
Rockin' It - Maud Pie x Anon - Part 2

May 4th, 2014
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  1. >It's been a couple of days since the party.
  2. >Though it feels like weeks.
  3. >You haven't felt the same since that night.
  4. >And Maud has been on your mind nonstop.
  5. >That gorgeous mare has been causing you to lose focus, and even sleep.
  6. >You've made a couple of trips to Sugar Cube Corner to see if she was there.
  7. >No luck.
  8. >Mrs. Cake mentioned something about Pinkie asking for some time off.
  9. >She never said anything beyond that.
  10. >Her and Pinkie seemed to have vanished.
  11. >Typically, you would pay it no mind.
  12. >But with Pinkie gone as well....
  13. >...Something must be up.
  15. >You exit your small shower and throw on one of your trademark suits.
  16. >You've decided to spend the day looking for Maud and the pink one.
  17. >It may help to ask around and see if anyone else knew where they may have ended up.
  18. >If you're lucky, you'll see that stone cold mare again soon.
  19. >You don't want to imagine anymore time without her.
  20. >You grab a bagel and head out he door.
  22. >Ideally, the first place to look this morning would be Sugar Cube Corner.
  23. >At least, you think so.
  24. >Arrive within a few minutes.
  25. >Notice Mr. Cake cleaning the windows.
  26. >He turns and notices you approaching.
  27. >He greets you with a small and brisk wave.
  28. >You return the greeting with a "Well! What is it?"
  29. >Mr. Cake explains to you that Pinkie had asked for a few days off.
  30. "I realize that, sir. Do you know anything else about what she is doing?"
  31. >Mr. Cake frowns.
  32. >"I don't think I'm supposed to say much more, Anon...."
  33. >You sigh.
  34. "It would really help me out if you could tell me anything."
  35. >Mr. Cake gives you a quizzical look.
  36. >"You've never been so close to Pinkie, Anon. Is there something you'd like to tell ME?"
  38. >The first thing that pops into your head is Maud, and the night you spent with her.
  39. >You'd rather keep that hidden from now.
  40. >Besides, you don't know how Maud really feels about the entire situation.
  41. >Welp, time to lie.
  42. "I think I have a crush on Pinkie. I have a gift for her."
  43. >Fuck. Should have thought this through.
  45. >You bailed.
  46. >Mr. Cake gives out a loud laugh, making you heart jump a bit.
  47. >You quickly look around to make sure no one else heard you.
  48. >Whew, coast is clear.
  49. >Mr. Cake gives you another odd look.
  50. >"Well! Anon, this is quite unexpected!"
  51. >Might as well keep playing along.
  52. "Y-yeah! I just... had a gift for her that I made myself. I wanted to get it to her soon b-because..."
  53. >Think, Anon, think....
  54. "Oh yeah, because it's the anniversary of the time we first met! Yeah, that's it!"
  55. >His face glows slightly.
  56. >"Wow, Anon. You're really kind! I'm happy that Pinkie has left such a mark on you."
  57. >He throughs a dirty rag into a bucket of water.
  58. >"Well... I suppose I can tell you."
  59. >You begin to sweat.
  60. >You nod furiously, awaiting Mr. Cake's response.
  61. >"Between us... males... Pinkie has been keeping her odd sister away from here to try and surprise her with a birthday party."
  63. >Wow... Pinkie goes at great lengths to keep these things secret.
  64. >That explains why Sugar Cube Corner has been essentially behind bars.
  65. >Mr. Cake pulls the rag back out of the water.
  66. >"She's been staying with Twilight Sparkle at her library."
  67. >You see Mrs. Cake step out of the door, looking very angry.
  68. >"Carrot! Can you please come in here and help me set up the-"
  69. >Mrs. Cake sees you and gives you a nervous smile.
  70. >"Oh... A-Anon! It's great to see you!"
  71. >Her eyes shift between yours and her husband's.
  72. >Now is probably a good time to bail.
  73. >Mr. Cake sighs and heads toward the door.
  74. "We can talk more about... what kind of new oven I need later, Mr. Cake. Thanks again."
