
Pinktastic Voyage

Jun 9th, 2013
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  1. “Alright Pinkie, what the hell are you?”
  2. >The diminutive flamboyant horse-creature looks up at you from her seat on the table, face brimming with curiosity.
  3. >“Whaddya mean, silly? I'm a Pinkie Pie!”
  4. >You cross your arms.
  5. “I know that. But you just pac-manned your way through twelve entire cakes, hardly stopping to breathe or chew.”
  6. >She giggles, wiping a stray streak of frosting off her cheek.
  7. >“Well, it's not everyday we have a party with cake!”
  8. “Yes it is. We had a party yesterday. And the day before that. And the day before |that|. In fact, this very party is in celebration of having a party every day for the last twelve days. ...Which I guess explains the number and layout of the cakes you just ate, at least.”
  9. >Her smile could blind the unprepared.
  10. >“Yeah! I'm gonna try for thirteen tomorrow!”
  11. >You sigh heavily, rubbing your forehead.
  12. “Okay. You eat a lot of cake, I get that. What I |don't| get is how you never seem to take on a pound. Based on just the amount of confections you've eaten this week, you should be the size of a house. Or at least weigh as much as one, if my 'variable density' theory had any merit.”
  13. >Giggling, the pink party pony hops off of the table.
  14. >“Aw come on, Anon, I don't eat |that| much cake.”
  15. “No, you do. You alone account for ten percent of the Annual Confectionary Consumption for all of Equestria. Twilight showed me the records.”
  16. >Her mood seems to take a nosedive.
  17. > “Awww, only ten?”
  18. >You take to trying to stare a hole in her head as she snaps back into giggling.
  19. >Though you don't break your crippling stare, you notice a purple figure walking up next to you.
  20. >“Hey Pinkie, Anon. What are you two talking about over here?”
  21. “I'm trying to figure out how Pinkie is Pinkie.”
  22. >Twilight can only sigh and roll her eyes.
  23. >“Oh boy. Listen, I've been down that road before. And I'll tell you now; what you seek is unobtainable.”
  24. “Maybe for your weak horse-folk brains. But I have the brilliant mind of a predator, one that led my kind to the top of the food chain by pure ingenuity.”
  25. >“Didn't you say you got here when you tried to make crystals from volatile cleaning agents you found under the sink?”
  26. “Well how was I supposed to know those jerks on the internet were fulla shit?!”
  27. >Twilight only gives you a look of irritated pity in response to your minor outburst.
  28. >You turn back to Pinkie, who was currently laying her head in a chocolate fountain, one of the streams pouring into her insatiable gullet.
  29. >Like a shot, you leap up and grab hold of her, wrenching her mouth open and shouting inside.
  30. “Tell me your secrets, you vacuous venter of visionary vastness!”
  31. >While waiting for a reply, something becomes apparent to you.
  32. >You look closer into the abyssal aperture.
  33. >Another familiar voice makes it's way to your ears, though slightly muffled.
  34. >“Hey guys, what's going- uh. Anon? What are you doing?”
  35. >“Hehh hryin hh hinhh huh hhw hy hehh.”
  36. >“Pinkie, I can't understand you with Anon's head completely inside your mouth.”
  37. >You release your hold and emerge from the sugary cavern.
  38. >A moderately uncomfortable silence falls over the four of you as you stare blankly into the distance.
  39. >“Uh, Anon?”
  40. “Nothing.”
  41. >The blue pegasus only grows more confused.
  42. >“Huh?”
  43. “I saw... nothing.”
  44. >Twilight tries her hoof at getting you to make sense.
  45. >“What do you mean, 'nothing'?”
  46. “I mean there's nothing in there. Nothing at all. Just an endless, expansive void of darkness.”
  47. >Rainbow crosses her her forelegs, still hovering in midair.
  48. >“Are you sure that's not just because there's no light in there?”
  49. >You return her look of disapproval, before stomping on one of Pinkie's back hooves.
  50. >Her body bolts into a bipedal upright position, mouth agape and aimed skyward.
  51. >Keeping your foot planted, you grab hold of Twilight, who yelps in surprise at the sudden loss of a grounded status.
  52. >Flicking her horn causes it to involuntarily light up, and you aim it down into the destroyer of pastries.
  53. >Rainbow curiously floats overhead, peering into the neon maw.
  54. >Just as you had said, the light fell into nothingness just beyond the back of her throat.
  55. >“Whoa...”
  56. >Drawn by the commotion, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity make their way over to join the group.
