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Moog is a schizophrenic outsider artist

a guest
Oct 16th, 2011
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  1. [13:44] <strn> hey moog
  2. [13:44] <@Moog> hey
  3. [13:44] <strn> what game should i play moog ?
  4. [13:44] <@Moog> go play it
  5. [13:44] <strn> play what moog ?
  6. [13:44] <@Moog> i'll play one of my good friends was like
  7. [13:45] <strn> moog, you're not helping :|
  8. [13:45] <@Moog> smooth for me too helping
  9. 02[13:47] * +lilybeaul ( Quit (Quit: Sleepin's)
  10. [13:48] <Yamm> woop woop 6 straight wins
  11. [13:48] <Saya-chan> doop
  12. [13:55] <Yamm> 7 yay
  13. [13:56] <strn> that was a long match
  14. [13:57] <Saya-chan> >mfw companion cube screensaver
  15. [13:57] <@Moog> >mfw miel is a pervert
  16. [13:57] <strn> miel ?
  17. [13:57] <Saya-chan> lol miel
  18. [13:58] <Yamm> well I was fighting this one person
  19. 03[13:58] * Water is now known as Writer
  20. [13:58] <Yamm> and he was being preposterously cheap
  21. [13:58] <Yamm> yet I still kicked his ass
  22. [13:58] <Yamm> so he quit on me
  23. [13:58] <Yamm> then I fought somebody else and won
  24. 01[13:58] <@Writer> !contexts Miel
  25. [13:58] <@Moog> Contexts containing "miel":
  26. [13:58] <@Moog> lol miel
  27. [13:58] <@Moog> lawlcat wht do you want miel
  28. [13:58] <@Moog> >mfw miel is a girl
  29. [13:58] <@Moog> miel ?
  30. [13:58] <@Moog> lawlcat > miel isnt a girl
  31. [13:58] <Yamm> that's why it took so long
  32. 01[13:58] <@Writer> Hm
  33. [13:58] <@InvaderKED> >miel is a girl
  34. [13:59] <@InvaderKED> >miel isnt a girl
  35. [13:59] <@InvaderKED> >miel is honey
  36. [13:59] <mrsusan> !contexts cuprite
  37. 01[13:59] <@Writer> !contexts cuprite
  38. [13:59] <@Moog> Contexts containing "cuprite":
  39. 04[13:59] <@Moog> cuprite is it jews , Writer ?
  40. [13:59] <@Moog> cuprite and electronic
  41. [13:59] <@Moog> cuprite such as
  42. [13:59] <@Moog> cuprite or sentence structures ?
  43. [13:59] <@Moog> cuprite : v
  44. [13:59] <@Moog> ...(157 skipped)...
  45. [13:59] <@Moog> cuprite i ' m going to make a poster advertising the peoeples temple
  46. [13:59] <@Moog> cuprite only in real life
  47. [13:59] <@Moog> reekataffy cuprite did you
  48. [13:59] <@Moog> cuprite and yeah
  49. [13:59] <@Moog> cuprite moblers
  50. 01[13:59] <@Writer> >157 skipped
  51. [13:59] <mrsusan> 157 skipped
  52. 01[13:59] <@Writer> good lord
  53. [13:59] <mrsusan> lol
  54. [14:00] <@InvaderKED> 1 5 7
  55. 01[14:00] <@Writer> Moog, y so cuprite
  56. [14:00] <@Moog> y u no make colossus
  57. [14:00] <@InvaderKED> !contexts reekataffy
  58. [14:00] <@InvaderKED> welp
  59. 01[14:00] <@Writer> !contexts reekataffy
  60. [14:00] <@Moog> Contexts containing "reekataffy":
  61. [14:00] <@Moog> reekataffy go in
  62. 04[14:00] <@Moog> reekataffy what Writer
  63. [14:00] <@Moog> reekataffy oh is that what that is
  64. [14:00] <@Moog> reekataffy delicious pig flesh
  65. [14:00] <@Moog> reekataffy huehue
  66. [14:00] <@Moog> ...(173 skipped)...
  67. [14:00] <@Moog> reekataffy dat fried rice
  68. [14:00] <@Moog> reekataffy did you guys hear the new portugal the man album
  69. [14:00] <@Moog> reekataffy : ) : ) ?
