
Communication 2013-08-08

Aug 8th, 2013
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  1. p. 148
  2. 1 a
  3. every week (weekly)("every" is singular)
  4. every month (monthly)
  5. every year (yearly)
  7. once a week
  8. twice a week
  9. three times a week
  10. four times a year
  12. (fifty miles an hour / miles per hour)
  14. 2 a
  15. fall 1 (autumn)
  16. spring 7
  17. summer 3
  18. winter 5
  19. Easter 6
  20. Christmas 4
  21. New Year 2
  23. 2 b
  24. January
  25. February (February 29 - leap year)
  26. -------- Roman New Year
  27. March
  28. April
  29. May
  30. June
  31. July
  32. August
  33. September sept- = 7
  34. October oct- = 8
  35. November nov- = 9
  36. December dec- = 10
  38. 2 c
  39. 1st first
  40. 2nd second
  41. 3rd third
  42. 4th fourth
  43. 5th fifth (no v, no e)
  44. 6th sixth
  45. 7th seventh
  46. 8th eighth
  47. 9th ninth
  48. 10th tenth
  49. 11th eleventh
  50. 12th twelfth (no v, no e)
  51. 13th thirteenth
  52. 14th fourteenth
  53. 20th twentieth (y -> ie)
  54. 21st twenty-first
  55. 22nd twenty-second
  56. 23rd twenty-third
  57. 24th twenty-fourth
  58. 30th thirtieth (y -> ie)
  59. 31st thirty-first
  61. These are ordinal numbers.
  62. ---
  63. 102
  64. He is one hundred (and) two years old.
  66. always = 100% of the time
  67. almost always = around 95%
  68. usually = more than 50% of the time
  69. often = "many" times (not specific)
  70. sometimes = not 0%, not 100%
  71. hardly ever = almost never (maybe 5%)
  72. never = 0% of the time
  74. How often do you exercise?
  75. - I never exercise.
  77. How often are you stressed?
  78. - I am always stressed.
  79. - I always have a lot of stress.
  80. ----
  81. popular = many people like it (can be in a small group, like a school)
  82. famous = many people know it (from the general population)
  83. unusual = not common, not usual, not typical
  84. uncommon unusual atypical
  85. take their time = do something slowly and carefully
  87. sunrise ^ (in the morning)
  88. sunset v (in the evening)
  90. busy = they have something to do, they don't sit at home and do nothing
  92. My father lives at home. (he lives in his house, not in a nursing home)
  93. My father stays at home. (he doesn't go out)
  95. dictionary
  97. meditate = sit calmly and clear your mind
  99. 60 seconds = 1 minute
  100. 60 minutes = 1 hour
  101. 24 hours = 1 day
  102. 7 days = 1 week
  103. 4+ weeks = 1 month
  104. 52 weeks = 12 months = 1 year
  105. 10 years = 1 decade
  106. 100 years = 1 century
  108. Homework: p. 33 4a (complete the survey)
  110. Bring food tomorrow for Natalia and Daniel's last day, if you like.
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