  75. >You wave at him and run off towards the library.
  76. >You look back and see Mrs. Cake giving an earful to a saddened Carrot Cake.
  78. ~
  80. >Hours pass.
  81. >Or what seems like hours.
  82. >After being stopped by the CMC, Derpy, and Rarity, you finally approach Twilight's Library.
  83. >Or "Treebrary," if you will.
  84. >Before proceeding further, you notice a purple mare exiting the library.
  85. >Followed by....
  86. "Pinkie!"
  88. >A pink pastel pony bounces quickly over to you, beaming.
  89. >"Anon!! Hiiiiii there!!!!!!!!"
  90. >You've never been happier to see Ponko.
  91. >Twilight follows slowly behind Pinkie.
  92. >You notice her mane ruffled slightly.
  93. >She looks like she hasn't been resting much.
  94. >No Maud around though....
  96. "Hey, Pinkie. Twilight, how are you?"
  97. >Twilight gives you a big sigh in response.
  98. "Sounds... great. Pinkie, I need to talk to you real quick. Do you have a minute?"
  99. >Pinkie gives you a fast nod.
  100. "Only if you don't mind, Twilight. I hope I'm not interrupt-"
  101. >"PLEASE, ANON! Oh... I mean.... I will go read a bit while you two talk."
  102. >Twilight wipes a bit of sweat off her brow.
  103. >"Please, take your time you two."
  104. >Twilight trots quickly away.
  105. >You swear you hear her mentioning something about being "free"....
  107. >You and Pinkie walk over to a bench across from the Library.
  108. "So Pinkie, I need to ask you something...."
  109. >Pinkie gives you a large smile.
  110. >You feel as if she might explode from just seeing you.
  111. "I haven't seen you around in a few days. I was just wondering if...."
  112. >You look around to make sure no one is listening.
  113. "I was wondering if-"
  114. >....
  115. >You are stopped by a pair of pink lips.
  116. >A pair of pink lips pressing hard against your own.
  117. >You jump back a bit, shocked.
  118. "Wha... who... Pinkie? What are you-!?"
  119. >Pinkie gives you a look.
  120. >A... devious look....
  121. >A look you don't like coming from Pinkie Pie.
  123. >"Oh, Anon! I overheard you talking to Mr. Cake earlier!"
  124. >What?
  125. >How is that even possible?
  126. >"I was in the shop with Mrs. Cake, looking out the second floor window, and I happen to notice you walking towards the store! I would have said hi, but you looked like you were in a hurry!"
  127. >The one time she doesn't stop you.
  128. >"Annnnnyways! I overheard you telling Mr. Cake that you had a crush on me!! I couldn't believe it! I mean, you always used to give me weird looks, like you were annoyed by me or something, but it was love all along, wasn't it?"
  129. >Yeah, you bailed hard.
  131. >Pinkie gets on top of you, trying to kiss you.
  132. >You shake your head and try to push the pink mass away.
  133. "Pinkie... wait, hold on. You misheard me...."
  134. >Pinkie's eyes glow.
  135. >"No I didn't!!!!"~
  136. >She begins to squeeze your cheeks together.
  137. >"You even said you had a gift for me! One you made yourself!"
  138. >This just keeps getting worse.
  139. "Penkey. Ah dunt hink tha-"
  140. >She plops another wet kiss on your lips.
  142. >You manage to pull Pinkie off of you.
  143. >You get off the bench and rub your cheeks.
  144. "Pinkie. I'm sorry, but this is a misunderstanding."
  145. >You see her lose some of the glow in her eyes.
  146. >"Anon... don't you... don't you like me?"
  147. >She WOULD pull this card.
  148. >You begin to panic a little bit.
  149. >You'll never get good with Maud if you break her sister's heart.
  150. >You sit back down on the bench.
  151. >Pinkie shifts slightly, leaning on you a little bit.
  152. "Pinkie, listen. I DO like you. Ok? But-"
  153. >Again, with the lips.
  154. >Pinkie is on top of you, pinning you down on the bench.
  155. >Her lips pressed firmly against yours, against your own will.
  157. >She pulls back after a few seconds.
