
S1E1: Pilot

Sep 1st, 2014
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  1. Monotype Adventures
  2. S:1 E:1
  3. Pilot (Welcome to Mono)
  5. Cataquack64 was one of the best Pokemon Masters alive. He had caught all 719 Pokemon, making Professor Oak proud. But after that, his life had gone south.
  6. A bored and depressed Cata sat on his couch, thinking of what to do, when he heard knocking coming from his door. Cata opened the door and saw a Pelipper floating, its mouth full of envelopes.
  7. "Oh," said Cata, "hello Mail-ipper."
  8. "Peli, Pelipper!!" Said the Pelipper.
  9. Cata picked out the envelope marked "To Cata."
  10. "Pelipper!" Exclaimed the Pelipper, and it flew off in a hurry.
  11. "Huh," said Cata, "that was rude."
  12. Cata sat on his couch and tore the envelope open, and a letter fell out. It was from his brother, Arceus64.
  13. "Dear Cata," it read, "Congrats on catching them all, bro! I knew you could do it. So you must be bored out of your mind by now, you must be bored out of your mind, so why dont you come visit me in the Showdown Region? Itll be fun! The entire family is here! Except for Mom and Dad of course. From your brother Arceus64."
  14. Cata smiled after reading that, he enjoyed the invite from my older brother.
  15. "You know, he thought, "I'll go visit!"
  16. Cata raced to his room and started to pack his clothes up. As he ran to the door, he tripped over his sleeping Houndoom, Hellhound, and her baby Houndour, Cujo.
  17. "OOF!" Said Cata as he fell face-first to the ground, waking up Hellhound.
  18. "Doo..." it groaned, as it woke up and looked at her clumsy master.
  19. Cata got up and looked at the Houndoom, before smiling at her.
  20. "Hellhound," said Cata, "you're in charge until I get back. I left my berry garden unsecured, so if you get hungry you don't have to worry."
  21. Cata kissed her on the forehead as she went back to sleep.
  22. "I love you." He said
  23. Cata exited his house and caught a cab to Vermilion City. Then, he boarded the boat heading to the Showdown Region, and got off.
  24. "Ok," said Cata, holding a map of the Showdown Region, "this should be the pl-"
  25. He gasped as he saw a giant 10 story mansion and his brother, Arecus64, standing at the door.
  26. "Arecus!" Exclaimed Cata, as he ran up to hug his brother.
  27. "Hey Cata," he said, "welcome to the Monotype Mansion."
  28. "Thanks"
  29. "Your welcome"
  30. Arecus brought Cata inside, and he gasped at the sight of the lobby.
  31. The lobby was a large circular room bustling with activity, and it had a dome shaped ceiling decorated with paintings of legendary pokemon. A horde of Mantyke flew around the lobby, as a tall, teenage girl wearing a purple dress walked to Cata, and shook his hand.
  32. "Welcome Cata," she said, "my name is Chandelurist, but you can call me Chandy."
  33. "Ok." Said Cata, as she walked away.
  34. Arecus poked Cata to catch his attention, and walked him to an empty room.
  35. "This is where you'll be staying during your visit" said Arceus
  36. "Wow," thought Cata. "You'd think they'd added atleast a bed, but... nope, cheap asses."
  37. "Thanks" said Cata, as he went into his room.
  38. "Oh, Arceus?" Asked Cata
  39. "Yes?" Replied Arceus
  40. "...thanks for letting me visit"
  41. Cata hugged his brother and closed the door.
  42. As night fell, everyone was sent to there room by the Elite Four Room Owners
  43. Cataquack64 laid down on his sleeping bag, thinking to himself
  44. "Man," he thought, "this place, its all so... new to me. I hope I can fit in."
  45. Cata tossed around before closing his eyes. Little did he know, this was the start of a great adventure...
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