. "Just some competition is all"
  49. (Lock) "Fighting competition? Huh.. not really my bag." He was still kind of.. scrawny and thin.
  50. (McGoFuckYourself) "See, I enjoy getting into scraps. But between that kid and all that shit, I think I'm good for the moment."
  51. (Isidora) "I find time to make a few wagers and all that. Keeps my... aggression in check"
  52. (Salesman_) "I've never been a fighter myself, my brother was however, we've, never gotten along well"
  53. (Lock) "Eh, I've had my share of fighting. Think I'm just gonna relax now."
  54. (Wells) "This tournament has pushed me to do things I was never pushed to do...I even considered going to a doctor afterwards..."
  55. (Wells) "But fuck that..."
  56. (Salesman_) "Who did you fight?"
  57. (Isidora) "...Mortal, are you-"
  58. (Isidora) "D-... Do you not seek medical attention"
  59. (Wells) "Time heals all wounds. I don't need a professional bandage wrapper..."
  60. * Lock turning his head from Wells to Dora, he begins putting the pieces together. "Wait.. did you two fight?"
  61. (Wells) "And I didn't fight anyone special..."
  62. (Wells) "Damn..."
  63. (Salesman_) "Wow, you must one fighter mi-Isidora"
  64. (Isidora) "I think I broke him"
  65. * Wells whispers to himself. "Not telling that to the guy who survived and patched himself up...."
  66. (Lock) "Well he was always a bit screw-loose.. Maybe he should go to the doctor's."
  67. (F021) "My opinion, you should really see a doctor for those wounds. Isi really fucked you up. Trust me, it'll be worth it." One points to the various wound Wells suffered, internally thankful for his grotesque body.
  68. (Salesman_) "I have a Golem outside with some healing potions"
  69. (Isidora) "I know for a fact that things were broken"
  70. (Isidora) "You would be wise to get yourself looked at"
  71. (Isidora) "Mortals need upkeep else they perish"
  72. * Wells gets a bit miffed, "Fuck magic! And fuck hospitals! The body heels itself. I just needed to put things in the right place..."
  73. (Lock) "I'd help but I don't think I'm certified anymore," he mumbled, taking another drink. "Plus I left my bone saw at the museum.."
  74. (Salesman_) "Yes, the body heals it self, over months and years"
  75. (Isidora) "I broke your limbs under the impression you would have them properly helped..."
  76. (Wells) "And that they are..."
  77. (Wells) "Just takes a bit of time..."
  78. (Wells) "And snapping parts in place..."
  79. (Lock) "If you don't go to a doctor I'm going to give someone a key and make them break you back into place over the course of the next hour."
  80. (Salesman_) "Once again, months and years. Not to mention some parts might not ever fully heal"
  81. (McGoFuckYourself) "Hey, dumbass. Y'know a broken bone that isn't set ain't gonna recover properly? Like, ever? You're gonna fucking cripple your dumb ass."
  82. (Lock) "It'll be funny." Drink sip.
  83. (Isidora) "Break his back? I think I tried...." Isi mishearing Lock once more
  84. * Wells was getting a bit nervous. "M-Maybe some people just don't need t recover conventionally!"
  85. (Wells) "I sure as fuck don't!"
  86. (Lock) "No, no.. Snap him back into place?" He began to mime, letting his arm hang in the air, before grabbing it and realigning it with a verbal 'snap' before wiggling his fingers. "Fix him like a dislocated arm."
  87. * Isidora tilted her head for a moment. Did she really not know about that? Considering how she focused more on delivering injury than dealing with it, it was a possibility. "Oh. Da. That would work"
  88. (Lock) "Yeah, see? Just gotta break it back into place and then wrap it."
  89. (McGoFuckYourself) Roxanne laughs. "Thank /fuck/ I'm off-duty right now."
  90. * Salesman_ says jokingly "maybe we should knock him out and force him to get help"
  91. (Isidora) "That is strange. When my limbs are broken I change my form, it is very simple"
  92. (Isidora) "I guess that having a consistent body would result in that..."
  93. (Lock) "Tried making people before. I mean, it worked but Buddy had his henchmen put the boots to me a bit."
  94. (Lock) "And yeah, most people can't change forms. Makes regeneration difficult."
