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pug drama

a guest
Dec 4th, 2012
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  1. [22:13] <@Cygnus> ok so I need a sniper
  2. [22:14] <+PussyKocaine> turbo and max both offered
  3. [22:14] <@Cygnus> anyone wanna snipe?
  4. [22:14] <@Cygnus> ok
  5. [22:14] <+PussyKocaine> turbo was first i think
  6. [22:14] <Bobby> !list
  7. [22:14] <@TF2HL-Bot> 4 users added: FemmeFatale, Bobby, Niko_Jims, Ephetic
  8. [22:14] <FemmeFatale> pick me
  9. [22:14] <+PussyKocaine> unless bobby
  10. [22:14] == Morin [] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  11. [22:14] <rooks> pick niko and have turbs sub
  12. [22:14] <huynhy> femme snipper
  13. [22:14] <+PussyKocaine> yeah
  14. [22:14] <huynhy> do it
  15. [22:14] <rooks> since niko aint here
  16. [22:14] <@Cygnus> !pick 6 sniper
  17. [22:14] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> Blu Team: Cygnus as pyro, Skyrolla as demo, Ragnar as scout, Lumines as engineer, proximity as spy, DoctorWhooves as medic, Spartacus as heavy, Kvrt as soldier, Niko_Jims as sniper
  18. [22:14] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> Cygnus picked Niko_Jims as sniper
  19. [22:14] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> Red Team: PussyKocaine as scout, LegendaryLennon as heavy, Revels as sniper, Geosus as pyro, huynhy as soldier, lemongineer as engineer, finndy_ as spy, Arkanoid0 as medic, rooks as demo
  20. [22:14] <@TF2HL-Bot> The pug will take place on rivendallas with the map pl_swiftwater_ugc.
  21. [22:14] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> Servers are provided by Team-ISH | UGC
  22. [22:14] <FemmeFatale> Hey, i said pick me D:
  23. [22:14] <+PussyKocaine> you were kidding
  24. [22:14] <@TF2HL-Bot> 3 users added: FemmeFatale, Bobby, Ephetic
  25. [22:14] <FemmeFatale> No I wasn't
  26. [22:14] <+PussyKocaine> right?
  27. [22:14] <FemmeFatale> I'm sick of being fatkidde
  28. [22:15] <+PussyKocaine> welp then c restrict cygnus and end pug
  29. [22:15] <downpour> !last
  30. [22:15] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> The last match was started 23 secs ago
  31. [22:15] <downpour> WOO
  32. [22:15] <+PussyKocaine> yeah sorry downpour
  33. [22:15] <@Cygnus> femme, I truly don't mean to offend
  34. [22:15] <@Cygnus> but you cannot snipe against Revels.
  35. [22:15] <FemmeFatale> I know, I'm not a good sniper
  36. [22:15] <FemmeFatale> But I volunteered
  37. [22:15] == seejay [] has joined #tf2.pug.nahl
  38. [22:15] <@Cygnus> the team would get ripped apart by him
  39. [22:15] <FemmeFatale> Rules say that you have to take the volunteer
  40. [22:15] <+PussyKocaine> rules also say
  41. [22:15] <+PussyKocaine> make it fun
  42. [22:15] <huynhy> uh i dont think that sniper pick would even play werent they getting a sub
  43. [22:15] <FemmeFatale> That @ in front your name implies that you know the rules
  44. [22:15] <@Cygnus> make the teams balanced*
  45. [22:15] <FemmeFatale> Obviously I was mistaken
  46. [22:15] <+PussyKocaine> and not 5-0 roll
  47. [22:16] <+PussyKocaine> and you werent added up to sniper
  48. [22:16] == Highbaboon [] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  49. [22:16] <huynhy> how about common sense over rulez
  50. [22:16] <+PussyKocaine> that rule is mostly for the case where you see a shit sniper as the last one left
  51. [22:16] <+PussyKocaine> and you pull a dick move by asking one of your beast friends to sub
  52. [22:16] <+PussyKocaine> and then fatkid them
  53. [22:16] == coconut [] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  54. [22:17] <+DoctorWhooves> if you're added as sniper thats different imo
  55. [22:17] <FemmeFatale> this is bullshit
  56. [22:17] <FemmeFatale> Fine, since apparently even ops don't have to follow rules
  57. [22:17] <FemmeFatale> !add medic captain
  58. [22:17] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> 3 users added: FemmeFatale:mc, Bobby, Ephetic
  59. [22:17] <FemmeFatale> I'll be playing Pyro, however
  60. [22:17] <@Cygnus> :/
  61. [22:17] <@Cygnus> femme
  62. [22:17] <FemmeFatale> No
  63. [22:17] == Arch [] has joined #tf2.pug.nahl
  64. [22:17] <FemmeFatale> Fuck you
  65. [22:17] <+DoctorWhooves> relax
  66. [22:18] <+DoctorWhooves> whats the big deal?
