
TSW 15: Mary, Arina. and Hikari enjoy the 4th.

Jun 5th, 2016
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  1. [14:22] IcePickLobotomy Time: July 4th, 3:27pm.
  2. [14:22] IcePickLobotomy Location: Gibraltar
  3. [14:24] IcePickLobotomy "So, got anything in particularly you want do Mary?" The air is warm, heat rolling off the pavement in the early noon sun. The scent of barbeque wafts in from the beach, and here and there is the distant crack-pop of fire-works.
  4. [14:26] Mary "Is here anything where we might later get some fireworks? I don't want to do so now, but, I assume that the others will want to shot some of them.And as for me, I am Trusting you there that you will show me something that is both interesting and a good distraction."
  5. [14:28] IcePickLobotomy "I think I saw some stands for them on the beach. . . " She bobs her head in thought, twin-tails flicking about as she does so. "Why don't we head down there, check out the fireworks, maybe get some snacks and enjoy the weather."
  6. [14:32] Mary "That does sound like a good idea, even if I don't want to stay there to long this time. To many idiots playing around drunk with fireworks I fear.
  7. [14:33] IcePickLobotomy "First time seeing a real Fourth of July celebration. Though seems a tad strange to be celebrating your independence from the British on a British island. . ." She ponders this a moment "That's irony right?"
  8. [14:36] IcePickLobotomy *Land
  9. [14:38] Mary "Well , considering that we also fought them afterwards and they are now our best allies...While the french where the ones that helped us during the fighting.."
  10. [14:39] IcePickLobotomy "Mmm, good point."
  11. [14:41] Mary "And didn't you take up baseball from us despite everything that happend?"
  12. [14:46] Mary Mary smiles at her while opening the top button of her blouse to get a bit more fresh air.
  13. [14:50] IcePickLobotomy "So?" She grabs your arm as the two of you head down the street and to the beach. "I'm not a fan of baseball anyways, so that doesn't count."
  14. [14:53] Mary "It was more aboutu growing closer together despite being a war and all that." She let herself be grapped and pulled down to the endless water and the sweet smell of burning fat
  15. [14:57] IcePickLobotomy The beach is already starting to fill with students, the air heavy with the scent of food and smoke mixing with the sea water. Gulls caw and scrabble for scraps of food. A group of sailors, from the Enterprise if their shirts (For the few wearing them) are any indication, have laid claim to a rather large set of grills and smokers.
  16. [14:58] IcePickLobotomy "Mm, kinda wish I'd brought my swim suit now. ."
  17. [14:58] =-= Pale_Wolf is now known as Arina
  18. [15:02] Mary "It might be nice now, but well in a bit the whole area will be filled with people I think, and well do you really want to dry with the swimsuit as you wait for a shower ?"
  19. [15:03] IcePickLobotomy "Fair enough. . ." She eyes a group of girls in swim suits "Though they seem to just be showing off."
  20. [15:03] Arina steps out of the crowd (not that crowd), smiling slightly. "Ah, Mary, Hikari, hello."
  21. [15:07] Mary "Hi Arina " She says after a second "how are you?"
  22. [15:08] IcePickLobotomy Hiklari waves "Hey, enjoying the 4th as well?"
  23. [15:08] Arina "Doing well enough, yes. Quite the celebration."
  24. [15:10] IcePickLobotomy A muddled "Thump" and a spray of sea-water erupts up a short distance down the beach, a few droplets of water raining down on the three of you.
  25. [15:12] IcePickLobotomy Hikari looks on with a growing smile. "Yes, it's quite exciting isn't it."
  26. [15:13] Mary "Well, as I am not john I won't try to proclaim the greatest of both the day and the Nation here, So let us isntead engange in Hedonism"
  27. [15:15] Arina blinkblinks, looking in that direction. "Did something just explode?"
  28. [15:16] IcePickLobotomy Arina: You watch as a high-school aged boy lights and tosses something into the water. A few moments later another muffled boom, and another spray of water, much to the delight of his peers.
  29. [15:17] Mary "Well it is boys being boys.."
  30. [15:17] Mary judges.
  31. [15:17] IcePickLobotomy "That looks like fun. Wonder if we can get some. . " Hikari says with obvious longing in her voice.
  32. [15:19] Mary "Well, you are the local.."
  33. [15:20] Arina raises an eyebrow. "That's certainly one way to celebrate."
  34. [15:23] IcePickLobotomy "Yeah, let's see about getting some food first. . ." She looks around "Oh hey, it's Alex." She drags Mary over to a table off to the side, like many of the others it's well laden with food and drink. Alex, the russian boy who ran from the other russian boy on the first day of school is there, alongside a group of what appear to be his friends. A somewhat rough looking bunch, though not...