  57. >“What in tarnation's goin on over here?”
  58. “Pinkie's got some kind of 'infinite void' thing going on with her everything.”
  59. >You casually release your impromptu light, who falls headfirst with another shout into the entrance to the unknown, getting stuck up to her neck.
  60. >“Oh dear. Well that would explain how she keeps her figure in as good a shape as mine with none of the effort. Something I'm still irritated about...”
  61. >Twilight eventually frees herself, throwing her mane into a frazzled mess as she shakes off the daze.
  62. >Rainbow, of course, finds this hilarious.
  63. >Twilight just glares at her, and then you.
  64. >Fluttershy's nearly inaudible voice finally makes itself barely known.
  65. >“So, um... what are we gonna do?”
  66. “What else, butterflybutt?”
  67. >You jump to your feet.
  68. “We're going on a journey.”
  69. >You point dramatically at the slightly confused, but still generally giddy, earth pony.
  70. “A journey... to the center of the Pink!”
  73. >Several magi-technical machines hum with energy about the tree library's laboratory basement, recording all manner of super-sciency stuff you really didn't give two fucks about.
  74. >But that silly purple unicorn insisted that if this was going to happen, she'd need to record everything she could in the name of science.
  75. >You supposed you were doing it in the name of science as well, to a point.
  76. >Really, this preposterous pink poofy-haired pony had been bugging the shit out of you ever since you got here.
  77. >So if you could just figure out |one| thing about her, maybe you'd stop bugging Applejack for some spare rope and the location of a sturdy tree branch.
  78. >You looked back at the center of the room, where Twilight had laid Pinkie out on a steel medical table, and was currently affixing some fancy magic thingamajigger to her head.
  79. >“Alright, Pinkie. This magic headset translocational audio device should keep us all in contact during the procedure.”
  80. >“Transponvanian whatchahoozit?”
  81. >Twilight sighs, a common practice around this particular friend of yours.
  82. >“Talk into this bit and we'll hear you.”
  83. >“Oh. Okie Dokie.”
  84. >“That goes for the rest of you, too.”
  85. >There's a murmur of affirmation around the room as everyone puts on their own copy of the strange, somewhat bulky headgear.
  86. >Applejack was having trouble fitting her hat on over it, while Rarity was using her magic to affix a myriad of gemstones to hers.
  87. “Alright enough fartin' around, let's get this show on the road. Everybody ready?”
  88. >A much more unified “Yeah!” comes from your spectrum of friends.
  89. “Alright then! Into the breach!”
  90. >You point again at the target of your adventure.
  91. >Nobody moves.
  92. >Rainbow eventually speaks up.
  93. >“So uh... how are we gonna do this? Does Twilight have some kinda fancy shrinking spell to cast on us?”
  94. “Pfft, no.”
  95. >In one swift motion, you snatch the surprised birdhorse out of the air and cram her into Pinkie's mouth.
  96. >She only goes in about halfway, though, until you forcibly fold her wings in and shove a little harder.
  97. >The others are a bit harder to catch, but eventually you're finishing up stomping the flailing orange behind of the last passenger save yourself into the living black hole.
  98. >Pulling her malleable jaws open a bit wider, you brazenly leap in feet first.
  99. >The pink passage snaps shut after you, the lost headset bouncing off of her face and onto the table.
  100. >Before she has time to contemplate it, your arm forces her cakehole open again, searches a bit, grabs the device, and recedes once more.
  103. >You've been falling through an endless expanse of a whole lotta nothing for quite a while now.
  104. >Like, shit. It felt like hours.
  105. >You decide to check in with Chief Science Officer Purplesmart.
  106. “Hey Twilight, you guys hit anything yet? Like, the ground, maybe?”
  107. >“Not yet, Anon. This place seems to go on forever... wait! I think I see lights below!”
  108. “Lights? What kind of lights?”
  109. >“Hey, I see 'em too! This is awesome!”
  110. “Rainbow, what are you two talking–“
  111. >The channel comes alive with shouts of awe and surprise, cutting you off.
  112. >It was rather irritating that whatever the hell they were yelling about was– oh shit.
  113. >A veritable sea of tiny illuminated pinpricks in the blanket of darkness rises from below, expanding in every direction almost infinitely.
  114. >Your ear gets filled with more coherent forms of amazement.
  115. >“It's gorgeous!”
  116. >“Mah gawd, it's fulla stars.”
  117. >“It's like Luna's night sky!”
  118. >“wow...”
  119. >“Wait... are those buildings?”
