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- ############################################################
- # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
- # | Thank you for downloading Chat Tweaks by Zacky1! | #
- # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
- ############################################################
- # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
- # | NOTES | #
- # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
- # Colors: #
- # Sounds: #
- # If you are getting errors in the console, please parse the file in a yaml parser.
- # I suggest:
- # You can view help for each config at:
- #
- # WARNING do NOT edit the version.
- Version: v3.1.9
- ############################################################
- #####################<>HashTags<>###########################
- HashTags:
- Enable: true
- Color: "GREEN"
- Count tracker: false
- #Global tracker means every hashtags will be sent to a master server. That server will then collect all hashtags sent,
- #and order them from most entered to least. It's a cool experiment and you can find the data here:
- #LINK coming soon
- Global tracker: true
- #####################<>At Signs<>###########################
- AtSign:
- Enable: true
- Color: "YELLOW"
- Sound: "ARROW_HIT"
- Requires At: true ##Only works in v2.7
- Count tracker: false
- #How many at signs per chat msg is allowed?
- Max:
- Enable: false
- Quota: '2'
- #Do you want to block duplicate at signs?
- Same AtSigns: true
- Only Usernames: true
- #AtSign sound -> Set to NONE to disable.
- #####################<>Commands<>###########################
- Command:
- Enable: true
- Color: "DARK_PURPLE"
- #####################<>Dollars<>###########################
- Dollars:
- Enable: true
- Color: "AQUA"
- #####################<>Channels<>###########################
- Channels:
- Enable: true
- Join Sound: "ORB_PICKUP"
- Leave Sound: "ORB_PICKUP"
- Default Channel: Global
- ###############################
- #%pname% = player's real name
- #%dpname% = Player's display name.
- ###############################
- #If Private is true, you will need permission to join the channel (ChatTweaks.Channels.<ChannelName>.Join
- #If Private is false, you do not need any permission to join
- ###############################
- #If Range is INFINITE it means you can chat in every world, anywhere you are, regardless of block radius
- #b1000 stands for 1000 block radius
- #wworld stands for world named world -- This means the channel would only be able to speak in the world channel.
- # Example: wworld_nether -- Only players in the nether will hear you speak (if you're in that channel)
- #Range can also be something like: wworld+wworld_nether means anyone in world and in world nether will hear you
- #b<range> should ALWAYS be the last element in the range equation
- ###############################
- Channels:
- Staff:
- Format: "&5[&6Staff&5]&e%pname%&f: %msg%"
- AllowInLockdown: true
- Range: "INFINITE"
- Private: true
- Trade:
- Format: "&5[&6Trade&5]&e%pname%&f: %msg%"
- AllowInLockdown: false
- Range: "b1000"
- Private: false
- Local:
- Format: "&5[&6Local&5]&e%pname%&f: %msg%"
- AllowInLockdown: false
- Range: "b150"
- Private: false
- World:
- Format: "&5[&6World&5]&e%pname%&f: %msg%"
- AllowInLockdown: false
- Range: "wworld"
- Private: false
- Custom:
- Format: "&5[&6World & Nether&5]&e%pname%&f: %msg%"
- AllowInLockdown: false
- Range: "wworld+wworld_nether"
- Private: false
- Global:
- Format: "&5[&6Main&5]&e%pname%&7: %msg%"
- AllowInLockdown: false
- Range: "INFINITE"
- Private: false
- #######################<>Automated messages<>#############################
- #AM = Automated message.
- #Will be prefixed with [CT] in chat.
- #Interval is in MINUTES. Do NOT put decimals, make sure it's a number.
- #Interval must be between 0 and 1000
- #You may add/remove as many messages as you want.
- #It also supports color codes.
- #This is a list which will loop.
- #This does NOT support commands.
- AM:
- Enable: true
- Interval: 5
- Prefix: "&5[&6ChatTweaks&5]&6"
- Header: "&5<>-------------------------------------------------<>"
- Footer: "&5<>-------------------------------------------------<>"
- #Set to NONE to disable Header
- #Set to NONE to disable Footer
- Messages:
- - "&5This is message number one"
- - "&6This is message number two"
- - "&7This can have as many messages as you want"
- - "&9This also supports &ac&bo&cl&do&er &2c&3o&4d&5e&6s&9!"
- - "&2This doesn't support commands"
- - "&3Don't forget to edit this :)"
- #####################<>Replacers<>###########################
- Replacers:
- Enable: true
- Color: "RED"
- ###########################################################################
- #Where you see 'a' and 'b', those can be anything you want. Just don't make them the same, or
- #don't delete them.
- #
- #Names are not case-sensitive
- #In chat, a ! (exclamation mark) is required to match the names...
- #Available characters for Name include: A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, -, and _
- ###########################################################################
- #Example:
- #Zacky1: Hey guys go and register on our website at !website.
