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Gerry and minie cheating

a guest
Feb 12th, 2017
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  3. 1- gerry and minie talked outside the game before the day started and minie knew gerry was the blacksmith
  5. 2- so when crayray said he vested minie, minie automatically denied having the vest when her first reaction should be to confirm him
  7. 3- she had a vest which meant there was absolutely no doubt for her to think that cray is real
  9. 4- gerry claimed vested and still minie didnt vote gerry. When gerry claimed vested she should have known that gerry was confirmed maf and voted gerry. But instead she went silent. That is when she was talking to gerry outside asking what they should do. Imagine how gerry trusted minie and claimed that he had vest. He knew she would side with him
  11. 5- gerry then put up his vote on cray even though there were 6 votes on him. Which meant he didnt wanna fight this as if minie changes the lynch their cheating would be obvious. He told minie outside the game that she should just hammwr him, but minie being a dumb girl didnt do it and kept silent
  13. 6- gerry then must have told minie to tell town that she would lynch outside bs ccs. Notice how she speaks much less than normal as they are talking outside
  15. 7- notice how they don't try as hard as they would as they themselves know the cheating was obvious.
  17. 8- gerry's response is that "you caught me" because he has no response
  19. 9- if they were not cheating they had no way of knowing what they knew. Minie wanting to lynch outside to hide her cheating and to salvage the game by not being obvious.
  21. 10- later gerry put up his vote as if minie fought harder it would be obvious
  23. 11- post game minie calls town bad as she knew the maf and still couldn't lynch it.
  25. 12- read her post game reply to cray when she says she townread cray (even though she didnt, which is evident from her saying gerry towntold more ) and her complete sentence doesnt make sense when she says that gerry towntold which implies that she was again trying to hide that she knew cray was fake
  27. 13- she had no reason to even doubt it when cray was mechanically confirmed town. Such things happen only when I am mafia and I know who is cheating with whom and I can guess such things.
  29. 14- now just because gerry is popular with you guys doesnt mean he should get away with this when no other person would get away with this
  31. 15- cheating was evident when she didn't vote gerry when gerry claimed vested.
  33. 16 - she knew cray was fake before he even had a cc
  35. 17- her logic was that bs wouldnt out which even gerry knew was because bs does out to confirm themselves.
  37. Minie has history of cheating
  41. Gerry has been suspended before for meta abuse and mods had no concrete evidence and shrugged them off as most of the times gerry's friends were investigating
  43. I don't want arcbell to handle this
  45. I want unbiased mod to look through this obvious lying by gerry that he doesn't know minie. Yet I predicted that gerry would vest minie
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