  120. “Uh, say again, Rainbow?”
  121. >“Guys, those aren't stars! Those are buildings! It's a city!”
  122. >As you draw inexorably closer, many of the lights shift position, falling into line and marking the presence of hundreds of mile-high structures.
  123. >You had to admit, this was something else.
  124. >A faint voice somehow manages to break through your veil of astonishment.
  125. >“Uh... hey girls? ...and Anon.... How are we going to land safely if only me and Rainbow have wings?”
  126. >The channel goes silent.
  127. “I, uh. I hadn't thought of that.”
  128. >You take time to see just how close the ground was getting.
  129. “This may pose a problem.”
  130. >You wince as three terrified ponies start screaming into your head.
  131. >And Fluttershy too, for some reason.
  132. >With much effort, Rainbow eventually makes herself known over the din.
  133. >“Guys! Guys! It's alright, listen! Fluttershy, can you get Applejack?”
  134. >“Um, I think so...”
  135. >“You'd better!”
  136. >“Good, I can get Twilight and Rarity.”
  137. >“Oh, good.”
  138. >“That's a relief.”
  139. >“Psh, and you guys were worried.”
  140. “Heheh, yeah... wait.”
  141. >Looking up, you catch a glimpse of your five friends suddenly not falling nearly as fast as you were.
  142. “What about MEEEEEEEE?!”
  145. >It was official.
  146. >You fucking loved marshmallows.
  147. >Okay, they were always pretty great, but until now they'd never saved your life.
  148. >You'd question why this strange city had an open-air marshmallow factory with giant holding cells later.
  149. >Hopping out and over the edge, you land on the floor near your pack of worried looking friends, Twilight at the front.
  150. >“Anonymous! Are you alright?”
  151. “Yeah, I'm fine. I landed in a pile of Rarity.”
  152. >You pop one of the tiny cylindrical sweets into your mouth as the ivory unicorn in question leers.
  155. >The city seemed even more immense from the ground.
  156. >Streets stretched across the horizon, hundreds of buildings adorning every corner.
  157. >The only sources of lights were those coming from the endless architecture's millions of windows, and an untold number of streetlamps lining the paved pathways.
  158. >It was a big fuckin' city, is what I'm getting at here.
  159. >It was even populated; ponies, griffons, minotaurs, and all manner of other strange creatures filled the streets and sidewalks, bustling here and there on whatever tasks they had to do in their eternally veiled city.
  160. >Twilight was still in awe at everything around her.
  161. >“This is astonishing... I mean, look at this place! To think that something like this could exist...”
  162. >You had been staring into the eerily pitch-black sky for a while as the six of you walked along, dodging the unending throng of sapients pervading the streets.
  163. >Eventually a question comes to you, and you pass it on to the purple one.
  164. “So, where are we, exactly?”
  165. >Twilight stopped, furrowing her brow.
  166. >“I don't really know. I have a theory, but... no. It's impossible.”
  167. >“Twilight, darling. We are currently standing on the busy streets of a tremendous city that is apparently contained within the comparatively small space of our friend Pinkie Pie. 'Impossible' left the building quite some time ago.”
  168. >“She's gotcha there, smarty. So what's rattling around in that old egg of yours?”
  169. >Rainbow taps on Twilight's head, making a noticeable knocking sound.
  170. >Twilight shoos her away like a hobo fighting a pigeon for a sandwich.
  171. >“Well... It's not much to go on so far, but judging from what I've seen down here, and what I've read in a couple ancient myth books, we may very well be standing in the lost city of Atlantigo.”
  172. >Everyone's jaw drops, even Rainbow's.
  173. >Applejack regains composure first.
  174. >“Atlantigo? That place's done been lost for thousands ah years! Even longer than the Crystal Empire!”
  175. >“Look, I said it was only a theory!”
  176. >As your friends bicker, you calmly turn your communicator back on.
  177. “Hey, Pinkie. You didn't eat any long-lost ancient cities, did you?”
  178. >Everyone falls silent again.
  179. >“...Maybe.”
  180. >There is a collective groan.
  181. >“That doesn't make any sense! Even ignoring the ridiculous notion of consuming an |entire| city, you'd have to be older than the princesses to have done it! Or have some kind of time-travel ability, and that's hard even for me!”
  182. >Rainbow tries to calm her frantic friend.
  183. >“It doesn't matter how she did it, we'll figure that out once we get out of here!”
  184. >In an increasingly common occurrence, the group goes silent at another revelation.