  67. [22:18] <FemmeFatale> If you don't have to follow the rules, no one does
  68. [22:18] <@Cygnus> I didn't pick you because the teams would be incredibly imbalanced if you sniped against revels
  69. [22:18] <FemmeFatale> I don't give a fuck
  70. [22:18] <@Cygnus> Part of a captain's job is to make sure teams are balanced
  71. [22:18] <+DoctorWhooves> its freaking swiftwater, the sniper is very important
  72. [22:18] <@Cygnus> And if you played sniper nobody would have fun
  73. [22:18] == eli_ [] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  74. [22:18] <@Cygnus> I'm going to endgame and restrict you if you actually med-cap and play pyro.
  75. [22:18] <@Cygnus> Just a forewarning.
  76. [22:19] <+DoctorWhooves> my question is femme, were you added as sniper?
  77. [22:19] <FemmeFatale> Oh, because it's only okay if you don't follow the rules
  78. [22:19] == john_milter [] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  79. [22:19] == drinkingantifreeze [] has quit [Ping timeout]
  80. [22:19] <FemmeFatale> !add scout soldier pyro demo heavy medic engineer sniper spy captain
  81. [22:19] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> 3 users added: FemmeFatale:mc, Bobby, Ephetic
  82. [22:19] <@Cygnus> lol
  83. [22:19] == wiggles_ [] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  84. [22:19] <@Cygnus> that doesn't make a difference
  85. [22:19] == neon [] has joined #tf2.pug.nahl
  86. [22:19] <FemmeFatale> Yet I will still play Pyro
  87. [22:19] <@Cygnus> if you add as medic and captain you must medic
  88. [22:19] == neon [] has quit [Registered]
  89. [22:19] == neon [webchat@neon.user.gamesurge] has joined #tf2.pug.nahl
  90. [22:19] <@Cygnus> and if you don't
  91. [22:19] <FemmeFatale> But this means that we'll probably have a shortage somewhere also
  92. [22:19] <@Cygnus> you're getting restricted, I'm sorry.
  93. [22:19] <+DoctorWhooves> you're soap :P
  94. [22:19] <neon> !add demo soldier pyro
  95. [22:19] <@TF2HL-Bot> 4 users added: FemmeFatale:mc, Bobby, Ephetic, neon
  96. [22:20] <FemmeFatale> And I'm just going to pick whoever I want on whatever classes
  97. [22:20] <FemmeFatale> Because it doesn't matter
  98. [22:20] <@]km[smaka> !restrict FemmeFatale 1d tired of the bitching
  99. [22:20] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> FemmeFatale has been restricted for 1 day.