  95. (Isidora) "What a painful existence that must be"
  96. (F021) "Eh, at least my tentacles can restore themselves given enough shadow to absorb. Still quite a pain in the ass though."
  97. (Salesman_) "Once again, healing potions, won't fix him instantly, but it will advance the process much faster"
  98. (Lock) "I heal a bit faster.. but still mostly human." He wiggled around his hands, host to a plethora of new scars. Mostly on his knuckles. "Preddy neat."
  99. (McGoFuckYourself) Roxxanne knocks on her metal arm. "Injuries are difficult as fuck to heal up for me. End up stuck in the fucking hospital for weeks if something manages to break through."
  100. (F021) "Injuries for me are normally healed, except my, tentacles. They can heal on them own.
  101. (F021) "
  102. * Wells listens to the trading of scar stories, a bit frustrated. It was a miracle he made it this far considering how much of a chickenshit he was back in the day. "I don't think I'd question my methods considering the people in this city..."
  103. (Wells) "We all have our own ways of functioning..."
  104. * Isidora paused a moment, her eyes lighting up as she looked Wells up and down. She squinted. Then sighed.
  105. (Isidora) "Fine. Have it your way"
  106. (Lock) "Well I still go to the doctors for small things. Anything more invasive tends to lead to me being experimented on. Like when I broke my arm? Had to cast it." He lifted his leg, waving the foot at Wells. "Or the boot."
  107. (Lock) "Not the electrical chest penetration one. That would've been hard to explain." He mused, tilting the bottle into his keyhole again. "...Good times."
  108. (Wells) "Well. I don't leave my house for weeks on end because I caught the flu..."
  109. (Wells) "So I see little reason to even get healthcare."
  110. (Salesman_) "Remind me to tell Gregs sister to look after you"
  111. (Lock) "That seems like a good time to go to the pharmacy and at least get some cough syrup. I recommend cherry flavor."
  112. (F021) "Yes. To be honest I don't know how I even function anymore, what with this body and whatnot.. I fucked over my body inside and out." He sighed and sips his drink again.
  113. (McGoFuckYourself) "Do /none/ of you people bother with proper medical care? Christ."
  114. (Salesman_) "I have my potions, but I still get the monthly check up"
  115. (Isidora) "I attended a doctor once"
  116. (Wells) "For tummy aches?"
  117. (F021) "Well, when you got a body like this doctors just kinda gave up."
  118. (Wells) "I'd imagine you have those often." He chucled to himself
  119. (Isidora) "They very clearly did not understand personal space. Very invasive"
  120. (Isidora) "I did not go back there again"
  121. (F021) "They gave you basic care and left you to heal. Wasn't good in any way."
  122. (Wells) "You're one interesting case 21... Hope you find some answers."
  123. (F021) "I hope too."
  124. (Lock) "Modern doctors tend to question how I operate, talk, breathe.. when my head is cast iron. It complicates things," he waves vaguely at Roxanne before shrugging. "Oh or why there's no back of my skull going in from the keyhole.."
  125. (Isidora) "I believe that my doctor had to go see another doctor after our... meeting"
  126. (Salesman_) "I know a man 100% made of metal lock, and a woman made of Fire, nothing seems to impossible"
  127. (McGoFuckYourself) She throws up her hands. "Yeah, but after a while, you'd think the doctors here would've seen enough metas around to understand that weird shit just happens. Spent the first six years of my life in and out of hospitals and shit and most of them didn't bat an eye."
  128. (Isidora) "I hope they are doing alright now"
  129. (Lock) "I can impossible all day, doesn't mean regular folk just go accept it. And you shouldn't accost doctors, Dora. They have to be a bit in your personal space.. Turn your head and cough, all that."
  130. (Isidora) "Why would I turn my head and cough?"
  131. (Salesman_) "its to.....I do not know actually"
  132. (Wells) "Something about the G-Spot or whatever......"
  133. (Lock) "I've no idea anymore. It was easier back when I did it. We more or less served as priests. 'Oh, you've been stabbed through the stomach. God be with you, son.' That or we get the bone saw and leeches.."
  134. (Lock) "My surgery record is abysmal.."
  135. (McGoFuckYourself) Roxanne mutters something along the lines of "Th'fuck is wrong with you people." under her breath as she sips her booze.
