
Fluff adendum

Oct 13th, 2013
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  1. The great Aduro-Umbra rivalry was not always this way. While the Ali Family Co. was taking the world by storm, Aduro Industries started as ‘Mr. Light’. A small family business that sold second hand light bulbs in to a rural town. Such a tiny, insignificant company would never catch the attention of the industrial giant that would one day be Umbra Corp.
  3. The owner, Lenny Carlson, had been passed the (somewhat failing) business down from his father. One fateful day, he had been heading home during a storm when fate decreed, he was struck by a bolt of lightning. When he recovered, he seemed strange, quiet, withdrawn. To any questions his only response was “I have seen the light” . Thereby, he took some parts from his shop and retreated to his basement. Over a week later, he emerged with a strange ball of light in his hands. Upon which, he stepped outside onto the road and was immediately struck by a passing semi-truck. Horrified onlookers where suddenly silenced, as out of the wreckage walked a perfectly fine and safe Lenny Carlson, not so much as the smell of gasoline on him.
  4. He then mentioned “having to speak to someone”. None know who he spoke to or what about, but it is commonly accepted he took several blueprints and designs to a government agency and appealed to them. Evidence for this was mysterious funding that suddenly flooded the little lightbulb business.
  6. From that day forward, Aduro Industries was born, and like a bomb its explosion shook and lit up the world. The inventions “Mr. Light” as Lenny had begun to be called, rocked civilization. Truly he lit the world with his inventions, changing the face of everything from home appliances, streets, to the modern battlefield. Though every home was in time saturated with with Ali Family Co. products, somewhere there was also an Aduro invention inspiring awe. Looking back, the newly renamed Umbra Corp hated Aduro Industries. It was the one business that came from nowhere that they were not able to conquer by any means. It was said they’d try anything, assassination attemps, kidnaping attempts, bring his company down by any means, although strangely there were no reports of government intervention for or against. But time and time again, Mr. Carlson emerged unscathed as did his company. When Umbra corp cut of his supplies, he MADE supplies. When they tried a smear campaign, he discoevered glowing gardens of flowers that lit entire cities using solar energy. It seemed nothing short of divine he and his company managed to not only survive but thrive into the world’s leading superpower of power generation.
  7. The energy discoveries he brought to the world lit up the world (quite literally reall) and allowed for such massive constructions by nations as to border madness.
  9. He was a strange man, and near the end of his life he sometimes spoke of “the spark”, as the company called that day he was struck. He claimed that gods from heaven had enlightened him on how to transcend death and draw the natural “power within the mind”. For years the Mentis Industria project was one of his fondest experiment (apart from the reactor which he claimed "can draw the power of the gods from heaven"). Though the board of executives could directors could only see MI in terms of profiting from “brain batteries”, he dreamed of an age where people could speaking through pure permeating energies and will their minds to alter the world around them. Once the project was completed old age seemed to have caught up with him though, or at least the end of the world. He is presumed to have died, but no records indicate when or how (considering the lack of documentation during the immediate timeframe of the fall).
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