  100. [22:20] <FemmeFatale> Bullshit
  101. [22:20] <FemmeFatale> I haven't broken any rules
  102. [22:21] == drinkingantifreeze [] has joined #tf2.pug.nahl
  103. [22:21] == mode/#tf2.pug.nahl [+v drinkingantifreeze] by TF2HL-Bot
  104. [22:21] <finndy_> fightdapowa
  105. [22:21] <@]km[smaka> you can feel free to take that up with stellar when stellar is around
  106. [22:21] <lemongineer> wtf. D:
  107. [22:21] <+PussyKocaine> Dude, smaka
  108. [22:21] <+PussyKocaine> thats fucked up
  109. [22:21] <FemmeFatale> What fucking bullshit
  110. [22:21] <+PussyKocaine> if she came in and tried to play thats one thing
  111. [22:21] == CaptainShelly [] has joined #tf2.pug.nahl
  112. [22:21] <+PussyKocaine> but she didnt
  113. [22:21] <+PussyKocaine> dont restrict her
  114. [22:21] <FemmeFatale> I have a legitimate complaint, and you're going to restrict me for voicing it.
  115. [22:22] <+PussyKocaine> im not one to defend her or anything
  116. [22:22] <@]km[smaka> if you have a problem with someone, take it up with them or another admin rather than just bashing people in the channel
  117. [22:22] <+PussyKocaine> but thats some bs to restrict her for a day for bein a little mad about that
  118. [22:22] == Soap_ [] has quit [Ping timeout]
  119. [22:22] <FemmeFatale> What, because it's okay for ops to ignore the rules
  120. [22:22] <FemmeFatale> ?
  121. [22:22] == JJK [] has joined #tf2.pug.nahl
  122. [22:22] <+PussyKocaine> shoulda waited til she actually tried to ruin the pug before you did anything
  123. [22:22] <FemmeFatale> Yet I get restricted for complaining about that?
  124. [22:22] <JJK> !status
  125. [22:22] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> mordor: empty
  126. [22:22] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> rivendallas: empty
  127. [22:22] <+PussyKocaine> IMO
  128. [22:22] <@]km[smaka> had you msg'd me and said you felt he was in the wrong, we could have talked about it, but i'm not going to sit here and watch you bitch repeatedly and go on about how you're going to intentionally ruin the next pug
  129. [22:22] <JJK> !need
  130. [22:22] <@TF2HL-Bot> Required classes: 1 scout, 1 soldier, 1 demo, 2 heavy, 2 engineer, 2 medic, 2 sniper, 1 spy, 2 captain, 15 player
  131. [22:22] == Ques_ [] has joined #tf2.pug.nahl
  132. [22:23] <JJK> !last
  133. [22:23] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> The last match was started 8 mins 23 secs ago
  134. [22:23] <FemmeFatale> He WAS in the wrong
  135. [22:23] <+PussyKocaine> shouldnt have restricted her til she did anything
  136. [22:23] <+PussyKocaine> bs imo
  137. [22:23] <@]km[smaka> pk, i understand that's your opinion and that's fine
  138. [22:23] <+PussyKocaine> but if she came in
  139. [22:23] <+PussyKocaine> then restrict all day erryday
  140. [22:23] <@]km[smaka> :|
  141. [22:24] == Bobby [~45d41fc6@Bobby.user.gamesurge] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  142. [22:24] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> 2 users added: Ephetic, neon
  144. [22:24] == Spamfest [] has joined #tf2.pug.nahl
  145. [22:24] <Spamfest> !list
  146. [22:24] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> 2 users added: Ephetic, neon
  147. [22:24] <Spamfest> !last
  148. [22:24] <@TF2HL-Bot> The last match was started 9 mins 57 secs ago
  149. [22:24] <Spamfest> dagnabbit
  150. [22:24] == Spamfest [] has quit [Quit: ajax IRC Client]
  151. [22:24] == riddle [] has joined #tf2.pug.nahl
  152. [22:26] <+LegendaryLennon> i heard somebody on this team supports the hitlercaust
  153. [22:26] <FemmeFatale> Apparently Cygnus and smaka do
  154. [22:28] == Cygnus [~Cygnus@Cygnus.user.gamesurge] has quit [Quit]
  155. [22:28] <@]km[smaka> femme
  156. [22:28] <@]km[smaka> i don't dislike you but you're acting childish
  157. [22:28] <@]km[smaka> if you want to discuss it further, feel free to msg me
  158. [22:28] <FemmeFatale> Fucking unrestrict me
  159. [22:28] <FemmeFatale> I haven't broken any rules
  160. [22:29] <FemmeFatale> If anything, crestrict Cygnus. he's the only one who's broken any rules around here
  161. [22:29] == KillemAll [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
  162. [22:30] <FemmeFatale> I mean hell, if that rule doesn't matter, I can just take make it so there's no one on a specific class, then pick someone who isn't around and sub in someone really good
  163. [22:30] <FemmeFatale> Because it doesn't matter if someone else wants to play that class