  136. (Salesman_) "I am surprised there are no Magic based Hospitals here in Neon"
  137. (Isidora) "I certainly do not hope that they would touch me in that area. When I was young you would be stoned for that" Isi knows what a g-spot it, evidently.
  138. (Isidora) "This is all very new..."
  139. (Lock) "Agreed."
  140. (McGoFuckYourself) "Y'alls are fucking crazy, you know that?"
  141. (Lock) "Yep." Drink sip.
  142. (Isidora) "Yep" Drink sip.
  143. (Salesman_) "I uh...Yep" He has nothing to sip
  144. (F021) "Yes, along with weird. Was a part of a freakshow earlier in life." Sips drink.
  145. (Salesman_) "You and greg would get along"
  146. (F021) "That metal guy? Hah, might be."
  147. (McGoFuckYourself) "Huh?" Looks over.
  148. (Salesman_) "Oh, not you Miss, My co-worker, he also is made of metal"
  149. (Isidora) "I.... No, let me..."
  150. * Isidora gets up, and pulls a few fridge magnets out of her pocket. She seemed to be incredibly interested in how such things worked. Then she put them on Roxanne.
  151. (Isidora) "...Hm"
  152. * Wells stifled a laugh
  153. (McGoFuckYourself) It clings. "Har. Har. Har. You're only the thousandth fucking person to have that stroke of /genius/."
  154. * Salesman_ tries not to laugh
  155. (McGoFuckYourself) Roxanne scowls.
  156. (Salesman_) "I wonder if that would work on Greg"
  157. * F021 chuckles, sips his drink to avoid laughter.
  158. * Isidora tilted her head in a little bit of confusion. She seemed to earnestly not have a clue that it was possible in the first place.
  159. (Isidora) "Mortal, do not sass me. I am trying to understand things"
  160. (McGoFuckYourself) "I'll sass whoever the hell I please, thank you. All you had to do was ask, y'know, you don't see me slapping magnets on /you/." She reaches over and peels the magnets off of her.
  161. * Salesman_ looks over to wells, Dora, then to Roxanne "I don't think you should get her mad miss"
  162. (Wells) "Agreed. We must have some level of courtesy..."
  163. * Isidora squinted her eyes menacingly for a moment, then returned to her drink. "Fine. Have it your way"
  164. * Salesman_ whispers "I was saying so she wouldn't end up like you, or worse"
  165. (F021) "Totally. She can do a lot of weird shit if pissed, and you do /not/ want to get her pissed."
  166. (McGoFuckYourself) Roxanne rolls her eyes. "Forgive me for not being intimidated. After the number of times I've had a big-ass demon chasing after me at work, another one isn't about to scare me."
  167. * Wells looks over to Roxanne. "Friend. I was just as metal as you when she did what she did to me...." He smiled, recalling the brutal punishment he received.
  168. (Isidora) "You'd do pretty goddamn wise not to count me among other demons. I'm beyond whatever league you're playing in"
  169. (Isidora) "You can bring out your entire team. Little difference will be made" There was a little sip of her drink
  170. (McGoFuckYourself) "Right. Sure. Quaking in my boots." She takes a drink. They are nice boots, admittedly.
  171. (F021) "Oh no, my friend. Our demon is nowhere near her scale." He is, afterall, a Xenon employee.
  172. (Salesman_) "
  173. (Salesman_) "You are talking the large red creature that follows Guffy correct?"
  174. (Isidora) "I personally find it cute"
  175. (Wells) "I can't wrap my head around stopping it...."
  176. * Wells looked over to Dora. "Same for you"
  177. (Salesman_) "I do not know how strong either of you are, I only ever saw Keymonger"
  178. (Isidora) "Dragons have long since died out. All that's left are remnants and awkward spawn"
  179. (Isidora) "Back in my heyday they were the only things that could turn us back. Luckily, likely for all, only I have been freed since"
  180. (Salesman_) "Well, you must be lonely at times, do you not miss friends? Or sisters"
  181. (Isidora) "Ha! Lonely!.... Yeah, what of it? I do miss my sisters"
  182. (Isidora) "If I met them as they were back then we would likely not get along, the years have changed us all, but they were all I had"
  183. (Salesman_) "oh, I apologies for bringing this up. I know what missing someone but knowing their different is"
  184. * Wells begins thinking about his own shit, "Heh.....Lonely.....I wonder when I should giver her the CD..."
