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Aug 9th, 2016
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  1. Feudal, Elective Monarchy (Everyone with a "land holding title" higher then baron votes for members of the ruling dynasty to determine the next successor. Higher ranks have more votes.)
  2. The Bacatians are devout people who worship the Sun(Sol) and the moon(Luna), which they think of as the same coin with two different sides, as the one true deity Sulis.
  3. Sol represents self improvement, glory, greatness and the need to share it with the world, but also pride and overconfidence to the point of arrogance. Most leaders, actors and similar outgoing individuals feel themselves particularly drawn to this aspect of Sulis.
  4. Luna represents self reflection and acceptance, mysticism and knowledge, but also reclusiveness, selfishness and lack of confidence. Philosophers, artists and hermits mostly adhere to Luna.
  5. Sulis is thought to share his warmth and sacred fire with the world during the day and reflecting on his actions during the Night.
  6. Every member of an intelligent Species can be part of the clergy of Sulis, as it is believed that the potential of both aspects linger in every Person. The central organization of the faith is called the temple of Sulis which holds no single leader but a council of 10 men and women who are voted on every 10 years by all members of the clergy.
  7. By Law the only people worthy of nobility are High Elves, as they are seen as "born in the light of sol", though otherwise all races are treated equally, and it is very much possible (though incredibly rare) that a family or individual of any race is elevated into higher standings by proving to be a paragon of Sols virtues. Most state policies and laws are centered around the dualistic nature of Sulis.
  8. The military represents the the aspect of Sol, preserving and spreading the faith, if necessary through blood and sacred fire. Despite the temple not endorsing (but accepting) this interpretation of the faith a military career is highly respected in Bacatia and many nobles start young by joining and often leading raiding parties on small tribes. As slavery is strictly forbidden by the tenets of Sulis most tribes either convert or find a quick death at the end of Bacatian swords.
  9. Still more peacefully minded people find there place in Bacatians Society. Philosophers who find new ways and ideas of interaction with Sulis's world (scientiests), dancers and actors who entertain the population and lastly architects are the most prevalent of civil services endorsed by the government.
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