  164. [22:30] <JJK> !status
  165. [22:30] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> mordor: empty
  166. [22:30] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> rivendallas: 0:0 on pl_swiftwater_ugc with 00:00 remaining
  167. [22:31] <JJK> !map
  168. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> The current map is cp_granary
  169. [22:31] <JJK> !add sniper
  170. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> 3 users added: Ephetic, neon, JJK
  171. [22:31] <lemongineer> we just rtved, jjk. it'll be a while
  172. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> 3 users added: Ephetic, neon, JJK
  173. [22:31] == KillemAll [] has joined #tf2.pug.nahl
  174. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> soldier: neon
  175. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Bot> pyro: neon
  176. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> demo: neon
  177. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> sniper: JJK
  178. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> spy: Ephetic
  179. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Bot> 3 users added: Ephetic, neon, JJK
  180. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> 3 users added: Ephetic, neon, JJK
  181. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> soldier: neon
  182. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> pyro: neon
  183. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Bot> demo: neon
  184. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> sniper: JJK
  185. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> spy: Ephetic
  186. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> 3 users added: Ephetic, neon, JJK
  187. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Bot> 3 users added: Ephetic, neon, JJK
  188. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> soldier: neon
  189. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> pyro: neon
  190. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> demo: neon
  191. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Bot> sniper: JJK
  192. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> spy: Ephetic
  193. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> 3 users added: Ephetic, neon, JJK
  194. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> 3 users added: Ephetic, neon, JJK
  195. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Bot> 3 users added: Ephetic, neon, JJK
  196. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> soldier: neon
  197. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> pyro: neon
  198. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> demo: neon
  199. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Bot> sniper: JJK
  200. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> spy: Ephetic
  201. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> Player related commands: !add, !remove, !list, !sub, !need, !afk, !stats, !nick
  202. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> !add: - To add yourself to the match. e.g. !add scout spy <Does NOT Stack>
  203. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Bot> !remove - To remove yourself from the match - Do this before going afk/away!
  204. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> !list - To list players added to the pug
  205. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> !list-classes - To list players added to each class
  206. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> !need - To view additional classes/number of players needed to fill the pug
  207. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Bot> Captain related comands: !pick, !random, !captain, !format
  208. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> Server related commands: !ip, !map, !mumble, !last, !rotation, !stv, !logs
  209. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> !ip - View connect string for current server (similarly !mumble)
  210. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> !map - View current map
  211. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Bot> Player related commands: !add, !remove, !list, !sub, !need, !afk, !stats, !nick
  212. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> !add: - To add yourself to the match. e.g. !add scout spy <Does NOT Stack>
  213. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> !remove - To remove yourself from the match - Do this before going afk/away!
