
-- Mod Commands / Reasons --

Dec 12th, 2016
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  1. Mod Commands
  4. You should try to only TP to and from the situation do NOT tp down the road to catch a rule breaker all you need to do is find out their name and tp to them it makes it easier on you and everyone else that has to listen to that sound plus see some random person magically appear in to their view.
  5. [Moderator] Teleport: The command teleports a selected player to where you are pointing with your mouse. Command:
  6. /tp <Steamid>
  8. [Moderator] Goto: The command teleports you to a selected player. Command:
  9. /goto <Steamid>
  11. [Moderator] Bring: The command brings a selected player to your location, it is to be used only if a player is dead or is inside a car. Command:
  12. /bring <Steamid>
  14. [Moderator] Back: The command teleports a selected player back to his last location from which he was teleported from. Command:
  15. /back <Steamid>
  17. [Moderator] Back Spawn: The command teleports a selected player back to spawn. Command:
  18. /backspawn <Steamid>
  20. When giving someone a warn be sure to give a short but detailed reason. ( MassRDM in Mines + Breaking NLR )
  21. [Moderator] Warn: The command gives a selected player a warning for breaking the rules, once the warnings add up the player will be automatically kicked and than banned. Command:
  22. /warn <Steamid> <reason>
  24. Freeze is used to keep someone in place if they're breaking a rule you should see if the person is willing to stay there and talk to you before having to freeze them. THIS IS NOT A PUNISHMENT AND SHOULD NOT BE USED AS ONE!
  25. [Moderator] Freeze: The command freezes a selected players movement for a selected amount of time. Command:
  26. /freeze <Steamid> <time>
  27. [Moderator] Un-Freeze: The command un-freezes a selected players movement. Command:
  28. /unfreeze <Steamid>
  30. Slay should only be used as an alternative punishment You're allowed to use this if someone is breaking NLR.
  31. [Moderator] Slay: The command slays a selected player in a selected way, this command should be used carefully. Command:
  32. /slay <Steamid>
  34. Players should only be kicked if there isn't any admins on the server and they're doing something to crash the server. This should be your last resort and you should use the warn feature first before considering this.
  35. [Moderator] Kick: The command kicks a selected player from the server, should only be used with SteamID's. Command:
  36. /kick <Steamid> <reason>
  38. When mod on duty you should not get involved in anything roleplay this also includes trading and or selling items. You're allowed to answer f1's during roleplay but you need to make it clear to everyone in the situation what your role is and why you're there and when you will be leaving.
  40. You should not use any knowledge you gain from a situation during RP if you have TP'ed to someone in their base you should stay away from raiding that base for a little while and forget about anything you seen in there.
  42. When unsure about a situation always ask in Admin chat before doing something so no mistakes are made and you don't end up putting yourself in a position that you don't want to be in.
  44. You should try to handle any f1's when you're free and if there is a lot stacked up you should remember that if only one person is doing them next time it could be you so any help that you give could be returned back to you and this way everyone gets more time to enjoy role playing not just the same couple of people.
  46. You Should try reading over the rules every Sunday to make sure nothing as changed because we tend to have a late meeting on a Saturday for the lead team and that's when any rule changes are decided.
  48. Steam IDs are a must and always try to use them because if you use a name you could end up messing a lot of peoples roleplay up. When you do something like /tp and the letter C it will TP everyone with the letter C at the start of their name and then it leads to a bunch of trouble that nobody wants to deal with.
  50. If you need a break from your duties feel free to contact a member of the lead team and 9/10 times we will agree that is a good reason and that you're more than welcome to take the time. We will not accept that you just want to go play another game for a week and that's why you would like a break so don't bother asking.
  52. Remember that you're the first line of defence when it comes to rule breakers and the way you handle the situation can make a big difference on how everyone else is effected so being quick and fair is always the best option.
  54. Once you have had your training you're welcome to come to the meetings every Saturday starting at 7pm and during this time you will be able to voice your opinion on other people applying for staff and we also do giveaways now and then. ;)
  56. Depending on the situation abuse of power of any kind will lead to your rank being removed and then your fate decided in the meeting so I would really think about it before you consider doing something you might get in trouble for.
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