  70. [14:00] <@Moog> reekataffy cuprite did you
  71. [14:00] <@Moog> reekataffy what an odd explosion
  72. [14:00] <@InvaderKED> rofl
  73. [14:00] <strn> reekataffy dat fried rice
  74. 01[14:00] <@Writer> Moog dat fried rice
  75. [14:00] <@InvaderKED> ヽ( >∀<)ノ
  76. [14:00] <Sabitsuki> I GIVE YOU AN OREO
  77. [14:00] <@Moog> dat
  78. [14:00] <@InvaderKED> fried
  79. 01[14:00] <@Writer> rice
  80. [14:00] <|]> moog stop it moog
  81. [14:00] <|]> no moog
  82. [14:00] <@Moog> no
  83. [14:00] <@Moog> you'll stop feeling so awkward
  84. [14:00] <@InvaderKED> no moog what are you doing
  85. [14:01] <|]> >173 skipped
  86. [14:01] <|]> are you serious
  87. [14:01] <@Moog> will help you doing
  88. [14:01] <@InvaderKED> no oh god
  89. 01[14:01] <@Writer> !contexts pipe
  90. [14:01] <@Moog> Contexts containing "pipe":
  91. [14:01] <@Moog> also pipe and prae prae
  92. 04[14:01] <@Moog> Writer pipe rape
  93. [14:01] <@Moog> pipe sucks
  94. [14:01] <@Moog> pipe did it anyway
  95. 04[14:01] <@Moog> Writer pipe sport pouch
  96. [14:01] <@Moog> ...(1 skipped)...
  97. [14:01] <@Moog> all over pipe ' s penis
  98. [14:01] <@Moog> pipe was in here earlier too helping
  99. [14:01] <@Moog> also pipe , ms finished installing for me
  100. [14:01] <@Moog> pipe is the one with knowledge of
  101. [14:01] <@Moog> pipe
  102. [14:01] <@InvaderKED> pipe sucks
  103. [14:01] <@InvaderKED> lol
  104. [14:01] <Saya-chan> lol
  105. [14:01] <|]> > all over pipe ' s penis
  106. [14:01] <|]> who the dicks was that
  107. 01[14:01] <@Writer> Ahahaha
  108. [14:01] <Saya-chan> xD
  109. [14:01] <necorelli> wat
  110. [14:01] <@Moog> wat
  111. [14:01] <@InvaderKED> pipe is the one with the knowledge of
  112. [14:01] <@InvaderKED> pipe
  113. 01[14:01] <@Writer> I have no idea because contexts doesn't log who said what
  114. [14:01] <|]> damn
  115. 01[14:01] <@Writer> Pure abandon
  116. 01[14:01] <@Writer> Such is moog
  117. [14:01] <@Moog> cuprite such as
  118. [14:01] <|]> it was probably nekohaku
  119. [14:01] <|]> anal fiend
  120. [14:01] <@Moog> you too many likes nekohaku
  121. [14:02] <@InvaderKED> lol
  122. 01[14:02] <@Writer> !contexts anal fiend
  123. [14:02] <@Moog> Contexts containing "anal fiend":
  124. 04[14:02] <@Moog> Writer nekohaku anal fiend
  125. [14:02] <@Moog> anal fiend
  126. [14:02] <Saya-chan> lol
  127. [14:02] <Saya-chan> x
  128. [14:02] <Saya-chan> d
  129. [14:02] <strn> !contexts strn
  130. [14:02] <strn> do it
  131. 01[14:02] <@Writer> !contexts nekohaku
  132. [14:02] <@Moog> Contexts containing "nekohaku":
  133. [14:02] <@Moog> nekohaku ass choice ass
  134. 04[14:02] <@Moog> Writer nekohaku anal fiend
  135. [14:02] <@Moog> nekohaku you are so lew
  136. 04[14:02] <@Moog> Writer you killed nekohaku
  137. [14:02] <@Moog> it was probably nekohaku
  138. [14:02] <@Moog> nekohaku
  139. 04[14:02] <@Moog> Writer , where did nekohaku go ?