  214. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> !list - To list players added to the pug
  215. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Bot> !list-classes - To list players added to each class
  216. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> !need - To view additional classes/number of players needed to fill the pug
  217. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> Captain related comands: !pick, !random, !captain, !format
  218. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> Server related commands: !ip, !map, !mumble, !last, !rotation, !stv, !logs
  219. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Bot> !ip - View connect string for current server (similarly !mumble)
  220. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> !map - View current map
  221. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> Player related commands: !add, !remove, !list, !sub, !need, !afk, !stats, !nick
  222. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> !add: - To add yourself to the match. e.g. !add scout spy <Does NOT Stack>
  223. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Bot> !remove - To remove yourself from the match - Do this before going afk/away!
  224. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> !list - To list players added to the pug
  225. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> !list-classes - To list players added to each class
  226. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> !need - To view additional classes/number of players needed to fill the pug
  227. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Bot> Captain related comands: !pick, !random, !captain, !format
  228. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> Server related commands: !ip, !map, !mumble, !last, !rotation, !stv, !logs
  229. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> !ip - View connect string for current server (similarly !mumble)
  230. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> !map - View current map
  231. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Bot> 3 users added: Ephetic, neon, JJK
  232. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> 3 users added: Ephetic, neon, JJK
  233. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> soldier: neon
  234. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> pyro: neon
  235. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Bot> demo: neon
  236. [22:31] <CaptainShelly> o_o
  237. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> sniper: JJK
  238. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> spy: Ephetic
  239. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> Player related commands: !add, !remove, !list, !sub, !need, !afk, !stats, !nick
  240. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Bot> !add: - To add yourself to the match. e.g. !add scout spy <Does NOT Stack>
  241. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> !remove - To remove yourself from the match - Do this before going afk/away!
  242. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> !list - To list players added to the pug
  243. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> !list-classes - To list players added to each class
  244. [22:31] <@TF2HL-Bot> !need - To view additional classes/number of players needed to fill the pug
  245. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> Captain related comands: !pick, !random, !captain, !format
  246. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> Server related commands: !ip, !map, !mumble, !last, !rotation, !stv, !logs
  247. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> !ip - View connect string for current server (similarly !mumble)
  248. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Bot> !map - View current map
  249. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> 3 users added: Ephetic, neon, JJK
  250. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> soldier: neon
  251. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> pyro: neon
  252. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Bot> demo: neon
  253. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> sniper: JJK
  254. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> spy: Ephetic
  255. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> 3 users added: Ephetic, neon, JJK
  256. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Bot> Player related commands: !add, !remove, !list, !sub, !need, !afk, !stats, !nick
  257. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> !add: - To add yourself to the match. e.g. !add scout spy <Does NOT Stack>
  258. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> !remove - To remove yourself from the match - Do this before going afk/away!
  259. [22:32] <+drinkingantifreeze> looks like an infinte loop
  260. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> !list - To list players added to the pug
  261. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Bot> !list-classes - To list players added to each class
  262. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> !need - To view additional classes/number of players needed to fill the pug
  263. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> Captain related comands: !pick, !random, !captain, !format
  264. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> Server related commands: !ip, !map, !mumble, !last, !rotation, !stv, !logs
  265. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Bot> !ip - View connect string for current server (similarly !mumble)
  266. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> !map - View current map
  267. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> 3 users added: Ephetic, neon, JJK
  268. [22:32] <CaptainShelly> Yup.
  269. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> soldier: neon
  270. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Bot> pyro: neon
  271. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> demo: neon
  272. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> sniper: JJK
  273. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> spy: Ephetic
  274. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Bot> 3 users added: Ephetic, neon, JJK
  275. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> Player related commands: !add, !remove, !list, !sub, !need, !afk, !stats, !nick
  276. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> !add: - To add yourself to the match. e.g. !add scout spy <Does NOT Stack>
  277. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> !remove - To remove yourself from the match - Do this before going afk/away!