  185. >The five ponies slowly turn to you, Twilight again being team microphone.
  186. >“Anon, how exactly are we going to get out of here?”
  187. >You put a hand to your chin, stroking it in thought.
  188. “You know, I don't think I thought of that either. Hm.”
  189. >Twilight quickly becomes very irate at this information.
  190. >“Did you even think of |anything| before stuffing us all in here?!”
  191. “Hey, I came up with the awesome name for our expedition team; the Pink Party Pony Philosophy... Party.”
  192. >The comparatively calmer unicorn takes over for her fuming friend.
  193. >“Alliteration doesn't really help our current situation, dear.”
  194. “Well, okay, fine. Let's think of something. Rainbow kept us all from becoming street-pizza, maybe she can just fly us out.”
  195. >The prismatic pegasus nervously looks into the black sky.
  196. >“I uh, I don't think I can fly that high. I mean, we fell for |hours|.”
  197. “Alright, alright. Twilight. You've got that crazy magic shit, can't you just teleport us home?”
  198. >She responded in an assuredly calmer, but still peeved tone.
  199. >“I can only teleport things short distances, maybe a mile at most. And I lost count of how far we fell after about 30 miles.”
  200. “Hm, okay. Uh... welp.”
  201. >This was starting to seem hopeless.
  202. >A shrill voice from behind suddenly rang out.
  203. >“We can throw a party!”
  204. >A loud blast accompanies the sudden shower of confetti and streamers now enveloping the group.
  205. >You turn around irritated.
  206. “Pinkie, I've told you a hundred times that parties aren't the solution to everyPINKIE WHAT THE FUCK!?”
  207. >The bubbly creature reels back slightly at your change in volume.
  208. >“What's wrong Anon?”
  209. >You frantically flail your arms in futile gestures.
  210. “Pinkie! How do... inside! What... is this... I don't... even...”
  211. >Your arms slump limp at your sides, loss of reason now at critical levels.
  212. >Rarity somehow finds words.
  213. >“What I think our two-legged friend here is trying to say is... well...”
  214. >She trails off, but Rainbow picks up the slack, zipping forward to get nose-to-nose with party pony.
  215. >“How in Celestia's beard are you in here when 'here' is in |you|?!”
  216. >She giggles, pushing the flustered flyer away.
  217. >“How else, silly? I ate myself!”
  218. >You all stare, incredulous.
  219. >Eventually, Twilight calmly walks out into the street, and just lays down.
  220. >Fluttershy and Rarity go and try to get a response from her, but don't have much luck.
  221. >You can only hold your head and sigh.
  222. “This was a mistake. I should have listened to Twilight.”
  223. >Pinkie laughs again, eating a cupcake she acquired somewhere.
  224. >“You guys are silly!”
  225. >After a moment, a half-eaten cupcake hits you on the head.
  226. >Applejack casually looks up at it.
  227. > “Shouldn't that'ah taken a couple hours tah get here?”
  228. >You go and lay in the street with Twilight.
  231. >As it turns out, life in the lost city wasn't all that bad.
  232. >Twilight took a while to get over never seeing the princesses or Spike again, but eventually accepted it with the help of some fine mood-altering medication you got from one of the many doctors around town.
  233. >Though she really just kinda drifted from one bar to the next after that.
  234. >Fluttershy took up residence in the city sewers, living happily amongst the sewer rats and gators and mutant, talking, crimefighting turtles.
  235. >It probably had something to do with the water; shit kinda glowed a bit.
  236. >Rainbow Dash, with no weather to deal with nor idols to pursue, did approximately fuckall from day one to an early grave, beget by a diet of nothing but junkfood.
  237. >You had her tombstone marked with her last words; “Yeah, whatever.”
  238. >Rarity, ever the entrepreneur, opened a new boutique, soon soaring to the top of the fashion world, and subsequently the entire economy.
  239. >She ruled over the city with an iron fist, which she had commissioned from one of the local blacksmiths.
  240. >Pinkie spent much of her time trying to brighten the lives of the eternally nocturnal cityfolk, which proved difficult since a lot of them were huge jerks.
  241. >After years of trying and failing, she eventually just wandered off into the infinite void beyond the city limits, never to be seen again.
  242. >As for you, you decided to settle in with Applejack, after she rebuilt her entire farm on the outskirts of town.
  243. >You had many beautiful half-human, half-pony monstrosities together, effectively starting your own Apple Family; though she did occasionally wonder why some of your kids were yellow and had wings.
  245. >You told her it was probably the water.
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