  140. 04[14:02] <@Moog> Writer likes nekohaku
  141. [14:02] <@Moog> nekohaku is a pervert
  142. 01[14:02] <@Writer> !contexts strn
  143. 04[14:02] <@Moog> Contexts containing "Writer":
  144. 04[14:02] <@Moog> Writer i am so lag right now
  145. 04[14:02] <@Moog> Writer i am one
  146. 04[14:02] <@Moog> reekataffy what Writer
  147. 04[14:02] <@Moog> Writer getbutt
  148. [14:02] <|]> >nekohaku is a pervert
  149. 04[14:02] <@Moog> Writer you are a bipch
  150. [14:02] <@Moog> ...(773 skipped)...
  151. 04[14:02] <@Moog> i love Writer
  152. 04[14:02] <@Moog> Writer , why are you so quiet ?
  153. [14:02] <|]> >nekohaku ass choice ass
  154. [14:02] <|]> dying
  155. 04[14:02] <@Moog> Writer is great though
  156. 04[14:02] <@Moog> Writer smork lol
  157. 04[14:02] <@Moog> Writer omae wa
  158. [14:02] <Saya-chan> heh
  159. [14:02] <@InvaderKED> nekohaku ass: choice ass
  160. [14:02] <strn> lol
  161. [14:02] <@InvaderKED> r o f l
  162. [14:02] <Saya-chan> rotoflu
  163. 03[14:03] * Nekumata ( has joined #uboachan
  164. 01[14:03] <@Writer> !contexts omae wa
  165. [14:03] <@Moog> Contexts containing "omae wa":
  166. [14:03] <@Moog> omae wa mo shindeiru
  167. 04[14:03] <@Moog> Writer , omae wa mo shindeiru
  168. [14:03] <@Moog> omae wa
  169. 04[14:03] <@Moog> Writer omae wa
  170. 01[14:03] <@Writer> Stop adding my name to everything
  171. [14:03] <strn> strong
  172. [14:03] <Saya-chan> oh look a neko
  173. [14:03] <Nekumata> Ohai everyone
  174. [14:03] <strn> hello
  175. [14:03] <mrsusan> hi
  176. [14:03] <@Moog> hi
  177. -
  178. 01[14:03] Nekumata is * Rizon Web IRC @
  179. 01[14:03] Nekumata on #uboachan
  180. 01[14:03] Nekumata using * Where are you?
  181. 01[14:03] Nekumata End of /WHOIS list.
  182. -
  183. [14:03] <@Moog> hello strn
  184. [14:03] <|]> thats not nekohak
  185. [14:03] <@InvaderKED> yo sup
  186. [14:03] <strn> hi moog
  187. 01[14:03] <@Writer> Sup
  188. [14:03] <|]> some sort of
  189. [14:03] <|]> anal impostor
  190. [14:03] <@Moog> hi crystalpepsi
  191. [14:03] <Nekumata> D00Dman (prev) here, it's been AGES since I've been on IRC
  192. [14:04] <|]> oh whoa
  193. [14:04] <@InvaderKED> oh
  194. [14:04] <|]> I vaguely remember you
  195. [14:04] <strn> i don't remember, prolly before i was a member
  196. [14:04] <@InvaderKED> yeah me too
  197. [14:04] <|]> damn man
  198. [14:04] <strn> so welcome back again
  199. [14:04] <@Moog> damn lazy
  200. 04[14:04] <&Misanthea> writer
  201. [14:04] <&Misanthea> i am
  202. [14:04] <|]> welcome back
  203. [14:04] <@Moog> i am so drunk
  204. [14:04] <&Misanthea> stuck at the hospital
  205. [14:04] <&Misanthea> :l
  206. [14:04] <mrsusan> :|
  207. [14:04] <strn> nameless game ?
  208. [14:04] <@InvaderKED> omae wa mo shindeiru
  209. [14:04] <&Misanthea> Yes
  210. [14:04] <@Moog> yes
  211. [14:04] <Nekumata> *lagged like hell*
  212. [14:04] <strn> gotta play more of that
  213. [14:04] <strn> but not like now
  214. 01[14:05] <@Writer> I haven't gotten more than ten minutes into the hospital
  215. [14:05] <Nekumata> Also, who's nekohak? o.o"
  216. 01[14:05] <@Writer> I haven't slept so I haven't been playing lately
  217. [14:05] <strn> hospital is after train ?