  278. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Bot> !list - To list players added to the pug
  279. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> !list-classes - To list players added to each class
  280. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> !need - To view additional classes/number of players needed to fill the pug
  281. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> Captain related comands: !pick, !random, !captain, !format
  282. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Bot> Server related commands: !ip, !map, !mumble, !last, !rotation, !stv, !logs
  283. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> !ip - View connect string for current server (similarly !mumble)
  284. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> !map - View current map
  285. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> 3 users added: Ephetic, neon, JJK
  286. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Bot> soldier: neon
  287. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> pyro: neon
  288. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> demo: neon
  289. [22:32] == Cygnus [~Cygnus@Cygnus.user.gamesurge] has joined #tf2.pug.nahl
  290. [22:32] == mode/#tf2.pug.nahl [+o Cygnus] by ChanServ
  291. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> sniper: JJK
  292. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Bot> spy: Ephetic
  293. [22:32] == mode/#tf2.pug.nahl [+v Cygnus] by TF2HL-Bot
  294. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> 3 users added: Ephetic, neon, JJK
  295. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> Player related commands: !add, !remove, !list, !sub, !need, !afk, !stats, !nick
  296. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> !add: - To add yourself to the match. e.g. !add scout spy <Does NOT Stack>
  297. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Bot> !remove - To remove yourself from the match - Do this before going afk/away!
  298. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> !list - To list players added to the pug
  299. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> !list-classes - To list players added to each class
  300. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> !need - To view additional classes/number of players needed to fill the pug
  301. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Bot> Captain related comands: !pick, !random, !captain, !format
  302. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> Server related commands: !ip, !map, !mumble, !last, !rotation, !stv, !logs
  303. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> !ip - View connect string for current server (similarly !mumble)
  304. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> !map - View current map
  305. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Bot> 3 users added: Ephetic, neon, JJK
  306. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> soldier: neon
  307. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> pyro: neon
  308. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> demo: neon
  309. [22:32] <riddle> !map
  310. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Bot> sniper: JJK
  311. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> spy: Ephetic
  312. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> 3 users added: Ephetic, neon, JJK
  313. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> Player related commands: !add, !remove, !list, !sub, !need, !afk, !stats, !nick
  314. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Bot> !add: - To add yourself to the match. e.g. !add scout spy <Does NOT Stack>
  315. [22:32] <Turbo> ?
  316. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> !remove - To remove yourself from the match - Do this before going afk/away!
  317. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> !list - To list players added to the pug
  318. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> !list-classes - To list players added to each class
  319. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Bot> !need - To view additional classes/number of players needed to fill the pug
  320. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> Captain related comands: !pick, !random, !captain, !format
  321. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> Server related commands: !ip, !map, !mumble, !last, !rotation, !stv, !logs
  322. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> !ip - View connect string for current server (similarly !mumble)
  323. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Bot> !map - View current map
  324. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> 3 users added: Ephetic, neon, JJK
  325. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> soldier: neon
  326. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> pyro: neon
  327. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Bot> demo: neon
  328. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> sniper: JJK
  329. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> spy: Ephetic
  330. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> 3 users added: Ephetic, neon, JJK
  331. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Bot> Player related commands: !add, !remove, !list, !sub, !need, !afk, !stats, !nick
  332. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> !add: - To add yourself to the match. e.g. !add scout spy <Does NOT Stack>
  333. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> !remove - To remove yourself from the match - Do this before going afk/away!
  334. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> !list - To list players added to the pug
  335. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Bot> !list-classes - To list players added to each class
  336. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> !need - To view additional classes/number of players needed to fill the pug
  337. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> Captain related comands: !pick, !random, !captain, !format
  338. [22:32] == Hydrofluoric [] has left #tf2.pug.nahl []
  339. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> Server related commands: !ip, !map, !mumble, !last, !rotation, !stv, !logs
  340. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Bot> !ip - View connect string for current server (similarly !mumble)
  341. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> !map - View current map
  342. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> 3 users added: Ephetic, neon, JJK
  343. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> soldier: neon
  344. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Bot> pyro: neon
  345. [22:32] == Hydrofluoric [] has joined #tf2.pug.nahl
  346. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> demo: neon
  347. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> sniper: JJK
  348. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> spy: Ephetic
  349. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Bot> 3 users added: Ephetic, neon, JJK
  350. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> Player related commands: !add, !remove, !list, !sub, !need, !afk, !stats, !nick
  351. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> !add: - To add yourself to the match. e.g. !add scout spy <Does NOT Stack>
  352. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> !remove - To remove yourself from the match - Do this before going afk/away!