  185. * Isidora took a long, hard swig
  186. (McGoFuckYourself) Roxanne's drifted away from the conversation at large now that nobody's treating her like a refrigerator. She takes another drink from the bottle, thinking to herself.
  187. (Wells) "I wonder if she'll be happy about it..." He pulls out a disc with his good arm.
  188. (Isidora) "But, they're all locked away and I'm the only one! Nothing to worry about now!"
  189. * Isidora internally started remembering the chilled feeling. Strange.
  190. (Salesman_) "Uh, how did you get out?
  191. (Salesman_) "
  192. * Wells points at Isidora with his disc. "Now!"
  193. (Wells) "But how long will now last...."
  194. (Wells) "How long until people with big tanks and guns start mining them for power."
  195. (F021) "Lonely.." He thought about his former friends back in the circus, the girl she met, and all just came crushing down. He ordered another glass of whiskey and finished it in one huge gulp.
  196. (Wells) "Like. Human shaped minerals."
  197. (Salesman_) [in this universe wells, I'd say a week[
  198. (Isidora) "Volcanic eruption in the Mediterranean. Broke me out of the planet..." Then she blinked. "You what?"
  199. (Wells) "Everything in this world will be weaponized to some extent. People are always looking for the next biggest innovation in warfare and combat."
  200. (Wells) "They're not afraid to do anything for it."
  201. (Isidora) "...And what does this have to do with the ala?"
  202. (Salesman_) "Wells has a point, sooner or later someone will try to awaken more of you to be weapons"
  203. (Isidora) "...No. Impossible" She crossed her arms over one another. "As if we would bow to some kind of mortal army"
  204. (Wells) "Not them in specific. But it could mean the worse for everyone if people seek them out..."
  205. (Wells) "People long forgot loyalty, Dora."
  206. (Wells) "No need for it."
  207. (Wells) "Force is all there is."
  208. (Salesman_) "You seemed to adapt to our world, and 500 or so years changes people"
  209. (Isidora) "I only came up as an accident, and I doubt that there could be more taken up"
  210. (Isidora) "It took 500 years just for me to show up. A mistake of the design! Surely no others would appear anytime soon"
  211. (F021) "Let's hope so..."
  212. * Isidora seemed to be rather sure of herself about it. Curiosity was still there on some level, with the feeling she had. Perhaps if the time ever came she would feel it clearly...
  213. * Wells shrugs with his only working arm and puts his disc away.
  214. (Wells) "So uh...."
  215. (Wells) "Any of you guys...."
  216. (Wells) "Good wit kids?"
  217. (Salesman_) "I run a store, kinda have to be"
  218. (Salesman_) "Lots of up and coming wizards and witches"
  219. * Isidora briefly thinks back to her interactions with children centuries ago. "No. I am not good with kids at all"
  220. (McGoFuckYourself) "Eh? Not really."
  221. ** Deft has quit (Quit: Bye.)
  222. (F021) "I... Don't know."
  223. (Salesman_) "why?"
  224. (Wells) "Oh....ok then..."
  225. (Wells) "Forget it."
  226. (Wells) "Just wanted No big deal."
  227. (F021) "My memory is rather.. Blurry, to say the least. I don't know anything about myself." He looks down, thinking of something.
  228. (McGoFuckYourself) "Last kid I talked to turned out to be my bosses daughter. Rather not repeat that expeience
  229. (McGoFuckYourself) "
  230. * Isidora tries to recall her own childhood. Old Baba Yaga was... a strange mother to have. She doesn't believe that normal families would treat their young like that. Cryptic cackling old croon.
  231. (Wells) "Well remember that your identity is defined by what you've done and what you know. I'm not saying to forget about the past but. You're a new person in theory..."
  232. ** Greg has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  233. * Isidora decides that she is not good with children.
  234. * Wells recalls his own parents. They made rash decisions. And as a result they bit the bullet. "They taught me something in their own way I suppose...." he mumbles.
  235. (F021) "Well, I've forgot my past so it's easier to me. Though, I wish it will come back.." Sips his third glass.
  236. (Salesman_) "My parents were great! Its my brother that was the problem"
  237. (Wells) "Swell."