  218. [14:05] <mrsusan> nekohaku is a pervert
  219. 03[14:05] * necorelli is now known as nekorelli
  220. [14:05] <nekorelli> hurrhurr
  221. [14:05] <&Misanthea> Yes
  222. [14:05] <@Moog> the internet back after a brief intermission
  223. [14:05] <Nekumata> That is not me then xD
  224. [14:05] <@Moog> xd
  225. [14:05] <strn> a anal fiend
  226. [14:05] <mrsusan> moog choice ass
  227. 03[14:05] * nekorelli is now known as negroelli
  228. [14:05] <@Moog> wtf mrsusan choice ass
  229. [14:05] <strn> lol
  230. [14:05] <@Moog> lol
  231. [14:05] <Nekumata> o.o..
  232. [14:05] <@InvaderKED> nekohaku is an anal fiend
  233. [14:06] <@InvaderKED> yes
  234. [14:06] <&Misanthea> moog what is ked
  235. [14:06] <@Moog> ked
  236. [14:06] <mrsusan> moog anal fiend
  237. [14:06] <&Misanthea> moog what is keed
  238. [14:06] <@InvaderKED> cat
  239. [14:06] <@Moog> mrsusan nekohaku anal fiend
  240. [14:06] <@Moog> i dunno what
  241. [14:06] <@InvaderKED> I'm a kitty cat
  242. [14:06] <&Misanthea> jeez
  243. [14:06] <|]> man fuck
  244. [14:06] <Nekumata> Nya~<3
  245. [14:06] <&Misanthea> moog what is ked
  246. [14:06] <@InvaderKED> and I dance dance dance and I dance dance dance
  247. [14:06] <Nekumata> lol
  248. [14:06] <@Moog> or me, ked
  249. [14:06] <|]> I want to work on more comics but
  250. [14:06] <|]> >at work
  251. [14:06] <@Moog> to work
  252. [14:06] <Nekumata> Also, what's the nameless game?
  253. [14:06] <@Moog> it's easy
  254. [14:06] <|]> I don't even have my tablet aggbhtghl
  255. [14:06] <@InvaderKED> I like your comics but I don't know monster hunter jokes ;-;
  256. [14:06] <strn> you play
  257. [14:06] <strn> and you die 7 days after
  258. [14:06] <@Moog> look after yourself ok
  259. [14:06] <|]> oh
  260. [14:06] <|]> which one didn't you get
  261. [14:06] <Nekumata> TWEWY much o.o
  262. [14:06] <@InvaderKED> well I mean the spider stuff
  263. [14:06] <strn> no
  264. [14:06] <Nekumata> Good
  265. [14:07] <strn> this is really scary
  266. [14:07] <@Moog> they are scary
  267. [14:07] <Nekumata> OH YES :D
  268. [14:07] <|]> there's a monster in MH2ndG
  269. [14:07] <`Osaka> Spiders?
  270. [14:07] <`Osaka> Naw.
  271. 01[14:07] <@Writer> moog scope choice ass
  272. [14:07] <@Moog> scopes choice ass
  273. [14:07] <@InvaderKED> it was pretty funny without monster hunter knowledge anyway
  274. [14:07] <|]> that's basically a huge spider
  275. [14:07] <@Moog> a monster
  276. [14:07] <Saya-chan> derp
  277. [14:07] <`Osaka> Spiders are AWESOME.
  278. [14:07] <strn> links
  279. [14:07] <strn> where are said comics ?
  280. [14:07] <Nekumata> Wow, you guys are really fast, can barely keep up @_@
  281. [14:07] <@InvaderKED> on his dA
  282. [14:07] <negroelli> what is this
  283. [14:07] <@InvaderKED> yeah neku
  284. [14:07] <negroelli> agh
  285. 01[14:07] <@Writer> This is kind of rare fast tbh
  286. [14:07] <negroelli> I'm dying
  287. [14:07] <@InvaderKED> ubuu is either blazing fast or completely dead
  288. [14:07] <strn> ^
  289. [14:07] <|]> yeah, usually it's pretty dead
  290. [14:07] <@Moog> it's like completely i mean really
  291. [14:07] <|]> GIMME A SECOND GOG DANGMB
  292. [14:07] <Sabitsuki> I... I DON'T WANT TO HURT YOU
  293. [14:07] <@InvaderKED> negroelli: sup nigg
  294. [14:07] <|]> this netbook's SSD is dicks
  295. [14:07] <@Moog> support it was that hurt
  296. [14:07] <+serb> wtf
  297. [14:07] <+serb> am
  298. [14:08] <+serb> i reading
  299. [14:08] <strn> words
  300. [14:08] <@InvaderKED> lol
  301. [14:08] <strn> on a internet relay chat
  302. [14:08] <@InvaderKED> serb: pinkamina Diane pie
  303. 04[14:08] <Nekumata> Oh, writer-sama, I'll need you to say what you think about something I wrote in a sec (it's probably horrid, as is everything i do, but okay)
  304. [14:08] <|]>
  305. [14:08] <Sabitsuki> [URL] Spider 1 by ~paipuburaketto on deviantART
  306. [14:08] <@InvaderKED> yeah that
  307. [14:08] <negroelli> spida
  308. [14:08] <Nekumata> And maybe grammar check it as while I'm native in english it's not my mother tongue
  309. [14:08] <+serb> Diane .
