
School for the unusual RP

Nov 29th, 2015
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  1. IxCrossIx has joined the chat
  2. HerZoro has joined the chat
  3. Guest_Markinu has joined the chat
  4. iNekoDark has joined the chat
  5. Guest_HersheyBar32 has joined the chat
  6. Guest_HersheyBar32: + Sticks out tongue. +
  7. Guest_Markinu: ...i am saved, thnx u >u<...
  8. IxCrossIx: dun make me do anthing c;
  9. iNekoDark: ASHLA Save yoursel
  10. iNekoDark: F
  11. IxCrossIx: no join us c;
  12. Guest_HersheyBar32: What will you do baby?
  13. AshlaSnow: oh god whats happening XD
  14. Guest_Markinu: ...theit groping...
  15. AshlaSnow: XD
  16. iNekoDark: grope session .w.
  17. Guest_Markinu: *they're
  18. AshlaSnow: hmmmmm
  19. Guest_HersheyBar32: ASHLA >:U
  20. Guest_HersheyBar32: Let me fondle you
  21. AshlaSnow: k brah only cuz you cute
  22. IxCrossIx has left the chat
  23. Guest_HersheyBar32: *^* heh
  24. IxCrossIx has joined the chat
  25. AshlaSnow: yus
  26. Guest_HersheyBar32: + Me fondles her. +
  27. AshlaSnow: -enjoys it-
  28. Guest_HersheyBar32: ewe you're boring
  29. Guest_Markinu: ...weba...
  30. IxCrossIx: NO FONELE ME
  31. Guest_HersheyBar32: No blushing or moaning
  32. Guest_HersheyBar32: + Fondles Cross. +
  33. IxCrossIx: -moans licking her face- yus bb <3
  34. AshlaSnow: XD I dont care enough
  35. Guest_Markinu: -sticks tongue out to hersh, now under the desk-
  36. Guest_HersheyBar32: + Winks. +
  37. iNekoDark has left the chat
  38. AshlaSnow: XD uh shiz
  39. AshlaSnow: oh*
  40. IxCrossIx: -moans more-
  41. Guest_HersheyBar32: + Tackles him from under the table and fondles to him. +
  42. IxCrossIx: Q`Q
  43. Guest_Markinu: -yelps and blushes-
  44. IxCrossIx: >.> get those wings away from me
  45. Guest_HersheyBar32: + Giggling while I fondle him. +
  46. IxCrossIx: -fondels Hersh while she fondels Marky-
  47. Guest_HersheyBar32: >///< I'm not supposed to get fondled
  48. AshlaSnow: to bad
  49. IxCrossIx: to bad c;
  50. IxCrossIx: >.>
  51. IxCrossIx: shh
  52. AshlaSnow: nah bro
  53. Guest_Markinu: -whimpers softly and blushes more-
  54. AshlaSnow: im a G
  55. IxCrossIx: a "g"?
  56. Guest_Markinu: -starts to crawl out from under desk and to the portal room-
  57. IxCrossIx: -drags Markymoo back-
  58. Guest_HersheyBar32: Nuu Marky + Fondles him more. +
  59. Guest_Markinu: -whines softly, nails leaving scratch marks on the ground-
  60. AshlaSnow: yah brah
  61. IxCrossIx: your annoying hun, the brah and bro thing is lame for you x'D
  62. AshlaSnow: whatever brah im not the one ruinging this room XD brahhh
  63. IxCrossIx: you're
  64. IxCrossIx: I'm not ruining the room you are
  65. IxCrossIx: learn to spell too
  66. AshlaSnow: XD lol yeah because there used to be awesome RP in here but now I guess you guys had to mess it up
  67. Guest_HersheyBar32: + Fondles Cross. +
  68. rossIx: -moans at Hersh-
  70. IxCrossIx: x'D
  71. Guest_Markinu: -mews softly- o.o
  72. HerZoro: Correction .
  73. HerZoro: I .
  74. HerZoroHerZoro WhisperAdd Friend: Made this place popping .
  75. HerZoro: -nods nods .-
  76. Guest_HersheyBar32: Fuhhhh you
  77. IxCrossIx: SHHHH RALF
  78. HerZoro: You already have .
  79. HerZoro: Many times .
  80. HerZoro: -nods nods .-
  81. IxCrossIx: omg...
  82. IxCrossIx: here we go again x'D
  83. HerZoro: -licks her hand .-
  84. Guest_HersheyBar32Guest_HersheyBar32 WhisperAdd Friend: + Shivers. +
  85. HerZoro: ^
  86. Guest_HersheyBar32: ewe you're fault though
  87. Guest_MarkinuGuest_Markinu WhisperAdd Friend: ...wha?...o^o-lays on the ground-
  88. Guest_HersheyBar32Guest_HersheyBar32 WhisperAdd Friend: Your
  89. HerZoro: mm'no .
  90. IxCrossIx: -dick punts Ralf out the window-
  91. AshlaSnowAshlaSnow : XD "Popping" more like you ruined every good this this room had to offer
  92. HerZoro: -lifts up knee to block her punt .-
  93. HerZoro: No no .
  94. Guest_HersheyBar32: Stfu
  95. HerZoro: But if you simply dont enjoy the way things are now
  96. AshlaSnow: Nah
  97. HerZoro: Please
  98. HerZoro: Be my guest to leave .
  99. Guest_Markinu: ...und what the fudge...owo...-slowly shuffles to the desk to hide again-
  100. Guest_HersheyBar32: Please. Be his guest and leave
  101. AshlaSnow: this was a room for people to freely chat and RP about learning RP and what it was like playing a role now its a fuck fest
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