
[C1Sa] Meeting Carl

Jul 6th, 2015
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  1. Lyra dons the mask and thinks at it.
  2. Alright Drains, whaddaya got for me?
  4. Lyra senses nothing but a... strange presence in the depths of the mask. It doesn't respond to your inquiry.
  6. Something to take on the queen of Derse. Come on, I know you've got something.
  8. The presence notices you, you think. It performs the disembodied intelligence's equivalent of a blink of surprise.
  10. Come on then. Let's hear it. What part of my humanity is gonna be irrevocably ripped asunder to grant me this tiniest sliver of revenge?
  12. The presence envelops you, probing through your thoughts and memories. You feel a bit nauseous as all your forgotten memories flicker I front of your face for a single instant before flipping to the next. The presence radiates a wave of approval through you before retreating back into the depths of your mind. You feel a bit of phantom limbage on your back.
  13. < You now can approve or deny all of Nick's actions with the mask. You must be wearing the mask for its other powers to take effect, meaning taking it from Nick.>
  15. ((What do you mean, approve or deny? I can veto anything he uses it for?))
  16. Great. Now, what can you do for me? And no, extra limbs for them to rip off won't help.
  18. <You can deny him access to the powers of the mask and force him to remove it>
  19. You manifest a pair of spectral wings as the mask sharpens your vision and you are filled with a unrivaled strength and reactiveness you've never felt before. The presence fills you with two requests. A name, and to be left with Nick until the appropriate time as you deem fit to claim it.
  21. My name is Lyra Bel. Nickolai can keep the physical mask as soon as we're done here; I want something that can help my dream self.
  23. The mask asks you for a name to be called.
  25. For you? Seriously?
  27. The mask "nods" to you.
  29. Um. Abyss?
  31. The mask accepts this and agrees to your terms.
  33. Rad. I'm gonna give you back to Nickolai now, and I expect some sort of assistance when I get back to Derse. We'll figure out my payment later, yeah?
  35. "Nods"
  37. Lyra removes the mask and returns it to Nick, then goes through all the other stuff from the pastebin.
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