  310. 01[14:08] <@Writer> Will you be around tomorrow?
  311. [14:08] <+serb> brb
  312. 01[14:08] <@Writer> Because honestly
  313. 01[14:08] <@Writer> I haven't slept in two days
  314. [14:08] <Nekumata> Yessir! *salutes*
  315. [14:08] <Nekumata> Oh wow
  316. [14:08] <Nekumata> Go sleep then o.o"
  317. [14:08] <@Moog> to sleep
  318. [14:08] <strn> HEY BRO, PASS THE CONTROLLER
  319. [14:08] <strn> lol
  320. [14:08] <@Moog> to pass waves
  321. 01[14:09] <@Writer> I don't think I have the cognitive ability to edit something, I'm barely awake lol
  322. [14:09] <Sabitsuki> CRAP EVERYWHERE
  323. [14:09] <Nekumata> Oh shit it's sabitsuki
  324. 01[14:09] <@Writer> I will, but I have a party I need to attend
  325. 01[14:09] <@Writer> After I get back, I'm curling up on my air mattress and passing out
  326. [14:09] <mrsusan> &greendrank
  327. 06[14:09] * Sabitsuki gives mrsusan sum green drank
  328. [14:09] <Nekumata> Prepare rust/monsters/that other + eyed guy
  329. [14:09] <Nekumata> Also
  330. [14:09] <Nekumata> +_+
  331. 01[14:09] <@Writer> &tiger
  332. 05[14:09] -Sabitsuki- Command not recognized.
  333. 04[14:09] <|]> writer that sounds
  334. 01[14:09] <@Writer> &sagat
  335. 06[14:09] * Sabitsuki tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger
  336. [14:09] <mrsusan> +_+
  337. [14:09] <|]> like a pretty boss night
  338. [14:09] <Nekumata> The fu
  339. [14:09] <@Moog> a crazy boss battle
  340. [14:10] <|]> also ked
  341. [14:10] <mrsusan> &rapes
  342. [14:10] <Sabitsuki> you PERVERT! D:
  343. [14:10] <|]>
  344. [14:10] <|]> this is the one I was working on last night
  345. [14:10] <Nekumata> TAIGA
  346. [14:10] <mrsusan> &wiki sodomy
  347. [14:10] <Sabitsuki> [Wikipedia] Sodomy (
  348. [14:10] <|]> looking at it now, I need to move the hand over
  349. [14:10] <strn> GUN
  350. 01[14:10] <@Writer> Meet the real moog
  351. [14:10] <@Moog> real vag
  352. 01[14:10] <@Writer> &wiki moog
  353. 04[14:10] <@Moog> Writer, why do you should check out stepmania
  354. [14:10] <Nekumata> &meow
  355. [14:10] <Sabitsuki> [Wikipedia] Moog (
  356. [14:10] <@Moog> Sabitsuki
  357. [14:10] <@Moog> the gun strn what was all that does not deserve +v
  358. 01[14:10] <@Writer> Moog is on fire today
  359. [14:10] <@Moog> i bought today
  360. 01[14:10] <@Writer> Fuck how did you buy a day moog
  361. [14:10] <@Moog> i would buy it
  362. [14:11] <Nekumata> @_@ dizzy...