  158. >"I knew you liked me! OMIGOSH. Anon, you are such a hunk."~
  159. >Pinkie continues to plaster you with kisses and affection, much to your disliking.
  160. >You attempt to push her off, but her energy far exceeds your own.
  161. >Shoulda had a V8.
  162. "Pink... Pinkie...! Wait! Hold on! I-"
  163. >She finally stops and loosens her grip on you.
  164. >Pinkie doesn't say anything though.
  165. >....
  166. >It feels as if you're being watched.
  167. >Oh no.
  168. >You shut your eyes tight and hope it isn't....
  169. "Oh, HI MAUD!! There you are!"
  171. >If time could stop now, you would end yourself.
  172. >This can't be happening.
  173. >You gently push Pinkie off you.
  174. >You turn around and see Maud.
  175. >The mare that has your mind going crazy.
  176. >The mare who you truly enjoy.
  177. >The mare who you think is absolutely beautiful.
  179. >Maud doesn't react, as expected.
  180. >She is giving you her normal stone-faced look....
  181. >But it is cold, and uncaring.
  182. >You can feel it.
  183. >And it feels bad, man.
  185. >You try to produce words.
  186. >It's no use.
  187. >Maud just stands there.
  188. >Giving you a look of....
  189. >Anger?
  190. >Sadness?
  191. >Shame?
  192. >You can't tell.
  193. >What you can tell is that her look pierces through your heart.
  194. >You're wishing it would shatter to a million pieces.
  196. >"Maud! Have I got the bestest news for you!"
  197. >Maud continues to stare at you.
  198. >You almost she wouldn't.
  199. >Pinkie hops over to her and begins to hop around her.
  200. >Her grin lighting up the entire area.
  201. >"Anon... has.... a... CRUSH... ON.... MEEEEEE!!!"
  202. >Each word hits your eardrums like a bomb.
  203. >You get up from the bench and try to approach Maud.
  204. >She begins to walk towards you.
  205. >Before you can say anything, she just keeps walking past you.
  207. >Pinkie bounces over to you, still beaming.
  208. >"Aren't you happy for us, Maud? Anon is such a great catch!"
  209. >Maud continues to walk slowly past you all, ignoring Pinkie.
  210. >"He's just so nice and sweet and caring and he smells good and..."
  211. >Pinkie just continues speaking.
  212. >Every word seems to set up a larger wall between you and Maud.
  213. >The gray mare continues to walk away.
  215. "Maud, wait!"
  216. >You call after her....
  217. >...
  218. >Nothing.
  219. >No response.
  220. "Maud..."
  221. >She stops in place.
  222. >She doesn't turn around.
  223. >But you see her put her head down slightly.
  224. >"I'm happy for you two."
  225. >Her quiet, monotone words put up a larger wall than anything Pinkie could.
  227. >The rest of the world stops.
  228. >Everything around you freezes momentarily.
  229. >You and Maud remain in motion.
  230. >Your brain moving rapidly....
  231. >... you are unable to speak.
  232. >And Maud....
  233. >... a single tear hitting the ground at her hooves.
  234. >She continues onward.
  236. >Twilight heads out of the library, with a book floating in her wake.
  237. >"Pinkie, I think I found a recipe that will-"
  238. >She sees you motionless, with Pinkie bouncing around you.
  239. >You finally feel the will to move again.
  240. >Pinkie gives you a kiss on the cheek before hopping over to Twilight.
  241. >"Twilight! Guess whaaaaaaat!???!?"~
  242. >The two ponies walk into the library.
  243. >Twilight turns back and gives you a confused look.
  245. >You regain your focus and attempt to restructure your mind.
  246. >You can still fix this.
  247. >Maud is smart.
  248. >Maud is DAMN smart.
  249. >She'll undoubtedly understand.
  250. >You just have to explain this whole situation to her.
  251. >You head in Maud's direction, hoping to catch her.
  253. ~
  255. >The sun begins to set gently in the sky,
  256. >Luna would raise her moon soon.
  257. >You've spent hours searching for Maud.
  258. >With absolutely zero luck.
  259. >You asked a bunch of ponies for help.