  35. [15:23] IcePickLobotomy ...unfriendly looking. "Hey Alex, how're you?" She asks while starting to gather up food onto a plate.
  36. [15:23] Arina follows the pair, nodding slightly. "Hello, Alex."
  37. [15:24] Mary nods at him "hi" And then looks over the FOOOD. which is after all the best way to her heart.
  38. [15:24] IcePickLobotomy "Uh. . ." He stares at Hikari trying to remember who the underclassman is. "Hello. . Mary was it? And Arina, I remember you." One of his friends, a tanned boy with sandy blonde hair and a Bronx accent shrugs "Yeah, sure help yourself to the food I guess."
  39. [15:26] IcePickLobotomy "Jake, don't be a dick." A girl with in torn jeans and a leather vest, her hair done up in a pink mohawk, punches him in the arm. "Help yourselves, we got plenty."
  40. [15:27] Arina "Ah, thank you."
  41. [15:27] Mary "Well, if it looks like it is avaible " she mutters as she looks at the hair for a moment lost in thought before nodding.
  42. [15:28] Mary "Well, That is Arina, as you already heard, Hikari is the smart one to my left, and I am Mary."
  43. [15:28] Mary offers her hand.
  44. [15:28] Arina curtsies to the others. "Pleasure to meet you."
  45. [15:29] IcePickLobotomy Alex gives it a firm shake, followed by the girl. "Names Sally, that jerk is Jake, don't mind him." Jake glowers a moment before shaking your hand at Sally's prompting.
  46. [15:30] Arina "Is this the exploration club, then?"
  47. [15:32] IcePickLobotomy "More of a like minded group than a proper club. We're not "officially" with the school or anything." Alex explains. Sally interjects "We kinda just do our own thing, exploring the city and the underground happens to be a popular activity here, and Alex likes to make sure people do it safely, so he tends to show new people around until they get a feel for things."
  48. [15:34] Arina nods. "I was interested when I heard about it, yes."
  49. [15:35] Mary "Well I am not quite ideal for that one I have to say."
  50. [15:37] IcePickLobotomy Hikari pops up. "Mary, Arina! You gota try this, it's delicious!" She has a rib in one hand, her face smeared with sauce.
  51. [15:38] Arina chuckles, pointing to her own face to indicate where the stains are before looking for one herself. "Looks interesting."
  52. [15:39] IcePickLobotomy "Ehh. . " Hikari reaches for a napkin as Alex gently pushes out from between the two of you. "Well I'm planning on going down this friday if you and any of your friends would like to join us."
  53. [15:39] Arina "Mm, I'll pass it on, then, thank you."
  54. [15:43] Arina "I think John was interested."
  55. [15:44] IcePickLobotomy "The American? Don't think he likes me."
  56. [15:44] Mary smiles and then takes one of the ribs and starts to eat it away. "He is a bit of a Jock, but he is not evil... just a jock."
  57. [15:45] Arina "Well, if he's not, he'll refuse to come, though I think at least some fraction of it was him playing around."
  58. [15:45] IcePickLobotomy "There's worse things you could be than a jock." Sally suggests with a pointed look at Alex, who in turn rolls his eyes.
  59. [15:49] Mary "Hmh these are really good home made?" " She asks with a half full mouth
  60. [15:49] IcePickLobotomy "Wow, now I get why everyone was so excited for today." Hikari says. Jake nods "Yeah, made 'em myself." He sounds a little less grouchy at with the praise.
  61. [15:51] Arina snags a rib and chews about as neatly as one can manage. "Mm, that is nice."
  62. [15:53] IcePickLobotomy HIkari finishes her plate of food. "Hey, want to get some fireworks then?"
  63. [15:54] Arina "I think those work better at night, don't they?"
  64. [15:55] IcePickLobotomy Hikari pouts "Yeah but do you want them to run out?"
  65. [15:56] Mary "Well Hikari is right and it was my plan to buy some so that we would have some for the others in the apartment considering there planing skills"
  66. [15:57] Arina nods. "Seems sensible, yes."
  67. [15:59] IcePickLobotomy As the three of you wander further down the beach and over to the boardwalk, Hikari speaks up again. "Hey, Mary? Arina? Mind if I ask you a sorta personal question?"
  68. [15:59] Mary "Well, I can't promise a answer but I will listen"
  69. [16:00] Arina blinks, glancing at Hikari. "I... suppose not?"
  70. [16:01] IcePickLobotomy "Who do you think would make a better boyfriend? Kasra or John?"
  71. [16:02] Arina blinkblinks, cocking her head. "... Hm?"
  72. [16:02] Mary nearly runs into a Lamp post "eh?"
  73. [16:03] IcePickLobotomy "Sorry!" She helps Mary to her feet. "Are you ok?"