  363. [14:11] <mrsusan> roffle
  364. [14:11] <strn> Peter Moog (1871-1930) was a schizophrenic outsider artist
  365. 01[14:11] <@Writer> How much did that cost you moog tan
  366. [14:11] <@Moog> sounded much like something moblers would say
  367. [14:11] <Nekumata> AFK for a bit
  368. [14:11] <strn>
  369. [14:11] <Sabitsuki> [URL] Peter Moog - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  370. [14:11] <strn> this is real moog
  371. [14:11] <@Moog> a second one day free
  372. [14:11] <@Moog> i smell you doing that was converted into a serious mode
  373. [14:11] <@Moog> is real and who ever owns the huge castle ? !
  374. [14:11] <mrsusan> moog moog moog moog moog moog
  375. [14:11] <@Moog> moog
  376. [14:11] <Nekumata> Moog
  377. [14:11] <|]> moog is a kind of synthesizer
  378. [14:11] <Nekumata> Is a somewhat old synthesizer
  379. [14:11] <@Moog> ya go Nekumata where have you tried it
  380. [14:11] <@Moog> i kind of am the definition
  381. 01[14:11] <@Writer> I love the moog synth
  382. [14:11] <strn> no
  383. [14:11] <@Moog> i love her
  384. [14:11] <strn> he is
  385. [14:11] <strn> Peter Moog
  386. 01[14:11] <@Writer> That's why I named my bot moog
  387. [14:11] <@Moog> the program bots gonna bot s
  388. [14:11] <@Moog> hi strn
  389. [14:11] <strn> see
  390. [14:11] <@Moog> i see
  391. [14:11] <|]> YES
  392. [14:11] <strn> he even answers
  393. [14:11] <Nekumata> Ahhh
  394. [14:11] <Nekumata> Spamming @_@
  395. 01[14:11] <@Writer> !nick Peter_Moog
  396. 03[14:11] * Moog is now known as Peter_Moog
  397. [14:12] <mrsusan> Peter_Moog
  398. [14:12] <@Peter_Moog> mrsusan
  399. [14:12] <strn> Moog became a waiter and later a tavern owner, getting married in 1900 to a woman with whom he had three children. Throughout his life, he had been prone to a "loose life style, alcoholism, and sexual excess" and had suffered from gonorrhea.
  400. 01[14:12] <@Writer> Peter is moog's first first name
  401. 01[14:12] <@Writer> Sounds like Moog right there
  402. 01[14:12] <@Writer> !nick Moog
  403. 03[14:12] * Peter_Moog is now known as Moog
  404. 03[14:12] * Yamm is now known as bob_moog
  405. 01[14:12] <@Writer> Moog became a waiter and later a tavern owner, getting married in 1900 to a woman with whom he had three children. Throughout his life, he had been prone to a "loose life style, alcoholism, and sexual excess" and had suffered from gonorrhea.
  406. [14:12] <@Moog> all get married
  407. [14:12] <strn> gonorrhea he he he
  408. [14:12] <bob_moog> :D:D:D:D
  409. [14:12] <@Moog> : d
  410. 03[14:12] * bob_moog is now known as Yamm
  411. [14:12] <@InvaderKED> why is nichijou 23 grouped together with episode 24
  412. 01[14:12] <@Writer> Brb, engraving that passage into Moog's memory
  413. [14:12] <@Moog> so random memory from your past self
  414. [14:13] <strn> lol
  415. 01[14:13] <@Writer> [14:13] <Writer> Moog became a waiter and later a tavern owner, getting married in 1900 to a woman with whom he had three children. Throughout his life, he had been prone to a "loose life style, alcoholism, and sexual excess" and had suffered from gonorrhea.
  416. 01[14:13] <@Writer> [14:13] <Moog> get married
  417. 01[14:13] <@Writer> [14:13] <Writer> Moog became a waiter and later a tavern owner, getting married in 1900 to a woman with whom he had three children. Throughout his life, he had been prone to a "loose life style, alcoholism, and sexual excess" and had suffered from gonorrhea.
  418. 01[14:13] <@Writer> [14:13] <Moog> be married to pi
  419. 01[14:13] <@Writer> [14:13] <Writer> Moog became a waiter and later a tavern owner, getting married in 1900 to a woman with whom he had three children. Throughout his life, he had been prone to a "loose life style, alcoholism, and sexual excess" and had suffered from gonorrhea.