  353. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Bot> !list - To list players added to the pug
  354. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> !list-classes - To list players added to each class
  355. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> !need - To view additional classes/number of players needed to fill the pug
  356. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> Captain related comands: !pick, !random, !captain, !format
  357. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Bot> Server related commands: !ip, !map, !mumble, !last, !rotation, !stv, !logs
  358. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> !ip - View connect string for current server (similarly !mumble)
  359. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> !map - View current map
  360. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> 3 users added: Ephetic, neon, JJK
  361. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Bot> 3 users added: Ephetic, neon, JJK
  362. [22:32] <CaptainShelly> ...Uhm
  363. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> soldier: neon
  364. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> pyro: neon
  365. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> demo: neon
  366. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Bot> sniper: JJK
  367. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> spy: Ephetic
  368. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> Player related commands: !add, !remove, !list, !sub, !need, !afk, !stats, !nick
  369. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> !add: - To add yourself to the match. e.g. !add scout spy <Does NOT Stack>
  370. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Bot> !remove - To remove yourself from the match - Do this before going afk/away!
  371. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> !list - To list players added to the pug
  372. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> !list-classes - To list players added to each class
  373. [22:32] <Turbo> femme stop it?
  374. [22:32] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> !need - To view additional classes/number of players needed to fill the pug
  375. [22:33] <@TF2HL-Bot> Captain related comands: !pick, !random, !captain, !format
  376. [22:33] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> Server related commands: !ip, !map, !mumble, !last, !rotation, !stv, !logs
  377. [22:33] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> !ip - View connect string for current server (similarly !mumble)
  378. [22:33] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> !map - View current map
  379. [22:33] <@TF2HL-Bot> 3 users added: Ephetic, neon, JJK
  380. [22:33] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> 3 users added: Ephetic, neon, JJK
  381. [22:33] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> soldier: neon
  382. [22:33] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> pyro: neon
  383. [22:33] <@TF2HL-Bot> demo: neon
  384. [22:33] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> sniper: JJK
  385. [22:33] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> spy: Ephetic
  386. [22:33] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> Player related commands: !add, !remove, !list, !sub, !need, !afk, !stats, !nick
  387. [22:33] <@TF2HL-Bot> !add: - To add yourself to the match. e.g. !add scout spy <Does NOT Stack>
  388. [22:33] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> !remove - To remove yourself from the match - Do this before going afk/away!
  389. [22:33] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> !list - To list players added to the pug
  390. [22:33] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> !list-classes - To list players added to each class
  391. [22:33] <@TF2HL-Bot> !need - To view additional classes/number of players needed to fill the pug
  392. [22:33] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> Captain related comands: !pick, !random, !captain, !format
  393. [22:33] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> Server related commands: !ip, !map, !mumble, !last, !rotation, !stv, !logs
  394. [22:33] <CaptainShelly> Please stop?