  238. (F021) "Siblings... I wonder if I even have them and where they are."
  239. (Wells) "Forget this...I have bags to pack. Wounds to heal......Important people to talk to..."
  240. (Salesman_) "bags to pack?
  241. (Salesman_) "
  242. * Wells tilts his head in some kind of shame or sadness. He begins walking to the exit. "I said earlier. I'm making a run for it. This city isn't keeping me captive for all my life."
  243. (Salesman_) "Didn't you move from New york?"
  244. (Wells) "In a sent to prison way, I suppose. I didn't want to come here. But hey. Life happens."
  245. (F021) "Alright then. See you." He waved his hand to Wells before returning to his drink.
  246. (Wells) "I'm going to Europe or some shit. Don't miss me."
  247. (Salesman_) "If you want I can give you a Bag of Holding, lighten the load"
  248. * Wells leaves without much of a goodbye. Suppose that was a no.
  249. * Isidora gives a wave to Wells as he goes, and drinks
  250. (McGoFuckYourself) Roxanne shifts in her seat. "City ain't that bad. It's pretty rough at points, but it ain't /that/ shitty."
  251. (Isidora) "I rather enjoy the city. There is quite a lot of nice things to be found"
  252. ** Wells is now known as Chloran
  253. (F021) "This city is not the best place to live, I would say, but I like the concentration of metahumans here. Makes me feel a little normal."
  254. * Chloran walks in, he was looking a bit brown.
  255. (Salesman_) [his suit is wood, no shit]
  256. (Chloran) [leaves]
  257. (Salesman_) [wait where are you going?]
  258. (Chloran) [no]
  259. (Chloran) [god damn]
  260. (Chloran) [leafs]
  261. (F021) [Leaves as in the plant thing]
  262. (Salesman_) [I know :^)]
  263. (Chloran) [eat a dick]
  264. * Chloran was breathing rather hard
  265. (Chloran) "And how has this spring night treated you all?"
  266. * F021 looks to Chloran. "Haven't got the allergies yet, thankfully. And how about you?"
  267. (Chloran) "I've been." -cough- "Blessed."
  268. (Chloran) "Moreso than I already am..."
  269. (Salesman_) "I'm going to guess you were at that fighting thing as well?"
  270. (Chloran) "I left that immediately at the beginning. Lost the first match. Some wishes weren't meant to come true....haha."
  271. (McGoFuckYourself) "Decently, I guess."
  272. * Chloran revealed his chest, the area of his heart having some kind of growth on it. "But I find a way..."
  273. (Chloran) "The mother looks down on me lovingly..."
  274. (Salesman_) "Oh GOD what is that?"
  275. (McGoFuckYourself) ".....So that's a thing." The metal girl looks over at the plant man. Huh.
  276. (Isidora) "Did a forest spirit decide to possess you?"
  277. (Chloran) "More like the Earth itself. A seed came to me. I don't know why put I knew there was something special about it. I used whatever methods I could to insert it into my heart."
  278. (Chloran) "I am one with her."
  279. (McGoFuckYourself) Roxanne raises an eyebrow, looking at him. He's a weirdo, but she's not about to say anything right to his face.
  280. (F021) "Inserting a damn seed into your body..." He vaguely remembers the cold bed and the straps. "Well."
  281. (Isidora) "....Are you a witch?"
  282. * Chloran takes a seat. "Not just a seed. But the harbinger of a new world order."
  283. (Chloran) "I am no wicken."
  284. (Chloran) "My powers are a blessing."
  285. ** Isidora has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  286. (Salesman_) "Dudes so crazy he made the ala leave'
  287. (Chloran) "Excuse me!"
  288. (Chloran) "You mock the being that bred you life? You'll see soon."
  289. (Chloran) "The error of your ways. And the fate that come with it."
  290. (Salesman_) "Right" He grabs a spoon, changing it to different metals out of boredom
  291. * Chloran begins coughing, the leaves all over his costume, fading darker and darker brown.
  292. (Chloran) "Magic."
  293. (Chloran) "Manipulation of the natural forces that be."
  294. (Salesman_) "Of course, Alchemy, one kind anyways"
  295. (Chloran) "Natural forces you know so little about."
  296. (Chloran) "I know the truths of this world..."
  297. (Chloran) "And with my knowledge, will mark a new era..."