  260. >Many commented on her weird and unapproachable personality.
  261. >Others were genuinely sorry and promised to keep an eye out for you.
  262. >You were beginning to get discouraged.
  264. >It was beginning to get a bit colder.
  265. >You forgot your extra thick jacket.
  266. >You wouldn't be able to last much longer without it.
  267. >Might as well take a break.
  268. >Head into nearby coffee shop.
  269. >Order a tall coffee and a scone.
  270. >Go to restroom to freshen up before you eat.
  271. >Look into mirror.
  272. >Your face is strained and saddened.
  273. >You wash up and regain your focus.
  274. >You can fix this.
  276. >Head out of restroom.
  277. >Nice pony brings you your food.
  278. >Thank and tip them.
  279. >You begin to drink on your coffee.
  280. >Notice something odd on the other side of the coffee shop.
  281. >You see a... small rock on a table.
  282. >That's odd....
  283. >Suddenly, a gray mare steps out of the ladies restroom and sits at the table.
  284. >She faces away from you, eating a plain donut and writing some notes.
  285. >You know it's her.
  286. >It's Maud....
  288. >You duck down quickly.
  289. >She hasn't seen you yet.
  290. >Your heart skips a beat.
  291. >Maud is here, now is your chance!
  293. >Before you get up, you notice a waitress bringing her a coffee.
  294. >Maud turns her head slowly in your direction.
  295. >You quickly dodge roll into your booth, hoping that she didn't see you.
  296. >Peek out.
  297. >Maud continues to write notes.
  298. >Whew.
  299. >You can't mess this one up.
  300. >You don't want to corner her either.
  301. >You need to just bring the truth out.
  302. >Explain to her that the whole Pinkie thing was a mistake and-
  304. >"Anon."
  305. >You shriek like a girl as Maud stands outside of your booth.
  306. "M-Maud!"
  307. >You feel like getting up and hugging her.
  308. >Her eyes prevent you from moving.
  309. >"What are you doing here?"
  310. >You lift up your coffee and show it to her.
  311. "Just getting a nice drink...."
  312. >You take a swig and smile at her.
  313. >She continues to give you a dead stare.
  314. >You put the coffee down.
  315. >Maud looks very upset.
  316. >She's not physically showing it.
  317. >But... you can tell.
  318. >"You've been following me, Anon."
  319. >How....
  320. "How do you know that?"
  321. >She pulls a small rock out of her dress.
  322. >The same rock from the table.
  323. >"Boulder was watching my back."
  325. >You decide to ask rock-related questions later.
  326. >Maud continues to stare at you, as if expecting some sort of explanation.
  327. >You don't know quite how to proceed.
  328. >"Shouldn't you be with my sister? I'm sure she is worried about you."
  329. >You shake your head.
  330. "Maud, there is something I need to tell you."
  331. >She blinks at you, her expression unchanging.
  332. >She blinks again, her eyes reddening slightly.
  333. >Was she... crying?
  334. >"I do not think I want to hear it, Anon."
  335. >She continues to blink, as if to prevent the tears from escaping her eyes.
  337. "Maud. Listen. I've made a huge mistake."
  338. >She slams a hoof down.
  339. >You remain quiet.
  340. >"The only mistake... is me thinking that you were different, Anon."
  342. >Your eyes widen a bit.
  343. >Maud has genuine feelings for you.
  344. >Or... had....
  345. >"I enjoyed your company the other night. I never had felt happier in the company of another."
  346. >Her eyes begin to water, though her expression remains unchanged.
  347. >"I thought you were different. I thought you and I...."
  348. >She closes her eyes, tears flowing slowly down her cheeks.
  349. >"... I thought we could be something...."
  351. >She turns to walk away.
  352. >You reach out and grab her hoof.
  353. >She turns to you, her face still unchanged, though wet from tears.
  354. >"We have nothing else to talk about, Anon."
  355. >She closes her eyes.
  356. >"Just promise me you will make my sister happy."
  357. >Tears continue to flow from her eyes.
  358. >" you made me."
  360. >You get up from the booth and kneel next to her.
