
Hand In Hand (ch2)

Jul 16th, 2018
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  1. Can't have an adventure without a little peril, now can you?
  3. Day 2: Danger
  5. Disclaimer: I do not own Little Witch Academia.
  7. ---------
  9. Chapter 2.
  11. Akko and Diana stay close to one another as they begin gathering herbs.
  13. By some miracle Akko had learned which plants were which, for the most part. Maybe it was from actual studying or maybe it was from having this punishment enough times to commit them to memory. Either way she plucks and tugs at the grasses and plants before stuffing them inside her sash alongside her wand for safekeeping.
  15. Diana helps collect some for Professor Finneran, but also takes a selection for herself.
  17. They're finished within just a few minutes. Akko wanders over to her girlfriend and lets out a long sigh.
  19. "All that time it took us to get here and now it's already over..."
  21. "We have a deadline," Diana reminds her. "It's best we're on our way."
  23. "Guess so." Akko takes Diana's hand and leans in to peck her cheek again.
  25. They leave the clearing of purple twilight behind them and begin making their way back through the forest, which has hazed over with a shade of yellowish-green somewhere between sunset and dusk. Akko doesn't even feel dejected about her so-called punishment anymore. It was definitely more of a reward since Diana came with her.
  27. "Thanks again, Diana. I'm sure I would've messed something up or gotten lost or been late if I was on my own."
  29. "You give yourself too little credit, Akko. I am certain you would have been just fine."
  31. For whatever reason hearing that from Diana makes Akko's lips curl up a little bashfully. Just like that snowy night in the cafe, Diana has faith in Akko when she has next to none in herself.
  33. Feeding off the positive vibes, Akko begins to skip a little bit. With the light fading Diana tightens her grip on her hand.
  35. "Careful. Watch your-"
  37. "Uwaah-?!"
  39. Right on cue Akko takes a tumble headlong into a bush. Diana tries to pull her back but is a second too late. Akko crashes into the bush with her free arm flailing.
  41. Immediately it's clear she's disturbed something. Movement is all around the witches, pale white wings flapping and fluttering frantically as soft tiny bodies take off in a panic.
  43. As Diana helps Akko right herself, she recognizes the creatures and quickly steps in front of Akko.
  45. "Stay back."
  47. "Huh? D-Diana, what are those things?"
  49. "Luna moths. But not just any kind." Diana draws her wand swiftly and puts up a barrier. That tells Akko loud and clear that they aren't ordinary bugs.
  51. "A-Are they dangerous?"
  53. "They are... extremely rare. Endangered even. Not unlike nocturnal versions of your Pappiliodya. They roost for long periods of time, absorbing as much magical energy as possible so they may eventually have enough strength to take off and make their migration. However... once they awaken they cannot rest again until they've flown to their destination some thousands of leagues away."
  55. "W-What? They can't go back to sleep and keep building up their magic?" Akko looks up at the hundreds of moths flapping ardently all around them. "What happens if they don't gather enough magical energy to make the journey?"
  57. "...Then they will die."
  59. "What?! No way! You said they're endangered, right? That can't be..." Dismay courses through Akko as she looks around at all of the beautiful white-green luna moths, sparkling with moonlight and magic. "S-So if I hadn't disturbed the nest... they would've built up enough magic to make the migration... But now that they're awake they might not have enough...?"
  61. Diana looks away. "...It is possible."
  63. "No..." Akko feels a surge of guilt and helplessness rising up like acid in her stomach. "I-It was an accident..."
  65. As she looks now she can see some of the moths are already faltering, too weak to even stay within the forest, let alone make a journey that's thousands of miles away. She grips Diana's arm desperately.
  67. "Th-There's gotta be something we can do! We can't just let them die!"
  69. "I agree." With this Diana cancels her barrier. Immediately the moths are drawn to the natural magical energy of the witches and begin to rally around them. Diana presses Akko back a step.
  71. "Stay back. They will take magic from anything they can if they are in this desperate state. With your magic already compromised as it is, it could put you at risk." Diana lets go of Akko now and takes a step forward herself. "I, however, have plenty to spare."
  73. "Wh-What?" A different kind of fear grips Akko's heart. The resolve in Diana's voice is dangerous. Akko knows she's already far beyond the point of letting her mind be changed. "D-Diana, hold on-"
  75. "It is all right, Akko."