  298. (F021) "Of?"
  299. (McGoFuckYourself) "Y'alls are both crazy."
  300. (Salesman_) "I don't put magic seeds into my heart"
  301. (F021) "What that dude said." He points to Salesman.
  302. (Salesman_) "On a less crazy note, you aren't looking so good"
  303. * Chloran slams his fist into the wooden counter. "Impudent..." The counter begins sprouting foliage in wake of his touch.
  304. (Chloran) "My condition is necessary..."
  305. (Salesman_) "Ok, I don't like the look of THAT"
  306. (McGoFuckYourself) "Startin' to sound like villain talk there, friend. I'd be careful with that kinda attitude." She picks her drink off the counter, away from the foliage.
  307. * Bud pops through the doors and makes a beeline for the bar counter. He looked a bit more dazed than usual, ignoring whatever the fuck was happening with Hemp-Man.
  308. * Salesman_ goes up to the counter, taking a few flowers, leaves, grass, what ever was there
  309. (F021) "Uh. You sound dangerously falling into some dark shit, man. Just, stay rational. I've had my own share of that."
  310. (Chloran) "I'm the only hero in this story...You'll never understand...none of you..."
  311. (McGoFuckYourself) "If I had a damn dollar for every time I've heard some trumped-up mad scientist or insane villain say that, I'd be the richest girl in Neon City. Like, i's practically the slogan for villains 'round here."
  312. (Salesman_) "If you desire to attack him miss, pretty sure no one would stop you"
  313. (F021) "Eh, I might even help."
  314. * Chloran coughed. "Aggravated assault?"
  315. (F021) "No, not yet. At least.."
  316. * Bud quietly sipped at his drink.
  317. (McGoFuckYourself) "Nah, man. He ain't done nothin' yet. Can put a watch on him, but until he actually attacks someone, I'm not about to get kicked outta the Evos just for assaultin' somebody when I'm off-duty."
  318. (Chloran) "You're institutions and organizations are all flawed..."
  319. (Chloran) "Every human product is a mistake...."
  320. (Salesman_) "You're human too"
  321. * Bud rubbed at his temples, a sharp eye staring from the side at Hemp-Hero.
  322. * Chloran pounds his chest. "Not....f-for long..." He begins falling asleep as he mumbles to himself. "I'll erase it all..."
  323. (F021) "... Why would anyone wants to become non human? Seriously. I wish I could pass a crowd without being looked like some freak of nature." He mumbled to himself.
  324. (McGoFuckYourself) "Fuckin' eco-terrorists, man."
  325. (Salesman_) "My co-worker desires nothing but to become human"
  326. * Chloran is literally a freak of nature, as most would put it.
  327. (Salesman_) "Well, normal human"
  328. (F021) "I'd like to become.. Normal again. No powers, just.. A human. Settling down with someone, have kids, that kind of stuff.... Too bad I'm not destined to those things."
  329. * Bud being the most human bastard in the bar right now stays silent.
  330. (Salesman_) [excuse me?]
  331. (McGoFuckYourself) "I'm perfectly fine with who I am, thank you very much. The metal comments and magnets get tirin', fast, but I would' change it for the fuckin' world."
  332. (Bud) [You a wizard son]
  333. (Salesman_) [still human, and alchemist is the right word]
  334. (Salesman_) [you died three times and had no face for the longest time]
  335. (Chloran) [ur a wizzerd, Arry!]
  336. (F021) [Yer a wizerd!]
  337. (Bud) [Also took a face full of depowering bomb, aint nothin special there no mo']
  338. (Salesman_) [oh, musta missed that part]
  339. * Chloran springs from his sleep. "Magic. Science. Both not meant to be."
  340. (Salesman_) "You just used a magic seed"
  341. (McGoFuckYourself) "So, uh, what would that make me, then, Mister Appleseed?" She taps her metal claws against the counter. "I ain't magic. I ain't science. Was born like this."
  342. (Chloran) "I am rightfully granted this power. The amount of Wicken I killed in my day in her honor.....Wait what? What am I...."
  343. (Chloran) "You child..."
  344. (Chloran) "You're a mistake!"
  345. (Salesman_) "..." He thinks to himself "I need to introduce her to Greg"
  346. (Chloran) "Like most things in" He begins drifting off again.