- #
- #This will turn out to be:
- #Zacky1: Hey guys go and register on our website at
- ###########################################################################
- List:
- a:
- Name: "website"
- ReplaceWith: ""
- z:
- Name: "ct"
- ReplaceWith: "ChatTweaks can be found @"
- ####################<> Broadcast <>#############################
- Broadcast:
- Format: "&5[&6Broadcast&5]&6%msg%"
- #######################<>Essentials Option<>#############################
- Essentials:
- AFK Integration: true
- #######################<>Emoticons<>#############################
- Emoticons:
- Enable: true
- ###########################################################################
- #Where you see 'a', 'b' and 'c', those can be anything you want. Just don't make them the same, or
- #don't delete them.
- #
- #Emoticon can be anything you want.
- #Replace can be any symbol you want. Just make sure its in Unicode characters (without the \)
- ###########################################################################
- List:
- a:
- Emoticon: ":)"
- Replace: "u263a"
- b:
- Emoticon: ":("
- Replace: "u2639"
- c:
- Emoticon: "<3"
- Replace: "u2665"
- #######################<>Misc<>#############################
- Misc:
- ShowPrefix: true
- Vanish Integration: true
- Clear Chat Sound: "WITHER_SPAWN"
- Allow Colors: true
- Enable Spam Configuration: true
- Enable Death Messages: true
- ###Technical Options###
- #If your server can support the extra RAM, ChatTweaks will store all the configs in RAM for easy and faster
- #access. Execution times triple if you're not storing it in RAM. Not storing in RAM also means a higher
- #CPU Usage.
- Store in RAM: true
- Debug: false
- Chat logging: false
- #Recommended to leave the following options to true :)#
- Enable Update Checks: true
- Use Metrics: true
- #You're done :D
- ############################################################
- # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
- # | Thank you for downloading Chat Tweaks by Zacky1! | #
- # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
- ############################################################
- # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
- # | NOTES | #
- # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
- # Edit anything you want AFTER the colon #
- # Do NOT edit the colons or the words before #
- # Chat Colors will NOT work. #
- # Don't forget to enable Custom Messages in Configuration #
- Version: v3.1.9
- #
- # %v% is a variable.
- # Example: Link %v% [...]
- # Would turn out as: Link [...]
- ############################################################
- Messages:
- Misc:
- ReloadConfSuccess: "You've successfully reloaded the %v% config!"
- PurgeDataSuccess: "You've successfully deleted all hashtags and atsigns!"
- ClearPChat: "You've successfully cleared your personal chat!"
- DisabledFeature: "%v% are disabled!"
- ClearChat: "The chat has been cleared by %v%!"
- InLockdown: "Chat is in lockdown mode! Initiated by: %v%"
- OutLockdown: "Chat lockdown mode has been lifted."
- LockdownEnable: "You've successfully %v% lockdown mode!"
- TooLittleBig: "The text ''%v%'' was either too small or too big to be recognized!"
- DisableSound: "You've %v% your ability to receive sound notifications"
- EnabledFeature: "You've enabled %v%!"
- Fined: "You've been fined %v%!"
- #%p% = Player Name
- #%dp% = Player Display Name # Please note: DisplayNames only work with certain permission plugins
- #%r% = Kick Reason
- #%cr% = Colored kick reason (if supported)
- #%w% = World name
- #%f% = From world
- #ChatColor codes allowed.
- #Please note that these will be prefixed with [+], [-], [*]
- #[+]= Join & World changes || [-] = Disconnected || [*] = Kicked
- Connections:
- Login: "NONE"
- Logout: "NONE"
- Kick: "%p% has been &4kicked&c for &4%r%"
- FullServer: "The server is full, please try again soon."
- Whitelisted: "This server is whitelisted! Sorry"
- WorldChange: "NONE"
- Error:
- NoPerm: "NONE"
- CommandInvalid: "NONE"
- NumberException: "NONE"
- PlayerException: "NONE"
- WrongCmd: "NONE"
- Unknown: "NONE"
- FileMissing: "NONE"
- UnknownCommand: "None"
- Spam:
- TooManySameAtSign: "You've already entered %v% in your message!"
- MaxAtSignReached: "You have reached the maximum At Sign per Chat!"
- NoPermLinks: "You may not type links in chat!"
- UnAllowedLink: "Link/IP %v% is not allowed in the chat!"
- Severe-UnAllowedLink: "Do not fool the anti-advertiser plugin!"
- CapsLimit: "No caps in chat please!"
- NoSwearing: "Do not swear in chat!"
- RateLimit: "Please wait 1 second between each messages."
- Channel:
- Joined: "You have joined the %v% channel!"
- Left: "You have left the %v% channel!"
- Moved: "You were moved to the %v% channel!"
- Kicked: "You were kicked from the %v% channel!"
- Channel:
- Join: "%v% has joined your private channel!"
- Leave: "%v% has left your private channel!"
- Error:
- Private: "The %v% channel is private!"
- Add: "You don't have permission to add players to this channel!"
- NotPrivate: "You do not have permission over non-private channels!"
- NotFound: "Channel %v% could not be found"
- NoLeave: "You may not leave the default channel!"
- #Don"t forget to enable Custom Messages in the Configuration.yml File!
- #You"re done :D
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