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a guest
Oct 8th, 2015
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  1. prefix: '&8[&eBuildBattle&8]&r '
  2. messages:
  3. arena:
  4. full: '&cThis arena is full!'
  5. inGame: '&cThis arena has already started!'
  6. gameCountDown: '&7Minute left'
  7. gameCountDownPlural: '&7Minutes left'
  8. otherJoinArena: '&7{0} has joined the match! &6(&b{1}&6/&b{2}&6)'
  9. playerInGame: '&6You are already in a match!'
  10. setVote: '&6&lConfirmed vote: {0}'
  11. voteYourself: '&cYou can''t vote yourself!'
  12. startingMatch: '&6The match will start in &b{0} &6seconds'
  13. stopCounting: '&cThere aren''t enough players to start the match!'
  14. notExists: '&cThat arena doesn''t exists!'
  15. create:
  16. saving: '&aSaving... &6(1-2mins) &4(DON''T RESTART)'
  17. saved: '&aNew arena has been saved.'
  18. cancel: '&cCancelled!'
  19. voting:
  20. run: '&b&lVote time!'
  21. plotOwner: '&bOwner: '
  22. win:
  23. winner: '&6&l&a{0} &8- &a{1}'
  24. scoreBoard:
  25. name: '&6&lBuild Battle'
  26. plotOwner: '&fOwner: &a'
  27. players: '&6Players: &a'
  28. time: '&fTime: &a'
  29. topic: '&c&lTopic: &a'
  30. footer: ''
  31. winner: '&6&lWinner: &a'
  32. bbCommand:
  33. admin:
  34. addWord:
  35. emptyWord: '&cNo word specified!'
  36. success: '&aWord &b{0} &aadded to the game.'
  37. rmWord:
  38. emptyWord: '&cNo word specified!'
  39. success: '&aWord &b{0} &aremoved from the game.'
  40. wordNotAdded: '&cThe word &b{0}&c is not in game!'
  41. create:
  42. name: '&9Please, type your arena name: '
  43. buildSiteLength: '&9Please, type the length of your building zone: '
  44. gameTime: '&9Please, type how many seconds the match will last: '
  45. voteTime: '&9Please, type how many seconds the player will have to vote for other plots: '
  46. maxPlayers: '&9Please, type how many players will be able to play the arena: '
  47. minPlayers: '&9Please, type how many players will be required to start: '
  48. schematic: '&9Please, type your schematic file &a(example.schematic)'
  49. processing: '&6Creating arena...'
  50. done: '&aDone!'
  51. numberError: '&cThat''s not a valid number!'
  52. schematicError: '&9Schematic not valid, check if {0} is inside the folder {1}.'
  53. worldExists: '&cThat world/arena already exists!'
  54. forceStart:
  55. alreadyStarted: '&cThat match has already started!'
  56. info: |-
  57. &3Specify argument for the /bb command
  58. &a> info &7- &oShow info panel.
  59. &a> addWord &7- &oAdd a word to the game.
  60. &a> rmWord &7- &oRemove a word from the game.
  61. &a> createarena &7- &oCreate a new arena.
  62. &a> setlobby &7- &oSet the lobby where the players will teleport after match ends (only Multi-Arena).
  63. noPerms: '&cYou don''t have enough permissions to do that!'
  64. regenArenas:
  65. done: '&6Done!'
  66. processing: '&6Regenerating all arenas...'
  67. setLobby: '&eMain lobby has been set.'
  68. bungee:
  69. saved: '&aBungee world has been saved.'
  70. saving: '&aSaving... &6(1-2mins) &4(DON''T RESTART)'
  71. gui:
  72. itemName: '&6BB Menu'
  73. admin:
  74. item:
  75. createArena:
  76. name: '&6Create Arena'
  77. lore: '&oCreate a new arena.'
  78. inGame:
  79. item:
  80. changeFloor:
  81. canUse: '&aYou can change the floor material again!'
  82. coolDown: '&cYou can change the floor every {0} seconds.'
  83. name: '&6Change Floor'
  84. lore: '&oClick here with the block you want to be the floor.'
  85. clearPlot:
  86. canUse: '&aYou can clear your plot again!'
  87. coolDown: '&cYou can clear the plot every {0} seconds.'
  88. name: '&6Clear Plot'
  89. lore: '&oClick here to regenerate your plot.'
  90. time:
  91. menu: '&eSet plot time'
  92. day: '&6&lDay'
  93. dusk: '&1&lDusk'
  94. night: '&0&lNight'
  95. weather:
  96. menu: '&eSet weather'
  97. sun: '&6&lSunny'
  98. rain: '&6&lRainny'
  99. heads: '&2Heads'
  100. mobs:
  101. item:
  102. AI: '&aEnable / Disable AI'
  103. AILore:
  104. enabled: '&5AI: &aON'
  105. disabled: '&5AI: &cOFF'
  106. age: '&aBaby / Adult'
  107. ageLore:
  108. adult: '&dAge: &cAdult'
  109. baby: '&dAge: &bBaby'
  110. sit: '&cSit / Stand'
  111. sitLore:
  112. false: '&7Sit: &cNO'
  113. true: '&7Sit: &aYES'
  114. powered: '&cPower Creeper'
  115. poweredLore:
  116. false: '&7Powered: &cNO'
  117. true: '&7Powered: &aYES'
  118. saddle: '&6Give / Take Saddle'
  119. saddleLore:
  120. false: '&7Saddle: &cNO'
  121. true: '&7Saddle: &aYES'
  122. villager:
  123. open: '&aVillager Options'
  124. blacksmith: '&1Blacksmith'
  125. butcher: '&cButcher'
  126. farmer: '&aFarmer'
  127. librarian: '&7Librarian'
  128. priest: '&dPriest'
  129. remove: '&cRemove mob'
  130. items:
  131. leaveArena: '&cLeave arena'
  132. voteVeryBad: '&4Super Poop'
  133. voteBad: '&cPoop'
  134. voteOk: '&6Well... It''s ok'
  135. voteGood: '&2I like it'
  136. voteVeryGood: '&3I love it'
  137. voteIncredible: '&5Legendary!'
  138. signs:
  139. status:
  140. building: '&4PLAYING'
  141. lobby: '&3WAITING'
  142. voting: '&5VOTING'
  143. starting: '&6STARTING'
  144. finished: '&9FINISHED'
  145. regenerating: '&9REGENERATING'
  146. title:
  147. joinTitle: '&6Build Battle'
  148. joinSubTitle: '&7Are you ready to give your best?'
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