  347. (McGoFuckYourself) "....."
  348. * Salesman_ moves away from the counter
  349. (McGoFuckYourself) Roxanne stands up, and walks over to where Chloran's sitting.
  350. * Bud sips with a very unshocked face.
  351. (McGoFuckYourself) She taps him on his shoulder.
  352. (McGoFuckYourself) "Hey, bud?"
  353. (F021) "......" There's so many thoughts in F021's head and most of them involves him punching the life out of Chloran. Just for the sake of entertainment.
  354. * Bud stares with barely visible annoyance at Roxanne before going back to his drink.
  355. * Chloran springs back to life, like an old man. "Praise be unto her..."
  356. (McGoFuckYourself) Roxanne curls up her clawed hand into a very hard, very metal fist, and decks him across the face. She doesn't have super strength, but she sure as fuck works out.
  357. * Chloran feels nothing as the bar negates whatever intended violence was inflicted. "I have centuries of experience Missy....You wouldn't want to fight an.......Old Man?" He gets up. "I'm confused...."
  358. (Salesman_) "Old man? centuries?"
  359. * F021 actually laughs for a bit, before going into muffled laughter mode. He's glad that someone else is pissed off by that plant dude's sayings.
  360. (McGoFuckYourself) (I thought the bar was just a power inhibitor? Fights have broken out here before and nothing's ever stopped people from just punching one another)
  361. (Chloran) [dammit. Clarification please]
  362. (Salesman_) [oh yeah, normal punching should be fine]
  363. (Bud) [Last time someone punched someone they both negated it and went outside so]
  364. (Chloran) [:I]
  365. (McGoFuckYourself) (So confuse)
  366. (F021) [Confusion intensifies]
  367. (Chloran) "The rapture will indeed come..."
  368. (Chloran) "Violence will dies and we'll all learn to love..."
  369. (Salesman_) "You are the definition of Hypocrite"
  370. (Bud) "If you don't like what he's saying then why do you give him a response? Lordy."
  371. (Chloran) "She told me herself...You haven't a clue what the future has in store. We'll all be with her."
  372. (McGoFuckYourself) She jabs a sharp finger at him. "I've whooped people way older than you. Call me a mistake again, and I'll put you through a fucking wheat thresher." She scowls, metal teeth glinting.
  373. ** F021 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  374. ** You're now known as F021
  375. (Chloran) "Young one...I mean my words. I know my faith. My truth is the only truth. And very soon...I'll teach it to you all..." He begins to walk out of the bar, mumbling to himself. "Old man....mmmmm"
  376. * F021 watches Chloran walking away, with a clear scowl on his face. "Jesus, this bar really never changes. Good job."
  377. * Chloran leaves the bar, every step he takes leaving shrubbery in it's wake. If anyone he was familiar with was in the bar, they would recall him being in his twenties not too long ago.
  378. (McGoFuckYourself) She sits down, breathing heavy as she puts her forehead in her hands, leaning on the bar counter. "For Christ's sake.
  379. * Bud sets his drink down and turns to the enraged metalwork. "Hey, you alright?"
  380. (Salesman_) "Well, pleasure seeing you all again, and I hope to know you better miss, uh. Maybe we can start with a name. I'm Salesman"
  381. (McGoFuckYourself) She sighs, shaking her head. "Shit I deal with sometimes. Been called a mistake more fuckin' times then I'm comfortable with. People tend to see the metal before they see the person under it."
  382. (Salesman_) He stretches an arm to Roxanne
  383. ** F021 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  384. ** Salesman_ has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  385. ** Salesman_ has joined #neonlights_bar
  386. (Salesman_) [last thing I saw was me trying to hand shake Roxanne]
  387. * Bud nods. "Sorry to hear that, truly. I'm sure you're a lot more than a metal shell." He takes another sip.
  388. (McGoFuckYourself) "Thanks. I appreciate it. Really do."
  389. (Salesman_) "Cough" He turns around to leave "Well, have a pleasent night everyone"
  390. (F021_) "You too, man."
  391. * Salesman_ leaves the bar
  392. * Bud gives a very friendly and possibly a smile of knowing to Salesman. "Have a safe trip home."
  393. (McGoFuckYourself) Roxanne takes a sip of her drink.
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