  361. "Maud. Please... give me a chance to explain...."
  362. >She pulls away from you.
  363. >"I told you, Anon. There is nothing more for us to talk ab-"
  364. >You throw your arms around Maud.
  365. >Your bury your face into her.
  366. >You feel Maud's breathing begin to slow.
  367. >Her warmth feels incredible, even now.
  368. >Slowly, Maud begins to relax in your arms.
  369. >Though you feel resistance.
  370. >She is hurt, but you feel your hearts melding again.
  372. "Maud, I..."
  373. >You can't continue.
  374. >You just hold her tighter.
  375. >Maud nuzzles her head into you.
  376. >You feel her warmth overtake you.
  377. >You never want to let her go.
  378. >Maud cries gently into your shoulder as you embrace her.
  379. >You begin to stroke her mane gently, comforting her.
  380. >You've made a mistake.
  381. >But you have to show her that you are there for her.
  383. >You pull away slowly.
  384. >Maud opens her eyes and stares at you.
  385. >Her eyes are still watery, her face full of life.
  386. >You look into her eyes.
  387. >Begging her to give you a chance.
  389. >But it's no good....
  391. >Maud reluctantly moves away from you.
  392. >She turns away, hiding her now flushed face.
  393. >"I... I am sorry, Anon."
  394. >You reach out to her again.
  395. >She flinches at you this time.
  396. >"I can not be here right now, Anon. I am sorry... but... I do love-"
  397. >Maud is unable to finish speaking.
  398. >Tears continue to rush down her cheeks.
  399. >She turns and runs out of the coffee shop before she can finish talking.
  401. >The few ponies in the shop give you a concerned look.
  402. >You remain kneeling on the ground.
  403. >You feel as if your heart left out the door with Maud.
  404. >You feel empty, weightless.
  405. >This can't be the end.
  406. >You get up slowly, though a bit shakily.
  407. >You bury your face in your hands.
  408. >There is nothing more you can do at this point.
  409. >You pay your bill and leave the coffee shop.
  410. >Still empty.
  411. >Still without your Maud.
  413. >The moon is bright in the night sky.
  414. >The cold wind seemingly lifts you to your small home.
  415. >You can't seem to remember how you left the coffee shop.
  416. >All you know is that you wish that you could hold Maud again.
  418. >There is no point in complaining for the time being.
  419. >Sleep it off, and figure out a solution tomorrow.
  420. >Though it hurts, you realize that there is nothing you can do but wait it out.
  421. >Sometimes that is for the best.
  422. >You undress to your boxers and climb into your bed.
  423. >The window is slightly ajar, letting in some of the breeze.
  424. >The moon shines down on you, seemingly surrounded you in an aura.
  426. >You begin to slowly fade away.
  427. >You keep jerking slowly awake.
  428. >Continuously staring out of the window.
  429. >As if something is there.
  430. >As if... Maud is there.
  431. "Maud... I'm sorry."
  432. >Your thoughts begin to slow down.
  433. >Your breathing deepens.
  434. >After another few minutes, you finally relinquish yourself to your sleep.
  436. ~
  438. >You hear a loud crack.
  439. >You get up quickly and scan your room.
  440. >Nothing.
  441. >Maybe it's your imagination....
  442. >You get up and head towards your window.
  443. >A small rock rests on your windowsill.
  444. >That wasn't there before....
  446. >You feel someone watching you.
  447. >You turn around.
  448. >Your heart almost falls out of its chest.
  449. >You make out the shape of a pony.
  450. >You rub your eyes.
  451. >Maud stands before you.
  452. >You can't believe what you are seeing.
  453. >Her mane gently flows from the wind.
  454. >Her eyes glistening in the moonlight.
  455. >Her beauty radiates, and you feel your heart expand.
  456. "This can't be real... Maud...?"
  457. >You reach your hand forward....
  458. >Maud throws herself into your chest.
  459. >Her warmth once again overtakes you.
  460. >You close your eyes.
  461. >Holding on tight.
  462. >Maud nuzzles you once again.
  463. >"I... I need you, Anon...."
  465. ~
  467. END of Part 2
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