  77. With this Diana puts away her wand and turns to the moths. Hungrily, desperately, they swarm all around her, drawing magic from her essence. There's an abundance of it, enough to fuel them as much in a moment as roosting for several seasons to take magic from the earth would have.
  79. Diana closes her eyes and grits her teeth as she willingly lets them take her magic. It's terrifying to feel it being sucked away little by little. It feels like her very soul is being taken. But she's confident she'll have enough to sustain the moths and herself.
  81. Akko watches in a mixture of horror and awe as the beautiful moths dance around Diana, drawing trickles of her energy out. The more magic they acquire the more brightly their wings glow in the moonlight.
  83. Akko holds her ground, wanting to disrupt them but knowing it could kill the endangered species if she interferes before they are strong enough to begin their migration. Diana trusts in her own magic, and Akko trusts her. She believes in her.
  85. But that doesn't mean she isn't clutching her hands together and practically biting her knuckles in her worry.
  87. The moths continue to take quietly from Diana. It's such a silent process that even if it were taking place in the center of Luna Nova, no one would be alerted to it but for the sight of it. There's a faint flutter of soft wings on the air as they flit about, now becoming increasingly more energized.
  89. Eventually they begin flying off one by one up toward the sky. Akko can't stay put any longer. Diana is nearly swaying where she stands.
  91. Akko draws her wand and hurries forward to support her, catching her right before she falls.
  93. "Etrex!"
  95. Akko casts a small spell, waving her wand gently. It creates a small burst of magic that is carried upward on a draft of air. The moths take the last of what they need from that and finally leave the witches, taking off vibrantly toward the moon.
  97. A withering breath falls from Diana's lips as she collapses into Akko's arms.
  99. "Diana?!" Akko sheathes her wand and holds her girlfriend up with both arms. But Diana is too weak to stand on her own, so Akko takes a knee and brings her to the ground, holding her up. She can feel her trembling, as if losing so much of her magic at once had drained the warmth from her blood. Diana struggles to open her eyes, and even when she speaks she sputters.
  101. "Ah- Akko..."
  103. Akko's nearly on the verge of tears as she pulls her close into a tight hug.
  105. "Geez, that was dangerous! They took too much, Diana!"
  107. "It... It is all right... my magic... will return to me in a few days' time..." She exhales, shaking softly in Akko's arms. "I am... merely glad to help them along their way..."
  109. Akko sniffles and cradles the back of Diana's head.
  111. "Dummy... you should think about yourself, too..."
  113. To this Diana can't find the words or breath to respond. She can only close her eyes, resting limply in Akko's lap, savoring her warmth. She's still shivering as though it were the dead of winter. Akko squeezes her tighter.
  115. "We've gotta go back. Can you stand?" Akko puts a hand on the small of Diana's back and tries to ease her up. But Diana can't even get halfway to her feet.
  117. "I... am afraid not..."
  119. Akko bites her lip as she glances around them. If Professor Finneran keeps her word she'll be sending out a search party for Akko soon due to her being tardy with the herbs now. But with how badly Diana is still shaking, how desperately and weakly she is clinging to Akko's shoulders and trying to catch her breath, Akko isn't willing to risk waiting.
  121. "I've gotta get you back..."
  123. She considers transforming into a horse or deer, something large enough to support Diana's weight, yet small enough to be quick in getting back. Her only fear is that Diana is too weak to be able to hold on.
  125. So that leaves Akko with only one option – to stay in her proper form where she has the arms to keep hold of her.
  127. By now Diana's eyes have closed once again, and even when Akko calls for her she doesn't open them. Akko pushes the fear away and digs up her trademark vigor instead.
  129. "Don't worry. I'll take care of you this time."
  131. She leans down and kisses Diana's forehead. Then Akko gets to putting Diana on her back, arranging her in the typical piggyback position, letting Diana's arms drape across her shoulders and around her neck while she grabs onto her legs. It's her hope that this position will serve to keep Diana as warm as possible.
  133. Akko heaves herself to her feet, staggering only a little before she immediately begins making her way back through the forest. She can hear Diana's breath wheezing meekly at the side of her neck, feel the dull, tired beat of her heart pressed against her back.
  135. Akko focuses on Diana's pulse, matching her footsteps to it to keep herself on track as she makes the journey back to Luna Nova. As she trudges onward, she tilts her head slightly, brushing her cheek against Diana's.
  137. "I've got you. Promise."
  139. --------
  141. A/N: It really is too easy to get Diana hurt ;w; Thank goodness she has Akko!
  143. Next theme: Laughter
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