
Fall of Cleveland: Contents Under Pressure

Aug 1st, 2012
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  1. >You are a soldier in A Company, 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment.
  2. >Ever since the C-17 went down, your unit has been killing fluffy ponies as fast as it can.
  3. >The number of them you've killed by yourself is probably incalculable.
  4. >Your company has become experts at using the M202 on them.
  5. >One of you will fire a rocket that scares them and makes them run as one in a direction.
  6. >The rest of you, waiting in ambush, pelt them with rockets as they get tired.
  7. >Something is happening, though. You're beginning to see fatter, slower fluffies.
  8. >They're not pregnant moms.
  9. >Something is definitely wrong with them.
  10. >”Fwuffy tummy huwt,” they moan.
  11. >The other soldiers have asked if it's all right to kill these, since they might have some sort of disease.
  12. >It takes a couple of hours to get an affirmative reply.
  13. >Now that you're back on patrol, you see a whole clump of them.
  14. >They're hardly able to move, crying in pain and begging you for hugs.
  15. >Instead of a hug, you give them a rocket.
  16. >As usual, it catches a lot of them on fire.
  17. >The corpses, however, start exploding.
  18. >Everyone gets behind their vehicles for cover as the fluffies cook off.
  19. “What the hell is this?”
  20. >You can hear little dings as their broken bones strike the Humvee's side.
  21. >You radio the camp to warn them about the exploding fat fluffies.
  22. >Sounds like it's too late; you can hear popping in the background.
  23. >Your Staff Sergeant decides to take the patrol back to camp and see what's going on.
  24. >When you get back to the airport, small fires are everywhere.
  25. >Soldiers are trying to stomp them out, or run them over.
  26. >Sure, they could use fire extinguishers, but those are being saved for things that actually matter.
  27. >The Captain comes over, weaving his way through B Company as they stomp out some fluffies.
  28. >”Why are the fat ones exploding?”
  29. “No idea, sir. The ones we killed over at Primrose Acres did the same thing.”
  30. >”Well, they're causing chaos. We'd better figure out what's going on before we start killing more.”
  31. >All the companies are brought into the camp perimeter.
  32. >You're no longer allowed to use the incendiaries,
  33. >Your tactics are limited to shooting into the air and using flash-bang grenades to scare the fluffies.
  34. >Flash-bangs produce an interesting effect.
  35. >Whenever one is used, the fluffies scream and run around in little circles.
  36. >”Why dawk? Why noisie huwt fwuffy? Why no see? Why buzzy?”
  37. >Some of them even faint and fall over.
  38. >This is all very amusing, but it doesn't make them leave.
  39. >They couldn't get out anyway.
  40. >The concertina wire is smothered with corpses.
  41. >It's sunset, and the troops are ready to give up for the evening.
  42. >God knows what the airport will look like tomorrow.
  43. >The next morning, you look out the window and are amazed.
  44. >The ground looks like carpet.
  45. >That is, if it were carpet commissioned by Peter Max during a bad acid trip.
  46. >There are literally piles of fluffy ponies squirming around.
  47. >Fat, normal sized, pregnant dams, foals, adults, every shape and color and size is represented.
  48. >You need help shoving the door open to even get outside.
  49. >”Meanie munsta no gif owwies!” an angry yellow unicorn dam says.
  50. >She has four foals on her back, crying for food.
  51. >You kick her aside. You kick every fluffy pony that comes near your legs.
  52. “This shit is ridiculous...”
  53. >The officers are meeting in one of the small hangars while the enlisted guys play fluffy pony soccer.
  54. >When they finally come out, they have to wade through the pastel blob.
  55. >You learn from them that the Air Force is sending a couple of CV-22B Ospreys from 8th Special Operations Squadron.
  56. >They're carrying a few necessary supplies and a special passenger.
  57. >While they're here, they'll use their powerful rotor down-wash to try and sweep away the fluffy hordes.
  58. >You spend the next hour slaughtering the regular sized fluffies.
  59. >When the Ospreys arrive, you all take cover in the hangars.
  60. >The air they displace sends fluffies tumbling across the ground, screaming in terror.
  61. >The fatter ones roll, lethargically yelling “No huwt fwuffy...”
  62. >The tiltrotors land in swept-clean circles of their own making, and your company rushes over to help unload them.
  63. >As it turns out, one of the Ospreys has two passengers. One is a grizzled-looking Lieutenant Colonel in an Army Combat Uniform.
  64. >The other is someone in glasses wearing the insignia of a Chief Warrant Officer 5 on his Army Service Uniform.
  65. >The former you know; he's the battalion commander. Quick salutes are exchanged as he leaves the Osprey's cargo bay.
  66. >”Good lord, the report didn't do it justice,” the Colonel says, surveying the scene.
  67. >Fluffy ponies are stuck on their backs, waving their hooves and crying “Upsies! Upsies! No can wun!”
  68. >The warrant officer notices some of the fat ones that rolled up against the front of the hangar.
  69. >The company commanders brief the Colonel on the fat ponies as the WO examines them.
  70. >Since no one is ordering you around, you follow the new guy.
  71. >Around you, the other soldiers are back to keeping fluffy ponies away from the Ospreys.
  72. “Hey, sir, do you know what's wrong with them?”
  73. >He nods up at you. “They've been eating garbage. They're full of methane.”
  74. “Natural gas?”
  75. >”That's right. When they catch on fire, they explode and spread the flames.”
  76. >The WO is called back by the Colonel, so you follow him back over.
  77. >”Colonel, these fat ones are a fire hazard. They're loaded with natural gas.”
  78. >”What happens if they go up?”
  79. >”The sewer is clogged, the water is out, there's no way to fight it unless you bring in airborne tankers, like a wildfire.”
  80. ”I think I already smell something burning...”
  81. >You all look around until a column of smoke from the other side of Cleveland catches your eyes.
  82. >Two F-15s fly over to your south.
  83. >”Yeah,” the WO says, “Something like that.”
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