  74. [16:04] Arina raises an eyebrow. "Ooooooh, now that's an 0x1dinteresting0x1d reaction..."
  75. [16:05] Mary "Uh sorry it was just a bit surprising."
  76. [16:05] Mary blushes a bit.
  77. [16:05] Arina "It sounds like you have 0x1dthoughts0x1d on this question..."
  78. [16:06] IcePickLobotomy Hikari has a fox-like grin. "More than thoughts I bet~"
  79. [16:06] Arina "Those are thoughts too, Hikari, just a particular 0x1dtype0x1d of thought."
  80. [16:07] Mary "Well uh , it depends what you want out of it, If you mainly want someone that is mainly looking and which gives you the illusion of protection by being a hung then John is clearly better even if I would not ask him for a emotionally or intelectual stimulating talk."
  81. [16:07] Mary "As well I am using how they are associated with jocks and other social groups of which they are still a example"
  82. [16:08] Mary "And I did not think about the two of them in that way!"
  83. [16:09] IcePickLobotomy Hikari steps close in to Mary with a sly smile "Gee Mary, awfully defensive about something /no one/ said anything about. Yet."
  84. [16:09] Arina nods. "Of course you didn't. I think that's somewhat unfair to John, though."
  85. [16:12] Mary "Yo implied it with that cheeky fox like smirk!. And that is because you like jocks as they are tall enough to cuddle against withount endagering the em. emotional part . And because you like em hunks and half naked based on the beach visit!"
  86. [16:12] Mary tries to deflect
  87. [16:12] IcePickLobotomy "Actually I like Kasra better. He's prettier."
  88. [16:13] Arina chuckles. "Well, that's one way to decide."
  89. [16:14] Mary "Well yes he is, and also clearly smarter and much more sensitive of someones emotions, and nicer, even if he is pretty in a . Sort of European way, and not the muscled one."
  90. [16:14] Arina coughs. "He's from the Middle East."
  91. [16:15] IcePickLobotomy "He's still pretty."
  92. [16:17] Arina "Well no, I'm not disagreeing with that part."
  93. [16:18] Mary "Well yeah he is more a Sindbad type, or a uh European type, and not the Connery Chest hair model, but more the Bowie one. Versus John who is more the Stallone, or the Muscle now action hero."
  94. [16:19] IcePickLobotomy Hikari nods
  95. [16:22] Mary "And I would say that you have more from him because he cares for you as a person more then he cares for you as a pair of perky boobs, and a tiny wait and backside"
  96. [16:22] Mary looks over the two A-cups next to her
  97. [16:22] Arina (Small
  98. [16:22] Arina "I still think that's rather unfair to John."
  99. [16:24] IcePickLobotomy "He doesn't seem that bad. . ."
  100. [16:24] Arina "Mary doesn't really get along very well with him."
  101. [16:25] IcePickLobotomy She nods and pats Mary on the back. "So, what about you Arina?" She decides to turn the tables.
  102. [16:27] Arina humhums. "I don't think it's quite that cut and dry. John is 0x1dirreverent0x1d, not stupid."
  103. [16:28] Mary "On the other side, he has the better abs if one is only looking for someone for a pleaseant moment. , but Kasra for all his cute shyness is the better partner.
  104. [16:29] Mary mutters and then eyes Arina.
  105. [16:30] Arina "I still think that's unfair."
  106. [16:33] Mary "Well if you think so then do your argument for why it is so Misses Karamazov
  107. [16:37] IcePickLobotomy Hikari glances at Arina and then to Mary cautiously.
  108. [16:39] Arina humhums. "John is 0x1dactually0x1d reasonably thoughtful, you know. He's boisterous, not unintelligent."
  109. [16:39] Arina "On a surface level, Kasra is more mature, but John does have a fair bit going on in his head that has nothing to do with breasts."
  110. [16:39] IcePickLobotomy Hikari grabs Mary and Arina's hands, dragging them over to a firework stand. "Ohh, sparklers, and firecrackers. . Maybe some bottle-rockets, what do you two think?"
  111. [16:39] Arina chuckles. "That sounds exciting."
  112. [16:40] Mary mutters something and lets herself be dragged off.
  113. [16:42] IcePickLobotomy She eyes a rather large rocket. ". . . I wish I had some more pocket money. . ."
  114. [16:49] Mary blinks and then "Well I still got a bit so..."She goes for the rocket
  115. [16:49] IcePickLobotomy Mary: Hikari hugs you tightly "Yes! You are awesome!"
  116. [16:49] Arina "That should be interesting to watch go."
  117. [16:52] Mary "Better to see it in the dark I would say.."
  118. [16:53] IcePickLobotomy She nods eagerly before buying some firecrackers and bottle-rockets with her own money. This is going to be awesome."
  119. [16:53] Arina nods. "Yeah, should be a nice night."
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