  395. [22:33] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> !ip - View connect string for current server (similarly !mumble)
  396. [22:33] <@TF2HL-Bot> !map - View current map
  397. [22:33] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> The current map is cp_granary
  398. [22:33] <CaptainShelly> Thank you
  399. [22:33] == kyyle [~kyle@kyle__.420.gamesurge] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
  400. [22:33] <Twinweapons> !add scout soldier spy engineer sniper
  401. [22:33] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> 4 users added: Ephetic, neon, JJK, Twinweapons
  402. [22:33] == shortbus [] has joined #tf2.pug.nahl
  403. [22:33] == sauce6 [] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  404. [22:33] <Twinweapons> !status
  405. [22:33] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> mordor: empty
  406. [22:33] <@TF2HL-Bot> rivendallas: 0:0 on koth_lakeside_final with 00:00 remaining
  407. [22:34] <+sHOE> !status
  408. [22:34] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> mordor: empty
  409. [22:34] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> rivendallas: 0:0 on koth_lakeside_final with 00:00 remaining
  410. [22:34] == Wild [] has quit [Quit: ajax IRC Client]
  411. [22:34] == Hydrofluoric [] has quit [Read error: EOF from client]
  412. [22:34] == fredwardo [] has joined #tf2.pug.nahl
  413. [22:34] == fredwardo [] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  414. [22:35] == shortbus [] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  415. [22:35] == shortbus [] has joined #tf2.pug.nahl
  416. [22:36] == griffulz [] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  417. [22:36] <+sHOE> !status
  418. [22:36] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> mordor: empty
  419. [22:36] <@TF2HL-Bot> rivendallas: 0:0 on koth_lakeside_final with 00:00 remaining
  420. [22:39] <+sHOE> !status
  421. [22:39] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> mordor: empty
  422. [22:39] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> rivendallas: 0:0 on koth_lakeside_final with 00:00 remaining
  423. [22:39] == TradeMark [] has joined #tf2.pug.nahl
  424. [22:40] == griffulz [] has joined #tf2.pug.nahl
  425. [22:40] == alfunkso1 [] has joined #tf2.pug.nahl
  426. [22:42] <Maxi> !stats cygnus
  427. [22:42] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> Cygnus has 518 games played: 5% scout, 5% soldier, 85% pyro, 1% demo, 1% heavy, 1% engineer, 2% medic, 1% spy, 33% captain
  428. [22:42] <Maxi> !stats
  429. [22:42] <@TF2HL-Bot> Maxi has 365 games played: 4% scout, 4% soldier, 0% pyro, 5% demo, 2% heavy, 1% engineer, 1% medic, 77% sniper, 7% spy, 5% captain
  430. [22:43] == Lumines_ [] has joined #tf2.pug.nahl
  431. [22:44] == Lumines [] has quit [Quit: ajax IRC Client]
  432. [22:45] <JJK> d
  433. [22:45] <+drinkingantifreeze> !status
  434. [22:45] <@TF2HL-Messenger0_> mordor: empty
  435. [22:45] <@TF2HL-Messenger1> rivendallas: 1:0 on koth_lakeside_final with 00:00 remaining
  436. [22:45] <@]km[smaka> !restrict FemmeFatale 1s
  437. [22:45] <@TF2HL-Messenger2> FemmeFatale has been restricted for 1 sec.
  438. [22:46] <@TF2HL-Bot> FemmeFatale is no longer restricted.
  439. [22:46] == alfunkso1 [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
  440. [22:46] == hle_ [] has joined #tf2.pug.nahl
  441. [22:46] == griffulz [] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  442. [22:47] <JJK> nooooooooo
  443. [22:47] == proximity [webchat@proximity.user.gamesurge] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  444. [22:47] <downpour> oh god
  445. [22:47] <downpour> who gave smaka admin
  446. [22:48] <downpour> aaaaaaaaAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH
  447. [22:48] == BAD_Song [] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  448. [22:48] <Twinweapons> as
  449. [22:48] <+Skyrolla> someone come engy on lakeside
  450. [22:50] == hle_ [] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  451. [22:50] == hle_ [] has joined #tf2.pug.nahl
  452. [22:50] <@]km[smaka> don't worry downpour
  453. [22:50] <@]km[smaka> you're safe
  454. [22:50] <@]km[smaka> :)
  455. [22:50] == Lumines_ [] has quit [Quit: ajax IRC Client]
  456. [22:50] <downpour> yessssssssss
  457. [22:50] <downpour> thanks man'
  458. [22:50] <@]km[smaka> np!
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