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a guest
Oct 4th, 2016
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  1. CMD:cmds(playerid, params[])
  2. {
  3. eBigString[0] = EOS;
  4. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. switch(PlayerInfo[playerid][Language])
  6. {
  7. case 0:
  8. {
  9. strcat(eBigString, ""SERVER_NAME" {FFFFFF}- Commands\n");
  10. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFFFF}All these commands can be used by pressing T ` or F6!\n");
  11. strcat(eBigString, "\n");
  12. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/CreateClan {00FF00}- Create your own clan.\n");
  13. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/V, Car {00FF00}- Use this command if you want to spawn a vehicle.\n");
  14. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/Teles {00FF00}- Here you can find all server teleports.\n");
  15. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/Rules {00FF00}- View server rules.\n");
  16. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/News {00FF00}- View all server news.\n");
  17. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/Credits {00FF00}- View server credits.\n");
  18. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/PM {00FF00}- To send a Private Message to somebody.\n");
  19. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/BuyVIP {00FF00}- Use this command to buy VIP.\n");
  20. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/Donate {00FF00}- Use this command to help the server.\n");
  21. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/Weapons {00FF00}- Use this command if you want to buy a weapon.\n");
  22. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/Jobs {00FF00}- You can take a job and earn coins and cash.\n");
  23. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/FWeapons {00FF00}- You can buy from a list funny weapons.\n");
  24. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/BWeapons {00FF00}- You can buy from a list big weapons.\n");
  25. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/Race {00FF00}- View/Start/Join races.\n");
  26. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/GiveCash {00FF00}- You can send cash to a player.\n");
  27. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/GiveCoins {00FF00}- You can send coins to a player.\n");
  28. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/GiveScore {00FF00}- You can send score to a player.\n");
  29. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/HideTds {00FF00}- Use this command if you want to hide all server textdraws\n");
  30. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/NP {00FF00}- You can change license plate at your vehicle vehicle\n");
  31. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/Skin {00FF00}- This command change your skin.\n");
  32. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/VW {00FF00}- You can change your virtual world.\n");
  33. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/Kill {00FF00}- Comit a suicide.\n");
  34. }
  35. case 1:
  36. {
  37. strcat(eBigString, ""SERVER_NAME" {FFFFFF}- Comenzi\n");
  38. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFFFF}Toate aceste comenzi poti fi folosite apasand tasta T sau F6!\n");
  39. strcat(eBigString, "\n");
  40. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/CreateClan {00FF00}- Creeaza-ti propriul clan.\n");
  41. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/V, /Car {00FF00}- Ppentru a spawna un vehicul.\n");
  42. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/Teles {00FF00}- Lista cu teleportarile serverului.\n");
  43. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/Rules {00FF00}- Vezi regulile serverului.\n");
  44. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/News {00FF00}- Vezi update-urile serverului.\n");
  45. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/Credits {00FF00}- Vezi creatorii serverului.\n");
  46. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/PM {00FF00}- Pentru a trimite un mesaj privat.\n");
  47. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/BuyVIP {00FF00}- Pentru a cumpara VIP.\n");
  48. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/Donate {00FF00}- Pentru a ajuta serverul.\n");
  49. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/Weapons {00FF00}- Pentru a cumpara Arme.\n");
  50. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/Jobs {00FF00}- Poti lua un Job si a castiga monede si bani.\n");
  51. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/FWeapons {00FF00}- Poti cumpara arme amuzante.\n");
  52. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/BWeapons {00FF00}- Poti cumpara arme mari.\n");
  53. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/Race {00FF00}- Vezi/Incepe/Intra intr-o cursa.\n");
  54. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/GiveCash {00FF00}- Poti trimite bani catre un jucator.\n");
  55. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/GiveCoins {00FF00}- Poti trimite bani catre un jucator.\n");
  56. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/GiveScore {00FF00}- Poti trimite bani catre un jucator.\n");
  57. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/HideTds {00FF00}- Pentru a ascunde toate textdraw-urile.\n");
  58. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/NP {00FF00}- Poti schimba numarul de înmatriculare la vehiculul tau.\n");
  59. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/Skin {00FF00}- Iti poti schimba skin-ul.\n");
  60. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/VW {00FF00}- Iti poti schimba lumea virtuala.\n");
  61. strcat(eBigString, "{FFFF00}/Kill {00FF00}- Daca vrei sa mori.\n");
  62. }
  63. }
  64. return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_CMDS_LIST, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Commands Page {FF0000}#1", eBigString, "Next", "Cancel");
  65. }
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