  420. 01[14:13] <@Writer> [14:13] <Moog> ganja + liquor get married ? Writer wut
  421. 04[14:13] <@Moog> get married ? Writer just eat it goddammit
  422. [14:13] <@Moog> get married
  423. 04[14:13] <@Moog> get married to Writer
  424. [14:13] <@Moog> he have to be married to pi
  425. 04[14:13] <@Moog> be married to Writer
  426. [14:13] <@Moog> stab + r changes to sword mode
  427. [14:13] <@InvaderKED> stab + r
  428. 04[14:14] <|]> married to pi or writer
  429. [14:14] <|]> moog one of these is impossible for you
  430. 03[14:14] * Writer changes topic to 'Welcome to #stab+rchan - sword mode | Uboachan Archive: 7.7 gigabytes | Goodbye everyone! Its been a lot of fun, and I'm sorry I have to leave... I'll miss you all! I hope to see you again someday! Farewell! ~Nekohaku | | If you're wondering where Snow has been, check behind you \(°д°)/ | - The Nameless Gam'
  431. [14:14] <|]> i'm sorry
  432. [14:14] <@Moog> pounded by impossible to pass waves
  433. [14:14] <+serb> ked:
  434. 03[14:15] * Writer changes topic to 'Welcome to #stab+rchan - sword mode | Uboachan Archive: 7.7 gigabytes | Goodbye everyone! Its been a lot of fun, and I'm sorry I have to leave... I'll miss you all! I hope to see you again someday! Farewell! ~Nekohaku | | If you're wondering where Snow has been, check behind you \(°д°)/ | - The Nameless Game'
  435. 01[14:15] <@Writer> There we go
  436. [14:15] <+serb> KED:
  437. 01[14:15] <@Writer> !contexts stab + r
  438. [14:15] <@Moog> Contexts containing "stab + r":
  439. [14:15] <@Moog> forward axe stab + r changes to sword mode
  440. [14:15] <@Moog> stab + r
  441. 01[14:15] <@Writer> Oh shit he knows monhun
  442. [14:15] <@Moog> he knows how to improve cuteness
  443. [14:15] <strn> lol
  444. [14:15] <strn> cuteness augmented
  445. [14:15] <Saya-chan> derf
  446. 01[14:16] <@Writer> Moog you are the only thing keeping me awake
  447. [14:16] <@Moog> there is this thing only speak randomly
  448. [14:16] <@InvaderKED> serb:
  449. [14:16] <@InvaderKED> serb:
  450. [14:16] <|]> aw shit
  451. [14:16] <|]> moog
  452. [14:16] <@Moog> in terq de |] first
  453. [14:16] <|]> I didn't know you played switchaxe
  454. [14:16] <@Moog> i played code veronica x and 4, 000
  455. [14:17] <strn> moog
  456. [14:17] <+serb> [21:09] <serban> fashioncho:
  457. [14:17] <+serb> [21:09] <serban> wanna see me bath
  458. [14:17] <+serb> [21:09] <serban> with lights off
  459. [14:17] <+serb> [21:09] <serban> candles only.
  460. [14:17] <strn> you are awesome
  461. [14:17] <@Moog> bemuse, strn
  462. [14:17] <@Moog> let's awesome
  463. [14:17] <+serb> ked: wanna see me bath
  464. [14:17] <+serb> in the dark
  465. [14:17] <@Moog> i wanna be the sexy confident man
  466. [14:17] <+serb> while talking about pinkamina
  467. [14:17] <|]> moog what do you think about gunlances
  468. [14:17] <strn> moog, let's awesome
  469. [14:17] <@InvaderKED> serb: no
  470. [14:17] <@Moog> i think
  471. [14:17] <@InvaderKED> ur Gay
  472. [14:17] <@Moog> could see that awesome
  473. [14:17] <+serb> no.
  474. 06[14:17] * +serb np: Shpongle - Divine Moments Of Truth [Are You Shpongled?] :|
  475. [14:17] <+serb> k
  476. [14:17] <mrsusan> shpongle
  477. [14:17] <+serb> ill be with laptop in Bathroom anyway.
  478. 01[14:17] <@Writer> I think I'm just going to pastebin the last like twenty minutes of this chat and post it in the moog thread
  479. [14:17] <@Moog> 14 minutes
  480. [14:17] <@InvaderKED> Are You Shpongled? :|
  481. [14:17] <+serb> :|
  482. [14:17] <@InvaderKED> Are You Shpongled? :|
  483. 01[14:18] <@Writer> Moog Are You Shpongled? :|
  484. [14:18] <@Moog> : |
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